Spelling suggestions: "subject:"palynology."" "subject:"palynologi.""
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Evolução da sedimentação lagunar holocênica na região de Jaguaruna, Estado de Santa Catarina: uma abordagem sedimentológica-micropaleontológica integrada / Evolution of holocene lagunar sedimentation in Jaguaruna, Santa Catarina State, Brazil: a sedimentary and micropaleontological approachAmaral, Paula Garcia Carvalho do 18 December 2008 (has links)
O estudo de três testemunhos rasos (até 2,5m de profundidade) coletados na região de Jaguaruna, litoral centro-sul de Santa Catarina, permitiu reconstituir parte da história de evolução sedimentar holocênica na área. Para isso, foi feita a análise integrada de quatro tipos de variáveis: sedimentológicas, diatomológicas, palinológicas e geoquímicas (Ctotal, Ntotal, 13C e 15N). Os dados de micropaleontologia foram tratados por métodos de estatística mutivariada (análise fatorial de correspondência, análise de componentes principais e classificação ascendente hierárquica), que evidenciaram agrupamentos significativos entre os microfósseis e, desse modo, auxiliaram nas interpretações. A ca. 5000 anos AP, a área de estudo deveria ser ocupada por um conjunto de lagunas interconectadas, cuja existência pôde ser atestada pelos sedimentos de fundo lagunar, na base de um dos testemunhos, em zona atualmente colonizada por mata de restinga. A ligação da laguna com o mar, nesta época, é verificada pela presença de diatomáceas marinhas e pelo sinal isotópico e elementar da matéria orgânica preservada nos sedimentos, indicativo de origem algácea, com valores de 13C de fitoplâncton marinho. A perda da conexão da laguna com o oceano ocorreu em diferentes momentos nos três testemunhos, sendo o último registro de desconexão da laguna observado a ca. 2740-2370 anos cal AP. Variações nas assembléis de diatomáceas no registro da fase lagunar (de 5500 até 2740-2370 anos cal AP) indicaram pelo menos dois períodos de mudanças maiores na salinidade da paleolaguna. Estes períodos puderam ser comparados a dados de paleoprecipitação, publicados em trabalhos anteriores, obtidos para o Estado de Santa Catarina. Observou-se boa correlação entre períodos com maior precipitação e períodos de diminuição na salinidade das águas da laguna, o que seria relacionado à sua diluição por maior aporte fluvial, sem excluir, no entanto, a possibilidade de menor influência marinha devido a dinâmica de abertura e fechamento das conexões da laguna com o oceano. O registro da vegetação através da analise palinológica auxiliou na elaboração do modelo evolutivo da área e permitiu reconstituir parte da história da vegetação no contexto de preenchimento da bacia lagunar. O desenvolvimento da vegetação de restinga em áreas antes ocupadas por vegetação característica de borda lagunar reforçaria a idéia de progradação das fácies costeiras assoreando por completo a paleolaguna na área. A síntese dos dados palinológicos entre os três testemunhos permite interpretar que, pelo menos desde 4000 anos cal AP, a vegetação na área de estudo não sofreu grandes modificações, o que sugere clima semelhante ao presente. A análise integrada dos diferentes indicadores paloambientais sugere que a dinâmica sedimentar deve ser a maior responsável pelas mudanças observadas nos três testemunhos, com evolução dos ecossistemas ligada, principalmente, a variações no regime e substrato deposicionais, relacionadas à progradação costeira. / Sediments from three cores collected in Jaguaruna (south Brazilian coast, Santa Catarina state) were analyzed, in order to reconstruct the Holocene sedimentary evolution of the area. The palaeoenvironmental reconstruction was based on microfossil proxies (diatoms, pollen and spores), analysis of sedimentary organic matter (13C, 15N and C/N ratios), and sedimentological analysis. From at least 5000 cal yr AP, the site was occupied by a system of interconnected lagoons, whose existence is verified in the core sediments by the record of paleolagoon sediments in area occupied by restinga forest nowadays. The existence of this lagoon and of its connection with the sea is indicated by the presence of marine diatoms and by the isotopic and elementary composition of the sedimentary organic matter, which is indicative of algal origin, with 13C values of marine phytoplankton. The end of the connection between sea and lagoon was registered in different moments in the three cores and the last record of disconnection is found in ca. 2740-2370 cal yr AP. The variations of the diatom assemblages from the lagoonal phase (between 5000 and 2740-2370 cal yr AP) indicated at least two periods of major changes in the paleolagoon salinity. These periods could be compared with the published paleoprecipitation data for the Santa Catarina state, which showed a good correlation between higher precipitation and reduction in the lagoon water salinity. This correlation would be related to dilution of water salinity by the greater fluvial discharges. However, it can not be exclude the possibility of a lower sea influence related with the dynamics of opening and closing connections between lagoon and ocean. The pollen analysis allowed the reconstruction of part of the vegetation history in the context of lagoon basin sedimentary filling. The development of the restinga forest in areas previously colonized by open vegetation around the lagoon suggested the progradation of coastal facies that completely filled paleolagoon in the area. The synthesis of the palinological data showed that no major changes of the mainland vegetation ecosystem took place at least since 4000 cal yr AP. The vegetation in the study area did not suffer great modifications; with no record of climatic changes. The multi-proxies analysis suggests that the sedimentary dynamics must be responsible for the greater changes observed in the core sediments. The evolution of ecosystems could be related to variations of the depositional process and modification in the character of the substratum, related to the coastal progradation.
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Aspectos da biologia destinados à criação de Tetragona clavipes (Fabricius, 1804) (Apidae, Meliponini) / Biological aspects intended for beekeeping of Tetragona clavipes (Fabricius, 1804) (Apidae, Meliponini)Duarte, Raoni da Silva 01 November 2012 (has links)
As abelhas sem ferrão eram criadas pelos Maias e indígenas da América do Sul. Desde então as técnicas evoluíram, surgindo vários modelos de caixas. No entanto alguns, na colheita, contaminam o mel e submergem os ovos no alimento larval. Na Amazônia surgiu um modelo mais vantajoso, utilizado por meliponicultores e pesquisadores. Das mais de 220 espécies de abelhas sem ferrão nativas do Brasil, criar um só modelo de caixa para todas não tem lógica. Tetragona clavipes, conhecida como borá, derivado de \'\'hebora\'\', que significa \'\'o que há de ter (mel)\'\', reserva grande quantidade de alimento, interessante para produção de mel. Portanto, pretendeu-se conhecer a arquitetura do ninho, o potencial de produção de mel, a preferência polínica e as propriedades antimicrobianas do mel e da própolis. O estudo foi realizado em Ribeirão Perto/SP, em vegetação urbana. Foram transferidas 18 colônias, a maioria de dentro de troncos. Nove sucumbiram, devido principalmente aos forídeos (Diptera, Phoridae). O volume médio dos ninhos de 10 colônias foi de 3994,8 cm³ e os favos de cria, de formato espiral, um diâmetro médio de 13,9 cm. De uma colônia foram calculadas as médias do peso da rainha (101,4 mg), largura dos favos de cria (11,1 cm), largura (5,98 mm) e altura (3,11 mm) das células de cria e células reais (8,5 mm; 6,1 mm, respectivamente), o número de células de cria por área de favo (10,9/cm²), altura dos pilares entre os favos (3,7 mm), altura e largura dos potes de mel (3,5 cm; 2,38 cm, respectivamente) e de pólen (3,71 cm; 2,33 cm, respectivamente), e volume de mel (6,55 ml) e peso do pólen (6,09 g) dentro de potes fechados. Um equipamento de ultrassom auxiliou a identificação de estruturas de ninhos dentro de troncos, porém nem todas. De oito enxames foram monitoradas as área de ocupação em caixa e o peso. Cinco morreram e o restante não cresceu, provavelmente devido ao frio. Não foi quantificada a produção de mel. De outra colônia foram coletadas abelhas regressantes com pólen, entre agosto de 2010 e julho de 2011. Foram identificados 45 tipos polínicos pertencentes a 17 famílias, além de sete não identificáveis. A família com mais tipos foi a Fabaceae e o coletado por maior período o tipo Amaranthus, gênero de uma planta comercial. Foram poucas plantas de relevância econômica, incluindo o tipo Citrus, entretanto, considerou-se possibilidades na polinização. Foram avaliadas as atividades antimicrobianas do mel e própolis frente à Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Paenibacillus larvae, Escherichia coli e Candida albicans. O mel não foi ativo contra E. coli. A própolis teve leve atividade contra S. aureus e S. epidermidis. Manejar e criar esta espécie de abelha requer cuidados. É necessário um modelo de caixa, que atenda às suas exigências. A diversidade polínica serviu para conhecer parte do recurso alimentar, e não, necessariamente, o potencial polinizador. O mel apresentou relevância na medicina e apicultura, mas a própolis teve atividade singela. Destacando o mel como alternativa contra micro-organismos resistentes. / The Mayas and the Indians of South America reared the stingless bees. Since then techniques have evolved, arising several hive models. However, in these, when harvesting, the honey is contaminated, and the eggs are submerged in larval food. In the Amazon, beekeepers and researchers use a more advantageous hive. With more than 220 species of stingless bees native in Brazil, creating a single hive model for all is not logical. Tetragona clavipes, known as borá, which comes from hebora, that means the one that has honey\', stores lots of food, interesting aspect for honey production. Therefore, we sought the knowledge about the nest architecture, the potential for honey production, pollen preference and the antimicrobial properties of honey and propolis. The study was conducted in Ribeirão Preto/SP in urban vegetation. Eighteen colonies were transferred, mostly from tree trunks. Nine died mainly due to phorid flies (Diptera, Phoridae). The average volume of the nest of 10 colonies was 3994.8 cm³ and combs, all with spiral format, had an average diameter of 13.9 cm. From one colony means were calculated such as, the weight of the queen (101.4 mg), width of the combs (11.1 cm), width (5.98 mm) and height (3.11 mm) of brood cells and royal cells (8.5 mm, 6.1 mm, respectively), the number of cells per area of comb (10.9/cm²), height of the pillars between the combs (3.7 mm), height and width of honey pots (3.5 cm and 2.38 cm, respectively) and pollen (3.71 cm and 2.33 cm, respectively) and the volume of honey (6.55 ml) and weight pollen (6.09 g) in closed pots. An ultrasonic apparatus assisted identification of structures of nests within trunks, but not all. Eight colonies were monitored the occupation inside the hives and the weight. Five died and the rest did not grow, probably due to the cold. The honey production was not quantified. From another colony were collected returning bees with pollen, between August 2010 and July 2011. Forty-five pollen types belonging to 17 families were identified, and seven were not possible to identify. The family Fabaceae had more types and the one collected for a longer period was type Amaranthus, genus of a commercial plant. Few plants of economic importance appered, including the type Citrus, however it was considered a few possibilities for pollination. The antimicrobial activity of honey, and propolis against Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Paenibacillus larvae, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans was evaluated. Honey was not active against E. coli. Propolis has mild antibacterial activity against S. aureus and S. epidermidis. Rearing this bee specie requires care. A hive model that meets its requirements is necessary. The pollen diversity served to know part of the food resource, and not necessarily the potential as a pollinator. Honey demonstrated its relevance in medicine and beekeeping, but propolis not as well. Highlighting, the honey seems to be an alternative against resistant micro-organisms.
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Palinologia de Depósitos Quaternários da planície costeira de Santa Catarina (Garopaba, Brasil)Kuhn, Lidia Aumond January 2017 (has links)
Análises palinológicas de depósitos quaternários utilizadas para elucidar questões paleoclimáticas, paleovegetacionais e paleoambientais, devido ao elevado potencial de preservação dos palinomorfos e à ampla variedade de hábitos e habitats nos quais eles são distribuídos. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta uma reconstrução paleoambiental a partir de análises palinológicas de um testemunho sedimentar com idade holocênica, perfurado na Planície Costeira de Santa Catarina, município de Garopaba, sul do Brasil. Um total de 46 amostras foi coletado ao longo dos 450 cm do testemunho (poço PCSC-3). Além disso, três datações radiocarbônicas e análises granulométricas foram realizadas. Das 46 amostras, três delas apresentaram-se escassas para as análises palinológicas e foram descartadas para as interpretações paleoambientais. Os diagramas palinológicos e a análise de agrupamento foram considerados a partir da soma total de palinomorfos (100%) O conteúdo palinológico inclui 84 táxons identificados: grãos de pólen de angiospermas (46) e gimnospermas (3), esporos de pteridófitas (16) e briófitas (2), esporos de fungos (8), cistos de algas (3), acritarcos (3), cistos de dinoflagelados (2) e palinoforaminíferos (1). Três espécimes de acritarcos são descritos e ilustrados devido à sua importância paleoambiental. A partir da análise de agrupamento, três fases palinológicas foram definidas baseadas nas mudanças nas assembleias palinológicas: Fase I, Fase II e Fase III. A Fase I é caracterizada por um paleoambiente lagunar com influência marinha desde o início de sua sedimentação (5390 anos AP), com base em ocorrências de acritarcos, cistos dinoflagelados e palinoforaminíferos. A Fase II, de 3032 anos AP até 858 anos AP, também é caracterizada por um paleoambiente lagunar; no entanto a diminuição da porcentagem de elementos marinhos e o aumento do registro de algas de água doce (Botryococcus) sugerem menor influência marinha dentro do corpo lagunar, indicando uma fase transicional entre a Fase I e Fase III. Na Fase III (últimos 856 anos) prevalece a sedimentação subaquosa, sob condições pantanosas. / Palynological analyses of Quaternary deposits are used in order to elucidate paleoclimatic, paleogeographic and paleoenvironmental issues, due to the high potential of palynomorph preservation and the wide variety of habits and habitats in which they are distributed. In this context, this study presents a paleoenvironmental reconstruction from palynological analyses of a sedimentary core of Holocene age (PCSC-3 well), drilled at the Santa Catarina Coastal Plain, municipality of Garopaba, southern Brazil. A total of 46 samples was collected for palynological analyses in the 450 cm-long core, as also three samples for radiocarbon dating and granulometric analyses. Of the 46 samples, three of them revealed scarce for palynological analysis, which were discarded for paleoenvironmental interpretations. Palynological diagrams and a clustering analysis were calculated considering the total sum of palynomorphs (100%) The palynological content includes 84 taxa related to pollen grains of angiosperm (46) and gimnosperm (3), spores of pteridophyta (16) and bryophyta (2), spores of fungi (8), algae (3), acritarchs (3), dinoflagellate cysts (2) and microforaminiferal linings (1). Three specimens of acritarchs are described and illustrated due to their paleoenvironmental importance. From the cluster analysis, three palynological phases were defined based on changes in the palynological assemblages: Phase I, Phase II and Phase III. The Phase I is characterized as a lagoonal paleoenvironment with marine influence from the beginning of the sedimentation (5390 cal yr BP), based on occurrences of acritarchs, dinoflagellate cysts and microforaminiferal linings. The Phase II (3032 yr BP until 858 cal yr BP) also is characterized by a lagoonal paleoenvironment; however the decrease in percentage of marine elements and the increase in freshwater algae record suggest less marine influence in the lagoonal body, indicating a transitional phase between the Phase I and Phase III. In Phase III (last 856 years), underwater sedimentation prevailed, under swamp-like conditions.
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Estudo palinoestratigráfico e de petrografia orgânica do Cretáceo inferior da Bacia do Recôncavo / Palynostratigraphic and organic petrography studies of the Recôncavo basin early Cretaceous depositsBernard Pereira Magacho 31 August 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente estudo baseou-se na análise das variações verticais do conteúdo orgânico de 50 amostras derivadas do furo de sondagem 9-FBA-61-BA, que permitiu conhecer melhor os representantes palinofaciológicos e palinológicos do Cretáceo Inferior da Bacia do Recôncavo, na área estudada. Através da observação a luz da microscopia óptica em luz branca transmitida e luz ultravioleta, foi possível posicionar temporalmente a seção, e individualizar quatro tipos de palinofácies distintas, levando-se em conta os tipos e o grau de preservação da matéria orgânica. As análises quantitativas do conteúdo orgânico mostram um predomínio de material orgânico de origem alóctone, representado por grãos de pólen, esporos e fitoclastos na base e no topo da seção, sendo sua porção média dominada por material orgânico amorfo autóctone. As mais altas fluorescências são observadas nas porções média e basal da seção indicando um ambiente mais redutor à época de sedimentação, destes estratos. Os dados de ICE apresentam valores de maturação entre 4,5 e 5,0 caracterizando um material orgânico maturo para geração de hidrocarbonetos. A associação palinoflorística identificada, bem como os dados litológicos obtidos, indicam um paleoambiente exclusivamente continental, composto por um sistema fluvial e deltaico-lacustre, sob um clima quente árido para a época deposicional. Tal associação enquadra-se àquelas observadas nas bacias do nordeste brasileiro e insere-se nas características das associações pertencentes à Província Microflorística Dicheiropollis (ex-WASA). Foram identificadas 57 espécies de palinomorfos, incluindo grãos de pólen, esporos, algas e fungos. A detecção das espécies, Dicheiropollis etruscus e Aequitriradites spinulosus, nos permitiu posicionar o intervalo nas biozonas Vitreisporites pallidus e Dicheiropollis etruscus, consideradas como de idades Hauteriviano Barremiano. / The present study was based on vertical variations analysis of the organic matter from 50 core samples collected from the well 9-FBA-61-BA, allowing better understanding of the Early Cretaceous of Reconcavo Basin palynological and palynofacies characteristics. Observations throughout combined light and blue light/UV fluorescence techniques, permitted to defined the section depositional time, and to distinguish four individual types of palynofacies, taking into account the variety and degree of preservation of organic matter.. Quantitative analysis of the organic content shows a predominance of allochthonous organic matter, represented by pollen, spores and phytoclasts on the base and top of the section; however the middle part is dominated by amorphous organic matter. On the other hand, the highest fluorescence was observed at the base and middle portion of the section suggesting a low oxidizing level at this sedimentation time. ICE data presents mature values ranging between 4.5 to 5.0 indicating that the deposits are in the oil generation window. The identified palynoflora and obtained lithological data suggests an exclusively continental paleoenvironment, composed by fluvial and deltaic - lake systems, in a warm and arid climate at the deposition time. Were identified 57 species of palynomorphs, including pollen, spores, algae and fungi. The detection of the Dicheiropollis etruscus and Aequitriradites spinulosus index species indicates these deposits belong to the Hauterivian - Barremian Vitreisporites pallidus and Dicheiropollis etruscus palynozones, respectively. This assemblage fits into those observed in the Brazilian northeastern basins and have the microfloristic assemblage characteristics that fit in to the Dicheiropollis Province (= WASA Province).
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Estudos paleoambientais com base em isótopos de carbono, oxigênio e estrôncio em foraminíferos do terciário da Bacia de PelotasZerfass, Geise de Santana dos Anjos January 2009 (has links)
A Bacia de Pelotas, localizada na porção sul da margem continental brasileira, foi formada a partir da fragmentação do supercontinente Gondwana e preenchida por sedimentos essencialmente siliciclásticos desde o Cretáceo. A ausência de rochas vulcânicas apropriadas para a datação através de métodos radiométricos na seção terciária da bacia e a abundância de microfósseis de parede calcária, constitui um cenário favorável para a utilização da razão isotópica de estrôncio visando à obtenção de dados cronoestratigráficos. Além dos microfósseis de parede calcária, a ocorrência conspícua de microfósseis de parede orgânica caracteriza esta seção como adequada para a realização de correlações biocronoestratigráficas. Uma síntese dos dados bioestratigráficos publicados é aqui apresentada com o intuito de verificar a ocorrência de descontinuidades temporais na sucessão sedimentar da bacia. Posteriormente, a avaliação da preservação das testas de foraminíferos foi realizada a fim de fornecer elementos para selecionar as amostras a serem utilizadas nas análises e verificar a consistência dos dados isotópicos. Foram reconhecidos quatro tipos de alterações diagenéticas em diferentes níveis estratigráficos da base para o topo: recristalização (neomorfismo), cimentação, recobrimento por filme oxidado e dissolução. Dados da razão isotópica de estrôncio, oxigênio e carbono e da razão Sr/Ca, foram obtidos a partir da análise de amostras provenientes de quatro poços. Adicionalmente, uma abordagem bioestratigráfica e paleoambiental foi possível com base no estudo dos foraminíferos e palinomorfos de dois intervalos testemunhados em dois poços, um na região emersa e outra na submersa, constituindo uma seção de referência para correlação. Com base no estudo dos testemunhos foi proposto um arcabouço estratigráfico de alta resolução, tendo sido identificado um hiato de 2 Ma na seção do mesomioceno e um evento transgressivo entre o meso e o neomioceno. Em uma abordagem mais ampla, o arcabouço cronoestratigráfico da seção do Paleogeno-Neogeno de quatro sondagens foi detalhado. Foram reconhecidos seis hiatos: (i) no Paleogeno, (ii) no eoeocenomesoeoceno, (iii) no mesoeoceno, (iv) entre o neoeoceno e o eoligoceno, (v) no eomioceno e (vi) entre o eomioceno e o meso/neomioceno. Os hiatos identificados, exceto aquele entre o eoeoceno e o mesoeoceno, foram interpretados como disconformidades associados a eventos globais. Uma queda do nível do mar a 10.4 Ma gerou uma disconformidade que pode estar relacionada ao início da deposição do Cone do Rio Grande. Quedas do nível do mar a nível global são as prováveis causas das descontinuidades reconhecidas em 18,5 Ma, 31,5 Ma e 40,5 Ma. O hiato identificado no eoeoceno-mesoeoceno (53-47,9 Ma) foi por sua vez interpretado como uma seção condensada. Do eoeoceno ao neoligoceno, uma tendência de resfriamento associada à abertura da Passagem de Drake foi registrada com base na curva de isótopos de oxigênio. Com base nos dados de δ13C observou-se uma tendência de aumento de produtividade do neoligoceno ao eomioceno, a qual provavelmente está associada a uma fase de aquecimento. Uma nova fase de resfriamento, relacionada ao restabelecimento da calota de gelo na Antártica, foi registrada na seção do neomioceno em ciclos de aproximadamente 400.000 anos. / The Pelotas Basin, situated in the southern Brazilian Atlantic Margin, is filled with siliciclastic sediments deposited from Cretaceous to Holocene. The absence of volcanic strata appropriate to radiometric dating and the abundance of calcareous microfossils constitute a favorable scenario for the use of strontium isotope ratio to obtain chronostratigraphic data for the Tertiary section of the basin. Furthermore, the conspicuous occurrence of organic-walled microfossils makes this section suitable for biochronostratigraphic correlations. A synthesis of the biostratigraphic data published is presented in order to recognize discontinuities in the stratigraphic record. Afterward, the assessment of the foraminifera tests preservation was effectuated with the purpose of providing criteria to select the samples to be analyzed and verify the consistency of the isotopic data. Four types of diagenetic alterations were recognized in different stratigraphic levels, from the base to the top of the studied section: recrystallization, cementation, oxidized coatings and dissolution. Strontium, oxygen and carbon isotope ratios and Sr/Ca ratio were performed in foraminifera tests from four drill-holes. Foraminifera and palynomorphs recovered from cores of two wells located on onshore and offshore regions provided a biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental information, constituting a reference section for correlation. Based on the core study, a highresolution biostratigraphic framework is proposed, in which a hiatus of 2 Ma is identified in the middle Miocene, as well as a transgressive event in the middle-late Miocene. In a broader approach, a chronostratigraphic framework is presented for the Paleogene-Neogene section of four drill-holes. Six hiatuses were recognized: (i) Paleocene, (ii) early-middle Eocene, (iii) middle Eocene, (iv) late Eocene - early Oligocene, (v) early Miocene, and (vi) early Miocene - middle/late Miocene. The identified hiatuses, except that of early-middle Eocene, were interpreted as disconformities in association with global events. A sea-level fall at 10.4 Ma may be related to the deposition of Rio Grande Cone. Global eustatic sea-level falls produced the disconfomities recognized at 18.5 Ma, 31.5 Ma and 40.5 Ma. The hiatus recognized in the early Eocene was interpreted as a condensed-section deposited between 53.7 and 47.9 Ma. From the early Eocene to the late Oligocene, a trend of cooling registered using oxygen and carbon isotopes may be related to the opening of the Drake Passage. Based on δ13C, a trend of increasing productivity probable driven by warming was observed from the late Oligocene to the early Miocene. Another cooling phase was registered in the late Miocene section which can be related to the reestablishment of the ice-sheet in Antarctica. This interval is punctuated of short-term cycles of approximately 400 ky.
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Relações paleoclimá¡ticas e paleoambientais durante o Holoceno no Leste da Amazônia na região da Volta Grande do Rio Xingu / not availableSantos, Rudney de Almeida 20 February 2019 (has links)
O leste da região amazônica é uma região ainda pouco explorada pela palinologia, sendo que algumas questões sobre o paleoclima e o paleoambiente ainda necessitam de respostas. Além disso, o conhecimento da vegetação de planícies de inundação é fundamental para o entendimento da formação e evolução das Florestas de Várzea e Igapó. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na porção leste da Amazônia na região da Volta Grande do Rio Xingu, município de Altamira no Estado do Pará. Foram coletados dois testemunhos intitulados XC06 - Lago Irirí (3°48\' 56.09\" S - 52°40\' 29.60\" O) e XC01-2 - Ilha Arapujá (3°48\' 57.56\" S - 52°40\' 27.42\" O). Os objetivos da pesquisa foram: Verificar a evolução da vegetação de várzea e igapó durante o Holoceno; investigar o possível evento seco durante o Holoceno Médio no leste da Amazônia; avaliar o clima que prevaleceu ao longo do perfil sedimentar e buscar evidências de alteração na paisagem relacionadas a atividades antrópicas. A técnica empregada para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foram a palinologia, partículas carbonizadas, granulometria, XRF e isótopos (C/N, NT, ? 15N e COT). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a vegetação alcançou dois momentos de expansão e desenvolvimento sendo o primeiro em cerca de 8.700 anos cal. AP e o segundo cerca de 2.000 anos cal. AP. Oscilações na concentração de táxons polínicos, mostraram momentos de períodos de inundação prolongados que afetou diretamente a vegetação. Durante o Holoceno a região de estudo apresentou umidade sempre presente, o que revela a ausência de evento seco no Médio Holoceno em Altamira. Atividades antrópicas estão evidenciadas a partir de 1.900 anos cal. AP, pelo aumento de esporos, presença de vegetação característica de abertura de floresta e presença de vegetação de interesse humano como é o caso de Mauritia flexuosa (Buriti). / The eastern part of the Amazon region is a region not yet explored by palynology, and some questions about paleoclimate and paleoenvironment still require answers. In addition, the knowledge of floodplain vegetation is fundamental for understanding the formation and evolution of the Várzea and Igapó Forests. The work was carried out in the eastern portion of the Amazon region of the Volta Grande region of the Xingu River, in the municipality of Altamira in the State of Pará. Two cores entitled XC06 - Lago Irirí (3 ° 48 \'56.09 \"S - 52 ° 40\' 29.60\" W) and XC01-2 - Ilha Arapujá (3 ° 48 \'57.56 \"S - 52 ° 40\' 27.42\" W). The objectives of the research were: To verify the evolution of the vegetation of várzea and igapó during the Holocene; to investigate the possible dry event during the Middle Holocene in eastern Amazonia; to evaluate the climate that prevailed along the sedimentary profile and to seek evidence of alterations in the landscape related to anthropic activities. The technique used for the development of the research was palynology, carbonized particles, granulometry, XRF and isotopes (C/N, NT, ?15N and TOC). The results showed that the vegetation reached two moments of expansion and development, being the first in about 8,700 cal. years BP and the second about 2,000 cal. years BP. Oscillations in the concentration of pollen taxa showed moments of prolonged flood periods that directly affected the vegetation. During the Holocene, the study area presented constant moisture, which reveals the absence of a dry event in the Middle Holocene in Altamira. Anthropogenic activities are evidenced from 1,900 cal. years BP, by the increase of spores, presence of vegetation characteristic of opening of forest and presence of vegetation of human interest as is the case of Mauritia flexuosa (Buriti).
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Comparison of spatial, vertical and seasonal distribution of palynomorphs in two Perth metropolitan wetlandsSirr, Susan January 2007 (has links)
Forensic Palynology has helped to solve crimes ranging from fraud to murder. Pollen is ubiquitous, almost indestructible and microscopic in size. It is often sticky and easily carried, undetected, from one place to another. As pollen is unique to a plant species, combinations of pollen types (pollen assemblages) present in soil or other samples can identify the type of environment, and often the exact location, from which a sample originated. Although Forensic Palynology has been used routinely in New Zealand for over 25 years, is commonly used in the United Kingdom and has been used in several cases in Australia in the past ten years, little research has been done in this field. In Australia, police require an initial broad palynological analysis of samples from a crime scene prior to approving a more detailed analysis. This project investigates palynological samples from two superficially similar environments that could potentially be a crime scene and alibi location, in order to determine if they can be broadly distinguished from each other. Two Perth metropolitan wetlands, Herdsman Lake and Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary, were chosen for study as potential sites for assaults and clandestine burials. Four sites within each wetland, with correspondingly similar vegetation communities, were sampled at surface level in different seasons. At three sites, 50 cm cores were taken and sampled at seven levels to simulate shallow grave profiles. Samples were prepared and analysed using standard palynological techniques. Surface and core (grave profile) pollen assemblages were compared site by site within each wetland, and with the corresponding site of the other wetland. The grave profile assemblages for each core were combined and averaged to represent mixed 'burial assemblages', and similarly compared across and within wetlands. Palynological analysis established that the surface soil samples were characteristic of wetland environments. The different vegetation sites in each wetland, and the corresponding vegetation site in the other wetland, were broadly palynologically distinct. The season in which samples were collected was difficult to determine. Grave profile assemblages generally differed from surface samples at each site, and broadly differed across and between the two wetlands, but the differences in the 'burial assemblages' were less marked. The findings of this study confirm that broad palynological analysis can differentiate between two wetlands at surface level and downhole, and that samples at different depths in a grave should be separately analysed. Collection of control samples from similar and possible alibi environments is essential. Caution should be taken when palynologically interpreting the season in which a crime was committed.
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An Investigation of Stratigraphic Evidence for an Abrupt Climatic Event 8200 yr BP in Valle de las Morrenas, Costa RicaWatson, Brian Thomas 01 May 2011 (has links)
Lago de las Morrenas 4 (9.498056° [degrees] N, 83.486111° [degrees] W, 3466 m elev.) is the lowest lake in a chain of glacial lakes located in the Valle de las Morrenas, a valley facing almost due north from Cerro Chirripó, the highest peak in the Cordillera de Talamanca in Costa Rica. Coarse resolution analyses of pollen, microscopic charcoal, and loss-on-ignition of a ca. 10,000 year sediment record from Lago de las Morrenas 4 was carried out to complement and extend previous research on the environmental history of the Chirripó highlands and to provide context for high-resolution sampling and analysis of early Holocene sediments. The focus of the high-resolution analysis was the period around 8200 cal yr BP, the time of a prominent Holocene climatic event recognized at many northern hemisphere sites between ca. 8000 and 8400 cal yr BP. The high-resolution sampling of sediments encompassing the time period of the 8200 yr BP event revealed a sharp increase in microscopic charcoal indices coincident with a shift from fibrous silty organic sediment to granular peat. These shifts, which occurred ca. 7900 cal yr BP, are interpreted to reflect an interval of drier climate and lower lake level. A decrease in Poaceae pollen percentages and an increase in Alnus pollen from montane forests may reflect reduced pollen production within the páramo at this time. The peak charcoal concentration and influx value at ca. 7800 cal yr BP in the Morrenas 4 record may match a similar peak in the macroscopic charcoal record from nearby Morrenas 1 that occurred ca. 8000 cal yr BP. Both peaks may correspond to the 8200 yr BP event.
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Morphology, Anatomy And Systematics Of The Genus Salvia L. (lamiaceae) In East And Southeast Anatolia, TurkeyKahraman, Ahmet 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to revise the genus Salvia L. in East and Southeast Anatolia in Turkey on the basis of macromorphological, anatomical, palynological, mericarp micro-morphological, ecological and numerical analysis. Towards achieving this goal, about 2500 specimens of Salvia were collected and examined during extensive field studies between July 2005 and June 2009. The materials collected by other researchers either from Turkey or abroad were also investigated.
The results of the taxonomic revision show that the study area includes 59 taxa, 24 (40.7%) of which are endemic and the remaining 35 (59.3%) are non-endemic. Salvia siiirtica is described as new to science. S. macrosiphon is described as a new record for Turkey and S. cerino-pruinosa and S. pseudeuphratica are re-evaluated as valid species as well as S. ballsiana is rediscovered.
Macromorphological characters that were considered to have taxonomically diagnostic value are investigated and their possible variations are discussed. Habit, stem, leaf, inflorescence, bract, calyx, corolla and stamen properties are compared at infrageneric and species level.
The first comprehensive evaluation of the systematic value of anatomy, palynology and mericarp micromorphology of Salvia are presented. Some characters, such as row numbers of ray cells in the root, type of the leaf blade structure, shape of cross section of the petiole, shape and number of median vascular bundles, pollen size, size of mericarps and diameter of abscission scars, are useful for infrageneric delimitation. Variation in some anatomical characters, such as number of cell layers of collenchyma and cortex, number of cell layers of palisade parenchyma, size of petiole, number of lateral vascular bundles, exine ornamentation type of pollen, presence of large lumina in the middle of the primary lumen, the muri thickness, mericarp shape, mericarp length/width ratio and surface ornamentation type, can be used for separating species within the sections.
Based on the updated geographical and ecological distribution, conservation status of the taxa is reassessed at regional, national and global levels. At the regional scale, the distribution is CR for 6 taxa EN for 9 taxa, VU for 5 taxa, NT for 10 taxa and LC for 29 taxa. At the national scale, the distribution is CR for 5 taxa, EN for 5 taxa, VU for 7 taxa, NT for 10 taxa and LC for 32 taxa. At the global scale, the distribution is CR for 5 taxa, EN for 3 taxa, VU for 6 taxa, NT for 10 taxa NT and LC for 35 taxa. The main threats in the study area are overgrazing, constructions, land clearing, fire, urbanization and tourism.
The infrageneric delimitation is performed using multivariate analysis. Identification keys to sections and species are given. Synonymy, updated descriptions, phenology, distribution and habitats in Turkey, general distribution outside Turkey, distribution maps, phytogeography, specimen citations, some notes on taxonomy and photographs showing general appearance of the taxa are also provided.
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Revision Of Vicia L. (leguminosae) In Central Anatolia, TurkeyBinzat, Okan Kaan 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this revisional study based on the the genus Vicia in Central Anatolia large quantities
of data have been compilled from specimens representing the group of the taxa being
studied. These data were then synthesized to make taxon descriptions, keys,
geographical distributions and ecological preferences.
Since 2009, about 700 specimens have been collected from Central Anatolia and
examined as the research materials. In addition, a large number of specimens have also
been studied in the following herbaria ANK, GAZI, MUG, HUB and E.
According to the Flora of Turkey (Davis 1985), there were 16 species found in Central
Anatolia. But this study has shown that genus Vicia covers 22 species (V. noeana, V.
anatolica, V. pannonica, V. hybrida, V. sericocarpa, V. narbonensis, V. galilaea, V.
ervilia, V. caesarea, V. cracca, V. villosa, V. monantha, V. canescens, V. cappadocica,
V. articulata, V. cassubica, V.peregrina, V. truncatula, V. grandiflora, V. lathyroides, V.
cuspidata, V sativa) in this region.
Some morphological characters were used to understand whether they have a diagnostic
value or not. These characters, which include habit, leaf, stem, inflorescence, calyx,
corolla and style properties, were compared at infrageneric level and species level.
Systematic value of pollen micromorphology, trichome micromorphology and petal
epidermal micromorphology of Vicia in Central Anatolia were observed. Pollen grains
equatorial view, polar view and exine ornamentations, trichome types of calyces and
leaves can be useful for separating the species in sectional level.
Geographical and ecological distributions maps were updated. In addition to this, the
conservation status of the genus Vicia in Cental Anatolia was reassessed at regional
level. The threat categories include 2 taxa DD, 1 taxon CR, 7 taxa EN, 1 taxon VU, 1
taxon NT and 14 taxa LC. The main threat categories for this genus are identified as
overgrazing, constructions, land clearing and urbanizations.
The infrageneric delimitations were performed by the use of multivariate analysis.
Identification keys for sections and species were also given. Synonym, species updated
descriptions, phenology, habitat, distribution in Central Anatolia, distribution in Turkey
and general distribution, phytogeograpy, endemism, specimen citations photographs of
species and distribution maps were also indicated.
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