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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mesure de non-linéarités élastiques et dissipatives par interaction d'ondes acoustiques : Application à la quantification du micro-endommagement de l'os trabéculaire

Renaud, Guillaume 01 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Des micro-fissures sont générées dans le tissu osseux et résorbées par le remodelage<br />osseux. Une densité de fissures importante pourrait détériorer la résistance mécanique<br />osseuse (RMO). Cependant les causes et les conséquences sur la RMO d'une accumulation<br />du micro-endommagement osseux sont mal connues. De plus, aucune méthode non invasive<br />de quantification du niveau d'endommagement osseux existe aujourd'hui.<br />Dans ce contexte, une méthode de mesure acoustique, localisée et sans contact, basée<br />sur l'interaction non linéaire (NL) entre une onde acoustique basse-fréquence (BF) et des<br />impulsions ultrasonores (US) a été développée. Les impulsions US sont émises à une cadence<br />de tir environ 10 fois supérieure à la fréquence de l'onde BF. Le milieu est alors sondé à<br />différents états de contrainte tri-axiale, en compression et traction. Les variations du temps<br />de vol et de l'amplitude (ou de l'énergie) US rendent compte des effets NL acoustiques<br />respectivement élastiques et dissipatifs. Les effets NL acoustiques élastiques et dissipatifs<br />augmente généralement avec le niveau d'endommagement.<br />Après une validation dans l'eau et des solides non endommagés, des mesures dans des<br />matériaux fissurés et granulaires ont montré la sensibilité de la technique à la présence de<br />fissures et de contacts entre grains. Enfin son application à l'os trabéculaire du calcanéum a<br />montré que la zone de faible porosité pouvait produire de fortes non-linéarités acoustiques.<br />Pour des échantillons endommagés in vitro par fatigue en compression et par compression<br />quasi-statique, l'amplitude des non-linéarités acoustiques a montré une bonne corrélation<br />avec l'observation histologique du niveau d'endommagement.

Mesures QND en electrodynamique quantique en cavite : production et decoherence d'etats de Fock ; effet Zenon quantique

Bernu, Julien 23 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Nous avons realise une mesure Quantiques Non Destructives du nombre de photons d'un champ piege dans une cavite de temps d'amortissement T=0,13s. Nous envoyons des atomes de Rydberg circulaires a travers la cavite ou une interaction dispersive deplace leur frequence propre proportionnellement au nombre de photons. Ce deplacement lumineux est detecte par interferometrie atomique de Ramsey. Le temps d'amortissement du champ est suffisamment long pour permettre d'observer les sauts quantiques du nombre de photons dus a la relaxation. L'analyse statistique des differentes trajectoires permet de realiser une tomographie partielle de ce processus responsable de la decoherence des etats de Fock |n> en un temps T/n. La projection d'un champ initialement coherent sur un etat de Fock lors de la mesure s'accompagne d'une dispersion totale de sa phase. Cette action en retour est utilisee pour geler la croissance coherente du champ par effet Zenon quantique.

KOMMUNIKATION OCH SAMSPEL I RÖRELSE : Sherbornemetodik med en ung man på tidig utvecklingsnivå och med autism / COMMUNICATION AND INTERACTION IN MOVEMENT : Intervention with Sherborne Developmental Movement (SDM) with a young man with profound autism spectrum disorder and a severe communication impairment

Brandquist, Ingrid January 2009 (has links)
<h2>SYFTE</h2><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera hur kommunikations- och samspelsförmåga uttrycks över tid när en ung man på tidig utvecklingsnivå och med autism deltar i en dyad i sherbornebehandling. Frågeställningar:</p><ol><li>Hur utvecklas kommunikations- och samspelsförmåga över tid i behandlingssituationen? </li><li>Hur utvecklas kommunikations- och samspelsförmåga i hemmet respektive skolan under samma tidsperiod? </li></ol><h1> </h1><h2>METOD</h2><p>Denna pre-experimentella fallstudie rör en 18-årig man som under drygt ett år kom till habiliteringen för att delta i arton sherbornebehandlingar med en sjukgymnast med mångårig erfarenhet av sherbornemetodik. Sherborne är en rörelsemetodik där rörelser används för att utveckla rums- och kroppsmedvetenhet och skapa relationer till andra. Samtliga arton behandlingar videofilmades och data insamlades via observation. En detaljerad nedteckning av händelseförloppet i en videoinspelning i början av behandlingsperioden och en i slutet gjordes. Under arbetet med att analysera kommunikation och samspel i videoinspelningarna uppkom behovet av att komplettera Sherbornes samspelsskala med ett bedömningsmaterial för att kunna analysera kommunikation och samspel i detalj<em> </em>med <em>personer på tidig nivå</em>, ”Brandquists & Althoffs Samspelsskala: Analys av samspel med personer på tidig utvecklingsnivå - Sherborne”, bilaga 7. För att öka tillförlitligheten i resultatet inhämtades dels kommentarer från deltagande sjukgymnast och mannens förälder under det att de såg de båda videofilmerna, dels gjordes en översiktlig analys av tio övriga videoinspelningar från sherborneperioden. Förälder och lärare intervjuades före och efter behandlingsperioden om den unge mannens kommunikation och samspelsförmåga i hemmet och på skolan.</p><h2>RESULTAT</h2><p>Resultat visar på en positiv effekt på den unge mannens förmåga till kommunikation och samspel. Under sherborneperioden framkommer gradvis en förändring av hur mannen riktade sin uppmärksamhet: från att blicken var ”tom” eller att blicken svepte över rummet till att han allteftersom kroppsligen riktade sig mot sjukgymnasten och sökte blickkontakt. Sjukgymnasten anpassade sitt förhållningssätt för att få till stånd ett så bra samspel som möjligt. Från att hon i början var mer inlyssnande och använde beröring för att bekräfta hans reaktioner, till användandet av ett ökat verbalt inslag mot slutet. I slutet av perioden började den unge mannen ta egna initiativ till samspel genom att rikta sin hand mot sjukgymnasten. Även i hem och skola ökade hans intresse för omgivningen. Han tog initiativ till kommunikation (ett ökat antal handlingssekvenser) och var på gång att utveckla delad uppmärksamhet. Han började säga ifrån mer genom att använda sin röst. Det självskadande beteendet minskade både under sherbornebehandlingen och i hemmet. I övrigt märkte både förälder och sjukgymnast en ökad balans och stabilitet i hans kropp och en förbättrad rörelseförmåga i hans svaga högersida.</p><p> </p><h2>SLUTSATSER</h2><p>Fallstudien tyder på att sherbornemetodik kan ha bidragit till en positiv effekt på såväl kommunikation och samspelsförmåga som rörelseförmåga hos denne unge man på tidig utvecklingsnivå och med autism.</p> / <h2>INTRODUCTION</h2><p>Caregivers perceive many of difficulties in interaction with persons at a presymbolic stage. In Sherborne Developmental Movement the theoretical issue is that movement experiences developing body and spatial awareness contribute to awareness of self. This gaining of body mastery is fundamental to the awareness of others, the ability to relate to others.</p><p> </p><p>The aim of this study is to analyse how communication and interaction is expressed over a period of time as a young man in an early stage of language development (pre-intentional communication) and with autism participates in a dyad in SDM sessions. Research questions:1. How do communication and interaction skills develop over time in the SDM sessions? 2. How do communication and interaction skills develop at home and school during the same period?</p><h2>METHOD</h2><p>In this pre-experimental case study an 18-year-old man with profound autism spectrum disorder, a right-sided motor disorder and a severe language impairment is participating. Giving no responses in communication, caregivers rarely perceived successful interaction. He suddenly burst out in aggressive acts. Lasting over a year he participated in an intervention consisting of eighteen SDM sessions in a dyad with a physiotherapist, skilled in SDM, at Habilitation Centre. Sessions were based on a “caring” SDM-relationship and treatment focused on basic movements. All sessions were videotaped. Communication and interaction skills were thoroughly assessed at the first and last session. In the process of analysing data the SDM scale of type of relation had to be supplemented by scales showing abilities of communication and interaction of the leader and the participant. This scale named "Brandquists & Althoff Interaction Scale: Analysis of the interaction with individuals at an early stage of development - Sherborne”, was used in reporting the data obtained in the study.</p><p>To increase the reliability of the data, comments from the participating physiotherapist and the father of the young man were registered while they individually watched the two video recordings. A somewhat simplified examination of ten of the video recordings was also made. Communication and interaction skills were also investigated at home and school through interviews and questionnaires before and after the SDM treatment. These data were then to be compare to the data of the SDM sessions.</p><p> </p><h2>RESULTS</h2><p>Results show a positive effect on communication and interaction skills of the young man. During the period of sessions he gradually changed the way of directing attention. Initially his eyes were "empty" or his gaze swept across the room to him. Later he focused on the hands of the physiotherapist while rocking his leg and eventually he physically directed himself to the physiotherapist and searched eye contact. The physiotherapist was sensitive to his physical reactions adapting her approach in order to making him feel secure and achieve trust. In the beginning she used tactile methods in her communication, but seeing he felt more secure she introduced more verbal confirming towards the end.  At the end of the period he began to take communicative initiatives by approaching his hand and “pointing” at the physiotherapist.</p><p> </p><p>At home and school caregivers reported an increasing interest in the environment. He used more initiative for communication (an increased number of action sequences) and was on his way to develop joint attention. He started to use his voice to protest. The number of self-destructive behaviours decreased during the Sherborne sessions and at home. Successively he gained greater stability and balance in his body and the mobility of the weak side improved. The data obtained in interviews with caregivers confirmed the results achieved in the study and strengthened the reliability of the results of SDM.</p><h2>CONCLUSIONS</h2><p>The result of the study implies that SDM may have contributed to a positive effect on the communication and interaction skills of this young man.</p>

Etude des effets de pression de radiation et des limites quantiques du couplage optomécanique

Verlot, P. 24 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
En mécanique quantique, toute mesure est responsable d'une action en retour sur le système mesuré, qui limite en général la sensibilité de la mesure. Il en est ainsi dans les mesures interférométriques, où les miroirs de l'interféromètre sont susceptibles de se déplacer sous l'effet de la pression de radiation exercée par la lumière. Nous présentons une expérience visant à mettre en évidence ces limites, basée sur la détection ultra-sensible des déplacements d'un miroir mobile inséré dans une cavité Fabry-Perot de très grande finesse. Grâce aux améliorations que nous avons apportées à ce dispositif, nous avons observé des corrélations entre un bruit classique d'intensité et la phase de faisceaux lumineux, induites par couplage optomécanique avec le miroir mobile. Nous décrivons les conditions expérimentales nécessaires pour prolonger ces expériences au niveau quantique, afin d'observer les corrélations optomécaniques produites par les fluctuations quantiques de la pression de radiation, mais aussi pour réaliser une mesure quantique non destructive de la lumière par des moyens purement mécaniques. Nous présentons également plusieurs conséquences de la pression de radiation que notre montage nous a permis de mettre en évidence : annulation de l'action en retour dans les mesures de longueur ou de force, refroidissement laser du miroir dans une cavité désaccordée, et enfin un effet dynamique de l'action en retour qui conduit à l'amplification d'un signal par la mise en mouvement du miroir. Cet effet, prédit dans le cadre de la détection interférométrique des ondes gravitationnelles, devrait permettre d'améliorer la sensibilité au-delà de la limite quantique standard, qui devrait être atteinte dans les antennes gravitationnelles de seconde génération.

The long-term decline of the grey-sided vole (<i>Clethrionomys rufocanus</i>) in boreal Sweden: importance of focal forest patch and matrix

Christensen, Pernilla January 2006 (has links)
<p>There has been a long-term decline in number of cyclic vole populations in boreal Sweden since the 1970s. Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain this decline. Commonly for <i>C. glareolus</i>, <i>C. rufocanus</i> and <i>M. agrestis</i>, the decline has followed upon an increased frequency and severeness of winter declines and has shown up as a drop in spring densities. The spring decline is most pronounced for <i>C. rufocanus</i>. In contrast to other voles, <i>C. rufocanus</i> also show a decline in fall densities, suggesting some additional disturbance in this species. Habitat fragmentation has been suggested as such an additional disturbance and in this thesis the effect of habitat fragmentation on <i>C. rufocanus</i> is explored.</p><p>At first the sampling method was evaluated i.e. whether the decline could be due to destructive sampling when the method in use in the long-term monitoring is snap-trapping. This resulted in a rejection of the destructive sampling hypothesis as a possible cause behind the decline in <i>C. rufocanus</i>. Habitat preference revealed that three habitats at the local scale (trap station) were high quality habitats for <i>C. rufocanus</i>: forest of moist and wet/hydric dwarf-shrub type, in addition to forest/swamp complexes rich in dwarf-shrubs. The occurrence of <i>C. rufocanus</i> at the landscape scale was positively correlated with the amount of boulder fields and a low degree of fragmentation of old-growth pine forests. There was considerable local variation in the decline in vole density among the 58 1-ha sampling plots, with respect to both density and timing of the decline, which suggested that habitat destruction outside sampling plots might be involved. Overall, clear-cuts had a negative influence on vole densities at both the local and landscape scale. A multiple regression analysis suggested that having both a high quality habitat at the local scale and a high proximity among xeric-mesic mires and a low connectivity among clear-cuts at the landscape scale were important for the occurrence of <i>C. rufocanus</i>.</p><p>Initial analysis at the landscape scale were based on landscape data collected from 2.5 x 2.5 km areas centred on the individual vole sampling plots. Further investigations, however, on the patch level suggest that focal forest patch size and quality was of major importance in determining occurrence and persistence of <i>C. rufocanus</i>. Although not tested formally in these studies, the habitat fragmentation hypothesis has so far received support. Currently <i>C. rufocanus</i> seems to be affected negatively by too low patch sizes of suitable habitats in the surrounding landscape suggesting that the amount of suitable habitats could already be below the fragmentation threshold. However, this has to be evaluated further. Work is in progress to establish time-series over local landscape changes, and to evaluate if such changes have been associated with local declines of <i>C. rufocanus</i> and whether habitat loss, true habitat fragmentation or both have been influential.</p>

Analytic and Numerical Methods for the Solution of Electromagnetic Inverse Source Problems

Popov, Mikhail January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

KOMMUNIKATION OCH SAMSPEL I RÖRELSE : Sherbornemetodik med en ung man på tidig utvecklingsnivå och med autism / COMMUNICATION AND INTERACTION IN MOVEMENT : Intervention with Sherborne Developmental Movement (SDM) with a young man with profound autism spectrum disorder and a severe communication impairment

Brandquist, Ingrid January 2009 (has links)
SYFTE Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera hur kommunikations- och samspelsförmåga uttrycks över tid när en ung man på tidig utvecklingsnivå och med autism deltar i en dyad i sherbornebehandling. Frågeställningar: Hur utvecklas kommunikations- och samspelsförmåga över tid i behandlingssituationen? Hur utvecklas kommunikations- och samspelsförmåga i hemmet respektive skolan under samma tidsperiod?   METOD Denna pre-experimentella fallstudie rör en 18-årig man som under drygt ett år kom till habiliteringen för att delta i arton sherbornebehandlingar med en sjukgymnast med mångårig erfarenhet av sherbornemetodik. Sherborne är en rörelsemetodik där rörelser används för att utveckla rums- och kroppsmedvetenhet och skapa relationer till andra. Samtliga arton behandlingar videofilmades och data insamlades via observation. En detaljerad nedteckning av händelseförloppet i en videoinspelning i början av behandlingsperioden och en i slutet gjordes. Under arbetet med att analysera kommunikation och samspel i videoinspelningarna uppkom behovet av att komplettera Sherbornes samspelsskala med ett bedömningsmaterial för att kunna analysera kommunikation och samspel i detalj med personer på tidig nivå, ”Brandquists &amp; Althoffs Samspelsskala: Analys av samspel med personer på tidig utvecklingsnivå - Sherborne”, bilaga 7. För att öka tillförlitligheten i resultatet inhämtades dels kommentarer från deltagande sjukgymnast och mannens förälder under det att de såg de båda videofilmerna, dels gjordes en översiktlig analys av tio övriga videoinspelningar från sherborneperioden. Förälder och lärare intervjuades före och efter behandlingsperioden om den unge mannens kommunikation och samspelsförmåga i hemmet och på skolan. RESULTAT Resultat visar på en positiv effekt på den unge mannens förmåga till kommunikation och samspel. Under sherborneperioden framkommer gradvis en förändring av hur mannen riktade sin uppmärksamhet: från att blicken var ”tom” eller att blicken svepte över rummet till att han allteftersom kroppsligen riktade sig mot sjukgymnasten och sökte blickkontakt. Sjukgymnasten anpassade sitt förhållningssätt för att få till stånd ett så bra samspel som möjligt. Från att hon i början var mer inlyssnande och använde beröring för att bekräfta hans reaktioner, till användandet av ett ökat verbalt inslag mot slutet. I slutet av perioden började den unge mannen ta egna initiativ till samspel genom att rikta sin hand mot sjukgymnasten. Även i hem och skola ökade hans intresse för omgivningen. Han tog initiativ till kommunikation (ett ökat antal handlingssekvenser) och var på gång att utveckla delad uppmärksamhet. Han började säga ifrån mer genom att använda sin röst. Det självskadande beteendet minskade både under sherbornebehandlingen och i hemmet. I övrigt märkte både förälder och sjukgymnast en ökad balans och stabilitet i hans kropp och en förbättrad rörelseförmåga i hans svaga högersida.   SLUTSATSER Fallstudien tyder på att sherbornemetodik kan ha bidragit till en positiv effekt på såväl kommunikation och samspelsförmåga som rörelseförmåga hos denne unge man på tidig utvecklingsnivå och med autism. / INTRODUCTION Caregivers perceive many of difficulties in interaction with persons at a presymbolic stage. In Sherborne Developmental Movement the theoretical issue is that movement experiences developing body and spatial awareness contribute to awareness of self. This gaining of body mastery is fundamental to the awareness of others, the ability to relate to others.   The aim of this study is to analyse how communication and interaction is expressed over a period of time as a young man in an early stage of language development (pre-intentional communication) and with autism participates in a dyad in SDM sessions. Research questions:1. How do communication and interaction skills develop over time in the SDM sessions? 2. How do communication and interaction skills develop at home and school during the same period? METHOD In this pre-experimental case study an 18-year-old man with profound autism spectrum disorder, a right-sided motor disorder and a severe language impairment is participating. Giving no responses in communication, caregivers rarely perceived successful interaction. He suddenly burst out in aggressive acts. Lasting over a year he participated in an intervention consisting of eighteen SDM sessions in a dyad with a physiotherapist, skilled in SDM, at Habilitation Centre. Sessions were based on a “caring” SDM-relationship and treatment focused on basic movements. All sessions were videotaped. Communication and interaction skills were thoroughly assessed at the first and last session. In the process of analysing data the SDM scale of type of relation had to be supplemented by scales showing abilities of communication and interaction of the leader and the participant. This scale named "Brandquists &amp; Althoff Interaction Scale: Analysis of the interaction with individuals at an early stage of development - Sherborne”, was used in reporting the data obtained in the study. To increase the reliability of the data, comments from the participating physiotherapist and the father of the young man were registered while they individually watched the two video recordings. A somewhat simplified examination of ten of the video recordings was also made. Communication and interaction skills were also investigated at home and school through interviews and questionnaires before and after the SDM treatment. These data were then to be compare to the data of the SDM sessions.   RESULTS Results show a positive effect on communication and interaction skills of the young man. During the period of sessions he gradually changed the way of directing attention. Initially his eyes were "empty" or his gaze swept across the room to him. Later he focused on the hands of the physiotherapist while rocking his leg and eventually he physically directed himself to the physiotherapist and searched eye contact. The physiotherapist was sensitive to his physical reactions adapting her approach in order to making him feel secure and achieve trust. In the beginning she used tactile methods in her communication, but seeing he felt more secure she introduced more verbal confirming towards the end.  At the end of the period he began to take communicative initiatives by approaching his hand and “pointing” at the physiotherapist.   At home and school caregivers reported an increasing interest in the environment. He used more initiative for communication (an increased number of action sequences) and was on his way to develop joint attention. He started to use his voice to protest. The number of self-destructive behaviours decreased during the Sherborne sessions and at home. Successively he gained greater stability and balance in his body and the mobility of the weak side improved. The data obtained in interviews with caregivers confirmed the results achieved in the study and strengthened the reliability of the results of SDM. CONCLUSIONS The result of the study implies that SDM may have contributed to a positive effect on the communication and interaction skills of this young man.

Top leaders’ relationships and their destructive results : A look into the relationship between top U.S.political leaders and business leaders

Faerber, Anna January 2013 (has links)
It has been a lot of talking about who’s president’s fault has been for the crisis that Started in the United States and how it spread around the world. Is it really a specific group of people’s fault? Our leaders’ responsibility to prevent all this? Or is it all of our fault for living in the illusions leaders created for us in order to keep being elected? I am not here to point fingers but, rather, analyzing what has happened by researching legislations that passed and did not pass, and who lobbied and why they lobbied on specific legislations that could have made a difference in the economic situation but were never given the chance. The research are mainly on the years right before the 2007- 2008 recession and specifically from 2004 to 2006. I conclude with analyzing the types of leadership styles that I feel have influenced the current situation and what is the follower’s responsibility in letting it happen, why, and how they could change the situation.

Att skada sig med sex : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas syn på och arbete med unga som har ett destruktivt sexuellt beteende / Self-harming through sex : A qualitative study of professionals’ approach towards and work with young people with destructive sexual behavior

Thögersen, Josefina, Gimestam-Jarl, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is to shed light on the phenomenon of destructive sexual behavior among youth from the perspective of professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To examine this, we used a qualitative method; we interviewed professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To analyze our results we used gender theory and empowerment theory. Our main results are that the professionals view this behavior as deliberate self-harm, such as cutting, as they do it to achieve relief from anxiety. Also, the professionals think that gender norms affect young people with destructive sexual behavior in that it imposes guilt and shame, which inflicts their already low self-esteem and makes them feel inferior. The profes- sionals view this as the common denominator for this group of young people. Therefore it is very important for professionals to help these young people build self-esteem by using empowerment. Hopefully, this study can provide additional knowledge to the field of social work, due to the focus on a relatively new perspective on the phenomenon of deliberate self-harm. It is therefore important for agents in social work to have knowledge and comprehension about how to approach the phenomena and how to view and work with this group of young people.

Impedance Response of Alumina-silicon Carbide Whisker Composites

Mebane, David Spencer 08 December 2004 (has links)
The impedance response of silicon carbide whisker-alumina composites is investigated utilizing novel stereological techniques along with a microstructural simulation. The stereological techniques developed allow for a measurement of the trivariate length, radius and orientation distribution of whiskers in the composite from measurements made on two-dimensional sectioning planes. The measured distributions are then utilized in a Monte Carlo simulation that predicts connectivity in the composite for a given volume fraction. It is assumed in the simulation that connectivity factors dominate the electrical response, not interfacial phenomena. The results of the simulation are compared with impedance spectra taken from real samples, and conclusions are drawn regarding the nature of the impedance response.

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