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The need for a flexible and discretionary system of marital property distribution in the South African law of divorceLowndes, Gillian Claire 11 1900 (has links)
Substantive gender equality has yet to be achieved in South Africa. As such, when a decision is made for one of the spouses to a civil marriage to stay at home and care for the children born of the marriage, or make career sacrifices to care for children, that spouse is usually the wife. As a result, while the husband continues to amass wealth and grow his earning potential, the wife is unable to do so. In circumstances where such spouses are married out of community of property or subject to the accrual system with onerous exclusion clauses in the antenuptial contract, the wife may be left with little more than a claim for rehabilitative maintenance in the event of a divorce. The courts only have the discretion to make an equitable distribution of marital property in civil marriages with complete separation of property concluded prior to 1 November 1984 (or 2 December 1988) and customary marriages. It is arguable that this limitation of the judicial discretion violates the equality clause contained in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. A broad judicial discretion to equitably redistribute the spouses’ assets upon divorce is therefore proposed in this dissertation. / Private Law / LL. M.
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ARIMA forecasts of the number of beneficiaries of social security grants in South AfricaLuruli, Fululedzani Lucy 12 1900 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis was to investigate the feasibility of accurately and precisely fore-
casting the number of both national and provincial bene ciaries of social security grants in South
Africa, using simple autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models. The series of the
monthly number of bene ciaries of the old age, child support, foster care and disability grants from
April 2004 to March 2010 were used to achieve the objectives of the thesis. The conclusions from
analysing the series were that: (1) ARIMA models for forecasting are province and grant-type spe-
ci c; (2) for some grants, national forecasts obtained by aggregating provincial ARIMA forecasts
are more accurate and precise than those obtained by ARIMA modelling national series; and (3)
for some grants, forecasts obtained by modelling the latest half of the series were more accurate
and precise than those obtained from modelling the full series. / Mathematical Sciences / M.Sc. (Statistics)
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以「雇主退休金慷慨度的改變」分析美國退休金計畫制度改變趨勢對於員工退休所得的影響 / Are employers more generous now?: an analysis of pension generosity and employers' characters楊凌玉, Yang, Ling-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來有很多關於退休金計畫的研究主要在探討從確定給付計畫(defined benefit plan)轉向確定提撥計畫(defined contribution plan)趨勢的影響。而這些早期的研究(Clark and McDermed(1990 and 1993), Gustman and Steinmeier(1992), Ippolito(1985, 1986, 1993, and 1997), and Kruse (1995); Papke(1994, 1996)and Papke, Petersen and Poterba(1996)主要是利用計畫個數的改變或者是計畫參與者人數的增減來作為衡量此一趨勢影響力的指標。然而,這兩項指標從退休收入多寡的觀點來看,卻無法反應此一趨勢對於員工福利的影響程度。Wang andVanDerhei(2000)利用了「雇主退休金成本」的新概念,探討此一趨勢的影響。而本篇論文將要延續Wang and VanDerhei(2000)的研究,藉由衡量雇主慷慨程度的改變,進一步分析此一趨勢對於員工未來退休收入的影響程度。為了檢視雇主退休金慷慨度是否有隨著時間以及環境變化而有所不同,我們利用OLS迴歸模型來分析在兩段期問中(1985年與1996年)雇主退休金慷慨度的變化。結果發現在確定給付計畫及401(k)計畫之下,退休金計畫存在的時間愈長以及工會的支持對於雇主慷慨程度都有正面的影響。在財務變數方面,我們則是發現不論哪一種型態的退休金計畫,稅前收入金額的多寡對於雇主慷慨程度均具有正面的影響。此外,利用Chow Test,我們發現確定給付計畫在1985年和1996年的確具有結構上的改變,進一步分析之後,發現退休金計畫存在時間愈長、工會的支持、金融相關產業、固定資產佔總資產的比例以及稅前收入金額的多寡對於1996年確定給付計畫下之雇主退休金慷凱度的正向影響遠大其對於1985年的確定給付計畫。在員工退休福利上,我們則是發現401(k)計畫的雇主相對提撥率在過去20年有明顯地成長,這意味著401(k)計畫下的員工在過去20年裡的退休福利有明顯的增加。
關鍵字:退休金趨勢、雇主退休金慷慨度、確定給付計畫、確定提撥計畫、401(k)計畫 / Much debate has devoted in recent pension literature to discuss the impacts of current pension trend toward defined contribution(DC) plans, especially the substitution effect between 401(k) and other pension plans. However, the“generosity”of the employer pension plan deserves little attention. This paper analyzes the impacts of the effects of this trend on workers' future retirement income by measuring the changes of employers' pension generosity. We construct a panel data of firms that sponsor at least one pension plan in 1985 and compare the changes of their pension generosity for DB, DC and 401(k) plans between 1985 and 1996. OLS Regression Models are adopted to analyze the generosity of employers' primary plan and supplemental plan and Chow test is conducted to test the structural changes between 1985 and 1996. Our results find that plan age and union status have positive impacts on employers' generosity ofDB and 401(k) plans. For financial variables, pretax income is an important consideration to employers' generosity disregarding the type of plan. In addition, we find that there was a structure change ofDB plans between 1985 and 1996 and that union status,plan age, financial etc. industry, proportion of fixed assets and pretax income have greater positive impacts on employers' generosity ofDB plans in 1996 than in 1985. For employees' retirement income, the matching rates have grown over the last two decades and this stands for that employees covered by 401(k) plans have received better retirement benefit over the last two decades.
Key words: Pension trends; Employers' generosity; Defined benefit plan; Defined contribution plan; 401(k) plan
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長期投資人之最適資產投資策略分析 / The Optimal dynamic asset allocation strategies for long term investors黃雅文, Hwang, Yawen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討長期投資人之最適資產配置問題,並著重於通貨膨脹風險之分析。第一部份討論確定提撥退休金制度下,機構投資人或高所得自然人如何擬定投資策略規避通貨膨脹風險,達到極大化期末財富效用期望值。此研究擴展Battocchio與Menoncin (2004)所建構資產模型,不僅探討市場風險,亦考量通貨膨脹不確定性與基金費用誘因、下方風險保護兩機制,研究對資產配置行為之影響,並依動態規劃方法求得投資策略公式解。第二部份則強調下方風險之重要性,檢視在最低保證收益下,長期投資人跨期資產配置之財富管理議題,並回顧Deelstra et al.(2003)之模型架構,依平賭方法求得投資策略公式解,研究結果顯示基金投資策略可表示為最適CRRA(γ,T)型態共同基金與最低收益避險之組合。另一方面,如何估計通貨膨脹風險亦為本文強調之重點。Campbell和Viceira (2001)首次納入通貨膨脹風險並探討跨期投資議題,結論市場缺乏通貨膨脹連動投資標的時,投資人將減碼長期債持有比例。Brennan和Xia (2002)假設通貨膨脹率服從Ornstein-Uhlenbeck過程,結論投資人之避險需求隨持有債券到期日與投資期限改變。但以上結論未將通貨膨脹學習機制納入模型,因此,在第三部份提出依學習機制修正之投資策略可顯著增加財富效用,並分析在不同參數設定下,學習機制對於期末財富效用之影響。 / In this study, we study three essays of asset allocation problem for long term investors, which means that in this discourse we emphasis the importance of inflation risk. In the first topic, we derive the dynamic optimal investment strategy of the defined contribution pension schemes which include two mechanisms of partial floor protection and incentive fees and their benchmarks. We find investors should hold high proportion of stock index fund to hedge the inflation risk; moreover, the ratio of incentive fees to the setting of benchmark will change the optimal investment trend of underlying assets. In the second topic, we introduce the optimal investment portfolio with minimum guarantees and show that the fund manager should adjust the optimal weights of underlying assets with the ratio of the guarantee fund's value to the value of fund. Finally, this work focuses on how to precisely predict the dynamics of inflation rate. We apply learning method to adjust the prediction of inflation process and we use numerical analysis to study the effect of learning mechanism under different parameter setting.
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中國大陸勞工退休養老制度的政治經濟分析吳奕霖, Wu, I Lin Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸的社會保障制度發展有著明顯的地域差異,其財政的制度也高度分權,具體反應在社會保障制度的改革上。北京、廣東與上海享受著改革開放以來的經濟成果,在吸引外來勞動人口上有著先天優勢,相對河南的人口外移有著明顯的對比。背後的意涵代表了富裕省份對於後發省份在社會保障資源上的「榨取」,不利於後發省份養老保險的長期發展。本文認為,2011年《社會保險法》出臺後,對於農民工的社會保障確實有所提昇,也使具有「穩定就業」身分的農民工納入到了城鎮職工養老保險體制內,不過仍然需要觀察其後具體的發展態勢。中國大陸之後的退休養老制度發展,本文認為應該要向實現「全國統籌」的目標邁進,也可以藉由中央分配養老金,使地區養老金收支不均的現象可以有效紓緩。 / This thesis aims to explore the characteristics of labor groups in China, which include urban workers and migrant workers. It also discusses the political economical analysis in the course of development for retirement pensions. There are three important questions that have to be addressed: First, what is the historical course on the Chinese retirement pension? What are the features? Second, how is the retirement pension run for urban workers and migrant workers today? What is the direction for integration? Third, what is the financial situation in running the pensions? Are there any concerns? Above three questions constitute the main issues that will be discussed in this thesis.
It is evident that there are changes to today’s law and regulations of endowment insurance for urban and migrant workers. This thesis will use Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, and Henan province for “Balance of Revenues and Expenditure in Endowment Pension Insurance” as a basis. Also use each province’s “Debt records”, “Standard Economic Growth” “Labor Mobility”, etc. to analyze.
In this thesis it also indicates the development of the endowment insurance for migrant workers and urban workers appears to be having a “path dependency” feature. China’s social security has gone from a unit security to a social security. The social welfare system creates a phenomenon of discrepancy in the system. This thesis deems that in the past, migrant workers’ social security reform development is not effective compared to the government security the urban workers received. The government must help “Second generation migrant workers” create a fair social security system and reach “urbanization” as a goal.
China’s social security growth has a noticeable regional difference; there is also a high separation of powers in the finance system, which reacts on the reform for social security. Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai enjoy the economic gain after the reform, and attract many foreign labors, gives them dominant advantage. In contrast, Henan, there is big difference in number for migrate workers. Behind this, there is an implication that prosperous provinces create an “extortion” of resources to those less prosperous, meaning there is no care for their endowment insurance growth. Overall this system still has potential for improvement.
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勞工退休金及資遣費之追償與保護 / Law of retrieve and protection of labor pension and severance pay李涓鳳, Li, Jiuan-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
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Ett generationsneutralt avkastningsmål : Asset Liability Management analys för buffertfonderna i det svenska pensionssystemet / A Generation Neutral Target Return : Asset Liability Management Analysis for the Buffer Funds in the Swedish Pension SystemNyström, Erika, Wirell, Viktoria January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att fastställa det avkastningsmål som buffertfonderna bör ha för att bidra till största möjliga nytta för det svenska pensionssystemet samt att analysera styrkan och känsligheten i systemet. För att besvara syftet genomfördes en Asset Liability Management analys, där risk och avkastning optimerades samtidigt som hänsyn togs till pensionssystemets skulder och rättvisa mellan generationer. Ett nyckeltal definierades för att ta hänsyn till generationsneutralitet. Nyckeltalet visar hur mycket en generation procentuellt sett får ut i pension relativt vad de har betalat in till pensionssystemet och det anses vara rättvist om detta nyckeltal är samma för samtliga generationer. Utifrån nyckeltalet togs en stokastisk optimeringsmodell fram som minimerade förluster och orättvisor mellan generationer. Avkastningsmålet som fastställdes genom optimeringen blev 3,6 procent realt, vilket är lägre än samtliga buffertfonders nuvarande avkastningsmål. Känslighetsanalysen visade att pensionssystemet mest sannolikt ser starkt ut framöver. Pensionssystemet är framförallt känsligt för demografiska förändringar, medan förutsättningarna på de finansiellamarknaderna får mindre påverkan för systemets långsiktiga stabilitet. / The aim of this thesis was to determine the target return that the buffer funds should have to generate maximum possible benefit for the Swedish pension system and to analyse the strength and sensitivity of the system. An Asset Liability Management analysis, with optimization of risk and return with respect to the pension system’s liabilities and equality between generations, was performed. A key ratio was defined to illustrate the generation-neutrality in the pensions system. The key ratio shows how much pension one generation will receive compared to how much they have paid to the pension system and it is considered to be fair if the ratio is the same for every generation. A stochastic optimization model that minimized losses with respect to the key ratio was developed. The target real return that was determined in the optimization was 3.6 percent, which is lower than all the buffer funds’ current target returns. The sensitivity analysis showed that the pension system most plausible is strong in the future. The system is mainly sensitive for demographic changes while the condition of the financial market has less impact on the system’s long-term stability.
978 |
A pensão previdenciária pública, as emendas constitucionais e a segurança jurídicaMunari, Márcia Maria Corrêa 14 May 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-14 / The work establishes an analysis on behalf of the Constitution Law about the public welfare pension benefit.
First, it develops the historical evaluation of the Constitutionalism and the death pension in the Brazilians Constitutions.
Then, it gives emphasis to the Constitution of 1988 and the right of the integrality of the death pension left by the civil servant, regarding jurisprudence.
It deals, afterwards, with the public welfare reforms that turned into the Amendments 20/98 and 41/03, with approach towards the tribute problem and the situations inflicted by the summit wage.
At the end, it outlines the relation lead by the principle of Juridical Security and the public death pension / O objeto deste estudo compreende uma investigação, sob a ótica do Direito Constitucional, no regime próprio do funcionalismo público visto pelo prisma da pensão previdenciária por ele deixada.
De início, fornecerá um panorama histórico evolutivo do Constitucionalismo, bem como do benefício post-mortem nas Constituições brasileiras.
Em seguida, aprofundar-se-á na análise da Carta Maior de 1988, com destaque à disposição constitucional, no tocante ao pagamento da integralidade da pensão por morte e decisões judiciais acerca do tema.
Abrangerá, posteriormente, as reformas previdenciárias que culminaram com as inovações introduzidas pelas Emendas Constitucionais 20/98 e 41/03, com aporte no problema das contribuições vertidas para o sistema e nas situações impostas pelo teto remuneratório.
Por fim, delineará uma breve abordagem da imbricação do princípio da segurança jurídica, na esfera da pensão previdenciária pública
979 |
Building an effective framework for institutional investor activism and minority shareholder protection in Saudi Arabia : lessons from the UKAljahdali, Hani January 2014 (has links)
Corporate governance practice differs regionally and nationally, depending on how each legal environment protects minority investors, capital markets and company ownership structure. Governance can also change spectacularly in regions or countries with comparatively high levels of institutional investment. The notion of institutional investors' activism is increasingly important in developed markets as the ideal corporate governance mechanism to monitor corporate managers and overcome agency problems arising from dispersed corporate ownership in modern companies. These institutions can work together on an improved corporate governance framework more effectively than individual investors, monitoring corporate controllers of listed companies in emerging and developing markets, using their influence more vigorously and in ways more fitting to a concentrated ownership environment such as that in Saudi Arabia. Consequently, the role of institutional investors in emerging and developing markets will depend strongly on institutional investors' activism and the arrangements determined and undertaken by the corporate governance regulatory framework in these markets. In considering the influential role of institutional investors to improve corporate governance practice, a high level of minority shareholder protection thus remains an indicator of good corporate governance and regulatory pressure of rights and incentives, which are necessary to empower non-controlling shareholders in these concentrated ownership markets to exert a strong activist influence in monitoring corporate activities, thus improving the corporate governance practices of investee companies. In this context, this thesis contends that in Saudi Arabia in particular, shareholder involvement in corporate governance is inadequate, as a result of a variety of economic and regulatory obstacles. It goes on to identify what improvements are necessary and where, to ensure a sound framework for effective institutional investor activism and to improve the level of minority shareholder protection. It also cautions Saudi legislators against erecting hurdles to the future engagement of Saudi and foreign institutional investors in monitoring corporate activities which may affect the conditions for access, allocation and monitoring of equity, which is so important for value creation and sustainable economic growth. The main benefit to be derived from this research is that it facilitates a fuller understanding of the Saudi approach to corporate governance, the corporate ownership environment and trends in the capital market. The analysis also deepens knowledge of corporate governance regimes, including the role of institutional investors, and of their characteristics and investment behaviours. In short, it considers whether institutional investors are willing or have been encouraged to use their power to engage in the companies in which they invest and whether they are qualified to solve the agency problem.
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[pt] O modelo de monitoração, registro e valoração de
investimentos, adotado por investidores institucionais em
países desenvolvidos e em especial o americano, juntamente
com todos os seus agregados financeiros - índices de bolsas,
indicadores de performance, precificação de ativos,
ratings, standards, etc...- é sem dúvida um forte elemento
direcionador e influenciador dos modelos adotados no Brasil
para administração de carteiras de investimento. Surgiu no
próprio mercado americano, após o término da recessão do
inicio dos anos 90, uma profunda remodelagem dos
instrumentos, veículos, indicadores de performance e
standards dos investimentos de base imobiliária, que até
então seguiam seus próprios e diversificados padrões,
desvinculados dos modelos propalados e adotados pelo
mercado financeiro. O conhecimento dos modelos de gestão
adotados por investidores institucionais brasileiros, em
especial os fundos de pensão é básico para se desenhe uma
nova estratégia futura de alocação e respectiva gestão de
recursos em carteiras de base imobiliária de investidores
institucionais. O foco do presente trabalho é dar início a
este processo de conhecimento pela identificação e
interpretação dos principais fatores que modelam a gestão
imobiliária dos fundos de pensão brasileiros, propondo a
partir daí algumas reflexões iniciais sobre estes fatores e
por conseguinte sobre estes modelos, visando padronizações,
aperfeiçoamentos e um maior alinhamento com práticas já
consagradas em mercados mais desenvolvidos e eficientes. / [en] It is common knowledge that the models of monitoring,
registering and valuating investments, accepted by
institutional investors in many developed countries,
especially the US - together with financial ratios adopted
in the stock market, in assets price evaluation and
performance, in risk ratings, in account standards - have
great influence in the models implemented by investment
portfolio managers in Brazil. After the recession in the
beginning of 1990 s, took place in the US Real Estate
market a major restructure of Real Estate instruments,
vehicles, performance indices, and standards. The Real
Estate community agreed that their market could no longer
have dissimilar and diverse methods for measuring and
evaluating Real Estate assets if compared with those used
currently by the financial market. Knowing and
understanding the relationship between models adopted by
brazilian institutional investors and the positioning of
pension funds when allocating resources to real state, is
fundamental to trace any new future allocation and
management strategy for real state investments by
institutional investors. The main purpose of this paper is
to begin this process of knowledge by identifying and
interpreting the main factors that model the real estate
portfolio management adopted by Brazilian pension funds,
followed by some reflexion over those factors and
conseqüently over those models, mainly focused on
standardization and refinement of such current models, and
also on aligning current practices to those already
approved and implemented by more developed and efficient
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