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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Political institutions, skill formation, and pension policy : the political-economic logic of China's pension system

Meng, Ke January 2014 (has links)
A central theme in the comparative political economy of the welfare state is the complementaries between political institutions, social policy, and labour markets. Yet little has been written to uncover this political-economic nexus in China, the world’s second largest economy. This thesis partly addresses this gap by studying the country’s public pension arrangement, the most expensive component of the Chinese welfare state. It reveals the working of the political-economic nexus in contemporary China by showing how it leads to two puzzling characteristics of the Chinese pension system, namely the rapid expansion in the absence of electoral pressures and the persistent regional fragmentation despite an authoritarian central government. It argues that the decentralised authoritarianism, in which China’s authoritarian central state delegates to regional governments and motivates them to achieve its developmental goals, drives municipal authorities to compete with each other in generating economic growth. In the inter-municipal economic competition, local leaders adopt an expansionary yet localising pension policy. This facilitates the formation of specific industrial skills, which are productive for particular local industries, and the retention of skilled industrial workers. All of this is important to local economic development in a context of industrial upgrading and labour market tightening. It is argued this is the political-economic logic of China’s pension system.


陳雪娥 Unknown Date (has links)
人力資源是各行政機關、學校的基本要素,也是國家最重要的資產,機關管理的核心。而公務體制中最基層的編制內工友人力管理卻仍未有完整建制,僅依據事務管理規則、勞動基準法及相關行政規定辦理,因此,本研究希望達成的研究目的:1.瞭解事務勞力替代方案、勞動基準法實施前後,工友管理制度的變遷、現況及缺失。2.探討未來工友管理體制因應之道及如何提昇管理工友之行政效能。 本研究透過文獻回顧及管理實務上的問題,以交通部(含所屬各行政機關)的個案分析,對管理者及工友代表進行深度訪談,瞭解工友管理所面臨相關問題與改進建議之看法。 主要之問題為1.工友餉級與薪點問題。2.管理指揮系統紊亂,缺乏有效監督的問題。3.工友名稱問題。4.各類機關工友設置標準仍應全面檢討員額精簡問題。5.工作分配仍有不均,人力仍未充份有效運用等問題。6.工友優惠資遣退休政策推展成效問題。7.勞工退休金制度選擇新制或舊制應注意事項。8.工友建制存廢問題。 我國行政機關工友管理制度之探討經本研究發現,在執行上如從1.技工工友薪資結構改革方案。2.工友管理事項予以統一規範。3.工友名稱4.加強實施員額管制及委託外包。5.改進工作分配。6.鼓勵工友自願退離方案。7.選擇勞工退休金新制舊制注意事項。8.工友建制存廢進行研議。實務面向改善,並針對所發現問題提出研究建議,期使工友管理制度更臻完善。 / Human resources are the fundamental elements of every administrative organization and educational institution, as well as the most essential asset of a country, and the core of organizational management. Under the fundamental organization of public affairs system, the management of maintenance worker is still incomplete, handled only by relevant administrative regulations such as Management Affairs Regulations and Labor Standard Law. Hence, the research expects to achieve the following objectives: 1. Understand Replacement Policy of Affairs Labor, and the transition, current status, and deficiency of maintenance worker management system before and after the execution of Labor Standard Law. 2. To discuss future maintenance worker management system, and ways to enhance the administrative efficiency of maintenance worker management. The research will analyze the case study from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (including affiliated administrative organizations) through documents and practical management problems. The research will proceeds in-depth interview with the management and maintenance worker representative in order to understand relevant problems encountered in maintenance worker management, and to provide suggestions for improvement. The main problems include: 1. the salary of maintenance worker. 2. Management command chain chaos, lack of efficient supervision. 3. The name of maintenance worker. 4. Overall streamline quota review, and the employing standard of maintenance worker from various organizations. 5. Disproportionate division of labor, inefficient deploy of manpower. 6. The effectiveness of promoting preferential retirement policy of maintenance workers. 7. Notes to consider when selecting new or old Labor Pension Act. 8. The abolishment of maintenance worker system. The research finds that the maintenance worker management system of administrative organizations can be perfected after the improvement from the practical domain, as well as from the suggestions provided for the following problems: 1. Salary structure reform of technician and maintenance worker. 2. Standardized maintenance worker management regulations. 3. The name of maintenance worker. 4. Strengthen quota control and OEM. 5. Improve the division of labor. 6. Encourage maintenance worker to retire voluntarily. 7. Notes to consider when selecting new or old Labor Pension Act. 8. The abolishment of maintenance worker system.

退休基金投資對證券市場發展之影響 / The Effect of Pension Fund Investment on Securities Markets

毛治文 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討退休金發展程度與投資策略對股票市場發展的影響,並同時採用「縱橫門檻迴歸模型」(panel threshold model, PTM)及結合縱橫門檻模型與穩健迴歸的「穩健縱橫門檻迴歸模型」(robust panel threshold model, ROPTM)來研究此一議題。我們用退休基金投資證券市場的金額佔總額的比例為分類標準,將樣本分為高投資比例與低投資比例兩部分。對部分OECD國家及台灣的panel data分析後之結果顯示:在股票市場方面,若基金採高投資比例之投資策略,則退休金發展或投資股市比例越高,越能促進股市發展;採低投資比例策略的基金,對股市發展的影響並不顯著。 / This paper analyzes the impact of pension fund investment on securities markets using a panel threshold model (PTM) and a robust panel threshold model (ROPTM) which combines a panel threshold model with a robust regression model. We use panel data for some OECD countries and Taiwan to test the validity of our propositions. The data is divided into low and high investment regions based on the value of securities as a percentage of total financial assets of the pension fund. Our results are the following. In the high stock investment region, pension funds have a positive impact on stock markets. Whereas, in the low stock investment region, the positive impact seems to disappear.


林瑞山, Lin, Jui Shan Unknown Date (has links)
2005年陳水扁總統,針對軍公教退休人員之退休金及公保養老給付,得以18%利率辦理優惠存款、降低所得替代率等,要求相關單位提出改革方案。銓敘部經與教育部、國防部及行政院人事行政局等相關主管機關組成專案小組,在公務人員方面擬具「公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案」報請考試院於同年11月10日確定方案內容;至部分執行內涵則於2006年1月5日決議由銓敘部依權責自行負責處理。案經銓敘部邀集相關主管機關開會研商後,決定軍公教人員改革方案於同年2月16日同步實施。 值此,軍公教退休人員多數表達無法接受,組織退休聯盟進行各項訴求與抗爭行動;同時立法院中國國民黨黨團及親民黨黨團多數委員支持退休聯盟之主張,運用預算審查權為手段,燃起本項改革方案再度討論的關鍵力量。 本文採文獻探討法針對公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案進行研究,筆者從相關文獻及媒體的報導中發現,本項改革方案的政策制訂過程乃是以菁英決策的方式出現,主要涉及行政官員、考試委員、立法委員及軍公教退休聯盟之間的互動過程。 爰此,筆者藉由菁英理論的觀點透過David Easton 所提出的政治系統理論為基礎,將「公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案」相關影響政策制訂過程之參與者納入,提出一整合性的研究架構進行論述,並依參與人員為標準,分為行政菁英、立法菁英、知識菁英及標的團體四類,試圖經由本項改革個案的探討,進一步對菁英理論相應於政策制訂過程有較為深入之瞭解。 本文以2005年9月陳總統對外界作出「政策」宣示,迄至2008年1月立法院第六屆立法委員任期屆滿止,為研究時間範圍。首先對政策制訂過程與菁英理論進行探討,並將四類菁英就其角色與影響政策制訂的方式與策略加以論述;其次對本項改革方案制訂過程及主要爭議作詳細闡述;接續對四類菁英運用之策略進行分析;最後作出結論,整合歸納前述之研究內容,提出研究發現與後續研究之建議。

均值-變異數準則下之最適基金管理策略 / Optimal Fund Management under the Mean-Variance Approach

李永琮, Lee, Yung Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要分為三個部分:第一個部分探討壽險公司保單組合之最適資產配置;第二個部分探討確定提撥退休金制度下,員工所面臨的資產配置問題;第三個部分則為方法論的比較研究。此外,本文也探討長命風險(longevity risk)等相關議題。本文在Huang與Cairns (2006) 所提出的資產報酬模型下,推導出累積資產價值的期望值以及變異數,並利用套裝軟體的最佳化程式(optimization programming)獲得給定目標函數下的最適投資策略。 在保單組合資產配置之研究方面,我們分別針對保險公司繼續經營的商品以及即將停賣的商品提出合適的資產配置方式。常數資產配置方式(Constant rebalance rule)適合持續經營的商品,變動資產配置方式(Variable rebalance rule)則適合即將停賣的商品。在常數資產配置方式下,我們能夠得到投資組合的效率前緣線。此外,不管是何種資產配置方式,當保單組合的保單到期日較近時,保險公司必須增加其所持有的現金比例。 在確定提撥制下最適資產配置問題的研究方面,本文的結果符合一般退休基金經理人所採取的生命週期型態投資方式。本研究發現在Lee-Carter模型之下,考慮時間加權可以增加模型的預測能力。而在考慮長命風險下,員工必須採取更積極的投資策略。 本文決定資產配置之方法為預期模型(Anticipative model),其在評價日時即決定未來的決策,不考慮新訊息對決策的影響。考慮新訊息會對決策產生影響的決定資產配置方法為適應模型(Adaptive model)。在第五章的研究裡,我們比較上述兩種決定資產配置方法之差異。研究結果發現,若以期望值與標準差為判斷標準,兩種決定資產配置方法並沒有絕對的優劣關係。而若在每個決策執行的時間點重新使用預期模型來決定新的資產配置策略,則其所對應的投資策略以及投資績效會與適應模型下的策略與投資績效接近。因此,在無法獲得適應模型投資策略封閉解的情況下,預期模型投資策略可以有效的近似適應模型投資策略。 / The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the asset allocation issue of the long-term investors. Our approach is to calculate theoretical formulae of the first two moments of the accumulated fund; we then adopt optimization programming to find a asset allocation strategy that fits the fund management target. Two kinds of investors are explored. The first one is an investment manager who manages a general portfolio of life insurance policies, and the second one is an employee who starts his career life in a DC pension plan. We also survey the longevity risk issue in this thesis. In the study of “optimal asset allocation for a general portfolio of life insurance policies”, two kinds of rebalancing methodologies are examined. For constant rebalance rule, which is applicable to a continuing business line, we find an efficient frontier in the mean-standard deviation plot that occurs with arbitrary policy portfolios. Also, the insurance company should hold more cash to reduce its illiquidity risk for portfolios in which policies will mature at earlier dates. In the study of “optimal asset allocation incorporating longevity risk in defined contribution pension plans”, we confirm the suitability of the lifestyle investment strategy. Investors in a DC pension plan should be more aggressive when he considers the longevity risk. Furthermore, we proposed a time adjustment technique to capture mortality predictions more precisely in this study. The approach of decision making of this thesis is referred to anticipative model, which does not consider the possible feedback from the future information. On the other hand, the approach of decision making that consider the possible feedback from the future information is referred to adaptive model. We further compare the two approached in the study “Comparative efficiency- anticipative model versus adaptive model”. The numerical results show that investors would not prefer the adaptive approach to the anticipative approach in the mean-variance criterion. Moreover, the downside risk is larger when the strategy is decided by adaptive approach. We also find that the strategy and its numerical distribution of anticipative approach can approximate to that of adapted approach if one re-assesses it at every decision date. Thus, the anticipative approach provides a first approximation on looking for the optimal investment strategy of adaptive model.

退休後之理財規劃 / Financial planning in the post-retirement period

許依萍, Hsu, Yi Ping Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於醫學技術進步使世界各國人民帄均壽命延長,加上通貨膨脹的影響,使得老年人在退休時是否擁有充足的財富來因應生活支出成為退休規劃中的重要議題。而由於年金兩難(Annuity Puzzle)的問題,個人積蓄在退休時點就立即用於購買年金保險是否為一個好的退休規劃仍有待考慮。故本文中提出遞延購買年金策略,退休人可考慮進行自我資產配置一段期間後再年金化,並進一步分析資產配置期間長度改變或消費水準改變時的影響。 本文為退休者建立兩種效用函數,第一種為未來單一時點之效用、第二種為多期折現之加總效用,並分別探討由各效用求出的退休後最適資產配置。本文並參考Lee, Yung-Tsung (2009)推導出兩效用函數之理論值,以取代模擬值,並利用格子點分析縮小求解的範圍。 第一種效用關注於每一給定的未來時點上,我們可用於推估最佳年金化時點及其資產配置。由類似mean-variance的形式組成此效用函數,並考慮隨年紀增長而提高風險趨避程度。令最適投資之效用與一完全購買年金者之帳戶價值於各個時點上相比,便可決定何時為最佳年金化時點。我們並分析不同風險態度的退休者的結果,越風險趨避者越適宜較早年金化。 第二種效用則先決定資產配置計畫的長度,所求得之最適投資將考慮到計畫過程中的要求,而非只有最後一點的目標。我們將分析資產配置計畫過程中、不同計畫長度下,以及不同消費水準時最適投資比例的變化。 兩種效用函數下皆有採用Regular Rebalance及Multiple Period Rebalance的投資策略。Multiple Period Rebalance並未明顯帶來更好的效用,因此選擇以Regular Rebalance進行各項參數敏感度的格子點分析。 / When people retire, purchasing the annuity insurances using their retirement fund is one way against the longevity risk. However, it has some shortcoming; the annual payment may be insufficient for daily life consumption, can’t be adjusted for any urgent need (liquidity risk), and moreover, if the policyholders unfortunately pass away early, they couldn’t leave the rest policy account value as bequest. Under these considerations, many people won’t purchase the annuity insurances right away at retirement; they can do their consumption choices and do asset allocation at the mean time like as ―self-annuitization‖(the ―investment/consumption plan‖, 2006, Gerrard, Haberman and Vigna), and then convert their portfolios into annuity pension on an adequate moment post-retirement to solve the longevity problem. This paper constructs two kinds of retiree’s utility functions according a time-series of safety level. The first one focuses on one future timing, and we use it to investigate the adequate annuitization timing. The more risk taker a retiree is, the later he annuitizes. The second one summarizes the utilities each timing during a period after retirement, and we use it to analysis the sensitivities for the optimal asset allocation. Both of the two analyses are discussed under two investment strategies, regular rebalance and multiple-period rebalance.

Occupational pensions in Germany : an economic geography

Burger, Csaba January 2011 (has links)
By the end of the twentieth century, the generous German public pay-as-you-go pension system had been struggling with a serious deficit due to the country’s ageing population. In 2001, the German government enacted the “Riester” pension reform, named after Mr. Walter Riester, the Labour Minister brokering it, which reduced the level of publicly provided pensions, and strengthened the funded occupational and private pillars in order to replace the loss in retirement income. This thesis investigates the role and structure of occupational pensions during the Riester-reform and in its aftermath, using an economic geography perspective. In doing so, it discusses the role of trade unions and employer associations (social partners) in moulding the structure of the occupational system, and investigates the geography of occupational pensions both at employer and at employee level. Empirically, the thesis is based on an in-depth interview with Mr. Walter Riester, and a unique, proprietary data-set of a German occupational pension provider, containing information on 332 thousand employees and over 12 thousand employers. The results show that the internal division of social partners played a critical role in leaving occupational pensions voluntary, but they have been successful in setting standards on the occupational pension market by means of collective bargaining. Employers and employees show systematic spatiotemporal patterns in their pension-related decisions, confirming the importance of local relationships and local contexts in implementing social partners’ measures and in the transformation of the welfare state. It is finally pointed out that the Riester-reform was a part of a gradual transition, which has been reducing employers’ autonomy in order to reinforce the social role of occupational pensions. To achieve that and to catalyse the reform process, employers’ and employees’ risk exposure has been mitigated in the hope that old-age poverty can be avoided.

Plánování důchodu / Retirement planning

Langová, Nadežda January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with optimal retirement pension planning in the framework of the Czech pension system. The work proposes an unavoidable reform in order to compensate for adverse demographic trends. Subsequently, it introduces mathematical methods for future old-age pension determination in private pensions. Equally, the thesis deals with optimal pension strategies: when the benefits of individual old-age insurance outgrow those of institutionalised pension insurance and vice versa. A particular aspect of the reform where participants can partially opt out from the compulsory pillar and become part of the new system is discussed with emphasis on the opt-out accompanying factors.

La responsabilité médicale à Madagascar : Réalités internes et proposition d'actualisation en référence au droit médical français / Medical responsibility in Madagascar : Real situations and a project of renovation referring to french law

Razafiarison, Tahiry Anja 12 October 2013 (has links)
Afin de répondre aux attentes de la société malgache, une proposition de loi relative à la responsabilité médicale doit être en cohérence avec la vision locale de la pratique médicale. À Madagascar, l'issue d'un acte de soin est supposée émaner de la divinité et ne saurait être maîtrisé par le soignant. De fait, l'aléa thérapeutique s'insère dans le droit médical local. Le médecin n'est pas tenu de réaliser une guérison; il doit prodiguer des soins consciencieux et conformes à la science. Ceci étant, la culture malgache est sensible à toute atteinte corporelle subie par la victime d'accident médical. Le cas échéant, le médecin fait un "geste" de courtoisie à l'égard de la victime. Ce "geste" peut ne pas représenter l'intégralité du préjudice mais il participe au respect de la victime. Ainsi, à Madagascar, l'obligation médicale de réparer vise la reconnaissance de la douleur du patient et non la réparation quantitative du préjudice. Sur ce point, une divergence se dessine avec le droit français lequel préconise la réparation intégrale pour les atteintes corporelles. Les modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits présents dans les deux systèmes juridiques, dénouent cette divergence. / To come up to the Malagasy society's expectations a legal act on medical responsibility should be coherent with the local conception of medical practice. In Madagascar, the public opinion is convinced that medical practice has to deal with a divine action out of the physician's control so that the legal concept of therapeutic risk is therefore accepted. The physician is only required to assume the continuity of the service and to provide his or her best care to patients. Meanwhile Malagasy culture shows an extreme compassion towards people suffering of bodily injuries mainly when these wounds result from a malpractice. To prevent a godly punishment doctors usually have to donate to their injured patient. This helps to preserve the physician's reputation and his or her relationship with the patient. Medical duty in Madagascar is more a matter of recognition of the patient's pain than a procedure of compensation. French legal system is different as it promotes the complete compensation in case of malpractice. However, both legal systems are similar when proposing alternative process to resolve conflicts.

A previdência privada e a incidência do imposto de renda

Fialdini, Fabiana Ulson Zappa 28 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:25:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 fabiana.pdf: 1322112 bytes, checksum: 629e37bc4d368536d99b44eaa77404a2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-28 / From the historical evolution of the pension fund, in Brazil and in the world, it is possible to affirm that the pension fund had its remote origin in charity acts. Men self-organized to protect themselves against situations of necessity. However, with the industrialization process, the facts disclosed the impossibility of this mutual aid to be relegated to the mere benevolence of the individuals, and it was necessary that the State assume the function to provide social security. Thus, in the fight for social rights, the State started to be the supplier of the social necessities. Initially, it was judged that the transference of this attribution to the State would have to be total, guaranteeing the maximum protection to the workers (German Bismarkian commutative concept). However, the Report elaborated by the English economist, William Beveridge, pointed to the model of social protection totally relegated to the State as utopia and, thus, it waived the necessity of the private society to contribute with the State in this function. Thus, it introduced pension fund as an integrated element of the system of social protection, designed to cover the residual necessities not taken care of by the public system (which offered only the necessary minimum benefits for survival). Despite this ideal having been incorporated in the Brazilian legal system by the Law nº 6,435/77, it was only in 1988, with the publication of the Constitutional Amendment nº 20/98, that the pension fund gained constitutional status, starting to integrate the system of the social security of the Country. Taxation has an important role for integration of the State-society partnership, in the provision of action and services destined to well-being and social justice, stimulating the formation of the pension fund, without relegating its income redistribution function. The purpose is, thus, to demonstrate that taxation is essential in the consolidation of a new social order, that emerges with the intention to conciliate a state model of minimum social protection with an independent private model (complementary) / A partir da evolução histórica da previdência, no Brasil e no mundo, é possível afirmar que a previdência teve sua origem remota em atos de caridade. Os homens, para se protegerem contra as situações de necessidade, se auto-organizavam. No entanto, com o processo de industrialização, os fatos revelavam a impossibilidade dessa ajuda mútua ser relegada à mera benevolência dos indivíduos, era necessário que o Estado assumisse a função de prover a segurança social. Assim, na luta pela conquista dos direitos sociais, a Estado passou a ser o provedor das necessidades sociais. Em um primeiro momento, julgava-se que a transferência desta atribuição ao Estado deveria ser total, garantindo-se o máximo de proteção aos trabalhadores (concepção comutativa bismarkiana / alemã). No entanto, o Relatório elaborado pelo economista inglês, Willian Beveridge, apontou o modelo de proteção social totalmente relegado ao Estado como uma utopia e, assim, acenou para a necessidade de a sociedade privada contribuir com o Estado nessa função. Assim, apresentou a previdência privada como elemento integrativo do sistema de proteção social, destinada a cobrir as necessidades residuais não atendidas pelo sistema público, que oferecia apenas os benefícios mínimos necessários para a sobrevivência. Apesar desse ideário ter sido incorporado ao ordenamento jurídico brasileiro pela Lei nº 6.435/77, foi apenas em 1988, com a publicação da Emenda Constitucional nº 20/98, que a previdência privada ganhou status constitucional, passando a integrar o sistema de Seguridade Social do País. Para integração da parceria Estado-Sociedade na articulação de ações e serviços destinados ao bem-estar e à justiça social, a tributação exerce importantíssimo papel, estimulando a formação da poupança previdenciária, sem relegar sua função redistribuidora de rendimentos. O objetivo é, assim, demonstrar que a tributação é imprescindível na consolidação de uma nova ordem social, que emerge com o propósito de conciliar um modelo estatal de proteção social mínima com um modelo (complementar) autônomo e privado

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