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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of HAART on sexuality and medicine taking behaviours among people living with HIV/AIDS in Grahamstown

Chizanga, Tongai Aldridge January 2010 (has links)
Introduction: Adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is critical for optimal therapeutic outcomes. A possible factor in adherence is the impact of HAART on sexual functioning. Methods: A mixed methods approach was used. A cohort of 14 people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Grahamstown was identified. Two semi-structured interviews and two structured questionnaires were administered. In-depth interviews were conducted with two HIV counsellors in so as to obtain a different perspective on the topics. The theoretical framework used three health behaviour models: the Health Belief Model, Leventhal‘s Common-Sense Model of self regulation and the Transtheoretical model. Results: The participants were between 27 and 49 years old and had been on HAART for between 9 months and 10 years. Six participants were support staff members from Rhodes University and eight from the Raphael Centre – a local NGO which assists PLWHA.In most of the participants HAART was associated with increased libido and improved sexual functioning (sexual activity and sexual enjoyment). The use of alcohol increased risky sexual behaviour. Issues of adherence were seemingly not directly affected by the effects of HAART on sexuality. PLWHA, especially women, face challenges related to their sexuality, some of which are not directly related to their illness and treatment. The fear of transmitting drug resistant HIV or getting re-infected, stigma, disclosure issues,difficulties negotiating for safe sex among women, HAART-related lipodystrophic changes that affect one‘s sense of self and unmet reproductive needs are some of the problems that were reported. The men‘s dislike for condoms was overt and blatant. Discussion: Being diagnosed with HIV and reaching a point where treatment is requiredare life-changing events. Making decisions about one‘s life (including adherence to HAART, alcohol use and knowingly partaking in risky sexual encounters) become all the more significant in the context of AIDS. Intentional non-adherence is informed by the individual‘s assessment of the costs and benefits of taking treatment. Cultural influences,gendered power relations and misconceptions strongly influence sexual behaviours. Conclusion: The general lack of attention among health care providers concerning issues related to PLWHA‘s sexuality and reproductive issues needs to be addressed. Insights fromthe theoretical models should be integrated with empirical findings in designing adherence interventions.

Efekat strukturiranog edukativnog programa o tipu 2 dijabetesa u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti na zdravstveno ponašanje i glikoregulaciju pacijenata / The effects of the structured Type 2 diabetes educational programme in primary health care on health behaviour and patient glucoregulation

Požar Hajnalka 30 November 2020 (has links)
<p>Dijabetes melitus je metaboliĉki poremećaj koji karakteri&scaron;e hroniĉna hiperglikemija i predstavlja veoma ozbiljan javno-zdravstveni problem u celom svetu. Najveći potencijal za pobolj&scaron;anje zdravlja obolelih leţi u postizanju i odrţavanju optimalne glikoregulacije. Podaci iz literature pokazuju da se sprovođenjem strukturiranih edukativnih programa o tipu 2 dijabetesa postiţu pozitivni efekti na zdravstveno pona&scaron;anje i glikoregulaciju kod obolelih koji su pohađali edukaciju. Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je da se proceni efekat strukturirane edukacije o tipu 2 dijabetesa u primarnoj zdravstvenoj za&scaron;titi na promenu nivoa znanja, zdravstveno pona&scaron;anje, antropometrijske i biohemijske parametre glikoregulacije pacijenata. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u vidu prospektivne studije od februara do avgusta 2018. godine u Savetovali&scaron;tu za dijabetes Doma zdravlja Subotica. Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 91 pacijenta sa dijagnostikovanim tipom 2 dijabetesa. Ispitanici su pohađali strukturirani &scaron;estonedeljni grupni edukativni program, kreiran za potrebe ovog istraţivanja. U cilju procene efekata edukativnog programa, na poĉetku i ĉetiri meseca nakon edukacije, prikupljeni su podaci o: zdravstvenom pona&scaron;anju, nivou znanja o dijabetesu (Diabetes Knowledge Test), o aktivnostima samonege u prethodnih sedam dana (The Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities) i o aktivnostima samonege prethodnih osam nedelja (The Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire), određeni su antropometrijski (telesna teţina, indeks telesne mase, obim struka i nivo arterijskog krvnog pritiska) i biohemijski parametri glikoregulacije (nivo &scaron;ećera u krvi na&scaron;te, dva sata nakon jela, nivo HbA1c) i lipidni status pacijenata. Na početku strukturirane edukacije 79% pacijenata imalo je nizak nivo znanja o dijabetesu, prosečna vrednost na DKT bila je 46,4%. Nivo samonege pacijenatna bio je nizak i prethodnih 7 dana (SDSCA 45,8%) i prethodnih 8 nedelja (DSMQ 6,75). Trećina (35%) pacijenata imala je prekomernu telesnu masu, a njih 45% bilo je gojazno (BMI 29,85&plusmn;5,47). Povi&scaron;ene vrednosti sistolnog krvnog pritiska imalo je 43%, a dijastolnog 54% pacijenata. Polovina (54,9%) pacijenata imala je idealnu glikoregulaciju (HbA1c 6,56&plusmn;0,96%). Trećina (35%) pacijenata imala je visokorizičan nivo holesterola, a 26% visokoriziĉan nivo triglicerida u krvi. Ispitivanja sprovedena ĉetiri meseca nakon strukturirane edukacije pokazuju značajno povi&scaron;en nivo znanja pacijenata o dijabetesu, tj. visok nivo sa prosečnom vredno&scaron;ću DKT 81,5%. Nivo aktivnosti samonege prethodnih 7 dana i prethodnih 8 nedelja dostigao je umeren nivo (SDSCA 57,7%; DSMQ 7,9). Utvrđeno je značajno smanjenje telesne mase pacijenata za 1,5 kg i indeksa telesne mase, BMI, za 0,58 kg/m2. Procenat gojaznih pacijenata smanjen je na 40%. Povi&scaron;ene vrednosti sistolnog krvnog pritiska imalo je 26,4% (uz proseĉno smanjenje od 4 mmHg), a dijastolnog krvnog pritiska kod 44% pacijenata (uz prosečno smanjenje od 3 mmHg). Utvrđeno je znaĉajno smanjenje nivoa HbA1c za 0,36%, idealnu glikoregulaciju postiglo je 68% pacijenata. Zabeleţeno je smanjenje nivoa ukupnog holesterola za 0,3 mmol/L i nivoa triglicerida u krvi pacijenata za 0,23 mmol/L. Broj pacijenata sa visokorizičnim nivoom holesterola smanjen je za 19,6%, a u visokoriziĉnoj kategoriji triglicerida za 12%. Rezultati studije ukazuju da su efekti strukturiranog edukativnog programa o tipu 2 dijabetesa u primarnoj zdravstvenoj za&scaron;titi značajni, povećani su nivoi znanja i aktivnosti samonege, znaĉajno je smanjena telesna masa, vrednosti arterijskog krvnog pritiska su smanjene a pobolj&scaron;ane su vrednosti pokazatelja glikoregulacije i lipidnog statusa pacijenata.</p> / <p>Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia and is a very serious public health issue worldwide. Achieving and maintaining optimal glucoregulation represents major potential for the improvement of affected persons&rsquo; health. According to information available in relative literature, the implementation of restructured Type 2 diabetes education programmes, positive results on health behaviour and glucoregulation in persons who took part in the education. The objective of the research was to assess the effect of structured education on Type 2 diabetes in primary health care, on changes in the level of knowledge, health behaviour and the anthropometric and biochemical parameters of patients&rsquo; glucoregulation. The research was conducted in the form of a prospective study between February and August 2018 in the Diabetes Support Group of the Subotica Health Centre. The research included 91 patients who were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Research subjects attended a structured six-week group educational programme, which was specifically developed for the purpose of this research. In order to assess the effects of this educational programme from its outset and four months following the education, data concerning the following were gathered: health behaviour, level of knowledge on diabetes (Diabetes Knowledge Test - DKT), self care activities in the past seven days (The Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities - SDSCA) and self care activities in the past eight weeks (The Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire - DSMQ). These data were anthropomorphic measurements (weight, height, waist circumference and the level of arterial blood pressure) and biochemical glucoregulation parameters (blood sugar levels on an empty stomach, two hours after a meal, HbA1c levels) and patient lipid status. When the structured education first started, 79% patients had a low level of knowledge on diabetes, and the average score at the DKT was 46.4%. The level of patient self care was also low in the past seven days (SDSCA 45.8%) and past eight weeks (DSMQ 6.75%). One third (35%) of patients had excess body mass, of whom 45% were obese (Body Mass Index &ndash; BMI 29.85&plusmn;5.47). 43% of patients had higher systolic blood pressure values while 54% had higher diastolic blood pressure values. In one half of patients (54.9%), glucoregulation was ideal (HbA1c 6.56&plusmn;0.96%). One third of patients (35%) had highly elevated cholesterol levels, with 26% who had highly elevated triglyceride blood levels. Research conducted during the four-month structured education show a significantly higher level of patient knowledge of diabetes, i.e. high level with the average DKT score of 81.5%. The level of self care activities in the past seven days and eight weeks reached a moderate level (SDCA 57.7%; DSMQ 7.9). A significant reduction in body mass by 1.5 kg as well as Body Mass Index, BMI by 0.58 kg/m2 was determined. The percentage of obese patients was reduced to 40%. 26.4% of patients had increased values of systolic blood pressure (with an average reduction of 4 mmHg), diastolic blood pressure 44% of patients (with an average reduction of 3 mmHg). A significant reduction in HbA1c level by 36% was determined, while 68% of patients achieved ideal glucoregulation. The reduction of total cholesterol level by 0.3% mmol/L as well as triglycerides level by 0.23% mmol/L was recorded. The number of patients with a high-risk cholesterol level was reduced by 19.6%, and the number of patients in high-risk category of triglycerides by 12%. The results of the study indicate that the effects of a structured educational programme on Type 2 diabetes in primary health care are significant. Knowledge levels were increased along with self care activities, body mass was significantly reduced, arterial blood pressure values were reduced and glucoregulation and lipid status values improved.</p>

Développement de recommandations pour soutenir l’enseignement structuré au patient lors d’un suivi du syndrome de conflit sous-acromial en physiothérapie

Montpetit-Tourangeau, Katherine 06 1900 (has links)
La douleur, fréquemment rencontrée lors d’atteintes musculosquelettiques, est un phénomène complexe influencé par une combinaison multifactorielle de déterminants biopsychosociaux. Elle présente un important taux de chronicité avec près de huit millions de personnes au Canada atteintes de douleur chronique (douleur qui perdure plus de trois mois), c’est-à-dire un Canadien sur cinq. Les troubles musculosquelettiques incluent le syndrome de conflit sous-acromial (SCSA), une atteinte fréquente à l’épaule, qui a une forte tendance à se chroniciser. Un an après le début des symptômes, environ la moitié des personnes avec ce syndrome présentent de la douleur et une limitation de la fonction persistantes. Des facteurs psychosociaux seraient prédictifs de la chronicité pour le SCSA. Toutefois, dans les guides de pratique qui orientent la prise en charge de cette atteinte, les interventions ciblant ces facteurs sont limitées et parfois même manquantes. En physiothérapie, une discipline fréquemment impliquée dans la réadaptation de cette atteinte, des approches englobant les facteurs biopsychosociaux seraient à privilégier. L’enseignement au patient, une modalité faisant partie intégrante de la physiothérapie, mais pour laquelle les recommandations sont limitées pour en guider la réalisation, serait une avenue pertinente. Cette thèse vise à développer des recommandations qui soutiennent l'enseignement structuré auprès des patients ciblant l’autonomisation (implication active pour la prise de décision et la gestion de la condition) de la personne dans le suivi du SCSA en physiothérapie. Elles intègrent les données scientifiques, expérientielles et contextuelles et les composantes de la Classification internationale du fonctionnement, du handicap et de la santé. La première phase de cette thèse contient une revue systématique de la portée qui visait à répertorier l’étendue de la littérature sur les interventions d’enseignement au patient lors de la prise charge du SCSA. Cette revue a permis d’identifier des cibles initiales d’enseignement au patient issues de la littérature, utilisées pour orienter la phase suivante du projet. La deuxième phase a utilisé une consultation d’experts par des groupes de discussion focalisée intégrant des professionnels de la réadaptation et des patients-partenaires pour explorer les cibles et décrire les stratégies d’enseignement (plan pour atteindre un objectif d’enseignement visé). Cette consultation a été analysée de manière qualitative en vue de faire ressortir les thématiques principales d’enseignement au patient émergeant des discussions. Cette étape a mené au développement de recommandations préliminaires. La troisième phase visait à obtenir un consensus sur la pertinence et la formulation de recommandations détaillées encadrant les interventions d’enseignement au patient en physiothérapie pour le SCSA à l’aide d’une consultation par approche Delphi. À la suite de ces trois phases, sept recommandations générales encadrant les stratégies d’enseignement au patient et six recommandations touchant des cibles d’interventions spécifiques d’enseignement ont été développées. Un outil d’aide à la décision guidant l’utilisation de ces recommandations d’enseignement structuré lors du suivi des personnes atteintes d’un SCSA a aussi été élaboré. Ces recommandations sont les premières existantes pouvant soutenir l’enseignement structuré au patient lors du suivi du SCSA. Celles-ci sont pertinentes pour guider l’enseignement prodigué basé sur la littérature et un consensus d’experts. Les cibles d’autogestion et d’engagement actif de la personne sont pertinentes pour intervenir sur les facteurs psychosociaux et ainsi potentiellement réduire la chronicité de cette atteinte. / Pain, frequently encountered in musculoskeletal injuries, is a complex phenomenon influenced by a multifactorial combination of biopsychosocial determinants. It has a high rate of chronicity with nearly eight million people in Canada suffering from chronic pain (pain lasting more than three months), i.e., one in five Canadians. Among musculoskeletal disorders, subacromial pain syndrome (SAPS), a frequently encoutered shoulder disorder, has a high propensity to become chronic. One year after the onset of symptoms, about half of individuals with SAPS have persistent pain and functional limitations. Psychosocial factors are predictive of SAPS chronicity, however, in the clinical practice guidelines that guide the management of this condition, interventions targeting these factors are limited and sometimes absent. Approaches that target biopsychosocial factors should be favoured, among others, in physiotherapy, a discipline frequently involved in the rehabilitation of this condition. Patient education, a modality that is an integral part of physiotherapy, but for which there is limited evidence and recommendations to guide its implementation, would be a relevant avenue. Therefore, this thesis aims to develop recommendations that support structured patient education. These recommendations focus on the person's empowerment and self-management during the follow-up of SAPS in physical therapy. They are based on scientific, experiential and contextual data as well as components of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. The first phase of this thesis contains a systematic scoping review that aimed to map the extent of the literature on patient education interventions in the management of SAPS. This review identified the initial patient education targets from the literature that were used to guide the next phase. The second phase used expert consultation through focus groups involving rehabilitation professionals and patient-partners to explore targets and outline strategies for structured patient education interventions in physical therapy for the follow-up of individuals with SAPS. The development of the interview guide and the analysis of these discussions were based on the initial educational targets and strategies (plan to conduct the educational intervention) extracted from the previous phase. This consultation was qualitatively analyzed to identify the main patient education themes resulting from the discussions. The main themes led to the development of preliminary recommendations. The third phase aimed to reach consensus on the relevance and formulation of detailed recommendations framing patient education interventions in physical therapy for the follow-up of individuals with SAPS using a Delphi consultation approach. As a result of these three phases, seven general recommendations framing patient teaching strategies and six recommendations for specific teaching interventions targets were developed. A decision support tool guiding the use of these structured patient education recommendations in the follow-up of people with SAPS has also been developed. These recommendations are the first that can comprehensively support structured patient education intervention during the follow-up of individuals with SAPS. They are relevant to guide patient education interventions that are based on the literature and expert consensus. The goals of self-management and active engagement of the person are relevant to intervene on psychosocial factors and thus potentially reduce the chronicity of this condition.


Asefeh Kardgar (18451410) 02 May 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Infographics are increasingly used as visual communication tools for conveying health information to diverse audiences. However, research is lacking on how specific infographic design factors influence learning outcomes. This study aimed to determine the comparative effectiveness of automatically advanced (Group A) versus manually advanced (Group B) infographics for promoting breast cancer awareness and knowledge. A mixed-methods quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design was utilized. The sample comprised 42 participants for analysis. Of these, the majority, 41 persons self-reported as female, with one participant indicating their gender as 'other.' Participant ages ranged from 25 to 55 years (M = 40.5, SD = 7.62). Most participants were well-educated, with graduate degrees or other advanced education beyond a bachelor's degree. Participants were randomly assigned to either the automatically advanced infographic group (Group A) or the manually advanced infographic group (Group B). Results indicated that Group B had significantly higher scores on the knowledge post-test compared to Group A, suggesting improved recall and comprehension of key information. There were no significant differences in cognitive load ratings or viewing duration between the groups. Qualitative feedback from participants suggested that Group B's manually advanced infographic facilitated better self-pacing and absorption of content. While the study's findings provide preliminary evidence supporting the efficacy of manually advanced infographics in learning complex health information, limitations are acknowledged. The research contributes to the design of patient education materials and underscores the necessity for further investigations across varied populations and health topics to understand the impact of infographic design more comprehensively on learning and behavior.</p>

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