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Einzelfallanalysen von TotgeburtenTjong, Calvin 12 June 2003 (has links)
Ziel: Einzellfallanalyse der Totgeburten hinsichtlich ihrer Vermeidbarkeit und Vermeidungsfaktoren als ein wesentlicher Anteil der internen Qualitätssicherung. Methode: Im Zeitraum von 1996 bis 2000 wurden nach dem Ausschluss der Abbrüche bei Fehlbildungen 100 Totgeburten bei 99 Entbindungen mit einem Geburtsgewicht von mindestens 500 g in die Analyse miteinbezogen. Ergebnisse: Die korrigierte Totgeburtenrate lag bei 5,23 Totgeburten/1000 Geburten. Der Anteil von totgeborenen Mehrlingen (11%) war 4fach so hoch dem Normalkollektiv (2,8%) gegenüber. Die relativ große Zahl der zwischen 20-23 vollendeten SSW (22%) und vor 28 vollendeten SSW (36%) auftretenden intrauterinen Fruchttode in unserer Untersuchung weist auf eine Population mit einem großen Anteil an früher Frühgeburtlichkeit hin. Die meisten Totgeburten (38%) befanden sich in der Gewichtsgruppe 500-999 g. Zwei Drittel (14/21) der Kinder mit SGA wurden ab 32 SSW und knapp die Hälfte (10/21) am Entbindungstermin mit 37 bis 41 SSW geboren. Die Todesursachen waren Plazentainsuffizienz (31%), AIS (21%), vorzeitige Plazentalösung (20%), Nabelschnurkomplikationen (7%), FFTS (2%) und Hydrops fetalis (2%). Das Amnioninfektionssyndrom (AIS) als Todesursache trat häufiger in frühen Schwangerschaftswochen (20-24 SSW: n= 17 von 21 Fällen mit AIS als Todesursache) auf. Nabelschnurkomplikationen fanden sich dagegen in späteren Schwangerschaftswochen (34-40 SSW: n=7). Unabhängig von den Todesursachen waren 51% der Totgeburten nach unserer Analyse nicht vermeidbar, 12% waren intern vermeidbar und 37% möglicherweise vermeidbar durch die Frauenärzte/Innen bzw. die Patientinnen selber. Eine gute Schwangerschaftsvorsorge, eine ausreichende fetale Überwachung und ein gutes Geburtsmanagement hätten viele Totgeburten vermeiden können. Die Beteiligung der Schwangeren ist dabei die Grundvoraussetzung. Schlussfolgerung: Die Betrachtung der Todesursache allein ist zur Beurteilung der Vermeidbarkeit nicht ausreichend. Das Verständnis der Ereignisse, die zu den Totgeburten führten, ist der Ausgangspunkt für eine kritische Auswertung. / Objective: The avoidability and the preventive factors relating to stillbirths were evaluated as an important part of internal quality control. Methods: After exclusion of interruptions because of fetal malformations, the case records of 100 stillbirths with a minimal birth weight of 500 g from 99 deliveries in our clinic in the years 1996 till 2000 were retrospectively as single cases analysed. Results: The corrected rate of stillbirth was 5,23 per 1000 births. The proportion of the stillborn multiplets (11%) was 4 times higher then the proportion in the normal population (2,8%). That the stillbirths occurred preferentially between 20-23 menstrual weeks of pregnancy (22%) and before 28 menstrual weeks in our collection points out a population with a large proportion of earlier prematurity. Most of the stillbirths (38%) were born with a birth weight between 500-999 g. Two third (14/21) of the stillbirths from 32 menstrual weeks and almost the half of the stillbirths (10/21) between 37 till 41 menstrual weeks were born with small for gestational age (SGA). The principal causes of the stillbirths were placental insufficiency (31%), chorioamnionitis (21%), placental abruption (20%), cord complications (7%), twin-to-twin transfusion syndrom (2%) and hydrops (2%). The chorioamnionitis appeared more frequently in the early menstrual weeks (20-24 menstrual weeks: n=17 of 21 cases with chorioamnionitis). The cord complications on the contrary occurred in the late menstrual weeks (34-40 menstrual weeks: n=7). Independent of the causes of deaths, 51% of the stillbirths according to our analysis were not avoidable, 12% were internally preventable and 37% could be prevented by the external gynecologists or the patients themselves. A qualified and compliance to prenatal care, a sufficient fetal surveillance and a good management of delivery could avoid many stillbirths. The corporation of the pregnant patients is nevertheless prerequisite. Conclusion: The only consideration of the cause of death is not sufficient to evaluate the preventability of stilllbirths. The insight of the events that lead to stillbirths is the starting point for a critical interpretation.
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Impacto do Tabagismo Materno Sobre a Saúde dos Recém-Nascidos de Pelotas - RSDuarte, Marcelo Souza 15 December 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-12-15 / Introduction: The struggle against the smoking habit is an increasing concern around the
world, mainly during gestation because of its impact in maternal and child health. Despite all
efforts, tobaccoism indices are still high. Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of tobaccoism
along with pregnancy and its impact on the health of the newborn. Methods: It is a crosssectional
study nested in a cohort study, which occurred in all of the Pelotas maternity wards
and has monitored babies born between September 2002 and May 2003. Factors related to the
outcomes were subjected to bivariate and multivariate analysis. Results: 2741 mothers were
included in the study, and 23.5% of them smoked during pregnancy. The variables
significantly associated to maternal smoking were: pregnant woman ethnicity, family income,
educational level both of the pregnant woman and her partner, multiparity, absence of a
partner, and number of prenatal appointments. Women who smoked had a higher risk of 62%
to have babies with low birth weight. Conclusion: Although the limitations that these study
desing provides, one can conclude that maternal tobaccoism during gestation is a consequence
of a myriad of factors, thus being difficult to be limited to one factor of risk only, or else to a
causal agent. Its effect on the fetus calls for the need of campaigns at a population level as well
as for adjusted prenatal appointments when maternal tabaccoism is present, so that adverse
effects of cigarette smoking become less common
tobaccoism, maternal smoking, low birth weight, prematurity. / Introdução: O combate ao hábito de fumar é preocupação crescente em todo o mundo,
principalmente durante a gestação, com impacto na saúde materno-infantil. Apesar de todos os
esforços, ainda são altos os índices de tabagismo. Objetivos: Avaliar a prevalência de
tabagismo na gestação e o seu impacto sobre a saúde do recém-nascido. Métodos: É um estudo
transversal aninhado a um estudo de coorte que monitorou todos os nascimentos, em todas as
maternidades de Pelotas, no período de setembro de 2002 a maio de 2003. Realizaram-se
análises univariada, bivariada e multivariada, considerando um modelo hierárquico das
variáveis associadas ao desfecho deste estudo. Resultados: 2741 mães foram incluídas no
estudo, sendo que 23,5% fumaram durante a gestação. As variáveis que se mostraram
associadas de forma significativa com tabagismo materno na gestação foram: cor da gestante;
renda familiar; escolaridade do companheiro e da gestante; multiparidade, ausência de
companheiro; número de consultas pré-natais. As gestantes que fumaram tiveram um risco
62% maior de terem bebês com baixo peso ao nascer. Conclusão: Mesmo com as limitações
que o delineamento deste estudo estabelece, conclui-se que o tabagismo materno na gestação é
fruto de uma agregação de fatores de risco, sendo difícil restringí-lo a um único fator ou agente
causal. Seus efeitos sobre o feto remetem à necessidade de campanhas de âmbito populacional
e a consultas pré-natais mais adequadas quando esse quadro se faz presente para que os efeitos
adversos do uso de cigarro tornem-se mais incomuns
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O leite humano e a sacarose 25% no alivio da dor em prematuros submetidos ao exame de fundo de olho: ensaio clinico randomizado / Human milk and 25% sucrose for pain relief in premature newborns submitted to the ocular fundus examination: randomized clinical trialRibeiro, Laiane Medeiros 22 February 2013 (has links)
O objetivo geral deste estudo foi investigar o efeito do leite humano na redução de respostas biocomportamentais de dor em RNPTs submetidos ao exame de fundo de olho para diagnóstico precoce da retinopatia da prematuridade, em comparação com a sacarose 25%. Trata-se de ensaio clínico randomizado, realizado na unidade neonatal de um hospital universitário de Ribeirão Preto-SP, com 48 prematuros distribuídos randomicamente em dois grupos: leite humano e sacarose, administrados por via oral 2 minutos antes do procedimento doloroso. As variáveis dimensionadas foram mímica facial da escala de dor NFCS, choro, frequência cardíaca e cortisol salivar. A coleta de dados foi realizada em cinco períodos para a mímica facial e o NFCS: basal (05 minutos), olho direito e olho esquerdo, recuperação imediata (05 minutos após o procedimento) e recuperação tardia (05 minutos após a recuperação imediata); quatro períodos para a frequência cardíaca e o choro: basal (05 minutos), procedimento, recuperação imediata e tardia. O cortisol salivar foi coletado antes do início do exame de fundo de olho (basal), após 30 (cortisol resposta) e 60 (cortisol recuperação) minutos do término do exame. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da instituição e foi registrado no Australian and New Zeland Clinical Trials. O Teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov e o Teste t-student mostraram que os grupos são comparáveis. Para análise das variáveis de desfecho, utilizou-se a Análise de Variância com Medidas Repetidas (RM-ANOVA). Após testar a homogeneidade das variáveis (teste de Levene), foi avaliado o pressuposto da esfericidade das matrizes de variância (teste de Mauchly). Assumindo-se a esfericidade, adotaram-se a análise multivariada, com valor de épsilon < 0,75, e a estatística de Wilk´s Lambda. Para valores de épsilon > 0,75, adotaram-se a análise univariada e a estatística de Hunh-Feldt (HF) ou Greenhouse-Geisser. Para as variáveis categóricas, foi utilizado o teste Qui-quadrado ou Teste exato Fisher. O efeito do leite humano no alívio da dor, decorrente do exame de fundo de olho, não diferiu estatisticamente da sacarose 25%, ao avaliarmos a duração da presença de fronte saliente [Wilk\'s Lamba=0,918, F=0,960, p=0,241], do sulco nasolabial [Wilk\'s Lambda=0,883; F=1,43; p=0,241] e do choro [Wilk\'s Lambda=0,964; F=3,44; p=0,656], e o escore médio do NFCS adaptado ao considerarmos essas duas ações da mímica facial [Wilk\'s Lambda=0,924; F=0,884; p=0,481], a FC [Wilk\'s Lambda=0,977; F=3,44; p=0,792] e a concentração de cortisol salivar [Wilk\'s Lambda=0,978; F=2,45; p=0,612]. A comparação intrasujeitos mostrou diferença significativa nos períodos de coleta dos dados, com aumento nos escores do NFCS, na duração da fronte saliente e do sulco nasolabial, durante o exame do fundo de olho direito e esquerdo, como também no aumento do choro, durante o procedimento doloroso, em comparação com os períodos basal, recuperação inicial e tardia. A concentração do cortisol salivar aumentou significativamente aos 30 e 60 minutos após o procedimento, em comparação com os valores do cortisol basal; não houve diferença entre o cortisol resposta (30 minutos) e recuperação (60 minutos). A duração do sulco nasolabial, do choro e os escores do NFCS no basal não diferiram significativamente dos valores encontrados na recuperação inicial e tardia. Na FC, houve diferença no basal em relação à recuperação imediata, e na duração da fronte saliente houve diferença nas duas recuperações. Concluímos que o efeito do leite humano, na redução das respostas biocomportamentais de dor em prematuros submetidos ao exame de fundo de olho para diagnóstico da retinopatia da prematuridade, não é superior ao efeito obtido com a sacarose 25%, rejeitando-se a hipótese alternativa. / The general aim of this study was to investigate the effect of human milk on reducing biobehavioral pain responses in PN\'s undergoing the ocular fundus examination for the early diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity, compared with 25% sucrose. This is a randomized clinical trial conducted in the neonatal unit of a university hospital of Ribeirão Preto-SP, with 48 premature newborns randomly distributed into two groups: human milk and sucrose, orally administered 2 minutes before the painful procedure. The variables investigated were the facial movements of the NFCS pain scale, crying, heart rate (HR) and salivary cortisol levels. Data collection was conducted in five periods for the facial movements and NFCS: baseline (05 minutes), right eye and left eye, immediate recovery (05 minutes after the procedure) and delayed recovery (05 minutes after immediate recovery); and in four periods for heart rate and crying: baseline (05 minutes), procedure, immediate and delayed recovery. Salivary cortisol was collected before the start of the fundus examination (baseline), and at 30 minutes (cortisol response) and 60 minutes (cortisol recovery) after the end of the examination. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee and was registered in the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Student\'s t-test showed that the groups were comparable. For the analysis of the outcome variables, the Analysis of Variance with Repeated Measures (RM-ANOVA) was used. After testing the homogeneity of the variables (Levene\'s test) the assumption of sphericity of the variance matrices was evaluated (Mauchly\'s test). Assuming sphericity, multivariate analysis was adopted, with a < 0.75 value of epsilon and Wilk\'s Lambda statistic. For values of epsilon > 0.75, univariate analysis and the Hunh-Feldt (HF) or Greenhouse-Geisser statistic were adopted. For the categorical variables, the chi-square test or Fisher exact test was used. The effect of human milk on pain relief, arising from the ocular fundus examination, did not differ statistically from 25% sucrose, when the duration of the presence of brow lowering [Wilk\'s Lambda=0.918; F=0.960; p=0.241], of deepening of the naso-labial furrow [Wilk\'s Lambda=0.883; F=1.43; p=0.241] and of crying [Wilk\'s Lambda=0.964; F=3.44; p=0.656] were evaluated, as well as the mean score of the NFCS adapted to consider these two facial movement actions [Wilk\'s Lambda=0.924; F=0.884; p=0.481], the HR [Wilk\'s Lambda=0.977; F=3.44; p=0.792] and the salivary cortisol concentration [Wilk\'s Lambda=0.978; F=2.45; p=0.612]. The intra-subject comparison showed a significant difference in the data collection periods, with an increase in the NFCS scores, in the duration of brow lowering and naso-labial furrow deepening, during the examination fundus of the right and left eyes, as well as increased crying during the painful procedure, compared with the baseline period, immediate and delayed recovery. The concentration of salivary cortisol increased significantly at 30 and 60 minutes after the procedure, compared with the baseline cortisol values; there was no difference between cortisol response (30 minutes) and recovery (60 minutes). The duration of naso-labial furrow deepening, of crying and the NFCS scores at the baseline did not differ significantly from the values found in the immediate and delayed recovery. In the HR, there was no difference between the baseline and the immediate recovery, and in the duration of brow lowering there was no difference in the two recoveries. We conclude that the effect of human milk, on the reduction of biobehavioral responses to pain in preterm infants undergoing the ocular fundus examination for the diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity, is not greater than the effect obtained with 25% sucrose, rejecting the alternative hypothesis.
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Prematuridade e baixo peso ao nascer e seus fatores de risco no município de João Pessoa, de 2001 a 2009 / Prematurity and low birth weight and their risk factors in the city of João Pessoa, from 2001 to 2009Silva, Eliane Brito Lyra Nunes da 21 November 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2015-04-28T11:57:36Z
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Eliane Brito Lyra Nunes da Silva.pdf: 1018971 bytes, checksum: 6fb9f24327a953a52a50a611f73fd246 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-28T11:57:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Eliane Brito Lyra Nunes da Silva.pdf: 1018971 bytes, checksum: 6fb9f24327a953a52a50a611f73fd246 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-11-21 / Low birth weight (LBW) is defined by the World Health Organization as birth weight below
2500 g. It is considered the most relevant single factor of infant and childhood mortality and
morbidity, with impact on growth and neuropsychomotor development. It is also likely to
cause several diseases in adults. Prematurity, defined as birth at gestational age less than 37
weeks, is also considered one of the main reasons of neonatal mortality. This study aims at
determining the prevalences of LBW and prematurity among single liveborn infants of
mothers living in the city of João Pessoa between 2001 and 2009, as well as their distribution
over time, and identifying risk factors for their occurrence. It is a cross-sectional study and
data were collected from the files of the Liveborn Information System for the 2001-2009
period. The study included all records of liveborn infants of single pregnancy. Variables used
in the study were: newborn sex, weight at birth, mother's age, school education level, marital status, number of prenatal medical appointments, gestational age, type of pregnancy and type of delivery. Prevalences of LBW and prematurity outcomes were determined for each year and also for the whole studied period. Univariate and multiple logistic regression models specific for each outcome were used to calculate the odds ratio (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI). In the studied period there were 101.005 births, weight average of 3222,74 g (standard deviation: 544,24) and equal distribution concerning sex. LBW and prematurity prevalence were 7,2% and 5,8%, respectively. There was a rise in preterm deliveries throughout this period, while LBW rate remained steady. Most deliveries took place in hospital (99,8%), most of them by caesarean section from 2004 on. Most mothers were 20-34 years old, single, who spent 8 or more years in school, and had 4 or more prenatal medical appointments. There was a statistically significant drop in the percentage of teenage
mothers throughout this period (22,8% to 17,8%, p=0,001). LWB was more likely among mothers younger than 20 and older than 35 years old (OR=1,23; 95%CI: 1,14¿1,33 and OR=1,33; 95%CI: 1,19¿1,48 respectively), who were single (OR=1,13; 95%CI: 1,05¿1,21), who had fewer than four prenatal medical appointments (OR=1,84; 95%CI: 1,68¿2,01), and had preterm newborn babies (OR=56,32; 95%CI: 52,49¿60,44) and gave birth to baby girls (OR=1,47; 95%CI: 1,38¿1,56). Concerning prematurity, risk factors were mother age below 20 (OR=1,23; 95%CI: 1,14-1,32), equal or over 35 years old (OR=1,34; 95%CI: 1,22¿1,47), number of prenatal medical appointments below 4 (OR=2,51; 95%CI: 2,32¿2,72) and delivery through caesarean section (OR=1,21; 95%CI: 1,14¿1,29). It can be concluded that, differently from what has been observed in other places, there was a fall in the number of teenage mothers in João Pessoa; that insufficient prenatal medical appointments, an avoidable factor, still persists and increases the likelihood of prematurity and low weight; and that the number of cases of preterm newborn infants weighing more than 2500 g is growing, following the rise in the number of caesarean sections. / O baixo peso ao nascer é definido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como o peso de nascimento inferior a 2500 g. É considerado o fator isolado de maior impacto sobre a morbidade e a mortalidade neonatal e infantil, com repercussões sobre o crescimento e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, com maior probabilidade de várias doenças na vida adulta. A prematuridade, definida como o nascimento com idade gestacional inferior a 37 semanas, também é considerada uma das principais causas de mortalidade neonatal. Este estudo objetivou estimar as prevalências do BPN e da prematuridade entre os nascidos vivos de gestações únicas de mães residentes no município de João Pessoa, no período de 2001 a 2009, suas distribuições temporais e indicar os fatores de risco para ocorrência desses eventos.
Trata-se de um estudo transversal com dados coletados a partir dos arquivos do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos para o período de 2001 a 2009. O critério de inclusão adotado foi todo registro de nascido vivo de gestação única. As variáveis utilizadas no estudo foram: Peso ao nascer, sexo do recém-nascido, idade da mãe, escolaridade, estado civil, número de consultas do pré-natal, idade gestacional, tipo de gravidez e tipo de parto. Foram estimadas as prevalências dos desfechos BPN e prematuridade por ano e para todo o período do estudo. Modelos de regressão logística univariados e múltiplos específicos para cada desfecho foram utilizados para calcular razões de chance e seus respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95%. No período do estudo ocorreram 101.005 nascimentos, com média de peso de 3222,74 gramas (desvio padrão: 544,24) e com distribuição equitativa quanto ao sexo. As prevalências de BPN e de prematuridade foram de 7,2% e de 5,8%, respectivamente. Ocorreu aumento da frequência de partos prematuros ao longo desse período, enquanto que a taxa de BPN manteve-se estável. A maioria dos partos ocorreu em ambiente hospitalar (99,8%), com predomínio da cesariana a partir de 2004. Predominaram as mães com 20 a 34 anos, com mais de oito anos de estudo, solteiras e que tiveram 4 ou mais consultas de pré-natal. Houve queda
estatisticamente significante no percentual de mães adolescentes ao longo do período (22,8%
para 17,8%, p = 0,001). A probabilidade de nascer uma criança com baixo peso foi maior entre as mães com menos de 20 anos e com 35 anos ou mais (RC=1,23; IC95%: 1,14¿1,33 e RC=1,33; IC95%: 1,19¿1,48 respectivamente), solteiras (RC=1,13; IC95%: 1,05¿1,21), que fizeram menos de quatro consultas de pré-natal (RC=1,84; IC95%: 1,68¿2,01) e tiveram recém-nascidos prematuros (RC=56,32; IC95%: 52,49¿60,44) e do sexo feminino (RC=1,47; IC95%: 1,38¿1,56). Com relação à prematuridade, os fatores de risco foram idade materna inferior a 20 anos (RC=1,23; IC95%: 1,14-1,32) e igual ou superior a 35 anos (RC=1,34; IC95%: 1,22¿1,47), número de consultas de pré-natal inferior a 4 consultas (RC=2,51;
IC95%: 2,32¿2,72) e parto cesáreo (RC=1,21; IC95%: 1,14¿1,29). Conclui-se que, diferentemente do observado em outros locais, houve queda do número de mães adolescentes em João Pessoa; que um fator evitável, como o pré-natal inadequado, ainda hoje persiste e aumenta a chance de prematuridade e de baixo peso; e que cresce o número de casos de prematuros com peso acima de 2500 g, companhando o aumento de partos cesáreos.
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Métabolisme des plasmalogènes dans les cellules gliales rétiniennes : interactions cellule-cellule au cours du développement vasculaire rétinien normal ou pathologique / Plasmalogen metabolism in retinal glial cells : interaction between cells during normal or pathological vascular developmentMazzocco, Julie 14 February 2017 (has links)
Dans les pays industrialisés, les pathologies oculaires à composante vasculaires, que ce soit la rétinopathie du prématuré (ROP), la rétinopathie du diabétique ou la dégénérescence lié à l’âge, représentent la première cause de cécité respectivement chez l’enfant, l’adulte et la personne âgée. Plusieurs études sur l’homme ou sur des modèles animaux ont souligné le rôle crucial joué des acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) au cours de ces rétinopathies et notamment l’action préventive des acides gras polyinsaturés oméga 3 (AGPI n-3) sur l’angiogenèse pathologique. Ces AGPI sont estérifiés dans les glycérophospholipides constituant les membranes cellulaires. On les retrouve également dans une classe particulière de glycérophospholipides, les plasmalogènes. La particularité des plasmalogènes réside dans leur liaison vinyl-éther en position sn-1 au lieu d’une liaison ester dans les autres glycérophospholipides. Les AGPI sont libérés des plasmalogènes par une phospholipase indépendante au calcium, la iPLA2, pour devenir des métabolites actifs. Les plasmalogènes via la libération des AGPI joueraient un rôle dans la mise en place et la maturation du réseau vasculaire rétinien et ce, notamment grâce à la bonne mise en place du réseau astrocytaire. Les astrocytes et les cellules de Müller sont les cellules macrogliales qui servent de soutien physique et métabolique à la rétine. De plus, les cellules de Müller participent au métabolisme des lipides. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse a été d’évaluer l’implication des plasmalogènes dans le métabolisme des cellules de Müller et des astrocytes mais aussi dans la communication entre ces cellules macrogliales. Nous avons également étudié le profil lipidique d’enfants prématurés pour mettre en évidence de potentielles altérations du métabolisme des plasmalogènes chez des nouveau-nés développant une rétinopathie à composante vasculaire, la rétinopathie du prématuré (ROP). Pour ce faire nous avons étudié les effets d’une diminution en plasmalogènes et/ou en iPLA2 sur des cellules de Müller en culture primaire après avoir préalablement vérifié l’expression de l’enzyme clef de la biosynthèse des plasmalogènes. Nous avons ensuite étudié les effets d’une diminution des teneurs en plasmalogènes sur la communication calcique entre les cellules de Müller et les astrocytes. Nos résultats ont montré que les cellules de Müller expriment l’enzyme-clé de synthèse des plasmalogènes et que ces cellules sont plus riches en plasmalogènes que la rétine entière. Les plasmalogènes seraient impliqués dans le contrôle de la migration des cellules de Müller par l’action de la voie ERK1/2 MAPK. Ces effets ne semblent pas passer par la libération des AGPI. De plus nos résultats suggèrent une dégradation de la communication entre les astrocytes et les cellules de Müller en cas de diminution des teneurs en plasmalogènes dans les cellules de Müller. Enfin chez l’homme nous avons mis en évidence une accumulation des AGPI n-6 au détriment des AGPI n-3 dans les érythrocytes des enfants développant une rétinopathie du prématuré et inversement dans le groupe d’enfants prématuré contrôle. L’ensemble de ces travaux confirme l’importance du métabolisme lipidique, et plus particulièrement celui des plasmalogènes, sur le fonctionnement de la rétine. / Retinal vascular disorders such as retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), diabetic retinopathy or age-related macular degeneration represent the first cause of vision loss at all ages in industrialized countries. Many epidemiological or animal studies have shown the involvement of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the regulation of vascular development and more specifically the beneficial properties of omega 3 PUFA (n-3 PUFA) against pathological vascularization. Those PUFA are esterified on glycerophospholipids (GP). GP are the primary constituents of the lipid bilayer of cell membranes. PUFA can be also esterified on a specific class of GP, called plasmalogens. Plasmalogens are characterized by the presence of a vinyl ether linkage at the sn-1 position of glycerol instead of an ester linkage as seen in other GP. PUFA are released from plasmalogens by a calcium-independent phospholipase (iPLA2). Free PUFA can be converted into biologically active metabolites. Plasmalogens may have an impact on the development and the maturation of retinal vascular network through the PUFA they release through the control of astrocyte template formation prior to vessel formation. Astrocytes and Müller cells are macroglials cells providing physical and metabolic supports to the retina. Müller cells are key actors of the retinal lipid metabolism. The aim of this work was to evaluate the involvement of plasmalogens in Müller cells and astrocytes metabolism as well as in the ability of these cells to communicate. On one hand, we have studied the effects of a decrease in plasmalogen biosynthesis and/or in iPLA2 activity on Müller cell physiology. Müller cells express a biosynthesis key enzyme of plasmalogen and reducing the biosynthesis of plasmalogens affects Müller cell ability to migrate through the ERK1/2 MAPK signalling. In a second series of studies, we studied the repercussions of such modifications on Müller cell physiology on their ability to communicate with retinal astrocytes through calcium signalling. Our results suggest that affecting plasmalogen metabolism in Müller cells alters the communication between astrocytes and Müller cells. Finally, and in order to investigate whether plasmalogen metabolism may be modified in a human disease displaying abnormal retinal vascular development, we performed a lipidomic study of circulating lipids in infants affected by retinopathy of prematurity. ROP was characterized by the accumulation of n-6 PUFA at the expense of n-3 PUFA, these changes being associated to plasmalogens. All these experiments confirm the importance of lipid metabolism, and especially plasmalogens, on the retina functioning.
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An??lise do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor em crian??as nascidas prematuras e com baixo pesoPrado, Ivanete Fernandes do 27 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-04-13T18:14:00Z
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IvaneteFernandesdoPradoTese2018.pdf: 2548541 bytes, checksum: 2347f060fa8a1495be4b5e979709ce88 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-04-13T18:14:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-27 / This study aimed to analyze neuropsychomotor development in children born premature and underweight accompanied at the Family Health Units of the city of Guanambi Bahia, through the Denver Development Screening Test II. This is a cross-sectional study with a control-case design, approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Catholic University of Bras??lia and the Health Secretariat of the State of Bahia under opinion n?? 913.952. After the previous experimentation of data collection instruments in a pilot study, the evaluation of children aged between zero and six years was started, accompanied by the Family Health Units (Caso Group) and Casa da Crian??a (Control Group). Data analysis was done using frequency distribution tables, chi-square test and Fisher's Exact and logistic regression. The sample consisted of 85 children, 55.3% (n = 47) of the case group and 44.7% (n = 38) of the control group. The individual analysis showed a significant association between the groups and the gestational age, birth weight, type of delivery, hospitalization and place of residence. There was also a significant association between the groups and the father's income, the age and the schooling of the mother. There was a higher percentage of cesarean delivery, of children who were hospitalized, of older mothers and a higher educational level in the case group, and a higher percentage of parents with income up to a minimum wage in the control group. In the case group, a greater percentage of delays and cautions were found in the individual items in the area of language and personal-social and in the control group in the area of language and motor-fine-adaptive. There was no statistically significant difference in the four areas in relation to the result of the individual items between the groups. Of the total number of children, 14.1% presented questionable results in Denver II, 21.3% of the children in the case group and 5.3% of the children in the control group. Children who were hospitalized and mothers with lower education were 18.52 and 8.57 times more likely to present questionable results in Denver II, respectively. In the multiple analysis, the groups showed no significant association with neuropsychomotor development. Only the child's hospitalization and the mother's schooling had a significant association with neuropsychomotor development. The importance of monitoring neuropsychomotor development in children born premature and / or underweight is highlighted. This will minimize the damage that possible delays and cautions can bring to the future life and signal the need for early intervention in specific cases where developmental delays have been identified. It is also recommended the guidance of mothers and / or caregivers on the importance of physical activity in stimulating child development. / Esse estudo teve como objetivo analisar o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor em crian??as nascidas prematuras e com baixo peso acompanhadas nas Unidades de Sa??de da Fam??lia da cidade de Guanambi Bahia, por meio do Teste de Triagem de Desenvolvimento de Denver II. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo transversal com delineamento do tipo caso controle, aprovado pelo Comit?? de ??tica em Pesquisa da Universidade Cat??lica de Bras??lia e Secretaria de Sa??de do Estado da Bahia sob o parecer n?? 913.952. Depois da experimenta????o pr??via dos instrumentos de coleta de dados num estudo piloto, iniciou-se a avalia????o propriamente dita de crian??as com idades entre zero e seis anos acompanhadas nas Unidades de Sa??de da Fam??lia (Grupo Caso) e Casa da Crian??a (Grupo Controle). A an??lise dos dados foi feita por meio de tabelas de distribui????o de frequ??ncias, testes de qui-quadrado e Exato de Fisher e regress??o log??stica. A amostra foi composta por 85 crian??as, sendo 55,3% (n=47) do grupo caso e 44,7% (n=38) do grupo controle. A an??lise individual mostrou associa????o significativa entre os grupos e a idade gestacional, peso ao nascer, tipo de parto, interna????o e local da resid??ncia, renda do pai, a idade e a escolaridade da m??e. Observou-se maior porcentagem de parto ces??reo, de crian??as que ficaram internadas, de m??es mais velhas e com maior escolaridade no grupo caso no grupo caso e maior porcentagem de pais com renda de at?? um sal??rio m??nimo no grupo controle. No grupo caso foi encontrado maior percentual de atrasos e cautelas nos itens individuais na ??rea da linguagem e pessoal-social e no grupo controle na ??rea da linguagem e motora-fina-adaptativa. N??o houve diferen??a estatisticamente significante nas quatro ??reas em rela????o ao resultado dos itens individuais entre os grupos. Do total de crian??as, 14,1% apresentaram resultado question??vel no Denver II, sendo 21,3% das crian??as do grupo caso e 5,3% das crian??as do grupo controle. Crian??as que foram internadas e de m??es com escolaridade mais baixas t??m 18,52 e 8,57 vezes mais chance de apresentar resultado question??vel no Denver II, respectivamente. Na an??lise m??ltipla os grupos n??o apresentaram associa????o significativa com o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Apenas a interna????o da crian??a e a escolaridade da m??e apresentaram associa????o significativa com o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Ressalta-se a import??ncia do acompanhamento do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor em crian??as nascidas prematuras e ou com baixo peso. Isso permitir?? minimizar os danos que poss??veis atrasos e cautelas podem trazer para a vida futura e sinalizar a necessidade de interven????o precoce em casos espec??ficos, em que tenham sido identificados atrasos no desenvolvimento. Recomenda-se tamb??m a orienta????o das m??es e ou cuidadores sobre a import??ncia da atividade f??sica no est??mulo do desenvolvimento infantil.
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La culpabilité maternelle face au traumatisme de la naissance prématurée : sens, fonctions et effets psychopathologiques sur l'enfant / .Ravier, Anaïs 02 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat propose, à partir d’une lecture psychanalytique, d’aborder le sentiment de culpabilité maternelle face au traumatisme de la naissance prématurée de l’enfant. Il s’agira, à partir de quatre études de cas, de questionner le sens, la fonction et les effets de ce sentiment sur l’enfant. La première hypothèse propose d’envisager ce sentiment dans sa dimension paradoxale de « lien malgré-tout », « à ce prix-là » c’est-à-dire offrant une possibilité de subjectivation, d’appropriation subjective du devenir mère et du lien à l’enfant, mais aussi présentant le risque de la désubjectivation pour la mère et l’enfant, la culpabilité devient alors persécutoire et ouvre la voie à la possibilité d’un lien « trop proche », en proie à l’incestualité. La seconde hypothèse envisage le risque d’un défaut de liaison, en lien avec le sentiment de culpabilité, des sentiments d’amour et de haine dans le lien à l’enfant, aboutissant à un échec de la structuration de l’ambivalence maternelle. Enfin, une troisième hypothèse questionne les effets de ce sentiment maternel de culpabilité sur l’enfant, en postulant l’idée d’une recherche par l’enfant d’un lien « coûte-que-coûte », aboutissant à une modalité masochiste dans le lien mère/enfant. / This doctoral thesis proposes, from a psychoanalytic reading, to analyse the feeling of maternal guilt following the traumatism of a child born premature. It will be based on four studied cases and it will question the meaning, function and effects of this feeling on the child. The first hypothesis proposes to consider this feeling in its paradoxical dimension: "link in spite of everything", "at that price", i.e. offering a possibility of subjectivation, of the mother’s subjective appropriation of becoming a mother and her bond to the child. It proposes also to present the risk of desubjectivation for the mother and the child, then, guilt becomes persecutory and paves the way to the possibility of a “too close” bond, to be prey to incestuity. The second hypothesis contemplates the risk of a lack of bond on the same level, linked to the feeling of guilt, feelings of love and hatred in the bond to the child, leading to a failure in the structuring of the maternal ambivalence. Finally, a third hypothesis questions the effects of this feeling maternal of guilt on the child, giving the idea of a child's search for a bond “whatever it costs”, leading to a masochistic mother / child bond.
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Estudo comparativo entre o Bevacizumabe intravitreo e a fotocoagulação a laser com oftalmoscopio binocular indireto na retinopatia da prematuridade / Comparative study between intravitreal Bevacizumab or laser photocoagulation with binocular indirect ophthalmoscope in retinopathy of prematurityMarquez, Tatiana Vieira de Brito 06 July 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2015-02-20T15:09:52Z
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2015-02-20T15:10:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2010-07-06 / OBJECTIVES: To compare the response of bevacizumab and the
response of the laser photocoagulation with indirect binocular ophthalmoscope
(IBO) in infants with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) stages II or III.
METHODS: Data collection was performed in the neonatal intensive care unit of
the Hospital Materno Infantil, from May to November 2009. Preterm infants with
ROP stages II or III, with or without the plus disease were included. They were
divided into two groups: on group I, an intra-vitreous injection of bevacizumab
was performed and on group II, laser photocoagulation with IBO was performed.
RESULTS: In group I, from the 20 eyes that underwent the application of
bevacizumab, there was total regression of ROP with one application in 14 eyes,
being 4 eyes with complete regression with two doses of bevacizumab, and 2
eyes with total regression after two applications of bevacizumab and one
application of laser. On group II, from the 20 eyes treated with laser
photocoagulation with IBO, there was total regression of ROP with laser therapy
in 14 eyes and there was total regression with two laser sessions in 6 eyes.
CONCLUSION: Bevacizumab is effective if compared to laser photocoagulation
in ROP stages II and III. / OBJETIVOS: Comparar a resposta terapêutica do bevacizumabe
intravítreo com à resposta da fotocoagulação a laser com oftalmoscópio
binocular indireto, em prematuros portadores de retinopatia da prematuridade
estágios II ou III. MÉTODOS: A coleta de dados foi realizada na UTI neonatal
do Hospital Materno Infantil, no período de maio a novembro de 2009. Foram
incluídos os prematuros com retinopatia da prematuridade graus II ou III, com
ou sem doença plus. Estes foram divididos em dois grupos: no grupo I foi
realizada a injeção intra-vitrea de bevacizumabe, no grupo II foi realizada a
fotocoagulação a laser com oftalmoscópio binocular indireto. RESULTADOS:
No grupo I, dos 20 olhos incluídos, houve regressão total da retinopatia da
prematuridade com uma aplicação de bevacizumabe em 14 olhos, regressão
total com duas aplicações em 4 olhos e regressão total após duas aplicações
de bevacizumabe e uma aplicação de laser em 2 olhos. No grupo II, dos 20
olhos tratados com fotocoagulação a laser com oftalmoscópio binocular indireto,
houve regressão total da retinopatia da prematuridade com uma sessão em 14
olhos e houve regressão total com duas sessões em 6 olhos. CONCLUSÃO: O
bevacizumabe é tão eficiente quanto a fotocoagulação a laser na retinopatia da
prematuridade nos estágios II e III.
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Frequência das contrações uterinas em gestações gemelares assintomáticas em uso de progesterona natural: estudo randomizado, duplo cego, placebo controlado / Uterine contractions frequency in asymptomatic twin pregnancies under natural progesterone use: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studyLilia Araujo Moura Lima de Oliveira 10 June 2015 (has links)
Objetivos: O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar a frequência das contrações uterinas em gestações gemelares em uso da progesterona natural e de placebo. Método: Estudo randomizado, duplo-cego, placebo controlado, realizado no período de 01 de junho de 2007 a 31 de outubro de 2013. Participaram do estudo 341 gestantes, com 170 randomizadas no grupo progesterona e 171 no grupo placebo. Todas as gestantes realizaram exame de tocografia no período de 24 a 34 semanas e 6 dias, com duração de trinta minutos, a cada três semanas. A contração uterina foi definida como uma elevação da linha de base com amplitude acima de 5 mm e duração mínima de trinta segundos. Na comparação da frequência das contrações uterinas entre os grupos, nas diferentes idades gestacionais, utilizou-se o teste t de Student. O modelo de análise GEE - modelo generalizado de equações de estimação - foi utilizado na comparação, entre os grupos, da frequência das contrações uterinas em relação à idade gestacional no parto, e também na avaliação da interação da frequência das contrações uterinas com a medida do colo uterino e a corionicidade. Resultados: As características epidemiológicas e gerais das gestantes foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. A frequência média das contrações uterinas diferiu entre os grupos apenas na 34ª semana (P = 0,005), com frequência maior de contrações no grupo progesterona (4,81±3,24) em relação ao grupo placebo (2,73 ± 2,06). Não houve diferença significativa na comparação da frequência média das contrações uterinas e a idade gestacional no parto (< 28 sem, < 32 sem, < 34 sem e < 37 semanas) entre os grupos. Não foi observada interação da frequência das contrações uterinas com a medida do colo uterino ou com a corionicidade da gestação, em relação aos grupos progesterona ou placebo. Conclusão: O uso da progesterona natural não interfere na frequência das contrações uterinas nas gestações gemelares abaixo de 34 semanas gestacionais / Objectives: The aim of this study was to comparate uterine contraction frequency in twin pregnancies in use of natural progesterone and placebo. Methods: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, conducted between June 1, 2007 to October 31, 2013. The study included 341 twin pregnancies, with 170 randomized in the progesterone group and 171 in the placebo group. All pregnancies had uterine contraction registration by tocodinamometry every three weeks, during 30 minutes between 24 to 34 weeks and 6 days. Uterine contraction was defined as an amplitude greater than 5 mm, from baseline registration, and a duration longer than 30 seconds. Comparison of contraction frequency between the groups at different gestational ages was examined using the parametric student t test. The model GEE - generalized estimating equation model - was used in the comparison, between the groups, the uterine contraction frequency according gestational age at delivery, and also for evaluating the interaction of the frequency contractions with cervical length and chorionicity. Results: Epidemiological and general characteristics of the pregnant woman were similar in both groups. At the 34 weeks, was only gestational age that presented difference (P = 0.005) in the mean uterine contraction frequency between progesterone (4.81 ± 3.24) and placebo (2.73 ± 2.06) groups. No difference in the mean uterine contraction frequency was observed between progesterone and placebo groups in relation to gestational age at delivery. Cervical length measurement and chorionicity did not influence the uterine contraction frequency according to progesterone or placebo. Conclusion: The use of natural progesterone in twin pregnancies does not affect the uterine contraction frequency before 34 weeks gestation
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Triagem auditiva em recém-nascidos prematuros no município de Itapetininga, São Paulo / Hearing screening in preterm newborns from Itapetininga, São PauloElizabeth Siqueira de Oliveira 14 March 2006 (has links)
Objetivo. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os resultados de um programa de triagem auditiva neonatal em recém-nascidos pré-termos de um hospital público do município de Itapetininga, Estado de São Paulo. Métodos. A triagem auditiva neonatal foi realizada em 230 neonatos com idade gestacional variando de 28 a 37 semanas, por meio do exame de emissão otoacústica evocada produto de distorção, utilizando-se o equipamento AUDX Biologics. Foram analisados os seguintes aspectos do programa: a) as condições operacionais da realização da triagem auditiva no hospital pesquisado; b) as características da prematuridade presentes na população estudada; c) os resultados do programa de triagem em relação à identificação de casos com alterações auditivas; d) as amplitudes médias de resposta da emissão otoacústica evocada produto de distorção encontradas na população avaliada. Resultados. Foram avaliados 90,55% dos prematuros nascidos num período de 15 meses de coleta. Verificou-se que as condições operacionais para a realização do programa foram adequadas. Não foram encontrados casos de alterações auditivas. As amplitudes médias de respostas da emissão otoacústica evocada produto de distorção (PD-RF) variaram de 11 a 17 dBNPS, nas freqüências de 2 a 5 kHz; tendo sido observadas respostas superiores para as orelhas direitas do sexo feminino. Conclusões. Os prematuros constituíram uma população de baixo risco para deficiência auditiva. As amplitudes de respostas da emissão otoacústica com equipamento portátil mostraram-se semelhantes às obtidas com equipamentos clínicos. O programa de triagem auditiva neonatal pode ser realizado no hospital estudado. Porém, modificações na rotina devem ser realizadas para que possa ser implantado um programa universal. / Objective. The aim of this paper is to analyze the results of a newborn hearing screening programme applied to preterm infants from the city of Itapetininga, state of São Paulo. Methods. Newborn hearing screening was performed to 230 preterm newborns with gestational age from 28 to 37 weeks. The equipment used was AUDX Biologics performing the registry of otoacoustic emissions distortion product. The presence of cocleopalpebral reflex was performed too. It were analyzed: a) operational conditions of newborn hearing screening programme; b) the characteristics of infant?s prematurity; c) incidence of hearing impairment; d) amplitude of otoacoustic emissions distortion product responses (PD-NR). Results. The operational conditions of newborn hearing screening are suitable. No hearing impairment was identified, probably because the prematurity characteristics had load this group to low risk for hearing loss. The mean values from amplitude (PD-NR) extended from 11 to 17 dBSPL from 2 to 5 kHz. They were observed superior values to right ears of the female group. Conclusions. Newborn?s characteristics of prematurity showed low risk for hearing impairment in this study. Portable equipment responses are similar to clinic ones. Newborn hearing screening programme is feasible to be implemented at that kind of hospital. However, some adjusts need to be done in order to extends it to the universal protocol.
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