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Impact of Cascading Failures on Performance Assessment of Civil Infrastructure SystemsAdachi, Takao 05 March 2007 (has links)
Water distribution systems, electrical power transmission systems, and other civil infrastructure systems are essential to the smooth and stable operation of regional economies. Since the functions of such infrastructure systems often are inter-dependent, the systems sometimes suffer unforeseen functional disruptions. For example, the widespread power outage due to the malfunction of an electric power substation, which occurred in the northeastern United States and parts of Canada in August 2003, interrupted the supply of water to several communities, leading to inconvenience and economic losses. The sequence of such failures leading to widespread outages is referred to as a cascading failure. Assessing the vulnerability of communities to natural and man-made hazards should take the possibility of such failures into account.
In seismic risk assessment, the risk to a facility or a building is generally specified by one of two basic approaches: through a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) and a stipulated scenario earthquake (SE). A PSHA has been widely accepted as a basis for design and evaluation of individual buildings, bridges and other facilities. However, the vulnerability assessment of distributed infrastructure facilities requires a model of spatial intensity of earthquake ground motion. Since the ground motions from a PSHA represent an aggregation of earthquakes, they cannot model the spatial variation in intensity. On the other hand, when a SE-based analysis is used, the spatial correlation of seismic intensities must be properly evaluated.
This study presents a new methodology for evaluating the functionality of an infrastructure system situated in a region of moderate seismicity considering functional interactions among the systems in the network, cascading failure, and spatial correlation of ground motion. The functional interactions among facilities in the systems are modeled by fault trees, and the impact of cascading failures on serviceability of a networked system is computed by a procedure from the field of operations research known as a shortest path algorithm. The upper and lower bound solutions to spatial correlation of seismic intensities over a region are obtained.
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Microstructural and chemical behaviour of irradiated graphite waste under repository conditionsHagos, Bereket Abrha January 2013 (has links)
A procedure to evaluate the leaching properties of radionuclides from irradiated graphite waste has been developed by combining ANSI 16.1 (USA) and NEN 7345 (Netherlands) standardised diffusion leaching techniques. The ANSI 16.1 standard has been followed to the acquire the leachates and to determine the leach rate/ diffusion coefficient and NEN 7345 standard technique has been used to determine the diffusion mechanism of radionuclides. The investigation employs simulated Drigg groundwater as a leachant using semi-dynamic technique for the production of leachate specimens. From gamma spectroscopy analysis the principal radionuclides present in terms of activity were 60Co, 137Cs, 134Cs, 155Eu, 133Ba and 46Sc. The dominant radionuclides are 60Co, 134Cs and 133Ba which together account for about 91 % of the total activity. The 91 % can be broken down into 73.4 % 60Co, 9.1 % 134Cs and 8.1 % 133Ba. Analysis of total beta and total beta without tritium activity release from Magnox graphite was measured using liquid scintillating counting. Preliminary results show that there is an initial high release of activity and decreases when the leaching period increases. This may be due to the depletion of contaminants which were absorbed by the internal pore networks and the surface. During the leaching test approximately 275.33 ± 18.20 Bq of 3H and 106.26 ± 7.01 Bq of 14C was released into the leachant within 91 days. Irradiation induced damages to the nuclear graphite crystal structure have been shown to cause disruption of the bonding across the basal planes. Moreover, the closures of Mrozowski cracks have been observed in nuclear graphite, the bulk property are governed by the porosity, in particular, at the nanometre scale. Therefore, knowledge of the crystallite structure and porosity distribution is very important; as it will assist in understand the affects of irradiated damage and location and the mechanism of the leaching of radionuclides. The work reported herein contributed several key findings to the international work on graphite leaching to offer guidance leading toward obtaining leaching data in the future: (a) the effective diffusion coefficient for 14C from graphite waste has been determined. The diffusion process for 14C has two stages resulting two different values of diffusion coefficient, i.e., for the fast and slow components; (b) the controlling leaching mechanism for 3H radionuclide from graphite is shown to be surface wash–off; and for that of 14C radionuclide the initial controlling leaching mechanism is surface wash-off following by diffusion which is the major transport mechanism ; (c) The weight loss originates from the open pore structure which has been opened up by radiolytic oxidation; at the higher weight losses much of the closed porosity in the graphite has been opened. The investigation indicates that weigh loss has a major influence on the leaching of elements from the irradiated graphite; and (d) the analysis of the pores in nuclear graphite can be categorised into three types. These three types of pores are: (1) small pores narrow which are slit-shaped pores in the binder phase or matrix, (2) gas evolution pores or gas entrapment pores within the binder phase or matrix and (3) lenticular pores which are large cracks within the filler particles. It is shown in this thesis that by using tomography to study the morphology of the different pores coupled with the distribution of impurities an understanding of the role of porosity in leaching is possible.
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Akcelerace genetického algoritmu s využitím GPU / The GPU-Based Acceleration of the Genetic AlgorithmPospíchal, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This thesis represents master's thesis focused on acceleration of Genetic algorithms using GPU. First chapter deeply analyses Genetic algorithms and corresponding topics like population, chromosome, crossover, mutation and selection. Next part of the thesis shows GPU abilities for unified computing using both DirectX/OpenGL with Cg and specialized GPGPU libraries like CUDA. The fourth chapter focuses on design of GPU implementation using CUDA, coarse-grained and fine-grained GAs are discussed, and completed by sorting and random number generation task accelerated by GPU. Next chapter covers implementation details -- migration, crossover and selection schemes mapped on CUDA software model. All GA elements and quality of GPU results are described in the last chapter.
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Development of new advanced therapies to mitigate ischemia-reperfusion-induced injury during acute myocardial infarctionTejedor Gascón, Sandra 13 July 2023 (has links)
[ES] Las intervenciones actuales utilizadas en el ámbito clínico durante el infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM) se centran en la revascularización de la zona isquémica. Entre dichas estrategias, la angioplastia coronaria, procedimiento por el cual se utiliza un catéter para desobstruir la arteria ocluida, es el método más utilizado. Sin embargo, se ha descrito este proceso (conocido como reperfusión) desencadena un daño adicional en el miocardio, por lo que la combinación de dicha intervención con moléculas cardioprotectoras resulta de gran interés para tratar de reducir el tamaño del infarto. El presente trabajo propone dos nuevas moléculas con el fin de precondicionar el área isquémica antes de la reperfusión en el contexto del IAM.
La primera estrategia propuesta se ha basado en el aporte de un ácido graso (diDHA) en la zona isquémica antes de la reperfusión para tratar de reducir el estrés de los cardiomiocitos y el número de células muertas antes de la reperfusión. Además, se han sintetizado nanoconjugados basados en la unión covalente de diDHA a un unido covalentemente a un esqueleto polimérico (ácido poli-L-glutámico, PGA) con el fin de incrementar la estabilidad del diDHA y conseguir una liberación controlada de la molécula. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la formulación PGA-diDHA6.4 fue la más optimizada, mostrando un mejor efecto en el precondicionamiento de los cardiomiocitos antes de la reperfusión en términos de reducción de apoptosis, generación de especies reactivas de oxígeno y mantenimiento de la función mitocondrial in vitro. Además, dicho nanoconjugado también mostró un modesto efecto terapéutico cuando se administró en modelos in vivo de isquemia-reperfusión en ratas y cerdos, reduciendo el tamaño final de infarto respecto a los grupos control.
La segunda estrategia terapéutica propuesta se ha centrado en aumentar el potencial terapéutico de las vesículas celulares de pequeño tamaño (SEV o exosomas) procedentes de medio condicionado de células madre estromales (MSC). Numerosos estudios han descrito el papel terapéutico de factores paracrinos secretados por las MSC, donde se incluyen tanto factores solubles como vesículas extracelulares (EV) y, en especial, SEV. Diversas estrategias, como la modificación genética o precondicionamiento de estas células, han sido utilizadas para aumentar el potencial terapéutico de las mismas. En este trabajo se ha propuesto la modificación genética de las MSC con el objetivo de enriquecer las SEV en proteínas de interés que pudiesen potenciar el efecto terapéutico de las SEV nativas. En base a estudios previos, donde se ha visto que la oncostatina-M (OSM) podría jugar un papel anti-fibrótico en el contexto del IAM, se decidió incorporar dicha proteína en la superficie de las SEV derivadas de MSC mediante su fusión con proteínas presentes de forma natural en la superficie de las SEV, con el objetivo de desencadenar una respuesta en las células diana. La modificación de la secuencia de la OSM y su fusión con la tetraspanina CD81 permitieron cargar de manera efectiva la OSM en la superficie de las SEV, y los resultados preliminares en fibroblastos ventriculares cardíacos mostraron un efecto funcional beneficioso con
respecto a los SEV control y los enriquecidos en CD81, reduciendo la tasa de
proliferación de las células en condiciones de ayuno, y modificando la expresión y
la liberación de la proteína telo-Col1α1 en las células después de ser estimuladas
con TGFβ-1, α-dextrano y ácido ascórbico-L-sulfato
En resumen, dos nuevas estrategias terapéuticas avanzadas libres de células han sido propuestas en el presente trabajo, donde se han mostrado resultados preliminares prometedores para reducir el daño en el miocardio tras el IAM en términos de reducción de apoptosis de cardiomiocitos y de activación de fibroblastos car / [CA] Les intervencions actuals utilitzades en l'àmbit clínic durant l'infart agut de miocardi (IAM) se centren en la revascularització de la zona isquèmica. Entre aquestes estratègies, l'angioplàstia coronària, procediment pel qual s'utilitza un catèter per a desobstruir l'artèria oclosa, és el procés més utilitzat. No obstant això, s'ha descrit que aquest procés (conegut com a reperfusió) desencadena un mal addicional en el miocardi. En conseqüència, la combinació d'aquesta intervenció amb molècules cardioprotectores resulta de gran interés per a tractar de reduir la grandària de l'infart. El present treball proposa dues noves molècules amb potencial cardioprotector en el context del IAM.
Com a primera estratègia terapèutica, s'ha proposat l'aportació d'un àcid gras (diDHA) a la zona isquèmica del miocardio abans de la reperfusió per a tractar de reduir l'estrés dels cardiomiocitos i el nombre de cèl·lules mortes abans de la reperfusió. A més, s'han sintetitzat nanoconjugats basats en la unió covalent de diDHA a un esquelet polimèric (àcid poli-L-glutàmic, PGA) amb la finalitat d'incrementar l'estabilitat del diDHA i aconseguir un alliberament controlat de la molècula. Els resultats obtinguts van mostrar que la formulació PGA-diDHA6.4 va ser la més efectiva, mostrant un millor efecte en el precondicionament dels cardiomiocitos abans de la reperfusió en termes de reducció d'apoptosi, generació d'espècies reactives d'oxigen i manteniment de la funció mitocondrial in vitro. A més, el nanoconjugat PGA-diDHA6.4 també va mostrar un modest efecte terapèutic quan es va administrar en models in vivo d'isquèmia-reperfusió en rates i porcs, reduint la grandària final d'infart respecte als grups control.
La segona estratègia proposada s'ha centrat en potenciar l'efect terapèutic de vesícules extracelul·lars de xicoteta grandària (SEV o exosomes) que son secretades per cèl·lules mare estromales. Nombrosos estudis han descrit el paper terapèutic de factors paracrinos secretats per les MSC, on s'inclouen tant factors solubles com vesícules extracelul·lars (EV) i, especialment, les SEV. Diverses estratègies, com la modificació genètica o el precondicionament de les MSC, s'han estudiat per augmentar el potencial terapèutic d'aquestes cèl·lules. En aquest treball, es va pensar en la modificació genètica de les MSC amb l'objectiu d'enriquir les SEV en proteïnes d'interés que pogueren potenciar l'efecte terapèutic de les SEV natives. Sobre la base d'estudis previs, on s'ha vist que la oncostatina-M (OSM) podria jugar un paper anti-fibròtic en el context del IAM, es va decidir incorporar aquesta proteïna en la superfície de les SEV derivades de MSC mitjançant la seua fusió amb proteïnes presents de manera natural en la superfície de les SEV, amb l'objectiu de desencadenar una resposta en les cèl·lules diana. La modificació de la seqüència de la OSM i la seua fusió amb la tetraspanina CD81 van permetre carregar de manera efectiva la OSM en la superfície de les SEV, i els resultats preliminars en fibroblastos ventriculars cardíacs van mostrar un efecte
funcional respecte als SEV control i els enriquits en CD81, reduint la taxa de
proliferació de les cèl·lules en condicions de dejuni, i modificant l'expressió i la
secreció de la proteïna telo-Col1α1 en les cèl·lules després de ser estimulades amb
TGFβ-1, α-dextran i àcid ascòrbic-L-sulfat, simulant una activació dels fibroblastos
in vitro.
En resum, dues noves estratègies terapèutiques avançades lliures de cèl·lules han sigut proposades en el present treball, on s'han mostrat resultats preliminars prometedors per a reduir el mal en el miocardi després del IAM en termes de reducció d'apoptosi de cardiomiocitos i d'activació de fibroblastos cardíacs. / [EN] Current therapeutic approaches against acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are focused on myocardial ischemic zone revascularization. The most common strategy is called primary angioplasty, in which a catheter is introduced to unblock the affected artery and restore blood flux, in a process called reperfusion. Nevertheless, an additional injury on cardiac tissue is caused after reperfusion, and the combination of primary angioplasty with the use of cardioprotective molecules has emerged as a potential strategy to reduce cardiac tissue injury. Two new cell-free therapeutic strategies to preconditionate myocardial ischemic area before reperfusion have been proposed to reduce cardiac injury after AMI.
The first therapeutic strategy proposed consisted on the input of a free fatty acid (di-docosahexaenoic acid, diDHA) covalently bound to a polymeric backbone (poly-L-glutamic acid, PGA) in order to increase diDHA solubility and stability and modulate its effect on target cells. Results showed that PGA-diDHA6.4 conjugate administration during ischemia protected cardiomyocytes from reperfusion-induced injury, as apoptotic number of cells and oxidative stress was reduced, and mitochondrial function was less affected when compared to untreated cells. In addition to this, PGA-diDHA6.4 also showed therapeutic effects when locally administered in an ischemia-reperfusion in vivo model in rats and pigs, where a modest reduction of area at risk was observed compared to control groups.
The second cell-free strategy proposed in this work was focused on enhancing the therapeutic potential of small extracellular vesicles (SEV or exosomes) isolated form mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) conditioned media. Previous studies have described the therapeutic potential of paracrine factors released by MSC, where both soluble factors and vesicular components are included. In particular, SEV have gained special attention. Several stretegies, such as genetic modification or cell preconditioning, have been tested to enhance the MSC therapeutic potential. In this work, it was proposed MSC genetic modification in order to load proteins of interest on SEV and potentiate its native therapeutic potential. Based on previous findings, where it has been described a potential anti-fibrotic role of oncostatin-M (OSM) in AMI context, we decided to incorporate OSM on SEV surface by its fusion to CD81 tetraspanin, a protein naturally loaded on SEV surface, in order to trigger functional effects on target cells. OSM sequence modification was necessary in order to load the protein on SEV surface efficiently, and preliminary data showed that modified OSM-CD81 loaded on SEV had a functional effect on human ventricular cardiac fibroblasts. Concretely, decrease of proliferation rate after starvation and telo-Collagen1α1 location pattern modification was observed after stimulation with a pro-fibrotic cocktail (containing TGFβ-1, α-dextran and
ascorbic-L-acid sulphate) in vitro when cells were treated with modified OSM-CD81-
SEV compared to ctrl and CD81-loaded SEV treatments.
Overall, two new advanced cell-free therapies with preliminary promising results have been proposed in order to reduce myocardial injury after AMI in terms of cardiomyocytes apoptosis reduction and fibrosis mitigation. / Tejedor Gascón, S. (2021). Development of new advanced therapies to mitigate ischemia-reperfusion-induced injury during acute myocardial infarction [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171487
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Experimental and numerical studies of masonry wall panels and timber frames of low-rise structures under seismic loadings in IndonesiaSusila, Gede Adi January 2014 (has links)
Indonesia is a developing country that suffers from earthquakes and windstorms and where at least 60% of houses are non-engineered structures, built by unskilled workers using masonry and timber. The non-engineered housing units developed in urban region are also vulnerable to seismic hazard due to the use of low quality of material and constructions method. Those structures are not resistant to extreme lateral loads or ground movement and their failure during an earthquake or storm can lead to significant loss of life. This thesis is concerned with the structural performance of Indonesian low-rise buildings made of masonry and timber under lateral seismic load. The research presented includes a survey of forms of building structure and experimental, analytical and numerical work to predict the behaviour of masonry wall and traditional timber frame buildings. Experimental testing of both masonry and timber have been carried out in Indonesia to establish the quality of materials and to provide material properties for numerical simulations. The experimental study found that the strength of Indonesia-Bali clay brick masonry are below the minimum standard required for masonry structures built in seismic regions, being at least 50% lower than the requirement specified in British Standard and Eurocode-6 (BS EN 1996-1-1:2005). In contrast, Indonesian timber materials meet the strength classes specified in British Standard/Eurocode- 5 (BS EN 338:2009) in the range of strength grade D35-40 and C35).Structural tests under monotonic and cyclic loading have been conducted on building components in Indonesia, to determine the load-displacement capacity of local hand-made masonry wall panels and timber frames in order to: (1) evaluate the performance of masonry and timber frame structure, (2) investigate the dynamic behaviour of both structures, (3) observe the effect of in-plane stiffness and ductility level, and (4) examine the anchoring joint at the base of timber frame that resists the overturning moment. From these tests, the structural ductility was found to be less than two which is below the requirement of the relevant guidelines from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, USA (FEMA-306). It was also observed that the lateral stiffness of masonry wall is much higher than the equivalent timber frame of the same height and length. The experimental value of stiffness of the masonry wall panel was found to be one-twelfth of the recommended values given in FEMA-356 and the Canadian Building code. The masonry wall provides relatively low displacement compared to the large displacement of the timber frame at the full capacity level of lateral load, with structural framing members of the latter remaining intact. The weak point of the timber frame is the mechanical joint and the capacity of slip joint governs the lateral load capacity of the whole frame. Detailed numerical models of the experimental specimens were setup in Abaqus using three-dimensional solid elements. Cohesive elements were used to simulate the mortar behaviour, exhibiting cracking and the associated physical separation of the elements. Appropriate contact definitions were used where relevant, especially for the timber frame joints. A range of available material plasticity models were reviewed: Drucker-Prager, Crystalline Plasticity, and Cohesive Damage model. It was found that the combination of Crystalline Plasticity model for the brick unit and timber, and the Cohesive Damage model for the mortar is capable of simulating the experimental load-displacement behaviour fairly accurately. The validated numerical models have been used to (1) predict the lateral load capacity, (2) determine the cracking load and patterns, (3) carry out a detailed parametric study by changing the geometric and material properties different to the experimental specimens. The numerical models were used to assess different strengthening measures such as using bamboo as reinforcement in the masonry walls for a complete single storey, and a two-storey houses including openings for doors and windows. The traditional footing of the timber structures was analysed using Abaqus and was found to be an excellent base isolation system which partly explains the survival of those structures in the past earthquakes. The experimental and numerical results have finally been used to develop a design guideline for new construction as well as recommendations for retrofitting of existing structures for improved performance under seismic lateral load.
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