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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

New peptid-mimicking scaffolds

Hartwig, Sebastian 19 June 2009 (has links)
Inspiriert von den natürlich vorkommenden Antibiotika der Gramicidin Familie und ihrer d-(alt)-l Aminosäuresequenz, die es diesen Oligopeptiden ermöglicht, eine beta–helikale Sekundärstruktur einzunehmen, war das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit die Synthese und Charakterisierung von Peptiden und diversen Pseudopeptiden mit regulärer all-l und d-(alt)-l Sequenz und die Untersuchung des Einflusses dieser stereochemischen Variation auf die Strukturen und Eigenschaften dieser Verbindungen. Zusätzlich ergab der Austausch von Amid-Bindungen im Peptid-Rückgrat durch verschiedene Isostere diverse, teils einzigartige Pseudopeptid-Strukturen, wohingegen Verzweigung des linearen Peptid-Rückgrates zu sphärischen Molekülen führte. Alle Projekte zielten auf die Entwicklung und Synthese diskreter Oligomere für Strukturuntersuchungen, sowie auf die Einbindung der jeweiligen Strukturelemente in Polymere. Die Polymerization geeigneter Monomere zu Polymeren soll zu makro- und supramolekularen Nano-Objekten führen. Die divergent/konvergente Synthese einer Serie von Oligo-d-(alt)-l-lysinen zielte auf die Generierung hydrophiler, pH-sensitiver nanotubularer Strukturen. Schrittweiser Austausch von Amid-Bindungen des Peptid-Rückgrates durch Ester-(alt)-Urea-Einheiten führte zu all-l und d-(alt)-l Oligopseudoleucinen mit 50% und 0% Amid-Bindungs-Anteil. Design, Synthese und Polymerisation von AB-“Click”-Monomeren, basierend auf all-l and l-(alt)-d lysin Dipeptiden, ergaben hochmolekulare, Triazol-enthaltende Polypseudopeptide, deren Seitenketten mit Pyrenbuttersäure quantitativ postfunktionalisiert werden konnten. Die Einführung von Verzweigung in Glutamat-Peptide ergab chirale Dendrimere mit adressierbaren fokalen und periphären Funktionalitäten, sowie variabler Ladungsdichte. Design, Synthese und Polymerisation eines Glutamat basierenden AB2-“Click”-Monomers lieferte verwandte chirale hyperverzweigte Polypseudopeptide. / Inspired by the naturally occurring antibiotics of the Gramicidin family and their d-(alt)-l amino acid sequence, enabling these oligopeptides to adopt a beta–helical secondary structure, the work presented in this thesis targeted the syn-thesis and characterization of peptides and diverse pseudopeptides with regular all-l and d-(alt)-l sequences and the influence of this stereochemical variation on the compounds’ structures and properties. Further diversification of the struc-tures as obtained by replacing amide bonds in the peptide backbone with differ-ent isosteres, affording unique pseudopeptide structures. In addition spherical molecules were generated by introducing branching into the linear peptide scaf-fold. Throughout all projects, the aim was the design and synthesis of discrete oligomers for structural investigations and the incorporation of the respective structural elements into polymers via the polymerization of suitable monomers, in order to generate nanoscale macromolecular and supramolecular objects. The divergent/convergent synthesis of a series of oligo-d-(alt)-l-lysines targeted the generation of hydrophilic, pH-sensitive nanotubular structures. The stepwise replacement of peptide backbone amide bonds with ester-(alt)-urea moieties afforded all-l and d-(alt)-l oligopseudoleucines with 50% and 0% amide content. The design, synthesis, and polymerization of an AB-“Click”-monomer, based on all-l and l-(alt)-d lysine dipeptides afforded high molecular weight, triazole con-taining polypseudopeptides. Quantitative coupling to pyrene butyric acid afforded the respective side chain labeled polymers. The introduction of branching into glutamate peptides afforded fully chiral den-drimers with addressable focal and peripheral functionalities and variable charge density. The design, synthesis, and polymerization of a glutamate based AB2-“Click”-monomer led to related chiral hyperbranched polypseudopeptides.

PhD Dissertation-Chemistry-Aayush-2023

Aayush Aayush (15354604) 26 April 2023 (has links)
<p> </p> <p>Learning about ‘behavior’ has always been at the heart of my research endeavors. While my undergraduate work in evolution and ecology exposed me to the science behind why a behavior exists, in my graduate work, I intended to explore how to use something’s behavior to widen its applicability. In this thesis, <em>I will present three works that utilize some of the fundamental</em></p> <p><em>behaviors (i.e., properties) of elastin-like polypeptides (ELP) to improve existing protein purification methods or explore their applicability in bladder cancer imaging and immunotherapy. </em></p> <p>Bladder cancer has high recurrence rates (60-70 % annually) that necessitate multiple follow-up therapies making it one of the costliest cancers per patient. In this work, we have attempted to address two leading causes of the recurrence. First is a low sensitivity (62-84 %) and variable specificity (43-95 %) of white light cystoscopy used to diagnose and remove tumors. We aimed to address the heart of this problem, i.e., the non-specific mode of detection using white light. Only the trained eyes can discern abnormal from normal-appearing tissues even then, leaving up to 45% of tumors unresected to colonize and spread. <em>We developed and characterized near infrared dye-peptide-ligand conjugates (NIR-ELP-ligand) that undergo receptor-mediated binding and internalization to human bladder cancer cells in vitro and tissues ex vivo.</em> By using a molecular target-based probe in combination with NIR imaging, we can aid in improving the detection limit via selective binding to the tumor and reduction in background autofluorescence.</p> <p>Bacillus-Calmette Guérin (BCG) instillation in the bladder is the gold-standard</p> <p>immunotherapy used after surgical removal of bladder tumors. This was approved as a response to the inefficiency of surgery alone in improving cancer status. It has succeeded by reducing the recurrence rate to 30-50 %. But it comes with the complications of putting a live mycobacterium</p> <p>in the human body and giving a patient a urinary tract infection right after surgical tumor resection. <em>Thus, we aimed to deliver nucleic acid as immunotherapeutic cargo in a selective manner to elicit robust anti-tumor immune responses while minimizing the side effects due to its carrier.</em> Towards</p> <p>this goal, we have developed a highly modular and adaptable ELP-ligand fusion protein-based nucleic acid delivery carrier targeted toward bladder cancer. Before developing targeted peptide-based cancer imaging and nucleic acid delivery modalities, we addressed the Achilles heel of peptide-based approaches. The peptide and protein industry suffers</p> <p>through complex, time-consuming, inconsistent, and low-yielding purification methods. <em>We have developed a scalable, facile, and reproducible protein purification method that delivers ELP and ELP fusion proteins free of host cell proteins and nucleic acids and has low lipopolysaccharide</em></p> <p><em>content in just 3 h starting from a bacterial pellet. </em>Thus, for a coherent narrative, the thesis is structured as follows:</p> <p>1. Introduction</p> <p>2. ELP as a protein purification tag: Development of a rapid purification method for ELPs and ELP fusion proteins.</p> <p>3. ELP as a cancer imaging agent: Development of NIR-ELP-Ligand imaging probe targeting bladder cancer.</p> <p>4. ELP as a drug delivery agent: Utilizing ELP-ligand fusion protein in the formulation of targeted nucleic acid delivery carrier to bladder cancer.</p>

Development of Analytical Procedures for the Characterization of Polypeptide-Based Nanoconjugates

Dordevic, Snezana 26 June 2023 (has links)
[ES] Debido a la naturaleza (poli)iónica de los conjugados polipéptido-fármaco (PDC), su traslado a clínica puede ser una tarea complicada y costosa, que requiere técnicas de polimerización reproducibles y escalables, la implementación de herramientas analíticas sofisticadas, pasos de caracterización exhaustivos y la recopilación de datos detallados de seguridad y eficacia. Algunas técnicas clásicas implementadas en el control de calidad de los PDC no se pueden utilizar para el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de productos de degradación y metabolitos. Como alternativa, la espectrometría de masas (MS) y el análisis de fraccionamiento de flujo de campo de flujo asimétrico (AF4) se han posicionado de forma relevante en dicha caracterización de polipéptidos y PDC. Mediante el uso de métodos de LC-MS, se puede realizar el análisis tanto de fármacos como de productos o metabolitos de degradación. Además, dado que la separación en AF4 no se basa en la interacción del analito con la columna, como ocurre en SEC, sino aplicando el flujo cruzado en un canal vacío; en AF4 es posible una separación de moléculas "a medida" según su tamaño y peso molecular dando lugar a la mejora selectiva de la separación. Teniendo en cuenta lo descrito anteriormente con respecto al diseño de PDC y su caracterización, la investigación incluida en esta tesis se centra en el desarrollo de nuevos procedimientos analíticos que ayuden a la selección de candidatos PDC con las características adecuadas que les permitirán avanzar a su evaluación preclínica. Implementaremos una herramienta de inteligencia artificial, diseño de experimentos, para desarrollar métodos analíticos adecuados y determinar las condiciones óptimas en la síntesis de nanoconjugados polipeptídicos. Además, exploraremos técnicas relativamente nuevas, como AF4 para desarrollar nuevos nanoconjugados polipeptídicos simples y de combinación y además, generaremos imágenes de espectrometría de masas, para entender su comportamiento en modelos preclínicos relevantes, lo que nos permitirá identificar terapias eficaces para una gran variedad de patologías (tumores sólidos avanzados incluyendo cáncer de mama triple negativo, cáncer de próstata y cáncer de páncreas, así como, lesión medular). / [CAT] A causa de la naturalesa (poli)iònica i, de vegades, proteica dels conjugats polipèptid-fàrmac (PDC), el seu trasllat a clínica pot ser una tasca complicada i costosa, que requereix tècniques de polimerització reproduïbles i escalables, la implementació d'eines analítiques sofisticades, passos de caracterització exhaustius i la recopilació de dades detallades de seguretat i eficàcia. Algunes tècniques clàssiques implementades en el control de qualitat dels PDC no es poden utilitzar per l'anàlisi qualitativa i quantitativa de productes de degradació i metabòlits. Com a alternativa, l'espectrometria de masses (MS) i l'anàlisi del fraccionament de flux de camp de flux asimètric (AF4) han trobat el seu camí en la caracterització de PDC. Mitjançant l'ús de mètodes LC-MS, es pot realitzar l'anàlisi tant de fàrmacs com de productes/metabòlits de degradació. A més, atès que la separació en AF4 no es basa en la interacció de l'analit amb la columna com en SEC sinó aplicant el flux creuat en un canal buit, una separació de molècules "a mesura" segons la seua grandària i pes molecular i la millora selectiva de la separació és possible en l'instrument AF4. Tenint en compte tot el descrit anteriorment respecte al disseny de PDC i la seua caracterització, la investigació inclosa en aquest projecte es centra en el desenvolupament de nous procediments analítics que ajuden a la selecció de candidats PDC per als seu estudi preclínic posterior. Implementarem una eina d'intel·ligència artificial, disseny d'experiments, per a desenvolupar mètodes analítics i la síntesi de nanoconjugats basats en polipèptids de manera adequada. A més, explorarem tècniques relativament noves, com AF4, i generarem imatges d'espectrometria de masses, per a desenvolupar nous conjugats a la recerca de teràpies eficaces per a tractar una varietat de malalties (càncer de mama triple negatiu, càncer de pròstata, càncer de pàncrees, així com en la lesió de medul·la espinal). / [EN] Due to the (poly)ionic and proteinic nature of polypeptide-drug conjugates (PDCs), their translation "from bench to bedside" represents a complex and expensive undertaking, requiring reproducible and scalable polymerization techniques, the implementation of sophisticated analytical tools, exhaustive characterization steps, and the collection of detailed safety and efficacy data. Classical techniques, such as liquid chromatography (LC) - UV/Vis and size exclusion chromatography (SEC) implemented in the quality control of PDCs during and after synthesis, cannot always support a qualitative and quantitative analysis of degradation products and metabolites. As an alternative, mass spectrometry (MS) and asymmetric flow field flow fractionation (AF4) have grown in influence on polypeptide and PDC characterization. The analysis of drug and degradation products/metabolites can take advantage of LC when coupled to MS. Meanwhile, AF4-mediated separation does not suffer from problems related to the interaction of the analyte with the column like in SEC; instead, AF4 applies a cross flow in an empty channel, which supports the "tailor-made" separation of molecules according to size and molecular weight. The research included in this Ph.D. thesis focuses on developing new analytical procedures that will aid the selection of PDC candidates for further preclinical studies. We implemented an artificial intelligence tool (design of experiments) to develop analytical methods and optimize the synthesis of genipin-crosslinked PDCs. Moreover, we explored relatively new techniques, such as AF4 and mass spectrometry imaging, in developing novel single and combination PDCs and studying their biological fate in the search for efficient therapies for a range of diseases (advanced solid tumors, including triple negative breast, prostate, and pancreatic cancer, as well as spinal cord injury). / Dordevic, S. (2023). Development of Analytical Procedures for the Characterization of Polypeptide-Based Nanoconjugates [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/194554

Etude expérimentale de polyélectrolytes hydrophobes modèles

Baigl, Damien 11 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Un polyélectrolyte hydrophobe est un polymère portant des charges électriques lorsqu'il est en solution aqueuse et dont l'eau est un mauvais solvant pour le squelette. Cette thèse a pour objectif d'établir l'influence de la nature hydrophobe du squelette sur les propriétés physiques des polyélectrolytes. Pour cela, nous avons tout d'abord synthétisé une série de poly(styrène-\emph(co)-styrènesulfonate de sodium), appelés PSS, possédant des taux de charge $f$ variant entre 30\% et 100\% et comportant entre $N=120$ et $N=2520$ monomères par chaîne. Ces PSS sont caractérisés précisément et peuvent être considérés comme des polyélectrolytes hydrophobes modèles. Nous avons alors étudié leurs propriétés volumiques puis interfaciales.\\ \emph(1. Propriétés en volume.) Le taux de charge effectif de la chaîne unique est anormalement réduit par rapport au cas du polyélectrolyte hydrophile. D'autre part, les propriétés structurales ont été caractérisées par la diffusion des rayons X et la technique de la sonde colloïdale en microscopie à force atomique (AFM). La conformation des chaînes se fait ressentir puisque la longueur de corrélation varie comme $N^0C_p^(-\alpha)$ où $C_p$ est la concentration en polymère et $\alpha$ un exposant dépendant de $f$, décroissant de 1/2 ($f=100\%$) à 1/3 au voisinage de la limite de solubilité. Ces observations sont interprétées dans le cadre d'un modèle théorique prédisant la conformation de la chaîne isolée comme un collier de perles, constitué de globules denses (les perles) reliés deux à deux par un segment de chaîne étirée. La dynamique collective des chaînes, quant à elle, est très proche de celle des polyélectrolytes hydrophiles.\\ \emph(2. Propriétés aux interfaces.) Nous avons conçu une expérience permettant, par adsorption électrostatique ou hydrophobe, de fixer les chaînes de PSS sur une surface solide plane modifiée chimiquement. La couche de PSS adsorbée, immergée dans l'eau, est caractérisée $in~situ$ par ellipsométrie, réflectivité des rayons X haute énergie et microscopie à force atomique. Nous avons ainsi trouvé que la taille de perles varie entre 1 et 5 nm en fonction de $f$. Cette variation est en parfait accord avec les prédictions du modèle dit du collier de perles. Enfin, les polyélectrolytes hydrophobes s'adsorbent également aux interfaces hydrophobes, les perles, dans certains cas, s'étalant sur la surface.

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