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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Разработка системы автоматического распознавания автомобильных номеров в реальных дорожных условиях : магистерская диссертация / Development of a system for automatic recognition of license plates in real road conditions

Зайкис, Д. В., Zaikis, D. V. January 2023 (has links)
Цель работы – разработка автоматической системы распознавания номерных знаков автомобилей, в естественных дорожных условиях, в том числе в сложных погодных и физических условиях, таких как недостаточная видимость, загрязнение, умышленное или непреднамеренное частичное скрытие символов. Объектом исследования являются цифровые изображения автомобилей в естественной среде. Методы исследования: сверточные нейронные сети, в том числе одноэтапные детекторы (SSOD), комбинации сетей с промежуточными связями между слоями - Cross Stage Partial Network (CSPNet) и сети, объединяющей информацию с разных уровней сети – Path Aggregation Network (PANet), преобразования изображений с помощью библиотеки OpenCV, включая фильтры Собеля и Гауса, преобразование Кэнни, методы глубокого машинного обучения для обработки последовательностей LSTM, CRNN, CRAFT. В рамках данной работы разработана система распознавания автомобильных номеров, переводящая графические данные из цифрового изображения или видеопотока в текст в виде файлов различных форматов. Задача детекции автомобильных номеров на изображениях решена с помощью глубокой нейронной сети YoLo v5, представляющая собой современную модель обнаружения объектов, основанную на архитектуре с использованием CSPNet и PANet. Она обеспечивает высокую скорость и точность при обнаружении объектов на изображениях. Благодаря своей эффективности и масштабируемости, YoLov5 стала популярным выбором для решения задач компьютерного зрения в различных областях. Для решения задачи распознавания текса на обнаруженных объектах используется алгоритм детектирования объектов, основанный на преобразованиях Кэнни, фильтрах Собеля и Гаусса и нейронная сеть keras-ocr, на основе фреймворка keras, представляющая собой комбинацию сверточной нейронной сети (CNN) и рекуррентной нейронной сети (RNN), решающая задачу распознавания печатного текста. Созданный метод способен безошибочно распознавать 85 % предоставленных номеров, преимущественно российского стандарта. Полученный функционал может быть внедрен в существующую системы фото- или видео-фиксации трафика и использоваться в рамках цифровизации систем трекинга и контроля доступа и безопасности на дорогах и объектах транспортной инфраструктуры. Выпускная квалификационная работа в теоретической и описательной части выполнена в текстовом редакторе Microsoft Word и представлена в электронном формате. Практическая часть выполнялась в jupiter-ноутбуке на платформе облачных вычислений Google Collaboratory. / The goal of the work is to develop an automatic system for recognizing car license plates in natural road conditions, including difficult weather and physical conditions, such as insufficient visibility, pollution, intentional or unintentional partial hiding of symbols. The object of the study is digital images of cars in their natural environment. Research methods: convolutional neural networks, including single-stage detectors (SSOD), combinations of networks with intermediate connections between layers - Cross Stage Partial Network (CSPNet) and networks that combine information from different levels of the network - Path Aggregation Network (PANet), image transformations using the OpenCV library, including Sobel and Gauss filters, Canny transform, deep machine learning methods for processing LSTM, CRNN, CRAFT sequences. As part of this work, a license plate recognition system has been developed that converts graphic data from a digital image or video stream into text in the form of files in various formats. The problem of detecting license plates in images is solved using the YoLo v5 deep neural network, which is a modern object detection model based on an architecture using CSPNet and PANet. It provides high speed and accuracy in detecting objects in images. Due to its efficiency and scalability, YoLov5 has become a popular choice for solving computer vision problems in various fields. To solve the problem of text recognition on detected objects, an object detection algorithm is used, based on Canny transforms, Sobel and Gaussian filters, and the keras-ocr neural network, based on the keras framework, which is a combination of a convolutional neural network (CNN) and a recurrent neural network (RNN) , which solves the problem of recognizing printed text. The created method is capable of accurately recognizing 85% of the provided numbers, mainly of the Russian standard. The resulting functionality can be implemented into existing systems for photo or video recording of traffic and used as part of the digitalization of tracking systems and access control and security on roads and transport infrastructure facilities. The final qualifying work in the theoretical and descriptive parts was completed in the text editor Microsoft Word and presented in electronic format. The practical part was carried out on a jupiter laptop on the Google Collaboratory cloud computing platform.

Don't judge a book by its cover – Using E-books in higher education

Juneby, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om användningen av E-böcker inom högre utbildning vid Malmö Högskola. Syftet är att undersöka studenters attityder när det gäller användningen av E-böcker jämfört med den tryckta motsvarigheten vid akademiska studier. Studien granskar studenternas preferenser vidanvändningen av E-böcker jämfört med tryckta böcker, samt hur dessa media påverkar studenternas läsvanor. Genom att klargöra i vilka situationer E-böcker eller tryckta böcker har mest fördelar, så kan studenterna göra välgrundade val om vilket medium som de har störst nytta av. En nätbaserad enkät och inspelade intervjuer utgjorde metoderna för insamlingen av data, som sedan jämfördes med tidigare publicerade relevanta studier. Det visade sig att studenterna föredrog tryckta böcker för sina studier, och dessa böcker används fortfarande i första hand vid läsning och analys av längre textavsnitt. Däremot befanns E-böcker vara bäst när man skriver forskningsrapporter. Detta betyder att båda dessa media även framgent har en given plats inom denhögre utbildningen. / This thesis is about the use of E-books in higher education, specifically at Malmö University. The purpose of this study is to investigate attitudes students have towards the use of E-books for scholarly purposes in higher education versus their printed counterparts. This study looks at student preferences in the use of E-books compared to printed books, along with the effects these media have on students reading habits. By discovering in which situations E-books or printed books are most beneficial, students can make informed decisions about which medium will benefit them the most. An online survey and recorded interviews were used as methods for collecting data, whichwas then compared to previously published studies related to this subject. Students were found to prefer the printed book for studying purposes, and it still remains as the main source for reading and analyzing longer passages of text. E-books, on the other hand, were found to be most advantageous when preparing research reports. This means that both media still have their place inhigher education, which is likely to continue in the foreseeable future.

Integrating a SpiNNaker 2 prototype on an embedded platform : Hardware design and firmware modification / En inbäddad plattform med en SpiNNaker 2 prototypkrets : Hårdavarudesign och modifikation av inbyggd mjukvara

Hessel, Mikael January 2021 (has links)
The field of neuromorphic computing concerns simulating the information processing of a brain in software or hardware on a computing platform. One neuromorphic platform that uses specialized hardware is SpiNNaker. It is an integrated circuit consisting of multiple general purpose processing cores that can run simulations of neurons. A custom on-chip network mimics the high level of neuron interconnectedness in a brain. The second generation of this chip is currently in development and a prototype, JiB 2, is used in this thesis. This chip has a Ball Grid Array (BGA) footprint and requires several supply voltage levels to operate making implementation more complex. To use such a chip in an autonomous robot, the hardware needs to be in a small form factor. It is beneficial to use an intermediary platform with support for many actuators and sensors to avoid having to develop new drivers (and because the processing power of individual blocks in JiB 2 is not well suited to these tasks). This thesis shows how a platform for autonomous use in robots can be designed with the current prototype chip. It details the design decisions made for the power supply and using the footprint. The existing software is explained and modifications made are shown. Some performance metrics (memory requirements, power and cost) are characterized. A simple program running on the prototype chip with input and output from a microcontroller development board using STM32 is demonstrated. This project suggests a path to deploy software on the JiB 2 and let it interact with the physical world. / Att i en dator eller speciell hårdvara simulera hur neuroner i en hjärna interagerar i sitt informationsutbyte studeras inom fältet neouromorfisk databehandling. Eftersom utbytet sker med snabba länkar mellan många oberoende enheter är traditionell datorhårdvara inte lämpad att implementera sådana skeenden. Därför finns specialhårdvara som bättre efterlikar detta utbyte genom att, till exempel, använda många enkla processorkärnor (för att simulera neuroner) tillsammans med ett snabbt nätverk på kretsen (och mellan flera kretsar). Ett användningsområde är i större komplexa system men det finns en efterfrågan att kunna använda den även i mer begränsade kontexter. En sådan specialhårdvara är den integrerade kretsen SpiNNaker (Spiking Neural Network Architecture). En andra generationen av den kretsen är under utveckling och projektet i denna uppsats har arbetat med en begränsad prototyp kallad JiB2. Målet har varit att bygga en plattform som visar hur JiB 2 kan utnyttjas fristående i en robot. Detta kräver hårdvara som är möjlig att enkelt ladda med nya program. Den behöver klara att strömförsörja kretsen från exempelvis ett batteri. Den ska också ha möjlighet att koppla in- och utsignaler till programmet som körs i specialkretsen. Detta arbete visar att hårdvara går att tillverka i en storlek som lämpar sig för använding i robotar. Ett flöde för utveckling och drifttagning av programvara till plattformen demonstreras.

New Approaches to OCR for Early Printed Books

Weichselbaumer, Nikolaus, Seuret, Mathias, Limbach, Saskia, Dong, Rui, Burghardt, Manuel, Christlein, Vincent 29 May 2024 (has links)
Books printed before 1800 present major problems for OCR. One of the mainobstacles is the lack of diversity of historical fonts in training data. The OCR-D project, consisting of book historians and computer scientists, aims to address this deficiency by focussing on three major issues. Our first target wasto create a tool that identifies font groups automatically in images of histori-cal documents. We concentrated on Gothic font groups that were commonlyused in German texts printed in the 15thand 16th century: the well-known Fraktur and the lesser known Bastarda, Rotunda, Textura und Schwabacher. The tool was trained with 35,000 images and reaches an accuracy level of 98%. It can not only differentiate between the above-mentioned font groupsbut also Hebrew, Greek, Antiqua and Italic. It can also identify woodcut im-ages and irrelevant data (book covers, empty pages, etc.). In a second step,we created an online training infrastructure (okralact), which allows for theuse of various open source OCR engines such as Tesseract, OCRopus, Krakenand Calamari. At the same time, it facilitates training for specific models offont groups. The high accuracy of the recognition tool paves the way for theunprecedented opportunity to differentiate between the fonts used by individual printers. With more training data and further adjustments, the toolcould help to fill a major gap in historical research

Advanced Applications of Raman Spectroscopy for Environmental Analyses

Lahr, Rebecca Halvorson 09 January 2014 (has links)
Due to an ever-increasing global population and limited resource availability, there is a constant need for detection of both natural and anthropogenic hazards in water, air, food, and material goods. Traditionally a different instrument would be used to detect each class of contaminant, often after a concentration or separation protocol to extract the analyte from its matrix. Raman spectroscopy is unique in its ability to detect organic or inorganic, airborne or waterborne, and embedded or adsorbed analytes within environmental systems. This ability comes from the inherent abilities of the Raman spectrometer combined with concentration, separation, and signal enhancement provided by drop coating deposition Raman (DCDR) and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Herein the capacity of DCDR to differentiate between cyanotoxin variants in aqueous solutions was demonstrated using principal component analysis (PCA) to statistically demonstrate spectral differentiation. A set of rules was outlined based on Raman peak ratios to allow an inexperienced user to determine the toxin variant identity from its Raman spectrum. DCDR was also employed for microcystin-LR (MC-LR) detection in environmental waters at environmentally relevant concentrations, after pre-concentration with solid-phase extraction (SPE). In a cellulose matrix, SERS and normal Raman spectral imaging revealed nanoparticle transport and deposition patterns, illustrating that nanoparticle surface coating dictated the observed transport properties. Both SERS spectral imaging and insight into analyte transport in wax-printed paper microfluidic channels will ultimately be useful for microfluidic paper-based analytical device (𝜇PAD) development. Within algal cells, SERS produced 3D cellular images in the presence of intracellularly biosynthesized gold nanoparticles (AuNP), documenting in detail the molecular vibrations of biomolecules at the AuNP surfaces. Molecules involved in nanoparticle biosynthesis were identified at AuNP surfaces within algal cells, thus aiding in mechanism elucidation. The capabilities of Raman spectroscopy are endless, especially in light of SERS tag design, coordinating detection of analytes that do not inherently produce strong Raman vibrations. The increase in portable Raman spectrometer availability will only facilitate cheaper, more frequent application of Raman spectrometry both in the field and the lab. The tremendous detection power of the Raman spectrometer cannot be ignored. / Ph. D.

Design of Optical Measurements for Plasma Actuators for the Validation of Quiescent and Flow Control Simulations

Lam, Derrick Chuk-Wung 27 January 2016 (has links)
The concept of plasma flow control is a relatively new idea based on using atmospheric plasma placed near the edge of an air foil to reduce boundary layer losses. As with any new concept, it is important to be able to quantify theoretical assumptions with known experimental results for validation. Currently there are a variety of experiments being done to better understand plasma flow control, but one particular experiment is through the use of multi-physics modeling of dielectric barrier discharge actuators. The research in this thesis uses optical measurement techniques to validate computational models of flow control actuators being done concurrently at Virginia Tech. The primary focus of this work is to design, build and test plasma actuators in order to determine the plasma characteristics relating to electron temperatures and densities. Using optical measurement techniques such as plasma spectroscopy, measured electron temperatures and densities to compare with theoretical calculations of plasma flow control under a variety of flow conditions. This thesis covers a background of plasma physics, optical measurement techniques, and the designing of the plasma actuator setups used in measuring atmospheric plasmas. / Master of Science

Dispositivos electrónicos impresos sobre sustratos textiles mediante la técnica de flexografía

Rodes Carbonell, Ana María 04 November 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La integración de electrónica en los tejidos para obtener nuevas funcionalidades es una de las apuestas de futuro de la industria textil y de la moda. Al estar compuestos parcialmente por tejido, los textiles electrónicos proporcionan a los usuarios un mayor confort, durabilidad y ligereza que otros dispositivos, manteniendo al mismo tiempo las propiedades electrónicas. No obstante, conseguir estas nuevas funcionalidades, a un coste asequible y asegurando la flexibilidad y ligereza propias de los tejidos, sigue siendo un reto para el sector. El área de la electrónica impresa ha permitido el desarrollo de una electrónica flexible combinando métodos de impresión tradicionales con el uso de tintas electrónicas. La técnica de impresión flexográfica destaca entre las demás por ofrecer altas velocidades de fabricación, calidad y alta productividad a bajo coste. En el ámbito textil, sin embargo, su incorporación es todavía muy reciente y no hay suficientes estudios para su aplicación. En este contexto, esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo fundamental estudiar la novedosa aplicación de la técnica de la flexografía sobre materiales textiles. Para ello, se ha tomado como base los actuales conocimientos de la autora en el área de la electrónica impresa textil empleando la tecnología serigráfica. Con este fin, durante el desarrollo de la tesis se realiza, en primer lugar, el estudio de los parámetros necesarios para la aplicación de dicha tecnología en diferentes substratos. Del estudio se obtienen diferentes valores adecuados para la impresión mediante flexografía según si el sustrato se trata de un tejido, un no-tejido, un sustrato polimérico o un papel siliconado. En segundo lugar, se definen los protocolos que permiten la integración de tintas con características eléctricas en las telas empleando la tecnología flexográfica. Por un lado, se estudia el impacto de los parámetros estructurales de un tejido de calada en la conductividad de la tinta impresa y, por otro lado, la influencia del material de la trama en la conductividad de elementos conductores-resistivos. Para ello, se realiza una impresión controlada sobre tejidos de calada utilizando la misma tinta conductora de plata y se analizan las propiedades físicas y eléctricas de las muestras resultantes. Se concluye que, cuanto mayor sea la densidad del textil, menor es la conductividad final de la impresión, y que el algodón es el material menos recomendable para la impresión electrónica mediante la técnica de la flexografía. Finalmente, se trabaja en el objetivo de desarrollar un sistema de medición de temperatura continuo mediante impresión electrónica sobre sustratos flexibles y elásticos mediante serigrafía para su traslación a flexografía. Se consigue desarrollar con éxito un sistema robusto, de bajo consumo y confortable para los pacientes que permite la adquisición de los datos de temperatura de forma continua. / [CAT] La integració d'electrònica en els teixits per a obtenir noves funcionalitats és una de les apostes de futur de la indústria tèxtil i de la moda. A l'estar compostos parcialment per teixit, els tèxtils electrònics proporcionen als usuaris un major confort, durabilitat i lleugeresa que altres dispositius, mentre mantenen les mateixes propietats electròniques. No obstant això, aconseguir aquestes noves funcionalitats, a un cost assequible i mantenint la flexibilitat i lleugeresa pròpies dels teixits, continua sent un repte per al sector. L'àrea de l'electrònica impresa ha permès el desenvolupament d'una electrònica flexible combinant mètodes d'impressió tradicionals amb l'ús de tintes electròniques. La tècnica d'impressió flexogràfica destaca entre les altres per oferir altes velocitats de fabricació, qualitat i alta productivitat a baix cost. En l'àmbit tèxtil, no obstant això, la seua incorporació és encara molt recent i no hi ha suficients estudis per a la seua aplicació. En este context, esta tesi doctoral té com a objectiu fonamental estudiar la nova aplicació de la tècnica de la flexografia sobre materials tèxtils. Per a això, s'ha pres com a base els actuals coneixements de l'autora en l'àrea de l'electrònica impresa tèxtil emprant la tecnologia serigràfica. Amb este fi, durant el desenrotllament de la tesi es realitza, en primer lloc, l'estudi dels paràmetres necessaris per a l'aplicació de la dita tecnologia en diferents substrats. De l'estudi s'obtenen diferents valors adequats per a la impressió per mitjà de flexografia segons si el substrat es tracta d'un teixit, un no-teixit, un substrat polimèric o un paper siliconat. En segon lloc, es defineixen els protocols que permeten la integració de tintes amb característiques elèctriques en les te les emprant la tecnologia flexogràfica. D'una banda, s'estudia l'impacte dels paràmetres estructurals d'un teixit de calada en la conductivitat de la tinta impresa i, d'altra banda, la influència del material de la trama en la conductivitat d'elements conductors-resistius. Per a això, es realitza una impressió controlada sobre teixits de calada utilitzant la mateixa tinta conductora de plata i s'analitzen les propietats físiques i elèctriques de les mostres resultants. Es conclou que, quant major siga la densitat del tèxtil, menor és la conductivitat final de la impressió, i que el cotó és el material menys recomanable per a la impressió electrònica per mitjà de la tècnica de la flexografia. Finalment, es treballa en l'objectiu de desenrotllar un sistema de mesurament de temperatura continu per mitjà d'impressió electrònica sobre substrats flexibles i elàstics per mitjà de serigrafia per a la seua translació a flexografia. S'aconsegueix desenrotllar amb èxit un sistema robust, de baix consum i confortable per als pacients que permet l'adquisició de les dades de temperatura de forma contínua. / [EN] Electronics' integration into textiles to obtain new functionalities is one of the bets for the future of the textile and fashion industry. Electronic textiles provide users greater comfort, durability, and lightness than other devices as they are partially made of fabric, while maintaining the same electronic properties. However, achieving these new functionalities, maintaining the flexibility and flexibility typical of the fabrics with at affordable cost, continues to be a challenge for the sector. The area of printed electronics has allowed the development of flexible electronics by combining traditional printing methods with the use of electronic inks. The flexographic printing technique stands out among the others for offering high manufacturing speeds, quality, and high productivity at low cost. In the textile field, however, its incorporation is still very recent and there are not enough studies for its application. In this context, this doctoral thesis fundamental objective is to study the novel application of the flexography technique on textile materials. For this, the current knowledge of the author about printed textile electronics using serigraphic technology has been taken as a basis. To this end, for the development of the thesis, in the first place the study of the necessary parameters for the application of this technology in different substrates has been carried out. Different suitable values for flexographic printing have been obtained from the study regarding whether the substrate is a fabric, a non-woven, a polymeric substrate or a silicone-coated paper. Secondly, the protocols that allow the integration of electrical inks with fabrics using flexographic technology have been defined. On the one hand, the impact of the structural parameters of a woven fabric on the conductivity of the printed ink has been studied. On the other hand, also the influence of the weft material on the conductivity of conductive-resistive elements was also studied. To do this, a controlled impression has been made on woven fabrics using the same conductive silver ink. Then both physical and electrical properties of the resulting samples have been analysed. It has been concluded that the higher the density of the textile, the lower final conductivity of the print is. Also, it has been defined that cotton is the least recommended material for electronic printing when using the flexography technique. Finally, towards the objective of developing a continuous temperature measurement system by electronic printing on flexible and elastic substrates, work has been carried out using screen printing for its translation into flexography. It has been possible to successfully develop a robust, low-consumption and comfortable system for patients that allows the continuous acquisition of temperature data. / Rodes Carbonell, AM. (2022). Dispositivos electrónicos impresos sobre sustratos textiles mediante la técnica de flexografía [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/189164 / Compendio

Model and design of small compact dielectric resonator and printed antennas for wireless communications applications. Model and simulation of dialectric resonator (DR) and printed antennas for wireless applications; investigations of dual band and wideband responses including antenna radiation performance and antenna design optimization using parametric studies

Elmegri, Fauzi January 2015 (has links)
Dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) technologies are applicable to a wide variety of mobile wireless communication systems. The principal energy loss mechanism for this type of antenna is the dielectric loss, and then using modern ceramic materials, this may be very low. These antennas are typically of small size, with a high radiation efficiency, often above 95%; they deliver wide bandwidths, and possess a high power handling capability. The principal objectives of this thesis are to investigate and design DRA for low profile personal and nomadic communications applications for a wide variety of spectrum requirements: including DCS, PCS, UMTS, WLAN, UWB applications. X-band and part of Ku band applications are also considered. General and specific techniques for bandwidth expansion, diversity performance and balanced operation have been investigated through detailed simulation models, and physical prototyping. The first major design to be realized is a new broadband DRA operating from 1.15GHz to 6GHz, which has the potential to cover most of the existing mobile service bands. This antenna design employs a printed crescent shaped monopole, and a defected cylindrical DRA. The broad impedance bandwidth of this antenna is achieved by loading the crescent shaped radiator of the monopole with a ceramic material with a permittivity of 81. The antenna volume is 57.0  37.5  5.8 mm3, which in conjunction with the general performance parameters makes this antenna a potential candidate for mobile handset applications. The next class of antenna to be discussed is a novel offset slot-fed broadband DRA assembly. The optimised structure consists of two asymmetrically located cylindrical DRA, with a rectangular slot feed mechanism. Initially, designed for the frequency range from 9GHz to 12GHz, it was found that further spectral improvements were possible, leading to coverage from 8.5GHz to 17GHz. Finally, a new low cost dual-segmented S-slot coupled dielectric resonator antenna design is proposed for wideband applications in the X-band region, covering 7.66GHz to 11.2GHz bandwidth. The effective antenna volume is 30.0 x 25.0 x 0.8 mm3. The DR segments may be located on the same side, or on opposite sides, of the substrate. The end of these configurations results in an improved diversity performance. / General Secretariat of Education and Scientific Research Libya

3D Printing of a Multi-Layered Polypill Containing Six Drugs Using a Novel Stereolithographic Method

Robles-Martinez, P., Xu, X., Trenfield, S.J., Awad, A., Goyanes, A., Telford, Richard, Basit, A.W., Gaisford, S. 15 October 2019 (has links)
Yes / Three-dimensional printing (3DP) has demonstrated great potential for multi-material fabrication because of its capability for printing bespoke and spatially separated material conformations. Such a concept could revolutionise the pharmaceutical industry, enabling the production of personalised, multi-layered drug products on demand. Here, we developed a novel stereolithographic (SLA) 3D printing method that, for the first time, can be used to fabricate multi-layer constructs (polypills) with variable drug content and/or shape. Using this technique, six drugs, including paracetamol, cffeine, naproxen, chloramphenicol, prednisolone and aspirin, were printed with dfferent geometries and material compositions. Drug distribution was visualised using Raman microscopy, which showed that whilst separate layers were successfully printed, several of the drugs diffused across the layers depending on their amorphous or crystalline phase. The printed constructs demonstrated excellent physical properties and the different material inclusions enabled distinct drug release profiles of the six actives within dissolution tests. For the first time, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of SLA printing as an innovative platform for multi-drug therapy production, facilitating a new era of personalised polypills.

Verdrucken von Nanocellulosefasern in konventionellen direkten Druckverfahren auf Karton und anschließendes Prägen von Kapillarstrukturen mit Hilfe von 3D-gedruckten Prägeformen

Schmidt, Arne 11 July 2024 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist eine Untersuchung, inwieweit die Herstellung eines kartonbasierter POCT mit Kapillaren zum Transport von Flüssigkeiten mit Hilfe von Nanocellulose und additiv gefertigten Prägewerkzeugen möglich ist. Die Nanocellulose wurde von RISE aus Schweden zur Verfügung gestellt. Rheologische Untersuchungen ergaben, dass diese mit Hilfe eines Bingham-Modells beschrieben werden können und einer Fließgrenze unterliegen. Die Nanocellulose wurde mit Hilfe der konventionellen direkten Druckverfahren Flexo-, Tief- und Siebdruck auf verschiedene Kartonsorten aufgetragen. Der Flexo- und Tiefdruck erwies sich aufgrund einer Saffman-Taylor-Instabilität als ungeeignet zur Erzeugung von homogenen Schichten. Verschiedene Untersuchungen zeigten, dass mit Hilfe des Siebdrucks unter Verwendung eines Siebs mit sehr hoher Nassfarbschichtdicke die besten Ergebnisse erzielt werden konnten. Die Nutzung von offenen Kapillaren in POCT erfordert einen möglichst geringen Kontaktwinkel. Durch das Applizieren von Nanocellulose konnte sowohl der Kontaktwinkel des Kartons auf einen geeigneten Wert reduziert werden als auch das Penetrationsverhalten insofern verändert werden, dass die Penetration einer aufgetragenen Flüssigkeit zunächst in der Nanocellulose stattfindet. Die Penetration in den Karton selbst wurde durch die Nanocellulose stark verzögert. Die Funktionalität von offenen Kapillaren konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit aufgrund von mangelnder Herstellgenauigkeit der additiven Fertigung und begrenzter Kartonauswahl nicht erreicht werden. Allerdings konnten mit Hilfe einer Folienkaschierung funktionelle geschlossene Kapillaren erzeugt werden, welche einen Flüssigkeitstransport durch Kapillarkräfte über eine Distanz von 25 mm ohne Penetration in den Karton ermöglichen. Dies zeigt, dass die Herstellung und Nutzung von kartonbasierten POCT theoretisch möglich ist.:Abbildungsverzeichnis X Tabellenverzeichnis XIV Abkürzungsverzeichnis XV Symbolverzeichnis XVI 1 Einleitung 19 2 Ziele 23 3 Theoretische Grundlagen 25 3.1 Nanomaterial 25 3.2 Cellulose 26 3.3 Nanocellulose 27 3.3.1 Cellulose Nanofibrillen (CNF) 28 3.3.2 Cellulose Nanokristalle (CNC) 30 3.3.3 Carboxymethyl-Cellulose (CMC) 31 3.4 Rheologie 31 3.4.1 Eigenschaften von Suspensionen mit Nanopartikeln 32 3.4.2 Bingham-Fluide 32 3.5 Druckverfahren 34 3.5.1 Siebdruck 34 3.5.2 Tiefdruck 36 3.5.3 Flexodruck 37 3.6 Prägen 38 3.7 Microfluidic Devices und Kapillaren 39 3.7.1 Geschlossene Kapillaren 40 3.7.2 Offene Kapillaren 41 3.8 Ultraschallmessung des Penetrationsverhaltens 42 4 Materialien 45 4.1 Nanocellulose 45 4.2 Druckformen 45 4.3 Bedruckstoff 46 5 Rheologische Untersuchungen der Nanocellulose 49 5.1 Vorgehensweise 49 5.1.1 Viskositätsmessung 49 5.1.2 Erfassung der Strukturerholung 50 5.2 Ergebnisse 50 5.2.1 Viskosität 50 5.2.2 Strukturerholung 52 5.2.3 Vergleich mit konventionellen Druckverfahren 53 6 Explorative Studie 55 6.1 Druckversuche 55 6.1.1 Siebdruck 55 6.1.2 Flexo- und Tiefdruck 56 6.2 Vorgehensweise der Auswertung 57 6.3 Ergebnisse und Diskussion der Druckversuche 59 6.3.1 Visuelle Homogenität der Oberfläche 59 6.3.2 Einfluss auf Bedruckstoff 62 6.3.3 Rauheit 63 6.3.4 Kontaktwinkel 65 6.3.5 Wasserfestigkeit 66 6.3.6 Penetrationsverhalten 66 6.4 Prägewerkzeuge und -versuche 73 6.5 Ergebnisse und Diskussion der Prägeversuche 76 6.6 Erkenntnisse der explorativen Studie 79 7 Weiterentwickelte Studie 81 7.1 Vorgehensweise 81 7.2 Ergebnisse 82 7.2.1 Siebdruck 83 7.2.2 Vollprägung 85 7.2.3 Reliefprägung 90 7.3 Erkenntnisse der weiterentwickelten Studie 91 7.4 Empfehlungen für weitere Studien 93 8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 95 Literaturverzeichnis XCVII Anhänge / The present work is an investigation into the potential of fabricating a cardboard-based POCT with capillaries for transporting fluids using nanocellulose and additive manufactured embossing tools. The nanocellulose was provided by RISE from Sweden. Rheological studies showed that they can be described using a Bingham model and are subject to a yield point. The nanocellulose was applied to various types of cardboard using the conventional direct printing processes of flexographic, gravure and screen printing. Flexo and gravure printing proved unsuitable for producing homogeneous layers due to a Saffman-Taylor instability. Various investigations showed that screen printing using a screen with a very high wet ink film thickness produced the best results. The use of open capillaries in POCT requires the lowest possible contact angle. By applying nanocellulose, it was possible to reduce the contact angle of the cardboard to a suitable value and to change the penetration behavior in that the penetration of an applied liquid first takes place in the nanocellulose. Penetration into the cardboard itself was greatly delayed by the nanocellulose. The functionality of open capillaries could not be achieved in this work due to lack of manufacturing accuracy of additive manufacturing and limited cardboard selection. However, functional closed capillaries could be created using film lamination, allowing fluid transport by capillary forces over a distance of 25 mm without penetration into the cardboard. This shows that the production and use of cardboard-based POCT is theoretically possible.:Abbildungsverzeichnis X Tabellenverzeichnis XIV Abkürzungsverzeichnis XV Symbolverzeichnis XVI 1 Einleitung 19 2 Ziele 23 3 Theoretische Grundlagen 25 3.1 Nanomaterial 25 3.2 Cellulose 26 3.3 Nanocellulose 27 3.3.1 Cellulose Nanofibrillen (CNF) 28 3.3.2 Cellulose Nanokristalle (CNC) 30 3.3.3 Carboxymethyl-Cellulose (CMC) 31 3.4 Rheologie 31 3.4.1 Eigenschaften von Suspensionen mit Nanopartikeln 32 3.4.2 Bingham-Fluide 32 3.5 Druckverfahren 34 3.5.1 Siebdruck 34 3.5.2 Tiefdruck 36 3.5.3 Flexodruck 37 3.6 Prägen 38 3.7 Microfluidic Devices und Kapillaren 39 3.7.1 Geschlossene Kapillaren 40 3.7.2 Offene Kapillaren 41 3.8 Ultraschallmessung des Penetrationsverhaltens 42 4 Materialien 45 4.1 Nanocellulose 45 4.2 Druckformen 45 4.3 Bedruckstoff 46 5 Rheologische Untersuchungen der Nanocellulose 49 5.1 Vorgehensweise 49 5.1.1 Viskositätsmessung 49 5.1.2 Erfassung der Strukturerholung 50 5.2 Ergebnisse 50 5.2.1 Viskosität 50 5.2.2 Strukturerholung 52 5.2.3 Vergleich mit konventionellen Druckverfahren 53 6 Explorative Studie 55 6.1 Druckversuche 55 6.1.1 Siebdruck 55 6.1.2 Flexo- und Tiefdruck 56 6.2 Vorgehensweise der Auswertung 57 6.3 Ergebnisse und Diskussion der Druckversuche 59 6.3.1 Visuelle Homogenität der Oberfläche 59 6.3.2 Einfluss auf Bedruckstoff 62 6.3.3 Rauheit 63 6.3.4 Kontaktwinkel 65 6.3.5 Wasserfestigkeit 66 6.3.6 Penetrationsverhalten 66 6.4 Prägewerkzeuge und -versuche 73 6.5 Ergebnisse und Diskussion der Prägeversuche 76 6.6 Erkenntnisse der explorativen Studie 79 7 Weiterentwickelte Studie 81 7.1 Vorgehensweise 81 7.2 Ergebnisse 82 7.2.1 Siebdruck 83 7.2.2 Vollprägung 85 7.2.3 Reliefprägung 90 7.3 Erkenntnisse der weiterentwickelten Studie 91 7.4 Empfehlungen für weitere Studien 93 8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 95 Literaturverzeichnis XCVII Anhänge

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