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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Katolické noviny v letech 1949-1968 / Catholic newpaper in the days of lack of freedom 1949-1968

Dušková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The present study Catholic Newspaper between 1949 and 1968 deals with a historical analysis of the Catholic Newspaper which was established in order to implement repressive measures of the Communist Party against the Catholic Church. This study also discusses the situation of the Catholic Church after 1948 when the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia came to power. The Catholic Newspaper was established in 1949 and at that time, it represented the only periodical of the Catholic Church which could strengthen the belief of people as well as provide religious education. Other Catholic journals were discontinued shortly after the Communist coup in February 1948. The Catholic Church became one of the major enemies of the new government. A part of this study deals with the negotiations of the main representatives of the state as well as the Catholic Church. The failure of establishing an agreement led to a new religious policy in Czechoslovakia; the policy comprised administrative measures against the Catholic Church, processes with Church Authorities and restrictions in the education system of theologians. The present study concentrates on the establishing of the Catholic Newspaper and discusses the first years of its existence with a major focus on the sections for children. It also discusses the Second...

Design et développement d'un capteur acoustique imprimé. / Design and development of printed acoustic sensor

Haque, Rubaiyet Iftekharul 20 October 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail était de concevoir et réaliser par impression un capteur acoustique capacitif résonant bas coût. Il s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un projet collaboratif de recherche intitulé « Spinnaker », défini par la société Tagsys RFID qui souhaite intégrer ce capteur afin d’améliorer la géolocalisation des étiquettes RFID. Ce travail a débuté par la conception et l’optimisation du design en utilisant la simulation par éléments finis (COMSOL) ainsi que des plans d’expériences (DOE : Design of Experiment). Cette première étape a permis de déterminer les paramètres optimaux et démontrer que les performances obtenues étaient conformes aux spécifications. Nous avons ensuite développé les différentes briques technologiques nécessaires à la réalisation des prototypes en utilisant conjointement l’impression 2D par inkjet et l’impression 3D. Nous avons vérifié la fonctionnalité de ces capteurs à l’aide de mesures électriques capacitives et acoustiques par vibrométrie laser. Nous avons démontré la sélectivité en fréquence des capteurs réalisés et comparé les résultats expérimentaux à ceux obtenus par simulation. Enfin, nous avons enfin exploré la « voie piezoélectrique » qui nous semble être une alternative intéressante au principe capacitif. En l’absence d’encre piézoélectrique commerciale imprimable par jet de matière, nous avons formulé une encre imprimable à base du co-polymère PVDF-TrFE et démontré le caractère piézoélectrique des couches imprimées. Les résultats sont prometteurs mais des améliorations doivent encore être apportées à cette encre et au procédé d’impression avant de pouvoir fabriquer des premiers prototypes. / The objective of this work was to design and fabricate a low cost resonant capacitive acoustic sensor using printing techniques. It falls within the frame of a collaborative research project named “Spinnaker”, set up by TAGSYS RFID, a French company, which has planned to integrate this sensor to improve the geolocalization of their RFID tags. This work started with the design and optimization of the sensor using finite element modeling (COMSOL) and design of experiments (DOE). This first step has enabled the identification of the optimum set of parameters and demonstrated that the output responses were in accordance with the specifications. Then, we have developed the different technological building blocks required for the fabrication of the prototypes using jointly the 2D inkjet printing technique and 3D printing method. The functionality of the sensors has been characterized using both capacitive and acoustic measurements using laser Doppler vibrometer. Experimental results showed that sensitivity and selectivity were within the specifications and in good agreement with the modeling results. Finally, we investigated the piezoelectric approach which could be an interesting option to the capacitive one. Since no inkjet printable piezoelectric ink is commercially available, stable inkjet printable polyvinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene (PVDF-TrFE) ink has been developed. PVDF-TrFE layers were then successfully printed and characterized. The results were quite promising, however further improvements of the ink and printing process are required before stepping towards piezoelectric based device fabrication.

Sena nätter och farliga män –Vad säger media? : En kvalitativ studie om gestaltningen av våldtäktsoffer i media / Late nights and dangerous men

Andersson, Hanna, Rosenblad, Joanna January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker hur våldtäktsoffer framställs i två olika tidningar (Dagens nyheter och Aftonbladet) och om det finns någon skillnad i framställningen beroende av offrets kön. Studien är gjord genom att tillämpa kritisk diskursanalys på de valda tidningsartiklarna för att se om det finns några skillnader. För att göra detta har vi utgått från genusteori samt Goffmans teori kring stigma. Studiens resultat medför att artiklarna har delats upp i tre kategorier: "ideala offer", "icke-idela offer" och "manliga offer". Utöver det genererades även kategorin för "diskussions- eller debattartiklar". Artiklar som kategoriseras som "ideala offer" innehåller färre detaljer kring brotten än artiklarna om de "icke-ideala offer". Kategorin "manliga offer" uppkom på grund av att artiklarna som tillhör den var gravt underrepresenterade, däremot kunde vi se att även dessa artiklar kan jämföras med de två första kategorierna. Artiklarna i den sista kategorin diskuterar mer allmänt kring problemen som våldtäkt för med sig mer allmänt. Majoriteten av dessa artiklar riktade sig till eller handlade om kvinnor. Den slutsats som kunde dras utifrån denna undersökning är att det rapporteras olika gällande olika kön hos våldtäktsoffer. Detta visar sig bland annat genom att det i artiklar som beskriver kvinnor ges mer detaljer som beskriver offret än om de som handlar om män; artiklar om män är generellt sett relativt detaljfattiga. Detta medför också att media styr den allmänna synen kring våldtäktsoffer och har därmed makt att förbättra situationen och göra bilden av manliga och kvinnliga offer mer jämställd då båda könen behöver lika mycket stöd från omgivningen. / This essay investigates how rape victims are shown in two different Swedish newspapers (Dagens nyheter and Aftonbladet) and if there are any differences depending on the victim’s sex. The study is using critical discourse analysis for the selected news articles to find out if the views differentiate. To be able to do this we have based our research in gender theory and the theory of stigma created by Goffman. The results if this study generates three categories: "ideal victims", "non-ideal victims" and "male victims". Apart from these, another category was detected: "discussion or debate articles". Articles that categorises as "ideal victims" contains fewer details of the crime than the articles about "non-ideal victims". The category "male victims" vas created because the articles from this category was seriously diminished, we could on the other hand also apply the two previously stated categories on this one. The articles from the discussion or debate category brings up the problems of rape in a more general matter. The majority of these are speaking to or about women. The conclusion of this study is that media is presenting male and female rape victims differently. This shows, among other conclusions, that articles about female victims contains more details about the victim than articles about men; articles about men do in general rapport lesser details. This contributes to media’s control over the general view on rape victims and have therefor the opportunity to make this situation better. Media can create a more equal image of male and female victims where both will be needing support from society.

Dispositifs hyperfréquences et antennes périodiques reconfigurables à base de films minces ferroélectriques des systèmes KTN-KNN / Tunable microwave devices and periodic antennas based on ferroelectric thin films in the KTN-KNN systems

Cissé, Fatou 04 July 2017 (has links)
Ce travail concerne la réalisation et la caractérisation de dispositifs hyperfréquences agiles en fréquence à base du matériau ferroélectrique KTa1-xNbxO3 (KTN) déposé en couche mince. Doté d'une permittivité diélectrique élevée (er = 700 à 10 GHz et Ebias = 0 kV/cm), KTN est un candidat prometteur pour la reconfigurabilité et la miniaturisation des dispositifs hyperfréquences. Ses pertes restent néanmoins conséquentes (tanδr = 0,3 à 10 GHz et Ebias = 0 kV/cm) et sont en partie à l'origine des pertes globales des dispositifs hyperfréquences réalisés. Afin de limiter ces pertes, une double approche a été engagée : (1) réduction des pertes diélectriques par le dopage du matériau KTN par un oxyde à faibles pertes : MgO à 3% et 6% en moles et (2) réduction des pertes globales par le confinement du matériau KTN dopé dans les zones actives des dispositifs hyperfréquences. Les couches minces de KTN non dopé et dopé d'épaisseur ~ 600 nm ont été déposées sur substrats de saphir orienté R par ablation laser pulsé (PLD). Deux compositions différentes (KTa0,5Nb0,5O3 et KTa0,65Nb0,35O3) ont été sélectionnées pour cette étude. Des dispositifs coplanaires imprimés sur les films ferroélectriques ont été réalisés et caractérisés dans la bande d'intérêt 1 GHz-20 GHz. Le dopage à 6% assure le meilleur compromis pertes / agilité avec une réduction significative des pertes globales de 0,73 à 0,20 (facteur ~ 4) du dispositif résonant imprimé sur KTa0,5Nb0,5O3 après son confinement par microgravure laser. Une agilité en fréquence de 8% est obtenue sous Ebias ≈ 75 kV/cm. L'étude d'une antenne à ondes de fuite reconfigurable en bande Ku a ensuite été mise en oeuvre. Les couches minces de KTa0,5Nb0,5O3 d'épaisseur ~ 600 nm ont été déposées par PLD sur substrats de saphir R, puis le matériau ferroélectrique a été localisé par microgravure laser dans les 6 zones actives de l'antenne (constituée de 6 tronçons). L’évolution du coefficient de réflexion sous Ebias ≈ 85 kV/cm montre une agilité en fréquence égale à 2%. Un gain maximal de 6,7 dBi a été mesuré à f = 17 GHz et Ebias = 0 kV/cm, conformément aux résultats de simulation. / This work deals with the fabrication and characterization of frequency tunable microwave devices based on ferroelectric KTa1-xNbxO3 (KTN) thin films. KTN material is a promising candidate for the tunability and miniaturization of microwave devices, due to its high dielectric permittivity (er= 700 at 10 GHz and Ebias= 0 kV/cm). Nevertheless its intrinsic loss (tanδr= 0.3 at 10 GHz and Ebias= 0 kV/cm) strongly impacts the global loss of the tunable microwave devices. To reduce this, a twofold solution has been investigated: (1) reduction of the loss tangent by doping KTN material with a low loss oxide, namely MgO (3% and 6% in mol.) and (2) confinement of the doped KTN film in efficient regions of the microwave devices and removal in noncritical areas by laser microetching. The ~ 600 nm-thick undoped and doped KTN films have been grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) on R-plane sapphire substrates. Two different compositions (KTa0.5Nb0.5O3 and KTa0.65Nb0.35O3) were specifically selected for this study. Microwave measurements have been performed on KTN-based coplanar devices from 1 GHz to 20 GHz. Stub resonator printed on confined 6% doped KTa0.5Nb0.5O3 film exhibits the best loss/agility trade-off with a significant global loss reduction from 0.73 to 0.20 (factor ~ 4) with a 8% frequency tunability under Ebias≈ 75 kV/cm.Thereafter, the study of a reconfigurable Ku-band leaky-wave antenna has been carried out. A ~600 nm-thick KTa0.5Nb0.5O3 film was deposited by PLD on R-plane sapphire substrate. The ferroelectric material was localized by laser microetching on 6 specific areas of the antenna (consisted of 6 sections). The variation of the reflection coefficient under biasing (Ebias≈ 85 kV/cm) demonstrates a frequency tunability of 2%. A gain equal to 6.7 dBi has been measured at f= 17 GHz and Ebias= 0 kV/cm, in accordance with the numerical results.

Microwave oscillator with phase noise reduction using nanoscale technology for wireless systems

Aqeeli, Mohammed Ali M. January 2015 (has links)
This thesis introduces, for the first time, a novel 4-bit, metal-oxide-metal (MOM) digital capacitor switching array (MOMDCSA) which has been implemented into a wideband CMOS voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) for 5 GHz WiMAX/WLAN applications. The proposed MOMDCSA is added both in series and parallel to nMOS varactors. For further gain linearity, a wider tuning range and minor phase noise variations, this varactor bank is connected in parallel to four nMOS varactor pairs, each of which is biased at a different voltage. Thus, VCO tuning gain reduces and optimal phase noise variation is obtained across a wide range of frequencies. Based on this premise, a wideband VCO is achieved with low phase noise variation of less than 4.7 dBc/Hz. The proposed VCO has been designed using UMC 130 nm CMOS technology. It operates from 3.45 GHz to 6.23 GHz, with a phase noise of -133.80 dBc/Hz at a 1 MHz offset, a figure of merit (FoM) of -203.5 dBc/Hz. A novel microstrip low-phase noise oscillator is based on a left-handed (LH) metamaterial bandpass filter which is embedded in the feedback loop of the oscillator. The oscillator is designed at a complex quality factor Qsc peak frequency, to achieve excellent phase noise performance. At a centre frequency of 2.05 GHz, the reported oscillator demonstrates, experimentally, a phase noise of -126.7 dBc/Hz at a 100 kHz frequency offset and a FoM of -207.2 dBc/Hz at a 1 MHz frequency offset. The increasing demands have been placed on the electromagnetic compatibility performance of VCO devices is crucial. Therefore, this thesis extends the potential of highly flexible and conductive graphene laminate to the application of electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding. Graphene nanoflake-based conductive ink is printed on paper, and then it is compressed to form graphene laminate with a conductivity of 0.43×105 S/m. Shielding effectiveness is experimentally measured at above 32 dB as being between 12GHz and 18GHz, even though the thickness of the graphene laminate is only 7.7µm. This result demonstrates that graphene has great potential for offering lightweight, low-cost, flexible and environmentally friendly shielding materials which can be extended to offering required shielding from electromagnetic interference (EMI), not only for VCO phase noise optimisation, but also for sensitive electronic devices.

Ocenění společnosti PragoBoard s.r.o. / Valuation of the company PragoBoard s.r.o.

Kálalová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to determine the investment value of the company PragoBoard s.r.o. as of the 31st December, 2013. The objective of this company's activity is the production of printed circuit boards. This thesis is divided into the following parts: an introduction of the company and its business operations, financial analysis, strategic analysis, generators of value and financial plan, valuation. The final valuation is based on two methods: DCF Equity and a market comparison to other publicly traded companies.

MEMS-PCB : tecnologia e implementação fisica de micro-chaves em placa de circuito impresso para aplicação em RF e micro-ondas / PCB-MEMS : technology and physical implementation of micro switches on printed circuit board for RF and microwave application

Silva, Maurício Weber Benjó da, 1980- 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Carlos Kretly / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T12:34:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_MauricioWeberBenjoda_M.pdf: 7910629 bytes, checksum: ba689f61e380994adce43b3aad0b347c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: O desenvolvimento de chaves MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) de RF, usando os conceitos e a tecnologia de placa de circuito impresso (PCB) é objeto desta pesquisa. Foram fabricadas micro-chaves na configuração paralela, sobre guias de onda coplanares (CPW). Recentemente, suas aplicações vêm sendo direcionadas a circuitos mais sofisticados, onde são monoliticamente integrados com outros componentes de RF, como antenas e deslocadores de fase. As chaves desenvolvidas são projetadas para operar com baixa tensão de ativação, e fabricadas usando a técnica surface micromachining, que consiste em construir as estruturas em camadas de filmes finos, e removendo as camadas sacrificiais até a liberação da parte flexível do dispositivo. Neste trabalho é apresentada toda a metodologia do projeto, incluindo as simulações eletromecânicas e eletromagnéticas das chaves MEMS em PCB, bem como s caracterizações. As chaves mostraram desempenho compatível com dispositivos equivalentes comerciais de RF, apresentando larga banda de operação de 1,8 - 18 GHz. Tendo em vista o desempenho físico e operacional dos dispositivos fabricados, essa tecnologia mostra-se viável com tecnologias dominadas localmente e se aplica tanto para Rádio Freqüência como para micro-ondas. / Abstract: The development of RF MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) switches, using the concepts and technology of Printed Circuited Board (PCB) is the object of this research. Micro switches in the shunt configuration through the Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) were manufactured. Recently, its applications have been directed to more sophisticated circuits, which are monolithic integrated with other RF components such as antennas and phase shifters. The developed switches are designed to operate with low actuation voltage and manufactured using the surface micromachining technique, which consists to build the structures in thin film layers, and removing the sacrificial layers to the release of the flexible device part. In this work is presented all the methodology of the project, including the electromechanical and electromagnetic simulations of the MEMS switches on PCB, as well as the characterizations. The switches had shown compatible performance when compared with equivalent RF devices available in the market, showing broadband operation from 1,8 - 18 GHz. Due the physical and operational performance of the manufactured devices, this technology shows viable with locally known technologies and feasible for applications in both Radio Frequency and microwave. / Mestrado / Eletrônica, Microeletrônica e Optoeletrônica / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica

Uma leitura retórico-semiótica do gênero charge no jornalismo Impresso alagoano / A rhetoric-semiotic reading of the genre charge in printed journalism of Alagoas

Freitas, Arly Tenório Rijo da Silva Lopes de 15 June 2018 (has links)
This work aims to show the importance of the genre Charge in printed journalism, from the studies of New Rhetoric and Semiotics: the first aids in the study of the typology and the identification of the arguments; the second analyzes the image / text relationship. It is based on Aristóteles (2005), Abreu (2009) and Santos (2011), on rhetorical and argumentative studies; in Barthes (1964), are the semiotic studies. It is based on Marcuschi (2002; 2005; 2008), regarding the concepts of genre as well as its evolution, from the invention of writing and its sociodiscursive, dynamic and plastic character. The discourse with a practical-social character is sought in Silveira (2002), and the genres being, above all, texts/discourse. In the line of printed journalism, Marques de Melo (2003) appears, in which more specific information about the genre Charge is sought in print opinionated journalism, its approach to the public and relation with the news and aspects of daily life of the population. This research is developed in a qualitative process with a focus on the phenomenon observed. The research universe consists of Charges collected for a month, january 2016, from a local newspaper in Maceió. Of the total of these Charges, representations were taken for study. With this work it was possible to identify there currencies of rhetorical arguments in Charge as well as categories of Semiotics and to see the marks of ethos, pathos and logos in this genre. In addition, the peculiar characteristics of the featured genre were revealed. Additionally, the categories treated allowed an expanded vision for a genre that, even if present in the sphere of journalism, is possible and necessary for didatization, above all, for the promising character of citizenship in opinionated journalism. The work can be considered relevant for making a connection between Rhetoric and Semiotics in which the two areas of knowledge can contribute to the understanding of the genre Charge / FAPEAL - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / Este trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar a importância do gênero Charge no âmbito do jornalístico impresso, a partir dos estudos da Nova Retórica e da Semiótica: a primeira auxilia nos estudos da tipologia e da identificação dos argumentos; a segunda analisa a relação imagem/texto. Baseia-se em Aristóteles (2005), Abreu (2004) e Santos (2011), quanto aos estudos retóricos e argumentativos; em Barthes (1964), encontram-se os estudos semióticos. Baseiase em Marcuschi (2002; 2005; 2008), quanto aos conceitos de gênero, sua evolução, desde a invenção da escrita, e seu caráter sociodiscursivo, dinâmico e plástico. Busca-se em Silveira (2002) o discurso com um caráter prático-social e os gêneros, sendo, antes de tudo, textos. Na linha do jornalismo impresso, aparece Marques de Melo (2003), em quem são buscadas informações mais específicas sobre o gênero Charge no jornalismo opinativo impresso, sua aproximação com o público e relação com as notícias e os aspectos do cotidiano da população. Assim, esta pesquisa desenvolve-se numa linha processual de caráter qualitativo com foco no fenômeno observado. O universo da pesquisa é constituído por Charges colecionadas, durante um mês, janeiro de 2016, de um jornal de circulação local em Maceió/AL. Do total dessas Charges, foram retiradas representações, para estudo. Com este trabalho foi possível identificar as recorrências dos argumentos retóricos na Charge, bem como as categorias da Semiótica e enxergar as marcas do ethos, do pathos e do logos nesse gênero. Além disso, depreenderam-se as características peculiares do gênero em destaque. Ademais, as categorias tratadas possibilitaram uma visão ampliada para um gênero que, mesmo muito presente na esfera/domínio jornalístico, é possível e necessário de didatização, sobretudo, pelo caráter promissor de cidadania no jornalismo opinativo. O trabalho pode ser considerado relevante por fazer uma junção entre Retórica e Semiótica no que as duas áreas do conhecimento podem contribuir para o entendimento do gênero Charge.

Revista Cidade Nova e as propostas de educação

Dantas, Maria José 07 March 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present study intends to analyze the educational subjects in the Cidade Nova magazine, within the period of 1980 through 2005, based on articles and letters of the readers. It has as theoretical support the categories of representation, appropriation and materiality, of Roger Chartier; civilization, of Norbert Elias; field, of Pierre Bourdieu and charism, of Max Weber; beyond the local and national production on educational and catholic periodic press. The investigation is associated to estimated matters on the New Cultural History and the History of the Education and contributes for the understanding of the linkings between educational practices and printed matters in the analyzed period. / O presente estudo pretende analisar os temas educacionais publicados na revista Cidade Nova , no período de 1980 a 2005, através dos artigos e das cartas de seus leitores. Tem como aportes teóricos as categorias de representação, apropriação e materialidade, de Roger Chartier; civilização, de Norbert Elias; campo, de Pierre Bourdieu e carisma, de Max Weber; além da produção local e nacional sobre imprensa periódica educacional e católica. A investigação vincula-se aos pressupostos da Nova História Cultural e da História da Educação e contribui para a compreensão das relações entre práticas educacionais e impressos no período analisado.

Fabricação e caracterização de transistores orgânicos por impressão de jato de tinta / Fabrication and characterization of organic transistors by inkjet printing

Josiani Cristina Stefanelo 02 July 2014 (has links)
A tecnologia dos semicondutores inorgânicos tem dominado a indústria eletrônica por muitos anos. No entanto, com a descoberta dos polímeros condutores um esforço considerável tem sido dedicado ao estudo e às aplicações tecnológicas desses materiais em dispositivos eletrônicos, dando início a um novo ramo da eletrônica: a Eletrônica Orgânica (EO). Uma das grandes vantagens da EO reside nos métodos de processamento. Os materiais orgânicos são facilmente processados em solução, portanto permite o uso de diversas técnicas de deposição, como por exemplo, as técnicas de impressão. Dentre as técnicas de impressão, a jato de tinta é a que mostra ser mais adequada à impressão de circuitos. Ela permite depositar volumes de soluções (ou suspensões) da ordem de picolitros em cada gota mantendo padrões bem definidos. Além disso, elimina o uso de máscaras, ocasionando diminuição nos custos e desperdício de material e, por ser um método de deposição tipo não-contato, minimiza possíveis contaminações. Esta tese dedicou-se, dentro desse contexto, ao domínio da técnica de jato de tinta para a confecção de transistores de efeito de campo orgânico (OFETs) tipo p e tipo n, e com aplicação em um inversor lógico unipolar. Os OFETs impressos usaram a arquitetura top gate/bottom contact (TG/BC. Os filmes semicondutores foram formados por várias linhas impressas sobre a região dos eletrodos fonte e dreno. Para os OFETs tipo p foi utilizado o semicondutor Poli(3-hexiltiofeno) régio-regular (rr-P3HT). Foram fabricados OFETs tipo p com a impressão de linhas utilizando os quatro diferentes padrões de deposição da impressora Autodrop. OFETs tipo p com mobilidade em torno de 3x10-3 cm2/V.s e razões Ion/Ioff da ordem de 103 foram obtidos utilizando um padrão de deposição paralelo e outro perpendicular a fonte e dreno. Para os OFETs tipo n o semicondutor usado foi o Poli{[N,N\'-bis(2-octildodecil)-naftaleno-1,4,5,8-bis(dicarboximida)-2,6-diil]-alt-5,5\'-(2,2\'-bitiofeno)]} (P(NDI2OD-T2)). Dentre os OFETs tipo n impressos os melhores apresentaram mobilidades em torno de 10-2 cm2/V.s e razões Ion/Ioff de aproximadamente 5x102. Ambos os OFETs impressos foram aplicados em inversores lógicos digitais unipolares com ganhos maiores que 1. / The technology of inorganic semiconductors has dominated the industry of electronics for many years. However, since the discovery of conductive polymers considerable effort has been devoted to studies and technological applications of these materials in electronic devices, starting a new branch of electronics: Organic Electronics (OE). One of the great advantages of OE lies in the processing methods. The organic materials are easily handled in solution, thus allows the use of various deposition techniques, as for example the printing techniques. Among the techniques of printing, inkjet is showing to be more suitable for printing circuits. It allows you to deposit solutions (or suspensions) volumes on the order of picoliters in each drop, performing well-defined patterns. Furthermore, it eliminates the use of masks, resulting in reduced costs and material waste. This thesis is dedicated to the field of inkjet technique, specifically for the fabrication of organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), p-type and n-type, and application in a unipolar logic inverter. Printed OFETs used architecture top gate/bottom contact (TG/BC). The semiconductor films were formed by several printed lines on the region of the source and drain electrodes. For p-type OFETs we used poly (3-hexylthiophene ) regio-regular (rr-P3HT) as semiconducting material. The p-type OFETs were fabricated using the four different patterns of deposition of the printer Autodrop. These OFETs showed mobility around 3x10-3 cm2/V.s and Ion/Ioff ratio of the order of 103 for the deposition pattern parallel and perpendicular to source and drain. For the n-type OFETs the semiconductor used was Poly{[N,N\'-bis(2-octyldodecyl)-naphthalene-1,4,5,8-bis(dicarboximide)-2,6-diyl]-alt-5,5\'-(2,2\'-bithiophene)]} (P(NDI2OD-T2)). Among the printed n-type OFETs the best showed mobility around of 10-2 cm2/V.s and Ion/Ioff ratio of the order of 5x102. Both printed OFETs were applied in unipolar digital logic inverters, with gains greater than 1.

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