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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência do amicarbazone no fotossistema II de plantas daninhas e cana-de-açúcar /

Girotto, Marcelo, 1984. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Edivaldo Domingues Velini / Banca: Cleber Daniel de Goes Maciel / Banca: Caio Antonio Carbonari / Resumo: A seletividade de herbicidas à cana-de-açúcar não deve ser avaliada observando-se somente os sintomas visuais de fitointoxicação, pois há tanto a possibilidade dos produtos reduzirem a produtividade da cultura sem manifestar sintomas visuais e, assim como a ocorrência de injúrias acentuadas, mas que permitem à cultura manifestar plenamente seu potencial produtivo. O amicarbazone é um herbicida inibidor da fotossíntese, e atua mais especificamente sobre a taxa de transporte de elétrons no fotossistema II (FSII) sendo necessário que alcance os cloroplastos das células das folhas para atuar em seu sítio de ligação. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ação do amicarbazone no FSII e a fitointoxicação de plantas daninhas e de três variedades de cana-de-açúcar submetidas a aplicação deste herbicida. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em dois experimentos, sendo que no primeiro estudo foram avaliados os efeitos do amicarbazone sobre a taxa de transporte de elétrons no fotossistema II em áreas comerciais de cana-de-açúcar (variedades de cana-deaçúcar PO8862, SP80-3280 e RB83-5486). No segundo experimento foram avaliados os efeitos sinergísticos ou antagonísticos do amicarbazone com outros herbicidas em Ipomoea grandifolia e Brachiaria decumbens. Os herbicidas utilizados nos tratamentos foram diuron, hexazinone, sulfentrazone e imazapic de forma isolada e em mistura com o amicarbazone. As leituras do ETR foram realizadas com um fluorômetro portátil. Verificou-se através dos experimentos que o herbicida amicarbazone afetou mais o transporte de elétrons para a variedade de cana-de-açúcar SP80-3280, em relação às outras variedades sendo que este apresentou maior sensibilidade tanto em relação à época de avaliação do ETR, quanto às doses aplicadas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The selectivity of herbicids to sugarcane should not be assessed only by observing the visual symptoms of phytotoxicity, it is known that there are products that reduce crop productivity without any visual symptoms and others that cause severe injuries without any effect in the yield. As amicarbazone is PSII inhibitor, it is necessary to reach the binding site in the chloroplasts. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the inhibition of the eletrons flow in PSII and the intoxication level of weeds and different sugarcane varieties treated with amicarbazone. In a first experiment, carried out under field conditions, it were evaluated the effects of amicarbazone on the growth and the eletron transport rate (ETR) of three sugarcane varieties PO8862, SP80-3280 and RB83-5486. ETR was assessed using a portable fluorometer. In a second experiment, carried out under greenhouse conditions, it was evaluated the efficacy of amicarbazone (applied alone or in mixtures with hexazinone, diuron, imazapic or sulfentrazone) to control I. grandifolia and B. decumbens. The effects of these herbicides on the ETR of both weeds were evaluated using a portable fluorometer. Significant negative effects of amicarbazone on sugarcane ETR and growth under field conditions were observed only for the sugarcane variety SP80- 3280. It must be pointed out that the plots of this variety (SP80-3280) were accidentally tillered 120 days after the herbicide application. Imazapic provide high control levels of both species (I. grandifolia and B. decumbens). I. grandifolia was more sensitive to amicarbazone than B. decunbens). The ETR values assessed... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Doses de potássio e umidades de solo para o crescimento de plantas de mogno-africano /

Perez, Bruna Aparecida Pereira. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Sérgio Valiengo Valeri / Banca: Carlos Henrique Britto de Assis Prado / Banca: Rinaldo César de Paula / Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos de doses de potássio no crescimento de plantas jovens de mogno-africano (Khaya senegalensis) submetidas a duas condições hídricas.Foram aplicados 0, 50, 100, 150 e 200 mg dm-3 de K2O combinados com duas condições hídricas: 30 e 70% da capacidade máxima de retenção de água do solo em vaso, no delineamento inteiramente casualizado e esquema fatorial 5 x 2, com cinco repetições. Aos 180 dias, as plantas apresentaram maior eficiência do uso do potássio, condutância estomática, transpiração, fotossíntese, altura, diâmetro, área foliar, matéria seca de raiz, caule e folhas, a 70% de umidade do que a 30%. A 30% de umidade, doses crescentes de K aumentaram a área foliar e matéria seca de folhas. Com restrição hídrica, a máxima eficiência de uso da água foi obtida com a dose 71 mg dm-3 de K2O. A 70% de umidade, doses crescentes de K diminuíram a concentração foliar de nitrogênio e aumentou as concentrações de fósforo e potássio. Plantas de mogno-africano são pouco exigentes em potássio na fase inicial de crescimento desde que as demais necessidades nutricionais sejam atendidas. Nos tratamentos de restrição hídrica, o potássio aumenta a eficiência do uso da água e a biomassa de folhas / Abstract: The objective this work was the evaluation of effects caused by potassium doses and soil moisture levels on growth of young african mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) plants growing in pots. Doses of 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 mg dm-3 of K2O, combined with two soil moisture levels, i.e., 30 and 70% of the soil maximum water retention capacity, were the treatments applied to the plants. The treatments were replicated five times and distributed in the greenhouse according to a completely random design in the factorial scheme. When the plants growing in the 70% moisture soil were 180 days of age, they showed values of potassium efficiency use, stomata conductance, transpiration, photosynthesis, height, diameter, leaf area, root and stem and leaves dry matter content larger than those observed when soil moisture was of 30%. When soil moisture was of 30%, increasing doses of K determined increments in leaf area and leaves dry matter. Under conditions of moisture restriction, water use maximum efficiency was attained with a dose of 71 mg dm-3 of K2O. When soil moisture content was of 70%, increasing doses of K reduced the foliar concentration of N whereas P and K had their concentrations increased. Young african mahogany plants demand low amounts of K at their initial stage of growth provided that the other nutritional needs are met. In water restriction treatments, potassium increases the water use efficiency and leaves biomass / Mestre

Desempenho de cultivares de arroz de terras altas em diferentes épocas de semeadura /

Meirelles, Flávia Constantino. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Orivaldo Arf / Resumo: Com a crescente adoção da prática de rotação de culturas, o arroz de terras altas tem se tornado uma opção viável na região do Cerrado, e para que haja um maior investimento e retorno na cultura do arroz de terras altas, é fundamental o ajuste das melhores épocas de semeadura e a escolha de cultivares adequados. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi identificar a melhor época de semeadura e o cultivar que expresse seu potencial produtivo, sendo adaptável e estável, além de possuir boa qualidade industrial, em região de Cerrado de baixa altitude. O experimento foi desenvolvido no município de Selvíria (MS), durante o ano agrícola 2016/17. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro épocas de semeadura (outubro, novembro, dezembro e fevereiro), cada uma com oito cultivares de arroz (BRS Esmeralda, ANa 5015, ANa 6005, IPR 117, IAC 500, IAC 203, BRSGO Serra Dourada e ANa 7211) e quatro repetições. As semeaduras realizadas em outubro e novembro proporcionaram maiores valores de nitrogênio foliar, massa de matéria seca da parte aérea, espiguetas totais e cheias por panícula, fertilidade de espiguetas e eficiência produtiva de grãos. A semeadura em outubro proporcionou as maiores massas de cem grãos. Houve acamamento na semeadura em novembro e incidência de escaldadura na semeadura em dezembro. Os cultivares BRS Esmeralda, ANa 5015, ANa 6005 e IPR 117 destacaram-se no teor de nitrogênio foliar, espiguetas cheias por panícula e apresentaram adaptabilidade geral às d... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: With the increasing adoption of crop rotation practice, upland rice has become a viable option in the Cerrado region, and for there to be a greater investment and return on upland rice cultivation, it is fundamental to adjust the best sowing times and the choice of suitable cultivars. Thus, the objective of this work was to identify the best sowing season and the cultivar that expressed its productive potential, being adaptable and stable, besides having good industrial quality, in a low altitude Cerrado region. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, during the agricultural year 2016/17. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four sowing times (October, November, December and February), each with eight rice cultivars (BRS Esmeralda, ANa 5015, ANa 6005, IPR 117, IAC 500, IAC 203, BRSGO Serra Dourada and ANa 7211) and four replicates. Seeds in October and November provided higher values of leaf nitrogen, aerial part dry mass, total and full spikelets per panicle, spikelet fertility and productive efficiency of grains. Seeding in October provided the largest hundred grain weight. Lodging occurred at sedding in November and scald incidence occurred in December. BRS Emeralda , ANa 5015, ANa 6005 and IPR 117 cultivars are highlighted in the leaf nitrogen content, full spikelets per panicle and had general adaptability to different sowing times. The highest yields were observed in the sowing in October, especiall... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Efeito do sombreamento sobre a fotossíntese e mortalidade em espécies não arbóreas do cerrado stricto sensu. /

Marroni, Guilherme Genova de January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Rosana Marta Kolb / Resumo: O Cerrado é considerado o segundo maior bioma brasileiro em extensão, com ampla diversidade de espécies e endemismo. Nas últimas décadas, áreas de Cerrado vêm sofrendo alterações fitofisionômicas, devido principalmente à ausência do fogo. A sua ausência tem possibilitado que áreas de cerrado stricto sensu sejam invadidas por espécies arbóreas, levando ao adensamento da vegetação, que por sua vez, reduz a riqueza de espécies não lenhosas, por diminuição da luminosidade. Assim, o presente estudo avaliou as respostas de três espécies não arbóreas típicas do cerrado stricto sensu em condições artificiais de sombreamento, a partir de observações fenológicas da mortalidade e capacidade de rebrota, além da análise de parâmetros fotossintéticos. Após 14 meses de experimento, a taxa de mortalidade foi de 43% para as plantas sombreadas, enquanto que as controles (plantas não sombreadas) tiveram uma mortalidade de 10%. As espécies avaliadas (Hyptis campestris, Cissampelos ovalifolia e Lepidaploa chamissonis), quando sombreadas, apresentaram menor ponto de saturação e de compensação luminoso e menor assimilação de carbono, demonstrando potencial de aclimatação. Contudo, plantas sombreadas estão abaixo do ponto de saturação de luz, o que junto com as rebrotas sucessivas pode ter levado ao exaurimento das suas reservas, comprometendo sua sobrevivência. Desta forma, o adensamento vegetacional pode ser um risco para a preservação de plantas não arbóreas de Cerrado. / Abstract: The Cerrado is considered the second largest Brazilian biome in extension, with wide species diversity and endemism. In the last decades, areas of Cerrado have undergone phytophysiognomic alterations, mainly due to the absence of fire. Its absence has allowed tree species to invade areas of cerrado stricto sensu, leading to the densification of vegetation, which in turn reduces the richness of non-woody species, due to the reduction of luminosity. Thus, the present study evaluated the responses of three non-arboreal species typical of cerrado stricto sensu under artificial shading conditions, based on phenological observations of mortality and resprouting capacity, as well as the analysis of photosynthetic parameters. After 14 months of experiment, the mortality rate was 43% for shaded plants, while the controls (unshaded plants) had a mortality of 10%. The evaluated species (Hyptis campestris, Cissampelos ovalifolia and Lepidaploa chamissonis), when shaded, showed lower saturation point and light compensation point and lower carbon assimilation, showing acclimatization potential. However, shaded plants are below the point of saturation of light, which along with the successive resprouts can have led to the exhaustion of their reserves, compromising their survival. In this way, vegetational densification may be a risk for the preservation of non-arboreal Cerrado plants. / Mestre

Field Measurements of Photosynthesis and Leaf Growth Rates of Three Alpine Plant Species

Johnson, Douglas A. 01 May 1973 (has links)
Leaf photosynthetic measurements using a portable 14Co2 field system were carried out and correlative leaf relative growth rates, RGR, were determined at different leaf positions of three alpine plant species throughout the growing season. Initially there was a period of high leaf RGR associated with a period of increasing photosynthetic activity. Following this stage was a long period of no net change in length of the living leaf. During this period, photosynthetic activity generally increased to a maximum level and then decreased steadily. The final ontogenetic stage was a period of negative leaf RGR denoting leaf senescence which was associated with a marked decline in leaf Co2 uptake. Ontogenetic timing of these alpine species is geared with the surge and decline of individual leaf photosynthetic activity so that one to several leaves operating at near maximal photosynthetic capacity are always maintained during the growing season for each plant. These findings are discussed in relation to their adaptive significance for these species.

Light Quality And Phytoplankton Viability

Malick, Lisa A 31 March 2004 (has links)
A method is presented, using calculations of the underwater light field, to examine viability of phytoplankton at depth. For this study, viability is defined as the ability of phytoplankton to harvest, and efficiently convert enough photons into primary production to overcome metabolic demands. How the available light field influences the production environment is examined. Changes in water column constituents, such as chlorophyll and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) concentration, alter the spectral quality and quantity of the light field at depth. Certain species with specialized survival strategies, such as assemblages of photoprotective and light-harvesting accessory pigments, may be better-suited to 'making a living' at depth in response to the spectral quality of the underwater light field. Stations for study were identified from various cruises off the West Florida Shelf that exhibited variations in chlorophyll and/or CDOM concentration, including an optically complex, red-tide station. Optical and water column constituent measurements from these stations were used to develop input parameters to Hydrolight 4.1, a radiative transfer theory model, to simulate the underwater light field and to calculate absorbed radiation by phytoplankton (ARP). Values for respiration and quantum yield from the literature were used to calculate comparative values of net photosynthesis at these stations. The effect of differences in spectral light harvesting (pigmentation), photosynthetic efficiency rates, and respiration, on viability through the water column was examined.

Physiological Responses of <em>Thalassia testudinum</em> and <em>Ruppia maritima</em> to Experimental Salinity Levels

Berns, Donna M 14 November 2003 (has links)
Thalassia testudinum, a stenohaline seagrass species, and Ruppia maritima, a euryhaline submerged aquatic vegetation species, were subjected to the same seven salinity levels (0 - 60) in a controlled environment. The response variables examined were the occurrence of leaf discoloration, plant growth rates, photosynthetic characteristics of blade segments (Pmax, respiration, alpha, and Ik), and osmolality changes within the plant tissues. These response variables were measured at exposure times of one, seven, and 28 days. Greater than 75% leaf discoloration occurred in Thalassia testudinum blades placed in 0, and 60 psu, while Ruppia maritima blades only became severely discolored in 60 psu. Plant growth rates were highest in 40 psu for T. testudinum and 20 psu for R. maritima. Pmax for both species was somewhat affected by salinity changes, but the plants did not appear to be photosynthetically compromised in their "optimal" ranges over time. Salinity effects on photosynthesis were less pronounced in R. maritima than in T. testudinum, which would be expected when comparing a euryhaline species to a stenohaline species. Both intercellular and intracellular osmolality showed a pattern of increase or decrease as the treatment salinities were altered from ambient levels (30 psu for T. testudinum and 20 psu for R. maritima). After one day of exposure to a new treatment salinity, the intercellular osmolality had changed significantly from ambient value, with a second shift, occurring mostly in the salinity extremes, for both seagrass species. This second shift is most likely due to the fact that at the extremes, the plants are being compromised. Changes in these physical and physiological responses indicate that significant increases and decreases in ambient salinity levels are initially stressful for both species. Both seagrass species had an optimal salinity as well as a range of salinities in which the long-term physiological stresses did not cause tissue death. Thalassia testudinum had the fewest stress responses in 40 psu, with an optimal range of 20 - 40 psu. Ruppia maritima had the fewest stress responses in 20 psu (growth salinity) with an optimal range of 0 - 40 psu. In this study, neither species was able to survive for 28 days in 60 psu (at which point the plants had been out of their respective optimal salinities for at least 42 days).

Comparative ecophysiology of temperate and tropical rainforest canopy trees of Australia in relation to climate variables

Cunningham, Shaun Cameron, 1971- January 2001 (has links)
Abstract not available

Modélisation de Processus Photo induits du Photosystem II

Herrero Moreno, Christian 14 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La photosynthèse est un processus biologique naturel qui convertit l'énergie lumineuse en énergie chimique par l'action de centres réactionnels photosynthétiques. L'énergie convertie est stockée sous forme de produits de haute énergie synthétisés par la branche réductive du processus photosynthétique. Les électrons nécessaires à ces réactions sont fournis par des molécules d'eau lors de leur oxydation par le centre de dégagement de l'oxygène (Oxygen Evolving Complex: OEC) pour le système de photosynthèse II (PSII). La photosynthèse artificielle cherche à reproduire les réactions qui se produisent dans les organismes naturels afin de i) de mieux comprendre les processus chimiques qui se déroulent dans les systèmes naturels, et ii) de parvenir à exploiter l'énergie solaire pour le développement de carburants propres et renouvelables. Chaque étape qui survient dans le processus de photosynthèse naturelle, telle que la capture de lumière, le transfert d'énergie, le transfert d'électron, la séparation de charge, l'activation du catalyseur et la réaction catalytique doit se produire au sein du système artificiel. La photosynthèse artificielle cherche à reproduire les réactions qui se produisent dans les organismes naturels afin de i) de mieux comprendre les processus chimiques qui se déroulent dans les systèmes naturels, et ii) de parvenir à exploiter l'énergie solaire pour le développement de carburants propres et renouvelables. Chaque étape qui survient dans le processus de photosynthèse naturelle, telle que la capture de lumière, le transfert d'énergie, le transfert d'électron, la séparation de charge, l'activation du catalyseur et la réaction catalytique doit se produire au sein du système artificiel. Avec ces concepts en vue, nous avons conçu, synthétisé et caractérisé des molécules qui imitent les réactions réalisées par les antennes et les centres réactionnels présents dans le photosystème II. Ces molécules sont capables de reproduire la séparation de charges induite par la lumière, le transfert d'électrons et l'accumulation d'équivalents oxydo-réducteurs observés pendant la photosynthèse naturelle. Les antennes artificielles se constituent de caroténoïdes et phthalocyanines. Ces molécules présentent des profiles d'absorption large avec des coefficients d'extinction élevés, et sont capables de supporter des transferts d'énergie ultra rapides qui permettent l'état de séparation de charges. En faisant varier la longueur de la chaine conjuguée des caroténoïdes de neuf à onze liaisons doubles, nous avons pu mettre en évidence comment ces molécules peuvent agir aussi bien comme donneurs que comme agents dissipateurs d'énergie, effet caractéristique qui s'apparente au processus de trempe non-photochimique (Non Photochemical Quenching: NPQ) qui se produit dans le cycle de la zéaxanthine. Les mimiques des agents donneurs du photosystème II ont aussi été étudiées. Ces systèmes supramoléculaires contiennent une partie photoactive liée de façon covalente par un intermédiaire à une cavité contenant un ion ou un agrégat d'ions métalliques. La photosensibilisateur utilisé est un complexe du ruthénium [Ru(bipy)3]2+ (bpy = 2,20-bipyridine), homologue du P680, qui absorbe la lumière dans le spectre visible et déclenche le transfert d'électron. Les espèces RuIII résultantes ont un potentiel d'oxydation réversible de 1.3 V vs SCE, comparables à celui de P680 (1.25 V vs NHE) et présentent donc la possibilité d'oxyder à la fois un complexe manganèse ainsi qu'une source d'électron. Concernant les molécules imitant le coté donneur du PSII, nous avons synthétisé des paires ruthénium-phénol, ainsi que des systèmes ruthénium-manganèse bimétalliques. Parmi ces dernières, nous avons étudié celles présentant des cavités de coordination constituées de terpyridines, vu qu'il a déjà été montré que les dimères Mn-di-μ-oxo-Mn de ce type peuvent catalyser l'oxydation de l'eau en oxygène moléculaire. Des salènes et salophènes ont aussi été examinés étant donné que de tels groupes peuvent accomplir l'oxydation à deux électrons de substrats organique. Dans la littérature, ces réactions sont toutes conduites par l'action d'oxydants chimiques externes, tandis que nous avons pour but d'utiliser des espèces oxydantes induites par l'action de la lumière.

The light-harvesting antenna of higher plant photosystem I

Ganeteg, Ulrika January 2004 (has links)
<p>During photosynthesis, two multi-protein complexes, photosystems (PS) I and II work in tandem to convert the light-energy absorbed by the light-harvesting antennae into chemical energy, which is subsequently used to assimilate atmospheric carbon dioxide into organic carbon compounds. This is the main nutritional basis for life on Earth.</p><p>The photosynthetic antenna of higher plants comprises at least ten different pigment-binding proteins (LHC), which play important roles in photosynthesis. Chlorophyll and carotenoid molecules associated with the LHC proteins are organised into an array, which can be modulated, thereby optimising light-harvesting processes and protection against oxidative damage under conditions of excessive light absorption. All ten LHC proteins have been conserved through eons of evolution, suggesting that there are strong evolutionary pressures to retain all ten proteins, and hence that each protein has a unique function.</p><p>The light-harvesting antenna of higher plant PSI consists of at least four proteins, Lhca1-4, collectively called LHCI. By constructing transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants in which each Lhca gene has been individually repressed or knocked-out, a collection of plants with different Lhca protein contents was obtained. The objective was to use these plants to study the structure, function and regulation of the Lhca proteins in vivo. The major findings of this work are as follows.</p><p>Removing single Lhca proteins influenced the stability of the other Lhca proteins, showing that there is a high degree of inter-dependency between the polypeptides in LHCI, and hence that a full set of Lhca proteins is important for maintaining the structural integrity of LHCI. This has provided insight into the organisation of LHCI by revealing clues about the relative positions of each Lhca protein in the antenna complex. The physiological consequences of removing individual Lhca proteins were dependent on the degree of antenna depletion. Plants with relatively small antenna changes could compensate, to some extent, for the loss of LHCI, while larger depletions had profound effects on whole plant resulting in growth reductions.</p><p>The fitness of each Lhca plant was assessed by measuring their seed production in the harsh conditions in the field. We found that all Lhca-deficient plants produced fewer seeds under some conditions, with seed-production compared to wild type varying between 10-80% depending on the extent of LHCI reduction. Therefore, we conclude that each Lhca protein is important for plant fitness, and hence for the survival of the species.</p><p>PSI is characterised by a pool of pigments absorbing light in the red end of the solar visible spectrum, thought to be especially important for plants in dense vegetation systems where the incident light is enriched in wavelengths higher than 690 nm. A majority of these pigments are situated on LHCI and, based on in-vitro studies, were thought to be mainly associated with Lhca4. Using our plants, we have established that red pigments are indeed present on all Lhca proteins and that these pigments become even more red upon association with PSI.</p>

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