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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of smallholder irrigation schemes on poverty reduction among rural households of Vhembe and Sekhukhune Districts in Limpopo Province, South Africa

Baloi, Vutomi Arone January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. Agriculture. (Agricultural Economics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / Many researchers in different parts of the world have advocated the use of irrigation water to reduce levels of poverty, especially among rural households. This is made possible through the development of irrigation schemes in these areas and giving the necessary support to these farmers. If this is done sufficiently, irrigation schemes` participants are sure to realise improved livelihoods and poverty reduction. However, different communities are faced with different challenges and are subjected to rules and norms applied in their respective communities. On one hand, farmers are individuals who also have personal beliefs and characteristics that may be critical in determining the success of their irrigation schemes. On the other hand, certain characteristics (e.g., unequal distribution of water and land) can be inherited as challenges by farmers in such communities, making it difficult to overcome and thus posing threats to the success of irrigation schemes. A purposive-multistage technique together with a simple random sampling were used to sample 300 smallholder farmers from the Vhembe and Sekhukhune districts of Limpopo Province. An analysis of data was done using a combination of analytic techniques such as the Binomial Logit, Principal Component Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis, Poverty Indices and the Women Empowerment Agriculture Index. The latter was employed to examine whether or not there are efforts by the irrigation schemes to empower women. The main aim was to analyse the contribution and impact that irrigations schemes have on poverty reduction among smallholder farmers. There was also a need to consider the role that positive psychological capital may play in uplifting the hope, confidence, resilience and optimism by farmers in their irrigation schemes. The results revealed that women’s participation was high (58%) in the irrigation schemes as compared to men. However, this did not mean that women were empowered automatically. After administering the Women Empowerment Agriculture Index, it was found that women are actually disempowered in three (out of five) indicators that were used as a measure of empowerment. Meanwhile, most farmers who used irrigation, saw their livelihoods improve and their poverty status improve too. Irrigation was able to increase their yields, incomes, employment, and other household assets. It was again proven that positive psychological capital played a significant role in reducing poverty. However, factors such as lack of capital assets, social grants, illiteracy, old age, lack of vocational training and risk aversion in some instances contributed to poverty. In order to enhance the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, the government and other relevant bodies should see to it that agricultural extension services are improved and include vocational training for these farmers together with the provision of market information and business training. This may help farmers realise the importance of farming as a business and not relying on government for everything they need. A larger share of income for most farmers came from social grants and remittances. This is likely to have a negative impact on the success of irrigation schemes. Therefore, farmers need to be trained for self-reliance. The need to promote women’s participation in decision-making for water management and also suggests ways in which women’s access to water can be improved through equitable development cannot be overemphasised. There is also a need to conduct a study on the measurement and role of psychological capital in rural livelihoods using other methods such as revealed preference approach, experimental economics and behavioural economics.

Samlokalisering i samverkansprojekt inom infrastruktur : Lämplighet och implementering / Co-location in Collaborative Infrastructure Projects : Suitability and Implementation

Amouri, Thia, Fyrisson, Elias January 2024 (has links)
Byggindustrin har länge präglats av flera utmaningar, ofta relaterade till fragmentering och ineffektiv kommunikation. Samtidigt har den ökade komplexiteten och omfattningen av moderna byggprojekt skapat ett större behov av att integrera olika kompetenser och perspektiv. Med denna utveckling, har det blivit allt viktigare med nära och effektivt samarbete mellan olika parter. Ett verktyg som föreslås för att uppnå detta är samlokalisering, som innebär att alla projektpartners och medlemmar som medverkar i ett projekt arbetar inom gemensamma utrymmen och arbetsplatser. Dock är samlokalisering inte en vedertagen arbetsform och det saknas en enhetlig metod för implementering. Denna studie syftar därför till att utforska när samlokalisering är lämpligt och hur denna arbetsform implementeras i dagens svenska infrastrukturprojekt. Dessutom tar studien fram praktiska rekommendationer för hur samlokalisering ska planeras, organiseras och ledas för att främja ett effektivt samarbete.  Studien tillämpade en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vidare integrerades data från ett fallprojekt. Forskare, projektledare, projektchefer, konsulter och samverkansledare med olika erfarenheter av samlokalisering intervjuades. Studien identifierade att de förutsättningar som avgör när samlokalisering är lämpligt är viljan till samarbete, projektets typ och storlek, geografiska läge och kostnader. Studien fann att samlokalisering kunde resultera i förbättrad kommunikation och samverkan, men även högre ljudnivåer, utmaningar med ordning och svårigheter på grund av otillräcklig teknisk infrastruktur. Därmed bör utvärderingen av när samlokalisering är lämpligt även inkludera en bedömning om fördelarna med samlokalisering värdesätts tillräckligt av samverkansparterna i förhållande till nackdelarna. Idag innefattar implementeringen av samlokalisering i allmänhet utnämningen av en oberoende samverkansledare, inkluderande av samarbetsvilliga teammedlemmar, skapande av öppna och anpassningsbara arbetsytor, anordning av strukturerade och informella möten, användning av ledningsstrategier som fokuserar på social intelligens samt integrering av både den fysiska och tekniska infrastrukturen. Utöver detta fastställde studien olika praktiska råd för implementering av samlokalisering. Dessa inkluderade att fastställa arbetssätt och organisationsnormer, att tillgängliggöra samverkansdeklarationer för samtliga teammedlemmar, att möjliggöra diskussioner av lösningsförslag utan att påföra ansvar och att överlåta ansvar till samverkansledaren för att stödja sociala aspekter och medla i tvister. / The construction industry has for a long time faced numerous challenges, often related to fragmentation and inefficient communication. Concurrently, the increasing complexity and scale of modern construction projects have amplified the necessity to integrate diverse competencies and perspectives. Consequently, close and effective collaboration among various stakeholders has become increasingly important. A proposed mechanism to achieve this is co-location, which entails that all project partners and participants work within shared spaces and workplaces. However, co-location is not yet an established working method, and there is no standardized approach to its implementation. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the conditions under which co-location is suitable and to examine its implementation within contemporary Swedish infrastructure projects. Moreover, the study provides practical recommendations for planning, organizing, and managing co-location to enhance effective collaboration. The study employed a qualitative research method in the form of semi-structured interviews. Furthermore, data from a case project was integrated. Researchers, project managers, consultants, and collaboration managers with varying degrees of experience with co-location were interviewed. The study identified that the determining conditions for when co-location is suitable include the willingness to collaborate, project type and size, geographic location, and costs. The study found that co-location could result in improved communication and collaboration, but also higher noise levels, challenges with orderliness, and difficulties due to inadequate technical infrastructure. Therefore, the evaluation of when co-location is suitable should also include an assessment of whether the benefits of co-location are sufficiently valued by the collaboration partners relative to the disadvantages. Currently, the implementation of co-location generally involves appointing an independent collaboration manager, incorporating cooperative team members, creating open and adaptable workspaces, arranging structured and informal meetings, using leadership strategies that emphasize social intelligence, and integrating both physical and technical infrastructures. Additionally, the study determined practical recommendations for the implementation of co-location. These included establishing work methods and organizational norms, ensuring the accessibility of collaboration declarations for all team members, facilitating discussions of solutions without imposing liability, and delegating responsibility to the collaboration manager to support social aspects and mediate disputes.

Processus formalisé et systémique de management des risques par des projets de construction complexes et stratégiques / Formalized and systematic risk management process for complex and strategic construction projects

Tepeli, Esra 07 July 2014 (has links)
Le management des risques de projet est une préoccupation croissante dans le domaine de la construction. Il ne se limite pas seulement à l’analyse des risques techniques, mais couvre aussi les risques financiers, économiques, organisationnels, réglementaire, contractuel, et d’autres types de risques cruciaux pour des projets de construction complexes et stratégiques. Le management des risques nécessite l’identification, l’analyse, le suivi des risques et des opportunités pendant tout le cycle de vie du projet. Le processus formalisé et systémique de management des risques pour des projets de construction complexes et stratégiques permet d’identifier et d’analyser les risques attachés d’une part à la décomposition chronologique du projet (phases, sous-phases, tâches), à la décomposition organisationnelle du projet (aux acteurs projet), aux ressources, aux contrats, aux facteurs externes et d’autre part aux relations entre ces éléments. Le processus formalisé et systémique s’adapte au caractère dynamique et évolutif du projet, au type de contrat et au type de projet, au niveau de détail souhaité et à la vision de l’acteur qui fait le management des risques. L’ensemble de la démarche est fortement nourri de l’expérience tirée de projets réels au sein de l’entreprise partenaire. Un outil de gestion des risques est mis en place pour mettre en pratique la démarche théorique et pour tester la méthodologie proposée sur plusieurs études de cas des projets Partenariat Public Privé (PPP) et Conception-Construction-Maintenance. / Project risk management is a growing concern in the field of construction. It is not limited to technical risks, but also covers financial risks, economic, organizational or contractual and any type of risks crucial for complex and strategic construction projects. Risk management process involves the identification, analysis, monitoring of risks and opportunities throughout the project life cycle. The formalized and systematic risk management process first identifies and analyzes the risks associated with the chronological decomposition of the project (phases, sub-phases, tasks), with the organizational structure of the project (project actors), with resources, contracts, external factors and material or immaterial flows between these elements. The formalized and systematic approach adapts to the dynamic and evolving nature of the project, to the type of contract and the type of project, to the level of detail and the vision of the stakeholder who manages risks. The whole process is highly fed by real projects study cases. A tool for risk management is developed to put into practice the theoretical approach and to test the process in the case studies of Public Private Partnership (PPP) and Design-Build-Maintenance projects.

An evaluation of integrated development planning in Joe Gqabi District Municipality in the Province of the Eastern Cape

Danyela, Mawethu Sidwell January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Integrated Development Plan of Joe Gqabi District Municipality. The research instruments used in the study included the interview schedule and the questionnaire for both focus group and individual research participants. Research participants included the Community Development Workers (CDW's), Municipal officials, organised community structures, community representatives, ward councillors and ward committees, and interviews with representative groups. The research has revealed that there was non-involvement of the private sector and other social partners in the planning of the municipal programmes. There was also no practical integrated planning among the Local, Provincial and National spheres of government, as well as, a lack of alignment between the Integrated Development Plan, budget and Service Delivery and Implementation Plan. In conclusion, the IDP process needed to be as inclusive as possible to cater for the needs of all the communities and speed up service delivery.

Turismprojekt som möjlighet eller ond spiral : En studie av EU-projekt i Jämtland Härjedalen

Klemets, William, Wallberg, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
EU:s sammanhållningspolitik har sedan 1980-talet varit ett verktyg för att investera och utveckla regioner. Utvecklingen sker genom olika strukturfonder och har de senaste decennierna finansierat stora delar av turismens utveckling, särskilt i turismintensiva regioner. Jämtland Härjedalen är ett tydligt exempel på en turismintensiv region där EU-medel används till utvecklingsprojekt. EU:s finansieringssystem upplevs av stödsökande komplext och resurskrävande i både ansöknings- och genomförandeprocesserna. De regelverk som finns är vidare mycket invecklade, vilket gör processerna än mer omfattande. Den här studien syftar till att undersöka och skapa en förståelse för vilka utmaningarna är samt vilka förbättringsmöjligheter som finns. Detta har skett genom en flermetodsstudie, där datainsamlingen genomförts med både enkät och intervjuer. Enkäten och de första intervjuerna gjordes med projektägare som är verksamma i Jämtland Härjedalen, och kompletterande intervjuer gjordes med representanter från finansiärerna Tillväxtverket och Region Jämtland Härjedalen. De främsta utmaningarna och förbättringsområdena från studien kan sammanfattas enligt följande: Upplevda utmaningar: Komplex och tidspressad ansökningsprocess Finansiärernas bristande förståelse om besöksnäringen Att vara låst till målen som skrivits i ansökan Rädsla att inte få kostnader för genomförda aktiviteter godkända Komplicerad redovisning och rapportering Projekt som arbetsform Önskade förbättringar: Förenklat regelverk Förbättrad kommunikation Mindre byråkratisk ansökningsprocess Mer dialog och samverkan Tydligare ansvar och roller Vi avslutar denna studie med en sammanfattande diskussion där vi lyfter egna tankar och funderingar kring utmaningarna och förbättringsmöjligheterna som framkommit av vårt resultat. Vi ser flera stora förbättringsområden, inte minst kopplat till förenklad byråkrati, ökad samverkan och mer dialog. Projektfinansiering är ett relativt outforskat område och vi hoppas att framtida forskning kommer beröra ämnen kopplade till den EU-finansierade projektvärlden. / Since the 1980s, the EU's cohesion policy has been a tool for investing and developing regions. The development takes place through various structural funds and in recent decades has financed large parts of the development of tourism, especially in tourism-intensive regions. Jämtland Härjedalen is a clear example of a tourism-intensive region where EU funds are used for development projects. However, the EU's funding system has proven to be a complex system where applicants experience the application and implementation process as very complex and resource-intensive with complicated regulations to deal with. This study aims to investigate and create an understanding of what the challenges are and what opportunities for improvement exist. This has taken place through a mixed-method study, where the collection of data was carried out with both a questionnaire and interviews. The survey and the first interviews were done with project owners who are active in Jämtland Härjedalen, and supplementary interviews were done with representatives from the financiers Tillväxtverket and Region Jämtland Härjedalen. The main challenges and areas for improvement from the study can be summarized as following: Perceived challenges: Complex and time consuming application process The financiers lack of understanding about the hospitality industry To be locked to the goals written in the application Fear of not getting costs for completed activities approved Complicated accounting and reporting Projects as a form of working method Desired improvements: Simplified regulations Improved communication Less bureaucratic application process More dialogue and cooperation Clearer responsibilities and roles We conclude this study with a summary in which we raise our own thoughts and reflections regarding the challenges and opportunities for improvement that emerged from our results. We see several major areas of improvement, not least linked to simplified bureaucracy, increased cooperation and more dialogue. Project financing is a relatively unexplored area and we hope that future research will touch on topics connected to the EU-funded project world. / <p>2023-06-16</p>

A study of causes of delay and cost overrun in office construction projects in the eThekwini Municipal Area, South Africa

Adugna, Nafkote Tesfahun January 2015 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the academic requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in Construction Management, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2015. / On-time completion and conformity with assigned cost of every project are the most important factors in the success of project plans. Cost overruns and time overrun (delays) have been critical problems of many projects around the world in general and in South Africa in particular. The main objectives of this research are to assess the dominant causes of cost and time overruns, identifying possible and practical measures that can minimize overruns in office building construction projects around eThekwini Municipal area of Kwazulu-Natal. These objectives are achieved through the implementation of the research methodologies that are mainly literature review and questionnaire survey conducted to identify and evaluate the significant factors contributing to delay and cost overruns within the projects of interest. A review of literature identified eighty-five variables for delay, grouped in nine major categories and nine variables for cost overruns ranked in their order of importance in three sets based on the responses from the professionals working for the client, consultants and contractors. The agreement among the sets of rankings for delay and cost overruns has also been tested using statistical methods. The result indicates that there is strong agreement on ranking the importance of the individual variables of delay and cost overruns between parties. From each of the three sets of rankings, the twenty most important variables of delay and the three most important variables of cost overrun are identified as critical. Based on overall results, the top five most important causes are contractor’s cash flow problems, delay in progress payments by the client, poor site supervision and management by contractor, inefficient quality control by the contractor during construction leading to rework due to errors, and contractor’s difficulties in financing the project. Out of the 20 most important delay causing variables, three are found to be common between all parties. These are delay in progress payments by the client, delay in delivery and late ordering of material, and insufficient skill of labour. Furthermore, the study reveals that all stakeholders of construction parties are deeply involved in contributing to the causes of the problems. Thus, in order to eliminate or minimize cost and time extension of office construction projects in the eThekwini Municipal area, a joint effort based on teamwork is essential through effective project planning, controlling and monitoring which boils down to putting in place best practice construction project management.

Participation of rural communities in development policy and practice : the South African experience and its relevance for Rwanda

Bangwanubusa, Theogene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLIAH ABSTRACT: Several indispensable variables for effective community development include, among others: development skills, networking and partnership, and community participation in the development project life cycle. The study aimed to derive relevant lessons about these factors for Rwanda from the South African community development experience. A literature study was first undertaken on key concepts such as participation, rural community, development, and policy and practice. Literature on principles and policies guidelines for community development in both the South African and Rwandan contexts was also reviewed. Within the perspective of comparative analysis, the socio-political and historical backgrounds of both countries served as the basis of criteria for selecting four case studies. From South Africa, three case studies were selected from both the apartheid and post-apartheid periods. One postapartheid study was regarded as unsuccessful and one was successful. The third is a successful ongoing case that straddles the apartheid and post-apartheid periods. From Rwanda, a postgenocide ongoing case was selected on the grounds of its perceived success. A comparative analysis was undertaken of practical results and the South African experience provided actual relevance for Rwanda in specific ways. In complete contrast to the current view that community driven development depends on the political context, the study shows that it depends rather on a number of objective principles for active community participation. What is demonstrated is that community driven development cannot be adequately supported by the developer-centred, consultation, and blueprint approaches because they fail to inspire active community participation. Nor can community participation be seen merely as cheap labour or superficial involvement. Instead, it implies empowering the community with development skills that enable people to acquire more choices and gain control of their community life. To achieve such empowerment, the study stresses the need for a shift toward the bottom-up approach to the planning and implementing of rural-based development projects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskeie onmisbare veranderlikes vir doeltreffende gemeenskapsontwikkeling sluit, onder andere, die volgende m: ontwikkelingsvaardighede, netwerk en vennootskap, en gemeenskapsdeelname aan die lewensiklus van die ontwikkelingsprojek. Die studie het gepoog om relevante lesse omtrent hierdie faktore vir Rwanda af te lei uit Suid-Afrika se ondervinding ten opsigte van gemeenskapsontwikkeling. 'n Literatuurstudie oor sleutelbegrippe soos deelname, landelike gemeenskap, ontwikkeling en beleid en praktyk, is eers onderneem. Literatuur oor beginsels en beleidsriglyne vir gemeenskapsontwikkeling in sowel die Suid- Afrikaanse as Rwandese omgewings is ook bestudeer. Binne die perspektief van vergelykende analise, het die sosio-politiese en historiese agtergrond van albei lande gedien as die basis van die kriteria waarvolgens vier gevallestudies gekies is. Drie Suid-Afrikaanse gevallestudies is uit die apartheids- en die post-apartheidsera gekies. Een post-apartheidstudie is as onsuksesvol beskou en een as suksesvol. Die derde geval is 'n suksesvolle, voortgaande een uit die apartheidsera en daarna. Uit Rwanda is 'n voortgaande geval uit die era na die volksmoord op grond van sy sigbare sukses gekies. 'n Vergelykende analise van die praktiese resultate is onderneem, en die Suid-Afrikaanse ondervinding het op spesifieke maniere wesenlike toepassings vir Rwanda verskaf. In algehele teenstelling met die huidige opvatting dat gemeenskapsgedrewe ontwikkeling afhang van die politieke omgewing, wys hierdie studie dat dit eerder van 'n aantalobjektiewe beginsels vir aktiewe gemeenskapsdeelname afhang. Wat gedemonstreer word, is dat gemeenskapsgedrewe ontwikkeling nie voldoende deur ontwikkelaargesentreerde, konsultasie- en bloudrukbenaderings ondersteun kan word nie, aangesien hulle nie daarin slaag om aktiewe gemeenskapsdeelname te inspireer nie. Net so kan gemeenskapsdeelname nie bloot gesien word as goedkoop arbeid of oppervlakkige betrokkenheid nie. Dit impliseer eerder die bemagtiging van die gemeenskap met ontwikkelingsvaardighede wat mense in staat stelom meer keuses te bekom en om beheer oor hulle gemeenskapslewe te verkry. Die studie beklemtoon dat, ten einde hierdie bemagtiging te bereik, daar 'n skuif moet plaasvind na die benadering waar die gemeenskap betrokke is by die beplanning en implementering van landelikgebaseerde ontwikkelingsprojekte.

Múltiplas possibilidades: a estruturação dos projetos experimentais no ensino de jornalismo / Multiple Possibilities: the structuring of the experimental projects in the journalism education

Oliveira, Eliane Freire de 02 April 2009 (has links)
O ensino de Jornalismo é objeto freqüente de reflexão, principalmente no que diz respeito à aquisição e compreensão de ferramentas e conhecimentos necessários para a formação de um profissional com múltiplas habilidades e competências. A implantação dos Projetos Experimentais no currículo da Habilitação Jornalismo nos cursos de Comunicação Social no Brasil ocorreu em 12 de abril de 1978, recebendo posteriormente, a partir da Resolução do CFE nº 002/84, o tratamento de disciplina regida por normas específicas de acordo com os projetos pedagógicos das instituições de ensino superior. A pesquisa investiga o papel exercido pelos Projetos Experimentais em universidades paulistas, que possibilitam, por meio de diferentes experiências adotadas, a vivência, a aquisição e o domínio de técnicas importantes da produção jornalística para a formação ética e profissional dos graduandos em Jornalismo. Por meio de estudo de casos múltiplos e tendo como referência principal as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais dos cursos de Comunicação Social (Parecer CNE/CES nº 492/2001), verifica-se que os Projetos Experimentais têm importante papel no exercício de cidadania frente aos desafios e responsabilidades da profissão, especialmente quanto à contribuição para a sociedade, à formação do bem comum e à consciência do papel do Jornalismo na realidade. / The education of Journalism is a frequent object of reflection, mainly in what concerns the acquisition and understanding of tools and necessary knowledge for the formation of a professional with multiple skills and abilities. The implementation of the Experimental Projects in the curriculum of the competence Journalism in the courses of Social Communication in Brazil occurred on April 12, 1978, receiving subsequently, from the Resolution of the CFE number 002/84, the handling of discipline governed by specific standards according to the pedagogical projects of the institutions of higher education. The research investigates the paper exerted by the Experimental Projects in universities of the state of São Paulo that enable through different adopted experiences, the knowledge, the acquisition and the domain of important techniques of the journalistic output for the ethical and professional formation of the graduating students in Journalism. Through multiple case studies and having as main reference the National Curricular Directives of the courses of Social Communication (CNE/CES Study number 492/2001), are verified that the Experimental Projects have important paper in the exercise of citizenship facing the challenges and responsibilities of the profession, specially as regards the contribution for the society, to the formation of the welfare and to the conscience of the paper of the Journalism nowadays.

Infrastructure project finance in Asia.

January 1996 (has links)
by Leung Ada Nga Ting, Tsang Hin Kwok. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 96-104). / ABSTRACT --- p.ii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iii / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.vi / LIST OF APPENDICES --- p.viii / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.ix / Chapter / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter II. --- NEW WORLD DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD --- p.3 / Introduction --- p.3 / Thesis --- p.3 / Company Background --- p.5 / Entrance into the Power/Infrastructure Business --- p.8 / The Spin-off of New World Infrastructure Ltd. (NWIL) --- p.9 / The Group's Strategy On Its Infrastructure Investments --- p.13 / Major Dates / Events --- p.14 / Analysis --- p.17 / New World's Project-Financing Structure --- p.17 / "Possible Reasons Underlying The ""Suboptimal"" Project-Financing Structure" --- p.19 / Strong Financial Affordability --- p.20 / Lack Of Access To External Project Debt Financing --- p.20 / Policy Not Welcome Use Of External Debt --- p.22 / The Structure Is Really Not So Suboptimal After All --- p.23 / Infrastructure Development As Only A Chinese Investment Vehicle --- p.24 / A Very Unique Set Of Arrangements At The Project Level --- p.34 / Extension Of Joint Venture Terms --- p.35 / PRC Joint Venture Partner Directly Bears The Losses Suffered By The Group --- p.35 / Renegotiation Of Revenue Terms To Ensure Repayment Schedule --- p.36 / Priority & Guaranteed Repayment Schedule On New World's Principal And Interest Payments --- p.36 / Limited Or No Responsibilities For Cost Overruns Or Delays --- p.39 / Guaranteed Minimum Revenues --- p.40 / Market Interpretations Of New World's Infrastructure Venture --- p.41 / Conclusions --- p.43 / A Final Assessment --- p.44 / Concluding Words --- p.45 / Chapter III. --- HUANENG POWER INTERNATIONAL INC --- p.47 / Introduction --- p.47 / Thesis --- p.47 / Company Background --- p.48 / HIPDC --- p.48 / The Formation of HPI --- p.48 / The Reorganization of HPI --- p.50 / Asset Transfer --- p.51 / Debt Transfer --- p.51 / Combined Offering (IPO) --- p.52 / Post-Offering Ownership --- p.53 / Major Events --- p.55 / Analysis --- p.57 / The New Tariff Setting Regulatory Policy And Its Advantages --- p.57 / Old Tariff Structure --- p.57 / New Tariff Structure --- p.58 / Tariff Rate Tied Into The Net Fixed Assets --- p.59 / The Result Of The NFA-Tied Rate Calculation --- p.61 / Other Features Of The Pricing Policy Include The Following: --- p.62 / A Capital Structure That Reduces Risk --- p.62 / Reviewing The Performance of HPI --- p.65 / An Analysis of The Performance of HPI's Stock Price --- p.65 / No Dividends Policy --- p.65 / Lack Of Confidence In The Chinese Government --- p.65 / Environmental Factors --- p.66 / Financing Good News --- p.66 / Downward Revisions In Earnings Forecasts --- p.67 / Conclusions --- p.68 / Concluding Words --- p.69 / Chapter IV. --- "SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS" --- p.70 / APPENDICES --- p.73 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.95


CAMILA MOURA CAIAFFA 25 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho teve por objetivo mapear a logística na gestão do portfólio de projetos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação tecnológica do Programa regulado de P e D da ANEEL. Desenvolvido no contexto regulatório e empresarial, avalia em que medida a realização desses projetos resultam em benefícios econômicos para concessionária. O trabalho examinou (i) gargalos que dificultam a apropriação dos resultados dos projetos de P e D pela própria concessionária e (ii) os aspectos motivacionais induzidos pela introdução de políticas públicas de incentivo ao setor. Esse foi o caso da Lei 9991/2000 que cria condições favoráveis à sustentabilidade corporativa e à introdução de inovações no mercado das concessionárias distribuidoras de energia elétrica pela aplicação de um percentual da sua receita operacional líquida no desenvolvimento de projetos de P e D. Os resultados da pesquisa confirmam uma tendência de crescimento dos montantes anuais de investimento no Programa e uma determinação de concentrar recursos num número menor de projetos direcionados às linhas de pesquisa de maior relevância da concessionária. A maioria dos projetos foi desenvolvida por universidades, com ou sem parceria com outras instituições, por um valor médio mais baixo do que o praticado pelas demais instituições executoras. Já as indústrias não tomam a iniciativa de propor projetos de P e D, provavelmente por não disporem de laboratórios próprios. Como medida para evitar a pulverização dos recursos de pesquisa observou-se uma preocupação do gestor em concentrar recursos em iniciativas de centros de pesquisa comprometidos com a solução de temas relevantes que têm afligindo o setor. / [en] The present study aimed to map the logistics management of the portfolio of R, D and I (research, technological development and innovation) projects developed under the ANEEL regulated Program. Developed under the regulatory and business environment, it assesses the extent to which the realization of these projects results in economic benefits to the energy concessionaire. The study examined (i) bottlenecks that hinder the appropriation of the results achieved by the R, D and I projects contracted by the concessionaire and (ii) the motivational aspects induced by the introduction of public policies to incite the sector. This was the case of the 9991/2000-Act that created favourable conditions for corporate sustainability and the introduction of innovations in the market of electric energy operated by distribution concessionaires as it defines that a percentage of the net operating revenues must be applied in the development of R, D and I projects. The results of the survey carried out confirm a growing trend of the annual investment in the program and a determination to concentrate resources on fewer projects targeted to areas of research most relevant to the concessionaire. Most projects were developed by universities, with or without partnership with other institutions, for an average of investments lower than that charged by other executing agencies. The reason why industries do not take the initiative to propose R and D projects may be explained by the fact that they do not have their own laboratories. As a measure to avoid spraying of research resources there was a concern of the manager to concentrate resources on initiatives of research centres committed to the solution of important issues that have afflicted the sector.

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