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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Méthodologie pour l'étude conceptuelle d'un système fortement innovant - Application au cas du circuit carburant d'un moteur d'hélicoptère / A methodology for the conceptual design of a radically innovative system- Application to a helicopter engine fuel system

Monsimer, Adrien 19 April 2018 (has links)
Dans de nombreux domaines industriels, l’innovation est mise en œuvre de manière incrémentale en cherchant à optimiser un concept donné. Ce type d’innovation est efficace sur le court terme, permettant d’arriver à améliorer le système avec une prise de risque limitée. Cependant, cette approche réduit fortement les opportunités d’amélioration future de ces systèmes. Pour faire face à des nouveaux besoins émanant des clients, l’innovation de rupture s’impose dans une vision long terme. Un changement radical de concept permet en effet de dégager des marges fonctionnelles permettant d’améliorer significativement le système. Le but de ces travaux de thèse a été, d’une part, de proposer un cadre méthodologique pour l’étude conceptuelle d’architectures de systèmes de puissance en rupture. Ceci consiste en la spécification des nouveaux besoins, la génération d’architectures système fortement innovantes, ainsi que la sélection des architectures les plus pertinentes. En s’appuyant sur une approche d’ingénierie système, ainsi que sur des techniques à l’état de l’art dans les domaines de la recherche de solutions innovantes (KCP, Brainwritting, Diagramme KJ), la combinaison des concepts (matrice morphologique) et de l’aide à la décision multicritères (TOPSIS, MAUT), une approche originale a été proposée. La méthode proposée a été appliquée au cas du circuit carburant d’un moteur d’hélicoptère chez l’industriel Safran Helicopter Engines. Ce contexte applicatif a permis de mettre en œuvre et d’évaluer les approches proposées dans un environnement industriel réel. Un outil implémenté sous Microsoft Excel a été développé pour le déploiement de la méthodologie proposée dans l’entreprise. / In several industries, incremental innovation has been used. This approach aims at optimizing a given design. It is efficient in the short term, and enables to improve the system at low risks. Anyway, incremental innovation implies a reduction in the capacity of future improvement. In order to deal with new customer needs, radical innovation is a must in a long-term consideration. Indeed, these radical changes allow to create new functional margins, enabling to make the system even better. The aim of this thesis work is, on the one hand, to propose a methodological framework for the conceptual design of radically innovative power system architectures. This implies tomorrow’s needs specification, strongly innovative architecture generation and best architectures selection. Based on a systems engineering approach, as well as state of the art techniques in the domain of creativity (KCP, Brainwritting, KJ Diagram), concepts combination (morphological matrix) or mutlicriteria decision making (TOPSIS, MAUT), an original approach has been proposed. On the other hand, this methodology has been implemented in an industrial framework in the case of a helicopter engine fuel system at Safran Helicopter Engines. This has enabled to obtain a return of experience on the industrial application of this methodology. A tool has been developed using Microsoft Excel for the industrial deployment of the methodology.

Processos de terminologização: descrição e análise da neologia da área de educação do campo / Processes terminologization: description and analysis of Field Education Neology

Demai, Fernanda Mello 15 September 2014 (has links)
Nossa tese apresenta a aplicação de um modelo de análise conceitual e de descrição terminológica da área de Educação do Campo, com foco nos processos de neologia, sob uma abordagem lexicológico-terminológica. Educação do Campo é a expressão atribuída aos conceitos referentes ao ensino, à aprendizagem e à educação nas regiões rurais, notadamente as figurativizadas por movimentos sociais com objetivos libertários em relação à política e à cultura dominantes. Esses conceitos abrangem os princípios, a metodologia e os fins e ideais da Educação, bem como a organização da estrutura de ensino e seus atores sociais. Logo, estão profundamente marcados por uma ideologia e por uma contraideologia. Os termos refletem esses aspectos ideológicos. Nosso corpus de análise é de aproximadamente 700 termos. Além deste corpus, foram constituídos, para a pesquisa, outros cinco, que classificamos nos tipos: documental, referencial, de exclusão geral, de exclusão específico e parâmetro. O levantamento, a análise, a sistematização e a apresentação dos termos seguiram modelos da Lexicologia e da Terminologia (Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia, Socioterminologia, Teoria Sociocognitiva da Terminologia, Sociossemiótica, Terminologia Técnico-Científica e Terminologia Aplicada), com o auxílio de ferramentas informatizadas. O estudo conceitual-terminológico foi organizado em categorias temáticas pertinentes à Educação do Campo. Nossa pesquisa também apresenta análises qualitativas e análises quantitativas de natureza morfossintática, semântica e pragmática dos termos do universo neológico, em abordagem sincrônica e em abordagem diacrônica, tendo em vista os processos de terminologização da área em estudo (ênfase no processo sintagmático). Objetivamos que a realização deste trabalho possa contribuir para o esclarecimento de alguns fundamentos das escolas do campo e dos assentamentos e dos acampamentos rurais instituídos a partir dos princípios e das práticas da luta pela reforma agrária no Brasil, bem como para a diminuição do preconceito social que há em nosso país em relação à temática. É nosso intuito também demonstrar algumas das relações entre Terminologia, História, Cultura e Sociedade / Our thesis presents the application of a model of conceptual analysis and terminological description of Field Education area, with a focus on neology processes under a lexical-terminological approach. Field Education is the term given to concepts related to teaching, learning and education in rural areas, especially the figurative social movements with libertarian goals in relation to politics and the dominant culture. These concepts encompass the principles, methodology and the aims and ideals of Education, as well as the organization of educational structure and its social actors. So, they are deeply marked by an ideology and a contrary ideology. The terms reflect these ideological aspects. Our analysis corpus is approximately 700 terms. Besides, this corpus we have organized to research, another five corpus, we classify as: documents, references, general exclusion, specific exclusion and parameter. The survey, analysis, systematization and presentation of terms followed models of Lexicology and Terminology (Terminology Communicative Theory, Socioterminology, Terminology Socio-cognitive Theory, Sociossemiotcs, Scientific and Technical Terminology, Applied Terminology), with the aid of computerized tools. The terminological-conceptual study was organized into thematic categories relevant to the Field Education. Our research also presents qualitative and quantitative analyzes of either morphosyntactic, semantic and pragmatic from the universe neological terms, in synchronic and diachronic approaches, in view of the processes terminologization study area (emphasis on the syntagmatic process). We aim that this work will contribute to the clarification of some fundamentals of field schools and rural settlements and rural camps established on the basis of the principles and practices of the struggle for agrarian reform in Brazil, as well as to reduce the social prejudice that there is in our country in relation to the theme. We also aim to demonstrate some of the relationships between Terminology, History, Culture and Society

Redimensionando a noção de aprendizagem nas relações entre perfil conceitual e contexto: uma abordagem sócio-cultural-histórica / Reframing learning in the relationship between conceptual profile and context: a socio-cultural-historical approach

Rodrigues, Andre Machado 01 December 2009 (has links)
Nesta dissertação apresentamos um estudo teórico que visa, a partir de uma perspectiva sócio-cultural-histórica, rever o modelo cognitivo de perfil conceitual inserindo em sua estrutura a noção de contexto. Para realizar esta conciliação teórica entre perfil conceitual e contexto, nos utilizamos da teoria da atividade e dos ferramentais teóricos que ela dispõe para entender o uso e a formação de conceitos. A teoria criada por Vigotski e posteriormente desenvolvida por Leontiev e Engeström somada a princípios de sistemas complexos, nos ajudarão na busca por uma compreensão mais ampla do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Como indício empírico, utilizamos um questionário aplicado a estudantes do ensino médio em que eram perguntados em diferentes disciplinas sobre o conceito de energia. Este questionário tem por intenção indicar a dependência entre o conceito e as diversas disciplinas, em outras palavras, entre o perfil conceitual e os diversos micro-contextos, fornecendo elementos para repensar as questões metodológicas que envolvem a medição e construção tanto do perfil conceitual, quanto do contexto. Outro indício empírico que utilizamos foi a gravação em vídeo de uma aula de física, em que a análise possibilitou evidenciar os processos dinâmicos da atividade, o papel da negociação e suas relações com o contexto. Neste sentido, tornamos intrínseco ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem uma dinâmica peculiar que alterna entre a internalização de conceitos e a tomada de consciência dos mesmos. Esta dinâmica foi caracterizada em três níveis qualitativamente distintos: primeira ordem de aprendizagem; segunda ordem de aprendizagem e terceira ordem de aprendizagem. Estes três níveis funcionam como marcadores da dinâmica do processo de ensino-aprendizagem e podem ser ferramentas de avaliação do desenvolvimento da atividade e norteador das ações pedagógicas. / In this thesis we present a theoretical study aimed at, from a socio-cultural-historical approach, the cognitive model of conceptual profile inserting in its structure the notion of context. To accomplish this reconciliation between theoretical conceptual profile and context, we use activity theory and theoretical tools that it has to understand the use and formation of concept. The theory created by Vygotsky and Leont\"ev further developed by Engeström and added to the principles of complex systems, will help us in the search for a broader understanding of the teaching-learning process. As empirical evidence, we used a questionnaire administered to high school students that were asked in different disciplines about the concept of energy. This questionnaire is intended to indicate the dependency between the concept and the various disciplines, in other words, between the conceptual profile and various micro-contexts, providing information to rethink the methodological issues surrounding the measurement and construction of both the conceptual profile, as context. Other empirical evidence we used was the video recording of a physics class, where the analysis made it possible to reveal the dynamic processes of activity, the role of negotiation and its relations with the context. In this sense, become intrinsic to the teaching-learning process a peculiar dynamic that alternates between the internalization of concepts and conscious awareness. This dynamic has been characterized in three qualitatively distinct levels: first order learning, second order learning and third-order learning. These three levels act as markers of the dynamics of the teaching-learning process and can be tools for assessing activity performance and guiding the pedagogical actions.

Differences in Statistical Reasoning Abilities through Behavioral-Cognitive Combinations of Videos and Formative Assessments in Undergraduate Statistics Courses

Ramey, James M 01 May 2015 (has links)
This study evaluated whether significant differences in statistical reasoning abilities exist for completers of short online instructional videos and formative quizzes for students in undergraduate introductory statistics courses. Data for the study were gathered during the Fall 2013 semester at a community college in Northeast Tennessee. Computer-based pedagogical tools can promote improved conceptual reasoning ability (Trumpower & Sarwar, 2010; Van der Merwe, 2012). Additionally, prior research demonstrated a significant relationship between formative quiz access and student achievement (Stull, Majerich, Bernacki, Varnum, & Ducette, 2011; Wilson, Boyd, Chen, & Jamal, 2011), as well as multimedia object access and student achievement (Bliwise, 2005; Miller, 2013). Four research questions were used to guide the study. A series of analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical procedures was used to analyze the data. Findings indicated no significant differences in statistical reasoning abilities between students who were provided access to supplemental online instructional videos and formative quizzes and students who were not provided access. Moreover, statistical reasoning abilities did not differ significantly based upon number of quizzes successfully completed, average number of quiz attempts, or number of videos accessed.

Análisis de la construcción del concepto de integral definida en estudiantes de Bachillerato

Aranda López, María del Carmen 18 December 2015 (has links)
Esta tesis se sitúa en el campo del pensamiento matemático avanzado. Su objetivo es analizar el proceso de construcción del concepto de integral definida desde el marco de la abstracción reflexiva, en estudiantes de bachillerato que participaron en un experimento de enseñanza constructivista. Las tareas del experimento de enseñanza fueron diseñadas atendiendo a una trayectoria hipotética de aprendizaje, considerando las fases de construcción de un concepto (participación y anticipación) apoyadas en la abstracción reflexiva. La identificación de las acciones realizadas por los estudiantes (experimentar, relacionar, inferir, coordinar y extender) que se contemplan en la trayectoria hipotética de aprendizaje en términos del mecanismo reflexión sobre la relación actividad-efecto, permitió describir tres perfiles de estudiantes en el proceso construcción del concepto de integral definida. Estos perfiles se caracterizan por situarse en distintos momentos de la fase de participación de la construcción de un concepto y por las acciones en que se apoya su trayectoria de aprendizaje. Se han descrito focalizando la atención en la construcción de la aproximación al área bajo una curva, en el significado de la expresión de las sumas de Darboux y en la función integral, y también de forma global, atendiendo a la construcción del concepto de integral definida.

Uso de mapas conceptuales como alternativa para elevar el rendimiento académico en la asignatura de enfermería de la salud del adulto y anciano, de los estudiantes del 4to año de enfermería-Facultad de Medicina-U.N.M.S.M. 2011

Cuellar Florencio, María Jackeline January 2014 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación tuvo el objetivo de determinar el Rendimiento Académico en la Asignatura de Enfermería de la Salud del Adulto y Anciano de los estudiantes del 4to año de la Escuela Académico Profesional de Enfermería de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos luego de utilizar los mapas conceptuales como estrategia de aprendizaje, mediante la investigación cuantitativa, de nivel aplicativo con el método cuasi-experimental; cuya muestra estuvo constituida de 64 estudiantes; 32 para el grupo control y 32 para el grupo experimental. La técnica fue la encuesta y los instrumentos: test de conocimientos de 10 preguntas y una lista de comprobación de 24 preguntas, que se aplicaron después de usar mapas conceptuales. De acuerdo a los resultados estadísticos igual a -3.527 con distribución tstudent y con 31 grados de libertad para alfa de 0.05, indica según tabla estadística que hay evidencia estadística para aceptar que los mapas conceptuales tiene notas promedio mayores que usando fichas, con lo cual podemos decir que el uso de mapas conceptuales es mejor al uso de fichas. Se concluye, que el uso de mapas conceptuales eleva el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de Enfermería de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos entonces se hace evidente reconocer que los docentes del curso Enfermería de Salud del Adulto Mayor, sobre todo en el tema de tuberculosis se debe aplicar mapas conceptuales ya que los jóvenes estudiantes mejoraran su nivel de síntesis, jerarquización, protagonismo y representación visual de los contenidos a desarrollar durante su proceso de aprendizaje. / Tesis

The Relationship between visual working memory and visual long-term memory

Niese, Adam Trent 01 January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation evaluated whether Visual Working Memory (VWM) is a distinct memory system or if it is an activated state of Visual Long Term Memory (VLTM). These two positions suggest different roles for VLTM representations in the performance of VWM. If VWM representations are an activated state of VLTM representations, it seems plausible that strong VLTM representations should facilitate VWM performance. However, if the two representations are actually distinct, it seems less likely that a facilitation interaction between VLTM and VWM representations should be observed. Five experiments were conducted in which participants learned a set of trained stimuli over two days of training. Participant performance with the trained stimuli was compared to performance with novel stimuli on a subsequent VWM change detection task to determine the plausibility of VLTM-VWM interactions. The first and second experiments revealed a LTM facilitation effect that could not be explained by priming, but the third experiment suggested that this facilitation effect was mediated by non-visual representations. The fourth and fifth experiments parceled out the contributions of non-visual memory representations, and failed to demonstrate any evidence of VLTM-VWM performance interactions. These results, in conjunction with other examples from the literature, all converged on the conclusion that VLTM-VWM facilitation interactions are relatively implausible. As such, it was concluded that VWM and VLTM representations are discreet.

Students' Task Interpretation and Conceptual Understanding in Electronics Laboratory Work

Rivera-Reyes, Presentacion 01 May 2015 (has links)
Task interpretation is a critical first step in the process of self-regulated learning and a key determinant of the goals students set while learning and the criteria used in selecting the strategy in their work. Laboratory activities have been proposed to improve students' conceptual understanding when working independently and alongside peers while integrating new experiences in a lab setting. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the explicit and implicit aspects of student's interpretation of the task assigned during laboratory work may change during the task process, and how that interpretation may influence the student's coregulation and conceptual understanding. One-hundred and forty-three sophomore students enrolled in the course of Fundamental Electronics for Engineers participated in this study. Instruments designed to measure task interpretation and conceptual understanding were created and validated in a pilot study. They were applied before and after selected laboratory activities during the semester. The instrument used to measure correlation was applied at the end of every selected laboratory activity. Statistical analysis indicated differences between the student's task interpretation before and after the laboratory activity. Students improved in approximately 15% in the level of task interpretation. From the 143 students, only 37 of them were identified with high levels of task interpretation and coregulation. Moreover, Pearson correlations identified a positive correlation between the students' task interpretation and conceptual understanding of the students during the laboratory work. Findings suggested students' task interpretation changed during the task process and increased after the completion of laboratory activity. Overall, the findings showed a low level of task interpretation. However, students with a high level of task interpretation reached high levels of coregulation. Findings confirmed previous research that round students generally have an incomplete understanding of the assigned tasks, and struggle to establish a connection between laboratory activities and theory. Lastly, this study reported a significant relationship between students' task interpretation and conceptual understanding in laboratory work which has not been reported in the most recent published reports. Further investigation is necessary to unveil other factors related to these constructs in order to engage students in laboratory work.

Die Klima-Apokalypse steht vor der Tür : Zur Übersetzung von Metaphern in deutschen Texten über Klimawandel / Translating metaphors in German texts on climate change

Saukko, Julia January 2019 (has links)
This essay deals with the translation methods used for a German-Swedish translation of metaphors in two books about climate change and environmental policy. These books contain a large number of metaphors, and this essay raises the question of how those are translated. The theory used for defining and classifying the metaphors found in the material is the conceptual metaphor theory, as defined by Lakoff and Johnson (1980), and their notion of metaphor is also fundamental in how it is later being analysed. The study finds that of the four different  translation strategies used, direct translation is by far the most common one. It also shows that a few metaphors were altered in terms of the lexicalisation of the metaphorical expression, however with the underlying conceptual metaphor still intact. Only one metaphor was translated with a completely different conceptual metaphor than in the original, and in two other cases the metaphor was translated with non-figurative language.

This Must Be the Place

White, Eve 01 January 2019 (has links)
This publication is the companion piece to “This Must Be the Place,” a 3D realization of my conceptual photography work exhibited in the Anderson Courtyard at VCU's 2019 School of the Arts MFA Show. I photograph scenes from nature and reproduce these images onto flattened plexiglass planes, arranging them in new, natural environments and photographing them again. The outcome is a scenic collage in which two unfamiliar locations become superimposed. It is my hope that as people experience the work they become a part of the texture of it.

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