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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etik och utmaning. : Om lärande av bemötande i professionsutbildning

Croona, Gill January 2003 (has links)
During recent years there have been noticeable shortcomings in the human encounter of people seeking some form of health care in Sweden. This is something that affects professional education within ‘the welfare state’ and implies that human expectations, societal demands and questions about knowledge, basic values and competence have become pedagogically interesting. The basic aim of the dissertation is - to contribute to a practically, relevant and theoretical in-depth understanding of the learning and teaching of ethics in professional education. By taking nursing education as an example and focussing on the human encounter of the person seeking care, the dissertation aims - by analysis of the pedagogic practice and from a critical-theoretical perspective – to provide a foundation for such an understanding. The research perspective includes a social-philosophical point of departure with a focus on Mead’s interactional view of learning and Habermas’s critical theory of social communication. Methodologically an emphasis is placed on discourse analysis. The results demonstrate how the learning and teaching of ethics in human encounters can be understood as a question of communication of both knowledge and values. In the theoretical reconstruction that follows it is shown how pedagogic actions, learning and competence can be understood as communication of and in particular contextual discourses. The six discourses are: ‘the efficiency-related discourse’, ‘the expert-related discourse’, the ‘care-related discourse’, ‘the communicative-related discourse’, ‘the egocentric discourse’ and ‘the ethnocentric discourse’, all of which are mutually related to each other. The contextual discourses focus on different values. Those that are most conducive to creating pleasant human encounters are the communicative- and the care-related discourses, which also form the foundation for the pedagogic recommendation that makes up the concluding discussion of the dissertation. The recommendation concerns a pedagogical practice that affirms, pays attention to, safeguards and challenges and thus generates creativity, as well as the legitimacy of pluralism. To engage in stimulating pedagogical discussion means being committed, taking responsibility and practicing solidarity in the profession of education. Such a ‘deliberative pedagogy’ creates possibilities for people to develop solidarity of judgement in a society that increasingly demanding that. In conclusion, the recommendation for a new and challenging human encounter-ethical-pedagogy is intended to show that ‘ideals can be realistic’. Normative recommendations do not have to be abstract visions of the future, but can be looked upon as means of focussing on alternative actions, that despite the difficulties are possible to realise – here and now.

Ville amma! : En hermeneutisk studie av mödrar med amningsbesvär; deras upplevelser, problemhantering samt amningskonsultativa möten / I wanted to breastfeed! : A Hermeneutical Study of Mothers with Breastfeeding Problems; Their Experiences, Coping Strategies, and Consultative Meetings with Midwives

Zwedberg, Sofia January 2010 (has links)
The focus is on mothers who asked for help because of initial problems with breastfeeding, i.e., their feelings and experiences, how they cope with their difficulties, and the consultative meetings with a midwife. Taking as a point of departure the ideas that mothers have about breastfeeding, the aim is to describe how mothers experience their situation and themselves as new mothers, when they have problems with breastfeeding, and, to find out how mothers experience the consultative situation as well as their own participation and responsibility. Fourteen mothers, who expressed a wish to breastfeed and who asked for help during their stay in the maternity ward, were video-taped during individual consultations with a midwife. Three months later each mother was interviewed about her experiences and feelings as regards the consultations. The outcomes were analysed according to a hermeneutical approach, from an interactionist perspective and, in addition, using crisis theory as a theoretical basis. This thesis illuminates the interactionist perspective on three different system levels: the norms in society in relation to the mother’s expectations about breastfeeding, the mother’s intra-psychological process and the consultative meeting. The results demonstrate that the women had thought of breastfeeding as a ‘door opener’ into the new role of motherhood. When the mother instead encountered a breastfeeding situation that did not meet with her expectations, there were two things that stood out very clearly; i.e., a feeling of inadequacy, and a constant internal as well as external questioning of herself. The fact that breastfeeding did not turn out as expected could also trigger a crisis reaction. It was important that the mother had a feeling that the midwife understood her, so what she was talking about became meaningful. This in turn could lead to a shift in attitude so that the mother changed from a closed position to an open and, thus, could begin to look forward. If breastfeeding did not turn out the way the mother had hoped her self-image was influenced and ‘coming into existence” as a mother was more difficult. To be involved and responsible had different meanings depending on where the mother was in the process, which meant that the mothers wanted different kinds of support on the way. One condition for making this possible was the consultative meeting in a manner of reciprocity.

Framväxten av sjuksköterskan som omvårdnadsexpert : Meningsskapande om vård under 1900-talet

Rehn, Helena January 2008 (has links)
This dissertion is focused on the concept of caring and its historical development. The aim is to examine the meaning making processes involved in shaping the caring practice in the twentieth century by pointing out and analysing conceptions of caring in texts. The study is based on analyses of union publications, textbooks and texts produced by Swedish governmental committees. Theoretically and methodologically this study is inspired by Norman Fairclough, his critical discourse analysis and his views on meaning, language, change and power relations. The analysis shows that two separate constructions of meaning have dominated the twentieth century. During the first half of the twentieth century, medical science was the chief influence on caring, the idea being that caring should be supplementary to medical practice. Both nurses and nurse's assistants have contributed to this concept of meaning. In the sixties, however, something happened. Old and predominant views on caring are being rejected and questioned by the nurses. The dominant medical discourse is being problemized. Ideas from discourses formally marginalized are being employed by nurses and the governmental committees. The importance of satisfying needs, not just medical ones, and a holistic view on caring are now being stressed. The patient, not the doctor, is thereby focused in the caring practice. The meaning of caring changes from a doing with the body inte a special attitude to the patient. "Omvårdnad" (nursing) is more and more the term around which meaning is evolving.

En litteraturstudie om attityder gentemot homosexuella, bisexuella och transpersoner inom sjukvården

Forsgren, Anna, Svanlund, Emil January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrund: I ett samhälle där heteronormativiteten är en norm kan homosexuella personer vara mer eller mindre öppna med sin sexuella läggning och negativa erfarenheter av tidigare vård kan leda till att vård söks i mindre utsträckning. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa attityder i sjukvården gentemot homosexuella, bisexuella och transpersoner. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie gjordes som inkluderade 15 vetenskapliga artiklar. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultat: Tre kategorier och fem subkategorier identifierades. Kategorier: Bemötande, Kommunikation samt Kunskap. SubKategorier: Vårdpersonalens attityder, Vårdstudenternas attityder, Patienternas attityder, Att våga berätta om sin sexualitet samt Utbildning. Resultatet visar att god kunskap om homosexuella, bisexuella och transpersoner inverkar positivt på vårdpersonalens attityder gentemot dessa personer. Resultatet belyser även vikten av god, icke-heteronormativ kommunikation i vården. Diskussion: Att ge vårdpersonal och vårdstudenter utbildning om hur homosexuella, bisexuella och transpersoner lever sina liv samt att ge dem erfarenhet av möten med dessa patienter kan leda till ett bättre bemötande, minskade negativa attityder samt en mer holistisk vård. Slutsats: Negativa attityder gentemot homosexuella, bisexuella samt transpersoner hos vårdpersonal leder till att de riskerar att få en sämre vård än heterosexuella patienter.

Folk som pratar o pennor som rasslar : – om hur elever med neuropsykiatrisk diagnos upplever skoltiden / People talking and pencils scratching : – how pupils with neuropsychiatric diagnoses experience their time in school

Brolin, Rosita January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka hur elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder upplever tiden i grund- och gymnasieskolan. Mina frågeställningar handlade om i vilka sammanhang eleverna upplevde svårigheter kopplade till funktionshindren, på vilka sätt skolan visade förståelse för dessa svårigheter, hur skolan löste de problem som uppstod, vad skolan kunde ha gjort mer samt vilka starka sidor hos eleverna som var betydelsefulla i skolan. Jag intervjuade sex ungdomar i åldrarna 18 - 21 år. Jag använde mig av halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet, som analyserades ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv, visade att eleverna upplevde svårigheter i skolan i flera olika sammanhang. Stora klasser och störande ljud i klassrummet förvärrade elevernas koncentrationssvårigheter. Projektarbeten utan strikta ramar och att tvingas redovisa inför klassen utgjorde ett stort hinder för flera av eleverna, medan undervisning på för låg nivå ledde till bristande studiemotivation. Under högstadietiden upplevde eleverna stress och svårigheter att hitta till klassrummen. Annat som medförde problem var bland annat fobier, sömnstörningar och att delta i skolidrotten. Utanförskap och mobbing i elevgrupperna var vanligt förekommande. Även lärare utsatte eleverna för kränkande särbehandling genom utpekande handlingar, skuldbeläggande och bestraffningar. Eleverna upplevde att de oftast möttes av oförståelse och okunskap från skolan. Endast enstaka lärare visade förståelse. Skolans åtgärder sattes oftast in väldigt sent och lösningarna på problemen blev därför kortvariga. Vissa åtgärder gjorde till och med större skada än nytta. Eleverna berättade om sina starka sidor och menade att dessa hjälpte dem genom åren i skolan. Av resultatet framgick att mindre klasser, men också kunskap hos lärarna och förmågan att samtala med eleverna och lyssna på dem, är viktiga medel för att kunna ta tag i problemen på ett tidigt stadium och skapa en skola för alla. / The purpose of this qualitative study was to get knowledge of experiences of the years in compulsory school and upper secondary school by pupils with neuropsychiatric disabilities. The questions dealt with when and where in school the pupils had difficulties connected to their neuropsychiatric disabilities, in what way they were met with understanding for their difficulties, how the school solved the problems, what the school could have done more and what qualities the pupils possessed that helped in school. I interviewed six youngsters in the ages of 18 - 21. I used half-structured interviews. The result was analysed in a sociocultural perspective and showed that the pupils had difficulties in many ways at school. Big classes and noises in the classroom made their concentration difficulties worse. Projects in school without strict directions as well as appearances before the class became huge barriers for some of the pupils, while teaching at a too low level led to a lack of motivation. In upper level of compulsory school the pupils felt stress and difficulties in finding classrooms. Some other problems were phobias, insomnia and participating in school gymnastics. Bullying and exclusion from fellowship was usual. Even teachers were insulting the pupils by indicating them as outsiders, blaming them for their difficulties and punishing them. The pupils experienced that they were mostly met with misunderstanding and a lack of knowledge from the school. Just a few teachers were sympathetic. The school mostly took measures very late and the solutions therefore became short-lived. Some of the measures made the problems even worse. The pupils told me about their strong sides that helped them through school. The result showed that smaller classes as well as teachers knowledge and ability to converse and listen to the pupils are important instruments to be able to face the problems in an early phase and create a school for all kinds of minds.

Delaktighet i vården : Patienters och sjuksköterskors upplevelser / Participation in care : Patients’ and nurses’ experiences

Grimslätt, Cristina, Gustafsson, Emma January 2011 (has links)
Hur patienter och sjuksköterskor upplever delaktighet i vården är en viktig aspekt för att kunna vidareutveckla och främja patientens delaktighet i vården. Syftet med studien var att undersöka upplevelser av patientens delaktighet ur ett patient- och sjuksköterskeperspektiv. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie och grundar sig på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultaten visade att patienters upplevelser av patientdelaktighet innefattade att bli sedd och respekterad som en egen individ. Ett inbjudande klimat där sjuksköterskan var lyhörd och där relationen mellan parterna var jämlik upplevdes viktigt. Sjuksköterskor upplevde att det var viktigt med ett empatiskt förhållningssätt där etablerandet av en fungerande relation var grundläggande. Detta innebar ett respektfullt bemötande där patienter uppmuntrades och värdesattes. En bra kommunikation och ett givande och tagande mellan båda parter samt individanpassad och tillräcklig information var viktigt. Både patienter och sjuksköterskor upplevde att det fanns hinder för delaktighet vilka bland annat var tidsbrist, brist på kontinuitet och begränsade val. Det är viktigt att lyfta patientens delaktighet i sjuksköterskeutbildningen. I vårdverksamheten kan daglig reflektion vara ett sätt för sjuksköterskor att bibehålla medvetenhet om vikten av patientens delaktighet. Det vore önskvärt med vidare forskning som förklarar varför det finns brister i patientens delaktighet och vinsterna med patientens delaktighet. / How patients and nurses experience participation in care is an important aspect to advance and improve the patient’s participation in care. The aim with the study was to investigate experiences of the patient’s participation from a patient and nurse perspective. The study was performed as a systematic literature study and is based on 14 scientific articles. The results showed that patients’ experiences of patient participation included to be seen and respected as an own individual. An inviting environment where the nurse was sensitive and where the relation was equal between the parts was experienced as important. Nurses experienced that it was important to have an empathic approach where establishing of a functional relation was essential. This meant a respectful manner where patients were encouraged and recognized. A good communication, a giving and taking between the parts and individual and adequate information was important. Both patients and nurses experienced lack of time, lack of continuity and limited choices as hindrances for participation. It is important to raise patient participation in nurse education. Daily reflection in nursing care can be one way for nurses to maintain awareness of the importance of patient participation. It would be desirable with further research which can explain why there are shortages with patient participation and the benefits with patient participation.

A comparative study of the similarities and differences of opinions of nurse faculty in selected associate degree and diploma in nursing programs in the United States and Canada as related to specific aspects of community/technical college programs in nursing

Roessler, Grayce Maurine, January 1976 (has links)
Thesis--University of California, Los Angeles. / Spine title: Nursing programs in the United States and Canada. Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 227-234).

Clinical educators' adoption of socioculturally-based teaching strategies

Phillips, Janet Martha. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana University, 2009. / Title from screen (viewed on August 28, 2009). School of Nursing, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): Pamela Ironside, Anna McDaniel. Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 177-197).

Formação e avaliação de competência na área de enfermagem pediátrica: perspectiva de docentes universitários. / Training and evaluation of competence in the area of pediatric nursing: perspective of university teachers.

Regino, Daniela da Silva Garcia 27 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by DANIELA DA SILVA GARCIA REGINO null (garciaregino@gmail.com) on 2018-03-24T19:40:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE - TEXTO PARCIAL.pdf: 620403 bytes, checksum: ae510b07baa883eda25e7aedef84895e (MD5) / Rejected by Luciana Pizzani null (luciana@btu.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: problema 1: enviar arquivo com a tese completa e não somente o arquivo parcial. Assim que tiver efetuado a correção submeta o arquivo em PDF novamente. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2018-03-27T12:43:00Z (GMT) / Submitted by DANIELA DA SILVA GARCIA REGINO null (garciaregino@gmail.com) on 2018-03-28T20:22:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE PÓS DEFESA - FINAL.pdf: 1341813 bytes, checksum: 64e0b37c76fb525b796d50b25a914740 (MD5) / Rejected by ROSANGELA APARECIDA LOBO null (rosangelalobo@btu.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: problema 1: no arquivo submetido a capa não está de acordo com as normas do programa. Assim que tiver efetuado essa correção submeta o arquivo, em PDF, novamente. Agradecemos a compreensão on 2018-03-29T17:50:21Z (GMT) / Submitted by DANIELA DA SILVA GARCIA REGINO null (garciaregino@gmail.com) on 2018-03-30T14:35:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE FINAL COM CAPA CORRETA.pdf: 1246996 bytes, checksum: 9acee55fcf81854455212b5a889e87fe (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ROSANGELA APARECIDA LOBO null (rosangelalobo@btu.unesp.br) on 2018-04-02T18:06:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 regino_dsg_dr_bot.pdf: 1246996 bytes, checksum: 9acee55fcf81854455212b5a889e87fe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-02T18:06:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 regino_dsg_dr_bot.pdf: 1246996 bytes, checksum: 9acee55fcf81854455212b5a889e87fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-27 / Resumo REGINO, D.S.G. Formação e avaliação de competência na área da Enfermagem pediátrica: perspectiva de docentes universitários. 2018. 110 f. Tese (Doutorado em Enfermagem) - Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, 2018. Introdução: este estudo apresenta como tema a formação e a avaliação de competência profissional em cursos de graduação em enfermagem, elegendo como objeto a formação e avaliação de competência na área de enfermagem pediátrica. Objetivo: analisar a formação e a avaliação de competência profissional na enfermagem pediátrica, a ser desenvolvida por cursos públicos de graduação em enfermagem do Estado de São Paulo. Método: pesquisa exploratória, com análise qualitativa de dados, que adotou como referencial teórico os postulados do processo ensino-aprendizagem de Philippe Perrenoud e as premissas das proposições oficiais educacionais e de atenção à saúde da criança, correlatas e vigentes. Realizou-se, inicialmente, revisão integrativa da literatura nacional e internacional dos últimos cinco anos sobre formação e avaliação de competência profissional do enfermeiro. Na sequência, foi realizada análise documental dos projetos políticos pedagógicos de cursos públicos de graduação em enfermagem do estado citado, no que se relaciona ao tema em foco. Por fim, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas gravadas com 16 professores de enfermagem pediátrica de seis cursos, com mesmos perfis de mantenedoras e de compromisso sócio sanitário, com facilidade para o acesso aos aspectos descritos dos projetos políticos pedagógicos (PPP) nos respectivos websites, de modo a identificar as perspectivas de formação e avaliação de competência de seus egressos. visando apreender suas concepções e experiências sobre o assunto. Aos dados de cunho qualitativo foram aplicadas técnicas de análise de conteúdo, na vertente temática, proposto por Lawrence Bardin. Esta pesquisa obteve aprovação por comitê de ética em pesquisa local. (Parecer n°1.526.327). Resultados: a análise dos 20 artigos possibilitou a identificação de duas categorias “Estratégias para a formação de competência profissional durante a graduação em Enfermagem” e “Aspectos a serem considerados na avaliação da aquisição da competência profissional pelos estudantes de graduação em enfermagem”. A análise dos seis projetos políticos pedagógicos estudados revelou a aproximação do perfil desejado do egresso, ao conteúdo proposto, à utilização de métodos de aprendizagem e à perspectiva sobre trabalho em saúde e divergiram quanto aos objetivos do curso de enfermagem, à organização curricular e especialmente às características da avaliação do desempenho do estudante. Foram apreendidas as concepções e as experiências de professoras de enfermagem pediátrica e sistematizadas em cinco principais temas, sendo; definição de competência, atributos para atuar com crianças, avanços na formação de competência profissional, desafios para viabilizar a formação de competência profissional pediátrica e métodos e instrumentos para a avaliação da aquisição de competência para atuar na área de enfermagem pediátrica Considerações finais: tomando por base o apontado pela literatura revisada, verificou-se consonância entre as propostas políticas, pedagógicas e técnicas dos projetos políticos pedagógicos das instituições e as concepções e experiências das professoras quanto a vários aspectos da formação e avaliação de competência profissional do enfermeiro na área de enfermagem pediátrica. Constatando-se diferenças entre o que foi identificado nas instituições e o apreendido junto às respectivas professoras. Os depoimentos obtidos se aproximaram ao indicado pela literatura revisada na valorização da participação ativa e corresponsável dos estudantes para o desenvolvimento de competência profissional. Pelos achados, pode-se inferir que se faz necessário investir em processos institucionais de revisão de seus projetos político-pedagógicos e de capacitação docente, de modo a subsidiarem suficientemente a formação e avaliação de estudantes de enfermagem nas diferentes dimensões da competência profissional da área pediátrica, com destaque à atitudinal. / Introduction: This study presents as a theme a training and assessment of professional competence in nursing undergraduate courses, electing as an object of training and assessment of competence in the area of pediatric nursing. Objective: to analyze a training and an evaluation of professional competence in pediatric nursing, to be developed by public undergraduate courses in nursing in the State of São Paulo. Method: exploratory research, with analytical data analysis, as adopted as theoretical reference of the post-launches of Philippe Perrenoud’s teachinglearning and the premises of normative educational proposals and child’s health care, related and current. Initially, an integrative review of the national and international literature of the last five years on the training and evaluation of the professional competence nurses was carried out. Afterwards, a documentary analysis of the political pedagogical projects of nursing undergraduate public courses in the mentioned state was concluded as relate in the subject in focus. Finally, semistructured interviews were conducted with pediatric nursing teachers of the author's rights, aiming at learning their conceptions and experiences about the subject. To the qualitative data were applied techniques of content analysis, in the thematic area, proposed by Lawrence Bardin. This research was approved by a local research ethics committee. (Opinion No. 1,526,327). Results: the analysis of the 20 articles reviewed allowed an identification of training structure and evaluation of professional competence. The analysis of the six pedagogical political projects studied revealed convergences and divergences in several points relevant to a thematic has studied. They were apprehended as concepts and as experiences of 16 pediatric nursing teachers and systematized in five main themes that defined competence and attributes relevant to nurses to work with children, advances and challenges to enable competency training and methods and instruments for an assessment of acquisition competency to act in the area of pediatric nursing. Final considerations: based on what was pointed out in the revised literature, there was a consonance between the political, pedagogical and technical proposals of the pedagogical political projects of the institutions and the concepts and experiences of teachers regarding the various methods of training and evaluation of the professional competence of nurses in the area of pediatric nursing. It is possible to distinguish between the institutions identified and those apprehended with the respective teachers. The testimonials obtained approximate the one indicated by the revised literature in the valuation of participation and correction of students for the development of professional competence. Based on the findings, it can be inferred if it is necessary to invest in institutional processes to review their political-pedagogical projects and teacher training, in order to subsidize, the training and evaluation of nursing students in the different dimensions of the professional competence of the pediatric area , with emphasis on the attitudinal.

A forma??o de conceitos no ensino de gradua??o em enfermagem ? luz da teoria da aprendizagem significativa / Concept formation in undergraduate nursing in light of the theory of meaningful learning

Pinto, Diana Paula de Souza Rego 06 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:47:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DianaPSRP_DISSERT.pdf: 1983058 bytes, checksum: 8cdb5cc83ffeab4af810817c50b79019 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-06 / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte / The Theory of Meaningful Learning (TML) described by David Paul Ausubel offers a proposal for the teaching strategies to provide a more active and effective student learning. The projection of the TML practice is demonstrated through the development of concept maps (CM) technique, created by Joseph Donald Novak, which presents as a strategy, method or schematic feature, which is an indicator to identify the cognitive organization of the knowledge acquired by students. The survey was conducted in the light of TML in relation to learning concepts involving students of undergraduate nursing in a public university in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Thus, the study aimed to compare the concept learning of students of undergraduate nursing, when subjected to different forms of education, to point approaches that promote more effective and meaningful results. It was a quasi - experimental study with a qualitative analysis, conducted with students of the Undergraduate Nursing of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), approved by the Research Ethics Committee/UFRN Certification of Presention for Ethics Appreciation (CPEA) in 11706412.3.0000.5537. The study took place at two different times and involved content on complications mediate postoperative surgical wound in the same discipline with students who attended the 5th semester of the degree course in Nursing. For the viability of data collection, in the second half of 2013, we used the technique of CM, to represent the concept of complications mediate postoperative surgical wound covered in the classroom. CM were built at a different time from that of the discipline, with the support of tutors and preceded by a brief description and explanation about the form of preparation and application. In this study were subjected, 31 students of undergraduate nursing, registered in the discipline of Integral Attention to health I. In the first stage, 18 students participated in the survey, they had the teaching intervention based on TML, and in the second stage, all students participated in the lesson provided curriculum with the responsible teacher of the subject, on the same issue occurred. At the end of each meeting, the students 11 developed concept maps with the aid of software Cmap Tools?. Data analysis happened upon the technique of content analysis, supported by a conceptual map "glass", previously developed by researchers and aid in the preparation of the categories in which the concepts found were classified. The study found that the teaching intervention based on TML with the help of CM, managed to develop in students a more expressive teaching learning process than just classroom curriculum with the traditional teaching method, and also that the association between the intervention motion teaching with the traditional method and the use of the technique of CM encourages the student the ability to articulate the various acquired knowledge as well as apply them in real situations / A Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa (TAS) descrita por David Paul Ausubel oferece uma proposta para que as estrat?gias de ensino proporcionem ao estudante um aprendizado mais ativo, de forma mais eficaz. A proje??o pr?tica da TAS ? demonstrada por meio da t?cnica de elabora??o de mapas conceituais (MC), criada por Joseph Donald Novak, que os apresenta como estrat?gia, m?todo ou recurso esquem?tico, que constitui um indicador para identificar a organiza??o cognitiva do conhecimento adquirido pelos estudantes. A pesquisa foi realizada ? luz da TAS em rela??o ? aprendizagem de conceitos que envolveu estudantes do curso de gradua??o em Enfermagem de uma Universidade p?blica do estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Dessa forma, o estudo objetivou comparar a aprendizagem de conceitos dos estudantes do curso de gradua??o em Enfermagem, quando submetidos a formas distintas de ensino, de modo que aponta abordagens que promovam resultados significativos. Trata-se de um estudo quase experimental, com an?lise qualitativa, realizado com estudantes do Curso de Gradua??o em Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), aprovado pelo Comit? de ?tica em Pesquisa/UFRN, com Certificado de Apresenta??o para Aprecia??o ?tica (CAAE) no. 11706412.3.0000.5537. O estudo ocorreu em dois momentos distintos e envolveu conte?dos sobre complica??es de p?s-operat?rio mediato da ferida cir?rgica, de uma mesma disciplina, com estudantes que cursavam o 5o semestre letivo do curso de gradua??o em Enfermagem. Para viabiliza??o da coleta de dados, ocorrida no segundo semestre de 2013, utilizou-se ? t?cnica de MC, para representarem o conceito de complica??es de p?s-operat?rio mediato da ferida cir?rgica, abordado em sala de aula. Os MC foram constru?dos em um hor?rio diferente do hor?rio da disciplina, com o apoio de monitores e precedido por uma breve explana??o acerca da descri??o e forma de elabora??o e aplica??o deles. Foram sujeitos deste estudo 31 alunos do curso de gradua??o em enfermagem, 9 matriculados na disciplina de Aten??o Integral ? sa?de I. Na primeira etapa, participaram da pesquisa 18 alunos, estes tiveram a interven??o de ensino baseadas na TAS, e na segunda etapa, participaram todos os estudantes, na qual ocorreu a aula prevista curricularmente com a docente respons?vel da disciplina, sobre o mesmo assunto. Ao final de cada encontro, os estudantes elaboraram os mapas conceituais com aux?lio do Software Cmap Tools?. A an?lise dos dados foi realizada mediante a t?cnica de an?lise de conte?dos, subsidiada por um mapa conceitual espelho , previamente desenvolvido pelos pesquisadores, e aux?lio na elabora??o das categorias em que os conceitos encontrados foram classificados. O estudo descobriu que a interven??o de ensino baseada na TAS com aux?lio dos MC conseguiu desenvolver nos alunos um processo de ensino aprendizagem mais expressivo do que apenas a aula curricular com o m?todo tradicional de ensino, e ainda a associa??o da interven??o de ensino proposta com o m?todo tradicional e o uso da t?cnica de MC estimula no aluno a capacidade de articular os diversos conhecimentos aprendidos assim como aplic?-los em situa??es reais

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