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[pt] Esta dissertação busca delinear o desenvolvimento, articulado com a clínica, do conceito de supereu por Freud e sua revisão por Lacan, para pensar sua reverberação recíproca com a cultura. O supereu freudiano, como instância estrutural do aparelho psíquico, tem sua gênese na identificação com o pai, antes e depois do Complexo de Édipo, ao mesmo tempo em que porta a marca da pulsão de morte. Freud dá ênfase às manifestações cruéis da ação autoritária do supereu que, por produzirem um desprazer do qual pode ser difícil prescindir, constituem importante obstáculo ao trabalho clínico e ao laço social. Lacan desloca a referência freudiana ao pai para o campo da linguagem, articulando a função paterna com a estrutura significante, em detrimento das imagos, indo da conceituação do Nome-do-pai aos Nomes-do-pai em suas dimensões imaginária, simbólica e real. Seus novos conceitos de gozo e objeto a reforçam a centralidade da função superegóica, privilegiando sua dimensão pulsional e alteritária e ampliando a perspectiva dinâmica de sua constituição e de seus efeitos. Em função do deslocamento do conceito da referência de autoridade para a de alteridade e de sua estreita relação com o desamparo, abre-se uma via para propor a articulação do supereu com a visada ética pela qual Freud toma o trabalho clínico da psicanálise como uma obra de cultura. / [en] This work aims to study the theoretical development (articulated with clinical practice) of the superego concept by Freud and its revision by Lacan, and to consider its reciprocal effects on culture. The Freudian superego, as a structural agency of the psychic apparatus, has its origin in the identification with the father, before and after the Oedipus complex, at the same time that carries death drive embedded. Freud emphasizes the cruel manifestation of the authoritarian action of the superego which constitute an important obstacle for the clinic work and the social bonds, once these manifestations produce an unpleasure from which it can be hard to prescind. Lacan changes the Freudian reference of the father to the language field, articulating the paternal function with the signifier s structure, to the detriment of the imagos, going from the concept of Name-of-the-father to Names-of-the-father in its imaginary, symbolic and real dimensions. His new concepts of jouissance and object a, reinforce the centrality of the superegoic function, privileging its pulsional and alterity dimension and augmenting the dynamical perspective of its constitution and its effects. Due to this concept shifting its reference from authority to alterity and its close relation with the helplessness, it gives an opportunity to propose the articulation of the superego with the ethical concerns by which Freud takes the psychoanalytic clinical practice as a work of culture.
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Das saudades que se tem: a representação paterna na escrita autobiográfica de Bartolomeu Campos de QueirósSilva, Carla Damas 23 May 2016 (has links)
Em nosso trabalho, analisamos em algumas obras de Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós que
compõem o chamado “ciclo autobiográfico”, em especial as que trazem a imagem da
ausência/presença do pai, a relação entre vida e escrita, bem como as figurações do pai e de
seus intermediários e substitutos. Investigamos, sobretudo, o caráter da repetição no modo
como se articulam as relações familiares, com destaque para as que ocorrem entre pai e filho
e que aparecem nesses textos. Essa problemática interessou-nos como objeto de pesquisa, a
priori, porque as obras de Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós são um expoente no campo da
literatura infantil, na medida em que mostram que nem sempre a infância é “colorida”, feliz
e perfeita como nos procuram fazer crer diversas produções supostamente feitas “para
crianças”. Além disso, os textos selecionados de caráter autobiográfico, que trazem a questão
do sofrimento da criança devido à ausência do pai, configuram-se como riquíssimo corpus
para estudos referentes à relação entre vida/obra e as investigações no diálogo entre
Literatura e Psicanálise. Isso nos permitirá entender o porquê de a dor da falta do pai ser
repetitiva e insistente nesses livros. Dessa forma, problematizamos, por meio das obras
selecionadas para este estudo, o conceito de literatura infantil e juvenil e a noção de leitura
literária. Também analisamos nos “depoimentos” dados pelo autor a relação entre vida e
escrita e investigamos, com base em estudos psicanalíticos, a escrita literária enquanto
possibilidade tanto de elaboração inconsciente da memória marcada pela ausência do pai –
remédio –, quanto de perpetuação desse mesmo conflito – veneno. Ademais, analisamos
como se processam as relações entre o filho e o pai considerando a ausência da mãe, já que,
nas obras em que há a presença desse personagem, ela parece mediar de certa forma tais
relacionamentos. / In our work, we analyze some works of Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós that compose the
“autobiographical cycle”, especially those ones that bring the image of father’s
absence/presence, the relationship between life and writing, as well as the father’s
figurations and his intermediates and substitutes. We especially investigated the aspect of
repetition about how the family relations are articulated, highlighting those ones that happen
between father and son and that appear in these texts. This problematic interested us as a
research object, a priori, because the works of Bartholomeu Campos de Queirós are an
exponent of literature for children field, as far as they show that the childhood is not always
“colorful”, happy and perfect as several productions supposedly made “for children” seek to
have us believe. In addition, the selected texts that have an autobiographical characteristic
and put the issue of child suffering because of the father’s absence are configured as a very
rich corpus for studies related to the relation between life/work and investigations in the
dialogue between Literature and Psychoanalysis. These aspects will permit us to understand
why the pain of missing father be repetitive and insistent in these books. Thus, we
problematize, by the selected works for this study, the concept of literature for children and
young people and the notion of literary reading. We also analyzed in the “statements” given
by the author the relationship between life and writing and we investigated, based on
psychoanalytic studies, the literary writing as a possibility of both unconscious development
of memory marked by the father’s absence – remedy – as of a perpetuation of this same
conflict – poison. Furthermore, we analyzed how the relationship between son and father are
processed considering the mother’s absence, since the works that have this person’s
presence, she seems to mediate such relationships in a certain way. / Dissertação (Mestrado)
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AvaliaÃÃo do Programa de AÃÃo Integrada para o Aposentado â PAI: o caso do Projeto Integrado de PreparaÃÃo para a Aposentadoria-PIPA / Evaluation of Integrated Assistance Program for the Elderly - PAI: the case of Integrated Program of Retirement Preparation - PIPAJaylson GonÃalves Dantas 27 February 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este trabalho de pesquisa tem por objetivo geral investigar se o Programa de
AssistÃncia ao Idoso - PAI, por meio do Programa Integrado de PreparaÃÃo para a
Aposentadoria - PIPA, patrocinados pelo Governo do Estado do CearÃ, tem como
essÃncia cuidar e incentivar o idoso para uma atividade prazerosa e produtiva na
aposentadoria, por meio de aÃÃes que nÃo sejam meramente lÃdicas e que, muitas
vezes "infantilizam" essas pessoas, atravÃs de brincadeiras e atividades atà mesmo
constrangedoras. Esta pesquisa adotou, como grupo empÃrico, uma amostra de 36
(trinta e seis) sujeitos participantes do citado programa, que se dispuseram, apÃs
uma prÃvia autorizaÃÃo, a participar. Utilizou-se como metodologia a aplicaÃÃo de
um questionÃrio composto de perguntas abertas e fechadas, cujos dados analisados
permitiram traÃar o perfil socioeconÃmico dos sujeitos envolvidos, bem como
perceber o alcance dos objetivos propostos pelo programa. De modo geral, os
participantes, estÃo satisfeitos com o programa e com as atividades oferecidas,
constatando-se que os objetivos da pesquisa foram alcanÃados, uma vez que a
investigaÃÃo deparou-se com um grande nÃmero de servidores que estÃo confiantes
para enfrentar o fantasma da inatividade. Contudo, por se tratar de uma polÃtica
pÃblica voltada para o bem estar dessa faixa da populaÃÃo, Ã importante frisar que
como demanda pÃblica, pelo fato de nÃo ser estÃtica, requer avaliaÃÃes periÃdicas.
No caso especÃfico do PIPA, surge a necessidade de que este estudo seja feito
numa outra conjuntura, haja vista que a criaÃÃo e reformulaÃÃo de leis emanadas do
Estado possibilitam uma realidade, hoje, que poderà ser diferente amanhÃ.
Portanto, os participantes do PIPA sÃo servidores que se aproximam do tÃrmino do
tempo de serviÃo e que poderÃo ser reinseridos na economia por vias de programas
sociais, especialmente nesse momento de crise pelo qual passa o mundo, o Brasil
e o Estado do CearÃ, onde o neoliberalismo està cada vez mais presente e os
governos sentem a necessidade de evitar seus dÃficits. / This research aims at investigate whether the Assistance Program for the Elderly -
PAI, by way of the Integrated Program of Retirement Preparation - PIPA, both
sponsored by the Government of the State of CearÃ, has the essence of caring and
encourage the elderly for a pleasurable and productive activity in the retirement, with
actions that are not merely ludic and often "infantilize" these people, through games
and activities, even embarrassing. This research adopted as empirical group, 36
(thirty six) subjects participating in the said program, who made themselves ready,
after a prior authorization, to participate. It was used as a methodology the
application of a questionnaire consisting of open and closed questions, which
analyzed data allowed us to outline the socioeconomic profile of the individuals
involved, as well as realize the scope of the objectives proposed by the program. In
general, participants are satisfied with the program and the activities offered,
revealing that the research objectives were achieved, since the research came
across itself with a large number of servers that are confident to face the ghost of the
inactivity. However, as it is a public policy for the welfare of this population group, it is
important to emphasize that public demand, because it is not static, requires periodic
evaluations. In the specific case of PIPA, arises the need for this study to be done in
another conjuncture, considering that the creation and reformulation of laws issued
by the State allow that a reality, today, may be different tomorrow. Therefore, the
participants of PIPA are servers that are approaching the end of the period of service
and may be reinserted into the economy by social programs, especially in this time of
crisis in which the world passes, Brazil and state of CearÃ, where the neoliberalism is
increasingly present and governments feel the need to avoid fiscal deficits.
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Vestidos de realeza = contribuições centro-africanas no Candomblé de Joãozinho da Goméia (1937-1967) / Royal dresses : central african contributions to Joãozinho da Goméia's CandombléMendes, Andrea, 1968- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Robert Wayne Andrew Slenes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T20:31:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O Candomblé é uma religião cujos sentidos, ações rituais e cosmologia possuem vínculos com várias tradições religiosas do oeste e centro da África, e divide-se em subgrupos que se autodenominam nações: Ketu (ou Nagô), Jeje e Angola, entre outras. Os estudos sobre essa religiosidade privilegiaram, desde o seu início, o culto de origem nagô, que acabou sendo tomada como modelo ideal, em detrimento das outras, estabelecendo um importante paradigma que viria influenciar decisivamente os estudos afro-brasileiros, desde a transição do século XIX para o XX. Somente a partir da década de 1970, com o surgimento de novos estudos africanistas, foi possível traçar novos argumentos para analisar a presença africana nas Américas, e estabelecer bases para a discussão sobre um diálogo possível entre centro-africanos e africanos ocidentais na formação do candomblé. Joãozinho da Goméia (1914-1971) foi um pai de santo do Candomblé Angola, que iniciou sua trajetória na Bahia e se deslocou para Caxias, na Baixada Fluminense, na década de 1940. Personagem controvertido em sua época pelas constantes aparições na mídia, Joãozinho teve uma grande fotorreportagem veiculada pela revista o Cruzeiro, em 1966, que retratou as vestimentas das divindades cultuadas em seu candomblé, em um conjunto de 26 fotografias, além da capa da edição. O recorte temporal, que privilegia o período compreendido entre 1937-1966, diz respeito às primeiras aparições de Joãozinho na imprensa, até a veiculação da fotorreportagem em O Cruzeiro. Esse trabalho se propõe a analisar, a partir das imagens veiculadas em O Cruzeiro, as contribuições da presença centro-africana na formação de uma religiosidade negra no Brasil, lançando mão do uso complementar de fontes de diversas naturezas, como periódicos, imprensa, relatos de missionários e etnografias, para permitir uma análise mais aprofundada do tema abordado / Abstract: Candomblé is a religion whose meanings, ritual actions and cosmology are linked to various religious traditions from West and Central Africa. Its practitioners are divided into subgroups that call themselves nations: Ketu (or nagô), Jeje and Angola, among others. The studies about this religion gave priority, since their inception, to the cult that had a nagô (yoruba) origin, which, because of this, became the ideal model, to the detriment of the others. In this way an important paradigm was created, which would decisively influence Afro-Brazilian studies from the end of the 19th to well into the 20th century. It was only from the 1970s, with the renovation of studies on Africa, that it became possible to elaborate new arguments for analyzing the African presence in the Americas and for thinking about a possible dialogue between Central and West Africans in the formation of Candomblé. Joãozinho da Goméia (1914-1971) was a priest (pai de santo) from Candomblé-Angola, who began his career in Bahia and moved to Caxias, in the Baixada Fluminense, in the 1940s. A controversial figure in his time because of constant appearances in the media, Joãozinho was featured in a widely divulged piece of photo journalism that appeared in O Cruzeiro magazine in 1967, portraying the vestments of the divinities cultivated in his candomblé in a set of 26 pictures, plus the image on the issue?s cover. The temporal limits of the study, which focuses largely on the period from 1937 to 1966, are defined by Joãozinho?s first appearances in the press and by the making of the photo report for O Cruzeiro. The aim is to explore the images that appeared in O Cruzeiro in order to analyze the contributions of Central Africans to the formation of black religiosity in Brazil. The thesis uses complementary sources of different natures, such as periodicals, newspapers, missionary reports and ethnographies, to provide a deeper analysis of the question studied / Mestrado / Historia Social / Mestre em História
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Theoretical Investigation of OPTO-Electronic Processes in Organic Conjugated Systems Within Interacting Models : Exact Diagonalization and DMRG StudiesProdhan, Suryoday January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The present thesis deals with a theoretical study of electronic structures in -conjugated molecular materials with focus on their application in organic elec-tronics. We also discuss a modified and efficient symmetrized DMRG algorithm for studying excited states in these systems. In recent times, organic conjugated systems have emerged as potential candidates in a wide range of fascinating fields by virtue of their tunable electronic properties, easy processability and low cost. Tunability in the electronic and optical properties primarily are centered on the or-dering and nature of the low-lying excited states. Probing these important excited states also demands development of efficient and adaptable techniques.
Chapter 1 provides a basic overview of conjugated organic polymers which have been utilized over decades in diverse fields as in organic light emitting diodes (OLED), organic solar cells (OSC) and non-linear optical (NLO) devices. These systems also contribute significantly to theoretical understanding as they pro vide important insights of one and quasi-one dimensional systems. In this chapter, we have given basic description of the electronic processes in OLED and OSC along with a brief theoretical description of -conjugated organic systems.
Chapter 2 gives an account of the numerical techniques which are necessary for the study of low-dimensional strongly correlated systems like -conjugated sys-tems. For this purpose, effective low-energy model Hamiltonians viz. Huckel,¨ Hubbard and Pariser-Parr-Pople Hamiltonians are discussed. Exact diagonalization technique within the diagrammatic valence bond (DVB) basis and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) technique are discussed in details. We have also given brief accounts of the methods employed to study real-time dynamics. A short description of different computational techniques for the study of NLO properties in -conjugated systems is also provided.
Engineering the position of the lowest triplet state (T1) relative to the first excited singlet state (S1) is of great importance in improving the efficiencies of organic light emitting diodes and organic photovoltaic cells. In chapter 3, we have carried out model exact calculations of substituted polyene chains to understand the fac-tors that affect the energy gap between S1 and T1. The factors studied are backbone
dimerization, different donor-acceptor substitutions and twisted backbone geome-try. The largest system studied is an eighteen carbon polyene which spans a Hilbert space of about 991 million in the triplet subspace. We show that for reverse inter-system crossing (RISC) process, the best choice involves substituting all carbon sites on one half of the polyene with donors and the other half with acceptors.
Singlet fission (SF) is a potential pathway for significant enhancement of efficiency in OSC. In chapter 4, we study singlet fission in a pair of polyene molecules in two different stacking arrangements employing exact many-body wave packet dy-namics. In the non-interacting model, SF is absent. The individual molecules are treated within Hubbard and Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) models and the interac-tion between them involves transfer terms, intersite electron repulsions and site-charge—bond-charge repulsion terms. Initial wave packet is construc ted from ex-cited singlet state of one molecule and ground state of the other. Time develop-ment of this wave packet under the influence of intermolecular interactions is fol-lowed within the Schrodinger¨ picture by an efficient predictor-corrector scheme.
In unsubstituted Hubbard and PPP chains, 21A state leads to significant SF yield while the 11B state gives negligible fission yield. On substitution by donor-acceptor groups of moderate strength, the lowest excited state will have sufficient 2 1A char-acter and hence gives significant SF yield. Because of rapid internal c onversion, the nature of the lowest excited singlet will determine the SF contribution to OSC effi - ciency. Furthermore, we find the fission yield depends considerably on th e stacking arrangement of the polyene molecules.
In chapter 5, we have given an account of a new modified algorithm for symmetry adaptation within symmetrized density matrix renormalization group (SDMRG) technique. SDMRG technique has been an efficient method for studying low-lying eigenstates in one and quasi-one dimensional electronic systems. However, SDMRG method until now, had bottlenecks involving construction of linearly in-dependent symmetry adapted basis states as the symmetry matrices in the DMRG basis were not sparse. Our modified algorithm overcomes this bottleneck. T he new method incorporates end-to-end interchange symmetry (C2), electron-hole symmetry (J) and parity or spin-flip symmetry (P) in these calculations. The one-to-one correspondence between direct-product basis states in the DMRG Hilbert space for these symmetry operations renders the symmetry matrices in the new ba-sis with maximum sparseness, just one non-zero matrix element per row. Using methods similar to those employed in exact diagonalization technique for Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) models, developed in the eighties, it is possible to construct or-thogonal SDMRG basis states while bypassing the slow step of Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization procedure. The method together with the PPP model which incorporates long-range electronic correlations is employed to study the correlated excited states of 1,12-benzoperylene.
In chapter 6, we have studied the correlated excited states of coronene and ova-lene within Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) model employing symmetry adapted density matrix renormalization group technique. These polynuclear aromatic hydrocar-bons can be considered as graphene nanoflakes and study of their ele ctronic struc-tures will shed light on the electron correlation effects in these finite-size gr aphene analogues. The electron correlation effect usually diminishes on going from one-dimensional to higher-dimensional systems, yet, it is significant within these fin ite-size graphene derivatives where it depends on the molecular topology. We have characterized these low-lying energy states by calculating bond orders, spin den-sities in the lowest triplet state and two-photon absorption cross-sections for low-lying two-photon states.
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Immune profiling of keloid diseaseBagabir, Rania January 2013 (has links)
Keloid disease (KD) is a benign fibroproliferative dermal disease of unknown aetiopathogenesis that occurs in genetically susceptible individuals. KD shows high heterogeneity within the lesion, harbouring different immune cell profiles, which are poorly characterised in KD at different lesional sites. Although, it has long been appreciated that chronic inflammation and dermal fibrosis is associated with other fibrotic diseases (e.g. scleroderma), this link has not, yet, been established in KD through direct evidence. Additionally, the limited availability of a simple KD animal model has hindered our understanding of the underlying pathogenesis of KD. Therefore, the main objectives were a) to identify and profile different immune cells at defined KD lesional and histological sites, b) to further characterize the potential contribution of viral particles in KD by investigating the gene and protein expression profile of toll like receptors that recognise viral particles in KD, and c) to develop an optimized long-term serum-free organ culture (OC) model for KD research as a tool for probing novel hypotheses in KD pathobiology deduced from a) and b) and to also validate the reliability and instructiveness of this novel ex vivo KD model with conventional (e.g. dexamethasone) and potential future anti-KD compounds [(-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) knock-down by siRNA]. To achieve above objectives, different cellular and molecular techniques were applied. Immune profiling of KD (chapter 2) at defined lesional and histological sites generated the first comprehensive analysis of KD-associated inflammatory cell infiltrates. This work demonstrated for the first time the presence of specific type of chronic inflammation in KD that resembles the formation of tertiary lymphoid tissues (TLTs) (in 14.7%, out of 68 KD cases). Although, these TLTs are not strictly linked to defined lesional sites within the KD, they are similar in structure to mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT). Therefore, we named this phenomenon as keloid-associated lymphoid tissue (KALT). Immunophenotyping of KD lesional sites also showed a predominance of T-cells, B-cells, M2 macrophages and OX40L+ degranulated mast cells in intralesional and perilesional sites of KD compared to normal skin and normal scar tissue. In the epidermis, Langerhans cells showed no changes, whereas the intra-epidermal T-cells were significantly increased in both the intralesional and perilesional sites of KD with an increased CD4:CD8 ratio. Intra-epidermal B-cells were only rarely found in KD. Interestingly, there was no significant statistical difference between intralesional and perilesional sites of KD immunophenotyping. These abnormal immune profiles suggest the persistence of non-resolving inflammation presence towards unknown stimuli, which require further investigation. The chronic inflammation could be followed by a reparative phase in a repetitive manner leading to KD formation. Evaluation of toll-like receptor (TLR) gene and protein expression in KD showed a significant increase in the expression of intra-epidermal TLR-6, -7 and dermal TLR-8. Since these TLRs are typically up regulated during anti-viral responses, these results further support the hypothesis that certain viruses or yet unidentified ligand may play a role in KD pathogenesis (chapter 3). A successful long-term, serum-free keloid OC model was established using a 4 mm sized punch biopsy embedded in collage matrix as air liquid interface in supplemented William’s E medium for up to 6 weeks (Chapter 4).
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[pt] Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar as repercussões
do declínio da lógica fálico-edípica sobre a produção
psicanalítica a respeito da sexualidade feminina. Para
tanto, traça o perfil do lugar do pai na modernidade
e a fragilização deste lugar na contemporaneidade. A seguir
mostra os reflexos desse estado de coisas na teorização
psicanalítica atual sobre a mulher através da apresentação
e discussão dos conceitos de objeto a, por um lado, e
feminilidade, por outro, representativos de duas teorias
psicanalíticas contemporâneas que estudam a questão da
mulher. / [en] This dissertation has the purpose of analyzing the
consequences of the decline of the phallic logic on the
psychoanalytic theory about female sexuality.
In order to do so, it discusses the role of the father in
modernity and its weakening in contemporary society. Next
it shows the effects of this state of affairs on current
psychoanalytic ideas about women by introducing and
discussing the concepts of object a, on one hand, and
femininity, on the other hand which represent two different
contemporary psychoanalytic theories that study female
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Saravá Ogum: a umbanda em procissãoRibas, José Dalmo Ribeiro 18 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010-05-18 / In the mid past century in São Paulo City, the Umbanda Religion had
experienced its most critical period concerning religious persecution. Encouraged by
very conservative sectors of the society, the police repression was merciless against
both male and female spiritualist ministers, braking into the terreiros (the sanctuary
place for their practices) and arresting them along with the faithful people around in
the name of moral and honest habits.
In order to face this situation, in April 1957, following the recommendations
from a spiritual head-guide called Exu Pássaro Preto, a group of Umbanda
performers living in Jardim Buturuçu neighborhood, in eastern São Paulo, as a
gesture of civil contumacy, had initiated the São Jorge (the Orixá Ogum) procession,
claiming through this act for their right of free religious expression.
This ceremony, that is taking place in 2010 for the very 53rd time, has widened
its projection throughout Brazil, bringing outstanding value for the trails of this religion
in São Paulo, by becoming a kind of central axis around witch the Umbanda has
been built, has raised and reached institutional recognition.
This paperwork aims to rescue by the testimony of Babalorixá Jamil Rachid,
one of the most recognized leaders of the Umbanda and Candomblé religions in São
Paulo, part of the verbal history of this activity, considering that he has been involved
since the early 1950s.
Besides the depositions caught from the interviews, the here-below
information were structured through the research of newspapers, magazines and
pictures concerning the São Jorge Procession and owned by the testimony s focal
point / Em meados do século passado em São Paulo a Umbanda viveu seu período mais
crítico em termos de perseguição religiosa. Estimulados por setores retrógrados da
sociedade, a repressão policial agia contra pais e mães de santo, invadindo terreiros
e efetuando prisões em nome da moral e dos bons costumes.
Para fazer frente a essa situação, em abril de 1957, seguindo a recomendação de
um guia espiritual denominado Exu Pássaro Preto, um grupo de umbandistas
moradores do Jardim Buturuçu, Zona Leste da Capital, num gesto de desobediência
civil, deu início à realização da Procissão de São Jorge, Orixá Ogum, com o intuito
de clamar através dela o direito de livre expressão religiosa.
Essa cerimônia que em 2010 realiza-se pela 53ª vez, ampliou, ganhou projeção
nacional, adquirindo com o passar dos anos uma importância significativa para os
rumos da tradição religiosa em São Paulo, ao tornar a sua realização uma espécie
de eixo em torno do qual a Umbanda se estruturou, cresceu e adquiriu
reconhecimento institucional.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo resgatar através do testemunho do Babalorixá Jamil
Rachid, uma das lideranças de maior reconhecimento junto à Umbanda e ao
Candomblé em São Paulo, parte da história oral desse movimento, tendo em conta
que a sua participação se deu desde o seu início em meados dos anos cinqüenta.
Além do depoimento dado através de entrevistas, procurou-se estruturar as
informações existentes, organizando-se jornais, revistas e fotos alusivas a Procissão
de São Jorge, existentes em poder do entrevistado
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O passeio dos quilombolas e a formação do quilombo urbano / The walk of quilombolas and the formation of the urban quilombo.Silva, Djalma Antonio da 03 June 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:22:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005-06-03 / SILVA, Djalma Antônio da. The walk of quilombolas and the formation of the urban quilombo. Doctorate Thesis on Social Sciences, presented at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC). São Paulo, March of 2005.
This dissertation studies the descendants of quilombolas from two communities in the Zona da Mata Mineira: Colônia do Paiol, which beginnings are from the second half of the 18 th Century, through the donation of lands made by the farmer José Ribeiro Nunes, according to his own will registered at the Public Archives of the Court of the City of Barbacena, Minas Gerais; the second community is Bias Fortes, founded at the first half of the 18 th Century, through a quilombo of fugitives slaves and of migrants that later populated the area.
For this purpose, the author contextualizes historically the meaning and the evolution of the presence of slaves in the lands of Minas Gerais, since the ends of the 17 th Century, within the black during the golden cycle. It is remarked that slavery in Brazil was not homogeneous: it depended on the economic cycle, on its moment, on the region and on the times. In this frame, quilombos are worthy of special attention, studying the mechanisms that gave them birth, specially the letters of freedom (cartas de alforria) and the escapes, studying as well the geographic and social situation of the quilombos towards the whole society of the time, as well as the ways of control and repression perpetrated by the colonial establishment against them.
Trough the register of oral reports and narratives of members from these communities, the author reconstitutes the genesis, summarizes the historical development, rememorizes the facts and the people who lived them, investigates the migration moviments and their destination, forward to, at last, establishing a parallel between the past and the present of these populations of quilombolas which origins were Bias Fortes and Colônia do Paiol and who migrated to Juiz de Fora. / SILVA, Djalma Antônio da. O passeio dos quilombolas e a formação do quilombo urbano. Tese de doutorado em Ciências Sociais, apresentada à Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC). São Paulo, março de 2005.
Esta tese estuda os remanescentes de quilombos de duas comunidades da Zona da Mata Mineira: Colônia do Paiol, cuja origem data da segunda metade do século XVIII, com nove ex-escravos do fazendeiro José Ribeiro Nunes, que lhes doou as terras, conforme testamento constante no Arquivo Público do Fórum de Barbacena, Minas Gerais. A segunda comunidade é Bias Fortes, fundada na primeira metade do século XVIII, a partir de um quilombo de escravos fugitivos e de imigrantes que ulteriormente a povoaram.
Para tanto, contextualiza-se historicamente o significado e a evolução da presença de escravos em terras mineiras, a partir do final do século XVII, com o tráfico negreiro dirigido sobretudo à exploração do ouro durante todo o seu ciclo. Destaca-se que a escravidão no Brasil não foi homogenia: dependia do ciclo econômico, do seu momento, da região, da época. Nesse quadro, os quilombos merecem especial atenção, estudando-lhes os mecanismos originantes, tais como as alforrias e as fugas, bem como a situação geográfica e social em relação à sociedade da época, e as formas de controle e repressão usadas pelo establishement colonial contra eles.
Através do registro de relatos e narrativas orais de membros dessas comunidades, reconstitui-se a gênese, traça-se o desenvolvimento histórico, rememoram-se os fatos e as pessoas que os protagonizaram, investigam-se as movimentações migratórias e seus destinos para, enfim, estabelecer-se um paralelo entre o passado e o presente dessas populações de quilombolas cuja origem foram Bias Fortes e Colônia do Paiol e que migraram para Juiz de Fora.
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O passeio dos quilombolas e a formação do quilombo urbano / The walk of quilombolas and the formation of the urban quilombo.Silva, Djalma Antonio da 03 June 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-06-03 / SILVA, Djalma Antônio da. The walk of quilombolas and the formation of the urban quilombo. Doctorate Thesis on Social Sciences, presented at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC). São Paulo, March of 2005.
This dissertation studies the descendants of quilombolas from two communities in the Zona da Mata Mineira: Colônia do Paiol, which beginnings are from the second half of the 18 th Century, through the donation of lands made by the farmer José Ribeiro Nunes, according to his own will registered at the Public Archives of the Court of the City of Barbacena, Minas Gerais; the second community is Bias Fortes, founded at the first half of the 18 th Century, through a quilombo of fugitives slaves and of migrants that later populated the area.
For this purpose, the author contextualizes historically the meaning and the evolution of the presence of slaves in the lands of Minas Gerais, since the ends of the 17 th Century, within the black during the golden cycle. It is remarked that slavery in Brazil was not homogeneous: it depended on the economic cycle, on its moment, on the region and on the times. In this frame, quilombos are worthy of special attention, studying the mechanisms that gave them birth, specially the letters of freedom (cartas de alforria) and the escapes, studying as well the geographic and social situation of the quilombos towards the whole society of the time, as well as the ways of control and repression perpetrated by the colonial establishment against them.
Trough the register of oral reports and narratives of members from these communities, the author reconstitutes the genesis, summarizes the historical development, rememorizes the facts and the people who lived them, investigates the migration moviments and their destination, forward to, at last, establishing a parallel between the past and the present of these populations of quilombolas which origins were Bias Fortes and Colônia do Paiol and who migrated to Juiz de Fora. / SILVA, Djalma Antônio da. O passeio dos quilombolas e a formação do quilombo urbano. Tese de doutorado em Ciências Sociais, apresentada à Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC). São Paulo, março de 2005.
Esta tese estuda os remanescentes de quilombos de duas comunidades da Zona da Mata Mineira: Colônia do Paiol, cuja origem data da segunda metade do século XVIII, com nove ex-escravos do fazendeiro José Ribeiro Nunes, que lhes doou as terras, conforme testamento constante no Arquivo Público do Fórum de Barbacena, Minas Gerais. A segunda comunidade é Bias Fortes, fundada na primeira metade do século XVIII, a partir de um quilombo de escravos fugitivos e de imigrantes que ulteriormente a povoaram.
Para tanto, contextualiza-se historicamente o significado e a evolução da presença de escravos em terras mineiras, a partir do final do século XVII, com o tráfico negreiro dirigido sobretudo à exploração do ouro durante todo o seu ciclo. Destaca-se que a escravidão no Brasil não foi homogenia: dependia do ciclo econômico, do seu momento, da região, da época. Nesse quadro, os quilombos merecem especial atenção, estudando-lhes os mecanismos originantes, tais como as alforrias e as fugas, bem como a situação geográfica e social em relação à sociedade da época, e as formas de controle e repressão usadas pelo establishement colonial contra eles.
Através do registro de relatos e narrativas orais de membros dessas comunidades, reconstitui-se a gênese, traça-se o desenvolvimento histórico, rememoram-se os fatos e as pessoas que os protagonizaram, investigam-se as movimentações migratórias e seus destinos para, enfim, estabelecer-se um paralelo entre o passado e o presente dessas populações de quilombolas cuja origem foram Bias Fortes e Colônia do Paiol e que migraram para Juiz de Fora.
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