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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Роман Пьетро ди Донато «Христос в бетоне»: поэтика и проблематика : магистерская диссертация / Pietro di Donato's novel "Christ in Concrete": Poetics and Problematics

Черногубова, В. Б., Chernogubova, V. Y. January 2022 (has links)
В работе рассматривается поэтика и проблематика романа Пьетро ди Донато "Христос в бетоне". Произведение анализируется в контексте биографии автора, а также в контексте итало-американской литературы как особенного направления в мультикультурной литературе США. Данное исследование является первым в отечественной науке о литературе трудом, посвященном роману Пьетро ди Донато, что составляет его актуальность. / The work examines the poetics and problems of Pietro di Donato's novel "Christ in Concrete". The novel is analyzed in the context of the author's biography, as well as in the context of Italian-American literature as a special trend in multicultural literature of the USA. This study is the first work in the Russian science of literature dedicated to the novel by Pietro di Donato, which makes it relevant.

Problematika sexuální výchovy na ZŠ / The issue of sex education in primary school

NUŇEZ BOLÍVAR, Monika January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with problematics of sexual education at primary schools. Its aim is to make an overview of the problematics concerning two chosen primary schools, find out about their attitude towards this field and try to analyse real needs of pupils attending them. This diploma thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part deals with a term of sexual education and its importance in modern society. Other chapters emphasize sexual education in families, at schools and their participation in curricular documents. The practical part deals with a research of real conditions of sexual education at two already chosen primary schools and it tries to find out about these schools' attitudes towards the problematics. It also tries to find out about real needs of pupils in this area and about their knowledge of sexual education not only from their school's point of view, but also that of their families.

Sex- och samlevnadsundervisning ur olika perspektiv : Lärare och andra samhällsaktörers syn på sex- och samlevnadsundervisning / Sex and human relationships from different perspectives : Teachers’ and other social actors’ view of education in sex and human relationships

Mosrati, Adam January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att synliggöra lärares och andra aktörers syn på sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen för ungdomar. Frågeställningarna som arbetet syftar till att besvara är: Hur skapas en sex- och samlevnadsproblematik? Och vilka uppfattningar har lärare och andra samhällsaktörer (skolsköterska, barnmorska och folkhälsosamordnare) om ungdomars sex- och samlevnadsundervisning? Det är en kvalitativ studie med en fenomenologisk tolkningsram. Det har gjorts semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem lärare och sex andra aktörer.   I forskningsbakgrunden lyfts faktorer som man genom tidigare forskning sett som bidragande faktorer till en sex- och samlevnadsproblematik. Dessa faktorer är bland annat bristande utbildning, erfarenhet, tid och rum.   Resultatet är att problematiken i sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen består av brist på ämneskunskaper, tids- och rumsbrist, brist på samarbete och meningsskiljaktigheter i vem som bär ansvaret för sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen. I slutet av arbetet jämförs och diskuteras resultatet med tidigare forskning samt vad styrdokumenten säger. Slutsatsen för studien är att tids- och rumsbrist är en allmän problematik som återfinns i stora delar av skolvärlden, bristande ämneskunskaper har uppstått då en stor del av lärarutbildningarna ej undervisat studenterna i området och samarbetsproblematiken har skapats genom en bristande eller obefintlig övergripande plan för området. / The purpose of this study is to make visible teachers and other actors view on education in sex and human relationships for adolescents. The questions that the study aims to answer are: How is a sex and human relationships problematic created? And what are the perceptions of teachers and other social actors (school nurse, midwife and public health coordinator) about adolescent’s education in sex and human relationships? It is a qualitative study with a phenomenological interpretive framework. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with five teachers and six other actors. In the research background, factors that have been seen in previous research as contributing factors to a sex and human relationship problem are highlighted. These factors include lack of education, experience, time and space.   The result is that the problems in education in sex and human relationships consist of a lack of subject knowledge, lack of time, lack of cooperation and disagreements in who is responsible for education in sex and human relationships. At the end of the work, I compare and discuss the results with previous research and what the governing documents say. The conclusion of the study is that lack of time and space is a general problem that is found in large parts of the school world, lack of subject knowledge has arisen since a large part of teacher educations is not educating students in the subject and cooperation problems have been created by a lack of or non-existent overall plan for the subject.

Komentovaný překlad románu Le dernier des nôtres / Translation of the French Novel Le dernier des nôtres

Friedbergerová, Adéla January 2021 (has links)
The master thesis treats about the multi awarded roman Le dernier des nôtres. This roman is the second written by the French novelist and journalist Adélaïde de Clermont-Tonnerre. The purpose of this thesis is the translation of some chapters of this roman into Czech language. On the following pages, we will focus on analyzing and professionally comment our way of translating. We will study the different elements composing the translation and the cultural specificities we had to consider while translating. Not less important was the general approach of theoretical translation processes and methodology, but also the problematics that could be faced by a translator. Theoretical chapters give a better understanding of translation discipline.

Управление модернизацией производственной системы предприятия в концепции бережливого производства : магистерская диссертация / Management of modernization of the production system of enterprises in the concept of the cooking production

Рудаков, М. А., Rudakov, M. A. January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to develop an integration approach based on benchmarking and the Lean Manufacturing concept for the modernization of the production system of the defense industry enterprise, as well as a method for reducing risks when introducing the BP concept at Russian enterprises. This work contains 8 goals that were achieved in the performance of the work. This work contains 3 positions of scientific novelty. Approbation of scientific novelty is contained in 6 sub-clauses of the work. With the help of the lean manufacturing project, the company will be able to reach the target figures that have been planned. / Целью диссертации заключалась в разработке интеграционный подход, основанный на бенчмаркинге и концепции Бережливого производства для модернизации производственной системы предприятия ОПК, так же был разработан метод снижения рисков при внедрения концепции БП на предприятиях РФ. Данная работа содержит 8 целей, которые были достигнуты при выполнении работы. Данная работа содержит 3 позиции научной новизны. Апробация научной новизны содержится в 6 подпунктах работы. С помощью проекта по внедрению Бережливого производства, предприятие сможет выйти на целевые показатели, которые были запланированы.

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