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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Structural Equation of Leader-Member Exchange, Employee-Supervisor Relationship, Performance Appraisal, and Career Development

Henkel, William Joseph 01 January 2017 (has links)
Some employees perceive that supervisors do not accurately reflect employees' performance or effectively differentiate among employees' performances during performance appraisals (PAs). Other employees believe the performance feedback they receive is not valuable for supporting their career development (CD). Employing leader-member exchange (LMX) theory and the distributive and interactional justice dimensions of organizational justice theory as the theoretical framework, this correlational study examined the relationships among LMX and employee-supervisor relationships (ESRs) and the relationships' influence on employees' CD through the mediating effect of employees' perceived efficacy of the PA process. Participants consisted of 44 defense contractor employees in the United States who completed a combination of 4 validated survey instruments (LMX-7, Interactional Justice, Appraisal System Satisfaction, Perceived Career Opportunity) and 1 demographic instrument. Results from the structural equation model, using partial least squares analysis, indicated significant (p < .001) positive relationships between the independent variables of LMX and ESR, the dependent mediating variable PA, and the dependent variable CD. The results indicated that a positive relationship between LMX and ESR will influence employees' CD through the mediating effect of employees' PAs. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve communications between employees and supervisors, increase organizational performance by increasing employees' job satisfaction, potential benefiting career development for improving employees' families' quality of life, and contributions to the communities.

The effect of a training programme on the attitude of managers towards performance management

Teubes, Susanna Wilhelmina 08 1900 (has links)
Text in English, summary in English and Afrikaans / The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of a performance management training programme on the attitudes of managers towards performance management. The research question was whether a performance management training intervention would change managers' attitude towards performance management. The respondent group consisted of 101 managers who responded to an advertisement and willingly participated in a performance management training programme. A quasi-experimental research design was used in which a pre-test and post-test was applied to the respondent group. The managers in the respondent group completed the same assessment instrument (or questionnaire) before and six months after the performance management training. The results of the empirical analysis indicated that female managers felt less positive about performance management than their male counterparts. No statistically significant change in the attitude and competency of managers towards performance management was found after they had attended the performance management training programme. / Die doel van die studie was om die impak van 'n prestasiebestuuropleidingsprogram op die houdings van bestuurders ten opsigte van prestasiebestuur te ondersoek. Die navorsingsvraag was of 'n opleidingsintervensie in prestasiebestuur, bestuurders se houdings ten opsigte van prestasiebestuur sou verander. Die respondentegroep het uit 101 bestuurders bestaan wat op 'n advertensie gereageer het en vrywillig deelgeneem het aan 'n prestasiebestuuropleidingsprogram. 'n Kwasie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp is gebruik waartydens 'n voor- en na-toets op die respondente toegepas is. Die bestuurders in die respondentegroep het dieselfde evalueringsinstrument voor en ses maande na die prestasiebestuuropleiding ingevul. Die resultate van die empiriese ontleding het getoon dat vroulike bestuurders minder positief oor prestasiebestuur gevoel het as hul manlike kollegas. Geen betekenisvolle statistiese verandering in die houdings en vaardighede van bestuurders ten opsigte van prestasiebestuur is gevind nadat hulle die prestasiebestuurprogram bygewoon het nie. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

Gestão por competências : preparo do processo avaliativo pelos enfermeiros de uma unidade de internação / Competence-based management : the preparation of the assessment process conducted by nurses at an inpatient unit / Gestión por competencias : preparación del proceso evaluativo por enfermeros de una unidad de internación

Foppa, Luciana January 2018 (has links)
Contemporaneamente, o modelo de gerenciamento por competências tem alcançado o âmbito da avaliação do trabalhador na saúde e enfermagem. Nesta perspectiva, o processo avaliativo requer planejamento e organização. O objetivo geral consistiu em compreender como ocorre o preparo do processo avaliativo dos técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem pelos enfermeiros de uma unidade de internação clínica adulto do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, na perspectiva da gestão por competências. O estudo, caracterizado como descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, foi desenvolvido com 13 enfermeiros e os dados coletados entre maio e junho de 2017, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. A análise de conteúdo temática resultou em três categorias: processo avaliativo, uma trajetória a ser discutida; no momento da avaliação, aspectos intervenientes; e, gestão por competências, um novo modelo de avaliação. Os resultados indicam que os enfermeiros se organizam para realizar as avaliações dos técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem no último trimestre do ano, geralmente em duplas, estabelecendo um cronograma e posterior comunicação aos avaliados. Noções sobre conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes perpassam o entendimento dos entrevistados sobre avaliação por competências, embora ainda de modo incipiente. Houve referência à modificação no comportamento dos avaliados em momentos que antecedem à apreciação e às inconveniências logísticas relacionadas ao local das avaliações e ao tempo disponível, comprometendo a privacidade da entrevista avaliativa. Conclui-se sobre a importância de se apropriar de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes, bem como dos recursos proporcionados pelo sistema de gestão por competências da instituição para realizar avaliações com responsabilidade e compromisso. / Currently, the competence-based management model has reached the scope of employee assessment in health and nursing. Under this perspective, the evaluation process requires planning and organization. The general objective of this study was to understand how the nurses at an adult inpatient unit at Hospital de Clínicas dePorto Alegre prepare the assessment process of the unit’s nursing technicians and assistants based on the competence-based management perspective. This qualitative descriptive study was developed with 13 nurses, and data were collected between May and June, 2017 through semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the thematic content resulted in three categories: 1) evaluation process: a path yet to be discussed; 2) aspects that affect the moment of the evaluation; and 3) competence-based management: a new assessment model. The results indicate that the nurses usually get organized in pairs to conduct the evaluations of nursing technicians and assistants in the last quarter of the year. They design a schedule and subsequently inform these staff members. The interviewees demonstrated, although still in an incipient way, some understanding of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes involved in competence-based assessment. Changes in the behavior of the nursing technicians and assistants some moments before the assessment were reported. In addition, logistic inconveniences related to the venue and the time available for the assessment compromised the privacy of the evaluation interview. It can be concluded that it is important for the institution’s competence-based management system to master the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as to provide the necessary resources, in order to carry out evaluations with responsibility and commitment. / Actualmente, el modelo de gestión por competencias ha alcanzado el ámbito de la evaluación del trabajador en salud y enfermería. En esta perspectiva, el proceso evaluativo requiere planificación y organización. El objetivo general constituye en comprender cómo ocurre la preparación del proceso evaluativo de técnicos y auxiliares de enfermería por los enfermeros de una unidad de internación clínica adulta del Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, en la perspectiva de la gestión por competencias. El estudio, caracterizado como descriptivo, de enfoque cualitativo, ha sido desarrollado con 13 enfermeros, y los datos recogidos entre mayo y junio de 2017, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas. El análisis de contenido temático ha resultado en 3 categorías: proceso evaluativo, una trayectoria a debatirse; en el momento de la evaluación, aspectos intervinientes; y, gestión por competencias, un nuevo modelo de evaluación. Los resultados indican que los enfermeros se organizan para realizar las evaluaciones de los técnicos y auxiliares de enfermería en el último periodo trimestral del año, generalmente en parejas, estableciendo un cronograma y posterior comunicación de los evaluados. Nociones de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes atraviesan el entendimiento de los entrevistados sobre evaluación por competencias, aunque aún de manera incipiente. Ha sido referenciada la modificación en el comportamiento de los evaluados en momentos que anteceden la apreciación y también las inconveniencias logísticas relacionadas al local y al tiempo disponible para las evaluaciones, lo que compromete la privacidad de la entrevista evaluativa. Se concluye sobre la importancia de apropiarse de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes, así como de los recursos proporcionados por el sistema de gestión por competencias de la institución para realizar evaluaciones con responsabilidad y compromiso.

Avaliação de desempenho de profissionais da saúde em uma instituição hospitalar pública / Performance appraisal of health professionals in a public hospital / Evaluación de desempeño de profesionales de la salud en una institución hospitalaria pública

Cardoso, Adriana Serdotte Freitas January 2016 (has links)
A sistematização da avaliação de desempenho, levando-se em consideração a história da organização do trabalho, apresenta uma trajetória relativamente recente. Entretanto, o ato de avaliar sempre esteve presente no processo evolutivo da humanidade e o ser humano, desde o seu nascimento, é constantemente avaliado no âmbito de seus pares. O objetivo geral do estudo consistiu em analisar o processo de avaliação de desempenho de profissionais da saúde em uma instituição hospitalar pública. Desse eixo, desdobraram-se os objetivos específicos: caracterizar aspectos do ato de avaliar e do espaço/momento de ser avaliado na percepção dos sujeitos envolvidos nesse processo; identificar os aspectos que dinamizam e/ou obstaculizam o processo de avaliação de desempenho e discutir com a equipe multiprofissional estratégias facilitadoras do processo de avaliação de desempenho. Em Paulo Freire encontrou-se o marco teórico conceitual para ancorar a questão de estudo. A pesquisa tramitou na Plataforma Brasil, obtendo aprovação sob o CAAE número 47689015.0.0000.5347 e foi desenvolvida com profissionais da saúde de um hospital público, localizado em Porto Alegre, RS. Propôs-se uma investigação qualitativa, descritiva-exploratória, numa perspectiva dialética-emancipatória, em duas etapas, tendo coletado os dados entre novembro de 2015 e abril de 2016. Na primeira etapa participaram 65 trabalhadores em dupla condição de avaliador-avaliado, mediante preenchimento de um Questionário Semiestruturado Autoaplicado. Os resultados parciais desta etapa constituíram-se nos disparadores dos debates na segunda etapa da pesquisa. Houve três encontros de Grupo Focal com a participação de seis profissionais provenientes da primeira etapa. Para análise dos resultados das questões fechadas do questionário empregou-se a análise descritiva, enquanto que as informações das questões abertas e aquelas oriundas do grupo focal foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo temática e colocadas em diálogo com os conceitos do marco conceitual que norteia o estudo. O perfil dos participantes caracteriza predomínio do sexo feminino (89%), idade média de 42,68 anos, mediana de 18 anos de tempo de serviço na área da saúde e 10 anos na instituição. Na condição de avaliados (35%) e de avaliadores (44%), os respondentes consideram satisfatória a condução da entrevista avaliativa. Já a privacidade e confidencialidade no processo avaliativo é assegurada em ambas condições, alcançando índice de 65% das respostas. Para 51% dos participantes, o instrumento é adequado e supre demandas, mas, embora não explicitados, houve menção a entraves que derivam da cultura organizacional. Nos debates do grupo focal, os trabalhadores sinalizaram que a finalidade da avaliação de desempenho está vinculada à oportunidade para o desenvolvimento profissional, enfatizando a necessidade de alicerçá-la em um contexto dialógico capaz de potencializar a autorreflexão, a troca de saberes e a construção coletiva do conhecimento. Também, foi pontuado a respeito da cultura sobre avaliação de desempenho enquanto dinamizador/obstaculizador do processo avaliativo. Ainda, estratégias foram discutidas pelo grupo, reforçando a consolidação e fomento de espaços para diálogo e o impulso à noção de co-responsabilidade entre avaliador e avaliado para o exercício de um processo avaliativo crítico e propositivo. / Considering the history of work organization, the systematization of performance appraisal is somewhat recent. However, evaluation has always been part of the evolutionary process of mankind, once man is constantly assessed by his peers. This study aims to analyze the process of performance appraisal of professionals in a public hospital. More specifically, it focuses on three objectives: to characterize the evaluation process and the location/moment of one’s state of being assessed under the perspective of the subjects; to identify points that enhance and/or hinder such process; and to discuss with the multi-professional team strategies to facilitate the performance appraisal process. This study was based on Paulo Freire’s conceptual framework. It was submitted to Plataforma Brasil, and approved under the CAAE code 47689015.0.0000.5347. It was carried out with health professionals in a public hospital in Porto Alegre, Brazil. This research employed a qualitative, descriptive-exploratory approach under a dialetical-emancipatory perspective. The data were collected between November 2015 and April 2016. The study comprised two phases. In the first phase, 65 professionals took part in the study both as evaluator and the person being assessed, filling out a Semi-Structured Questionnaire. The partial results from this phase triggered the debates in the second phase of the research. There were three focus group sessions with six professionals from the first phase. Descriptive analysis was employed for the results of the closed-ended questions, while the information gathered from the open-ended questions and focus groups was examined through thematic- content analysis and later discussed based on Freire’s conceptual framework. The subjects were mostly female (89%) and their average age was between 42 and 68 years old. They had been working for approximately 18 years in health care and 10 years at the hospital. The subjects being assessed (35%) as well as the evaluators (44%) considered the conduct of the appraisal interview satisfactory. Privacy and confidentiality of the evaluation process were also ensured in both conditions, reaching 65% of the answers. According to 51% of the participants, the tool is appropriate and meets the demands, but obstacles derived from organizational culture were mentioned, although not explicitly. In the focus group sessions, the employees linked the aim of the performance appraisal to professional development, which reinforces the need to base it on a dialogical context that promotes self-reflection, knowledge exchange, and collective construction of knowledge. Moreover, the subjects also highlighted that the culture of performance appraisal both enhanced and hindered the evaluation process. The group also discussed strategies, which shows the need for fostering opportunities for dialogue as well as for the encouragement of accountability between the evaluator and the one being assessed, in order to promote a critical and constructive evaluation process. / La sistematización de la evaluación de desempeño, llevándose en consideración la historia de la organización del trabajo, presenta una trayectoria relativamente reciente. Sin embargo, el acto de evaluar siempre estuvo presente en el proceso evolutivo de la humanidad y el ser humano, desde su nacimiento, es constantemente evaluado en el ámbito de sus pares. El objetivo general del estudio consistió en analizar el proceso de evaluación de desempeño de profesionales de la salud en una institución hospitalaria pública. De ese eje, se desdoblan los objetivos específicos: caracterizar aspectos del acto de evaluar y del espacio/momento de ser evaluado en la percepción de los sujetos involucrados en ese proceso; identificar los aspectos que dinamizan y/u obstaculizan el proceso de evaluación de desempeño y discutir con el equipo multiprofesional estrategias facilitadoras del proceso de evaluación de desempeño. En Paulo Freire se encontró el marco teórico conceptual para anclar la cuestión de estudio. La investigación tramitó en la Plataforma Brasil, obteniendo aprobación bajo el CAAE número 47689015.0.0000.5347 y fue desarrollada con profesionales de la salud de un hospital público, ubicado en Porto Alegre, RS. Se propuso una investigación cualitativa, descriptiva-exploratoria, en una perspectiva dialéctica-emancipatoria, en dos etapas, habiendo recolectado los datos entre noviembre de 2015 y abril de 2016. En la primera etapa participaron 65 trabajadores en doble condición de evaluador-evaluado, mediante llenado de un Cuestionario Semiestructurado Autoaplicado. Los resultados parciales de esta etapa se constituyeron en los disparadores de los debates en la segunda etapa de la investigación. Hubo tres encuentros de Grupo Focal con la participación de seis profesionales provenientes de la primera etapa. Para análisis de los resultados de las preguntas cerradas del cuestionario se empleó el análisis descriptivo, mientras que las informaciones de los temas abiertos y aquellos oriundos del grupo focal se sometieron al análisis de contenido temático y colocados en diálogo con los conceptos del marco conceptual que guía el estudio. El perfil de los participantes caracteriza predominio del sexo femenino (89%), edad promedio de 42,68 años, mediana de 18 años de tiempo de servicio en el área de la salud y 10 años en la institución. En la condición de evaluados (35%) y de evaluadores (44%), los que respondieron consideran satisfactoria la conducción de la entrevista evaluativa. Ya la privacidad y confidencialidad en el proceso evaluativo es asegurada en ambas condiciones, alcanzando índice del 65% de las respuestas. Para el 51% de los participantes, el instrumento es adecuado y suple demandas, pero, aunque no se explicite, hubo mención a trabas que derivan de la cultura organizacional. En los debates del grupo focal, los trabajadores señalaron que la finalidad de la evaluación de desempeño está vinculada a la oportunidad para el desarrollo profesional, enfatizando la necesidad de cimentarla en un contexto dialógico capaz de potenciar la autorreflexión, el intercambio de saberes y la construcción colectiva del conocimiento. También, se puntuó sobre la cultura sobre evaluación de desempeño como dinamizador/obstaculizador del proceso evaluativo. También, el grupo discutió estrategias, reforzando la consolidación y fomento de espacios para diálogo y el impulso a la noción de corresponsabilidad entre evaluador y evaluado para el ejercicio de un proceso evaluativo crítico y propositivo.

Óleo de linhaça como principal fonte lipídica na dieta de frangos de corte /

Murakami, Karline Tikae Tani. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: Avaliou-se o efeito da utilização de óleo de linhaça na ração de frangos de corte, substituindo o óleo de soja em diferentes períodos, sobre o desempenho, composição de carcaça e características físico-químicas da carne. Foram utilizadas 320 aves, recebendo ração suplementada com óleo de soja ou linhaça, num arranjo fatorial 4x2 (4 períodos crescentes recebendo dieta com óleo de linhaça e dois sexos). O desempenho foi avaliado por pesagens da ração e das aves nos dias 1, 21, 42 e 49, quando as aves foram abatidas. Após o abate, foi avaliado o rendimento de carcaça e a proporção dos principais cortes, vísceras e gordura abdominal. Foram avaliados os teores de lipídeos totais, umidade e colesterol na carne do peito e das coxas com sobrecoxas. A estabilidade da fração lipídica da carne mantida sob congelamento foi avaliada pelo método do ácido 2-tiobarbitúrico (TBA). A textura da carne foi avaliada pela determinação da força de cisalhamento em texturômetro. O óleo de linhaça na ração, de forma geral, prejudicou os parâmetros de desempenho avaliados (P<0,05). As fêmeas apresentaram maior proporção de peito e maior quantidade de gordura abdominal que os machos (p<0,05). As aves alimentadas com ração contendo óleo de linhaça apresentaram menor proporção de gordura abdominal e teores mais baixos de lipídeos totais e colesterol na carne do que aquelas alimentadas exclusivamente com ração contendo óleo de soja (p<0,05). Os resultados observados não permitiram uma avaliação conclusiva quanto à influência do sexo e das fontes de óleo da ração sobre a textura da carne e sua estabilidade à oxidação lipídica. / Abstract: This work studied the effects of the utilization of linseed oil in broilers feeds as a substituent to soybean oil at different periods on performance and carcass composition of Cobb broilers, well as on the physicalchemical traits of their meat. Three hundred twenty birds were raised with linseed or soybean oil in the feed in a 4x2 factorial arrangement of treatments (4 growing periods receiving the experimental diets and 2 sexes). Performance was evaluated by the weighs of feeds and birds at days 1, 21, 42 and 49 of the experiment. After slaughtering, as the birds were 49 days old, carcass yield and percentages of main cuts, viscera and abdominal fat were quantified. Total lipids, moisture and cholesterol contents in breast and thighs were determined. The stability of the lipidic fraction in frozen meat was determined by the tiobabituric acid (TBA) methodology. Meat shear force was analyzed in a texturometer. In a general sense, linseed oil was harmful to broilers performance (P<0.05). Female broilers had higher breast percentage and more abdominal fat than male broilers (P<0.05). Birds fed linseed oil had less abdominal fat and lower total lipids and cholesterol contents in the meat than those fed soybean oil (P<0.05). Results did not lead to a conclusion about the influence of sex and oil source on meat texture and stability to lipid oxidation. / Orientador: Marcos Franke Pinto / Coorientador: Elisa Helena Giglio Ponsano / Banca: Manoel Garcia Neto / Banca: Jacira dos Santos Isepon / Mestre

Performance appraisal as driver of individual innovation within and across organisations

Matookchund, Navin Gazanchand 31 January 2019 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Literature suggests that human resource practices (HRPs), particularly performance appraisal (PA), contribute to innovation. However, the importance of PA amongst other antecedents to innovation is inadequately described. This leaves human resource managers (HRMs) in the dark on which HRPs they should emphasize. This study contextualises the PA-innovation relationship in South Africa and specifies the importance of PA as a driver of innovation within and across organisations. A cross-sectional survey was employed, acquiring data from a broad cross-section of South African employees and organisations. PA, HRPs and three other antecedents to innovation, and innovation itself, were measured. Across organisations, PA was directly responsible for between 3.8% and 5.7% of the variance in innovation. It was also found that, when PA was combined with other HRPs and other antecedents to innovation, the role of PA was significant, though mostly secondary. Within organisations, the pattern repeated itself with the PAinnovation relationship significant in 30% of organisations, with PA never the dominant driver of innovation in any organisation. The research thus revealed that PA, as an antecedent to innovation, plays a subordinate role, both across employees and within specific organisations. When testing more complex models on the PA-innovation link, the results revealed that the PA-innovation relationship is mediated by work engagement (WE) as well as affective commitment (AC), with WE having the greatest effect. Transformational leadership (TL) and corporate entrepreneurship (CE) moderate the PA-innovation relationship, with TL having the strongest effect and CE having almost no effect. Proactive personality does not moderate the PA-innovation relationship. The results specify the relative importance of PA in general and within specific organisations. The main finding is that PA is not the dominant HRP driving innovation. It also shows that leadership behaviour (TL) more than climate (CE), and WE rather than AC influence the PA innovation relationship. The aforementioned will benefit all stakeholders, particularly HRMs, to focus on appropriate HRPs when trying to enhance innovation at the general employee and organisational level. No previous research has discussed the role of PA as an antecedent to innovation in this degree of detail or contextualised the research as has been done here. / Literatuur suggereer dat menslike hulpbronpraktyke, veral prestasiebeoordeling, bydra tot innovasie. Die belangrikheid van prestasiebeoordeling onder ander antesedente vir innovasie word egter onvoldoende beskryf. Dit laat menslikehulpbronbestuurders in die duister waarop menslike hulpbronpraktyke hulle moet beklemtoon. Hierdie studie kontekstualiseer die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding in Suid-Afrika en spesifiseer die belangrikheid van prestasiebeoordeling as 'n drywer van innovasie binne en oor organisasies. Daar is gebruik gemaak van 'n deursnee-opname met die verkryging van data van 'n breë deursnit van Suid-Afrikaanse werknemers en organisasies. Prestasiebeoordeling, menslike hulpbronpraktyke en drie ander voorvaders vir innovasie en innovasie self is gemeet. Regoor organisasies was prestasiebeoordeling regstreeks verantwoordelik vir tussen 3.8% en 5.7% van die variansie in innovasie. Daar is ook gevind dat, toe prestasiebeoordeling gekombineer is met ander menslike hulpbronpraktyke en ander antesedente vir innovasie, die rol van prestasiebeoordeling belangrik was, hoewel meestal sekondêr. Binne organisasies het die patroon homself herhaal met die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding wat in 30% van die organisasies beduidend was, met prestasiebeoordeling nooit die dominante drywer van innovasie in enige organisasie nie. Die navorsing het dus aan die lig gebring dat prestasiebeoordeling, as 'n voorvader van innovasie, 'n ondergeskikte rol speel, beide oor werknemers en binne spesifieke organisasies. By die toetsing van meer ingewikkelde modelle op die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-skakel, het die resultate aan die lig gebring dat die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding bemiddel word deur werksbetrokkenheid sowel as affektiewe toewyding, met die feit dat werksbetrokkenheid die grootste effek het. Transformasionele leierskap en korporatiewe ondernemerskap het die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding gematig, en Transformasionele leierskap het die sterkste effek en korporatiewe ondernemerskap het byna geen effek nie. Proaktiewe persoonlikheid modereer nie die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding nie. Die resultate spesifiseer die relatiewe belang van prestasiebeoordeling in die algemeen en binne spesifieke organisasies. Die belangrikste bevinding is dat prestasiebeoordeling nie die dominante menslike hulpbronpraktyk is wat innovasie dryf nie. Dit wys ook dat leierskapsgedrag meer as klimaat is, en werksbetrokkenheid eerder as affektiewe toewyding die binnovasieverhouding beïnvloed. Bogenoemde sal alle belanghebbendes, veral menslikehulpbronbestuurders, bevoordeel om op toepaslike menslike hulpbronpraktyke te konsentreer as hulle probeer om innovasie op die algemene werknemer- en organisatoriese vlak te bevorder. Geen vorige navorsing het die rol van prestasiebeoordeling as 'n voorkennis vir innovasie in hierdie mate van detail bespreek of die navorsing gekontekstualiseer soos hier gedoen is nie. / Izincwadi zisikisela ukuthi imikhuba yemithombo yabantu, ikakhulu ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, kwenza abantu basungule izinto. Nokho, ukubaluleka kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi phakathi kwezinye izinto kudlula ukusungula izinto okuchazwe ngokungenelea. Lokhu kwenza abaphathi bemithombo yabantu besebumnyameni ngokuthi imaphi ama-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu okufanele bawagcizelele. Lolu cwaningo luhlobanisa ukusungulwa kwezinto ze-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi nobuhlobo eNingizimu Afrika futhi ikhuthaze ngokukhethekile ukubaluleka kweukutuswa ngomsebenzi njengokushukumisa abantu ukuba basungule ngaphakathi nakuzo zonke izinhlangano. Kwasetshenziswa inhlolo-vo kuzo zonke izinhlangano, kwaqoqwa idatha kuzo zonke izingxenye zabasebenzi baseNingizimu Afrika nezinhlangano. I-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, ama-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu nabanye abasunguli abathathu bezinto, nokusungulwa kwezinto ngokwako kwakalwa. Kuzo zonke izinhlangano, i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi yayinomthwalo ngokuqondile phakathi kwamaphesenti angu-3.8 no-5.7% zokusungula izinto okuhlukahlukene. Kwatholakala nokuthi, lapho i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi ihlanganiswa namanye ama-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu nezinye izinhlangano ezisungula izinto, indima ye-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi yayibalulekile, nakuba ingeyesibili. Phakathi nezinhlangano, umkhuba wawuziphindaphinda ekusunguleni kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi nobuhlobo nezinhlangano ezingamaphesenti angu-30, i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi yayingashukumisi ukusungula izinto kunoma iyiphi inhlangano. Ngakho, ucwaningo lwembula ukuthi i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, njengento esungulayo, inendima ebalulekile, kokubili kubasebenzi nasezinhlanganweni ezithile. Lapho kuhlolwa izimo eziyinkimbinkimbi kakhulu ekuhlobaneni nokusungula kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, imiphumela yembula ukuthi ukusungula kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi kuhlobene nokusebenza kanye nokuzibophezela okuphumelelayo, i-kuhlobene nokusebenza inomthelela omkhulu kakhulu. Abaholi bezinguquko nabaphathi bezinkampani bayakulinganisa ubuhlobo bokusungula ne-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, i-abaholi bezinguquko inomthelela omkhulu kakhulu futhi i-nabaphathi bezinkampani ingenawo umthelela. Ubuntu obuhle abulinganiseli ubuhlobo bokusungula kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi. Imiphumela ibonisa ukubaluleka kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi phakathi ezinhlanganweni ezithile. Okwatholakala ukuthi i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi ayiyona into eyinhloko eshukumisa ukusungula kwe-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu. Ibuye ibonise ukuziphatha kwabaholi ngaphezu kwesimo sezulu, ne-kuhlobene nokusebenza kunethonya le-nokuzibophezela okuphumelelayo ebuhlotsheni bokusungula kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi. Lokho okuphawulwe ngenhla kuyozuzisa wonke ama-stakeholder, ikakhulu ama-abaphathi bemithombo yabantu, ukuze agxile kuma-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu afanele lapho ezama ukukhuthaza abasebenzi abavamile nezinhlangano ukuba basungule. Alukho ucwaningo lwangaphambili oluke lwaxoxa ngendima ye-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi njengesungula izinto kuleli zinga elinemininingwane noma ibeke ucwaningo ngokunembile njengoba kwenziwe lapha. / Business Management / D.B.L.

中小企業接班人個案研究 / A Case Study on the Succession Plans of Small and Medium Business

賴雯莉, Lai, Wen Li Unknown Date (has links)
「中小企業」一直以來都是我國商業經濟的根基命脈,這些企業大多是以家族企業的形式經營,因此「父傳子、子傳孫」是相當普遍的接班形態。但發展至今,許多企業主開始面臨膝下無子或子女不願接班的窘境,且隨著產業變遷,中小企業在用人與留才上也遭遇到困境。這些因素都使得台灣的中小企業在近年來發生了嚴重的「接班問題」。 「接班人計劃」(Succession Plans)已逐漸成為企業相當重視的人才議題;正如許多企業在面臨領導人驟逝或因故離職時,因為無法迅速推舉出新任的接班人,進而導致組織動盪甚至影響到企業營運。因此,透過制定接班人計劃,預先培養未來所需的領導者,已成為企業間普遍的做法。 考量到中小企業的獨特性,在發展接班人計劃時無法完全因循大型企業的做法。本文旨在透過探究以下三個問題,試圖發掘中小企業在發展接班人計劃時應注意的重要議題: 1.中小企業接班人計劃發展的結構性困難。 2.中小企業接班人計劃所應具備的內容與特質。 3.中小企業接班人計劃得以成功的關鍵因素。 本文將以個案研究的方式,實際建構一套中小企業的接班人計劃,並將研究結果作一整理與綜合性之討論。 / “Small and medium enterprises” have been foundations of economy in our country for a long time. Most of these enterprises are family-owned, so passing on from generation to generation is a usual type of succession. However, there are some entrepreneurs who don’t have any offspring or finding their coming generation have no willingness to take over the business. It’s a troublesome problem that many small and medium enterprises have no idea about how to pass on the business. “Succession Plans”start to be paid attention by many entrepreneurs in recent years. In the past, many dominant enterprises collapsed in a flash just because of failure in succession when last conductor quitted or passed away. Now, it’s very common for enterprises to formulate a proper succession plan in order to incubate some backup talents for future needs. To consider about the uniqueness of small and medium enterprises, it’s hard to follow up the major industries totally. In this paper, we want to investigate the succession question of small and medium enterprises by dealing with three point: 1. What are the structural difficulties about succession plans in small and medium enterprises? 2. What are the contents and characteristics should be possessed by succession plans in small and medium enterprises? 3. What are the key success factors (KSFs) or key performance indicators (KPIs) for succession plans in small and medium enterprises? In this paper, we’ll have a case study research and try to build a succession plan for case company. The final goal is to make this issue prominent and then find the way to resolve the question.

我國政風單位績效評估制度之研究:以臺北市政府為例 / The Research of Performance Appraisal System of the Department of Civil Service Ethics in Taiwan R.O.C-An Example of Taipei City Government

李國正, Lee,Kuo cheng Unknown Date (has links)
有云:「他山之石,可以攻錯。」從西方國家經驗可知,政府績效評估對於提昇行政效率、節省行政成本發揮了極其重要的作用,成為政府改革最重要的工具。法務部為發揮政風單位功能,提昇整體政風工作績效,遂推動實施「政風機構績效評比要點」,該績效評比,如從正面角度,固可激勵單位及人員士氣,提昇組織績效,然亦可能因政風單位「分散設置,集中管理」之特殊屬性而帶來若干的負面影響。 我國政風單位在貪瀆預防與肅貪工作上係以「預防重於查處」為主要工作原則之一。一方面,貪瀆犯罪本身具隱性特質,而政風單位亦因本身組織功能與角色定位欠缺明確,以致於在過於抽象的法定職掌下,某些績效甚難單純以量化數據展現實質工作成效,從績效評比呈現數字以觀,雖然洋洋洒洒,極為亮眼,但數字背後績效好壞,則甚難論斷,頗為吊詭。另方面,政風人員在機關工作績效往往須視機關首長臉色及業務單位配合與否,一旦爆發社會矚目重大政風案件,更備受輿論、民意機關及社會大眾質疑,甚至政風人員本身亦有諸多眥言與批評,顯示評比制度本身的確存在討論與改進空間,實值得深入檢討釐清。 本研究係透過對臺北市政府政風人員進行個案實證研究,期盼瞭解該評比制度推動以來,政風人員對「制度設計合理性、公平性」、「提昇組織績效與激勵士氣等回饋功能」、「主觀上有何評價或感受認知程度」以及「實施成效」的看法,經由資料整合、統計分析、闡釋與推論之後,希冀提出切合實際問題與符合事實需要之具體發現與建議,使理論與實務能相互結合運用,作為主管機關法務部改進是項評比制度之參考。 本研究經由前面之研究結果,計有以下之研究發現: 一、在制度設計方面 (一)推動績效評估依據過於薄弱,有待提高法源位階。 (二)角色定位多元,推動工作力有未逮。 (三)所在機關環境特性不一,欲求一體適用有其困難。 (四)組織願景、策略績效目標與衡量指標的連結程度仍待加強。 (五)評估方法與工具未因時因地制宜,造成績效衡量與管理上困難。 (六)評比內容未適度簡化,無法撙節人力資源做妥適運用。 (七)獎懲設計不足,難以落實重獎重懲目的,制度推動受人質疑。 二、在實務運作方面 (一)績效評估不易,難達公平要求。 (二)訓練宣導不足,難以爭取內外部顧客認同。 (三)未落實執行績效衡量指標,有流於形式或官樣文章之虞。 (四)欠缺彈性,未放寬並授與各政風單位自訂指標項目或選擇指標項目。 (五)評估結果僅與考績連結,未擴及職務陞遷及生涯發展訓練。 (六)評比制度淪於形式,應研議重新設計一個可行制度。 本研究根據以上之研究發現,提出建議如下: 一、在制度之變革方面 (一)定量評估及質化評估宜同時兼顧。 (二)加強評比制度之宣導訓練,促使各層級政風單位環環相扣。 (三)建立客觀評估機制,並結合多元評估方式,強化評比公平性。 (四)業務項目及內容應進一步整合及簡化,策略目標與績效衡量指標之訂定應配合機關任務。 (五)考評制度之落實,須與激勵制度配合,獎勵方式則可彈性運用。 二、在回饋之功能方面 (一)落實所有政風人員之參與。 (二)主管勤加溝通並傳達正面樂觀訊息。 (三)建立管理者與被管理者之共識,發揮引導功能,促使組織與個人目標趨向一致。 (四)納入員工訓練學習內容或知識管理 / There is a saying “The stones of those hills may be used to polish gems”, meaning that another's good quality or suggestion whereby one can remedy one's own defects. The experience of western countries tells us that the performance appraisal in government organizations has exerted a substantial effect on promoting administration efficiency and reducing administrative expenditure so that it has become the significant tool of the government in many needed reforms. In order to effectively perform the function of the department of civil service ethics and to achieve a higher degree of work efficiency, the Ministry of Justice has launched to enforce the Organization Achievements Comparison and Appraisal Main Points of the Government Employee Ethics Units. The implementation of the performance appraisal can undoubtedly encourage the morale of the units and their employees and further promote the efficiency of the organization while it may bring some of the negative effects due to the distinctive characteristics of dispersed establishment and centralized management of the department of civil service ethics. “Prevention is prior to investigation and punishment” is one of the major working principles of the department of civil service ethics in Taiwan in implementing corruption prevention and eliminating corruption. On the one hand, as a result of a recessive trait of the corrupt offense and an unclear and indefinite organizational function and role orientation, the department of civil service ethics running under no concrete specifications for its duties is really unable to create efficiency simply depending on quantitative data in some ways. The performance appraisal may be basically made according to the data presented, but it cannot be directly interpreted as an ideal data presentation equaling a good work performance. On the other hand, the work performance of government ethics officials is primarily subject to the preference of their superiors and the cooperation of the business unit. Aside from the above-mentioned, when a serious corruption affair is uncovered, the public opinion, a doubt from advocacy groups and mass society, and colleagues’ criticism will also influence the performance appraisal of the alleged government ethics officials. This shows that there is a needed improvement in the appraisal system, and it is necessary to have an in-depth review and discussion. This paper is to engage in an empirical study on the government ethics officials serving in Taipei City Government for the purpose of understanding their opinions towards “Rational and equitable system design”, “Feedback function helping promote organization efficiency and encouraging its morale”, “Cognition degree for subjective judgment or perception” and “Enforcement effectiveness” when the appraisal system was launched in expectation of making concrete proposals through data integration, statistics and analysis, and empirically grounded explanation and conclusion that not only can hit the nail on the head and meet the need but also can realize a theoretical and practical combination and application to serve as reference of the Ministry of Justice while they are engaging in an improvement program of the appraisal system. The findings of this study are elaborated below: 1. System Design 1) It is necessary to upgrade the hierarchy of law so that there is a more persuadable foundation to support the development of performance appraisal. 2) The orientation of a diverse role has resulted in failure to make an all-out effort in promotion work. 3) It is difficult to apply one standardized system to different types of government organizations and environments. 4) There is a needed improvement in the connection among organizational perspective, strategical efficiency target and measurement index. 5) A rigid appraisal method and tool has resulted in the difficulties of performance measurement and management. 6) The simplified appraisal contents are needed to achieve the streamlining human resources. 7) A doubt for developing the system while an inadequate design of rewards and punishments is hindering it from being carried out. 2. Practical Operation 1) To conduct the performance appraisal is not an easy thing and to make it fair is harder. 2) Inadequate training and propagation made it difficult for winning interior and exterior customers’ recognition. 3) Without exactly fulfilling the performance measurement index, the work of the performance appraisal turns out to be a mere formality. 4) A lack of flexibility to relax of restriction for authorizing the units of civil service ethics to set or select their individual index items. 5) The appraisal results can be connected with the merit system only, not extending to position promotion and career development and training. 6) To avoid the current appraisal system from turning out to be a mere formality, it is necessary to discuss how to design a new and feasible system instead of it. The following suggestions are set forth according to the findings stated above. 1. System Reform 1) Quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation should be simultaneously considered. 2) To strengthen the propagation and training of the appraisal system for the purpose of establishing a close link between all levels of the units of civil service ethics. 3) To establish an objective appraisal mechanism that combines diverse evaluation methods and puts emphasis on the fairness of reasonable appraisals. 4) To integrate and simplify business items and contents, and to draw up strategic targets and performance measurement index that correspond with organizational tasks. 5) A practicable performance appraisal system should be carried out in conjunction with the incentive system in a flexible application of rewards. 2. Feedback Function 1) To achieve a real participation of all government ethics officials. 2) There is a frequent and fluent communication between supervisor and subordinate to convey positive and optimistic information. 3) To establish a common consensus between supervisor and employee to bring the organizational and individual goals to become identical. 4) The employee training and learning contents or knowledge management should be subsumed.

Avaliação de desempenho de profissionais da saúde em uma instituição hospitalar pública / Performance appraisal of health professionals in a public hospital / Evaluación de desempeño de profesionales de la salud en una institución hospitalaria pública

Cardoso, Adriana Serdotte Freitas January 2016 (has links)
A sistematização da avaliação de desempenho, levando-se em consideração a história da organização do trabalho, apresenta uma trajetória relativamente recente. Entretanto, o ato de avaliar sempre esteve presente no processo evolutivo da humanidade e o ser humano, desde o seu nascimento, é constantemente avaliado no âmbito de seus pares. O objetivo geral do estudo consistiu em analisar o processo de avaliação de desempenho de profissionais da saúde em uma instituição hospitalar pública. Desse eixo, desdobraram-se os objetivos específicos: caracterizar aspectos do ato de avaliar e do espaço/momento de ser avaliado na percepção dos sujeitos envolvidos nesse processo; identificar os aspectos que dinamizam e/ou obstaculizam o processo de avaliação de desempenho e discutir com a equipe multiprofissional estratégias facilitadoras do processo de avaliação de desempenho. Em Paulo Freire encontrou-se o marco teórico conceitual para ancorar a questão de estudo. A pesquisa tramitou na Plataforma Brasil, obtendo aprovação sob o CAAE número 47689015.0.0000.5347 e foi desenvolvida com profissionais da saúde de um hospital público, localizado em Porto Alegre, RS. Propôs-se uma investigação qualitativa, descritiva-exploratória, numa perspectiva dialética-emancipatória, em duas etapas, tendo coletado os dados entre novembro de 2015 e abril de 2016. Na primeira etapa participaram 65 trabalhadores em dupla condição de avaliador-avaliado, mediante preenchimento de um Questionário Semiestruturado Autoaplicado. Os resultados parciais desta etapa constituíram-se nos disparadores dos debates na segunda etapa da pesquisa. Houve três encontros de Grupo Focal com a participação de seis profissionais provenientes da primeira etapa. Para análise dos resultados das questões fechadas do questionário empregou-se a análise descritiva, enquanto que as informações das questões abertas e aquelas oriundas do grupo focal foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo temática e colocadas em diálogo com os conceitos do marco conceitual que norteia o estudo. O perfil dos participantes caracteriza predomínio do sexo feminino (89%), idade média de 42,68 anos, mediana de 18 anos de tempo de serviço na área da saúde e 10 anos na instituição. Na condição de avaliados (35%) e de avaliadores (44%), os respondentes consideram satisfatória a condução da entrevista avaliativa. Já a privacidade e confidencialidade no processo avaliativo é assegurada em ambas condições, alcançando índice de 65% das respostas. Para 51% dos participantes, o instrumento é adequado e supre demandas, mas, embora não explicitados, houve menção a entraves que derivam da cultura organizacional. Nos debates do grupo focal, os trabalhadores sinalizaram que a finalidade da avaliação de desempenho está vinculada à oportunidade para o desenvolvimento profissional, enfatizando a necessidade de alicerçá-la em um contexto dialógico capaz de potencializar a autorreflexão, a troca de saberes e a construção coletiva do conhecimento. Também, foi pontuado a respeito da cultura sobre avaliação de desempenho enquanto dinamizador/obstaculizador do processo avaliativo. Ainda, estratégias foram discutidas pelo grupo, reforçando a consolidação e fomento de espaços para diálogo e o impulso à noção de co-responsabilidade entre avaliador e avaliado para o exercício de um processo avaliativo crítico e propositivo. / Considering the history of work organization, the systematization of performance appraisal is somewhat recent. However, evaluation has always been part of the evolutionary process of mankind, once man is constantly assessed by his peers. This study aims to analyze the process of performance appraisal of professionals in a public hospital. More specifically, it focuses on three objectives: to characterize the evaluation process and the location/moment of one’s state of being assessed under the perspective of the subjects; to identify points that enhance and/or hinder such process; and to discuss with the multi-professional team strategies to facilitate the performance appraisal process. This study was based on Paulo Freire’s conceptual framework. It was submitted to Plataforma Brasil, and approved under the CAAE code 47689015.0.0000.5347. It was carried out with health professionals in a public hospital in Porto Alegre, Brazil. This research employed a qualitative, descriptive-exploratory approach under a dialetical-emancipatory perspective. The data were collected between November 2015 and April 2016. The study comprised two phases. In the first phase, 65 professionals took part in the study both as evaluator and the person being assessed, filling out a Semi-Structured Questionnaire. The partial results from this phase triggered the debates in the second phase of the research. There were three focus group sessions with six professionals from the first phase. Descriptive analysis was employed for the results of the closed-ended questions, while the information gathered from the open-ended questions and focus groups was examined through thematic- content analysis and later discussed based on Freire’s conceptual framework. The subjects were mostly female (89%) and their average age was between 42 and 68 years old. They had been working for approximately 18 years in health care and 10 years at the hospital. The subjects being assessed (35%) as well as the evaluators (44%) considered the conduct of the appraisal interview satisfactory. Privacy and confidentiality of the evaluation process were also ensured in both conditions, reaching 65% of the answers. According to 51% of the participants, the tool is appropriate and meets the demands, but obstacles derived from organizational culture were mentioned, although not explicitly. In the focus group sessions, the employees linked the aim of the performance appraisal to professional development, which reinforces the need to base it on a dialogical context that promotes self-reflection, knowledge exchange, and collective construction of knowledge. Moreover, the subjects also highlighted that the culture of performance appraisal both enhanced and hindered the evaluation process. The group also discussed strategies, which shows the need for fostering opportunities for dialogue as well as for the encouragement of accountability between the evaluator and the one being assessed, in order to promote a critical and constructive evaluation process. / La sistematización de la evaluación de desempeño, llevándose en consideración la historia de la organización del trabajo, presenta una trayectoria relativamente reciente. Sin embargo, el acto de evaluar siempre estuvo presente en el proceso evolutivo de la humanidad y el ser humano, desde su nacimiento, es constantemente evaluado en el ámbito de sus pares. El objetivo general del estudio consistió en analizar el proceso de evaluación de desempeño de profesionales de la salud en una institución hospitalaria pública. De ese eje, se desdoblan los objetivos específicos: caracterizar aspectos del acto de evaluar y del espacio/momento de ser evaluado en la percepción de los sujetos involucrados en ese proceso; identificar los aspectos que dinamizan y/u obstaculizan el proceso de evaluación de desempeño y discutir con el equipo multiprofesional estrategias facilitadoras del proceso de evaluación de desempeño. En Paulo Freire se encontró el marco teórico conceptual para anclar la cuestión de estudio. La investigación tramitó en la Plataforma Brasil, obteniendo aprobación bajo el CAAE número 47689015.0.0000.5347 y fue desarrollada con profesionales de la salud de un hospital público, ubicado en Porto Alegre, RS. Se propuso una investigación cualitativa, descriptiva-exploratoria, en una perspectiva dialéctica-emancipatoria, en dos etapas, habiendo recolectado los datos entre noviembre de 2015 y abril de 2016. En la primera etapa participaron 65 trabajadores en doble condición de evaluador-evaluado, mediante llenado de un Cuestionario Semiestructurado Autoaplicado. Los resultados parciales de esta etapa se constituyeron en los disparadores de los debates en la segunda etapa de la investigación. Hubo tres encuentros de Grupo Focal con la participación de seis profesionales provenientes de la primera etapa. Para análisis de los resultados de las preguntas cerradas del cuestionario se empleó el análisis descriptivo, mientras que las informaciones de los temas abiertos y aquellos oriundos del grupo focal se sometieron al análisis de contenido temático y colocados en diálogo con los conceptos del marco conceptual que guía el estudio. El perfil de los participantes caracteriza predominio del sexo femenino (89%), edad promedio de 42,68 años, mediana de 18 años de tiempo de servicio en el área de la salud y 10 años en la institución. En la condición de evaluados (35%) y de evaluadores (44%), los que respondieron consideran satisfactoria la conducción de la entrevista evaluativa. Ya la privacidad y confidencialidad en el proceso evaluativo es asegurada en ambas condiciones, alcanzando índice del 65% de las respuestas. Para el 51% de los participantes, el instrumento es adecuado y suple demandas, pero, aunque no se explicite, hubo mención a trabas que derivan de la cultura organizacional. En los debates del grupo focal, los trabajadores señalaron que la finalidad de la evaluación de desempeño está vinculada a la oportunidad para el desarrollo profesional, enfatizando la necesidad de cimentarla en un contexto dialógico capaz de potenciar la autorreflexión, el intercambio de saberes y la construcción colectiva del conocimiento. También, se puntuó sobre la cultura sobre evaluación de desempeño como dinamizador/obstaculizador del proceso evaluativo. También, el grupo discutió estrategias, reforzando la consolidación y fomento de espacios para diálogo y el impulso a la noción de corresponsabilidad entre evaluador y evaluado para el ejercicio de un proceso evaluativo crítico y propositivo.

The effect of a training programme on the attitude of managers towards performance management

Teubes, Susanna Wilhelmina 08 1900 (has links)
Text in English, summary in English and Afrikaans / The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of a performance management training programme on the attitudes of managers towards performance management. The research question was whether a performance management training intervention would change managers' attitude towards performance management. The respondent group consisted of 101 managers who responded to an advertisement and willingly participated in a performance management training programme. A quasi-experimental research design was used in which a pre-test and post-test was applied to the respondent group. The managers in the respondent group completed the same assessment instrument (or questionnaire) before and six months after the performance management training. The results of the empirical analysis indicated that female managers felt less positive about performance management than their male counterparts. No statistically significant change in the attitude and competency of managers towards performance management was found after they had attended the performance management training programme. / Die doel van die studie was om die impak van 'n prestasiebestuuropleidingsprogram op die houdings van bestuurders ten opsigte van prestasiebestuur te ondersoek. Die navorsingsvraag was of 'n opleidingsintervensie in prestasiebestuur, bestuurders se houdings ten opsigte van prestasiebestuur sou verander. Die respondentegroep het uit 101 bestuurders bestaan wat op 'n advertensie gereageer het en vrywillig deelgeneem het aan 'n prestasiebestuuropleidingsprogram. 'n Kwasie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp is gebruik waartydens 'n voor- en na-toets op die respondente toegepas is. Die bestuurders in die respondentegroep het dieselfde evalueringsinstrument voor en ses maande na die prestasiebestuuropleiding ingevul. Die resultate van die empiriese ontleding het getoon dat vroulike bestuurders minder positief oor prestasiebestuur gevoel het as hul manlike kollegas. Geen betekenisvolle statistiese verandering in die houdings en vaardighede van bestuurders ten opsigte van prestasiebestuur is gevind nadat hulle die prestasiebestuurprogram bygewoon het nie. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

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