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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma abordagem dirigida por modelos para desenvolvimento de aplicações multi-paas / A model-driven aproach to develop multi-PaaS applications

Silva, Elias Adriano Nogueira da 01 September 2017 (has links)
No contexto da Engenharia de Software para a Computação em Nuvem as pesquisas relacionadas ao tema são cada vez mais crescentes e investiga-se como a Computação em Nuvem influenciará no desenvolvimento de sistemas de uma maneira geral. A atividade de construir sistemas para nuvem é uma tarefa complexa, criar aplicações de múltiplas nuvens, sobretudo, no contexto do modelo de serviço Plataforma-como-um-Serviço(PaaS), é ainda mais agravada devido especificidades de plataformas de nuvem que podem tornar a tarefa de desenvolvimento repetitiva, custosa e dependente de um provedor específico. As abordagens dirigidas por modelos(MDE) resolvem alguns desses problemas, elas propõem que a modelagem e mecanismos de transformação utilizados para gerar código a partir de modelos são uma melhor maneira de desenvolver sistemas de software, ao invés da codificação pura. Portanto, visando investigar como combinar os benefícios da Computação em Nuvem alinhados ao MDE, foi desenvolvida uma abordagem dirigida por modelos para desenvolvimento de aplicações multi-PaaS. Em direção a este objetivo foi realizado um Estudo de Caso em colaboração com uma empresa da indústria. Essa colaboração permitiu a criação de implementações de referencia que possibilitaram o desenvolvimento de uma Linguagem Específica de Domínio (DSL) e metaprogramas que compõem a abordagem. Para avaliar a abordagem desenvolvida foi realizado um Estudo de Caso. Os resultados mostram que MDE pode não só resolver o problema, mas trazer benefícios adicionais em relação a abordagens tradicionais de desenvolvimento de sistemas. Este trabalho explora esses benefícios, apresenta uma maneira de unir recursos heterogêneos de nuvem por meio de uma abordagem dirigida por modelos e aplicações orientadas a serviço. / Cloud computing is a computational paradigm that has increasingly been used in various sectors of industry and academia. Researchers have been studying how cloud technologies can influence several areas of science and research. In the context of Software Engineering, the researches related to cloud are increasingly increasing. Researchers are studying how to develop better cloud services offerings and how to find a strategy for combining existing resources to build improved services and solve problems. Building cloud systems is a complex task, in the context of the Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) cloud service model; this activity is further aggravated by cloud platform specificities that can make the task of development repetitive, costly,and platform-specific. Model-driven approaches (MDE) solve some of these issues; they propose that the modeling and transformation mechanisms used to generate code from models are a better way to develop software systems, rather than pure coding. Development with MDE is a comprehensive and relevant research area and needs to be better explored in a wide range of contexts. Therefore, in order to investigate how to combine the benefits of multi-cloud appications aligned to the MDE, we developed a model-driven approach to build multi-PaaS applications.Toward this objective, we performed a case study in collaboration with an industry company.This collaboration allowed the creation of reference implementations that enabled the development of a Domain Specific Language (DSL) and metaprograms that constitute the approach. To evaluate the approach, we performed a case study. The results show that MDE cannot only solve the problem, but also bring additional benefits over traditional systems development approaches. This work explores these benefits, presents a way to combine heterogeneous cloud resources through a service-driven model and application-driven approach.

Uma abordagem dirigida por modelos para desenvolvimento de aplicações multi-paas / A model-driven aproach to develop multi-PaaS applications

Elias Adriano Nogueira da Silva 01 September 2017 (has links)
No contexto da Engenharia de Software para a Computação em Nuvem as pesquisas relacionadas ao tema são cada vez mais crescentes e investiga-se como a Computação em Nuvem influenciará no desenvolvimento de sistemas de uma maneira geral. A atividade de construir sistemas para nuvem é uma tarefa complexa, criar aplicações de múltiplas nuvens, sobretudo, no contexto do modelo de serviço Plataforma-como-um-Serviço(PaaS), é ainda mais agravada devido especificidades de plataformas de nuvem que podem tornar a tarefa de desenvolvimento repetitiva, custosa e dependente de um provedor específico. As abordagens dirigidas por modelos(MDE) resolvem alguns desses problemas, elas propõem que a modelagem e mecanismos de transformação utilizados para gerar código a partir de modelos são uma melhor maneira de desenvolver sistemas de software, ao invés da codificação pura. Portanto, visando investigar como combinar os benefícios da Computação em Nuvem alinhados ao MDE, foi desenvolvida uma abordagem dirigida por modelos para desenvolvimento de aplicações multi-PaaS. Em direção a este objetivo foi realizado um Estudo de Caso em colaboração com uma empresa da indústria. Essa colaboração permitiu a criação de implementações de referencia que possibilitaram o desenvolvimento de uma Linguagem Específica de Domínio (DSL) e metaprogramas que compõem a abordagem. Para avaliar a abordagem desenvolvida foi realizado um Estudo de Caso. Os resultados mostram que MDE pode não só resolver o problema, mas trazer benefícios adicionais em relação a abordagens tradicionais de desenvolvimento de sistemas. Este trabalho explora esses benefícios, apresenta uma maneira de unir recursos heterogêneos de nuvem por meio de uma abordagem dirigida por modelos e aplicações orientadas a serviço. / Cloud computing is a computational paradigm that has increasingly been used in various sectors of industry and academia. Researchers have been studying how cloud technologies can influence several areas of science and research. In the context of Software Engineering, the researches related to cloud are increasingly increasing. Researchers are studying how to develop better cloud services offerings and how to find a strategy for combining existing resources to build improved services and solve problems. Building cloud systems is a complex task, in the context of the Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) cloud service model; this activity is further aggravated by cloud platform specificities that can make the task of development repetitive, costly,and platform-specific. Model-driven approaches (MDE) solve some of these issues; they propose that the modeling and transformation mechanisms used to generate code from models are a better way to develop software systems, rather than pure coding. Development with MDE is a comprehensive and relevant research area and needs to be better explored in a wide range of contexts. Therefore, in order to investigate how to combine the benefits of multi-cloud appications aligned to the MDE, we developed a model-driven approach to build multi-PaaS applications.Toward this objective, we performed a case study in collaboration with an industry company.This collaboration allowed the creation of reference implementations that enabled the development of a Domain Specific Language (DSL) and metaprograms that constitute the approach. To evaluate the approach, we performed a case study. The results show that MDE cannot only solve the problem, but also bring additional benefits over traditional systems development approaches. This work explores these benefits, presents a way to combine heterogeneous cloud resources through a service-driven model and application-driven approach.

Architectures et mécanismes de fédération dans les environnements cloud computing et cloud networking / Architectures and federation mechanisms in cloud computing and cloud networking environments

Medhioub, Houssem 28 April 2015 (has links)
Présenté dans la littérature comme une nouvelle technologie, le Cloud Computing est devenu incontournable dans la mise en place et la fourniture des services informatiques. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le contexte de cette nouvelle technologie qui est en mesure de transformer la mise en place, la gestion et l’utilisation des systèmes d’information. L'adoption et la vulgarisation du Cloud ont été ralenties par la jeunesse même des concepts et l'hétérogénéité des solutions existantes. Cette difficulté d'adoption se manifeste par l'absence de standard, l'hétérogénéité des architectures et des API, le Vendor Lock-In imposé par les leaders du marché et des manques qui ralentissent la fédération. La motivation principale de la thèse est de simplifier l'adoption du cloud et la migration vers ses environnements et technologies. Notre objectif est de proposer des solutions d'interopérabilité et de fédération dans le Cloud. Le travail de recherche s’est aussi articulé autour de deux grands axes. Le premier concerne le rapprochement des réseaux du futur et des Clouds. Le deuxième axe concerne l'interopérabilité et la fédération entre solutions et services cloud. Une analyse de l’état de l’art sur le Cloud Computing et le Cloud Networking, a permis de confirmer des manques pressentis et de proposer deux architectures de fédération Cloud. La première architecture permet le rapprochement entre le Cloud Computing et le Cloud Networking. La seconde architecture facilite l'interopérabilité et le courtage de services Cloud. L'étude des deux architectures a fait ressortir deux composants primordiaux et essentiels pour assurer la fédération: une interface générique et un système d'échange de messages. Ces deux composants correspondent à deux contributions centrales de la thèse et reflètent l’ensemble des contributions (quatre au total) du travail de recherche / Presented in the literature as a new technology, Cloud Computing has become essential in the development and delivery of IT services. Given the innovative potential of Cloud, our thesis was conducted in the context of this promising technology. It was clear that the Cloud would change the way we develop, manage and use information systems. However, the adoption and popularization of Cloud were slow and difficult given the youth of the concepts and heterogeneity of the existing solutions. This difficulty in adoption is reflected by the lack of standard, the presence of heterogeneous architectures and APIs, the introduction of Vendor Lock-In imposed by the market leaders and the lack of cloud federation principles and facilitators. The main motivation for our PhD is to simplify the adoption of the cloud paradigm and the migration to cloud environments and technologies. Our goal has consequently been to improve interoperability and enable federation in the cloud. The thesis focused on two main areas. The first concerns the convergence of future networks and clouds and the second the improvement of federation and interoperability between heterogeneous cloud solutions and services. Based on our work in state of the art about Cloud Computing and Cloud Networking, we defined in this thesis two architectures for Cloud federation. The first architecture enables the merging (convergence) of Cloud Computing and Cloud Networking. The second architecture addresses interoperability between services and proposes cloud-brokering solutions. The study enabled the identification of two essential components for cloud federation, namely: a generic interface and a message exchange system. These two components have been two contributions of our thesis. The proposed federation architectures and these two components summarize the four major contributions of our work

Cloud Service Selection for Startups : Identifying how Swedish startups prioritize when selecting their Cloud services / Val av molntjänster för startupföretag : En masteruppsats om hur svenska startupföretag prioriterar när de väljer deras molntjänster

ATTAR, ANDRÉ January 2016 (has links)
A startup’s ability to make correct decisions regarding their Cloud choices is essential if they intend to stay competitively relevant in their business. Choosing the Cloud solutions that allow for an optimal level of production can give startups that operate in most industries a competitive advantage. However, new startups have a plethora of factors to consider when choosing a Cloud provider, which is the basis of the thesis. The purpose of the study is to explore and gain insight regarding how new startups can make suitable decisions when selecting different Cloud services. The study’s main data collection method is a set of interviews that were conducted with CTOs from some of Sweden’s most promising startup companies. The study thoroughly discusses the three largest Cloud providers (Amazon Web Services, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform), and attempts to reveal how these Cloud services are positioned in the eyes of the customers that use them on a daily basis. A main finding of the study was that the most important factors to consider when selecting a Cloud provider is its compatibility with your company’s IT-environment, the quality and quantity of its services, how well managed it is, if it offers data protection compliances, and ultimately, the prices of the services it offers. Furthermore, information derived from the interviews imply that new startups ought to make their IT-solution as simple as possible in order to reduce the chances of running into integration problems with different Cloud solutions. The author intends for the study to be a guideline for new startups to better understand what factors they ought to prioritize when selecting Cloud providers. / En startups förmåga att ta de rätta besluten när det kommer till deras val av molntjänster är otroligt viktigt. Genom att välja de rätta molnlösningar så kan man se till att företaget får en bra möjlighet att växa, och att rätt molnlösningar kan det kan ge de flesta startups digitala verktyg som kan ge konkurransfördel. Det finns däremot mycket att tänka på när man väljer en molntjänst, och det är vad studien bygger på. Syftet med detta projekt var att utforska och bättre förstå hur nya startups kan ta de rätta besluten när det kommer till deras val av molntjänster. Studiens huvudsakliga datainsamlingsmetod var tolv intervjuer som utfördes tillsammans med CTOs från några av Sveriges mest framgångsrika startupföretag. Studien utför en noggrann diskussion och jämförelse på de tre största molntjänsterna i världen (Amazon Web Services, Azure, och Google Cloud Platform), och försöker att visa hur dessa molntjänster är positionerade enligt de kunder som använder sig av molntjänsterna vardaligen. Studien visar att de viktigaste faktorerna som man bör tänka på när man väljer molntjänst är: hur pass kompatibel den är med företagets IT-miljö, kvaliteten och mängden tjänster som leverantören erbjuder, hur pass managerade leverantörens tjänster är, om leverantören överensstämmer med regler för uppgiftsskydd, och kostnaden för molnleverantörens tjänster. Ytterligare så fann man indikationer från intervjuerna att nya startups bör försöka sikta på molnlösningar som är så simpla som möjligt och helst att dessa lösningar är integrerade lösningar som molnleverantören själv erbjuder, och detta på grund av att det kan vara svårt att integrera molnlösningar från olika företag. Författarens avsikt för denna rapport är att den ska vara en riktlinje för nya startups så att de kan förstå vad de bör tänka på när de väljer sina molntjänster.

Разработка мультиплатформенного программного комплекса предоставления облачных ресурсов : магистерская диссертация / Development of a multiplatform software system for providing cloud resources

Бухалко, А. М., Bukhalko, A. M. January 2023 (has links)
Описаны проблемы работы с ресурсами в крупных IT-компаниях и возможности применения облачных технологий для их решения. Исследованы существующие программные продукты для построения облачных платформ. Разработана и реализована архитектура продукта для работы с разными платформами виртуализации на основе существующего интерфейса взаимодействия OpenStack. / The problems of working with resources in large IT companies and the possibilities of using cloud technologies to solve them are described. The existing software products for building cloud platforms are investigated. The product architecture for working with different virtualization platforms based on the existing OpenStack interaction interface has been developed and implemented.

Tjänstefiering som strategi för lönsam tillväxt : En studie av Product-as-a-Service som erbjudande hos Väderstad AB / Servitization as a Strategy for Profitable Growth : A study of Product-as-a-Service as an Offer at Väderstad AB

Jerström, Elin, Modig, Emil January 2024 (has links)
Med ökande globalisering, digitalisering och internationell konkurrens tvingas företag hitta nya sätt genom vilka de kan skapa, leverera och appropriera värde på för att vara fortsatt konkurrenskraftiga på en allt tuffare marknad. Ett koncept kopplat till detta, och vars förekomst blivit allt vanligare, är tjänstefiering och i synnerhet Product-as-a-Service (PaaS). Dock förutsätter detta i vissa fall kostsamma investeringar. Lantbruk är ett exempel på en kapitalkrävande bransch inom vilken PaaS inte är nämnvärt etablerat men där potentialen är desto större. Majoriteten av de publicerade studierna om tjänstefiering tar dock ett inside-out- perspektiv, det vill säga att företagets förutsättningar att leverera ett PaaS-erbjudande undersöks först. Dock har ingen korrelation mellan tjänstefiering och lönsamhet identifierats. Denna studie tar, i kontrast till dessa tidigare studier, ett outside-in-perspektiv och undersöker således efterfrågan och behovet av PaaS på marknaden i första hand. Denna fallstudie syftar till att undersöka huruvida tjänstefiering systematiskt kan användas som en tillväxtstrategi för Väderstad och i sådant fall vilken affärsmodells-rekonfiguration detta skulle kräva.  Denna fallstudie bygger dels på en kvalitativ litteraturstudie, dels på en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervjustudie, vilka har kompletterat varandra och bearbetats på ett abduktivt vis för att på bästa sätt kunna besvara studiens syfte. I studien undersöks teoretiska drivkrafter för och barriärer mot PaaS ur både ett kund- och leverantörsperspektiv i syfte att kunna jämföra dessa med empiriska data inhämtade från intervjustudien. Vidare studeras marknaden i syfte att ta fram relevanta marknadssegment till vilka ett PaaS-erbjudande kan anpassas och väntas bli framgångsrikt. Som komplement till detta genomfördes även en kartläggning av företagets nuvarande affärsmodell liksom en hypotetisk konstruktion av den potentiella affärsmodell som skulle krävas för att erbjuda PaaS. För att kunna analysera insamlade data på ett systematiskt sätt konstrueras en analysmodell genom vilken teoretiskt och empiriskt material jämförs och bearbetas på ett abduktivt sätt.  Studien visar på att det finns betydande drivkrafter för ett PaaS-erbjudande ur både ett kund- och leverantörsperspektiv men att det i dagsläget också förekommer flertalet barriärer mot PaaS. För att avgöra huruvida ett PaaS-erbjudande kan komma att bli framgångsrikt eller inte krävs dock att frågan undersöks utifrån ett marknadsperspektiv. Ett PaaS-erbjudande bedöms kunna bli framgångsrikt om det riktas till rätt kundsegment och anpassas därefter för att på bästa sätt möta de olika kundsegmentens respektive behov. Detta förutsatt att vissa rekonfigurationer av affärsmodellen genomförs. Från studiens resultat framgår således att PaaS kan användas som en tillväxtstrategi för att nå helt nya kunder, men framgår även att en PaaS-modell kan nyttjas för att skapa en mer lönsam affär runt den redan existerande kundbasen. Genom att kombinera en outside-in-analys med en marknadssegmenteringsstrategi kan mer exakta kundsegment identifieras och således även mer exakta erbjudanden anpassas, vilket i sin tur visar på den affärsmodellsrekonfiguration som förutsätts för en PaaS-implementation. Sammantaget bekräftar studien att det inte finns en allmängiltig koppling mellan tjänstefiering och lönsamhet, men påvisar samtidigt att det på ett systematiskt sätt går att undersöka om det är en lämplig strategi eller inte för ett visst företag. / With the ever-increasing globalisation and digitalisation, companies are forced to develop new ways in which they create, deliver, and appropriate value to stay competitive as international competition grows more substantial. One solution becoming more and more common is servitization, and particularly the concept of Product-as-a-Service (PaaS). However, in some cases, this requires heavy financial investments. Agriculture is one example of a capital- intensive industry in which PaaS is not yet particularly well-established, but where the potential is all the greater. Most of the published studies about servitisation is based on an inside-out- perspective where it primarily is the company’s capability to deliver a PaaS-offer that is being investigated. However, no correlation between servitisation and profitability has been identified. In contrast to this previous research, this study is based on an outside-in-perspective and thus primarily investigates the market demand and need of PaaS. The aim of this study is to investigate whether servitisation can be used in a systematic way as a growth strategy for the case company Väderstad Group, and in that case, what business model reconfiguration this would require.  This study is partly based on a qualitative literature study, partly on a qualitative semi-structured interview study that have been integrated in an abductive process to answer the purpose of the study in an accurate way. Theoretical drivers for and barriers against PaaS are investigated both from a customer and supplier perspective, with the purpose of comparing these with the empirical data collected from the interview study. In addition to this, the market is studied to identify relevant market segments to which a PaaS-offer can be adjusted and expected to become successful. Furthermore, the company’s current business model is mapped out and a hypothetical PaaS-model is constructed. To be able to analyse the collected data in a systematic way, a model of analysis is designed and applied to compare theoretical and empirical material in an abductive manner.  The study shows that there are significant drivers for a PaaS-offer from both a customer- and supplier perspective, but also that there are several barriers against PaaS. To be able to determine whether a PaaS-offer could be successful or not, the question needs to be investigated from a market perspective. A PaaS-offer is deemed to be expected successful if it is aimed at the right customer segment and adjusted accordingly to meet the specific customer profile of the segments respectively. This, however, requires for some reconfiguration of the current business to be done. The results of the study thus show that PaaS can be used as a growth strategy to reach new customers, but it also becomes clear that a PaaS-model can be used to create more profitable business around the already existing customer base. By combining an outside-in-analysis with a market segmentation strategy, more distinct customer segments can be identified, and thus more accurate offers can be created, which in turn imply what business model reconfiguration is needed for the delivery of these offers. In conclusion, the study confirms that there is no general connection between servitisation and profitability, but it shows that it is possible to systematically examine whether it is an appropriate strategy for a specific company in its unique context.

Motivace malých a středních firem pro využití cloudových řešení / Motivation of small and medium businesses for cloud solutions adoption

Běloch, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Focus of this diploma thesis is on cloud computing topic. Cloud computing is current trend that changes the method of IT services providing. The concept of cloud computing model is based on a provision of IT resources through services. This model offers companies many advantages. The aim of this diploma thesis is to provide an overview of the motivational forces, barriers and their solution in the transition of small and medium businesses to products in the cloud. The theoretical part deals with economic and technological aspects arising from the use of cloud computing model. The next stage is provided with an overview of adoption of cloud computing services in the Czech Republic and current trends. The practical part is focused on the research of motivation aspects and barriers resulting from adoption services built on the cloud computing concept. The main contribution of this thesis is primarily in providing an overview of motivational aspects and research-based barriers in the environment of Czech companies. This overview could help to these company representatives, who are considering deployment of cloud based services, but are struggling with the barriers that this model brings.

Selecting Cloud Platform Services Based On Application Requirements

Larson, Bridger Ronald 01 December 2016 (has links)
As virtualization platforms or cloud computing have become more of a commodity, many more organizations have been utilizing them. Many organizations and technologies have emerged to fulfill those cloud needs. Cloud vendors provide similar services, but the differences can have significant impact on specific applications. Selecting the right provider is difficult and confusing because of the number of options. It can be difficult to determine which application characteristics will impact the choice of implementation. There has not been a concise process to select which cloud vendor and characteristics are best suited for the application requirements and organization requirements. This thesis provides a model that identifies crucial application characteristics, organization requirements and also characteristics of a cloud. The model is used to analyze the interaction of the application with multiple cloud platforms and select the best option based on a suitability score. Case studies utilize this model to test three applications against three cloud implementations to identify the best fit cloud implementation. The model is further validated by a small group of peers through a survey. The studies show that the model is useful in identifying and comparing cloud implementations with regard to application requirements.

Cloud computing v sektoru malých a středních podniků / Cloud computing in the sector of small and medium sized enterprises

Havlíček, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
My master thesis has the main objective to implement into the sector of small and medium sized enterprises a cloud computing solution as required the customer company. Subsidiary targets of my literary part are a definition of small and medium-sized enterprises, explanation of terms corresponding to cloud computing, explaining the very concept of cloud computing and its distribution models, analysis of cloud services and what is involved in the transition to a cloud environment for companies, including migration contract. The first part summarizes information on cloud computing. The second part provides specific implementation of a cloud computing solutions into corporate environments based on empirical research and requirements of the company.

Otimizando a utilização de ambientes de nuvem PaaS usando uma abordagem preditiva.

TRUTA, Ítalo Henrique Costa. 24 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-05-24T13:02:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ÍTALO HENRIQUE COSTA TRUTA - DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGCC) 2016.pdf: 1851862 bytes, checksum: 077c5179782b3aa8aa14351d49baee9e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-24T13:02:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ÍTALO HENRIQUE COSTA TRUTA - DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGCC) 2016.pdf: 1851862 bytes, checksum: 077c5179782b3aa8aa14351d49baee9e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Seguindo a tendência de diversas áreas da computação, o processamento de Big Data também foi movido para a nuvem, devido à flexibilidade e facilidade que o modelo de computação na nuvem oferece, especialmente no modelo PaaS, onde os usuários podem executar suas aplicações Big Data de maneira mais fácil e barata. Centros computacionais de nuvem necessitam fazer um gerenciamento adequado de recursos para fazer melhor aproveitamento do aparato disponível, bem como minimizar custo operacional, já que grande parte dos recursos disponíveis passam a maior parte do tempo ociosos. Muito dessa ociosidade se deve ao sistema de cotas, que considera alocação estática de recursos, ao invés de observar se os recursos estão sendo, de fato, utilizados. O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação propõe uma solução para melhor gerenciamento de recursos em nuvens voltadas para processamento de dados com o modelo PaaS. Esse procedimento é feito por meio de abordagens preditivas tanto a nível operacional, estimando a carga dos servidores que compõem a nuvem em instantes futuros com base na utilização real no momento e em dados históricos, e a nível de aplicação, estimando a duração de tarefas de processamento em lote usando um agrupamento baseado em dados de aplicações previamente executadas. Com estes dados, a abordagem proposta é capaz de tomar decisões não-triviais na medida em que o usuário submete aplicações para execução, tais como acelerar a tarefa, caso haja recursos sobrando no momento, adiá-la, caso não haja recursos no momento mas tenha previsão de que haverá em um curto prazo, ou rejeitá-la, caso não haja recursos no momento da chegada, nem previsão de haver nas próximas janelas de execução. Fazendo uso dessa abordagem, em comparação com o caso usual, controlado pelo sistema de cotas estáticas de recurso, obtivemos um acréscimo médio de mais de 10% dos recursos da nuvem, com um acréscimo no custo operacional de apenas 1%, considerando a não-proporcionalidade de energia, também avaliada nos nossos experimentos. Além disso, houve um aumento de 20% na taxa de requisições de tarefas processadas com sucesso, o que acarretou em um acréscimo no faturamento líıquido entre 10 e 20%. / Following the trend of many computing areas, Big Data processing has also been moved to the cloud, due to the flexibility and easiness the cloud model provides, specially in the PaaS model, where users can run their Big Data applications in an even easier and cheaper way. Cloud computing data centers need to have proper resource management in order to make best usage of available capabilities and minimize operational cost, as a large portion of the computational resources is idle most of the time. This idleness is mostly caused by the quota management system, which only considers static resource allocation, instead of looking whether the resources are indeed used. In this work, we propose a solution to better manage the resources in PaaS cloud environments, focused on data processing. This management is made through predictive approaches, both in operational level, forecasting the workload of cloud servers in next time windows (based on the current utilization and historical data), and at application level, estimating the makespan of batch data processing applications with a clustering algorithm based on previously executed jobs characteristics. With those data, the proposed solution is able to take a set of non-trivial decisions, such as accelerating the job if more resources than requested are available, postponing the job when resources are only available in next time windows,or rejecting it, when there are not enough resources at the moment, neither in next windows. With this approach, when compared to the usual case, regulated by static resource quotas, we obtained a 10% increase of average CPU and RAM utilization across the cloud, with an operation cost increase of only 1%, considering the non-proportionality of power consuming, also observed in our experiments. Besides that, the system also showed a 20% increase in the average success fully processed jobs, occasioning a profit i ncrement between 10% and 20%.

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