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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resource aquisition and allocation in lichens

Dahlman, Lena January 2003 (has links)
Lichens are fascinating symbiotic systems, where a fungus and a unicellular alga, most often green (bipartite green algal lichens; 90% of all lichens), or a fi lamentous cyanobacterium (bipartite cyanobacterial lichens; 10% of all lichens) form a new entity (a thallus) appearing as a new and integrated organism: in about 500 lichens the fungus is associated with both a cyanobacterium and an alga (tripartite lichens). In the thallus, the lichen bionts function both as individual organisms, and as a symbiont partner. Hence, in lichens, the participating partners must both be able to receive and acquire resources from the other partner(s) in a controlled way. Lichens are particularly successful in harsh terrestrial environments. In part this is related to their poikilohydric nature and subsequent ability to repeatedly become desiccated and hydrated. Metabolic activity, i.e. photosynthesis, respiration, and for cyanobacterial lichens N2-fixation, is limited to periods when the thallus is suffi ciently hydrated. Mineral nutrients are mainly acquired from dry or wet deposition directly on the thallus. Taken together it then appears that lichens are to a large extent passively controlled by their environment, making their control over resource allocation and acquisition particularly challenging. The aim of this thesis was to investigate resource acquisition and allocation processes in different lichens, and to see how these respond to changes in resource availability. This was done by following lichen growth in the fi eld during manipulation of water, light, and nutrient supply, and by assessing the responses of both the integrated thallus as well as the individual bionts. As a fi rst step, resource allocation and acquisition was investigated for a broad range of lichens aiming to determine the magnitude of metabolic variation across lichens. Seventy-fi ve lichen species were selected to cover as broad a spectrum as possible regarding taxonomy, morphology, habitat, and nitrogen requirements. The lichens had invested their nitrogen resources so that photosynthetic capacity matched respiratory carbon demand around a similar equilibrium across the contrasting species. Regulation of lichen growth was investigated in another study, using the two tripartite species Nephroma arcticum and Peltigera aphthosa, emphasizing the contribution of both internal and external factors. The empirical growth models for the two lichens were similar, showing that weight gain is to a higher extent dependent on those external factors that regulate their photosynthesis, whilst area gain is more controlled by internal factors, such as their nitrogen metabolism. This might be inferred from another study of the same species, where nitrogen manipulations resulted in an undisturbed weight gain, a similar resource allocation pattern between the bionts, but a distorted area gain. Aiming to investigate lichen nitrogen relations even further, lichens’ capacities to assimilate combined nitrogen in the form of ammonium, nitrate and amino acids were assessed using 14 contrasting boreal species. All these had the capacity to assimilate all the three nitrogen forms, with ammonium absorption being more passive, and nitrate uptake being low in bipartite cyanobacterial lichens. Differences in uptake capacities between species were more correlated to photobiont than to morphology or substrate preferences. Finally, to investigate intra-specifi c plasticity in relation to altered nutrient supply, resource investments between photo- and mycobiont were investigated in the two bipartite green algal lichens Hypogymnia physodes and and Platismatia glauca in a low and a high nutrient environ- in a low and a high nutrient environ- ment. In both species, more of the resources had been directed to the photobiont in the high nutrient environment also increasing their overall carbon status. Taken together, my studies indicate that in spite of the apparent passive environmental control on lichen metabolism, these symbiotic organisms are able to both optimize and control their resource acquisition and allocation processes.

Controlling Charge and Energy Transfer Processes in Artificial Photosynthesis : From Picosecond to Millisecond Dynamics

Borgström, Magnus January 2005 (has links)
This thesis describes an interdisciplinary project, where the aim is to mimic the initial reactions in photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, the absorption of light is followed by the formation of charge-separated states. The energy stored in these charge-separated states is further used for the oxidation of water and reduction of carbon dioxide. In this thesis the photo-induced processes in a range of supramolecular complexes have been investigated with time resolved spectroscopic techniques. The complexes studied consist of three types of units; photosensitizers (P) capable of absorbing light, electron acceptors (A) that are easily reduced and electron donors (D) that are easily oxidised. Our results are important for the future design of artificial photosystems, where the goal is to produce hydrogen from light and water. Two molecular triads with a D-P-A architecture are presented. In the first one, a photo-induced charge-separated state was formed in an unusually high yield (φ>90%). In the second triad, photo-irradiation led to the formation of an extremely long-lived charge-separated state (τ = 500 ms at 140K). This is also the first synthetically made triad containing a dinuclear manganese unit as electron donor. Further, two sets of P-A dyads are presented. In both, the expected photo-induced reduction of the electron acceptor is diminished due to competing energy transfer to the triplet state of the acceptor. Finally, a P-P-A complex containing two separate photosensitizers is described. The idea is to produce high-energy charge-separated states by using the energy from two photons.

Molecular Approaches to Photochemical Solar Energy Conversion : Towards Synthetic Catalysts for Water Oxidation and Proton Reduction

Eilers, Gerriet January 2007 (has links)
A molecular system capable of photoinduced water splitting is an attractive approach to solar energy conversion. This thesis deals with the functional characterization of molecular building blocks for the three principal functions of such a molecular system: Photoinduced accumulative charge separation, catalytic water oxidation, and catalytic proton reduction. Systems combining a ruthenium-trisbipyridine photosensitizer with multi-electron donors in form of dinuclear ruthenium or manganese complexes were investigated in view of the rate constants of electron transfer and excited state quenching. The kinetics were studied in the different oxidation states of the donor unit by combination of electrochemistry and time resolved spectroscopy. The rapid excited state quenching by the multi-electron donors points to the importance of redox intermediates for efficient accumulative photooxidation of the terminal donor. The redox behavior of manganese complexes as mimics of the water oxidizing catalyst in the natural photosynthetic reaction center was studied by electrochemical and spectroscopic methods. For a dinuclear manganese complex ligand exchange reactions were studied in view of their importance for the accumulative oxidation of the complex and its reactivity towards water. With the binding of substrate water, multiple oxidation in a narrow potential range and concomitant deprotonation of the bound water it was demonstrated that the manganese complex is capable of mimicking multiple aspects of photosynthetic water oxidation. A dinuclear iron complex was investigated as biomimetic proton reduction catalyst. The complex structurally mimics the active site of the iron-only hydrogenase enzyme and was designed to hold a proton on the bridging ligand and a hydride on the iron centers. Thermodynamics and kinetics of the protonation reactions and the electrochemical behavior of the different protonation states were studied in view of their potential catalytic performance.

Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer from Hydrogen-Bonded Phenols

Irebo, Tania January 2010 (has links)
Proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) is one of the elementary reactions occurring in many chemical and biological systems, such as photosystem II where the oxidation of tyrosine (TyrZ) is coupled to deprotonation of the phenolic proton. This reaction is here modelled by the oxidation of a phenol covalently linked to a Ru(bpy)32+-moitey, which is photo-oxidized by a laser flash-quench method. This model system is unusual as mechanism of PCET is studied in a unimolecular system in water solution. Here we address the question how the nature of the proton accepting base and its hydrogen bond to phenol influence the PCET reaction. In the first part we investigate the effect of an internal hydrogen bond PCET from. Two similar phenols are compared. For both these the proton accepting base is a carboxylate group linked to the phenol on the ortho-position directly or via a methylene group. On the basis of kinetic and thermodynamic arguments it is suggested that the PCET from these occurs via a concerted electron proton transfer (CEP). Moreover, numerical modelling of the kinetic data provides an in-depth analysis of this CEP reaction, including promoting  vibrations  along the O–H–O coordinate that are required to explain the data. The second part describes the study on oxidation of phenol where either water or an external base the proton acceptor. The pH-dependence of the kinetics reveals four mechanistic regions for PCET within the same molecule when water is the base. It is shown that the competition between the mechanisms can be tuned by the strength of the oxidant. Moreover, these studies reveal the conditions that may favour a buffer-assisted PCET over that with deprotonation to water solution.

Stepping into Catalysis : Kinetic and Mechanistic Investigations of Photo- and Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Production with Natural and Synthetic Molecular Catalysts

Streich, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
In light of its rapidly growing energy demand, human society has an urgent need to become much more strongly reliant on renewable and sustainable energy carriers. Molecular hydrogen made from water with solar energy could provide an ideal case. The development of inexpensive, robust and rare element free catalysts is crucial for this technology to succeed. Enzymes in nature can give us ideas about what such catalysts could look like, but for the directed adjustment of any natural or synthetic catalyst to the requirements of large scale catalysis, its capabilities and limitations need to be understood on the level of individual reaction steps. This thesis deals with kinetic and mechanistic investigations of photo- and electrocatalytic hydrogen production with natural and synthetic molecular catalysts. Photochemical hydrogen production can be achieved with both E. coli Hyd-2 [NiFe] hydrogenase and a synthetic dinuclear [FeFe] hydrogenase active site model by ruthenium polypyridyl photosensitization. The overall quantum yields are on the order of several percent. Transient UV-Vis absorption experiments reveal that these yields are strongly controlled by the competition of charge recombination reactions with catalysis. With the hydrogenase major electron losses occur at the stage of enzyme reduction by the reduced photosensitizer. In contrast, catalyst reduction is very efficient in case of the synthetic dinuclear active site model. Here, losses presumably occur at the stage of reduced catalyst intermediates. Moreover, the synthetic catalyst is prone to structural changes induced by competing ligands such as secondary amines or DMF, which lead to catalytically active, potentially mononuclear, species. Investigations of electrocatalytic hydrogen production with a mononuclear catalyst by cyclic voltammetry provide detailed kinetic and mechanistic information on the catalyst itself. By extension of existing theory, it is possible to distinguish between alternative catalytic pathways and to extract rate constants for individual steps of catalysis. The equilibrium constant for catalyst protonation can be determined, and limits can be set on both the protonation and deprotonation rate constant. Hydrogen bond formation likely involves two catalyst molecules, and even the second order rate constant characterizing hydrogen bond formation and/or release can be determined.

FTIR Difference Spectroscopy for the Study of P700, the Primary Electron Donor in Photosystem I

Wang, Ruili 12 January 2006 (has links)
This thesis describes an investigation of the molecular mechanism underlying solar conversion processes that occur in Type I photosynthetic reaction centers, in which P700 plays a central role. Static Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy (DS) was used to probe the electronic and structural organization of P700 and P700+. In combination with isotope labeling and site directed mutagenesis we have investigated how protein interactions such as histidine ligation and hydrogen bonding modulate this organization. Comparison of (P700+-P700) FTIR difference spectra (DS) obtained using wild type and mutant PS I led us to suggest that the 131 keto carbonyl group of PA is essentially free from hydrogen bonding in the ground state. Upon cation formation, this hydrogen bonding becomes stronger, probably because of a cation induced reorientation of the hydroxyl group of a nearby threonine residue. We also tentatively suggested that a difference band at 1639(-)/1660(+) cm-1 in (P700+-P700) FTIR DS might be due to a C=C mode of the imidazole side chain of the ligating histidine residues. Most of this thesis is geared towards investigating the validity of this interpretation. (P700+-P700) FTIR DS obtained using mutant PS I particles in which hydrogen bonding to P700 is altered can be reconciled within the context of our new interpretation. (P700+-P700) FTIR DS obtained using uniformly 2H, 15N, and 13C labeled PS I particles also support our new interpretation, and indicate that the difference band at 1639(-)/ 1660(+) cm-1 cannot be associated with a strongly hydrogen bonded keto carbonyl group of PA. To investigate if the imidazole side-chain of ligating histidine residues could contribute to bands in (P700+-P700) FTIR DS vibrational mode frequencies and intensities for several protonation forms of 4-methylimidazole were calculated. The calculations suggest that the 1639(-)/1660(+) cm-1 band in (P700+-P700) FTIR DS may not be due to a C=C mode of the imidazole side chain of the ligating histidine residues. Thus we have produced data that suggests neither of the proposed interpretations alone can adequately explain the origin of the 1639(-)/1660(+) cm-1 difference band in (P700+-P700) FTIR DS. The origin of the 1639(-)/1660(+) cm-1 difference band in (P700+-P700) FTIR DS is therefore still an open question.

Redox active tyrosines in photosystem II: role in proton coupled electron transfer reactions

Keough, James M. 07 January 2013 (has links)
Proton coupled electron transfer reactions often involve tyrosine residues, because when oxidized, the phenolic side chain deprotonates. Tyrosine Z (YZ) is responsible for extracting electrons in a stepwise fashion from the oxygen evolving-complex in order to build enough potential to oxidize water. This process requires that each step YZ must deprotonate and reprotonate in order to maintain the high midpoint potential that is necessary to oxidize the oxygen-evolving complex, which makes YZ highly involved in proton coupled electron transfer reactions. In this thesis YZ has been studied within oxygen-evolving photosystem II utilizing electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to monitor the tyrosyl radical that is formed upon light excitation. Kinetic analysis of YZ has shed light on the factors that are important for PSII to carry out water oxidation at the oxygen-evolving complex. Most notably the strong hydrogen-bonding network and the midpoint potential of YZ have been shown to be integral aspects of the water splitting reactions of PSII. By studying YZ within oxygen-evolving PSII, conclusions are readily applied to the native system.

Does arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis increase the capacity or the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus in the model legume Medicago truncatula?

Rehman, Ateeq ur January 2010 (has links)
The Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) is an endosymbiont of higher plant roots. Most land plants and cultivated crops are concerned to AM symbiosis. This endosymbiosis is based on the mutual exchange of nutrients between plant and fungus. Therefore, AM symbiosis leads to an increased demand for photosynthetic products. The aim of this study was to investigate the pathway used by plants during AM symbiosis to increase photosynthetic performance. Therefore, we have carried out a systematic characterization of photosynthesis in Medicago truncatula (M. truncatula), which is a model legume. We observed colonization by the fungus in roots and that AM symbiosis increases the fresh and dry plant biomass. This could be attributed to an increase in both photosynthetic efficiency and capacity in AM plants. Consistent with these observations, AM symbiosis enhanced phosphorus uptake from the soil into roots, stems and leaves, as based on analyses of phosphorus content. Based on equal chl loading, no differences were found regarding D1, Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 protein content in four plant groups. This indicates similar ratio between chl and PSII proteins. Furthermore, AM symbiosis increases the amount of chlorophyll, steady state oxygen evolution activities, maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm), and photosynthetic electron transport rate (about 5 fold). Nevertheless, photoprotection was not affected by AM symbiosis. We observed an increase in weight of seed/fruit and weight of seed/plant in AM plants (about 2 fold). Based on these results, we propose that AM symbiosis increases both the efficiency and the capacity of photosynthetic apparatus in the M. truncatula.

Synthesis and investigation of an oxygen-evolving catalyst containing cobalt phosphate

Larses, Patrik, Tegesjö, Lina January 2009 (has links)
The experimental section in this thesis was based on the work of Kanan, M.W, et al reported in Science in December of 2008. A catalyst containing cobalt and phosphate was synthesized and used to decompose water into oxygen and hydrogen. This was done at nearly neutral pH. Cyclic voltammetry was performed to analyze the catalyst’s efficiency. Some surfaces were analyzed in a scanning electron microscope and the elemental composition was determined using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. A catalytic effect was observed at a potential of about 1,3 V. EDX showed Co at some of the surfaces. Quantum calculations were used to develop a model for the catalyst material. Molecular orbitals, interaction energies and vibrational frequencies were calculated for two different complexes of Co and phosphate. Patrik Larses was responsible for the electrochemical evaluation and synthesis in the experimental section of this thesis and Lina Tegesjö for the computational part.

Performance of slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) containerized rooted cuttings and bare-root seedlings established on five planting dates in the flatlands of western Louisiana

Akgul, Alper 29 August 2005 (has links)
The forest product industry is keenly interested in extending the normal planting season, as well as in the comparative field performance of standard nursery bare-root seedlings and containerized rooted cuttings. The effect of seasonal planting dates on survival, above and belowground biomass allocation, water relations, gas exchange attributes and foliar carbon isotope composition (&#948;13C) of two stock types of slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) were examined. Slash pine bare-root seedlings (BRS) and containerized rooted cuttings (CRC) were hand planted in September, November, January, March and April in three consecutive planting seasons (2000-2001, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003) on three sites with silt loam topsoils in southwestern Louisiana. First-year mean survival of CRC across all planting dates and sites was consistently high at 96 to 98%, whereas BRS survival was significantly (P < 0.0001) lower at 59 to 81% and highly variable among study sites and dates through three planting seasons. Generally, there was a negative relationship between soil moisture at the time of planting and first-year survival of BRS planted September through March in 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 planting seasons, whereas the opposite was observed only for BRS planted in April 2002 and 2003. Survival of CRC was affected very little by the variation in soil moisture. Containerized rooted cuttings had higher early above and belowground biomass, and height and diameter than did BRS. However, three years after planting the size differences between stock types disappeared or became negligible. Early size differences among trees planted September through March also decreased after three years, although September trees were tallest. Growth of the April-planted trees was poor compared to trees planted in other months. Late-planted April trees had higher &#948;13C values, and higher water-use efficiency in the first growing season compared to earlier planted trees. Differences in &#948;13C values among the planting dates disappeared in the second growing season. Net photosynthesis rates did not differ considerably between stock types or among planting dates in the second and third growing seasons. This study indicates that it is possible to extend the planting season to as early as September and as late as March by using CRC.

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