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The relationship between personality variables and work performance of credit controllers in a bankCoetzee, Olga 30 November 2003 (has links)
The primary aim of the research has been to determine whether there is a relationship between personality variables as measured by the Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32i) and the work performance of credit controllers in a bank. Work performance was measured by means of internal company data sources. A literature review was used to verify whether there is a theoretical relationship between personality and work performance and strong evidence was found.
The sample consisted of 89 credit controllers. The relationship between personality variables and work performance was determined by means of correlation studies and multiple regression analyses. Results are reported both in terms of statistical significance and effect sizes.
Key terms: personality, work performance, credit control, personality trait theory, Sixteen Personality Factors questionnaire (16PF), Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ). / Industrial and Organizational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial Psychology)
1102 |
Thierry Maulnier : de la Jeune Droite révolutionnaire à l'ordre établi ? / Thierry Maulnier : from the revolutionary young right to established order ?Morel, Ludovic 25 November 2013 (has links)
De l'Action française, qu'il rejoint à la fin des années vingt, à l'Académie française, où il est élu en signe de consécration ultime pour une carrière littéraire remplie d'honneurs, le parcours intellectuel de Thierry Maulnier semble s'inscrire entre ces deux extrémités que sont le combat politique pour l'avènement d'une « révolution aristocratique », au côté d'une Jeune Droite d'inspiration maurrassienne, et l'accès à une certaine notabilité intellectuelle au sein d'institutions garantes de l'ordre établi. Entre les deux se situe le moment de la Libération, qui serait celui où Maulnier se rallie au système, après avoir trahi ses anciens camarades. Cette interprétation commune est toutefois aussi trompeuse que l?étiquette de dissident de l'Action française qui lui a été attribuée jusqu'à présent. Dans les années trente, Thierry Maulnier cherche sa propre voie dans les domaines économiques et sociaux pour trouver une alternative à une démocratie libérale et capitaliste qu'il abhorre, en vagabondant d'un mouvement à un autre, sans jamais quitter les parages de l'Action française. Mais la période de Vichy et l'Occupation allemande entraînent un bouleversement profond dans sa conception du monde, qui le conduit à s'éloigner de Maurras à la Libération. Poursuivant désormais son itinéraire en solitaire, loin d'une Jeune Droite dont il lui arrive de croiser encore quelquefois les animateurs dans certaines revues auxquelles il collabore, il s'engage dans de nouvelles formes d'expression artistiques et intellectuelles, comme le théâtre, sans renier son passé. Mais, au-delà des évolutions politiques réelles, ce parcours intellectuel singulier se caractérise par de nombreuses persistances, visibles dans les combats qu'il mène contre le communisme et le totalitarisme, la décolonisation, et pour la défense d'une civilisation occidentale, dont la crise s'est à ses yeux aggravée. Les soixante années de vie intellectuelle de Maulnier sont une fenêtre ouverte sur l'histoire du vingtième siècle et les mouvements politiques qu'il fréquente. / From the Action Française Movement, which he joins in the late 20's, to the AcadémieFrançaise, who elect him to a seat with them, and so consecrate his much honored literary career, Thierry Maulnier seems to have navigated between two extreme goals ; namely, promoting an "aristocratic revolution", siding with a "Young Right Movement" inspired by Maurras, and, later on, achieving some intellectual status within the Establishment. Then there comes the year of "Liberation" (of France from the nazi grip), when he is said to have joined in the System, thus betraying his former friends ; however, this well-spread interpretation is as faulty as the label "dissident from the Action Française", that has stuck to him to this day. In the 1930's, Thierry Maulnier explores the economic and social fields to situate himself and to find an alternative for the liberal/capitalistic democracy he cannot stand. The years of Vichy Government, and the German ocupation of France,brought a deep change in his vision of the world, a change that took him away from Maurras ; from then on, he continues his lonely course, far from the Young Right members, though he may meet some of their names in the reviews in which he is a contributor ; he gets involved in other forms of artistic and intellectual expression, such as drama ; yet, he will never reject or denounce his past. In spite of some genuine changes in his political postures, this singular intellectual route displays many persistent ideas, recognizable in his fights against communism, totalitarianism, decolonizing, in his defense of Western civilization that is sinking, according to him. Maulnier's six decades of intellectual life are like a window open on the XXth century history, and on the political trends he is acquainted with.
1103 |
Peuplements et échanges entre Gaule interne et Gaule méditerranéenne dans le sud-est du Massif central à la fin du Second âge du fer (160 - 25 avant J. C.) / Populating and exchanging between internal Gaul and Mediterranean Gaul in the southeast of Massif Central at the end of the Second Iron Age (160-25 before J.-C.)Kurzaj, Marie-Caroline 26 November 2012 (has links)
Cette étude propose une synthèse relative à la fin du second âge du Fer (160-25 av. J.-C.) dans le sud-est Massif central. La zone géographique considérée recoupe plusieurs régions (Auvergne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Rhône-Alpes) et départements (Ardèche, Gard, Loire, Haute-Loire, Lozère, Rhône). Durant la fin du second âge du Fer, cette région rassemble les territoires de deux entités culturelles : la Gaule indépendante (Gabales, Ségusiaves et Vellaves) et la Gaule méditerranéenne (Allobroges, Helviens, Ségovellaunes et Volques Arécomiques). L’objectif de ce travail est de proposer une vision globale des faciès de mobiliers, de l’occupation du sol et des dynamiques commerciales dans cet espace géographique. Cette démarche repose sur une nouvelle lecture critique des données archéologiques accumulées dans cette région depuis le XIXe siècle. Le plan adopté comprend trois chapitres. Le premier présente le cadre, le contexte et l’approche méthodologique de l’étude. Le deuxième chapitre est consacré à l’examen détaillé des données selon deux grandes thématiques : la culture matérielle et les formes de l’occupation. Le troisième chapitre offre une synthèse, une confrontation des données et une mise en perspective des caractéristiques de cette région. Les principaux marqueurs de la culture matérielle sont exposés et un modèle de structuration hiérarchique de l’occupation est proposé à partir d’une classification des différentes catégories d’habitat. Enfin, les résultats de l’analyse des mobiliers et de l’occupation du sol sont mis en commun afin de mettre en perspective les marqueurs de l’organisation territoriale spécifiques au sud-est du Massif Central. / This study provides a synthesis about the ending period of the second Iron Age (160-25 BC) in the southeast Massif Central. The geographical zone that I study here includes several regions (Auvergne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Rhône-Alpes) and departments (the Ardèche, the Gard, the Loire, the Haute-Loire, the Lozère, the Rhône). During the ending period of the second Iron Age, this region gathers the territories of two cultural entities: the independent Gaul (Gabali, Segusiavi and Vellavi) and the Mediterranean Gaul (Allobroges, Helvii, Segalauni and Volcae Arecomici). The aim of this study thus is to offer a global vision of furniture facies, land use and commercial dynamics in this geographical area. This initiative bases itself on a recent critical reading of the archaeological data accumulated in this region since the 19th century.The plan adopted is made of three chapters.The first one aims at presenting the frame, the context and the methodological approach of the study. The second chapter is dedicated to the detailed examination of the data according to two important subjects: the material culture and the occupation types.The third chapter offers a synthesis and a confrontation of the data.The characteristics of this region are compared here.The main markers of the material culture are exposed and a model of hierarchical structuring of the occupation is proposed from a classification of the various categories of housing environment. Finally, the results of the analysis of furniture and land use are shared, in order to compare the specific markers of the territorial organization in the southeast of Massif Central.
1104 |
Pontos e fluxos: apropriações dos espaços urbanos de uso públicoPontes, Pollenya Rhamadavya Costa 21 August 2006 (has links)
This work analyzes the occupations of the public space in the contemporary urban
experience. It is intended to argue the complexity of the relations that involve the existence of
the Points on the perspective of the churrasquinho hawker, category that grew more in the
city of Maceió, having as empiricist referential the spaces occupied by this trader.
Considering the creative practices of appropriation that they exert, either in the places chosen
for their work, either in the different way how they appropriate is what it is intended to
determine: a) how the Point, place of reinforcement of the human activity, can contribute for
the dynamics of the public spaces of the at present cities; b) what are the determinant factors
in the process of selecting the trade point used by the hawker in their occupations; c) which
localities are likely to the appropriated for this stratum of the population; d) how the
appropriation of these spaces configures; e) which is the urban importance of the recognition
of this category. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / Este trabalho analisa as ocupações do espaço público na experiência urbana
contemporânea. Pretende-se discutir a complexidade das relações que envolvem o surgimento
dos Pontos sobre o prisma do ambulante do churrasquinho, categoria ambulante que mais
cresceu na cidade de Maceió. Tendo como referencial empírico os espaços ocupados por este
comerciante e considerando as práticas criativas de apropriação que eles exercem, seja nos
locais escolhidos para seu trabalho, seja no modo variado como se apropriam é que se
pretende determinar: a) como o Ponto, lugar de concentração da atividade humana, pode
contribuir para a dinâmica dos espaços Públicos das cidades atuais; b) quais os fatores
determinantes para o processo de escolha dos Pontos de comércio utilizados pelos ambulantes
em suas ocupações; c) quais localidades são passíveis de serem apropriadas por esta camada
da população; d) como se configura a apropriação destes espaços; e) qual a importância
urbana do reconhecimento desta categoria.
1105 |
Essays on growth, structural transformation and educationPereira, Luciene Torres de Mello 20 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Luciene Torres de Mello Pereira (lutmp@fgvmail.br) on 2017-06-11T04:16:24Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-20 / This thesis contains three chapters. The first chapter studies the emergence of slums as a common feature in a country's path towards urbanization, structural transformation and development. Based on salient micro and macro evidence of Brazilian labor, housing and education markets, we construct a simple model to examine the conditions for slums to emerge. We then use the model to examine whether slums are barriers or stepping stones for lower skilled households and for the development of the country as a whole. We calibrate our model to explore the dynamic interaction between skill formation, income inequality and structural transformation with the rise (and potential fall) of slums in Brazil. We then conduct policy counterfactuals. For instance, we find that cracking down on slums could slow down the acquisition of human capital, the growth of cities (outside slums) and non-agricultural employment. The impact of reducing housing barriers to entry into cities is also explored. The second chapter studies the impact of education and fertility in structural transformation and growth. In the model there are three sectors, agriculture, manufacturing and services. Parents choose optimally the number of children and their skill. Educational policy has two dimensions, it may or may not allow child labor and it subsidizes education expenditures. The model is calibrated to South Korea and Brazil, and is able to reproduce some key stylized facts observed between 1960 and 2005 in these economies, such as the low (high) productivity of services in Brazil (South Korea) which is shown to be a function of human capital and very important in explaining its stagnation (growth) after 1980. We also analyze how different government policies towards education and child labor implemented in these countries affected individuals' decisions toward education and the growth trajectory of each economy. The third chapter investigates how the positive assortative mating in the marriage market contributes to income inequality across households in Brazil. To adress this question, we analyze samples of hundreds of thousands of households from the Brazilian Census Bureau for the period 1970 to 2010. The positive assortative mating in a first moment does not affect negatively income inequality. However, from some counterfactual exercises, we show that the improvement in income distribution during this period could have been even better if the trend in the marriage market had not ocurred. / Esta tese contém três capítulos. O primeiro aborda o surgimento e o desenvolvimento de favelas como uma característica comum à trajetória das economias em direção ao desenvolvimento e à urbanização. Com base em evidências micro e macroeconômicas do mercado de trabalho, de habitação e de educação no Brasil, nós construímos um modelo simples para examinar as condições para a emergência de favelas. E então, o usamos para avaliar se as favelas são barreiras ou etapas intermediárias ao desenvolvimento econômico. Nós calibramos o modelo com o objetivo de explorar a interação dinâmica entre a formação de habilidades, a desigualdade de renda e a transformação estrutural, tendo como pano de fundo o surgimento e o desenvolvimento de favelas no Brasil. Com isso, desenvolvemos políticas contrafactuais. Primeiro, mostramos que a proibição de formação de favelas poderia retardar o processo de transformação estrutural, a aquisição de capital humano pelos indivíduos e o crescimento das cidades. O efeito de uma redução nas barreiras de entrada ao mercado de habitação nas cidades também é explorado. O segundo capítulo estuda o impacto de educação e fertilidade no processo de transformação estrutural e crescimento. No modelo, há três setores: agricultura, manufatura e serviços. Os indivíduos escolhem otimamente o número de filhos e a habilidade deles. A política educacional apresenta duas dimensões: a proibição ou não de trabalho infantil na economia e o subsídio aos gastos com educação. O modelo é calibrado para a Coreia do Sul e o Brasil e ele é capaz de reproduzir alguns fatos estilizados centrais observados entre 1960 e 2005, tais como: a baixa (alta) produtividade do setor de serviços no Brasil (na Coreia do Sul), que é função do capital humano e que explica a estagnação (crescimento) após os anos 1980. Nós também analisamos como diferentes políticas governamentais no âmbito de educação e trabalho infantil afetam a decisão dos indivíduos de acumulação de capital e a trajetória de crescimento de cada economia. O terceiro capítulo investiga a evolução do mercado de casamento e o seu impacto na distribuição de renda no Brasil. A partir da análise de dados dos censos demográficos de 1970 a 2010, encontramos evidências de que as pessoas estão cada vez mais se casando com parceiros de características semelhantes, ao longo dos anos. O aumento do número de casamentos seletivos, a princípio, não é capaz de afetar negativamente a desigualdade de renda. No entanto, quando realizamos alguns exercícios conrafactuais, é possível perceber que a melhora na distribuição de renda, ocorrida nesse período, poderia ter sido ainda maior caso essa tendência no mercado de casamento não tivesse ocorrido.
1106 |
Periodický tisk na Pardubicku v období Protektorátu Čechy a Morava / Periodical press in Region of Pardubice during the period of Protectorate of Bohemia and MoraviaFrýdová, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of periodical press in the region of Pardubice during the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. First of all, the thesis introduces the historical context, such as the formation of the Protectorate and other affairs connected with the occupation of the Czech lands by the Nazi Germany. The next part focuses on the system of press control in this era, shedding light on the existence of the legal and illegal press as well. The third part of the thesis is dedicated to the city of Pardubice, particularly to the occupation in this area, the Heydrich Terror and the Silver A resistance activities. The fourth part offers an overview of the newspapers which were published in the region during the occupation, characterizing them and outlining their history. The last chapter provides an insight into the content of the regional press, exploring its subordination to the regime. It analyzes the portrayal of six notable events in two regional newspapers, Východočeský kraj and regional page of Večerní České slovo. These events are the establishment of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the celebration of 600th anniversary of Pardubice, the campaign Victoria, the Heydrich Terror, the air strikes on Pardubice by the Allies, and the end of the war.
1107 |
Paleoethnobotany and household archaeology at the Bergen site : a Middle Holocene occupation in the Fort Rock Basin, OregonHelzer, Margaret Mary, 1963- 12 1900 (has links)
xv, 296 p. : ill. (some col.) A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries under the call number: KNIGHT E78.O6 H44 2001 / This study analyzes the botanical and archaeological material from a Middle Holocene occupation at the Bergen site, located in the Fort Rock Basin, Oregon. It serves to complement and enhance over a decade of research focused on regional settlement patterns in the Northern Great Basin. While previous studies in the region have focused on broadly based settlement patterns, this study shifted the interpretive lens toward an in-depth analysis of a single family dwelling, which was occupied some 6000 years ago. It thus introduces the domain of "household archaeology" into the practice of archaeological research in the Northern Great Basin for the first time. Macrobotanical analysis was conducted on 215 soil samples collected on a 50cm grid from this house. An additional 20 samples were analyzed from a second house structure at the site.
These analyses have provided evidence of diet, environment, and social behavior associated with the prehistoric occupants of the house. The abundance of charred bulrush (Scirpus ), goosefoot (Chenopodium ), and waada (Suaeda ) seeds in the deposits indicate that small seeds of wetland-adapted plants were an important dietary resource during the Middle Holocene in the Fort Rock Basin.
The patterned distribution of botanical material in 215 soil samples across the floor of the house provide strong evidence of prehistoric human activity areas. The highest concentration of seeds and charcoal in the house was located near the central fire hearth, where cooking and food preparation took place. An east-facing entryway is suggested by the presence of a secondary concentration of seeds and charcoal on the eastern edge of the structure. Analysis also revealed a differential distribution of seed types across the house floor. Higher concentrations of bulrush in the northern area of the floor, away from the hearth, suggest the presence of sleeping mats.
Results of this study indicate that plant remains are not evenly distributed through archaeological deposits, therefore care must be taken when sampling for macrobotanical remains. Research at the Bergen site provides the basis for recommendations to assist future archaeologists in determining the best and most cost-effective locations within excavations to take macrobotanical samples. / Committee in charge: Dr. C. Melvin Aikens, Chair;
Dr. Theresa O'Neil;
Dr. Dennis Jenkins;
Dr. Daniel Close
1108 |
Development of a career meta-competency model for sustained employabilityPotgieter, Ingrid Lorraine 04 April 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to construct a career meta-competency model for sustained employability in the contemporary world of work. This study explored a convenience sample (N = 304) of early career employees’ personality preferences (measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), self-esteem (measured by the Culture-free Self-esteem Inventories for Adults) and emotional intelligence (measured by the Assessing Emotions Scale), as a composite set of their personality attributes, in relation to their employability attributes (measured by the Employability Attributes Scale). The participants comprised 81% blacks and 64% females employed in the business management field in managerial/supervisory (53%) and staff (28%) level positions. Their ages ranged between 25 and 40 years (early adulthood and establishment phase) (79%). The correlations, canonical correlations and multiple regression results indicated that the participants’ personality attributes were significantly and positively related to their employability attributes. Structural Equation Modelling indicated a moderate fit between the theoretically hypothesised career meta-competency model and the empirically tested structural model. The results indicated job level as a significant moderator of the relationship between the participants’ personality and employability attributes. Middle management level was associated with an inverse relationship between the personality and employability attributes. Staff and middle managers did not significantly differ regarding their mean scores on these variables. On a theoretical level, the study deepened understanding of the cognitive, affective, conative and interpersonal behavioural dimensions of the hypothesised career meta-competency model. On an empirical level, the study produced an empirically tested career meta-competency model in terms of the various behavioural dimensions. On a practical level, career
counselling and development interventions for guiding employees’ sustained employability in terms of the career meta-competency behavioural dimensions were recommended. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
1109 |
The relation between career anchors, occupational types and job satisfaction of midcareer employeesEllison, Jennifer Anne 06 1900 (has links)
The study was designed to provide further empirical data on the career anchor construct. An
individual in todays times is likely to make more than one career choice. If the career anchor
construct can be used to accurately predict a person environment fit, the construct could prove
useful as a diagnostic tool for midcareer individuals.
In the study, 300 midcareer employees (managerial and non-managerial) completed questionnaires
etermining their dominant career anchor, domi.nant perception of occupational type and levels of
general, intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction. Specific aims of the study were, firstly, to
determine whether in midcareer there is a relation between career anchor and occupational type
(For the purposes of the study, occupational type was measured in terms of the individuals
perception of the main aspect that dominates his occupation) and secondly, to determine whether
there is a difference in general, intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction between
midcareer employees with a fit between career anchor and occupational type and midcareer employees
with no such fit.
Results of the study indicated a significant relation between career anchor and occupational type
for the total sample as well as for the managerial and the non-managerial groups, for almost all of
the eight career anchors. A significantly higher level of general and intrinsic job satisfaction
was found for the fit group than for the non-fit group, however no such difference was found in
extrinsic job satisfaction. No significant differences were found between the managerial and non
managerial groups.
On the basis of the results the conclusion can be made that the career anchor construct can be used
effectively to assist midcareer managers and non-managers to make career choices. Career choices
based on a fit between career anchor and occupational type are likely to yield a higher level
ofeneral and intrinsic job satisfaction. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCom (Industrial Psychology)
1110 |
Avaliação de uma política pública de uso e ocupação do solo: estudo da implementação de condomínio e/ou loteamentos fechados na zona rural especial no município de Guaramiranga-Ceará / Public Policy of Land Use and Occupation in the Rural Zone of GuaramirangaPAGLIUCA, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
PAGLIUCA, Daniel. Avaliação de uma política pública de uso e ocupação do solo: estudo da implementação de condomínio e/ou loteamentos fechados na zona rural especial no município de Guaramiranga-Ceará. 2009. 158f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Avaliação de Políticas Públicas, Fortaleza (CE), 2009. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-09-27T16:01:06Z
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Previous issue date: 2009 / The disorder in the occupation of the Brazilian territory is a fact since the colonization period. Over time, the problems just changed forms but never had a solution, always leaving behind a heritage that was hard to solve. The first cities were on the coastland and soon also started to develop towards the inside of the continent. Those cities were usually located close to natural resources that suffered with the pressure exerted over the riverbed deteriorating their natural conditions. As from the 1970’s, a large cycle of debates started about urban disorder problems and unplanned occupations. After the approval of the Federal Constitution of 1988, Brazilian cities started to develop urban public policies in a new way, with legal competency to rule on the issue and power to exert their territorial order function. The approval of Law 10.257/01, which established the City Statute, defined the processing of public urban planning policies. Although a lot has been done, evolution was small, as urban plans were created and approved, however, with many flaws, little legitimacy and participation. In this context, this thesis assesses the Public Policy of Land Use and Occupation in the Rural Zone of Guaramiranga, based on an analysis of the legitimacy of the nomenclature “Special Rural Zone” which, although not illegal, ends up generating doubts among stakeholders. The examination of the legal viability of the installation of condominiums and land plots in the rural area of the city, through a legal analysis, surveyed the problems created by conflicts between state laws that regulate the APA of Baturité, and the dictates of the Municipal Law, with legal competency to regulate land use in the rural zone. This study looks at the legal doctrine that rules the legality of condominiums and land plots, appointing that, for their regulation, here should be municipal rules to define them, and the projects should follow the rules of the federal laws that characterize them. This study intended to evaluate this public politic and propose solutions and measures needed for a better regulation of rural land use in Guaramiranga. / A desordem na ocupação dos territórios brasileiros é um fato real desde a época da colonização. Com o passar do tempo, os problemas foram apenas mudando de forma, mas jamais foram solucionados, deixando sempre uma herança difícil de ser resolvida. A partir dos anos 1970, inicia-se um grande ciclo de debates em torno dos problemas da desordem urbana e das ocupações mal planejadas. Após a aprovação da onstituição Federal de 1988, os municípios brasileiros assaram a ter um novo modo de desenvolver políticas públicas urbanísticas, recebendo competências legislativas sobre a matéria e podendo exercer sua função de ordenadora da sua territorialidade. Ao ser aprovada a Lei no 10.257/01, que institui o Estatuto da Cidade, ficou definido como se processariam as políticas públicas de planejamento urbano. Embora se tenha feito muito, pouco se evoluiu, pois os planos diretores foram sendo criados e aprovados, mas com muitas falhas, pouca legitimidade e participação. Neste contexto, esta dissertação avalia a Política Pública de Uso e Ocupação do Solo na Zona Rural do Município de Guaramiranga, com base na análise de legitimidade legal da nomenclatura “Zona Rural Especial”, - que não se apresenta como ilegal, mas acaba por gerar dúvidas aos que operam com a lei. Mediante investigação da viabilidade jurídica da instalação de condomínios e loteamentos fechados na área rural do município por meio de um trabalho da análise de leis, suscitaram-se os problemas gerados por conflitos entre as normas estaduais que regulamentam a APA de Baturité, e os ditames da lei municipal que se enquadra como competente para regular o uso do solo em zona rural. Isso posto, este trabalho percorre os caminhos da doutrina jurídica referente à legalidade dos loteamentos e/ou condomínios fechados, apontando que, para a regulamentação destes, deve haver normas municipais que os definam, e os empreendimentos devem seguir os preceitos de leis federais que os caracterizem. Com isso, pretendeu-se avaliar esta política pública e propor soluções e medidas necessárias para o melhor regramento do uso do solo rural do Município de Guaramiranga.
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