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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse économique de la marque et du délit d'achat de contrefaçon / Economic analysis of the brand and the purchase of counterfeit crime

Maldent, Anne-Sophie 19 December 2014 (has links)
Dans la mesure où la marque facilite le choix des consommateurs dans le spectre des variétés et qualités des produits, elle s'avère indispensable pour l'allocation efficace des ressources dans le processus productif, devenant ainsi un actif important des entreprises, au point qu'il existe désormais un « marché » sur lequel se rencontrent une offre et une demande de marques. En ce sens, le travail de recherche s'articule sur l'analyse économique de l'offre par les entreprises et les contrefacteurs et la demande de marques par les consommateurs. D'abord, il s'agit de démontrer que l'offre de marque est assimilable à un moyen de différenciation de l'entreprise sur un marché concurrentiel. La marque apparaît comme un vecteur important de l'activité entrepreneuriale, source de croissance. Ensuite, une autre partie de la recherche est consacrée à l'analyse de la marque du côté de la demande, et notamment à un aspect particulier de la demande de marque qui réside dans la demande de contrefaçon de marques. Nous proposons un modèle théorique d'achat de contrefaçons de marque avec un mécanisme de théorie des jeux sur la formation d'une norme sociale. Enfin, la présente étude tente de démontrer que les comportements de consommation de contrefaçon restent largement influencés par le cadre légal qui régit la contrefaçon de marque, et que l'efficacité des politiques de lutte contre ce phénomène est affectée par un élargissement du marché de la contrefaçon, lequel résulte de l'expansion croissante des nouvelles technologies et du développement de la consommation en réseau. / To the extent that brandname facilitates consumer choice in the spectrum of varieties and qualities of products, it is a determining factor of the efficient allocation of resources in the production process, thus becoming an important corporate asset, up to the point that there is now a "market" of brands where meet supply and demand for brands. Thus, this research is based on an economic analysis of the supply of brands by firms and counterfeiters and the demand for brands by consumers. First, it is to show that supplying a brand is comparable to a means of differentiating the firm in a competitive market, and the mark appears as an important driver of entrepreneurial activity and a source growth. Then, another part of the research is devoted to the analysis of the mark on the demand side of the market, including a particular aspect of the demand for trademark which is the demand for trademark infringement. We build a theoretical model of purchasing counterfeited brands with a mechanism of game theory on the formation of a social norm. Finally, we attempt to show that counterfeit consumption behavior remains largely influenced by the legal framework governing trademark infringement, and that the effectiveness of policies to fight against this phenomenon is affected by an expansion of the market counterfeiting, which results from the increasing expansion of new technologies and the growth of consumption in the network.

Förekomst och förebyggande av hot och våld mot ambulanspersonalen i norra Sverige. / Frequency and prevention of threats and violence towards ambulance staff in northern Sweden

Stenlund, Andreas, Birko, Stefan January 2019 (has links)
Hot och våld mot ambulanspersonal har visat sig vara ett växande problem och påverkar möjligheten att ge god omvårdnad till patienten. Förekomsten av hot och våld prehospitalt har inte studerats i Sverige i samma utsträckning som i andra länder. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa förekomsten av hot och våld mot ambulanspersonalen i norra Sverige och hur detta kan förebyggas. Detta undersöktes med en webbaserad kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie av enkätdesign med möjlighet till fritextsvar. Denna studie visade att majoriteten (80,4%) av ambulanspersonalen hade blivit utsatt för verbala hot någon gång under de senaste tre åren. 26,8 % av ambulanspersonalen skattade att de hade blivit utsatta för fysiskt våld under samma period. En statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan män och kvinnor när det gäller deras skattning av att ha blivit utsatta för fysiskt våld kunde påvisas. En majoritet av ambulanspersonalen svarade att de aldrig hade utsatts för sexuellt ofredande de senaste tre åren. Kvinnor skattade i högre grad än männen att de blivit sexuellt ofredade och skillnaden var signifikant. Utifrån frågan om vilken typ av problematik som är vanligast, gällande personer som utövat fysiskt våld, framkom att personer som intagit både alkohol och droger/narkotika skattades som överrepresenterade. Denna studie genererar kunskap om vikten av att ha stöd från arbetsgivare och ett gott samarbete med andra myndigheter, exempelvis polis. Att göra riskbedömningar och att använda sig av lågaffektivt bemötande där det finns risk för hot och våld kan förebygga detta. Det är av fortsatt vikt att följa och studera utvecklingen av hot och våld mot ambulanspersonal och arbeta med hur detta kan förebyggas.

Exame e levantamento técnico pericial de locais de interesse à justiça criminal: abordagem descritiva e crítica / Examination and technical survey on sites of the criminal justices interest: descriptive and critical approach

Del-Campo, Eduardo Roberto Alcântara 08 May 2009 (has links)
O panorama das ciências forenses no Brasil poderia ser mais auspicioso. O aumento incontrolável das dissensões sociais e da criminalidade comum, o crescimento de facções do crime organizado, o surgimento de novas modalidades de delitos, os desastres de massa e o incremento de novas tecnologias são fatores que apontam no sentido de uma maior demanda por exames periciais e da crescente complexidade dos trabalhos relacionados com as ciências forenses. Paradoxalmente, a falta de investimentos públicos na área, os baixos salários, a ausência de perspectiva profissional e o acúmulo de serviço são alguns dos fatores que claramente influenciam na queda de qualidade do trabalho técnico. Não se publicam mais obras de Criminalística e Medicina Legal no país. As revistas especializadas são poucas e os cursos de Direito paulatinamente vão destinando cada vez menos espaço para aquelas que, ao lado da formação jurídica específica, deveriam ser as matérias principais na formação do bacharel, especialmente daqueles que militam na área penal. Além disso, e exatamente pela natureza técnica da matéria, poucos são os questionamentos que recaem sobre a cadeia de custódia ou sobre a validade das provas periciais apresentadas pelos organismos públicos encarregados da prevenção e da repressão criminal. Este trabalho pretende apresentar uma breve revisão dos dispositivos que regulamentam a prova pericial no sistema processual penal, recentemente alterados pela Lei n. 11.690, de 09/06/08, a estrutura da polícia científica e os procedimentos periciais de levantamento dos locais de interesse à Justiça Criminal, desde o momento que antecede à perícia até a entrega do relatório técnico, apontando seus limites, deficiências e qualidades. / The overview of forensic sciences in Brazil could be more auspicious. The uncontrollable raise of social disagreements and common criminality, the increase of organized crime factions, the appearance of new forms of crime, mass disasters and improvement of new technologies are factors which leads to a sense of higher demand for expert examinations and an increasing complexity of works related to forensic sciences. Paradoxically, the absence of public investment in the area, the low wages, the lack of professional perspectives and the accrual of workload are some of the factors that clearly influence the decline of quality of technical works. There are few new publications about Criminalistics and Legal Medicine in Brazil. The specialized journals are few and law schools are gradually giving less space for those which, like specific legal matters, should be the main ones in the training of new lawyers, especially those who work with criminal law. Besides that, and exactly because of the technical nature of the matter, few are the questions which fall upon the chain of custody or the validity of the expert evidence shown by the public organisms which are responsible for the criminal prevention and repression. This dissertation intends to present a brief review of the articles that regulate the expert evidence in the criminal procedural law, recently altered by Law nº 11.690 of 09/06/08, and the structure of forensic science and the expert procedures to gather places of interest to the Criminal Justice, from the moment preceding the expertise until the delivery of the technical report, pointing out its limitations, shortcomings and qualities.

La sexualité des femmes auteures de violences sexuelles

Renaudet, Céline 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Les crimes sexuels face au droit international pénal : recherche sur l'établissement d'une infraction autonome en droit international pénal / Sexual crimes in international criminal law

Bideri, Diogène 24 November 2017 (has links)
La violence sexuelle est aujourd’hui, comme par le passé, largement utilisée comme arme de guerre et moyen de nettoyage ethnique. L’analyse de la jurisprudence internationale pénale fait ressortir la difficulté d’appréhender le crime sexuel par rapport aux catégories juridiques existantes. Le contexte dans lequel le crime sexuel est commis n’absorbe pas tous les aspects de ce crime. La nature considérée des crimes sexuels n’est pas réductible à la qualification de génocide, de crimes contre l’humanité, ou de crimes de guerre. Le juge international a pu préciser la frontière entre les infractions sexuelles et les autres infractions, montrer leur champ, leur intensité pour les distinguer des autres crimes. Cette avancée jurisprudentielle annonce peu à peu un fondement et une légitimité qui définissent des éléments de l’autonomisation des crimes sexuels en droit international. La codification du droit international par un nouveau traité spécifique aux crimes sexuels, avec des dispositions définissant cette catégorie particulière d’infraction, son appréhension et ses obligations juridiques permettra une meilleure répression de ce crime. / Sexual violence today is, as in the past, widely used as a weapon of war and a means of ethnic cleansing. The analysis of international criminal jurisprudence highlights the difficulty of apprehending this new offense in relation to the existing legal categories. The nature of sexual crimes is not reducible to genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes. The international judge, through constant legal reasoning, was able to clarify the boundary between sexual offenses and other offenses, to show their scope and intensity to distinguish them from other crimes. This advance in jurisprudence gradually builds a foundation and legitimacy that define elements of the empowerment of sexual crimes under international law. The codification of international law through a new treaty specific to sexual crimes, with provisions defining this particular category of offense, its apprehension and its legal obligations will allow a better repression of this crime.

Sabermetrics - Statistical Modeling of Run Creation and Prevention in Baseball

Chernoff, Parker 30 March 2018 (has links)
The focus of this thesis was to investigate which baseball metrics are most conducive to run creation and prevention. Stepwise regression and Liu estimation were used to formulate two models for the dependent variables and also used for cross validation. Finally, the predicted values were fed into the Pythagorean Expectation formula to predict a team’s most important goal: winning. Each model fit strongly and collinearity amongst offensive predictors was considered using variance inflation factors. Hits, walks, and home runs allowed, infield putouts, errors, defense-independent earned run average ratio, defensive efficiency ratio, saves, runners left on base, shutouts, and walks per nine innings were significant defensive predictors. Doubles, home runs, walks, batting average, and runners left on base were significant offensive regressors. Both models produced error rates below 3% for run prediction and together they did an excellent job of estimating a team’s per-season win ratio.

"Suprarne di är som fånar allihopa!" : En kvantitativ socialgeografisk studie över fylleriförseelser i Ljungby stad 1936-1947. / "The foolish drunkards!" : A quantitative socialgeographical study of drunkenness offenses in the town of Ljungby 1936-1947.

Nygren Kristoffersson, Josefin January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the social background of the people convicted of drunkenness offence in the town of Ljungby between 1936 and 1947. Drunkenness offense was sentenced to those found drunk in public but also societys attempt to control the s subclass. This view was in contrast to the ideal of the well-behaved worker who also spread during the end of the last century. Based on information found in index cards for drunkenness offenses provided by Ljungbys temperance board this studie explores whether alcohol use changes in different social classes. By mapping the offender's profession, age, gender and housing situation, the study shows clear overrepresentation of working class men. The study on gender showed similar trends in Ljungby as elsewhere in the country, that it was extremely few women who were convicted of drunkenness. When examining the age distribution in the drunkenness offences Ljungbys young people, namely those who were twentyfive years and younger, the numbers were slightly higher than in Sweden's cities but appeared to be consistent with official statistics on rural areas. The study's geographical part shows that there are patterns of drunkenness offenses and residential area and these patterns suggest that the drunks increasingly lived in neighborhoods that were considered to be poor. The conclusion is that there are class differences in who was convicted of drunkenness during 1936-1947 in Ljungby, both based on quantitative data and geographic survey.

Le processus de passage à l'acte violent chez les femmes

St-Hilaire, Geneviève 11 1900 (has links)
Objectif : Ce mémoire avait pour objectif de comprendre le processus par lequel les femmes en arrivent à commettre un acte violent. Plus spécifiquement, de connaître le sens que les femmes donnent à leur violence, de quelle façon elles reconstruisent le processus qui les a menées à cet acte et de quelle façon elles l’intègrent dans le cours de leur vie. Méthode : Pour atteindre cet objectif, 24 entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées auprès de femmes détenues ou prévenues ayant commis un acte de violence. Les participantes étaient rencontrées à la Maison Tanguay ou au secteur féminin du Centre de détention de Québec. Par la suite, les entrevues furent retranscrites et les données obtenues traitées à l’aide du programme NVivo. Nous avons analysé ces données selon le processus proposé par la théorisation ancrée. Résultats: Les résultats ont permis d’établir un modèle représentant le processus de passage à l’acte violent chez les femmes. Ce modèle se déroule en quatre phases. La première phase concerne le portrait de vie des participantes de l’enfance à l’âge adulte. Cette phase met principalement l’accent sur les difficultés vécues par les participantes et leurs stratégies d’adaptation. La deuxième phase est relative à la période précédant le délit. Elle comprend deux volets soit, l’entrée dans le processus qui réfère aux mois ou semaines précédant le délit et la phase aiguë qui réfère aux jours ou aux instants précédant le délit. La troisième phase concerne le déroulement de délit. Cette phase est divisée en deux profils différents, selon le type de violence utilisée soit, expressive ou utilitaire. Ces deux profils se distinguent quant aux circonstances, aux motifs, aux émotions et dans le recours, ou non, à des stratégies alternatives à la violence. Enfin, la dernière phase du modèle se concentre sur la période succédant l’acte de violence. / Objective: The goal of this thesis was to understand the process by which women come to commit a violent act. More specifically, to know the meaning women give to their violence, how they reconstruct the process that led them to this act and how they come to terms with this act throughout the course of their lifetime. Method: To achieve this goal, 24 semi-structured interviews were conducted with women were detained or awaiting trial and who had committed an act of violence. Participants were met at the Maison Tanguay or female sector of the Quebec Detention. Subsequently, the interviews were transcribed and the data processed by the program NVivo. Date were analyzed according to the process proposed by grounded theory. Results: The find result is a model representing the entire process. This model takes place in four phases. The first phase involves the participants' personal history from childhood to adulthood. This phase focuses primarily on the difficulties experienced by participants and their coping strategies. The second phase relates to the period prior to the offense. It has two components: the early period, which refers to the months or weeks before the offense, and the later period, which refers to days or moments just prior to the offence. The third phase involves the occurrence of the event itself. This phase is divided into two different profiles, depending on the type of violence: instrumental vs expressive. These two profiles differ in regards to the circumstances, motives, emotions and the use or not of alternative strategies to violence. The final phase of the model focuses on the period following the violence. This phase includes the various impacts of the violent act on participants life and perceptions.

Analýza vývojových tendencí kriminality v Jihočeském kraji od doby zřízení vyšších územních samosprávných celků / Analysis of crime trends in South Bohemia since the establishment of higher territorial self-governing units

TROUPOVÁ, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of trends in crime in the South Bohemian Region since the establishment of higher territorial units in terms of both theoretical and practical. The aim of this thesis was to map the evolution of crime in the South Bohemian Region in the last 14 years, and identify aspects that affect it. The theoretical part characterizes the basic concepts such as criminality, its concept, latent and registered crime or status, structure and dynamics within the crime. Further factors are defined, such as aspects influencing the development of crime, but also various types of crime, and not least the system of crime prevention. The second part of the theoretical section is aimed at defining the territorial division of the Czech Republic, and the specific characteristics of the South Bohemian Region. The practical part includes quantitative research, in which the technique of secondary data analysis was used, based on document analysis. Statistical data of the Police of the Czech Republic were selected for the research group, which were then further processed and used for the analysis of crime in the South Bohemian Region only, with an emphasis on the individually surveyed areas. Aspects influencing the development of crime have been identified and characterized in the theoretical part of their theoretical framework. The results have shown that crime did not increase by 10%, on contrary, it decreased by a total of 21.2% within the period under review. Furthermore, it was found that in each year of the investigated period, proportional representation of the various types of crime varies. The results showed biggest differences are represented in economic and violent crimes within the investigated period. The objective of my thesis has been met. I believe that the work can serve professionals to gain comprehensive information as well as study material concerning the development of crime in the South Bohemian Region .

"Do lar para o mundão: sentidos subjetivos do ato infracional construídos pelas adolescentes em privação de liberdade"

Diamantino, Dora Teixeira 10 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by dora diamantino (dora_diamantino@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-09-24T17:22:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO-FINAL-REVISADA-definitivo.pdf: 1645479 bytes, checksum: 4ef91ca73edc15b6495bf7f627df0837 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-03-15T11:45:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO-FINAL-REVISADA-definitivo.pdf: 1645479 bytes, checksum: 4ef91ca73edc15b6495bf7f627df0837 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T11:45:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO-FINAL-REVISADA-definitivo.pdf: 1645479 bytes, checksum: 4ef91ca73edc15b6495bf7f627df0837 (MD5) / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender os sentidos subjetivos do ato infracional construídos pelas adolescentes em medida socioeducativa de internação. A partir das trajetórias das participantes foram apresentadas as produções de sentidos subjetivos sobre a adolescente com inserção na transgressão sócio-legal, os motivos, as experiências e avaliações sobre os atos infracionais, bem assim as perspectivas futuras. Para tal, utilizou-se a Teoria da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural, que compreende a construção subjetiva a partir da relação dialética entre o indivíduo e o social. A abordagem metodológica foi balizada pela Epistemologia Qualitativa, elaborada por González Rey. No que tange à coleta dos dados, utilizou-se a entrevista narrativa com três adolescentes do sexo feminino, que estavam acolhidas na CASE-Feminina, no município de Salvador, Bahia, cumprindo medida socioeducativa de internação. A análise dos dados seguiu os procedimentos de construção dos núcleos de significação, formados a partir das narrativas das participantes e articulados com os objetivos desse estudo. Dois núcleos foram constituídos e analisados: o primeiro referiu-se aos motivos para a inserção e permanência na transgressão sócio-legal; as produções de sentidos subjetivos sobre a adolescente autora de ato infracional, os julgamentos sobre a transgressão sócio-legal e as expectativas futuras formaram o segundo núcleo. A partir da análise dos dados foi possível verificar que os motivos para a prática infracional variaram desde as necessidades de sustento ou aquisição de bens materiais até a obtenção da fama, do poder e do reconhecimento social. As participantes desse estudo também revelaram que o senso comum compartilha significados negativos em relação a adolescente com prática infracional. Entretanto, ao contrário das representações dominantes, as meninas se percebem como "pessoas normais". A significação dos danos causados ao outro não apareceram nas narrativas, uma vez que o ato infracional se articulou com as consequências da transgressão sócio-legal para a própria adolescente, a saber: a prisão ou a morte. Por isso, as meninas planejam mudar de vida após a privação de liberdade, e essa mudança perpassa a inserção na escola, em cursos de capacitação e entrada no mercado de trabalho. Diante dos resultados, faz-se necessário repensar modelos alternativos ao punitivo, que impliquem toda a sociedade na construção de um projeto social igualitário, justo, pautado na significação do outro.This research aimed at understanding the subjective sense of offense built by adolescents in socio-educational measure of internment. From the trajectories of the participants were presented the productions of subjective senses about teen with inclusion in the socio-legal transgression, the reasons, experiences and reviews of the infractions, as well as future prospects. To do this, we used the Theory of Historical-Cultural Psychology, comprising the construction subjective from the dialectical relationship between the individual and the social. The methodological approach was buoyed by Qualitative Epistemology, developed by González Rey. With regard to data collection, we used a narrative interview with three female adolescents, who were accommodated in the CASE-Feminina in the city of Salvador, Bahia, fulfilling socio-educational measure of internment. Data analysis followed the construction procedures of the meaning core, formed from the accounts of participants and articulated with the objectives of this study. Two cores were recorded and analyzed: the first referred to the reasons for entering and remaining in the socio-legal transgression; the productions of subjective senses about teenage author of an offense, judgments about the socio-legal transgression and future expectations formed the second core. From the data analysis it was observed that the reasons for criminal behavior ranged from livelihood needs or acquisition of material goods to the attainment of fame, power and social recognition. The participants in this study also revealed that common sense share negative perceptions regarding teenager with criminal behavior. However, unlike the dominant representations, girls perceive themselves as "normal people". The significance of damage to the other did not appear in the narrative, once the offense has been linked to the consequences of socio-legal transgression for adolescent own, namely the imprisonment or death. So, the girls plan to change his life after imprisonment, and this change permeates the inclusion in school, training courses and entry into the labor market. Given the results, it is necessary to reconsider the punitive alternative models, involving the whole society in building an egalitarian social project, fair, based on the significance of the other.

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