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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Micro-irradiation ciblée par faisceau d'ions pour la radiobiologie in vitro et in vivo / In vitro and in vivo ion beam targeted micro-irradiation for radiobiology

Vianna, François 26 March 2014 (has links)
Les microfaisceaux d’ions ont, au cours de ces dernières décennies, montré leur efficacité dansl’étude des effets des rayonnements ionisants sur le vivant notamment concernant les effets des faiblesdoses ou l’étude de l’effet de proximité. Le CENBG dispose depuis 2003 d’un dispositif permettant la micro-irradiation ciblée d’échantillons biologiques vivants. Les applications des microfaisceaux dans ce domainese sont récemment diversifiées et des études plus fines sur les mécanismes de réparation desdommages ADN radio-induits aux échelles cellulaire et multicellulaire sont devenues possibles via lesévolutions en imagerie par fluorescence et en biologie cellulaire. Ces approches ont nécessité une évolutionimportante de l'instrumentation de la ligne de micro-irradiation du CENBG qui a été entièrementredessinée et reconstruite dans un souci d’optimisation d’apport de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Les objectifsde mes travaux ont été i) la mise en service du dispositif, ii) la caractérisation des performances dusystème, iii) la mise en place de protocoles pour l’irradiation ciblée à dose contrôlée aux échelles cellulaireet multicellulaire, in vitro et in vivo, et le suivi en ligne des conséquences précoces de cette irradiation,iv) la modélisation des irradiations afin d’interpréter les observables biologiques au regard des donnéesphysiques calculées.Ces travaux ont permis i) de caractériser les performances du dispositif : une taille de faisceau d’environ2 μm sur cible et une précision de tir de ± 2 μm, de développer des systèmes de détection d’ions pour uncontrôle absolu de la dose délivrée, ii) d’induire des dommages ADN fortement localisés in vitro, et devisualiser en ligne le recrutement de protéines impliquées dans la réparation de ces dommages,iii) d’appliquer ces protocoles pour générer des dommages ADN in vivo au sein d’un organisme multicellulaireau stade embryonnaire, Caenorhabditis elegans.Ces résultats ouvrent la voie vers des expériences plus fines sur la ligne de micro-irradiation ciblée duCENBG pour étudier les effets de l’interaction des rayonnements ionisants avec le vivant, aux échellescellulaire et multicellulaire, in vitro et in vivo. / The main goal of radiobiology is to understand the effects of ionizing radiations on the living.These past decades, ion microbeams have shown to be important tools to study for example the effects oflow dose exposure, or the bystander effect. Since 2003, the CENBG has been equipped with a system toperform targeted micro-irradiation of living samples. Recently, microbeams applications on this subjecthave diversified and the study of DNA repair mechanisms at the cellular and multicellular scales, in vitroand in vivo, has become possible thanks to important evolutions of fluorescence imaging techniques andcellular biology. To take into account these new approaches, the CENBG micro-irradiation beamline hasbeen entirely redesigned and rebuilt to implement new features and to improve the existing ones. My PhDobjectives were i) commissioning the facility, ii) characterizing the system on track etch detectors, and onliving samples, iii) implementing protocols to perform targeted irradiations of living samples with a controlleddelivered dose, at the cellular and multicellular scales, and to visualize the early consequencesonline, iv) modelling these irradiations to explain the biological results using the calculated physical data.The work of these past years has allowed us i) to measure the performances of our system: a beam spotsize of about 2 μm and a targeting accuracy of ± 2 μm, and to develop ion detection systems for an absolutedelivered dose control, ii) to create highly localized radiation-induced DNA damages and to see onlinethe recruitment of DNA repair proteins, iii) to apply these protocols to generate radiation-induced DNAdamages in vivo inside a multicellular organism at the embryonic stage: Caenorhabditis elegans.These results have opened up many perspectives on the study of the interaction between ionizing radiationsand the living, at the cellular and multicellular scales, in vitro and in vivo.

Removal processes in sewage treatment plants : Sludge quality and treatment efficiency of structurally diverse organic compounds

Olofsson, Ulrika January 2012 (has links)
Large and ever-increasing numbers of chemicals, including large quantities of a broad spectrum of organic compounds are used in modern society. More than 30 000 of the more than 100 000 chemical substances registered in the EU are estimated to be daily used, of which many will be discharged into the waste-streams handled by municipal sewage treatment plants (STPs). The main objective of the work underlying this thesis was to improve understanding of the relationships between the characteristics of sewage contaminants and their sewage treatment efficiency. Further objectives were to examine the relationships between socio-economic uses of chemicals and sludge quality, and the effects of regulatory actions on sludge quality. The quality of the sewage sludge and the levels and distribution patterns of the sludge contaminants, both within and between the STPs, seem to remain quite constant over time. The overall findings indicate that the levels of contaminants in sewage sludge seem to be largely independent of the location, size and treatment techniques applied at the STPs, and generally, of the types of human activity connected to them. The total and relative concentrations of the sludge contaminants were found to be fairly constant on a dry weight basis, with some exceptions, indicating that the pollutants originate from broad usage and diffuse dispersion rather than (industrial) point sources. The proportion of cyclic methylsiloxanes recovered in sludge seems to strongly depend on their vapour pressure, which decreases with the number of siloxane units. The higher water solubility and biodegradability of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers than polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were also reflected in lower percentages (relative to their national use) found in sludge. Significant time-trends in levels of a-third of the sludge contaminants included in the annual national measurement program were detected over a period of seven years. The levels of compounds displaying significant time-trends generally decreased following declines in the quantities used nationally. However, a quarter of these compounds showed increasing trends, of which the linear methylsiloxanes followed the same trend as used quantities. The decaBDE was also found to be increasing in sludge, probably as a result of the phase-out of pentaBDE and octaBDE. The results indicate that the STP removal efficiency of anthropogenic substances, in Sweden, is generally good and that STPs, at least those in cold climates, do not efficiently remove certain polar contaminants. A non-targeted screening (by use of environmetrics and GCxGC-TOFMS) was performed and found to fulfil the objective to assess the STP removal efficiency, with emphasis to systematically analyse which compound classes that are not efficiently removed using the current STP technology. Many polar aromatic compounds were identified to be poorly removed. The acquired data on levels, profiles and variations in sludge contaminants (sludge quality) extend both the available information and understanding of the degree and nature of sludge contamination, which should help attempts to track changes in its contaminants and revisions, if necessary, of guideline values. This thesis also contributes to improve the knowledge base for the development of future STP technologies, and that archived sewage sludge can be used in retrospective analysis of new and emerging pollutants.

Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Small Molecule Inhibitors and Small Molecule : Peptide Conjugates as Protein Actors

Nilsson, Jonas January 2005 (has links)
This thesis describes different aspects of protein interactions. Initially the function of peptides and their conjugates with small molecule inhibitors on the surface of Human Carbonic Anhydrase isoenzyme II (HCAII) is evaluated. The affinities for HCAII of the flexible, synthetic helix-loop-helix motif conjugated with a series of spacered inhibitors were measured by fluorescence spectroscopy and found in the best cases to be in the low nM range. Dissociation constants show considerable dependence on linker length and vary from 3000 nM for the shortest spacer to 40 nM for the longest with a minimum of 5 nM for a spacer with an intermediate length. A rationale for binding differences based on cooperativity is presented and supported by affinities as determined by fluorescence spectroscopy. Heteronuclear Single Quantum Correlation Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (HSQC) spectroscopic experiments with 15N-labeled HCAII were used for the determination of the site of interaction. The influence of peptide charge and hydrophobicity was evaluated by surface plasmon resonance experiments. Hydrophobic sidechain branching and, more pronounced, peptide charge was demonstrated to modulate peptide – HCAII binding interactions in a cooperative manner, with affinities spanning almost two orders of magnitude. Detailed synthesis of small molecule inhibitors in a general lead discovery library as well as a targeted library for inhibition of α-thrombin is described. For the lead discovery library 160 members emanate from two N4-aryl-piperazine-2-carboxylic acid scaffolds derivatized in two dimensions employing a combinatorial approach on solid support. The targeted library was based on peptidomimetics of the D-Phe-Pro-Arg showing the scaffolds cyclopropane-1R,2R-dicarboxylic acid and (4-amino-3-oxo-morpholin-2-yl)- acetic acid as proline isosters. Employing 4-aminomethyl-benzamidine as arginine mimic and different hydrophobic amines and electrophiles as D-phenylalanine mimics resulted in 34 compounds showing IC50 values for α-thrombin ranging more than three orders of magnitude with the best inhibitor showing an IC50 of 130 nM. Interestingly, the best inhibitors showed reversed stereochemistry in comparison with a previously reported series employing a 3-oxo-morpholin-2-yl-acetic acid scaffold.

Extracting Genomic Variations using Selector Technology

Isaksson, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes the development and use of a new class of molecular tools called Selector probes, and its potential for investigations of genetic variation. The Selector technology provides multiplex amplification of targeted DNA sequences with a high specificity, and an enrichment factor in the same order of magnitude as PCR. A common feature in this thesis work is to focus the analysis on DNA regions of interest. For example, this technique can be implemented in analysing candidate regions found by whole genome studies that need validation (global to local analysis), and applications requiring detection of rare alleles (common to rare allele), important in for example cancer samples. An assay is presented that allows for fast and simple quantification of relative copy-number variations. The method was proven to be able to detect aneuploidy in chromosome 13, 18, 21 and X, with a resolution enough to distinguish between 4 and 5 copies. The method was successfully applied to solve a biological question regarding a copy-number variation, that explains the Ridge phenotype typical for the dog bread Rhodesian Ridgebacks. The Selector strategy was able to detect and map a tandem duplication with a size of 133 kb, which was characterized with base-pair resolution. A readout platform that facilitates simultaneous digital quantitative analysis of a large numbers of biomolecules is further introduced. The work involves arraying amplified product from successful selection and decoding each molecule by hybridization of fluorophore labeled oligonucleotides. Finally, a genome partitioning method which is applied upstream of next generation sequencing platforms is presented. It is shown that the method provides successful enrichment with 98 % coverage and 94 % specificity and high enrichment uniformity. The technique was applied for mutation analysis of 26 cancer-related genes in tumor cell-lines and tissue.

Synthese und biologische Evaluation neuartiger Duocarmycin-Analoga für eine selektive Krebstherapie / Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Duocarmycin Analogues for Selective Cancer Therapy

Pestel, Galina Farina 19 December 2012 (has links)
Herkömmliche Zytostatika greifen vornehmlich in den Zellzyklus ein und somit werden Zellen mit hoher Proliferationsrate geschädigt. Allerdings fallen hierunter nicht ausschließlich Krebszellen, sondern auch gesunde, schnell proliferierende Gewebearten. Auf Grund dessen verursacht eine klassische Chemotherapie schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen. Neuere Therapieansätze greifen daher geno- sowie phänotypischer Unterschiede zwischen malignen und gesunden Zellpopulationen auf und können selektiv den zytotoxischen Wirkstoff in die Tumorpopulation einbringen. Dazu werden sogenannte Prodrug-Konzepte verfolgt, bei denen ein möglichst „untoxisches” Prodrug gezielt im entarteten Gewebe enzymatisch zum zytotoxischen Wirkstoff (Drug) aktiviert wird. In diesem Rahmen werden Substrate für die Antibody-Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy (ADEPT) hergestellt. Bei diesem Konzept wird eine hohe Tumorspezifität durch Konjugate aus Enzymen und Antikörpern erlangt, indem das Immunglobulin selektiv an tumorassoziierte Antigene bindet und durch das konjugierte Enzym die Drugfreisetzung ermöglicht wird. Die natürlichen zytotoxischen Antibiotika (+)-CC 1065 und (+)-Duocarmycin SA dienen hierbei als Leitstrukturen für die Synthese entsprechender Prodrugs. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden insgesamt zwei neue Duocarmycin-analoge Prodrugs sowie neun neue seco-Drugs synthetisiert, wobei vier Vertreter eine terminale Alkinfunktion aufweisen. Für die Darstellung der Prodrugs wurden auf die Galaktose als Glykosideinheit zurückgegriffen. Zudem wurde ein neuartiges dimeres seco Drug hergestellt, das aus zwei pharmakophoren Einheiten sowie einem verbrückenden Linker mit Alkineinheit besteht. Die jeweiligen Substanzen wurden auf ihre In-vitro-Zytotoxizitäten sowie die Eignung für eine Anwendung im ADEPT-Ansatz evaluiert. Neun der neuen Duocarmycin-Analoga wurden in Form von seco- und Prodrugs wurden im Rahmen des aktivitätsbasierten Protein-Profilings untersucht. Hierbei konnte die Aldehyddehydrogenase 1 als wichtiges Angriffsziel der Duocarmycin-Familie verifiziert werden.

Generierung und Evaluation von modifizierten NK-Zellen mit SDF-1alpha-Chemotaxis und Reaktivität gegen EGFRvIII-positive Gliomzellen

Müller, Nadja 05 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beinhaltet die Generierung und Evaluation von Natürlichen Killerzellen, die EGFRvIII-positive und SDF-1alpha sekretierende primäre Glioblastomzellen aufspüren, erkennen und effizient abtöten können. Die Kombination der gelenkten Zytotoxizität mit einer optimierten Migration von Effektorzellen des Immunsystems wird auf Grundlage der in dieser Arbeit gewonnenen Daten als ein vielversprechender Ansatz für eine zukünftige Therapie des primären Glioblastoms vorgeschlagen.

Molecular Therapy in Urologic Oncology

Fröhner, Michael, Hakenberg, Oliver W., Wirth, Manfred P. 14 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
During recent years, significant advances have been made in the field of molecular therapy in urologic oncology, mainly for advanced renal cell carcinoma. In this hitherto largely treatment-refractory disease, several agents have been developed targeting the von Hippel-Lindau metabolic pathway which is involved in carcinogenesis and progression of the majority of renal cell carcinomas. Although cure may not be expected, new drugs, such as the multikinase inhibitors sorafenib and sunitinib and the mammalian target of rapamycine inhibitor temsirolimus, frequently stabilize the disease course and may improve survival. Fewer data are available supporting molecular therapies in prostate, bladder, and testicular cancers. Preliminary data suggest a potential role of high-dose calcitriol and thalidomide in hormone-refractory prostate cancer, whereas targeted therapies in bladder and testicular cancers are still more or less limited to single-case experiences. The great theoretical potential and the multitude of possible targets and drug combinations, however, support further research into this exciting field of medical treatment of urologic malignancies. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Traque-moi si je le veux : à la recherche d'un cadre juridique entourant la publicité comportementale

Jetté, Virginie 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Caractérisation de bactéries par analyses protéomiques en spectrométrie de masse / Proteomic analysis for bacterial characterisation using mass spectrometry

Cecchini, Tiphaine 02 June 2016 (has links)
Grâce à la spectrométrie de masse de type MALDI-TOF, l'identification des bactéries est maintenant possible en quelques minutes. Mais le taux de mortalité des patients augmente lorsqu'une antibiothérapie inappropriée est utilisée et les instruments MALDI-TOF ne sont pas capables d'analyser rapidement et exhaustivement la résistance bactérienne. Actuellement, 6 à 24 heures sont nécessaires pour déterminer le phénotype de résistance. En couplant une chromatographie liquide et un spectromètre de masse à ionisation électrospray (LC-MS/MS), nous avons identifié les marqueurs de résistance en 1 à 2 heures. En 30 min, nous avons pu détecter les mécanismes de résistance aux β-lactamines, aux glycopeptides, à la méthicilline et aux fluoroquinolones, à l'aide de méthodes de type "Suivi de Réactions Sélectionnées", ou "Selected Reaction Monitoring" (SRM). Au cours de la même analyse multiplexée, des dizaines de protéines peuvent être détectées de façon hautement spécifique et sensible. Comme l'illustre l'étude de la résistance multifactorielle chez Acinetobacter baumannii, cette approche permet en outre une analyse quantitative d'un grand intérêt pour certains mécanismes de résistance. Cependant, malgré ces perspectives attrayantes, la LC-MS/MS reste, aujourd'hui, loin d'une possible implantation en routine dans les laboratoires de microbiologie. Les instruments sont trop coûteux et la technologie trop complexe pour un usage pour du diagnostic in vitro. La spectrométrie de masse pourrait déjà avantageusement compléter les technologies actuelles de biologie moléculaire. Aujourd'hui, le séquençage de nouvelle génération est la méthode de référence pour la caractérisation moléculaire des bactéries. Mais, comme démontré dans ce travail, l'annotation des gènes est perfectible. Pour quelques dizaines d'euros et quelques heures d'analyse, les peptides identifies par spectrométrie de masse facilitent l'assemblage des séquences (« scaffolds ») et la détection des gènes. De surcroît, la spectrométrie de masse permet une quantification précise des protéines. Elle apporte ainsi une nouvelle dimension analytique et une vision moléculaire plus proche du phénotype. En conclusion, la spectrométrie de masse LC-MS/MS peut être une technologie complémentaire attractive, voir une future alternative, à la biologie moléculaire pour la caractérisation des bactéries / Thanks to MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, identification of isolated bacteria is now possible within a few minutes. But doctors also need to rapidly know the phenotype of resistance of the bacteria. Indeed, the patient mortality rate increases when the antibiotherapy is not appropriate. However, MALDI-TOF instruments are not able to analyze antibacterial resistance rapidly and comprehensively.Today, 6 to 24 hours are nedded for antibiotic susceptibility testing. When combining a liquid chromatography and a mass spectrometer with electrospray ionization (LC-MSMS), the detection of resistance biomarkers was possible within 1 to 2 hours. Using a Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) method, resistance mechanisms to beta-lactams, methicillin, glycopeptides and fluoroquinolones were detected in strains within 30 minutes. Tens of resistance determinants can be analyzed in a single multiplexed assay, with high specificity and sensitivity. Illustrated by the study of multifactorial resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii, the technology allows furthermore a quantitative analysis, which is of great value for some resistance mechanisms. Similarly, we identified virulent strains of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli by targeting toxins and serotype biomakers in the same assay. Mass spectrometry offered deeper bacterial characterization than conventional serotyping using polyclonal antibodies. However, despite all these favorable prospects, LC-MS/MS remains today far from reaching a routine use in microbiological hospital laboratories. Instruments are too expensive and the technology is too cumbersome for a daily in vitro diagnostic use. Waiting for a more suitable use, mass spectrometry could yet advantageously complement current molecular technologies. Today, the gold standard to study bacteria at molecular level is next generation sequencing. However, as demonstrated during this work, gene annotation remains imperfect. For tens of euros and few hours of analysis, peptides identified by mass spectrometry analysis of a bacteria might improve scaffold assembly and gene detection. Moreover, mass spectrometry gives an accurate protein quantitation and brings a new analytical dimension, potentially closer to the phenotype than molecular techniques. In conclusion, LC-MS/MS mass spectrometry could be an attractive complementary, or alternative technology in a near future, to conventional molecular biology techniques for deep characterization of bacteria

Hyaluronic Acid Based Biodegradable Polyelectrolyte Nanocapsules and Modified Protein Nanoparticles for Targeted Delivery of Anticancer Agents

Sreeranjini, P January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Targeted delivery aids in minimizing most of the drug-originated systemic toxic effects as well as improving the pharmacokinetic properties of anticancer therapeutics. Tumor targeting using hyaluronic acid (HA) as the targeting ligand has attracted a great deal of interest among a host of strategies developed to target the overexpressed tumor specific receptors. HA is an endogenous molecule that possesses a lot of biological functions in the human body. The role of HA synthases, HA degrading enzymes and the interaction of HA with its primary receptor CD44 in tumor metastasis and angiogenesis is really complex and controversial to date. However, overexpression of CD44receptors on tumor surface has been well studied, which have been utilized to direct tumor targeted drugs. Most of the HA based targeting systems were HA drug conjugates and surface modified colloidal carriers which required covalent modification. The lack of accurate structural characterization of these systems resulted in modification of HA binding sites that could affect the efficient cellular uptake. LbL technique is a simple and facile method to incorporate several materials into polyelectrolyte assemblies for drug delivery applications. HA being a negatively charged polysaccharide can be easily incorporated into such systems without any covalent modification. Although HA based polyelectrolyte multilayer films and microcapsules have been reported in combination with polycations like PAH, PLL and chitosan, their application as targeted drug delivery systems have not yet been explored. Herein, two LbL architectures with HA as the terminal layer have been investigated as targeted drug carriers, which can recognize overexpressed CD44 receptors in metastatic breast cancer cells. In the first part of the thesis, a novel polyelectrolyte nanocapsule system composed of biopolymers HA and protamine sulphate (PR) as the wall components was prepared and characterized. These pH and enzyme responsive nanocapsules were then utilized for efficient loading and release of anticancer drug doxorubicin (dox). Higher drug release was observed in simulated intracellular conditions like acidic pH and presence of hyaluronidase enzyme as compared to physiological pH. In the second part of the thesis, dox incorporated bovine serum albumin (BSA) nanoparticles modified with HA-Poly(l-Lysine) multilayers were developed and characterized. The drug release pattern of the dox loaded BSA nanoparticles was found to depend on the presence of a protease enzyme trypsin than pH variations. Both of these drug delivery systems were then evaluated for their cell targeting efficiency and cytotoxicity in CD44+ positive metastatic breast cancer cell line MDA MB 231. The final layer HA facilitated targeted delivery of these drug carriers via CD44 receptor mediated endocytosis. The enhanced cellular uptake followed by sustained delivery of dox by virtue of slow intracellular enzymatic degradation of the drug carriers resulted in their improved cytotoxicity as compared to free dox. Further in vitro biodistribution and tumor suppression efficiency of both the systems were studied in breast cancer xenograft models using BALB/c nude mice. Enhance accumulation of dox in the tumor tissue and significant tumor reduction were observed when treated with encapsulated dox using the HA based nanocarriers as opposed to free dox.

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