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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Catalytic oxidation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds, dichloromethane and perchloroethylene:new knowledge for the industrial CVOC emission abatement

Pitkäaho, S. (Satu) 04 June 2013 (has links)
Abstract The releases of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) are controlled by strict regulations setting high demands for the abatement systems. Low temperature catalytic oxidation is a viable technology to economically destroy these often refractory emissions. Catalysts applied in the oxidation of CVOCs should be highly active and selective but also maintain a high resistance towards deactivation. In this study, a total of 33 different γ-Al2O3 containing metallic monoliths were studied in dichloromethane (DCM) and 25 of them in perchloroethylene (PCE) oxidation. The active compounds used were Pt, Pd, Rh or V2O5 alone or as mixtures. The catalysts were divided into three different testing sets: industrial, CVOC and research catalysts. ICP-OES, physisorption, chemisorption, XRD, UV-vis DRS, isotopic oxygen exchange, IC, NH3-TPD, H2-TPR and FESEM-EDS were used to characterise the catalysts. Screening of the industrial catalysts revealed that the addition of V2O5 improved the performance of the catalyst. DCM abatement was easily affected by the addition of VOC or water, but the effect on the PCE oxidation was only minor. Based on these screening tests, a set of CVOC catalysts were developed and installed into an industrial incinerator. The comparison between the laboratory and industrial scale studies showed that DCM oxidation in an industrial incinerator could be predicted relatively well. Instead, PCE was always seen to be oxidised far better in an industrial unit indicating that the transient oxidation conditions are beneficial for the PCE oxidation. Before starting the experiments with research catalysts, the water feed was optimised to 1.5 wt.%. Besides enhancing the HCl yields, water improved the DCM and PCE conversions. In the absence of oxygen, i.e. during destructive adsorption, the presence of water was seen to have an even more pronounced effect on the HCl formation and on the catalysts’ stability. In the DCM oxidation, the addition of the active compound on the catalyst support improved the selectivity, while the enhancing effect on the DCM conversion was only small. The high acidity together with the increased reducibility was seen to lead to an active catalyst. Among the research catalysts Pt/Al2O3 was the most active in the DCM oxidation. With PCE the addition of the active compound proved to be very beneficial also for the PCE conversion. Now Pt and Pd supported on Al2O3-CeO2 were the most active. The enhanced reducibility was seen to be the key feature of the catalyst in PCE oxidation. / Tiivistelmä Klooratuille orgaanisille hiilivedyille (CVOC) on asetettu tiukat päästörajoitukset niiden haitallisten vaikutusten takia. Tästä johtuen myös puhdistusmenetelmien tulee olla tehokkaita. Katalyyttinen puhdistus on teknologia, jolla nämä usein vaikeasti käsiteltävät yhdisteet voidaan taloudellisesti tuhota. Käytettävien katalyyttien tulee olla aktiivisia ja selektiivisiä sekä hyvin kestäviä. Tässä työssä tutkittiin yhteensä 33 erilaista γ-Al2O3-pohjaista hapetuskatalyyttiä metyleenikloridin (DCM) käsittelyssä, niistä 25 testattiin myös perkloorietyleenin (PCE) hapetuksessa. Aktiivisina metalleina katalyyteissä käytettiin platinaa, palladiumia, rhodiumia ja vanadiinia yksin tai seoksina. Katalyytit jaettiin kolmeen ryhmään: teolliset-, CVOC- ja tutkimuskatalyytit. Aktiivisuuskokeiden lisäksi katalyyttejä karakterisoitiin ICP-OES-, fysiorptio-, kemisorptio-, XRD-, UV-vis DRS-, isotooppivaihto-, IC-, NH3-TPD-, H2-TPR- ja FESEM-EDS-pintatutkimusmenetelmillä. Koetulokset osoittivat, että vanadiini paransi teollisuuskatalyyttien aktiivisuutta ja selektiivisyyttä. VOC-yhdisteen tai veden lisäys paransi DCM:n hapettumista, mutta PCE:n hapettumiseen niillä ei ollut vaikutusta. Testien perusteella kehitettiin CVOC-katalyytit, jotka asennettiin teolliseen polttolaitokseen. Laboratoriossa ja teollisuudessa tehdyissä testeissä havaittiin, että DCM:n hapettuminen oli laboratoriokokeiden perusteella ennustettavissa. Sen sijaan PCE hapettui teollisuudessa aina paljon paremmin kuin laboratorio-olosuhteissa. Tämä osoittaa, että muuttuvat hapettumisolosuhteet vaikuttivat positiivisesti PCE:n hapettumiseen. Veden määrä syöttövirrassa optimoitiin 1,5 %:iin ennen tutkimuskatalyyttien testausta. Selektiivisyyden lisäksi vesi paransi DCM:n ja PCE:n konversiota. Hapettomissa olosuhteissa, ts. tuhoavien adsorptiokokeiden aikana, vesi paransi reaktion selektiivisyyttä HCl:ksi ja CO2:ksi vielä entisestään. Tämän lisäksi vesi lisäsi katalyytin stabiilisuutta. DCM:n hapetuksessa aktiivisen metallin lisäys paransi selektiivisyyttä, mutta sen sijaan vaikutus DCM:n konversioon oli hyvin pieni. Tulokset osoittivat, että aktiivisella DCM:n hapetuskatalyytillä tulee olla korkea happamuus ja hyvä pelkistyvyys. Pt/Al2O3 oli testatuista tutkimuskatalyyteistä aktiivisin. PCE:n hapetuksessa aktiivisen metallin lisäys paransi selektiivisyyden lisäksi huomattavasti myös konversiota. Katalyytin lisääntyneen pelkistymiskyvyn todettiin olevan keskeisin ominaisuus PCE:n hapettumisessa. Pt/Al2O3-CeO2 ja Pd/Al2O3-CeO2 olivat tutkimuskatalyyteistä aktiivisimpia.

Design and development of a torsional guided-waves inspection system for the detection and sizing of defects in pipes / Détection des défauts dans les tubes par ondes guidées

Kharrat, Mohamed 06 July 2012 (has links)
Plusieurs industries manipulent des substances liquides et gazeuses qui circulent souvent dans de longues canalisations. La technique d'ondes guidées est couramment utilisée dans ce domaine. Cette technique est en progrès continu. Dans cette thèse, un système d'inspection a été conçu et développé. Il est basé sur des transducteurs piézoélectriques qui génèrent des ondes guidées de torsion pouvant se propager le long du tube testé. Les signaux réfléchis des défauts et singularités rencontrés sont détectés aussi par des capteurs piézoélectriques. Des simulations numériques utilisantpar la méthode d'éléments finis standard et la méthode Wave Finite Element(WFEM) ont été effectuées afin de vérifier et de visualiser le phénomène de propagation des ondes dans des tubes intacts et endommagés. Un ensemble de tests a été mis en place sur des tubes droits et courbés avec deux matériaux différents: PVC et acier. L'interaction entre les ondes générées et les défauts usinés a été prouvée.Les résultats numériques et expérimentaux confirment certaines caractéristiques spécifiques concernant le coefficient de réflexion de l'onde. Par la suite, un pipeline industriel d'environ soixante mètres de long et contenant plusieurs défauts et singularités a été testé par le système d'inspection. Les signaux enregistrés ont soumis certains traitements numériques afin de les rendre exploitables. Les signaux traités sont analysés afin d'identifier et de distinguer les réflexions des défauts de celles des singularités structurés. La méthode WFEM a été employée pour construire une base de données numérique des coefficients de réflexion en variant la profondeur et les extensions axiale et circonférentielle du défaut modélisé. Le calcul a été établi en fonction de la fréquence. La corrélation des tailles des défauts est effectuée en balayant la base de données numérique pour trouver la combinaison appropriée de dimensions pour un défaut donné. Les réflexions à partir des singularités structurées (coudes, blocs de béton, colliers, et les soudures) sont traitées ainsi en comparant des coefficients de réflexion obtenus par WFEM à ceux évalués expérimentalement. Enfin, on a étudié numériquement l'effet de la position angulaire d'un défaut sur les coefficients de réflexion et de transmission tout en excitant à différents types d'ondes. La méthode WFE est aussi utilisée pour effectuer le calcul. Cette étude donne un guide à la localisation circonférentielle des défauts dans les tubes. / Long pipelines are widely used in several industries transporting liquid or gas. The guided wave technique is commonly used in this field and it is under continuing progress. In this thesis, an inspection system has been designed and developed. Piezoelectric transducers are employed to generate torsional guided waves that could propagate along the tested pipe; and receive reflected signals from encountered features and damages. Numerical simulations using standard FE and Wave Finite Element methods have been carried out in order to verify and visualize the wave propagation phenomenon in both intact and damaged pipes. A set of tests has been performed on straight and curved pipes with two different materials: PVC and steel. The interaction between generated waves and machined defects has been proven. Numerical and experimental results confirm some specific features in the wave reflection coefficient. Thereafter, an industrial pipeline of about sixty meters long and containing several features has been tested by the inspection system.Recorded signals had submitted some numerical treatments in order to make them interpretable. Processed signals are analyzed to identify defects reflections from structured singularities echoes. The Wave Finite Element Method (WFEM) has been used to construct a numerical database of reflection coefficients from modelled defects by varying thickness, axial and circumferential extents. Calculation was made depending on frequency. The approximation of defect sizes is carried out by sweeping the numerical database to find the suitable combination of dimensions fora given defect. Reflections from structural singularities (elbows, concrete blocks,clamps, and welds) are treated as well by comparing reflection coefficients obtained by WFEM to those evaluated experimentally. Finally, a numerical investigation deals with the effect of defect angular-position on reflection and transmission coefficients while exciting by different types of waves. The spectral method Wave Finite Element has been used to carry out calculation. This study gives guidance to circumferential localization of defects in pipes.

Scattering correction in cone beam tomography using continuously thickness-adapted kernels / Correction du diffusé en tomographie par une méthode de convolution par noyaux continus

Bhatia 1990-...., Navnina 29 September 2016 (has links)
La tomodensitométrie intégrant une source de rayons X à faisceau divergent et un détecteur grand champ est une technique bien connue dans le domaine de la tomographie industrielle. La nature des matériaux et les épaisseurs traversées conduisent inévitablement à la génération de rayonnement diffusé. Ce dernier est généré par l’objet mais également par le détecteur. La présence de rayonnement parasite conduit à ne plus respecter l’hypothèse de la loi de Beer-Lambert. Par conséquent, on voit apparaitre sur les coupes tomographiques des artefacts de reconstruction comme des streaks, des effets ventouses ou des valeurs d’atténuation linéaire erronée. Par conséquence, on retrouve dans la littérature de nombreuses méthodes de correction du diffusé. Ce travail vise à mettre en point et tester une méthode originale de correction du diffusé. Le premier chapitre de cette étude, dresse un état de l’art de la plupart des méthodes de corrections existantes. Nous proposons, dans le deuxième chapitre, une évolution de la méthode de superposition des noyaux de convolution (Scatter Kernel Superposition). Notre méthode repose sur une description continue des noyaux en fonction de l’épaisseur traversée. Dans cette méthode, les noyaux de diffusion sont paramétrés analytiquement sur toute la plage d'épaisseur. Le procédé a été testé pour des objets à la fois mono-matériaux et poly-matériaux, ainsi que sur des données expérimentales et simulées. Nous montrons dans le troisième chapitre l’importance de la contribution du diffusé détecteur dans la qualité de l’image reconstruite. Mais également l’importance de décrire les noyaux de convolution à l'aide d'un modèle à quatre gaussienne. Les résultats obtenus à partir de données expérimentales prouvent que la correction du diffusé de l'objet seul ne suffit pas pour obtenir une image de reconstruite sans artefacts. Afin de disposer d’une meilleur modélisation du diffusé du détecteur, nous décrivons, dans le dernier chapitre, une méthode basée sur la combinaison de données expérimentales et simulées permettant d’améliorer l’estimation des noyaux de diffusé. / Advanced Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) typically uses a divergent conebeam source and a large area detector. As a result, there an inevitable increase in the size area of illumination causing an increase in the intensity of X-ray scatter signal, both from the object and the detector. This leads to the violation of prime assumption of reconstruction process which is based on straight line integrals path followed by the photons. Consequently scatter artifacts appear in the reconstruction images as steaks, cupping effect and thus produce wrong reconstruction values. Due to the severity of the reconstruction artifact caused by scatter, many scatter corrections methods have been adopted in literature. The first part of this study, reviews most of the existing scatter correction methods. The effect of scattering becomes more prominent and challenging in case of X-ray source of high energy which is used in industrial Non Destructive Testing (NDT), due to higher scatter to primary ratio (SPR). Therefore, in this study, we propose a continuously thickness-adapted deconvolution approach based on improvements in the Scatter Kernel Superposition (SKS) method. In this method, the scatter kernels are analytically parameterized over the whole thickness range of the object under study to better sample the amplitude and shape of kernels with respect to the thickness. The method is tested for both homogeneous and heterogeneous objects as well as simulated and experimental data. Another important aspect of this study is the comprehensive evaluation of contribution of the detector scatter performed using continuous method by separating the contribution of scatter due to the object and the detector. This is performed by modeling the scatter kernels using a four-Gaussian model. In the first approach, we performed this evaluation based on simulation of kernels from Monte Carlo simulations and the corrections are performed on typical industrial experimental data. The results obtained prove that the scatter correction only due to the object is not sufficient to obtain reconstruction image, free from artifacts, as the detector also scatters considerably. In order to prove this point experimentally and to have a better modeling of the detector, we describe a method based on combination of experiments and simulations to calculate the scatter kernels. The results obtained also prove, the contribution of the detector scattering becomes important and the PSF of the detector is not constant as considered in the studies so far, but it varies to a great extend with the energy spectrum.

Condensation de Bose-Einstein multiple dans les modes d’ordre supérieurs d’une cavité optique bi-fréquence / Multiple Bose-Einstein condensation in higher order modes of a dual frequency optical cavity

Kuyumjyan, Grigor 11 December 2017 (has links)
Les gaz quantiques dégénérés des atomes neutres sont d’excellentssystèmes avec les applications importantes dans les études de la physique à plusieurs corps, de la matière condensée, de la mesure de haute précision et de l'information quantique. Dans cette thèse, nous démontrons la production des condensats de Bose-Einstein de 87Rb dans les différents modes transverses de la cavité qui a une configuration en papillon (bow-tie cavity). La cavité est résonante à deux longueurs d'onde, 1560 nm et 780 nm. Nous utilisons la radiation à 1560 nm, une longueur d'onde accessible dans la télécommunication (bande C) pour obtenir le condensat de Bose-Einstein dans un piège dipolaire intra-cavité. La cavité optique permet de réaliser un piège dipolaire profond à partir d'une source optique à puissance modérée (3W), grâce à l'amplification de la puissance au sein du résonateur. Les modes non dégénérés du résonateur permettent d'obtenir de multiples condensats dans les modes transverses supérieurs. Comme exemples représentatifs, nous avons réalisé le condensat de Bose-Einstein dans le mode fondamental et le mode TEM01 de la cavité. L'utilisation de ces modes nous permet d'avoir un et deux puits de potentiels pour le piégeage où l'échantillon atomique ultra-froid est couplé au mode du résonateur. En contrôlant la puissance relative entre le mode fondamental et les modes transverses supérieurs (TEM01, TEM10), nous arrivons à réaliser la division et la recombinaison d’un 'ensemble atomique ultra-froid. De plus, dans ce manuscrit nous présentons le développementd'un système d'asservissement autour de la cavité optique qui nous permet d'obtenir les deux radiations asservies sur le résonateur ainsi que la stabilisation de la longueur de la cavité sur les atomes de rubidium. La deuxième longueur d'onde provient du faisceau à 1560 nm après le doublage de fréquence. Par la suite, les deux longueurs d'onde sont asservies sur la cavité par la technique de Pound-Drever-Hall. Une partie du composant doublé en fréquence est comparée en fréquence avec un laser à 780 nm asservi sur les atomes de rubidium par la technique de battement optique. Ensuite, le signal de battement est converti par un synthétiseur de fréquence et est envoyé vers le contrôleur de transducteur piézo-électrique de la cavité via un régulateur PI pour éviter la dérive à long terme liée aux fluctuations de la température. La résonance à 780 nm sera utilisée comme faisceau de sonde intra-cavité. Cela nous permettra de réaliser une mesure quantique non-destructive et de générer des états comprimés de spins induits par cette mesure / Quantum degenerate gases of neutral atoms are excellent systems with important applications in the study of many body quantum physics, condensed matter physics, precision measurements, and quantum information processing. In this thesis we demonstrate the creation of 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in different transverse modes of a bow-tie cavity. The cavity resonant at two wavelengths, 1560 and 780 nm. We are using the radiation 1560 nm accessible in telecom (C band) to create BEC in the cavity enhanced optical dipole trap with only 3 W of optical power from the source. The non-degenerate cavity modes enable the creation of arrays of BECs in the higher transverse modes. As representative examples we realize the BEC in the fundamental TEM00 and the TEM01 mode of the cavity which are the single well and double well trapping configuration with ultra-cold atomic simple well coupled to the cavity modes. By controlling the relative power between the fundamental and the higher transverses cavity modes (TEM01, TEM10), splitting and merging of ultra-cold atomic ensemble is shown. Moreover, in this manuscript we present the development of a lock system around the optical cavity which allows us to obtain both radiations locked to the cavity as well as the lengthe of the optical resonator is referenced on the rubidium atoms. The second wavelength is derived from 1560 nm beam by frequency doubling and then both radiations are locked to the cavity by Pound-Drever-Hall technique. One part of the frequency doubled 780 nm is referenced to an independent 780 nm laser locked on the rubidium atoms. The beat signal between these two lasers is frequency synthesized and through the PI controller is sent to the piezo-electric transducer driver to avoid long-term drifts of the cavity due to temperature fluctuations. The cavity resonance at 780 nm will be used as a probe beam for cavity aided quantum non-demolition measurements to generate measurement induced spin squeezed states.

Selfdestruktiewe gedrag by die adolessent : ‘n Maatskaplikewerkperspektief (Afrikaans)

Toerien, Sanette 04 October 2005 (has links)
This research was aimed at the lack of knowledge with regards to the nature, causes and disruptive behavioural patterns as a consequence of adolescents with self-destructive behaviour, and the way in which it limits effective intervention. A lack of research and literature, especially within the South-African context, contributes to this lack of knowledge. As a result, therapists tend to distance themselves, misinterpret and even ignore this behaviour. Some therapists, especially social workers, fear this behaviour, are frustrated by and even disapprove of clients who present self-destructive behaviour. The goal of this study was to address the lack of knowledge with regards to self-destructive behaviour in adolescents within a social work perspective. A knowledge framework has been developed by investigating the nature, causes and disruptive behavioural problems as a consequence in adolescents, which will serve as a reference for therapists. In order to reach the required goal, a number of objectives were set. This included the development of a knowledge framework by means of a literature study as well as consultation with experts in the field of self-destructive behaviour in adolescents. An empirical study was undertaken during which a collective case study was utilised as strategy for the gathering of data. During these interviews, the researcher tried to gather information about the nature, causes and disruptive behavioural problems as a consequence in adolescents who demonstrate with this behaviour. Three participants took part and the three case studies were compared. Applied research was used as the researcher aimed to explore the problem (namely adolescents with self-destructive behaviour) scientifically in order to develop a knowledge framework. The researcher used a qualitative research approach and in this way, qualitative empirical information was gathered. This study embraced research of a relatively unknown research field. This led to the researcher utilising an exploratory study design in order to investigate a research question, which comprises of limited information. The research question that was formulated for the means of this research was: What are the nature, causes and disruptive behavioural problems as a consequence of self-destructive behaviour in adolescents? Empirical data was gathered by means of case studies and led to the development of a research framework which contains the following information: 1. The nature of self-destructive behaviour 2. The causes of self-destructive behaviour 3. The link between self-destructive behaviour and suicide 4. The “therapeutic value” of self-destructive behaviour Thus, the research indicated that adolescent self-destructive behaviour is a common problem which therapists must face without appropriate knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is of outmost importance that social workers be trained accordingly in order to handle the problem of self-destructive behaviour in a constructive manner. / Dissertation (MSD (Play Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work / unrestricted

These shining themes : the use and effects of figurative language in the poetry and prose of Anne Michaels

Ristic, Danya 22 October 2011 (has links)
This study explores the manner in which Anne Michaels uses figurative language, particularly metaphor, in her poetry and prose. In her first novel, Fugitive Pieces, and in certain of her poems, Michaels demonstrates the powers of language to destroy and to recuperate. For her, metaphor is not simply a literary device; it is an essential mechanism in the creation of an authentic story or poem. Moreover, in contrast to other figurative language such as euphemism, which she feels can be used to conceal the truth and make moral that which is immoral, metaphor in her view can be used to gain access to the truth and is therefore moral. Thus, as this study demonstrates, Michaels proposes as well as utilises the moral power of language. The ideas of four language theorists provide the basis of this study, and prove highly useful in application to Michaels’s work. With the aid of Certeau and Bourdieu, we examine Michaels’s participation in and literary presentation of the relationship of domination and subordination in which people seem to interact and which takes place partly through language. In the light of Ricoeur’s explication of the precise functions of metaphor, we discuss Fugitive Pieces as a novel whose engagement with the topic of the Holocaust in intensely emotive and figurative language makes it controversial in terms of what may or may not constitute the appropriate manner of Holocaust literary representation. Klemperer’s meticulous, first-hand study of the Nazis’ use of the German language during the period of the Third Reich proves illuminating in our exploration of the works of Michaels that feature themes of oppression and dispossession. In certain of her poems, Michaels stands in for real people and speaks in their voices. This is also a form of metaphor, this study suggests, as for the duration of each poem Michaels requires us to imagine that she is the real-life person who expresses him- or herself in the first person singular, which she patently is not. We could see this as appropriation and misrepresentation of those people’s lives and thoughts; however, with the aid of the notion of empathic identification we learn that Michaels’s approach is always empathic – she imaginatively places herself in various situations and people’s positions without ever losing her sense of individuality and separate identity, and her portrayal of their stories is always respectful and carefully considered. / Thesis (DLitt)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / English / unrestricted

Untersuchung des Anwendungspotenzials der Hochfrequenzwirbelstrommesstechnik zur Charakterisierung dielektrischer Eigenschaften von Epoxidharzen und Faserverbundmaterialien

Gäbler, Simone 09 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Die dielektrischen Eigenschaften, also die Interaktion mit elektrischen Feldern, sind ein wichtiger Qualitätsparameter der Matrix in Faserverbundmaterialien und allgemein in Harzen. Sie werden bisher mit Hilfe von kapazitiven Verfahren oder Hochfrequenzverfahren wie z. B. der Mikrowellentechnik gemessen. Allerdings können beide Verfahren nicht an elektrisch leitfähigen Materialien wie Kohlenstofffaserverstärkten Kunststoffen (CFK) eingesetzt werden und auch bei der Anwendung der Methoden an Kunststoffen oder elektrisch isolierenden Faserverbundmaterialien gibt es Nachteile. So benötigt die kapazitive Messtechnik meist eine spezielle Probenpräparation für quantitative Messungen und erreicht eine vergleichsweise schlechte Ortsauflösung beim Permittivitätsmapping. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich daher der Untersuchung einer alternativen, in diesem Kontext neuen Methode zur Charakterisierung dielektrischer Eigenschaften: Die Hochfrequenzwirbelstrommesstechnik, welche bisher zur Messung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit und magnetischen Permeabilität genutzt wird, wird theoretisch und praktisch hinsichtlich ihres Anwendungspotentials zur Permittivitätsmessung an Epoxidharzen und Faserverbundwerkstoffen diskutiert. Dabei werden zuerst Grundlagen wie Anwendungsfelder für die Nutzung dielektrischer Eigenschaften von Harzen und Verbundwerkstoffen zur Qualitätssicherung bzw. gängige Messverfahren erläutert. Anschließend wird theoretisch gezeigt, warum dielektrische Eigenschaften auf das Hochfrequenzwirbelstrom (HFWS)-Signal wirken. Dabei werden sowohl die Maxwell-Gleichungen genutzt, als auch Finite Elemente (FE)-Simulationen. Der Schwerpunkt der Forschungsarbeit liegt dann auf der experimentellen Untersuchung der Permittivitätsmessung mittels HFWS. Es werden verschiedene Anwendungsfälle betrachtet: von zeitlich kontinuierlichen Permittitivitätsänderungen (am Beispiel der Aushärtung von Epoxidharzen), über lokale Permittivitätsabweichungen (in Folge von Defekten, Textureigenschaften oder thermischen Überlasten) bis hin zu quantitativen Permittivitätsmessungen (zur Materialcharakterisierung bzw. Alterungsuntersuchung). Dabei kann gezeigt werden, dass es möglich ist, die Permittivität von Faserverbundwerkstoffen und Epoxidharzen mittels HFWS zu charakterisieren, selbst wenn das zu prüfende Material elektrisch nicht leitfähig ist.

Testing and evaluation of component made using electron beam melting and Alloy 718 powder

Nilsson, Erik, Johansson, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The aerospace industry is constantly striving to becoming more economical and environmentally friendly. One of many efforts to achieve this is the Lightcam project which in this case is evaluating the use of additive manufacturing in the form of electron beam melting in conjunction with the nickel-based superalloy, Alloy 718. This combination is not fully explored and examined. For this purpose, a demonstrator vane was produced and it was subsequently evaluated in this thesis. The evaluation was performed in as-built condition and was divided in non-destructive testing, evaluation of these methods and metallographic review to confirm the results, and potentially revealing more properties. The non-destructive testing was performed using conventional radiography and computed tomography. Both methods struggled to deliver complete and reliable results, for varying reasons. Radiography could deliver results of the whole vane, but these were impossible to evaluate due to the rough surface created by the electron beam melting process. The computed tomography on the other hand was not affected by the rough surface and produced usable, though not complete, results of the vane. The reason for the computed tomography’s inability to deliver complete results was the material, varying thickness and complex geometry of the vane. As a complement and to verify the results from the non-destructive testing, a metallographic examination was conducted. These tests were conducted with the aim of answering the following three questions:  What non-destructive testing methods are suitable to evaluate Alloy 718 components manufactured with electron beam melting? - Neither radiography nor computed tomography are suitable as a sole evaluation method, for various reasons. All surface dependent methods were deemed unsuitable without testing due to the rough surface. What types of defects and in what quantity can they be found in the produced vane? - Defects found are: Porosity and lack of fusion, both found as internal and partially external and in varying sizes. Where are the defects located? - Pores are mainly found in the center of sections modeled to a 3mm thickness. Lack of fusion was found between build layers in all thicknesses. Apart from these results, hardness was found to vary depending on build height, increasing from the bottom towards the top. Microstructure was also found to vary with the build height, but always consisting of either equiaxed or columnar grains. / Lightcam

Autolesão e produção de identidade

Arcoverde, Renata Lopes 23 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:29:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 renata_lopes_arcoverde.pdf: 584232 bytes, checksum: 4e24390bbce6fd6d08e5d19a7779dfa1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-23 / Some fields of knowledge have been highlighted in the study of self-harm, such as medicine (especially psychiatry), psychology and psychoanalysis. These areas differentiate the acts of harming oneself as part of a specific culture or religious ritual from those recognized as pathologies or dysfunctional behavior. The last ones are considered as acts of self-destruction produced by individuals who need assistance so that they can stop self-injuring. Partimos do pressuposto de que a autolesão é um modo de subjetivação construído e transformado por diferentes discursos dependendo do contexto sociocultural em que acontece. Assuming that self-harm is a form of subjectivity produced and transformed by different speeches, depending on the social context in which it takes place, this study intends to analyze, using the post-structuralism perspective, messages left on Orkut virtual communities by people who self-harm and discuss their experiences in that social network. Results indicate discourses in common with the aforementioned fields of knowledge and with religion, as well as definitions of self-harm as art, a privileged way of expressing emotions or even a source of pleasure. Some internet users claim for the right to use their bodies as they please since it is meant to be their territory of intervention and their only, what can be understood as a movement of resistance to the rule of having a docile body. In conclusion, it is understood that the subjects involved with self-harm relate to their bodies and with virtual communities as means of producing identities. / Alguns saberes têm se destacado no estudo da autolesão, entre eles a medicina, (notadamente a psiquiatria), a psicologia e a psicanálise. Estes campos do conhecimento diferenciam os atos de ferir a si mesmo como parte de uma cultura específica ou ritual religioso das práticas autolesivas que são atribuídas a patologias ou disfunções. Estas últimas são consideradas como atos de autodestruição produzidos por pessoas que precisam de intervenções de especialistas para que deixem de ferir-se. Partimos do pressuposto de que a autolesão é um modo de subjetivação construído e transformado por diferentes discursos dependendo do contexto sociocultural em que acontece. Assim, a intenção deste trabalho é analisar, à luz da perspectiva pós-estruturalista, mensagens de pessoas que se autolesionam e discutem a sua experiência em comunidades virtuais da rede social Orkut. Resultados indicam que além dos discursos em comum com os citados campos de saber e com a religião, há ainda quem defina a autolesão como arte, maneira privilegiada de expressão das emoções ou mesmo fonte de prazer. Alguns internautas reivindicam o corpo como território de intervenção pertencente unicamente a si próprios, reclamando o direito de utilizá-lo como bem entendem, no que se pode caracterizar como um movimento de resistência à norma de ter que apresentar um corpo dócil. Por fim, compreende-se que os sujeitos envolvidos nessa prática relacionam-se com seu corpo e com as comunidades de que participam enquanto locais de produção de identidades.

School counselors' perceptions of effective components in adolescent suicide prevention programs

Jackson, Janet Marlene 01 January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to explore perceptions of effective components in adolescent suicide prevention programs among San Bernardino school counselors. The stress model and the mental health model are the two models implemented in suicide prevention programs.

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