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La liberté d'expression et l'administration de la justice : le choc de deux paradigmesLangelier, Richard 06 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse examine les rapports entre la liberté d'expression et l'administration de
la justice. En droit, historiquement, ces rapports ont été posés comme étant ceux des journalistes
et du public d'accéder aux audiences des tribunaux, celui de rendre compte de ce qui s'y passe et
de critiquer les décisions judiciaires et la magistrature elle-même, et ceux, corrélatifs et opposés,
des magistrats de tenir des audiences in camera, d'émettre des ordonnances de non-publication et,
le cas échéant, de condamner pour outrage au tribunal. Plus récemment, la question de la
protection des sources journalistiques est devenue un nouvel enjeu autour duquel se heurte la
constellation du droit et celle de l'information.
Notre thèse s'inspire d'une approche matérialiste des rapports du droit et de la société. La
vision matérialiste, dont la pensée maxienne a pu représenter une composante - sans parler des
avatars de cette pensée qu'ont constitué les diverses écoles marxistes -, pose la nécessité d'une
confrontation synchronique et diachronique du monde du droit et de celui de l'information dans
toutes les dimensions et surfaces de leur interaction - d'où l'utilisation du terme de paradigme
pour désigner les deux constellations.
Cette exigence fondamentale dicte, pour l'essentiel, la forme et les dimensions qu'a pris
cette thèse.
En effet, notre travail se divise en deux Parties. La Première Partie expose le cadre
d'analyse et les données empiriques, alors que la Seconde partie est consacrée à l'examen des
normes juridiques elles-mêmes. La Première Partie se consacre à l'étude des rapports de la
société et du droit, et elle aborde succinctement l'examen historique et sociologique des
protagonistes. La Seconde Partie analyse les normes juridiques internationales en matière de
rapports entre la presse et de la magistrature, et livre notre analyse des normes juridiques
canadiennes en la matière. Chaque Section de chacun des chapitres explore, d'un point de vue
diachronique, un sujet d'étude spécifique, respectant généralement les quatre modes
fondamentaux de production de la richesse sociale dans lesquels le droit et l'information se sont
inscrits comme mode de normalisation spécifique.
Le respect de ces règles architectoniques rigoureuses nous a semblé la meilleure façon de
présenter un sujet vaste et complexe. Toutefois, compte tenu de l'ampleur qu'a pris notre travail,
il nous a semblé que notre sommaire devait être utilisé à présenter cette stmcture afin de guider
quelque peu notre lecteur.
La Première Partie livre notre analyse théorique des rapports du droit et de la société et
celui plus spécifiquement des rapports de la liberté d'expression et de l'administration de la
justice. Les chapitres qui le composent abordent successivement la problématique d'ensemble, le
point de vue et la démarche qui fut la notre (Chapitre I), exposent la théorie matérialiste des
rapports du droit et de la société (Chapitre II), explorent d'un point de vue historique les moments
et surfaces de leur confrontation en tentant de mettre en lumière les caractéristiques
épistémologiques communes qui les unissent et qui font de l'appel au public le mode essentiel de
leur action et de leur légitimation (Chapitre III).
La Seconde Partie examine, comme nous l'avons précédemment indiqué, la norme
internationale en matière de rapports entre la presse et la magistrature et le monde du droit. Nous
avons choisi des modèles posant une très large perspective sur ces questions où présentant des
parentés historiques avec le droit canadien en la matière. C'est ainsi que nous examinons le Pacte
international relatif aux droits civils et politiques et la jurisprudence du comité des droits de l'homme de l'ONU en matière de rapports entre la presse et de la magistrature; nous procéderons
ensuite de la même manière pour la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme et la
jurisprudence de la Cour de Strasbourg, pour les normes américaines et les normes françaises en
la matière.
Nous nous étendrons ensuite beaucoup plus longuement sur les normes canadiennes en la
matière. C'est ainsi que nous examinerons le droit d'accéder aux audiences des tribunaux et de
rendre compte de leur travail (Chapitre V) et celui de critiquer les juges et la magistrature, d'une
part, et de celui des journalistes de protéger leurs sources d'information, d'autre part (Chapitre
VI). Un dernier chapitre complète notre travail en résumant les conclusions, si provisoires soient-elles,
auxquelles nous en arrivons.
Signalons, en terminant, que cette thèse n'est que le premier volet d'une approche plus
globale qui sera complétée par des études sociologiques et économiques touchant au même sujet.
Bonne lecture à tous et à toutes ... / The present thesis examines the relations between the freedom of expression and the
administration of justice. Historically, these relations have been set down as being those of the
journalists and the public to be admitted to court hearings, those of the media to report and
criticize the judicial decisions and the judiciary itself, and those, correlative and opposing, of the
judges to order the proceeding to be held in camera, to issue non-publication orders and, if need
be, to sentence for contempt of court. More recently, the protection of the journalistic sources has
become a new stake about which the constellation of law and that of information collide.
Our thesis is inspired by a materialistic approach to the relations between the law and the
society. The materialistic vision, of which the marxian thought may have represented an element
- not to mention the varied metamorphoses of that thought constitued by diverse marxist schools
- sets down the necessity of a synchronic and diachronic confrontation between the world of law
that of information in ail the dimensions and surfaces of their interaction - hence the use of the
term paradigm to designate those two constellations.
Essentially, this fundamental requirement imposes the form and the dimensions taken by
this thesis.
This work is divided in two Parts. The First Part expounds the analysis framework and
the empirical data, whereas the Second Part in dedicated to the examination of the legal norms
themselves. The First Part is dedicated to the relations between law and society. The Second Part
analyses the international legal norms regarding the relations between the media and the
judiciary, while our analysis of the canadian legal nonns in this matter will be found in the
Second Part. Each Section of each Chapter explores, from a diachronic standpoint, a specific
subject of study, generally respecting the four fundamental modes of production of the social
wealth in which law and information are inscribed as a specific mode of normalization.
Rigorous observance of those architectronic rules has seemed to us the best way to lay
out such a wide ranging and complex subject. However considering the extent of our work, it
seemed to us that our abstract should be used to expound this structure in order to guide the
reader somewhat.
The First Part sets out our theoretical analysis of the relations between law and society,
more specifically, the relations between the freedom of expression and the administration of
justice. Its Chapters successively tackle the over all issue, our standpoint and our procedure
(Chapter I), expound the materialistic theory of the relations between law and society (Chapter
II), explore the moments and surfaces of their confrontation and emphasize the common
epistemological characteristics that unite them and that make the appeal to the public the essential
mode of their action and their legitimation.
The Second Part is considering, as we have already pointed out, the legal norms
concerning the relations between the media, the judiciary and the world of law. We have chosen
models laying a very wide perspective on these questions or presenting historical links with the
Canadian law in this matter. In this way we examine the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights and the jurisprudence of the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations, the
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the
jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court and the American and French nonns (Chapter IV).
The Second Part is dedicated to the canadian legal norms. We examine the rights to be
admitted to court hearings and that of media to report and criticize the judicial decisions, the
judges and the judiciary, on the one hand (Chapter V), and, on the other hand, the right of the
journalists to protect their joumalist sources (Chapter VI). A last chapter completes our work,
summing up our conclusions, however provisional they may be. Finally, we would like to point out that this thesis is but the first phase of a more
comprehensive approach that will be completed by sociological and economical studies on the
same subject.
Bonne lecture to you all ! / "Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en droit (LL.D.)"
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La problématique de l'opposabilité aux tiers des droits des créanciers aux contrats conclus à des fins de garantie et portant sur des biens mobiliersChamberland, Andrée 03 1900 (has links)
La Loi modifiant le Code civil et d'autres dispositions législatives relativement à la publicité des droits personnels et réels mobiliers et à la constitution d'hypothèques mobilières sans dépossession, L.Q. 1998, ch. 5 a assujetti à la publicité pour fins d'opposabilité aux tiers la fiducie à titre onéreux constituée pour garantir l'exécution d'une obligation, les droits du crédit-bailleur et, dans certains cas, les droits des vendeurs à tempérament et avec faculté de rachat et du locateur à long terme. L'interprétation de certaines de ces dispositions législatives a suscité une vive controverse jurisprudentielle portant sur la requalification des contrats et l'effet de la publicité dans le contexte où le vendeur à tempérament et le locateur à long terme ont fait défaut de publier leurs droits en temps utile et avant la faillite de leur débiteur. Le présent mémoire étudie cette problématique en procédant à l'analyse des jugements pertinents, et plus particulièrement des arrêts de la Cour suprême dans Lefebvre (Syndic de); Tremblay (Syndic de), [2004] 3 R.C.S. 326 et Ouellet (Syndic de), [2004] 3 R.C.S. 348. Également, ce mémoire traite de l'amendement apporté par le législateur à la définition de « créancier garanti» de la Loi sur la faillite et l'insolvabilité, qui a tenté, sans succès, d'harmoniser cette notion avec celle du Code civil. Ainsi, il sera démontré que la situation juridique des contrats conclus à des fins de garantie s'est complexifiée au fil des ans. / The Act to amend the Civil Code and other legislative provisions as regards the publication of personal and movable real rights and the constitution of movable hypothecs without delivery, S.Q. 1998, ch. 5, has subjected to publicity, to have effect against third persons, onerous trusts constituted to secure the performance of an obligation, the rights of the lessor of a leasing and, in certain cases, the rights of the instalment seller, the right of redemption of the seller and the rights of the long term lessor. The interpretation of certain of these legislative provisions has given rise to a strong jurisprudential controversy on the characterization of these contracts and the effect of publicity in the context where the instalment seller and the long term lessor did not publish their rights in a timely manner and prior to the bankruptcy of their debtor. The present memorandum examines this issue by analyzing the relevant judgements rendered on this matter, and more particularly the judgements of the Supreme Court of Canada in Lefebvre (Trustee of); Tremblay (Trustee of), [2004] 3 S.C.R. 326 and Ouellet (Syndic de), [2004] 3 S.C.R. 348. Also examined is the amendment brought by the legislator to the definition of “secured creditor” in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act who tried, without success, to harmonize this notion with the Civil Code. It will therefore be demonstrated that the juridical status of these contracts concluded for security purposes has become more complex over the years.
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Artificial Extracellular Matrices with Oversulfated Glycosaminoglycan Derivatives Promote the Differentiation of Osteoblast-Precursor Cells and Premature OsteoblastsHempel, Ute, Preissler, Carolin, Vogel, Sarah, Möller, Stephanie, Hintze, Vera, Becher, Jana, Schnabelrauch, Matthias, Rauner, Martina, Hofbauer, Lorenz C., Dieter, Peter 07 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAG) are components of the bone marrow stem cell niche and to a minor extent of mature bone tissue with important functions in regulating stem cell lineage commitment and differentiation. We anticipated that artificial extracellular matrices (aECM) composed of collagen I and synthetically oversulfated GAG derivatives affect preferentially the differentiation of osteoblast-precursor cells and early osteoblasts. A set of gradually sulfated chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronan derivatives was used for the preparation of aECM. All these matrices were analysed with human bone marrow stromal cells to identify the most potent aECM and to determine the influence of the degree and position of sulfate groups and the kind of disaccharide units on the osteogenic differentiation. Oversulfated GAG derivatives with a sulfate group at the C-6 position of the N-acetylglycosamine revealed the most pronounced proosteogenic effect as determined by tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase activity and calcium deposition. A subset of the aECM was further analysed with different primary osteoblasts and cell lines reflecting different maturation stages to test whether the effect of sulfated GAG derivatives depends on the maturation status of the cells. It was shown that the proosteogenic effect of aECMwasmost prominent in early osteoblasts. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Proteomic Analysis Reveals a Novel Function of the Kinase Sat4p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae MitochondriaGey, Uta, Czupalla, Cornelia, Hoflack, Bernard, Krause, Udo, Rödel, Gerhard 07 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae kinase Sat4p has been originally identified as a protein involved in salt tolerance and stabilization of plasma membrane transporters, implicating a cytoplasmic localization. Our study revealed an additional mitochondrial (mt) localization, suggesting a dual function for Sat4p. While no mt related phenotype was observed in the absence of Sat4p, its overexpression resulted in significant changes of a specific mitochondrial subproteome. As shown by a comparative two dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) approach combined with mass spectrometry, particularly two groups of proteins were affected: the iron-sulfur containing aconitase-type proteins (Aco1p, Lys4p) and the lipoamide-containing subproteome (Lat1p, Kgd2p and Gcv3p). The lipoylation sites of all three proteins could be assigned by nanoLC-MS/MS to Lys75 (Lat1p), Lys114 (Kgd2p) and Lys102 (Gcv3p), respectively. Sat4p overexpression resulted in accumulation of the delipoylated protein variants and in reduced levels of aconitase-type proteins, accompanied by a decrease in the activities of the respective enzyme complexes. We propose a regulatory role of Sat4p in the late steps of the maturation of a specific subset of mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster proteins, including Aco1p and lipoate synthase Lip5p. Impairment of the latter enzyme may account for the observed lipoylation defects.
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The Skeletal Amino Acid Composition of the Marine Demosponge Aplysina cavernicolaUeberlein, Susanne, Machill, Susanne, Niemann, Hendrik, Proksch, Peter, Brunner, Eike 07 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
It has been discovered during the past few years that demosponges of the order Verongida such as Aplysina cavernicola exhibit chitin-based skeletons. Verongida sponges are well known to produce bioactive brominated tyrosine derivatives. We could recently demonstrate that brominated compounds do not exclusively occur in the cellular matrix but also in the skeletons of the marine sponges Aplysina cavernicola and Ianthella basta. Our measurements imply that these yet unknown compounds are strongly, possibly covalently bound to the sponge skeletons. In the present work, we determined the skeletal amino acid composition of the demosponge A. cavernicola especially with respect to the presence of halogenated amino acids. The investigations of the skeletons before and after MeOH extraction confirmed that only a small amount of the brominated skeleton-bound compounds dissolves in MeOH. The main part of the brominated compounds is strongly attached to the skeletons but can be extracted for example by using Ba(OH)2. Various halogenated tyrosine derivatives were identified by GC-MS and LC-MS in these Ba(OH)2 extracts of the skeletons.
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Division of Labour and Self-Reported Mental Requirements in Human Services: Retail Sale JobsPietrzyk, Ulrike, Rodehacke, Sarah, Hacker, Winfried 07 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Significant associations between self-reported “whole units” of work and self-reported mental task requirements as well as personal outcomes are well known. Also of interest is, however, whether a significant association also exists between the underlying objective assignment of tasks, i.e. the division of labour, and self-reported mental requirements. Such an association would represent a concrete starting point for job design or redesign. We analyzed this question for retail sale jobs as an example of the numerous human service jobs, which usually consist of customer- and object-centred tasks. The study (N = 558 employees) evaluated the potential association between documented assignments of customer-centred and goods-centred activities and employees’ perceived mental requirements, skill utilisation, and learning on the job, as well as mental difficulties. A significant association of moderate effect size between the objective division of labour and self-reported mental job requirements was shown. Theoretical and practical consequences of this association are also discussed.
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Functions of Danggui Buxue Tang, a Chinese Herbal Decoction Containing Astragali Radix and Angelicae Sinensis Radix, in Uterus and Liver are Both Estrogen Receptor-Dependent and -IndependentZierau, Oliver, Zheng, Ken Y. Z., Papke, Anja, Dong, Tina T. X., Tsim, Karl W. K., Vollmer, Günter 22 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Danggui Buxue Tang (DBT), a herbal decoction containing Astragali Radix (AR) and Angelicae Sinensis Radix (ASR), has been used in treating menopausal irregularity in women for more than 800 years in China. Pharmacological results showed that DBT exhibited significant estrogenic properties in vitro, which therefore suggested that DBT could activate the nuclear estrogen receptors. Here, we assessed the estrogenic properties of DBT in an ovariectomized in vivo rat model: DBT was applied to the ovariectomized rats for 3 days. The application of DBT did not alter the weight of uterus and liver, as well as the transcript expression of the proliferation markers including the estrogen receptors α and β. However, DBT stimulated the transcript expression of the estrogen responsive genes. In addition, the inductive role of DBT on the expression of members of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor family in uterus and liver of ovariectomized rats was confirmed. These responses of DBT however were clearly distinct from the response pattern detectable here for 17β-estradiol. Therefore, DBT exhibited weak, but significant, estrogenic properties in vivo; however, some of its activities were independent of the estrogen receptor. Thus, DBT could be an exciting Chinese herbal decoction for an alternative treatment of hormone replacement therapy for women in menopause without subsequent estrogenic side effects.
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Distribution of αB-Crystallin in the Central Retina and Optic Nerve Head of Different Mammals and its Changes during Outer and Inner Retinal DegenerationMay, Christian Albrecht 11 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Purpose: To investigate species differences in the distribution and localization of alpha B-crystallin (ABC) in the normal retina and optic nerve head region, and to describe changes during outer and inner retina degeneration.
Material and methods: Animals studied included mice, rats, cats, pigs, cows, and monkeys. Sections of the optic nerve and central retina were labeled with antibodies against ABC and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP).
Results: ABC was located in astrocytes and Muller cells with different intensities. During outer retina degeneration (dystrophic rat and Abyssinian cat), only late stages showed an increase in ABC in the retina and optic nerve head. Inner retina degeneration in the glaucoma mouse model showed no increase of ABC. In the monkey glaucoma model, only the innermost layer of the optic nerve head showed increased labeling for ABC.
Conclusions: The distribution of ABC is species dependent and is (excluding the mouse) present in the nerve fiber layer of the retina and in the optic nerve head (localization of astrocytes). Chronic retinal degeneration does not necessarily lead to an over-expression of ABC. While in outer retinal degeneration induction was predominantly present in late stages, pressure-induced glaucoma led to a specific increase in ABC already in early stages indicating a local stress-response in this region.
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Indicators and Determinants of Small-Scale Bamboo Commercialization in EthiopiaEndalamaw, Tefera B., Lindner, André, Pretzsch, Jürgen 28 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Bamboo is an abundant resource in Ethiopia and has a great potential for commercialization, which can drive rural development. In view of these realities, this study analyzed the state and determinants of small-scale bamboo commercialization in Ethiopia. Data were collected from three major bamboo-growing districts (Awi, Sidama, and Sheka) and four urban centers (Masha, Hawassa, Bahir Dar, and Addis Ababa) via semi-structured interviews, group discussions, and questionnaire surveys with key actors along the value chain. Results revealed distinctive differences in proportion of cash income, value chain structure, and management engagement among the districts. Percentages of cash income were 60.15, 42.60, and 9.48 at Awi, Sidam, and Sheka, respectively. Differences were statistically significant between Sheka and both other districts (p = 0.05), but not between Awi and Sidama. The value chain structure showed that compared with Sheka, Awi and Sidama have a relatively large number of actors involved. The major factors explaining commercialization differences among regions were distance to market and presence of alternative forest products. Within Sheka, households with larger family size, higher education attainment, and access to training reportedly engaged more in commercial extraction. Therefore, we conclude that development of infrastructure for linking resource and consumer centers and expansion of extension education among producers may enhance the commercial engagement of producers and improve the accessibility of bamboo resources for commercial production.
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Current Aspects in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Chronic Wounds in Diabetes MellitusTsourdi, Elena, Barthel, Andreas, Rietzsch, Hannes, Reichel, Andreas, Bornstein, Stefan R. 28 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Impaired wound healing is a frequent and very severe problem in patients with diabetes mellitus, yet little is known about the underlying pathomechanisms. In this paper we review the biology of wound healing with particular attention to the pathophysiology of chronic wounds in diabetic patients. The standard treatment of diabetic ulcers includes measures to optimize glycemic control as well as extensive debridement, infection elimination by antibiotic therapy based on wound pathogen cultures, the use of moisture dressings, and offloading high pressure from the wound bed. In this paper we discuss novel adjuvant therapies with particular reference to the use of autologous skin transplants for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers which do not respond to standard care.
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