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Social condenser : proposal for the new catalytic space connecting Braamfontein and Newtown14 January 2014 (has links)
M.Tech. (Architectural Technology) / This dissertation explores the opportunity and necessity of a connection between Braamfontein and Newtown Johannesburg's landscape developed as a result of decades of socio-economic and geographic fragmentation where planning policies etched permanent boundaries of exclusion. The focus is to form a more integrated city fabric in the area to allow for a cross-pollination of people and activities between Braamfontein and Newtown At the same time the proposal aims to create a more socially Inclusive space that connects the urban users to each other and to the city as a whole...
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Sustainable development of parks: investigating the trade-offs in the conflicting development process of parks: the case of the Mshenguville Park, SowetoMkhomazi, Zethuzonke Bella January 2017 (has links)
Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree Master of Science in Development Planning to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, School of Architecture and Planning, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2017 / A sustainable approach to development brings together social, economic and environmental aspects. However this does not occur in a vacuum, development decisions take place in a palimpsest of underlying decisions and a myriad of conflicting uses and tensions. The sustainable development of parks entails making trade-offs within a conflicting environment. This study reflects on officials’ practices in the processes of park developments. It evaluates the decision-making terrain for park developments to understand the challenges, the advantages and the limitations in achieving an integrated and sustainable park. To this end, I have reviewed JCPZ (Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo) officials’ practices in the park development of an urban wetland in Mshenguville, Soweto. The methodology used for this paper is mainly the case study approach and reviewing archival documents used for the development process. What makes this case study interesting is that this park has some contested, proposed and appropriated land uses such as golf, cattle grazing, and an eco-park. The research report mainly shows that a balance or win-win approach to development is not easy to attain especially in highly contested developments but rather a compromise can be reached provided that the other forces ( stakeholders) within the sustainability triangle (particularly social, economic and environmental) persistantly negotiate their space to be included in the development plan. / XL2018
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Bicycle plant- A bicycle factory for Olympia Park in the heart of SpringsBotha, Frederik Hendrik 07 October 2014 (has links)
This document is submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree:
Master of Architecture [Professional]
at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, in the year 2013. / This design intervention takes place in the Olympia Park sports precinct in the town of
Springs. Here, unique contextual conditions have informed the development of a Hybrid
typology between industry and Public Park. A bicycle factory is proposed along with bicycle
transport infrastructure that is implemented on an urban level. This intervention is aimed at
creating an interface between the community and the existing, dilapidated sports and
recreation facilities that exist within the precinct. Industriality is an important part of the ecosystemic
organism called Springs. The new typology questions the notion that ““the harmony
of natural landscapes as embodied in songs or poems, cannot be reconciled with the brutality
and pollutant image of industriality” (Corner, [video] 2009). By using contextual elements, a
design language and programmatic response emerges that could satisfy these criteria.
The park by its very nature is a landscape that embodies a spirit of relaxation and relief. By
using earth as a spatial device or building material, it is possible to integrate that spirit, and
literally the park, into the building. James Corner, Landscape architect of the New York
Highline Park says that; “The harmony of natural landscapes as embodied in songs or poems,
cannot be reconciled with the brutality and pollutant image of industriality” (Corner, [video]
2009). The park and the industrial are two completely different bodies of thought. But by using
the landscape in all its green glory as a foundation for and industrial building, one creates a
condition where both these elements are overlapping in an effort to survive and thrive. The
park typology signifies a desire to experience a specific kind of environment. By using
landscape to soften the interface of the hard industrial aesthetic, the factory is absorbed into
the romantic image normally associated with landscape.
However, conceiving landscapes purely pictorially does have limitations. The imperative is to
overlay a new layer of activity onto a landscape. By placing the factory and the bicycle
infrastructure in the un-programmed park, you are creating a pragmatic and technical
landscape. The design is therefore not conceived in a pictorial way, but in a productive and
functional way. Scripting activities in the park does not force a specific set of activities but
allows the user to have a subjective and interpretative experience. This will consequently also
have a catalysing effect for new layers of activity to be imported through the passage of time.
It is therefore not a concluding intervention but part of the process of progress and growth; or
an engine for process.
The design is conceived as a mechanical tree. The power of this metaphor lies in the fact that
both a tree and a machine are process based. There is no climax state for the tree, only a
useful life span. Similarly, the machine is made to be completed, but to be used. Its function is
a process, like producing something and doing so continuously. Viewing cities and buildings
as process driven organisms should be integrated into our perceptions of industry and
sustainable environments.
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Jozi play (museum) : preserving the place of playPretorius, Nicolé Natalie January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Architecture (Professional), Johannesburg 2017 / This thesis studies the place and nature of the concept of play in society through the exploration of objects and spaces that stimulate, encourage or deter the notion of play. Nominated spaces that will ideally contribute to the study of play are reviewed, focusing in particular on areas within the local context of Johannesburg where a notion of play takes or could inherently take place. But in order to draw an understanding and a cognitive inspiration, toys are reviewed as objects of play. Toys are studied with the intention of identifying the role it encompasses and the integrity of the notion of play, with a focus on local toy design and manufacture in relation to the international market. / XL2018
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TIC e movimentos sociais no urbano do século 21: interfaces e possibilidades na busca pelo direito à cidade / Tic and social movements in the urban spaces of the 21st century: interfaces and possibilities in the search for the right to the cityGiaretta, Juliana Barbosa Zuquer 12 June 2018 (has links)
Numa aposta de que as cidades exercem papel político revitalizado para o enfrentamento da crise contemporânea urbana e da democracia, este trabalho debruça-se sobre os movimentos sociais recentes que emergem nas grandes cidades, e que se apoiam principalmente no uso e apropriação das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) para ampliar possibilidades de ação e mobilização de recursos na busca por espaços mais inclusivos e sustentáveis. Apoiado em um referencial teórico sobre sinergias e interfaces entre o que se caracteriza como ambiente urbano no século 21 e o impacto das TIC nos modos de vida, o estudo traz resultados de uma análise de experiências em curso na megacidade de São Paulo e uma breve imersão sobre experiências na cidade de Roma, na perspectiva de ampliar o olhar sobre as especificidades destes movimentos, cada vez mais presentes nas grandes cidades ao redor do mundo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa baseada em diferentes métodos incluindo observação participante, entrevistas com integrantes desses movimentos e análise bibliográfica e documental. Com base nos princípios da Grounded Theory (Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados), o estudo realizado não parte de teorias pré-estabelecidas; sua base teórico-analítica emerge dos dados. Como recorte para análise, foram escolhidos movimentos sociais que se apropriam das TIC em seus processos de formação, atuação, mobilização e projeção e atuam nas temáticas de infraestrutura verde, mobilidade e uso e ocupação de espaços públicos. Tendo em vista a análise da situação de ação desses movimentos, o trabalho apresenta e discute suas essências, formações, motivações e conquistas e, particularmente, se (e como) reconfiguram a participação social no processo de tomada de decisão e na gestão da cidade, tanto no contexto macro como nos contextos micro de discussão e negociação. Argumentamos que estes movimentos sociais encontram no uso das TIC um meio de mobilizar recursos e estratégias de organização e de ação dos cidadãos nas cidades, com objetivo principal de definir rumos condicionados ao \"direito à cidade\" na busca de maior participação democrática, relações políticas mais horizontalizadas e modelos de autogestão apoiados em uma nova forma de ativismo digital. Os resultados apontam que, tanto em São Paulo como em Roma, esses movimentos lutam por uma mudança na lógica da cidade. Construídos em rede e nas redes, promovem formas de atuação e diálogo criativas, interativas, dinâmicas e inovadoras, nunca antes vistas. Em se tratando de participação pública, parece não haver dúvidas de como a forma de utilização das TIC por estes movimentos tem alterado e ressignificado este conceito. / Based on the assumption that cities play a revitalized political role in confronting the contemporary urban and democratic crisis, this study focuses on the \"new\" social movements that emerge in large cities and megacities, and which rely mainly on the use and mastery of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to expand possibilities of action and of resources mobilization in the search for more inclusive and sustainable spaces. With bases on a theoretical framework concerning synergies and interfaces between what can be considered the urban environment in the 21st century and the impact of ICT on lifestyles, this research brings results of an analysis of ongoing experiences in the megacity of São Paulo and a brief immersion about similar experiences in the city of Rome, in the perspective of widening the gaze on the specificities of these movements, increasingly present in large cities around the world. It is a qualitative research based on different methods, including participant observation, interviews and bibliographic and documental analysis. Based on the principles of the Grounded Theory (a theory based on data), this study is not based on pre-established theories; instead, its theoretical-analytical basis emerges from the data. As a framework for analysis, we have chosen social movements that take ownership of ICT in their formation, actuation, mobilization and projection processes, and work on green infrastructure, mobility and the use and occupation of public spaces. Taking into consideration the situational analysis of the actions taken by these movements, this study presents and discusses its essences, formations, motivations and achievements, and, in particular, if (and how) they reconfigure the social participation in the decision-making process and in the management of the city, both in the macro context and in the micro contexts of discussion and negotiation. We defend that these social movements find, in the use of ICT, a means of mobilizing resources and strategies of organization and action among citizens in the cities, with the main goal of defining ways conditioned towards a \"right-to-the-city\", in the search for greater democratic participation, more horizontal political relations, and self-management models supported by a new form of digital activism. The obtained results point that, both in São Paulo and in Rome, these movements fight for a change in the logic of the city. Built in a network and on networks, they promote creative, interactive, dynamic and innovative ways of acting and dialoguing, seen never before. In terms of public participation, there seems to be no doubt as to how the use of ICT by these movements has altered and re-signified this concept.
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\"Aqueles que vivem nas marges, às margens da decisão: controvérsias sobre o uso dos rios e das terras ribeirinhas para geração hidrelétrica\" / Those who live at the riversides, aside from the decision making: controversies about the use of rivers and the riverside lands for hydroelectric power generation.Hernandez, Francisco Del Moral 01 December 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação desenvolve a idéia de um processo de \"destituição da fala\" de grupos sociais, indígenas, camponeses, ribeirinhos, ameaçados e atingidos por barragens e grupos da sociedade organizada como os sindicatos que representam os trabalhadores das empresas elétricas e organizações não governamentais que discordam da maneira como vem se conduzindo o processo de expansão da oferta de eletricidade através da construção de hidrelétricas. Fazemos dois retrospectos. O primeiro, das lutas sociais por democracia nos últimos 30 anos. O segundo, um histórico da consolidação das empresas elétricas, relacionando-o com a história política brasileira e as relações entre interesses privados e ações de governo. Revela-se uma relação autoritária, pouca participação pública, centralismo decisório e fundamentalmente a prevalência dos interesses capitalistas nos projetos hidrelétricos. O viés autoritário, sendo herança histórica, molda a maneira como até hoje a discussão sobre como a oferta de eletricidade se desenvolve. Os resultados da pesquisa de campo e análise de entrevistas com dirigentes do movimento social organizado, sindicalistas e integrantes da coordenação nacional do Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB) revelam a grande distância entre a produção de diagnósticos, reflexões, expectativas das organizações sociais, organizações não governamentais e uma efetiva incorporação desta produção na discussão sobre novos, antigos e futuros projetos hidrelétricos. Há pouco reconhecimento público e institucional das entidades e movimentos sociais que, a despeito de terem propostas e acúmulo de experiências sobre empreendimentos mal sucedidos, reivindicações sobre o passivo social e ambiental das obras já instaladas, não tomam parte dos processos de discussão e decisão. Esta ausência do processo se materializa como elemento de não-reconhecimento e comprometedor da dignidade de ação política destes agrupamentos sociais. A ampliação de espaços de discussão é tratada ao nível teórico e prático a partir da voz dos entrevistados e nos servindo dos estudos das ciências políticas sobre a constituição de esferas públicas, sobre ação comunicativa e sobre a teoria dos movimentos sociais. Dois exemplos internacionais são trazidos para reflexão: o debate público sobre energia no Quebec e o gerenciamento da utilização dos cursos d\'água e das margens dos rios na Holanda. O processo de criminalização dos movimentos sociais é identificado como um obstáculo à idéia de que se crie, na opinião pública, espaço para se discutir de maneira ampla o uso dos rios, das águas e terras ribeirinhas. Conclui-se este trabalho de dissertação apontando algumas oportunidades políticas e frentes de atuação através das quais os movimentos sociais, sindicatos, organizações não governamentais, podem ampliar o espaço de discussão. A participação nos comitês de bacias, exploração das heterogeneidades nos espaços de governo, alianças entre movimento sindical, movimentos sociais e ONGs e a importância dos ciclos de protesto diante de um cenário de criminalização dos movimentos sociais podem, concomitantemente, ampliar espaço e juntar forças para denunciar e se contrapor ao esgotamento dos recursos naturais e à expropriação autoritária e acelerada das terras dos pequenos proprietários, pescadores e moradores ribeirinhos que a instalação de uma quantidade enorme de empreendimentos hidrelétricos vem consolidando. / This Dissertation develops the idea of a process of suppression of the voice of social groups, indigenous peoples, rural workers, riverside populations, those threatened by or victims of Dams construction, and groups of the organized society such as those unions that represent the workers of the electricity companies and non government organizations that disagree with the way how the process of expansion of the electricity supply is being conducted through the construction of hydroelectric plants. We present two retrospective overviews. The first one addresses the social movements in their fight for democracy in the last 30 years. The second one addresses the history of the consolidation of the electricity companies, relating it to the Brazilian politics history and the relationship between private interests and government actions. It is revealed an authoritarian relationship, a small public participation, a centralized decision systems and, essentially, the prevailing of the capitalist interests in the hydroelectric projects. The authoritarian bias, an historic heritage, shapes the way how the discussion on electricity supply developed until the present. The results of the field research and the analysis of the interviews of leaders of the organized social movements, union leaders, and members of the national coordination of the \"Dam Affected People Movement\" - Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB), reveal a large gap between the production of diagnostic analysis, expectances of the social organizations and non government organizations, and any substantial incorporation of this production in the discussion of new, previous and future hydroelectric projects. There is little public and institutional recognition of those organizations and social movements, which, in spite of having proposals, experiences on projects with bad outcomes, and demands on the social and environmental liability of the plants already in operation, do not take part in the discussions of the decision making process. The expansion of the discussion arenas is addressed at the theoretical and practical levels, having as base materials the interviews conducted during the field research and political sciences studies on the constitution of public spheres, on the communicative action, and on the theory of social movements. Two international examples are brought to discussion: the public debate on Energy in the Quebec Province, and the management of the use of the riverside space in the Netherlands. The process of criminalization of the social movements is identified as an obstacle to the idea of creating, in the public opinion, spaces for a comprehensive discussion on the use of rivers, of the water, as well as of the river side lands. This dissertation concludes with the identification of political opportunities and directions of action through which the social movements, unions, and non-government organizations can expand the space for discussion. The participation in river basin committees, the exploration of heterogeneous spaces of government, alliances among the unions movement, social movements and NGOs, and the importance of cycles of protest in a scenario of criminalization of social movements can, all together, expand the space and add strengths to make public and to fight against the exaustion of natural resources and the fast and authoritarian expropriation of lands of small rural owners, fishers and riverine inhabitants, which is being consolidated by the large development of hydroelectric enterprises.
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Urbanité, mixité et grande hauteur : pour une approche par les dimensions public/privé des tours mixtes et de leur production : le cas de Paris et de l'Ile-de-France / Urbanity, diversity and high-rise : a new public/private approach of mixed-use towers and their production : the case of Paris and its regionRossignol, Claire 15 December 2014 (has links)
La construction d'immeubles de grande hauteur reste, malgré les débats qu'elle génère, un projet d'actualité dans de nombreuses villes en France. Fort des expériences passées, nombreux sont les projets se tournant aujourd'hui vers le concept de ville verticale. Ces tours multifonctionnelles, mieux ancrées territorialement et ouvertes au public ont alors pour objectif de mieux s'intégrer dans la ville et de permettre une forme d'urbanité. La mise en œuvre de la mixité à l'échelle du bâtiment, la grande hauteur, ainsi que la recherche de qualité urbaine génèrent de nouvelles contraintes techniques, socio-institutionnelles et territoriales peu étudiées à ce jour. En particulier, la complexification des montages de projet, l'enjeu territorial élargi ainsi que le statut particulier des espaces ouverts au public de la tour provoquent de nouveaux questionnements et enjeux public-privé à la fois spatiaux et organisationnels. Dans ce contexte, comment les tours peuvent-elles contribuer à l'urbanité de la ville contemporaine ? En s'appuyant sur une étude comparative de trois projets de tours mixtes franciliens (Phare, Triangle et Duo), ainsi que sur un état de l'art sur la grande hauteur et le concept d'urbanité, nous proposons une typologie des tours au regard de leur contribution à la ville. En développant une approche dynamique de la dimension urbaine des projets de tours au cours de leur fabrication, nous proposons ensuite un outil d'analyse des «trajectoires de projet» dans le temps. Une corrélation apparaît finalement entre ces trajectoires urbaines et les étapes de leur fabrique, et permet une montée en généralité sur les processus de production des différents idéaux-types de tours et de leur urbanité / Despite a controversial scientific and societal debate, building skyward is experiencing a new rise in French cities. This is reflected in the emergence of new high-rise forms: mixed-use towers and even “vertical cities“. Both are usually conceived as more accessible to the public, more linked to the ground, and more “urban». The implementation of mixed-use, height and urban quality in skyscrapers generates a system of specific technical, social and territorial constraints which are little studied so far. New public-private issues concerning both spatial and organisational considerations are caused by the very complexity of the project, the significant impact of the building on its surroundings, as well as the special status of its privately-owned spaces that are open to the public. In this context how can high-rises be produced and contribute to the urbanity of contemporary cities ? First based on a comparative study of three mixed-use tower projects within the Paris region (Phare, Triangle and Duo), then on a literature review of high-rise buildings and the concept of urbanity, we establish a typology of “urban towers“. These are classified according to their relation and their impact on the city. By developing a new dynamic approach of the urban issue of tower projects during their fabrication, we create an analytical tool which can identify temporal “project trajectories“.Finally, we find a correlation between these project trajectories and the stages of their implementation. This allows us to analyse the production process of each class of tower and their urbanity
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O Sistema de Espa?os Livres e a Paisagem Urbana: Considera??es sobre Piracicaba/SPPinto, Daniele Campitelli da Silva 18 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:22:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-18 / This work makes an analysis of the Public Open Spaces System of the city of Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, considering both quantitative and qualitative aspects by the analysis of distribution, articulation and functional complementarity of Free Public Spaces. It identifies the structural elements of urban landscape and its respectives Landscape Units. The method is supported on the analysis of municipal propriety spaces, which have formed themselves by division of the soil. It is possible to identify processing and embezzlement levels, on the part of the population, of the main elements that compose the free spaces system. The characterization, hindrance identification and proposed actions to each Landsapce Unit are systematized by synthesis sheets. / O presente trabalho analisa o Sistema de Espa?os Livres P?blicos da cidade de Piracicaba/SP. Considera tanto os aspectos quantitativos quanto os qualitativos por meio da an?lise da distribui??o, articula??o e complementariedade funcional dos Espa?os Livres P?blicos. O estudo identifica os elementos estruturadores da paisagem urbana e suas respectivas Unidades de Paisagem. O m?todo apoia-se na an?lise dos espa?os de propriedade municipal que assim se constitu?ram por meio do parcelamento do solo. Identificam-se os graus de processamento e de apropria??o, por parte da popula??o e dos principais elementos que comp?e o sistema de espa?os livres. As caracteriza??es, identifica??o de entraves e a??es propostas para cada Unidade de Paisagem, s?o sistematizadas por meio de fichas s?nteses.
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Avaliação do sistema de remoção dos resíduos de construção e demolição através de caçambas coletoras posicionadas no espaço público urbano / Evaluation of the system for construction and demolition debris remove by the use of stationary skips positioned into the urban public spacesParellada, Lázaro Antonio Ruiz 08 June 2001 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo descrever e conceituar o habitual sistema de remoção dos resíduos de construção e demolição, ou RCD, através do preenchimento de recipientes metálicos avulsos posicionados nos espaços públicos urbanos fronteiros às obras - mais conhecido como sistema de caçambas estacionárias - particularmente quando praticado em comunidades de médio porte do interior, e das conseqüências ou influencias de sua adoção sobre a malha viária urbana local, mediante uma análise de sua efetivação em seis cidades médias situadas no centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo, assim como aportar subsídios sobre esse assunto, preconizando o desenvolvimento de metodologia apropriada. / The objective of this work is to describe and to concept the commonly system used to remove away the C&DD (construction and demolition debris), by filling single mettalic open up boxes located in the nearest urban public spaces of the building site - that it\'s so-called stationary skips or dump-cart system - specially when used in medium size communities in the Brazil\'s hinterland, and the consequences or influencies of its adoption concerning the local urban street\'s net, based upon an analysis of its reality in six medium towns in the middle-west of São Paulo State, as well to increase knowledge about this matter, and precognize the development of one proper methodology.
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TIC e movimentos sociais no urbano do século 21: interfaces e possibilidades na busca pelo direito à cidade / Tic and social movements in the urban spaces of the 21st century: interfaces and possibilities in the search for the right to the cityJuliana Barbosa Zuquer Giaretta 12 June 2018 (has links)
Numa aposta de que as cidades exercem papel político revitalizado para o enfrentamento da crise contemporânea urbana e da democracia, este trabalho debruça-se sobre os movimentos sociais recentes que emergem nas grandes cidades, e que se apoiam principalmente no uso e apropriação das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) para ampliar possibilidades de ação e mobilização de recursos na busca por espaços mais inclusivos e sustentáveis. Apoiado em um referencial teórico sobre sinergias e interfaces entre o que se caracteriza como ambiente urbano no século 21 e o impacto das TIC nos modos de vida, o estudo traz resultados de uma análise de experiências em curso na megacidade de São Paulo e uma breve imersão sobre experiências na cidade de Roma, na perspectiva de ampliar o olhar sobre as especificidades destes movimentos, cada vez mais presentes nas grandes cidades ao redor do mundo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa baseada em diferentes métodos incluindo observação participante, entrevistas com integrantes desses movimentos e análise bibliográfica e documental. Com base nos princípios da Grounded Theory (Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados), o estudo realizado não parte de teorias pré-estabelecidas; sua base teórico-analítica emerge dos dados. Como recorte para análise, foram escolhidos movimentos sociais que se apropriam das TIC em seus processos de formação, atuação, mobilização e projeção e atuam nas temáticas de infraestrutura verde, mobilidade e uso e ocupação de espaços públicos. Tendo em vista a análise da situação de ação desses movimentos, o trabalho apresenta e discute suas essências, formações, motivações e conquistas e, particularmente, se (e como) reconfiguram a participação social no processo de tomada de decisão e na gestão da cidade, tanto no contexto macro como nos contextos micro de discussão e negociação. Argumentamos que estes movimentos sociais encontram no uso das TIC um meio de mobilizar recursos e estratégias de organização e de ação dos cidadãos nas cidades, com objetivo principal de definir rumos condicionados ao \"direito à cidade\" na busca de maior participação democrática, relações políticas mais horizontalizadas e modelos de autogestão apoiados em uma nova forma de ativismo digital. Os resultados apontam que, tanto em São Paulo como em Roma, esses movimentos lutam por uma mudança na lógica da cidade. Construídos em rede e nas redes, promovem formas de atuação e diálogo criativas, interativas, dinâmicas e inovadoras, nunca antes vistas. Em se tratando de participação pública, parece não haver dúvidas de como a forma de utilização das TIC por estes movimentos tem alterado e ressignificado este conceito. / Based on the assumption that cities play a revitalized political role in confronting the contemporary urban and democratic crisis, this study focuses on the \"new\" social movements that emerge in large cities and megacities, and which rely mainly on the use and mastery of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to expand possibilities of action and of resources mobilization in the search for more inclusive and sustainable spaces. With bases on a theoretical framework concerning synergies and interfaces between what can be considered the urban environment in the 21st century and the impact of ICT on lifestyles, this research brings results of an analysis of ongoing experiences in the megacity of São Paulo and a brief immersion about similar experiences in the city of Rome, in the perspective of widening the gaze on the specificities of these movements, increasingly present in large cities around the world. It is a qualitative research based on different methods, including participant observation, interviews and bibliographic and documental analysis. Based on the principles of the Grounded Theory (a theory based on data), this study is not based on pre-established theories; instead, its theoretical-analytical basis emerges from the data. As a framework for analysis, we have chosen social movements that take ownership of ICT in their formation, actuation, mobilization and projection processes, and work on green infrastructure, mobility and the use and occupation of public spaces. Taking into consideration the situational analysis of the actions taken by these movements, this study presents and discusses its essences, formations, motivations and achievements, and, in particular, if (and how) they reconfigure the social participation in the decision-making process and in the management of the city, both in the macro context and in the micro contexts of discussion and negotiation. We defend that these social movements find, in the use of ICT, a means of mobilizing resources and strategies of organization and action among citizens in the cities, with the main goal of defining ways conditioned towards a \"right-to-the-city\", in the search for greater democratic participation, more horizontal political relations, and self-management models supported by a new form of digital activism. The obtained results point that, both in São Paulo and in Rome, these movements fight for a change in the logic of the city. Built in a network and on networks, they promote creative, interactive, dynamic and innovative ways of acting and dialoguing, seen never before. In terms of public participation, there seems to be no doubt as to how the use of ICT by these movements has altered and re-signified this concept.
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