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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Funcionamento familiar e eficácia de um programa psicoeducacional em familiares de jogadores patológicos" / Family functioning and efficacy of a psychoeducation program in family members of pathological gamblers

Maria Helena Bernardi Mazzoleni 22 August 2006 (has links)
O jogo patológico tem sido amplamente analisado na literatura e, apesar do reconhecimento do impacto que ele causa nos familiares, poucos estudos se dedicaram à família. A maior parte destes baseou-se exclusivamente na experiência profissional dos autores, sem metodologia adequada que permitisse a comparação ou generalização de resultados. O presente estudo tem o objetivo de descrever a estrutura do núcleo familiar de jogadores patológicos e analisar seu funcionamento após a intervenção de um programa psicoeducacional. Familiares que moravam junto com um jogador patológico que aderiu a um programa de tratamento foram convidados para a avaliação familiar. As avaliações constaram de três etapas. A primeira fase foi composta por uma entrevista e aplicação das três escalas da Medida de Avaliação Familiar (FAM Geral, FAM Auto-avaliação, FAM Diádica) e da Escala de Adequação Social. Na avaliação intermediária, antes e após o psicoeducacional, foi aplicada a versão breve da FAM. Finalmente, após um intervalo de um a dois anos os familiares repetiram as escalas da avaliação inicial. Os jogadores foram avaliados no início pela FAM versão breve. A intervenção foi composta por quatro encontros psicoeducacionais baseados em um manual desenvolvido especialmente para familiares de jogadores patológicos e fundamentado no método “Reforço Comunitário e Treinamento Familiar”. A amostra inicial (n = 91) diminui significativamente depois de seis meses (n=54), sendo que apenas aproximadamente um terço participou da reavaliação final (n = 30). A proporção de mulheres em todas as ocasiões foi expressivamente maior que a de homens (>70%), o que demonstra que são as mulheres que mais aderem a programas intervencionais. A estrutura das famílias dos jogadores patológicos apresenta o jogador ocupando a posição de pai (40,7%) ou de mãe (36,2%) na maior parte das vezes. A maioria dos familiares (83,5%) sabia exatamente quando o jogo havia começado. O fator financeiro foi apontado por 55% dos familiares como o primeiro problema causado pelo jogo, e o relacionamento por 34% da amostra. Tanto o familiar como o jogador percebem o jogador como o paciente identificado. Os familiares consideram o funcionamento da família muito comprometido, sendo que os quesitos mais problemáticos foram a realização de tarefas, a atribuição de papéis, o controle e os valores e normas. Os escores da Escala de Adequação Social indicaram que o ajustamento social dos familiares de jogadores patológicos está prejudicado em todas as áreas exceto relação com filhos em relação a sujeitos normais. Após o programa psicoeducacional em curto prazo os familiares não apresentaram diferença significativa e em longo prazo eles evidenciaram uma redução significativa da questão do controle. Também passaram a perceber os valores e normas do jogador como mais adequados, e descreveram uma melhora na situação econômica. Apesar de alguns resultados começarem a surgir depois do psicoeducacional, esta intervenção não se mostrou suficiente para promover uma mudança consistente no funcionamento familiar. O caráter informativo do psicoeducacional pode ter contribuído em alguns momentos para minimizar o estresse, porém em outros parece não ter dado conta da demanda. / The pathological gambler has been widely investigated in the literature and beyond recognizing the impact they have on family members, few studies have addressed the family itself. The majority of studies have been based exclusively on the professional experience of the authors, without employing suitable methods allowing comparison or generalizing of findings. The present studies aims to describe the structure of the family unit of pathological gamblers and analyze its functioning following intervention by a psychoeducation program. Family members that live together with pathological gambler that joined a treatment program were invited to the family evaluation. Assessments consisted of three stages. The first phase comprised an interview and application of the three Family Assessment Measure scales)(General Scale, Self-Rating Scale, Dyadic Scale) together with the Social Adjustment Scale. The brief version of the FAM was applied both before and after psychoeducation at the intermediate assessment. Finally, following a one to two- year interval, the families repeated the scales of the initial assessment. The gamblers were assessed using the brief version of the FAM. Intervention consisted of four psychoeducation sessions based on a specially developed manual for family members of pathologic gamblers, employing the underlying method of Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT). The initial sample (n = 91) reduced significantly after six months (n = 54), where only around a third took part in the final assessment (n = 30). The proportion of women present at sessions was markedly greater than men (> 70%), showing that women adhere more to intervention programs. The structure of pathologic gamblers’ families show the gambler tends to be the father (40.7%) or the mother (36.2%) in most cases. The majority of family members (83.5%) knew exactly when the gambling had commenced. The financial factor was mentioned by 55% of family members as representing the major problem caused by the gambling whilst relationships accounted for 34% of the sample. Both family member and gambler recognized the gambler as a patient. The family members considered family functioning to have been severely compromised, where most problematic issues proved to be Task accomplishment, Role performance, Control and Values and norms. The scores of the Social Adjustment Scale indicated poorer social adjustment in all areas but parental role for the pathological gamblers’ family in relation to normal subjects. Following psychoeducation program, family members presented no significant difference in the short term, whereas over the long term they showed a significant reduction on the Control scale. They also reported Values and norms of the gambler as having become acceptable, and described improvement in Economic adequacy. Although some positive results began to emerge after the psychoeducation program, this intervention did not prove sufficient to bring about a consistent change in family functioning. The informative nature of the psychoeducation may have contributed at times by minimizing stress, whilst in other areas it seems to have been unable to address the problems.

"Avaliação do processo de expansão do programa saúde da família em um município do sul do Brasil" / "Evaluation of the Family Health Program expansion process in a South of Brazil city"

Fábio Aragão Kluthcovsky 24 October 2005 (has links)
Este é um estudo de caso com abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa, tendo como objetivo a descrição do histórico e a avaliação do processo de expansão do PSF em um município do Sul do Brasil, ocorrido entre dezembro de 2002 e dezembro de 2004. Foi utilizado o referencial Donabedian para avaliação de estrutura, processo e resultado e posterior comparação, em um estudo tipo before and after, na evolução da cobertura pelo PSF, calculada pela sistemática do Ministério da Saúde, de 23,85%(dez/2002) para 70%(dez/2004). A discussão dos resultados foi realizada em conjunto com uma descrição do histórico da expansão de 11 para 33 equipes de saúde da família através de pesquisa documental onde, mediante análise de conteúdo, se procedeu a identificação de temas relativos à estrutura, processo e resultado relacionados com o PSF. Em relação à estrutura, foram comparados recursos financeiros, recursos humanos, instalações físicas, veículos, referência especializada, exames complementares e gastos com medicamentos. Proporção de organização de prontuários individuais por famílias, cobertura por consultas médicas e de enfermagem e cobertura de visitas domiciliares no PSF foram os itens analisados em processo. Para a avaliação de resultado foram comparadas as taxas de mortalidade infantil, percentual de cobertura de gestantes com mais que 6 consultas de pré-natal, taxas de incidência de internações no SUS por infecções respiratórias e doença diarréica em menores de 5 anos. A comparação entre os momentos evidencia um significativo incremento em todos os itens de estrutura comparados, com destaque para recursos financeiros e humanos, referência especializada e instalações físicas. Em relação a processo, foi adotada maciçamente uma sistemática de arquivamento de prontuários individuais por famílias cadastradas, houve um aumento dos quantitativos de consultas médicas no PSF com redução de consultas de clínica médica, pediatria e de urgência. Como resultante, na comparação entre os momentos, houve queda no quantitativo e cobertura de consultas nas especialidades básicas. A cobertura por consultas de enfermagem aumentou em 160,7% no período de comparação. A cobertura de visitas domiciliares na sistemática do SISPACTO aumentou em 92,3% entre os momentos analisados, sendo estudada a variação por categoria profissional. Na avaliação de resultado ocorreu uma piora na cobertura de gestantes com mais que 6 consultas de pré-natal com redução de 61,6% para 50,0%. Os coeficientes de internação no SUS por infecção respiratória aguda e por doença diarréica aumentaram em 29,1% e 15,3%, respectivamente. A mortalidade infantil reduziu em 33,0 %, de 28,8‰ para 19,3‰. A descrição histórica resgata o período anterior à expansão até o final de 2004, término da análise deste estudo. A combinação dos dados quantitativos com a descrição histórica permitiu identificar os elementos facilitadores e dificultadores em um processo de expansão / This is a study of case with qualitative and quantitative approach. It has as objective the description of the historical description and the evaluation of the Family Health Program (FHP) expansion process in a South of Brazil city, occurred between December of 2002 and December of 2004. It was used the Donabedian model for structure, process and result evaluation and subsequent comparison, in a before and after study type, in the covering area evolution of the program, calculated by the Health Department systematic, from 23,85%(dec/2002) to 70%(dec/2004). The results discussion was carried out joined to a historical description expansion from 11 to 33 Family’s Health teams. It was done through documentary research, where, using the content analysis, it was possible to identify the subjects related to the structure, process and results related to the FHP. Related to the structure was compared financial resources, human resources, physical installations, vehicles, specialized reference, complementary examinations and expenses with medicines. The items analyzed in process were ratio of individual medical record organization for families, covering for medical and nursing consultations and covering of home visits in the FHP. For the result evaluation the taxes of children’s mortality, percentage of pregnant covering with more than 6 prenatal consultations, rates of hospital admission incidence, using the Brazilian Health System, for respiratory infections and diarrhea illness in children under 5 years old were compared. The comparison between the moments evidences a significant meaningful in all items of structure compared, with prominence for financial and human resources, specialized reference and physical installations. About the process, it was adopted an individual medical record filling systematic for registered families. There was an increase in the number of medical consultations in the FHP with reduction for the medical clinic, pediatrics and urgency consultations. As resultant, in the comparison between the moments, it reduced the amount and the consultations covering in the basic specialties. The covering of nursing consultations increased in 160, 7% in the period of comparison. The home visits covering in the systematic of the SISPACTO increased in 92,3% between the analyzed moments, the variation was studied in each professional category. In the results evaluation occurred a worsening in the pregnant with more than 6 consultations of prenatal covering, with reduction from 61,6% to 50,0%. The coefficients of hospital admission using the Brazilian Health System for respiratory infection and diarrhea illness had increased in 29,1% and 15,3%, respectively. Children’s mortality reduced in 33,0%, from 28,8‰ to 19,3‰. The historical description refers to the period before the expansion until the end of 2004, when the analysis of this study was finished. The facilities and limiters in an expansion process are identified by the combination of the quantitative data with the historical description.

"Eficácia de um programa de orientação para cuidadores de afásicos em população brasileira" / Efficacy of an orientation program to carergivers of aphasic patients in brazilian population

Thais Helena Machado 23 September 2004 (has links)
Tema:Cuidadores podem ter importante papel na recuperação de afásicos.Objetivo: Estudar o impacto de ações educativas junto a cuidadores. Método: Dez afásicos foram avaliados e seus cuidadores questionados e observados sobre percepções de dificuldades de comunicação. A intervenção foi realizada em grupos com ênfase em aspectos educativos, em 6 sessões. Resultados: Houve mudanças positivas do cuidador, no que diz respeito à possibilidade de melhor capacidade de compreensão e avaliação das dificuldades de linguagem, embora com pouca expressão, se considerados os indicadores propostos no programa.Conclusão: Nota-se benefícios no emprego de programas de educação junto a cuidadores de afásicos moderados e graves. Constata-se a necessidade de se aprimorar indicadores de resultados terapêuticos. / Background: Caregivers can have important paper in aphasic's recuperation. Aim: To study the impact of educational actions in caregivers. Method: Ten aphasic patients were assessed and their caregivers questioned and observed about perceptions regarding the communication funcionality. The intervention was accomplished in group and was oriented to educatives' aspects, in 6 sessions. Results: There were caregiver's positive changes in the possibility of better capacity of comprehension and evaluation of laguage difficulties, although with little expression, if indicators proposed in the program are pondered

Analýza a návrh změn motivačního programu obchodní společnosti / Analysis and Changes Proposal of Motivation Program of Sales Company

Chládková, Marika January 2014 (has links)
The main focus of this diploma thesis is motivation program of selected company. The theoretical part covers basic concepts related to the theory of motivation, wage policy and remuneration. The practical part analyzes the current situation in the company completed by the questionnaire survey. The last part is focused on proposals and recommendations leading to more effective motivation program and employee motivation.

Developing Guidelines for Program Evaluation in Community-Based Rehabilitation

Grandisson, Marie January 2015 (has links)
Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) is an inclusive community development strategy implemented for and by people with disabilities in resource-poor areas. The scarcity of guidelines for CBR program evaluation largely contributes to its insufficient and fragmented evidence base. This thesis aimed to advance knowledge in this field by defining best evaluative practices in CBR and developing guidelines to foster sound CBR program evaluation. To achieve this, the doctoral candidate designed a sequential mixed methods study in three research phases: 1) a systematic literature review to identify potential best practice guidelines, 2) a field study in South Africa to pilot the guidelines, and 3) a Delphi study to generate expert consensus and refine the guidelines. Findings from this doctoral research emphasize the importance of giving a voice and control to those most affected by the program throughout the evaluation process, including people with disabilities. The findings also call for embracing the challenge of diversity by adapting CBR program evaluation to local cultures and languages, and by ensuring that programs leave no one behind. In addition, they indicate that CBR evaluators can foster the use of process and findings by endorsing a rigourous, collaborative and empowering approach. Ten best practice guidelines for CBR program evaluation were systematically developed through the three phases and represent expert consensus. They offer much-needed directions. Three represent features of sound CBR program evaluation processes, six offer indications to facilitate sound methodological decisions, and one recommends using a common framework to situate evaluation findings. The guidelines now need to be piloted in a range of CBR contexts and linked with tools to yield the valid and reliable data necessary to establishing CBR’s evidence base and ensuring that program evaluations lead to positive change in local communities.

Evaluation of a Sports-Based Positive Youth Development Program for First Nations Youth: Experiences of Community, Growth and Youth Engagement

Halsall, Tanya January 2016 (has links)
In contrast with mainstream Canadian youth, First Nations youth experience many health disparities. Researchers recommended that interventions designed to promote First Nations youth development use a strengths-based lens that recognizes contextual challenges. Furthermore, leadership programming for First Nations youth has begun to show promising outcomes. The overall purpose of this research was to examine the Youth Leadership Program (YLP) program to gain an understanding of program implementation and perceived outcomes related to both individual and community development. Two studies were conducted to fulfil the research purpose. The first study applied a qualitative approach that examined contextual dynamics, implementation issues (Article 1) and perceived impacts (Article 2). Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and analyzed using thematic analysis. Overall, 12 program staff (5 females), one Elder (male) and 10 youth (8 females) participated in semi-structured interviews. In addition, 11 youth (7 females) participated in two focus groups. The data from the youth and staff were included in the first study. The focus group data was included in the second study. In Article 1, findings were categorized into strategies for success and challenges. The following six themes were identified within the strategies for success: (a) designing youth engagement strategies, (b) being creative and adaptable, (c) being a positive presence, (d) applying experiential learning techniques, (e) balancing the integration of culture with youth voice and (f) identifying partnerships and developing relationships with the community. The three themes relating to challenges were (a) community diversity, (b) social issues and (c) staff burn-out. In Article 2, data analysis resulted in three themes that describe the perceived program effects at the participant, staff and community levels. The three major themes include: a) progressive leadership development, b) enhanced relationships and c) increased community participation. Within the second study (Article 3), methods were based on youth participatory evaluation and Photovoice and the design included capacity building, stakeholder analysis, photo exploration and utilization-focused activities. Using a thematic analysis, five themes were identified: (a) fun and fulfilling to engage the children, (b) positive outcomes for youth leaders, (c) community impacts, (d) challenges and (e) opportunities for improvement. Findings for each study are discussed in relation to current theory and practice, and recommendations are provided for future research and programming. This research makes contributions to applied positive youth development programming, community-based research with First Nations youth, youth-led participatory research and developmental systems theory.

MindMasters 2: Targeting Social-Emotional Learning in Elementary School Children: A 3-Month Intervention Evaluation

Santos, Alexandre January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this Master’s thesis was to determine the efficacy of a preventative intervention, MindMasters 2. In order to do so, an outcome evaluation was conducted to explore the extent to which MindMasters 2 impacted specific social and emotional skills in Grade 3 children. Additionally, a process evaluation was conducted to attain teachers’ perspectives on the acceptability of the program in a classroom setting. Teachers also provided suggestions for program improvement. A total of 98 Grade 3 children were recruited and randomly allocated to either a control or experimental group, and evaluated before and after a 3-month implementation period. Six Grade 3 teachers were recruited to partake in semi-structured interviews to share their experiences of program implementation. Overall, both quantitative and qualitative results support the notion that MindMasters 2 may play a role in improving children’s emotional regulation, relaxation ability, and social relationships. Furthermore, qualitative results indicate that the program was well adhered to in a classroom setting, and implementation of the program on a larger scale is supported by teachers. School administrators, teachers, caregivers, parents, researchers, and program administrators may find useful information in this thesis when attempting to promote positive living in the youth population.

Analýza efektivity vzdělávacího programu realizovaného v nadnárodní společnosti / Analysis of the effectiveness of training program implemented in multinational outsourcing company

Mrhálková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the analysis of the training program, which is implemented in a multinational outsourcing company. During the analysis of training program I am using knowledge of Kirkpatrick model and Success Case Method study, which are described in theoretical part. The aim of this thesis is to describe the processs of the training program (focusing on the description of leadership techniques) and evaluate this course. The basic premise of the thesis is that the training program has positive feedback in the company and it has also good reputation. I'm trying to confirm those claims through an evaluation of questionnaire survey and interviews with graduates of the training program. Evaluation will give me information about employee satisfaction with the organization and content of the course, with the knowledge and skills of the teacher, etc. The questionnaires are focused on identifying what the graduates have learned, how much of it they have used in practice and what they have accomplished thanks to those knowledge. To extend this information I used personal interviews, which provide me with specific examples of the use of leadership techniques in various situations in workplace. Finally, I summarize all the results and make recommendations that would increase the effectiveness of the course.

A formative program evaluation of a postsecondary support program for students with high functioning autism spectrum disorder

Wise, Kelly Lee 01 December 2015 (has links)
Adults with a diagnosis of High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (HF ASD) are becoming a significant presence on college campuses across the United States. A number of colleges have created programs to provide services to support accommodations for these students under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); the first was created in 2002. The creation of these programs does not guarantee success. The use of the logic model in the formative evaluation process has been found to be a key foundation for the establishment of an effective program. The logic model provides a visual representation of the defined problem, the resources and services, and the data sources which provide documentation of service delivery and the intended outcomes of the program. This study is a formative evaluation that uses a logic model approach conducted during the second year of an Autism Spectrum Support Program. This study analyzed data generated by 25 adult participants (20 male, 5 female) between the ages of 18 and 30 with a diagnosis of HF ASD to determine what changes to the program were required. The logic model served a dual purpose in this evaluation. First, it provided a visual representation of the services provided. Second, it served as a template for the organization of the program data. Methodological problems, suggested program changes, and future research directions are discussed.

How Do Data Dashboards Affect Evaluation Use in a Knowledge Network? A Study of Stakeholder Perspectives in the Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS)

Alborhamy, Yasmine 02 November 2020 (has links)
Since there is limited research on the use of data dashboards in the evaluation field, this study explores the integration of a data dashboard in a knowledge network, the Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS) as part of its program evaluation activities. The study used three phases of data collection and analysis. It investigates the process of designing a dashboard for a knowledge network and the different uses of a data dashboard in a program evaluation context through interviews and focus group discussions. Four members of the CRECS team participated in one focus group; two other members participated in individual interviews. Data were analyzed for thematic patterns. Results indicate that the process of designing a data dashboard consists of five steps that indicate the iterative process of design and the need for sufficient consultations with stakeholders. Moreover, the data dashboard has the potential to be used internally, within CRECS, and externally with other stakeholders. The data dashboard is also believed to be beneficial in program evaluation context as a monitoring tool, for evaluability assessment, and for evaluation capacity building. In addition, it can be used externally for accountability, reporting, and communication. The study sheds light on the potentials of data dashboards in organizations, yet prolonged and broader studies should take place to confirm these uses and their sustainability.

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