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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Námitky v územním a stavebním řízení / Objections in planning permission proceedings and building permit proceedings

Mourek, Karel January 2021 (has links)
Objections in planning permission proceeding and building permit proceeding Abstract The thesis focuses on objections as a key institute by which participants can defend their rights in the planning permission proceedings and building permit proceedings - the objections. The aim of the thesis is to map this institute both in terms of its procedural use and in terms of the facts that the participants in the proceedings apply in these objections. The author of the thesis does so due to the fact that no professional literature deals directly with this topic. The thesis is divided into several parts. The first part briefly describes the basic principles and mechanisms of planning permission proceeding and building permit proceeding, which are key for a proper understanding of the meaning of objections. The second part briefly describes the history of objections in the legislation from the second half of the nineteenth century to the present and the third part explains the concept of objections from the perspective of administrative law and construction law. The main content of the thesis is then in the fourth and fifth part. In these parts, the institute of objections is described first in the planning permission proceedings and then in the building permit proceedings. It describes in detail who is entitled to...

La Recherche de la vérité de Descartes et les objections faites aux Méditations métaphysiques : pour une approche systématique du problème de datation / La Recherche de la vérité de Descartes e as objeções feitas às Meditações metafísicas : Para uma abordagem sistemática do problema da datação / The Search of truth of Descartes and the objections made to the Metaphysical Meditations : for an approach systematic of dating problem

De Souza Borba, Maira 06 July 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser le dialogue cartésien La Recherche de la Vérité par la Lumière Naturelle au sujet d‘une corrélation entre lui et les Objections subis par Descartes à ses Méditations et leurs respectifs Réponses. L’hypothèse principale est que la Recherche a été influencée par les Objections et Réponses, ce qui la situe dans un moment tardif du corpus cartésien. L’étude de La Recherche de la Vérité et de sa relation avec les Règles pour la direction de l’esprit et le Discours de la Méthode, ainsi que l’enquête sur les principales interprétations qui voient la Recherche comme une œuvre d’une époque antérieure aux Méditations révèle qu’il n’y a pas des preuves suffisantes pour établir une proximité temporelle entre eux, ni d’arguments assez forts pour établir une de ces hypothèses au détriment des autres. La comparaison entre la Recherche et les Objections et Réponses, à son tour, montre qu’il y en effet dans la Recherche la présence constante d’éléments du débat suscité par les Méditations. Comme ces éléments ne viennent pas de l’esprit cartésien, mais de nombreux autres savants qui ont lu les Méditations, ils sont plus déterminants pour établir la datation de la Recherche que la comparaison avec n’importe quel autre écrit de Descartes. Toutefois, si les arguments philosophiques et textuels peuvent confirmer l’hypothèse que la Recherche a été influencée par les Objections et Réponses, à eux seuls ils ne sont pas en mesure de nous offrir une datation plus précise pour cette œuvre. Ainsi, il est nécessaire de recourir à l’analyse des arguments historiques et contextuels pour essayer de situer le dialogue dans un moment plus précis entre 1641 et 1650. Compte tenu principalement de la correspondance personnelle du philosophe et des événements marquants de cette période de sa vie, nous concluons que la date la plus probable se situerait entre 1646 et 1647. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze Descartes’ dialogue The Search for Truth by means of the Natural Light regarding a comparison between it and the Objections suffered by Descartes to his Meditations and their respective Replies. The main hypothesis is that the Recherche has been influenced by the Objections and Replies, which in turn puts this work in a late stage of the Cartesian corpus. The study of the Search for Truth and its relation to the Rules for the Direction of the Mind and the Discourse on the Method, as well as the investigation of the main interpretations that perceive the Search as a work of an earlier time to the Meditations, reveals that there is no sufficient evidence to establish a temporal proximity between them, and there are no strong enough arguments for establish these hypotheses to the detriment of others. The comparison between the Search and the Objections and Replies, on the other hand, shows that there are in the Search the constant presence of elements from the debate generated by the Meditations, such elements are more crucial to establish the dating of the Search than the comparison to any other written of Descartes, because they are not from the Cartesian mind, but of many other scholars who read their Meditations. Whereas the philosophical and textual arguments are able to confirm the hypothesis that the Search has been influenced by the Objections and Replies, alone they are not able to offer a more precise dating for this work. Thus, the analysis of historical and contextual arguments is necessary in order to locate the dialogue in a more precise time between 1641 and 1650. In view of the personal correspondence of the philosopher and the events that marked this period of his life, our conclusion is that the most likely date would be between 1646 and 1647. / Recherche de la Véritée de sua relação com as Regras para a orientação do espírito e com o Discurso do Método, bem como a investigação das principais interpretações que veem a Recherche como uma obra de um momento anterior às Meditações, revela que não há elementos suficientes para estabelecer uma proximidade temporal entre esses textos, tampouco há argumentos suficientemente fortes para estabelecer uma dessas hipóteses em detrimento das outras. A comparação entre a Recherchee as Objeções e Respostas, por sua vez, demonstra que de fato há no diálogo a presença constante de elementos provenientes do debate gerado pelas Meditações, elementos que, por não serem provenientes da mente cartesiana, mas de diversos outros sábios, são mais determinantes para estabelecer sua datação do que a comparação com qualquer outro escrito de Descartes. Contudo, se os argumentos filosóficos e textuais são capazes de nos confirmar a hipótese de que a Recherche tenha sido influenciada pelas Objeções e Respostas, sozinhos eles não são capazes de nos oferecer uma datação mais precisa para essa obra. Deste modo é necessário recorrer à análise dos argumentos históricos e contextuais para tentar situar o diálogo em um momento mais preciso entre 1641 e 1650. A partir principalmente da correspondência pessoal do filósofo e dos acontecimentos que marcaram esse período de sua vida, chegamos à conclusão de que a data mais provável seria entre 1646 e 1647.

Testosteron-Behandlung des älteren Mannes in der Schweiz im internationalen Vergleich

Meier, Peter 09 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In der Schweiz wird die Diskussion um eine Testosteron-Behandlung gerade beim älteren Mann sehr konservativ und mit vielen Vorbehalten geführt. In der schweizerischen Fachliteratur finden sich keine nationalen Guidelines zu diesem Thema. In Zeitungsartikeln in schweizerischen Fachzeitschriften wird die Testosteron-Behandlung befürwortet, aber mit vielen Einschränkungen und Vorbehalten versehen. Daraus lässt sich eine Gruppe von „offenen Fragen“ zusammenstellen, die in der Folge aufgrund der aktuellen internationalen Fachliteratur diskutiert werden. / The discussion about testosterone therapy is hold in Switzerland in a conservative way and with many objections. In the Swiss medical literature there are no national guidelines published about this object. In publications in Swiss medical papers the testosterone therapy is approved but with many restrictions and reservations. There are some "open questions" collected together and discussed comparing the actual international medical literature.

Směnka v současné praxi se zvláštním zaměřením na druhy a přípustnost kauzálních námitek a rozhodování o nich / Bills of exchange in the recent practice with special regard to types and admissibility of causal objections and relating decision-making

Švarc, Jan January 2011 (has links)
in English The thesis aims especially on questions concerning law of exchange which are not satisfactorily answered yet neither by academical community nor by judicial decisions made by the Czech courts and those which should be, from the point of my view, answered differently. In the first chapter, I tried to critically review various doctrinal definitions of bill of exchange and to draw up my own definition which affects bill of exchange complexly in its entireness. Second chapter is divided into three subdivisions chronologically. First subdivision refers to proofs of ancient documents congenial to contemporary bills of exchange. I have come to conclusion that the existence of bills of exchange can be proven as far as the beginning of the first millenium. Institute simmilar to the one of bill of exchange may be found in the Roman civil law. The second subdivision of second chapter assays medieval bills of exchange very thoroughly more than any other thesis on the same subject. All my ideas given are supported by quotations. The third subdivision briefly explains development of law of exchange in the modern period. The third chapter is dedicated to the general purpose of law of exchange and its modern usage with extra amount of attention paid to blank bills of exchange and collateral drafts....

Ochrana proti nesprávnému postupu zadavatele veřejné zakázky / Protection against improper conduct of a contracting authority in a public tender

Dostál, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
1 Abstract Protection against improper conduct of a contracting authority in a public tender The aim of this thesis is to analyze the system of protection against improper conduct of a contracting authority in a public tender in the Czech Republic. This is a hot topic since the public eye at present focuses on corruption in public administration and public procurement is often mentioned in this context. The work consists of four chapters. The first chapter discusses the basic principles of public procurement, and highlights their importance for protection against improper conduct of a contracting authority. The second chapter of the thesis deals with the sources of legislation of protection against improper conduct and defines the term review procedures as a generic term. The third chapter provides an introduction of the authorities providing protection against improper conduct of contracting authorities and their responsibilities in overseeing public procurement. The fourth chapter contains individual means of protection, which can be used by a supplier to correct errors of the contracting authority. These means of protection are objections against the conduct of the contracting authority, the administrative procedure before the Office for Protection of Competition and an action against the decision of the...

Postavení ručitele ve směnečných vztazích / The position of a guarantor (avalist) in relations regarding the bill of exchange

Charvátová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The position of a guarantor (avalist) in relations regarding the bill of exchange Aval is connected with a security called a bill of exchange. Besides the possibility to use the bill of exchange to secure debts, it is possible to ensure the debt embodied in the bill of exchange charter and increase its value. It is meant aval as the main theme of the thesis. The main aim of the thesis is to introduce aval from a legal point of view and assess the status of the guarantor in bills of exchange relations from the point of view of his rights and duties, especially against s and debtors (in the case of regression) in different situations and phases. The special source of legislation is the law of bills of exchange and checks that permeates the entire structure of the work. Structurally this work consists of two main parts. The first part is focused on legal formalities on bills of exchange charter and consequences in case of the absence of one of these essential formalities for the position of guarantor. The second part is devoted to aval In addition to development, formal and material conditions necessary for the origin of the bill of exchange is considerable space devoted to characteristics of aval . Another important part of this work represents creditors negotiations towards guarantor and vice versa, which...

Commercial and Business Incorporation: Enhancing the notion of corporation to include an ethical statement

Ackroyd, Vaughan Richard January 2008 (has links)
Today’s modern, Canadian, business corporations are hugely influential in determining public policy and many aspects of people’s lives. Because this influence permeates so much of our social construct, we expect corporations to act in an ethical manner. Yet, at the very baseline of legal incorporation, there is not a requirement for corporations, per se, to be ethical or to act in an ethical manner. This situation has set up a form of ethical dualism, with individual citizens being required to act in certain prescribed manners, while corporations, which in most cases comprise individual citizens, are allowed to ignore or even to flaunt similar ethical rules and standards. In this investigative paper on corporate applied ethics, I will examine arguments for and against the notion of including ethical responsibility statements within the concept of incorporation. This paper will provide a historical framework in which to view some of the complexities involved, and examine certain influential assertions made by Milton Friedman. The paper will begin with a look at what is meant by corporation in this context. This will be followed by an analysis of the arguments put forward by Milton Friedman in his famous essay “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Its Profits” and other related arguments. These other arguments, as objections to the inclusion of ethics within the notion of corporation, fall into three main types: objections to concept; to ability; and to process. I will review each in turn, with the hope that, by dispelling the Friedmanian arguments against corporate ethical inclusion, a new baseline for incorporation might be established. The second part of the paper will examine what kind of ethics might best suit the corporation. It will also consider ethical growth with respect to business. The paper will conclude with a suggestion as to how the inclusion of ethics within the notion of incorporation might be accomplished.

Commercial and Business Incorporation: Enhancing the notion of corporation to include an ethical statement

Ackroyd, Vaughan Richard January 2008 (has links)
Today’s modern, Canadian, business corporations are hugely influential in determining public policy and many aspects of people’s lives. Because this influence permeates so much of our social construct, we expect corporations to act in an ethical manner. Yet, at the very baseline of legal incorporation, there is not a requirement for corporations, per se, to be ethical or to act in an ethical manner. This situation has set up a form of ethical dualism, with individual citizens being required to act in certain prescribed manners, while corporations, which in most cases comprise individual citizens, are allowed to ignore or even to flaunt similar ethical rules and standards. In this investigative paper on corporate applied ethics, I will examine arguments for and against the notion of including ethical responsibility statements within the concept of incorporation. This paper will provide a historical framework in which to view some of the complexities involved, and examine certain influential assertions made by Milton Friedman. The paper will begin with a look at what is meant by corporation in this context. This will be followed by an analysis of the arguments put forward by Milton Friedman in his famous essay “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Its Profits” and other related arguments. These other arguments, as objections to the inclusion of ethics within the notion of corporation, fall into three main types: objections to concept; to ability; and to process. I will review each in turn, with the hope that, by dispelling the Friedmanian arguments against corporate ethical inclusion, a new baseline for incorporation might be established. The second part of the paper will examine what kind of ethics might best suit the corporation. It will also consider ethical growth with respect to business. The paper will conclude with a suggestion as to how the inclusion of ethics within the notion of incorporation might be accomplished.

Organ and tissue donation and transplantation : a perspective of South African Baptists from Baptist Northern Association and its implication for preaching

Van den Berg, Leon 02 October 2007 (has links)
South Africans are in dire need of organs and tissues for transplantation. The impact is felt by many, irrespective of colour, creed or religion. No known studies have been conducted amongst Baptists in South Africa to determine their point of view on the subject. My own personal experience as both a Baptist pastor and now as procurement operations manager of a bone tissue centre, has shown that most people are ignorant and uninformed about bone tissue donation and also, to a lesser degree about organ donation. This study seeks to ascertain what a representative group of Baptist delegates who attended the annual Northern Baptist Association Assembly in June 2005 think about organ and tissue donation. Their views were obtained by means of an empirical study. The results are interpreted to determine if they are in favour of or against organ and tissue donation. It is important to note their beliefs regarding the Scriptural position on donation and whether Christians could be encouraged from the Word to become organ and tissue donors or not. Donation of organs and tissue benefits not only the recipient or patient, but also affects the donor family, or next-of-kin. The study aims to determine if the respondents felt that organ and tissue donation holds pastoral benefits to the donor families and recipients. Baptists and other Christian denominations have a responsibility to preach God’s Word and to apply it to real-world situations. Death and donation of organs and tissue is a reality that our people face, often unprepared and less than properly informed. I trust that the findings of this study will be of assistance to pastors and teachers whose desire it is to inform and educate their congregations about the selfless gift of organ and tissue donation. / Dissertation (MA (Research in Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Practical Theology / MA / unrestricted

Směnečné kauzální námitky, jejich druhy a řízení o nich / Causal objections to a bill of exchange and a promissory note, their types and proceedings related to them

Vacek, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
and keywords Causal objections to a bill of exchange and a promissory note, their types and proceedings related to them The subject of this thesis are causal objections to bill of exchange and promissory note, their types and proceedings related to them. The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of causal objections as a defense against produced bill of exchange (promissory note) based on an analysis of prosessional literature on the topic and the relevant case law. Thus, the thesis deals both with causal objections as substantive law institute and their practical application through procedural law institute of objections against bill of exchange (promissory note) payment order. The thesis consists of the preface, three chaptes and the conclusion. The first chapter deals with basic aspects of the term of "bill of exchange" (or the "promissory note"). The chapter is devided into four subchapters. The first subchapter analyses different definitions of the bill of exchange (promissory note) as they can be found in the professional literature and the case law and these definitons are compared to one another. The second subchapter deals with typical signs of bills of exchange (promissory notes) as a security. The essentials of such a security are described in the third subchapter. The...

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