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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza vybraných rybích koprolitů na lokalitě Loučka (Morava; Oligocén, "menilitové souvrství") / Analysis of selected fish coprolites from the Loučka locality (Moravia; Oligocene, "menilitic Formation")

Vala, Vladimír January 2015 (has links)
The submitted thesis deals with the analysis of selected fish coprolites found in the Loučka site (Moravia; Menilite Fm.). Eleven specimens was selected (provisionally numbered I-XI) of which two were macerated (specimens I and II). The remaining nine specimens were examined at the surface of the sedimentary layers. Recognizable elements were classified to the following taxa: Keasius parvus, Alopias exigua, Squalus cf. alsaticus, Sardinella sardinites, Anenchelum glarisianum, Palimphyes sp., Palaeogadus sp., Gonostomatidae (gen. et. sp. indet.), Perciformes (gen. et sp. indet.), and Teleostei (gen. et sp. indet.). Composition of the studied coprolites I, II and IV suggest that these were produced by shark species Alopias exigua and Squalus cf. alsaticus. Studied coprolites V, VIII, X and XI were produced by some type of undetermined predatory fish (probably piscivore predator). For coprolites III, VI, VII and IX producer can not be determined.

Křídové radiolárie lokality Březno / Cretaceous Radiolaria from the Březno section

Müllerová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The presented thesis is focused on the Radiolaria of the Czech Cretaceous Basin. The studied material was collected in Březno u Loun and in the Úpohlavy quarry. Biology, ecology and morphology, as well as systematics of the whole group is discussed. An important part of this thesis constitutes of the geological settings of Cretaceous, Czech Cretaceous Basin and both localities. 26 samples from Březno and 24 samples from the Úpohlavy quarry have been studied using several methods with the aim to obtain most numerous and best preserved communities possible. Despite poor preservation of the shells, 9 species have been identified. Several shells have been assigned at least to the genus or order levels. Species of Dictyomitra communis (Squinabol, 1904), Dictyomitra cf. napaensis Pessagno, 1976, Turbocapsula cf. giennensis O'Dogherty, 1994, Novixitus cf. mclaughlini Pessagno, 1977, Stichomitra cf. stocki (Campbell & Clark, 1944), Stichomitra communis Squinabol, 1903, Stichomitra japonica (Nakaseko & Nishimura), in Nakaseko et. al., 1979, Holocryptocanium barbui Dumitrica, 1970, cf. Pseudoaulophacus pargueraensis Pessagno, 1963 and genera of Orbiculiforma, Stichomitra, cf. Cryptamphorella have been reported in the Czech Cretaceous Basin for the first time.

Taxonomie, ekologie a paleogeografický význam rodu Euorthisima (Brachiopoda) v pražské pánvi / Taxonomy, ecology and palaeogeographical significance of the genus Euorthisima (Brachiopoda) in the Prague Basin

Bartošová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
Taxonomic position of the brachiopod genus Euorthisina HAVLÍ EK 1950 from the Ordovician of the Prague Basin (Czech republic) was subjected to wide discussions and disputes in the past. The genus was first classified within the superfamily Syntrophiiacea (order Pentamerida). Later, a separate family Euorthisinidae by Havlí ek (1977) was defined. At present, the family is assigned to the order Orthida and includes genera Euorthisina HAVLÍ EK, 1950, Lesserorthis BENEDETTO, 2007, Notorthisina HAVLÍ EK & BRANISA, 1980 and Protorthisina BENEDETTO, 2007. In this thesis, a revision of genus Euorthisina HAVLÍ EK 1950 with emphasis on taxonomic classification, palaeoecology and palaeogeographic occurrence of species E. moesta and E. minor described from the Ordovician of the Prague Basin has been made. Klí ová slova: Euorthisina, brachiopoda, Ordovician, Prague Basin, Czech republic.

Diverzita životního prostředí v pozdním glaciálu ve střední Evropě / Environmental gradients during Late Glacial in Central Europe

Petr, Libor January 2013 (has links)
The Lateglacial and Early Holocene are key periods with respect to the understanding of the present-day vegetation and environment. An interdisciplinary approach is important for the study of these changes. Only by interlinking biological and geoscience evidence can we obtain a more comprehensive picture of this key period. It is not possible to interpret any pollen spectrum in the sedimentary record without knowledge of the history of the locality and its vicinity. Rapid climate changes had a crucial effect on the environment and vegetation. Continentality of the climate and a deficit of precipitation amplify the effect of local conditions. Vegetation, as in the case of vertebrates and molluscs, comprises a combination of species of a continental steppe, mountain biotopes and disturbed habitats. This facilitated contact among species and populations that are biogeographically separated at present. Vegetation of the Lateglacial period in the Czech Republic ranges in character from frost barrens in the mountains, through steppe-tundra vegetation at medium altitudes to a continental steppe in the lowlands and pine woodlands constrained to a moist floodplain. The Western Carpathians were covered by a taiga. In the Pannonian Lowland, there were open forests with conifers and broadleaved woody plants....

Kvartérní měkkýši Blanského lesa / Quaternary molluscs of Blanský les

Menšík, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Rich mollusc assemblages preserved in two profiles of fossiliferous sediment in the Blanský les area, provided the evidence about the Late Glacial and Holocene in this region, which is one of the most faunistically known areas of Central Europe. Findings of Quaternary faunas are very rare in Southern Bohemia, so these two soil profiles near Český Krumlov are so important for understanding the postglacial succession of Central Europe. The fossil mollusc assemblages showed an early appearance of forest species, which dominated both sites from the Boreal till Subboreal. Forest development in the Holocene Climatic Optimum reached a maximum, due to the absence of Neolithic man. Steppe species almost completely disappeared during this period. The development of the Young Holocene was linked to a decrease of the forest on the first site and the deforestation of the second site, due to a combination of a humidity decrease and human impact. In addition, some southern elements involved in the postglacial colonization of Central Europe, were found there. A few of them were found in a much older deposit than expected.

Paleoekologická studie prameniště v centru starosídelní oblasti. / Palaeoecological study of mire in the centre of an old-settlement area.

BERNARDOVÁ, Alexandra January 2009 (has links)
The palaeoecological development of alum mire since early Eneolithic on the basis of the results of macro-remains, pollen, and chemical analysis. The developement of local vegetation and nearest surrounding area was studied.

Semikvantitativní zhodnocení fosilní asociace dobrotivského souvrství (ordovik pražské pánve) na lokalitě Ejpovice / Semiquantitative study of the fossil association of the Dobrotivá Formation (Ordovician, Prague Basin) in Ejpovice

Luptáková, Monika January 2021 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on the semiquantitative study of the fossil association of the stratigraphically lowest layer No. 3 from the channel sample from the Ejpovice locality, where in the southern bank of the flooded quarry, the Dobrotivá Formation of the Ordovician of the Prague Basin is exposed in the thickness of several meters. The thesis briefly summarizes basic knowledge about the fossil associations of the Dobrotivá Formation, its lithology, stratigraphy and previous paleontological research at studied locality. Paleoecology of the fauna recorded in studied material is described. The main part of the thesis is focused on the taphonomy and associations of the fossils recorded in studied material. In the final part of the thesis, the overall fossil association is characterized depending on the paleoecology and taphonomy of preserved fossils, and the model of the paleoenvironment at the Ejpovice locality is discussed. Based on the lithology and studied fossil associations, it is assumed that a dysoxic environment with episodic currents prevailed in the Ejpovice locality. The fauna is species-depleted and taxa typical of the Dobrotivá Formation are rare. The fauna is mainly allochtonous and most of the organisms are considered as postmortal accumulations in this study. Key words:...

Paleoenvironmentální rekonstrukce mladšího dryasu na základě subfosilních perlooček / Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Younger Dryas based on subfubfossil cladocera

Bubenková, Anna January 2020 (has links)
5 ABSTRACT Long-term paleoenvironmental reconstructions provides essential interpretation of environmental changes. Multiproxy analysis of lake sediments can be used for tracking the historical evolution of lakes and significant processes which formed them over time. Subfossil Cladocera play a key ecological role in freshwater ecosystems. Sedimentary cladoceran assemblages reflect environmental changes and exhibit great potential in past environmental reconstructions. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to identify climatic changes of the time interval between the Late Glacial and the early Holocene in Černé Lake. Based on the analysis of geochemical and biological proxies, determined climatic conditions of Younger Dryas (YD). The YD oscillation in Central Europe has only been briefly described. The Czech Republic is positioned between oceanic and continental climate. The results of the multiproxy analyses suggests that climate conditions of the region during YD were similar to Western Europe with moderate wet climate conditions during the first half and drier conditions during the second half of the period. In the middle of YD there was an interesting event. Observed, probably due to high precipitation and floods. These results are based on P/L ratio, geochemical proxies, pollen analyses and record of...

Geochemická data ze schránek foraminifer a jejich možnosti v rekonstrukci paleoprostředí: případová studie z miocénu Centrální Paratethydy / Geochemical markers from foraminiferal tests as a tool for reconstruction of paleoceanological environments: a case study from the Miocene of the Central Paratethys

Scheiner, Filip January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of geochemical proxies on foraminifera for paleoceanographical, paleoecological and paleoenvironmental interpretations in the fossil epicontinental sea - the Central Paratethys during the Langhian. It discusses the used methodologies and approaches that were specially chosen to fit the problematic of the studied area such as the single test analysis of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes on foraminifera. Other geochemical methods were represented by Mg/Ca based paleothermomethry and by several organic geochemistry proxies on whole rock samples (n-alkane indices, δ13 Corg, and carbon ratios - TOC/TIC/TC). These were further combined with foraminiferal paleoecological data, which allowed identification of particular water masses in the studied region as well as the prevailing circulation patterns/regimes during the studied interval in the Paratethyan marine realm. Additionally, there were interpreted various regional paleoenvironmental and paleoecological consequences. The Paratethys had similar hydrography of surficial waters with the Mediterranean, conversely to the bottom waters that were different, probably of a regional origin with their own evolution during the studied time interval. The anti-estuarine circulation regime, which was probably linked with the closure...

Belemniti spodní křídy lokality Štramberk: taxonomie, stratigrafie, paleoekologie, paleobiogeografie / Lower Cretaceous belemnites of the locality Štramberk: taxonomy, stratigraphy, palaeoecology, palaeobiogeography

Vaňková, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The study (MS, diploma thesis) is based on more than 1200 belemnite rostra set from the Lower Cretaceous sediments of locality Štramberk (N Moravia). Investigated rostra come from the collection of Dr. V. Houša, who collected them during the seventies to eighties of the last century, during intensive excavation of the Lower Cretaceous tectonic block named Š-12 "pocket". Belemnite rostra were determined at species and generic levels including 7 species and 18 genera. The majority of belemnite assemblage comes from the Lower Valanginian strata, however, also the Tithonian, Berriasian and Hauterivian taxa are present, what clearly documents the redeposition. The presence of mesohibilitids, known from the Barremian and younger deposits, still remains enigmatic. For better understanding of the redeposition proces, the alveolar infill formed by several generations of sediments, are investigated. Study of these sediments outlines the sedimentary development of the Baška elevation inside the Outer Carpathian system. Preliminary stable isotope data δ18 O and δ13 C received from belemnite rostra show different belemnite life-style during the ontogeny - i.e. juvenile bottom life style and adults inhabiting shallow/warmer waters. Negative values of δ18 O should be correlated with the "Valanginian extinction...

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