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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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數位時代下平面媒體轉型之策略模式研究 / Study of Strategic Modeling for the Transformation of the Print media to the Digital Media in the Internet Age

王彩雲 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的盛行,網路不但改變一般人的資訊收集方式、訊息閱讀方式、交友方式、娛樂方式,也影響企業研究顧客需要、銷售商品、打造品牌、服務客戶的方式。過去依靠讀者閱讀所帶來的發行收入,及廣告收入所創造營收的報紙、雜誌平面媒體,現在卻因為發行收入的減少,及廣告收入的滑落,而面臨了有史以來最嚴峻的挑戰。如果平面媒體因應大勢所趨轉型為數位媒體,應該採取哪種轉型策略模式? 本研究採文獻分析、觀察研究、專家深度訪談,及個案分析法,針對目前平面媒體轉型為數位媒體的策略模式,及美國Advertising Age與 AD WEEK這兩本行銷傳播專業雜誌,轉型為數位媒體的策略模式研究結論如下: 一、平面媒體轉型為數位媒體的三種轉型策略模式中,目前運用「產品延伸變革型」的最多,運用「市場開發變革型」、「多角整合變革型」的較少。 二、把原先平面的內容,移到數位媒體上的「產品延伸變革型」,是種比較安全,也很容易在激烈媒體競爭中,被各式各樣對手所取代的模式。 三、「市場開發變革型」是以網路閱讀者為主要對象,完全以網路為工具提供的服務,所開發出的模式。這種模式除了服務原有的顧客,也可能創造原來不是顧客的顧客而開創新市場。這種轉型模式雖有風險,美國幾家服務青少年的雜誌媒體經營者在衡量得失後,仍大膽採行這種模式。 四、在數位媒體上整合各種服務,提供讀者一指搞定所有需求的「多角整合變革型」模式,除了提供資訊服務,也整合目標對象的其他需求,一次完整提供。換句話說,過去平面媒體是把資訊印在紙上傳送給讀者,未來應該是透過更有效率、又互動的媒體工具,把讀者所需的各種服務傳送到讀者眼前,幫助讀者在工作上、生活上更成功。這種模式大部分是先建構一個平台,並結合同業、異業夥伴,甚至讓過去只是被動接收訊息的讀者,現在也参與一起創造內容。這種轉型模式由於收入多元化,成功機率也較高。 五、許多平面媒體在面對網路時代的衝擊,在轉型過程中,大多會先採取安全保險的做法,運用「產品延伸變革」轉型策略模式。也有的在觀察一段時間後,慢慢摸索朝「市場開發變革」模式、「多角整合變革」模式發展。但是現階段已有越來越多的平面媒體,在轉型初期就立即採取市場開發變革模式、多角整合變革模式,搶佔市場先機。而許多平面媒體與數位媒體的關係,一開始是平面為主附加數位媒體,接著是虛實共生,部分媒體是從平面換手由數位媒體接續經營。 關鍵字:平面媒體、數位媒體、轉型策略模式 / As use of the Internet has become more popular, it has not only changed the way people gather information, read messages, meet new friends and entertain each other; it has also changed the way companies carry out market researches on their customers, sell products, create brands and service their clients. In the past, newspaper and other print media have relied heavily on the revenues generated by publishing and advertising -. Revenues have now dropped dramatically, and the print media are facing their biggest challenge yet. Therefore the question has become obvious; if the print media are to keep up with the trends to evolve to digital, what strategic solution should they adapt? In finding a solution to this problem, this study uses the technique of case-study analysis of two American marketing and advertising magazines (Advertising Age and AD WEEK) to understand the strategies involved in their decision-making to evolve into the digital media. The findings are listed below: 1.Of the three ways of evolving into a digital medium, the product-extension transformation strategy model is the most commonly used, while market exploration and the diversified-integration transformation strategy models are less commonly used. 2. Shifting content into digital media from print. This product-extension transformation strategy model is a safer way, yet it cannot breach boundaries and can be easily wiped out from the market by a wide variety of competitors. (In the Internet age there are no differences between print and digital media.) 3. Market exploration focuses on Internet readers as their target group. This is purely a solution based on providing services using the Internet as a tool. In this way, besides providing services to customers, it is possible to create a new market for those who are not existing customers. Although risks are involved in this solution, some companies in the US that target teen-agers have gone this way after evaluating their situation. In combining all kinds of services, and offering to help their readers to solve all their need with the click of a mouse, the diversified-integration transformation strategy model not only offers information but also loops in target audiences' other needs, to provide a one-stop-shopping solution. For most of the companies that operate under this concept, they have created a platform and work together with other companies and even their readers could create contents. As their services are charged through different channels, this has a higher rate of success. Faced with the impact of ‘Internet Age’, many print media are taking the safest way to evolve into the digital media and choosing the product-extension transformation strategy model. While some others have decided to gradually ease their way toward a market development-transformation strategy model or a diversified-integration transformation strategy model. But more and more print media have decided to put their efforts into the market-development transformation strategy model and the diversified-integration transformation strategy model in the process of evolving into digital media. This puts them in the right spot in the market and protects them from the fate of elimination. The connections between many print media and digital media have changed from focusing on the print sector accompanied by digital means to both equally important. For some media, they have converted completely to the digital media. Key words: printed media, digital media, transforms strategy model


Schulze, Gabi 05 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die DZB und die „Blindenselbsthilfe“ gründeten mit Hilfe des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales das Projekt „DaCapo“. Ziel ist es, neben der Produktion wichtiger Standardwerke für Blinde die Verbreitung der Braille-Notenschrift zu fördern. Die Braille-Notenschrift ist eine ertastbare Notenschrift, die aus erhabenen Punkten, wie bei der Blindenschrift, besteht. Die normalen Schwarzschrift-Noten werden technisch bearbeitet und mithilfe einer neu entwickelten Software in Braille-Noten übersetzt.

Board level energy comparison and interconnect reliability modeling under drop impact

Agrawal, Akash. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--State University of New York at Binghamton, Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references.

Κεραίες πολλαπλών τυπωμένων στοιχείων για συστήματα απόκλισης ασύρματων τοπικών δικτύων / Multi element antennas for wireless local area network diversity systems

Καραμποϊκης, Εμμανουήλ 25 June 2007 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή παρουσιάζεται µια εκτενής µελέτη συστηµάτων απόκλισης τυπωµένων κεραιών για ασύρµατες συσκευές. Η εξέλιξη των ασύρµατων επικοινωνιών και ειδικότερα η κατανόηση των φαινοµένων που λαµβάνουν χώρα στο ασύρµατο κανάλι µετάδοσης έδωσε ώθηση στην ανάπτυξη τεχνικών αντιµετώπισης φαινοµένων όπως η πολυοδευτική εξασθένηση και η διασυµβολική παρεµβολή. Τέτοιες τεχνικές είναι οι τεχνικές απόκλισης και ειδικότερα οι τεχνικές απόκλισης κεραιών (χώρου, πόλωσης και διαγράµµατος ακτινοβολίας) οι οποίες συνδυάζουν τα λαµβανόµενα από διαφορετικές κεραίες σήµατα µε σκοπό την δηµιουργία ενός σήµατος υψηλότερης στάθµης. Η µεθοδολογία αξιολόγησης της ικανότητας απόκλισης ενός συστήµατος κεραιών περιλαµβάνει τα κριτήρια του συντελεστή συσχέτισης των λαµβανοµένων σηµάτων και του λόγου των µέσων ενεργών κερδών των κεραιών που αποτελούν το σύστηµα. Καθοριστικό ρόλο στην τεχνική απόκλισης διαδραµατίζει ο τρόπος που συνδυάζονται τα λαµβανόµενα σήµατα στον δέκτη, µε την τεχνική του µεγίστου λόγου να αποτελεί την βέλτιστη λύση από πλευράς απόδοσης, αλλά ταυτοχρόνως την πιο δύσκολα υλοποιήσιµη. Η ποσοτικοποίηση της ικανότητας απόκλισης ενός συστήµατος πραγµατοποιείται µε το κέρδος απόκλισης το οποίο λαµβάνει διαφορετικές µορφές και ουσιαστικά παρέχει την πληροφορία του ποσοστού βελτίωσης του συνδυασµένου σήµατος σε σχέση µε µία κεραία αναφοράς. Στα πλαίσια της διατριβής αναπτύχθηκαν συστήµατα απόκλισης τυπωµένων κεραιών δύο, τριών, τεσσάρων έως και έξι στοιχείων. Χρησιµοποιήθηκαν κεραίες γεωµετρίας fractal λόγω της σπουδαίας ικανότητας σµίκρυνσης που παρέχει η εν λόγω τεχνική καθώς και το µονόπολο γεωµετρίας ανεστραµµένου F. Ακολουθήθηκε η µεθοδολογία αξιολόγησης της ικανότητας απόκλισης για όλα τα προτεινόµενα συστήµατα και έγινε σύγκριση µεταξύ των συστηµάτων. Μελετήθηκε αφ’ ενός η επίδραση της θέσης της κεραίας σε µία ασύρµατη συσκευή και αφ’ ετέρου η επιλογή της καταλληλότερης προς χρήση κεραίας στην µείωση του φαινοµένου της αµοιβαίας σύζευξης, φαινόµενο το οποίο αποτελεί τον κυριότερο παράγοντα µείωσης της συνολικής ικανότητας απόκλισης σε ένα σύστηµα πολλαπλών κεραιών. Ακόµη, µελετήθηκαν συστήµατα απόκλισης κεραιών τα οποία λειτουργούν σε διαφορετικές µπάντες συχνοτήτων. Τέλος, έγινε µια συγκριτική µελέτη για τον ρόλο που διαδραµατίζει το περιβάλλον και ο τρόπος που κατανέµεται η προσπίπτουσα ισχύς στην συµπεριφορά της απόκλισης των µελετηθέντων συστηµάτων. / This thesis presents a comprehensive study on printed antenna diversity systems for wireless devices. The current upsurge in wireless communications systems and, in particular, the realization of the immanent propagation mechanisms that take place in the transmission medium led to the development of special techniques in order to mitigate the undesired phenomena such as multipath fading and intersymbol interference. Antenna diversity (space, polarization and pattern) is one of these techniques and is based on the assumption that the received signals of two or more antennas could be efficiently combined in order to produce a stronger signal. The evaluation of the diversity performance involves the correlation coefficient of the received signals and the mean effective gain ratio of the diversity antennas. A key role in diversity action plays the combining technique used with the maximum ratio technique producing the best results. Diversity performance is “quantified” by means of diversity gain, which gives the amount of improvement of the combined signal relative to a signal received from a reference antenna. In this thesis, printed antenna diversity systems comprising up to six elements were developed. Antennas of fractal geometry such as the Koch, Minkowski, Sierpinski and FRC monopoles, were utilized due to their inherent miniaturization ability as well as the printed inverted F antenna. All the proposed systems were evaluated according to the methodology mentioned earlier and a comparison of the diversity performance between the systems was carried out. The effect of the antenna placement as well as the proper antenna selection for each system on the reduction of mutual coupling was addressed, which is an issue of primal importance in multi element antenna systems. Multi band antenna diversity systems were also studied. Finally, the impact of the environment’s power distribution on the diversity performance of the antenna systems was considered.


Mantena, Keerthi Varma 01 January 2009 (has links)
Electrically conductive adhesives (ECA) are an alternative to tin/lead solders for attaching Surface Mount Devices (SMD) in electronic assemblies. ECAs are mixtures of a polymer binder (for adhesion) and conductive filler (for electrical conductivity). They bring more conductivity, higher strength, less weight and longer durability than metal alloys. ECAs can offer numerous advantages such as fewer processing steps, lower processing temperature and fine pitch capability. Multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) were used as conductive fillers in this research because of their novel electronic and mechanical properties. The high aspect ratio of the nanotubes makes it possible to percolate at low loadings to obtain good electrical and mechanical properties. Replacing the metal filler with CNTs in the adhesive made the ECA light weight, corrosion resistant, reduced processing temperature, lead free, electrically conductive and high mechanical strength. The MWCNTs at different loadings were mixed with epoxy and epoxy: heloxy to form a composite mixture. Different loadings, additives and mixing methods were used to obtain good electrical and mechanical properties and pot life. Pressure dispensing, screen and stencil printing were the processing techniques used for making the samples. The volume resistivity, contact resistance, die shear and lap shear tests were conducted on different surface finished Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) like silver, tin and Electro less Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG). The results are summarized and compared with traditional methods.

Vertical integration of inkjet-printed RF circuits and systems (VIPRE) for wireless sensing and inter/intra-chip communication applications

Cook, Benjamin Stassen 22 May 2014 (has links)
Inkjet-printing is a technology which has for the last decade been exploited to fabricate flexible RF components such as antennas and planar circuit elements. However, the limitations of feature size and single layer fabrication prevented the demonstration of compact, and high efficiency RF components operating above 10 GHz into the mm-Wave regime which is critical to silicon integration and fully-printed modules. To overcome these limitations, a novel vertically-integrated fully inkjet-printed process has been developed and characterized up to the mm-Wave regime which incorporates up to five highly conductive metal layers, variable thickness dielectric layers ranging from 200 nm to 200 um, and low resistance through-layer via interconnects. This vertically-integrated inkjet printed electronics process, tagged VIPRE, is a first of its kind, and is utilized to demonstrate fully additive RF capacitors, inductors, antennas, and RF sensors operating up to 40 GHz. In this work, the first-ever fully inkjet printed multi-layer RF devices operating up to 40 GHz with high-performance are demonstrated, along with a demonstration of the processing techniques which have enabled the printing of multi-layer RF structures with multiple metal layers, and dielectric layers which are orders of magnitude thicker than previoulsy demonstrated inkjet-printed structures. The results of this work show the new possibilities in utilizing inkjet printing for the post-processing of high-efficiency RF inductors, capacitors, and antennas and antenna arrays on top of silicon to reduce chip area requirements, and for the production of entirely printed wireless modules.

Metal Films for Printed Electronics : Ink-substrate Interactions and Sintering

Öhlund, Thomas January 2014 (has links)
A new manufacturing paradigm may lower the cost and environmental impact of existing products, as well as enable completely new products. Large scale, roll-to-roll manufacturing of flexible electronics and other functionality has great potential. However, a commercial breakthrough depends on a lower consumption of materials and energy compared with competing alternatives, and that sufficiently high performance and reliability of the products can be maintained. The substrate constitutes a large part of the product, and therefore its cost and environmental sustainability are important. Electrically conducting thin films are required in many functional devices and applications. In demanding applications, metal films offer the highest conductivity.   In this thesis, paper substrates of various type and construction were characterized, and the characteristics were related to the performance of inkjet-printed metal patterns. Fast absorption of the ink carrier was beneficial for well-defined pattern geometry, as well as high conductivity. Surface roughness with topography variations of sufficiently large amplitude and frequency, was detrimental to the pattern definition and conductivity. Porosity was another important factor, where the characteristic pore size was much more important than the total pore volume. Apparent surface energy was important for non-absorbing substrates, but of limited importance for coatings with a high absorption rate. Applying thin polymer–based coatings on flexible non-porous films to provide a mechanism for ink solvent removal, improved the pattern definition significantly. Inkjet-printing of a ZnO-dispersion on uncoated paper provided a thin spot-coating, allowing conductivity of silver nanoparticle films. Conductive nanoparticle films could not form directly on the uncoated paper.   The resulting performance of printed metal patterns was highly dependent on a well adapted sintering methodology. Several sintering methods were examined in this thesis, including conventional oven sintering, electrical sintering, microwave sintering, chemical sintering and intense pulsed light sintering. Specially designed coated papers with modified chemical and physical properties, were utilized for chemical low-temperature sintering of silver nanoparticle inks. For intense pulsed light sintering and material conversion of patterns, custom equipment was designed and built. Using the equipment, inkjet-printed copper oxide patterns were processed into highly conducting copper patterns. Custom-designed papers with mesoporous coatings and porous precoatings improved the reliablility and performance of the reduction and sintering process.         The thesis aims to clarify how ink-substrate interactions and sintering methodology affect the performance and reliability of inkjet-printed nanoparticle patterns on flexible substrates. This improves the selection, adaptation, design and manufacturing of suitable substrates for inkjet-printed high conductivity patterns, such as circuit boards or RFID antennas.

Under the surface: reflections on workers’ narratives from below the minimum wage

Sinfield, David Lewis January 2009 (has links)
This research project is concerned with workers’ narratives, specifically those who have been employed in paid work below the national minimum wage in New Zealand. As a graphic designer who has direct experience of exploitation through employment, I am interested in researching the subjective experience of underpaid workers in New Zealand. In doing this I have sought to creatively synthesize experiences into artworks that provide a deeper insight into the impact of underpaid work. Through this investigation I have attempted to contribute to a broader discussion of underpaid work than what is currently provided, through the analysis of statistical data. In undertaking this project I have also been concerned with investigating new potentials in serigraphy (a graphic medium traditionally associated with working-class politics). I have inquired into how it might be used to create a visual ‘voice’ for contemporary workers’ narratives. Accordingly, this project has employed audio recordings of three personal stories. The research has led to the production of a series of serigraphic prints that artistically interpret the journeys and experiences of the participants. These images sit in discourse with looped audio excerpts of their recorded interviews. In this approach, narratives of marginalisation that have often been muted through their presentation as written records, have been re-conceptualised as an artists' images, with which the recordings are in discussion.

Under the surface: reflections on workers’ narratives from below the minimum wage

Sinfield, David Lewis January 2009 (has links)
This research project is concerned with workers’ narratives, specifically those who have been employed in paid work below the national minimum wage in New Zealand. As a graphic designer who has direct experience of exploitation through employment, I am interested in researching the subjective experience of underpaid workers in New Zealand. In doing this I have sought to creatively synthesize experiences into artworks that provide a deeper insight into the impact of underpaid work. Through this investigation I have attempted to contribute to a broader discussion of underpaid work than what is currently provided, through the analysis of statistical data. In undertaking this project I have also been concerned with investigating new potentials in serigraphy (a graphic medium traditionally associated with working-class politics). I have inquired into how it might be used to create a visual ‘voice’ for contemporary workers’ narratives. Accordingly, this project has employed audio recordings of three personal stories. The research has led to the production of a series of serigraphic prints that artistically interpret the journeys and experiences of the participants. These images sit in discourse with looped audio excerpts of their recorded interviews. In this approach, narratives of marginalisation that have often been muted through their presentation as written records, have been re-conceptualised as an artists' images, with which the recordings are in discussion.

Aufklärung und Bibliophilie : der Hannoveraner Sammler Georg Friedrich Brandes und seine Bibliothek /

Crusius, Gabriele. January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Oldenburg, Universiẗat, Diss., 2007.

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