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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Oliveira, Alexandre Silva de 21 November 2008 (has links)
The theme of the thesis research proposal is the development of the field of knowledge of marketing in the design pre-stage of agricultural machinery. This is developed over the pre-development phase in design of agricultural machinery in order to identify the corporate and customers needs and develop strategies to be met. The central question of the research asks which marketing process tools to apply on pre-development of farm machinery, in order to increase the market value of the products and of the company and, consequently, generate competitiveness of the manufacturers of agricultural machinery. As methodology it was developed bibliographical search and multicase study of the development engineering process used by small, medium and large companies and the academy. As result a reference model for marketing pre-stage on development of agricultural machinery has produced, which outlines the activities, tasks, mechanisms and controls that can be used in strategic planning and in products planning, for manufacturers of agricultural machinery, helping to explain the knowledge in the field of marketing. / O tema de pesquisa da tese proposta é o desenvolvimento do domínio de conhecimento de marketing no projeto de máquinas agrícolas. Este é desenvolvido ao longo do projeto de máquinas agrícolas a fim de identificar as necessidades dos clientes e da corporação e criar estratégias para que sejam satisfeitas. O problema central de pesquisa questiona quais mecanismos de marketing utilizar no processo de pré-desenvolvimento de máquinas agrícolas, para aumentar o valor de mercado dos produtos e da empresa e, conseqüentemente, gerar um diferencial competitivo às fabricantes de máquinas agrícolas. Como metodologia desenvolveu-se pesquisas bibliográficas e estudo de multicasos do processo de desenvolvimento de máquinas agrícolas desenvolvido pelas pequenas, médias e grandes empresas e pela academia. Como resultado elaborou-se um modelo referencial de marketing para a etapa de pré-desenvolvimento de máquinas agrícolas, que aponta as atividades, tarefas, mecanismos e controles que podem ser utilizados no planejamento estratégico e no planejamento de produtos das empresas fabricantes de máquinas agrícolas, contribuindo para a explicitação do conhecimento do domínio de marketing.

Metodologia e aplicativo de banco de dados para o desenvolvimento virtual de produtos / Methodology and database application for virtual product development

Carniel, Denize Regina January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor uma metodologia de desenvolvimento virtual de produtos por meio da criação de um aplicativo de banco de dados com componentes individuais e utilizando a tecnologia da realidade virtual (VRML) para a visualização do produto final. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho foram investigados: a influência da difusão das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) no setor industrial; o processo de desenvolvimento de produtos e suas etapas; o design virtual e os recursos computacionais utilizados atualmente tanto na concepção quanto na prototipagem de produtos; a tecnologia da realidade virtual e sua aplicação nas diversas áreas, em especial, na indústria; e a utilização de padrões de metadados para a modelagem de banco de dados. O processo de intervenção ocorre por meio das seguintes etapas: análise e seleção de produtos para a montagem; projeto dos componentes individuais dos produtos; estruturação dos metadados; desenvolvimento do banco de dados e da metodologia de montagem. A metodologia de montagem é constituída de duas fases: na primeira, são definidos os pontos de inserção dos componentes (onde ocorre a conexão) e obtidas as suas coordenadas em um software CAD, a partir do seu modelo tridimensional, e também os demais metadados que caracterizam cada componente a ser cadastrado no banco de dados; criam-se arquivos em realidade virtual VRML de cada componente. Na segunda fase, modela-se o banco de dados, registrando todas as informações necessárias dos componentes e realizando a montagem dos produtos, através da conexão de dois componentes individuais em cada etapa de montagem. A metodologia de montagem de produtos virtuais está implementada no aplicativo de banco de dados chamado "dvPro", desenvolvido na plataforma do banco de dados Microsoft Access. O aplicativo possui interface amigável, possibilitando o cadastro de componentes, a montagem de produtos e a reutilização de componentes e produtos para a montagem de novos produtos, não exigindo do usuário grande conhecimento em banco de dados e realidade virtual. Apresentam-se dois exemplos de montagem de produtos, nos quais é possível verificar a viabilidade e a eficiência da metodologia proposta. / The objective of this work is to propose a methodology for virtual product development through the creation of a database with individual components and the use of virtual reality technology (VRML) to visualize the final product. For work development, the following subjects were investigated: the influence of information dissemination and communication technologies (ICTs) in the industrial sector; the process of product development, its stages; the virtual design and the computing resources currently used in design and product prototyping; the virtual reality technology and its application in various areas, especially in industry; and the use of metadata standards for database modeling. The intervention process occurs through the following phases: analysis and selection of products for assembly; design of individual product components; metadata structuring; development of database and assembly methodology. The assembly methodology has two steps: in the first, insertion points of components (where connections take place) are defined and its coordinates are obtained using a CAD software, based on the 3D model. Also, other metadata that characterize each component to be registered in the database are obtained and virtual reality VRML file for each component is created. In the second step, the database is modeled, recording all the information from the components and performing the product assembly, through the connection of two individual components in each assembly. The methodology for virtual assembly of products is implemented in a database application named "dvPro", developed on Microsoft Access database system. The application has a friendly interface, allowing component registration, product assembly and reusability of components and products to assembly new products. Only basic knowledge of database systems and virtual reality is needed to use the application. Two examples of assembly methodology are presented, where the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed methodology can be verified.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema de transmissão mecânica baseado em engrenagens cônicas e faciais

Bianchi, Kleber Eduardo January 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o intuito de propor um sistema de transmissão mecânica baseado em engrenagens cônicas e faciais, de razões de velocidades escalonadas, para uso industrial e no setor da mobilidade. Em virtude do grande desenvolvimento das transmissões compostas por engrenagens faciais nos últimos anos, implementado por centros de pesquisa da área e por indústrias do setor aeronáutico, um dos objetivos deste trabalho foi estender o campo de aplicação dessas engrenagens para outros campos da engenharia. Inicialmente, mostra-se um estudo dos principais tipos de transmissões mecânicas presentes na indústria e, principalmente, no setor da mobilidade; área em que, usualmente, encontram-se os requisitos mais elevados de operação. Além disso, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica abordando tópicos importantes relacionados às engrenagens em geral e, mais especificamente, às transmissões cônicas e faciais. Esta revisão serviu de base para a implementação dos algoritmos para modelagem das engrenagens do sistema proposto. Para validar o conceito, um protótipo foi construído e testado, tendo como principal objetivo a comprovação da viabilidade e eficácia do sistema proposto, tanto na transmissão do movimento como na alteração da razão de velocidades. Realizados os testes, observou-se que, efetivamente, o sistema atendeu aos atributos funcionais especificados. Para a construção desse protótipo, as engrenagens envolvidas passaram por um processo de modelagem matemática, seguida pela modelagem sólida em software de CAD e pela fabricação em centro de usinagem. Para complementar o estudo, foi implementada uma rotina baseada nas normas AGMA, com foco na determinação das dimensões do pinhão, componente mais crítico do sistema. Desta forma, este trabalho permitiu avaliar os aspectos funcionais e elaborar um procedimento de projeto das engrenagens que compõem a transmissão proposta, concluindo que esta apresenta características herdadas das engrenagens faciais - facilidade de fabricação com custos competitivos - bem como características que a tornam adequada para operação automática em aplicações com alta taxa de flutuação da carga de trabalho, quais sejam: pequena variação da relação de transmissão e simplicidade do mecanismo de alteração da relação de velocidades. / This work was developed with the aim of propose a multi-speed mechanical gear drive based on face and bevel gears, for industrial and mobility field applications. Because of the recent great development of face gears, implemented by gear research centers and by aeronautical industry, one of the present work objectives was the extension of the application of these gears to other areas. The text begins with a brief review of the most used mechanical transmissions in the industry and, mainly, in the mobility field, where usually are found the higher loading and operation requirements. Also, important topics related to all gear transmissions and, more specifically, to bevel and face gears are presented. This review gave support for the algorithms implemented for the gears modeling. In sequence, for concept validation, a prototype was constructed and tested. The main objective of this prototype was proving that the original concept was viable and effective to transmit motion and change the ratio of velocities. After the tests, it was observed that, effectively, the system attended to specified functional attributes. For prototype construction, the related gears have been mathematically modeled, which was followed by the solid modeling in a CAD software and, finally, by the manufacturing process in a CNC milling machine. To extend the knowledge about the proposed transmission, an algorithm based on AGMA standards was implemented to assist in the analysis process related to the pinions, which are the most critical components of the system. As a result, this work allowed to validate the functional aspects and to elaborate a gear design procedure for the proposed system. Such system presents features inherited from face gears - constructive and manufacturing simplicity, meaning competitive costs -as well as features that make it adequate for automatic operation in high working load floating rates, which are: small ratio of velocities variation and mechanical simplicity of gears changing mechanism.

O conceito de affordance como estratégia generativa no design de produtos orientado para a versatilidade

Broch, José Carlos January 2010 (has links)
Para a estruturação e qualificação do pensamento criativo alguns educadores sugerem a utilização de modelos de aprendizagem baseados na ampliação das capacidades associativas dos alunos. Neste cenário emerge a Teoria das Affordances como ferramenta, tanto para compreender como o indivíduo interage com os objetos, quanto para ampliar essa interatividade. Focando um design orientado para a ampliação da utilidade dos produtos, o presente estudo explora a aplicação da Teoria das Affordances como estratégia para identificar novas possibilidades de uso dos objetos e analisa como esta aplicação interfere no processo criativo de alunos de Design. O delineamento experimental baseou-se no Plano de Quatro Grupos, de Richard Solomon, e os participantes do estudo exploratório foram alunos de cursos de graduação em Design de quatro instituições privadas de ensino brasileiras. A análise qualitativa e quantitativa dos dados sugere que a exploração de affordances em sala de aula, ao induzir a abstração, potencializa a emergência de alternativas de uso que, incorporadas ao processo de design, podem conferir versatilidade e aumentar as possibilidades de inovação na concepção de produtos. Os resultados da pesquisa deverão ser ainda ulteriormente confrontados com resultados de novos testes para que seja possível confirmar as hipóteses sobre a importância do uso de associações estruturadas (affordances) no ensino e no processo de design de produtos. / To qualify creative thinking, some educators suggest the use of learning models based on expansion of associative capacities of the students. In this scenario, the Theory of Affordances emerges as a tool to understand how the individual interacts with objects and to increase this interactivity. Focusing utility-oriented design, this study explores the application of the Theory of Affordances as a strategy to identify new possibilities for use of objects and analyzes how this application interferes within the creative process of Design students. The experiment was based on Solomon’s Four-Group Design and the participants of the exploratory study were students of undergraduate courses in Design of four Brazilian private colleges. The qualitative and quantitative data analysis suggests that the exploitation of affordances in the classroom, to induce abstraction, enhances the emergence of use alternatives, and incorporated into the design process may provide versatility and increase opportunities for innovation in product design. The research results must still be faced with further results of new experiments to confirm the hypothesis about the importance of structured associations use (affordances) in education and product design process.

Estudo morfológico da planta Salvinia Molesta : uma contribuição para a biônica e o design de produto

Steigleder, Ana Paula January 2010 (has links)
A análise biônica é uma ferramenta versátil que apresenta grande potencial tecnológico tanto em aplicações industriais como bens de consumo, pois através dela, o designer, pesquisa e busca na biologia indicações e orientações de elementos e mecanismos funcionais e formais que possibilitem o desenvolvimento de produtos. Assim, produtos que necessitem de conforto térmico, impermeabilização de paredes, lajes, telhas e produtos afins ou mesmo problemas como a retirada de resíduos do fundo de embalagens têm na análise biônica soluções inteligentes e otimizadas pela natureza. Desta forma, esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de analisar a morfologia da planta aquática Salvinia Molesta no intuito de investigar a capacidade de repelência da água na superfície da folha, para posteriormente reproduzir suas propriedades visando o desenvolvimento de produtos que necessitem de superfícies impermeáveis. Para esta análise foram realizados distintos métodos de caracterização: microscopia via microscópio estereoscópico, microscopia eletrônica de varredura - MEV, medida do ângulo de contato, medida da histerese do ângulo de contato e análise por dispersão de energia - EDS. Após a compilação destas informações foi desenvolvida uma simulação computacional 3D a qual serviu tanto para a demonstração quanto para uma melhor compreensão do mecanismo de funcionamento da capacidade de repelência de água da planta Salvinia Molesta. A caracterização por microscopia eletrônica de varredura apresentou a estrutura do tricoma onde por sua vez, identificou os locais onde havia presença e ausência de ceras nos tricomas da planta. A medida do ângulo de contato da superfície da folha é um dado de importante, pois define a capacidade de absorção de água na superfície da planta. Os resultados de caracterização indicaram a hidrofobicidade da Salvinia Molesta que até o momento não havia sido mencionado pela literatura. Esta pesquisa foi ainda precedida de uma metodologia biônica que conduziu em uma pesquisa sistemática onde avaliou a necessidade, os potenciais e as limitações da planta Salvinia Molesta podendo ser esta metodologia aplicada no estudo biônico de plantas em geral. / The bionic analysis is a versatile tool that shows great technological potential either in industrial applications as well as in consumption goods because by its usage the designer researches and seeks in Biology indications and orientations of elements, and functional and formal mechanisms that enable the development of products. Thus, products that need thermal comfort, proofing of walls, slab stones, tiles, and similar products or even problems with the removal of residues from the bottom of packages have got in bionic analysis intelligent solutions optimized by nature. This research aims to analyze the morphology of the aquatic plant Salvinia Molesta with the purpose to investigate the capacity of water repellence on the surface of the leave in order to later reproduce its properties aiming at the development of products that necessitate impermeable surfaces. For this analysis there has been carried out distinct characterization methods, such as: stereoscopical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy - SEM, measurement of the contact angle, measurement of the hysteresis of the angle, and analysis by energy dispersion system - EDS. After the compilation of these data a 3D computer simulation was developed which served as a demonstration as well as a better comprehension of the mechanism on the way the water repellence capacity of Salvinia Molesta works. The characterization by scanning electron microscopy showed the structure of the hair where it identified the places where there were the presence and absence of waxes on the plant’s hairs. The measurement of the contact angle of the leave surface is an important data because it defines the capacity of water absorption on the surface of the plant. The characterization results indicate Salvinia Molesta’s hydrophobicity which had not been mentioned in the literature up to now. This research was also preceded by a bionic methodology which conducted in a systematic research where Salvinia Molesta’s necessity, potentials, and limitations were evaluated, enabling this methodology to be applied in the bionic study of plants in general.

Digital product labels and the mapping of consumer values

Dodan'Li, Nihal January 2013 (has links)
Current labels of consumer products provide some level of information to consumers but at the moment, this expanding labelling logic, and the multitude of requirements it generates, is often tricky to implement and difficult to translate into a clear and accessible form of communication for consumers to engage with. In the first part of the thesis, an analysis of current labels is carried out which examine a selection of widely used consumer products. This examination supports the objective to imagine the type of complementary information consumers may deem useful, and also highlights the difficulty there may be for consumers in accessing and verifying some key information that directly concerns the product they use and that may significantly influence the assessment they make of it. To improve the quality of the information provided to the public, a fourtiered architecture is proposed in the second section that can respond to the issues that have been identified during the analysis and also with reference to techno-sociological considerations presented in the Literature Review. The end result is an online database which generates real-time digital labels that uses collaborative logics and allows users to conveniently explore essential information about the products and services they use and make decisions more in accordance with their own requirements and values. The system also offers the possibility for the various label stakeholders to actively engage with the evolution of the product they manufacture, verify, legislate upon or consume depending on their relation to the product. In order to illustrate the potential of this architecture, the digital label is applied to informational situations commonly encountered by consumers. Conceptually, the digital label appears capable to meet consumer needs and is ready to be implemented into a prototype. The architecture is also considered against recent developments in terms of digital product labels, and appears to offer a solid foundation to catalogue, compare and analyse them critically. The third section of the dissertation is a reflection on the merits of the digital labelling system, this time from a sociological perspective. The discussion has two objectives (1) validating the digital label as an information arrangement capable of responding to current societal demands and (2) determining the label underlying principles in order to guide further development.

Sustainable System for Water Desalination

Gutierrez Hernandez, Lucero, Ramirez Garcia, Wenny Fernanda January 2018 (has links)
Ankarstiftelsen, a non-profit organization with the mission of assuring the access to basic necessities in developing countries, presented a brief for a sustainable water desalination system, to obtain acceptable drinking water, in the region of La Guajira, Colombia.  The main objective of the project is the creation of an initial proposal for a sustainable desalination system using solar energy with a minimal cost of construction.    This project required large amounts of research regarding the principles of desalination and water purification systems. As well as the living conditions, weather, and water situation in La Guajira. Empirical studies helped verify initial information and provided a better understanding of desalination systems and their principles. Methodologies such as user personas, interviews, and Function analysis were used to determine key constraints and aspects to be considered in the project development.  In addition, simple functionality tests were conducted to evaluate the concepts generated. The resulting design proposal is a collection of technical functionality aspects and user identity that aims to create a meaningful and coherent product to be implemented in its designated context.

Experience Points: Learning, Product Literacy and Game Design

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Game design and product design are natural partners. They use similar tools. They reach the same users. They even share the same goal: to provide great user experiences. This thesis asks, "Can game design build better product learning experiences, and if so, how?" It examines the learning situations created by and necessary for product design. It examines the principles of game learning. Then it looks for opportunities to apply game learning principles to product learning situations. The goal is to create engaging and successful product learning experiences, without turning products into games. This study uses an auto-ethnographic evaluation of a gameplay session as well as participant observation and interviews with gamers to gather qualitative data. That data is sorted with an A(x4) framework and used to create user experience profiles. The final outcome is a toolkit that identifies areas where game design could improve the design of product user experiences, especially for product learning. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Design 2016

Bayesian Network Approach to Assessing System Reliability for Improving System Design and Optimizing System Maintenance

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: A quantitative analysis of a system that has a complex reliability structure always involves considerable challenges. This dissertation mainly addresses uncertainty in- herent in complicated reliability structures that may cause unexpected and undesired results. The reliability structure uncertainty cannot be handled by the traditional relia- bility analysis tools such as Fault Tree and Reliability Block Diagram due to their deterministic Boolean logic. Therefore, I employ Bayesian network that provides a flexible modeling method for building a multivariate distribution. By representing a system reliability structure as a joint distribution, the uncertainty and correlations existing between system’s elements can effectively be modeled in a probabilistic man- ner. This dissertation focuses on analyzing system reliability for the entire system life cycle, particularly, production stage and early design stages. In production stage, the research investigates a system that is continuously mon- itored by on-board sensors. With modeling the complex reliability structure by Bayesian network integrated with various stochastic processes, I propose several methodologies that evaluate system reliability on real-time basis and optimize main- tenance schedules. In early design stages, the research aims to predict system reliability based on the current system design and to improve the design if necessary. The three main challenges in this research are: 1) the lack of field failure data, 2) the complex reliability structure and 3) how to effectively improve the design. To tackle the difficulties, I present several modeling approaches using Bayesian inference and nonparametric Bayesian network where the system is explicitly analyzed through the sensitivity analysis. In addition, this modeling approach is enhanced by incorporating a temporal dimension. However, the nonparametric Bayesian network approach generally accompanies with high computational efforts, especially, when a complex and large system is modeled. To alleviate this computational burden, I also suggest to building a surrogate model with quantile regression. In summary, this dissertation studies and explores the use of Bayesian network in analyzing complex systems. All proposed methodologies are demonstrated by case studies. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Industrial Engineering 2018

Recomendações ergonômicas para o projeto de cadeira de rodas: considerando os aspectos fisiológicos e cognitivos dos idosos

Carriel, Ivan Ricardo Rodrigues [UNESP] 25 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-04-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:30:45Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 carriel_irr_me_bauru.pdf: 7679368 bytes, checksum: dd42f0c2a51d2721fb2c679fa380f777 (MD5) / Segundo o último censo realizado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE (2002), o Brasil possuía um contingente de aproximadamente 15 milhões de pessoas com idade acima de 60 anos, ou seja, as pessoas idosas representavam 8,6% da população brasileira na época. Portanto, o crescimento da populaçã de idosos tanto no Brasil quanto no mundo, já está bastante delineado pelas estatísticas demográficas. Outras pesquisas apontam que uma parcela representativa desses idosos, necessita de assistência tecnológica específica para que as Atividades da Vida Diária (AVD's) sejam realizadas com maior plenitude. O uso de cadeiras de rodas, por exemplo, além de facilitar a realização da locomoção e o processo de reabilitação do estado de saúde, tem por objetivo integrar socialmente o indivíduo. Porém, idosos quando fazem uso de cadeiras de rodas acabam se tornando vítimas dessa tecnologia, ora pela falta de conforto ou segurança, ora pela ineficiência que o produto gera para interface tecnológica, o que favorece a complicação do quadro patológico e do processo de reabilitação. As Tecnologias Assistivas, em especial as cadeiras de rodas, não estão adequadas tecnicamente às necessidades fisiológicas e psicológicas dos idosos. Diante desse quadro crítico e analítico buscou-se entender porque esses equipamentos não oferecem condições mínimas para a manutenção e muito menos para a reabilitação do estado de saúde do indivíduo. Inferiu-se que a falta de recomendações projetuais estava diretamente relacionado com esse problema. Portanto, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi buscar considerações de relevância para a prática projetual de cadeira de rodas e fundamentou-se a busca desas considerações nos conceitos do Design Ergonômico. A sistemática metodológica desenvolvida em três partes esteve apoiada em abordagens de caráter teórico... / According to the last demographic census conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) (2002), Brazil possessed a contingent of approximately 15 million inhabitants aged above 60 years old, in other words, the elderly people represented 8,6% of the Brazilian population at that time. Therefore, the growth of the seniors' population in Brazil and in the world, is already quite delineated by the statistics. Other researches show that a representative portion of those seniors, needs specific technological attendance so that the Activities of the Daily Life (ADL's) can be accomplished at full. The use of wheelchairs, for example, besides facilitating locomotion as well as the process of rehabilitation of the health condition, has the objective of integrating the individual socially. However, when the elderly make use of wheelchairs they end up turning into victims of that technology, either for the comfort they bring lack of safety, or for the inefficiency that the product generates for the technological interface, which in turn favors the complication of the pathological picture and the rehabilitation process. The Technologies Assistive, especially the wheelchairs, are not adapted technically to the seniors' physiologic and psychological needs. In face of that critical and analytical picture it has been sought to understand why such equipment does not offer the minimum conditions for the maintenance nor for the rehabilitation of the individual's health condition. It was inferred that the lack of design specification were directly related with that problem. Therefore, the objective of that research was to look for considerations of relevance to propose the design of a wheelchair. Those considerations were based in the concepts of the Ergonomic Design. The sytematic methodology which was developed in theree parts was based on the approaches of theoretical...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below)

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