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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization and Stabilization of Transverse Spatial Modes of Light in Few-Mode Optical Fibers

Pihl, Oscar January 2023 (has links)
With the growing need for secure and high-capacity communications, innovative solutions are needed to meet the demands of tomorrow. One such innovation is to make use of the still unutilized spatial dimension of light in communications, which has promising applications in both enabling higher data traffic as well as the security protocols of the future in quantum communications. The perhaps most promising way of realizing this technology is through spatial division multiplexing (SDM) in optical fibers. There are many challenges and open questions in implementing this, such as how perturbations to the signal should be kept under control and which type of optical fiber to use. Consequently, this thesis focuses on the implementation of SDM in few-mode fibers where the perturbation effects on the spatial distribution have been investigated. Following this investigation, an implementation of adaptive spatial mode control using a motorized polarization controller has been implemented. The mode control has been done with the focus on having relevance for quantum technology applications such as Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and quantum random number generation (QRNG) but also for spatial division multiplexing (SDM) for general communications. For this reason, two evaluation metrics have been optimized for: extinction ratio and equal amplitude. The control algorithm used is an adaptation of the optimization algorithm Stochastic Parallel Gradient Descent (SPGD). Control has been achieved in stabilizing the extinction ratio of LP11a and LP11b over 12 hours with an average extinction ratio of 98 %. Additionally, equal amplitude between LP11a and LP11b has been achieved over 1 hour with an average relative difference of 0.42 % and 0.45 %. Out of the perturbation effects investigated; temperature caused large disturbances to the signal which later is corrected for with the implemented algorithm.

Space-Division-Multiplexing Platform for a Delayed-Choice Experiment

Karlsson, Hilma January 2023 (has links)
This master’s thesis explores a space-division-multiplexing (SDM) platform fora delayed-choice experiment. SDM is a multiplexing technique for optical datatransmission that employs spatial modes in a multi- or few-mode fiber to increasethe transmission capacity. The spatial modes can thus be used as separate channels. SDM have shown great potential for quantum information systems, making it intriguing to investigate its broad applications by examining its use in adelayed-choice experiment. The delayed-choice experiment was proposed by J.A.Wheeler in 1978 explored the particle- and wave-like behavior of quantum particles and observe if the particle knows in advance if it should propagate as a waveor a particle through the experimental platform. Hence, it was suggested thatthe experiment should be changed after the particle entered the experimentalplatform. The experiment has afterward been realized in many different constellations but previous wave-particle delayed-choice experiments have not beendemonstrated with SDM nor with an all in fiber platform. The research involved modeling and constructing a SDM fiber-optic platform,only utilizing commercially available fiber optical telecommunication components. The platform was constructed with photonic lanterns, used as spatial division multiplexer and demultiplexer, and a two-input fiber Sagnac Interferometer,as a removable beam splitter. The system was tested with classical light but without difficulties, the platform could move to the quantum domain for performingthe delayed-choice experiment with single photons on the platform. The thesis resulted in a SDM platform with good performance for future measurement of bothparticle- and wave-like behavior of photons in a delayed-choice experiment.

Laser Scattering for Fast Characterization of Cellulose Filaments / Laserspridning för Snabb Dimensionskarakterisering av Cellulosafilament

Konstantinidou, Alexandra, Holmström, Saga, Hellberg, Susanna January 2022 (has links)
Cellulosananofibriller (CNFs) hör till naturens mest fundamentala byggstenar och förser naturliga material, såsom den yttre cellväggen i trä, med en otrolig styrka och styvhet. Genom att imitera träets arkitektur öppnas möjligheter upp för tillverkning av nya, biobaserade och lättviktiga strukturella material med mekaniska egenskaper som överskrider de för glasfiber, metaller och legeringar. Den ingenjörsmässiga utmaningen ligger i att framgångsrikt lyckas överföra de önskade mekaniska egenskaperna hos CNFs till filament som kan användas i material för dagligt bruk. Vid flödesfokuserad spinning av extraherade CNFs påverkar många parametrar den slutgiltiga funktionaliteten och kvaliteten hos de resulterande filamenten. För att optimera dessa processparametrar är mätning av de spunna filamentens dimensioner ett viktigt moment. Av särskilt intresse är filamentbredden, eftersom den är avgörande för de mekaniska egenskaperna. Karakterisering av filamentbredden är i dagsläget en mycket tidskrävande process där varje filament mäts manuellt i optiskt mikroskop. Det huvudsakliga målet med detta projekt är att effektivisera den nuvarande mätprocessen med avseende på både hastighet och noggrannhet med hjälp av laserspridning. I denna rapport visar vi på minst en halvering av nuvarande mättid vid användandet av en 3D-printad laseruppställning istället för ett optiskt mikroskop vid mätning av filamentbredd. Våra resultat indikerar att mätsäkerheten generellt är högre för lasermetoden jämfört med mikroskopin. Genomsnittliga standardavvikelser för mätvärden på tunnaste bredden från mikroskopi samt de två olika kurvanpassningsmetoderna vid lasermätning rapporteras vara 1.62, 0.85 (Curve fit) respektive 1.59 (Minima matching). Standardavvikelserna för tunnaste bredd korrelerar dock inte direkt mot metodernas noggrannhet eftersom de spunna filamenten uppvisar en stor variation i bredd längs med längden. En närmare jämförelse mellan mätvärden för matchade punkter på ideala och defekta filament demonstrerar att icke-uniforma och defekta filament påverkar mätnoggrannheten för laserspridningen negativt. Sammantaget stödjer våra resultat det faktum att ett tunnare filament resulterar i bättre upplösning och mindre mätfel vid mätning med laserspridning. Våra resultat visar på den stora potentialen för laserspridning som en mer effektiv mätmetod vid karakterisering av cellulosafilamentbredd. / Cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) are one of nature’s most fundamental building blocks, providing incredible strength and stiffness to natural materials, such as the outer cell wall layer in wood. By mimicking the architecture of wood, possibilities opens up for the fabrication of new, biobased, light-weight structural materials with mechanical properties exceeding that of glassfibers, metals and alloys. However, the engineering challenge lies in successfully managing to translate the desirable mechanical properties of the CNFs into filaments that can be used in everyday life materials. Throughout the process of spinning the extracted CNFs into filaments, many factors and parameters affect the ultimate functionality and performance of the resulting filaments. Measuring the dimensions of the spun filaments is a crucial step in further optimizing process parameters. The width of the filament especially, impacts its mechanical performance. The characterization of the cellulose filament width is currently very time-consuming as each filament is manually measured using optical microscopy. The primary goal of this project is to make the current characterization process more effective, with respect to both accuracy and speed of measurement, by using laser scattering. In this report, we demonstrate a reduction by more than a half in measurement time using a 3D-printed laser scattering setup instead of an optical microscope when measuring filament width. Our results indicate that the certainty in measurement is generally higher for lase rscattering compared to optical microscopy. The mean standard deviations (SD) for the smallest widths estimated with optical microscopy and the two curve fitting methods used for the laser measurements are reported to be 1.62, 0.85 (Curve fit) and 1.59 (Minima matching) respectively. However, standard deviations for the thinnest width does not correlate directly to the accuracy of the methods since the spun filaments show a large variation in width along the length. A closer comparison between measurement values for matched points at ideal and non-uniform filaments demonstrate that the accuracy of the laser measurements are dependent on the uniformity of the filaments, with non-uniform filaments negatively impacting the accuracy. Our overall results supports the fact that a thinner filament gives a better resolution and smaller error when measuring with laser. Our results provide evidence for the great potential of laser scattering as a more efficient method for cellulose filament width determination.

Technisches Kulturgut. Zirkulation, Ansammlungen und Dokumente des Entzugs zwischen 1933 und 1945

Hellfritzsch, Ron, Groß, Sören, Mappes, Timo 22 July 2022 (has links)
Museale Provenienzforschung zu NS-verfolgungsbedingt entzogenem Kulturgut befasst sich nicht nur mit hochwertigen Kunstobjekten und wertvollen Buchbeständen, sondern nimmt seit geraumer Zeit auch Alltagsgegenstände und nicht zuletzt technische Instrumente und Geräte sowie Fahrzeuge in den Blick. Methodische Vorgehensweisen und bisherige Ergebnisse der Provenienzforschung zu technischem Kulturgut wurden erstmals auf einem im September 2021 vom Deutschen Optischen Museum in Jena veranstalteten Workshop diskutiert. Der Sammelband „Technisches Kulturgut. Zirkulation, Ansammlungen und Dokumente des Entzugs zwischen 1933 und 1945“ fasst die Beiträge und Ergebnisse der Tagung zusammen und stellt die im April 2022 gegründete „Arbeitsgemeinschaft Technisches Kulturgut“ kurz vor. Neun Provenienzforscherinnen und Provenienzforscherforscher aus Deutschland und Österreich liefern Einblicke in verschiedene Forschungsprojekte zur Herkunft von technischem Kulturgut in musealen Sammlungen. Wenn auch die vorgestellten Fälle jeweils unterschiedliche Sammlungsgenesen und Objektgattungen behandeln, so gleichen sich die damit verbundenen Problematiken dennoch. Insbesondere wird die Frage aufgeworfen, mit welchen Identifizierungsmethoden technische Objekte mit NS-Verfolgungskontexten in großen Sammlungen identifiziert werden können. Zudem liefern die Beiträge wichtige Angaben zu Händlern und Sammlern historisch-technischer Objekte.

Beam Dynamics and Limits for High Brightness, High Average Current Superconducting Radiofrequency (SRF) Photoinjectors

Panofski, Eva 05 June 2019 (has links)
Zukünftige Beschleunigerprojekte und Nutzerexperimente erfordern für ihren Betrieb einen hochbrillanten Elektronenstrahl mit hohem mittlerem Strom. Eine Elektronenquelle mit dem Potential die Anforderungen erfüllen, ist ein supraleitender Hochfrequenz (SHF) Photoinjektor im Dauerstrichbetrieb. Die Strahldynamik eines solchen Photoinjektor Systems bestimmt die maximal zu erreichende Strahlbrillanz und wird ihrerseits von den Design und Betriebsparametern des Photoinjektors beeinflusst. Ziel ist immer die entscheidenden Design- und Betriebsparameter der Elektronenquelle hinsichtlich einer maximalen Strahlbrillanz zu wählen. Diese Aufgabe verlangt ein detailliertes Verständnis der Strahldynamik-Prozesse. Ferner ist es notwendig, eine Optimierung des Photoinjektors als Ganzes, mit dem Ziel einer maximalen Strahlqualität bei hohem mittlerem Strom, vorzunehmen. Dieses ermöglicht auch, die physikalischen Grenzen eines gegebenen Designs zu ermitteln und im Betrieb vollständig auszunutzen. Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit der Strahldynamik in einem SHF Photoinjektor, unter Berücksichtigung interner Raumladungseffekte. Die Erkenntnisse zur Strahldynamik werden für die Entwicklung eines Optimierungsprogramms verwendet, um die Leistung des Injektors hinsichtlich der Strahlbrillanz zu verbessern. Die entwickelte Methode basiert auf Pareto-Optimierung mehrerer Zielfunktionen, unter Verwendung eines generischen Algorithmus. Das zentrale Ergebnis dieser Arbeit umfasst ein universelles Optimierungsprogramm, das für Photoinjektoren unabhängig von ihrem Design und Anwendungsgebiet genutzt werden kann. Für den Betrieb mit hoher Strahlbrillanz ist es möglich aus den erhaltenen Pareto-optimalen Lösungen einen stabilen Satz an Einstellwerten für den Photoinjektor zu extrahieren. Durch die allgemeine Optimierungsstrategie lässt sich das entwickelte Programm auch für andere Beschleunigerabschnitte, oder die Optimierung einer ganzen Anlage mit erweiterter Zielsetzung anpassen. / An increasing number of future accelerator projects, light sources and user experiments require high brightness, high average current electron beams for operation. Superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) photoinjectors running in continuous-wave (cw) mode hold the potential to serve as an electron source that generates electron beams of high brightness. Different operation and design parameters of the SRF photoinjector impact the beam dynamics and, thus, the beam brightness. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the beam dynamics processes in an SRF photoinjector and the dependency of the beam dynamics on the photoinjector set parameters is crucial. A high brightness beam operation requires a global optimization of the SRF photoinjector that allows to find suitable photoinjector settings and to figure out and extend the physical performance limits of the investigated injector design. The dissertation at hand offers a detailed analysis of the beam dynamics in an SRF photoinjector regarding internal space charge effects. Furthermore, the impact of the photoinjector elements on the electron beam is discussed. The lessons learned from this theoretical view are implemented in the development of an optimization tool to achieve a high brightness performance. A universal multi-objective optimization program based on a generic algorithm was developed to extract stable, optimum gun parameter from Pareto-optimum solutions. This universal tool is able to optimize and find the physical performance limit of any (S)RF photoinjector independent from the individual application of the electron source (energy recovery linac, free electron laser, ultra-fast electron diffraction). This thesis thereby verifies and complements existing theoretical considerations regarding photoinjector-beam interactions. The global optimization strategy can be introduced to variable optimization objectives as well as it can be extended to an optimization of further parts of the accelerator facility.

Review and Design of DC Electrical Field Measurement Systems and Related Developments : For Measurements Around HVDC Cable Terminations / Genomgång av DC Elektriska Fält Mätsystem och Fortsatt Utveckling : För Mätningar Runt HVDC Kabelavslut

Bergvall, Emil January 2023 (has links)
With power generation and consumption placed further away from each other, with for example increased offshore power production, the need for HVDC transmission systems increases. As voltage levels in the HVDC transmission system are raised, the losses can be decreased, enabling efficient power transfer over longer distances. Such an increase in voltage levels comes with questions regarding insulation performance due to increased electrical field stress in high voltage apparatus, particularly in and around cable terminations. Thus, physical measurements of electrical fields or voltage potentials in air are of interest to improve the understanding of the electrical fields around cable terminations as well as to verify and develop simulation models for use at ultra high voltage. In this thesis, different measurement systems and sensors for electrical field measurements are investigated, and their benefits and drawbacks are compared to a known previously implemented reference measurement system with known strengths and limitations. Two new conceptual measurement systems with a sensor concept and positioning system are developed and proposed for a set of given conditions, such as measurement around cable terminations in air. The first proposed system is based on a shutter field mill sensor placed on variable electric potential. The second system is based on the reference system's sensor design modified to remove the need for a large positioning system. The feasibility of the two measurement systems is investigated further utilizing a COMSOL model and a mechanical prototype. The simulation model is used for electrical field simulations around cable terminations in a 2D-axisymmetric geometry as well as a 3D geometry to verify the first measurement system. The mechanical prototype is utilized to test and verify the possibility of implementing the second system's positioning system. The two final proposed measurement systems can be further developed and used as a foundation for a future implemented measurement system. / Ökad elproduktion i form av exempelvis vindkraftsverk placerade till havs leder till elproduktion och konsumtion placerad med större avstånd från varandra, vilket skapar ett behov av HVDC transmissionssystemm. Genom att höja spänningsnivåerna i transmissionssystemet kan förluster minskar, vilket möjligör effektiv kraftöverföring över längre avstånd. En sådan ökning av spänningsnivåerna i transmissionssystemet kommer med obesvarade frågor angående isoleringsprestanda i högspänningsutrustningen på grund av en höjd elektrisk stress, med särskilt intresse gällande påverkan på kabelavslut. Därför är fysiska mätningar av elektriska fält eller potentialer i luft av intresse för att förbättra förståelsen av det elektriska fältet kring kabelavslut, samt att verifiera och utveckla simuleringsmodeller för användning vid ultrahög spänningspotentialer. I detta examensarbete har olika mätsystem och sensorer för elektriska fältmätningar utredits och deras fördelar och nackdelar jämförts med ett känt tidigare implementerat rereferensmätsystem med kända styrkor och begränsningar. Två nya konceptuella mätsystem med sensorkoncept med tillhörande positioneringssystem utvecklas och föreslås för en uppsättning givna förhållanden, som t.ex mätning kring kabelavslutningar i luft. Det första föreslagna systemet är baserat på en fältkvarnssensor placerad på variabel elektrisk potential. De andra systemet är baserat på referenssystemets sensordesign modifierad för att ta bort behovet av ett stort positioneringssystem. Genomförbarheten av de två mätsystem undersöks vidare med användning av en COMSOL-modell och en mekanisk prototyp. Simuleringsmodellen används för elektriska fält simuleringar kring ett kabelavslut i en 2D-axelsymmetrisk geometri samt i en 3D-geometri för att verifiera det första mätsystemet. Mekaniska prototypen används för att testa och verifiera möjligheten att implementera andra systemets positioneringssystem. De två föreslagna mätsystemen kan vidareutvecklas och användas som en grund för ett framtida implementerat mätsystem.

Simulation of real-time Lidar sensor in non-ideal environments : Master’s Thesis in Engineering Physics

Rosberg, Philip January 2024 (has links)
Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) is a kind of active sensor that emits a laser pulse and primarily measures the time of flight of the returning pulse and uses it to construct a 3D point cloud of the scene around the lidar sensor. The constructed point cloud is an essential asset for the control of autonomous vehicles, and especially today, an essential basis for the training of autonomous vehicle control models. However, it remains time-consuming, high-risk and expensive to acquire the amounts of data necessary to train the rather complex modern control models. As such, generating the point cloud through simulations becomes a natural solution. Yet, many lidar simulations today produce ideal point clouds, corrected only by random noise, without considering the physical reasons behind the imperfections visible in real lidar point clouds. The aim of this study was to investigate real-time simulation models for disturbances that may cause imperfections in lidar data. From a base investigation of lidar, disturbances were found, models were investigated and finally a real-time implementation of Atmospheric Effects and attenuation from Beam Divergence was evaluated. It was found that the implemented models could produce physically accurate lidar point placement while keeping the computational time low enough for real-time evaluation. However, to achieve correct separation of target hit rates under Atmospheric Effects, as high as 34% of the points had to be dropped. Additionally, the intensity of the return points could not be properly verified. From these results it can be concluded that, with additional verification and adjustment, the presented models can achieve good results for evaluation in real-time. The results of this study thus serve as a support for future developments of realistic real-time lidar simulations, for use in development of autonomous vehicle control models and implementation of digital twins.

Stabilisierung und Kontrolle komplexer Dynamik durch mehrfach zeitverzögerte Rückkopplung / Stabilization and control of complex dynamics using multiple delay feedback

Ahlborn, Alexander 16 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Self-assembled rolled-up devices: towards on-chip sensor technologies

Smith, Elliot John 29 August 2011 (has links)
By implementing the rolled-up microfabrication method based on strain engineering, several systems are investigated within the contents of this thesis. The structural morphing of planar geometries into three-dimensional structures opens up many doors for the creation of unique material configurations and devices. An exploration into several novel microsystems, encompassing various scientific subjects, is made and methods for on-chip integration of these devices are presented. The roll-up of a metal and oxide allows for a cylindrical hollow-core structure with a cladding layer composed of a multilayer stack, plasmonic metamaterial. This structure can be used as a platform for a number of optical metamaterial devices. By guiding light radially through this structure, a theoretical investigation into the system makeup of a rolled-up hyperlens, is given. Using the same design, but rather propagating light parallel to the cylinder, a novel device known as a metamaterial optical fiber is defined. This fiber allows light to be guided classically and plasmonically within a single device. These fibers are developed experimentally and are integrated into preexisting on-chip structures and characterized. A system known as lab-in-a-tube is introduced. The idea of lab-in-a-tube combines various rolled-up components into a single all-encompassing biosensor that can be used to detect and monitor single bio-organisms. The first device specifically tailored to this system is developed, flexible split-wall microtube resonator sensors. A method for the capturing of embryonic mouse cells into on-chip optical resonators is introduced. The sensor can optically detect, via photoluminescence, living cells confined within the resonator through the compression and expansion of a nanogap built within its walls. The rolled-up fabrication method is not limited to the well-investigated systems based on the roll-up from semiconductor material or from a photoresist layer. A new approach, relying on the delamination of polymers, is presented. This offers never-before-realized microscale structures and configurations. This includes novel magnetic configurations and flexible fluidic sensors which can be designed for on-chip and roving detector applications.

Synthese und Funktion nanoskaliger Oxide auf Basis der Elemente Bismut und Niob

Wollmann, Philipp 22 March 2012 (has links)
Am Beispiel von ferroelektrischen Systemen auf Bismut-Basis (Bismutmolybdat, Bismutwolframat und Bismuttitanat) und von Strontiumbariumniobat werden neue Möglichkeiten zur Synthese solcher Nanopartikel aufgezeigt. Die Integration der Nanopartikel in transparente Nanokompositmaterialien und die Entwicklung neuer Precursoren für die Herstellung von Dünnschichtproben gehen den Untersuchungen zur Anwendung als elektrooptische aktive Materialien voraus. Durch weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in der Photokatalyse, dem Test dampfadsorptiver Eigenschaften mit Hilfe eines neuartigen Adsorptionstesters (Infrasorb) und auch mit Hilfe der Ergebnisse der ferroelektrischen Charakterisierung von gesinterten Probenkörpern aus einem Spark-Plasma-Prozess wird ein gesamtheitlicher Überblick über die vielfältigen Aspekte in der Arbeit mit nanoskaligen, ferroelektrischen Materialien gegeben.:Inhaltsverzeichnis...........................................................................................................5 Abkürzungsverzeichnis ...................................................................................................9 1. Motivation....................................................................................................................11 2. Stand der Forschung und theoretischer Teil ...............................................................14 2.1. Nanoskalige Materialien...........................................................................................15 2.1.1. Nanopartikel und Nanokompositmaterialien ....................................................... 15 2.1.2. Dünnschichten..................................................................................................... 21 2.1.3. Anwendungen in der Photokatalyse.................................................................... 22 2.1.4. Anwendungen in der Gas- und Dampfsensorik.................................................... 24 2.2. Ferroelektrika .........................................................................................................26 2.2.1. Bismutmolybdat................................................................................................... 32 2.2.2. Bismutwolframat.................................................................................................. 34 2.2.3. Bismuttitanat ....................................................................................................... 36 2.2.4. Strontiumbariumniobat......................................................................................... 37 2.3. Verwendete Methoden.............................................................................................40 2.3.1. Spark-Plasma-Sintering ........................................................................................40 2.3.2. Bestimmung ferroelektrischer Eigenschaften ...................................................... 42 2.3.3. Charakterisierung nichtlinearer, elektrooptischer Eigenschaften......................... 43 3. Experimenteller Teil ....................................................................................................51 3.1. Synthesevorschriften................................................................................................52 3.1.1. Verwendete Chemikalien und Substrate.............................................................. 52 3.1.2. Solvothermalsynthese von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W)................................................... 55 3.1.3. Phasentransfersynthese von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W)............................................... 56 3.1.4. Präparation von Bi2MO6/PLA Nanokompositmaterialien (M = Mo, W) ................... 57 3.1.5. Sol-Gel-Synthese von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W), Bi4Ti3O12 und Ba0.25Sr0.75Nb2O6 und Dünnschichten..................... 57 3.1.6. Mikroemulsionssynthese von Bi4Ti3O12 ............................................................... 59 3.1.7. Sol-Gel-Synthese von Bi2Ti2O7............................................................................. 60 3.1.8. Synthese von BiOH(C2O4), BiOCH3COO und Bi(CH3COO)3................................... 61 3.2. Vorschriften zur Durchführung und Charakterisierung...............................................62 3.2.1. Verwendete Geräte und Einstellungen ................................................................ 62 3.2.2. Spark Plasma Sintering von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo,W) und Bestimmung ferroelektrischer Eigenschaften ........................ 65 3.2.3. Prüfung elektrooptischer Eigenschaften, Präparation der Bauteile und Messaufbau .............................................. 67 3.2.4. Durchführung photokatalytischer Messungen ....................................................... 69 3.2.5. Messung der Dampfadsorption an Nanopartikeln mit Hilfe berührungsloser Detektion ........................................... 70 4. Ergebnisse und Diskussion...........................................................................................71 4.1. Synthese und Eigenschaften von nanoskaligen Materialien......................................72 4.1.1. Synthese von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W) Nanopartikeln................................................. 72 4.1.2. Nanokompositmaterialien mit Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W)................................................ 81 4.1.3. Synthese der Bismuttitanate Bi4Ti3O12 und Bi2Ti2O7 .......................................... 84 4.1.4. Herstellung von Dünnschichten der Systeme Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W), Bi4Ti3O12 und Sr0.75Ba0.25Nb2O6 ................. 88 4.2. Funktion der nanoskaligen Materialien .....................................................................100 4.2.1. Bismuthaltige Nanopartikel in der Photokatalyse ..................................................100 4.2.2. Spark-Plasma-Sintern von Bi2MO6-Nanopartikel (M = Mo, W)................................103 4.2.3. Elektrooptische Eigenschaften von Dünnschichten und Kompositmaterialien ............................................................108 4.2.4. Messung der Dampfadsorption an Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W)-Nanopartikeln mit Hilfe berührungsloser Detektion ............114 4.3. Synthese von BiOH(C2O4), BiO(CH3COO) und Bi(CH3COO)3....................................118 5. Zusammenfassung ......................................................................................................127 6. Ausblick .......................................................................................................................131 7. Literatur ......................................................................................................................132 8. Abbildungs- und Tabellenverzeichnis ..........................................................................146 8.1. Abbildungsverzeichnis...............................................................................................146 8.2. Tabellenverzeichnis...................................................................................................152 9. Anhang ........................................................................................................................154 9.1. Synthese und Eigenschaften von nanoskaligen Materialien......................................155 9.1.1. Solvothermalsynthese von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W).....................................................155 9.1.2. Phasentransfersynthese von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W).................................................156 9.1.3. Synthese der Bismutmolybdate Bi4Ti3O12 und Bi2Ti2O7 .......................................156 9.1.4. Herstellung von Dünnschichten der Systeme Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W), Bi4Ti3O12 und Sr0.75Ba0.25Nb2O6 .................159 9.2. Funktion der nanoskaligen Materialien ......................................................................164 9.2.1. Spark-Plasma-Sintern..............................................................................................164 9.2.2. Elektro-optische Eigenschaften von Dünnschichten und Kompositmaterialien .........................................................166 9.2.3. Messung der Dampfadsorption an Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W)-Nanopartikeln mit Hilfe berührungsloser Detektion ...........174 9.3. Synthese von BiOH(C2O4), BiO(CH3COO) und Bi(CH3COO)3.....................................175 9.3.1. DTA-TG-Ergebnisse .................................................................................................175 9.3.2. Kristalldaten und Strukturverfeinerung ...................................................................177 9.4. Quelltexte ..................................................................................................................181 9.4.1. MATLAB-Skript zur Auswertung elektrooptischer Koeffizienten................................181 9.4.2. MATLAB-Skript zur Auswertung dampfadsorptiver Eigenschaften............................182

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