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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spolupráce environmentálních neziskových organizací a firem: společenské předpoklady a současný stav v České republice / Private environmental business-NGO cooperation: driving factors and current state in Czech republic

Mederlyová, Oľga January 2012 (has links)
SYNOPSIS The diploma thesis is focused on the topic of private environmental cross-sectoral cooperation from the macro-societal perspective. The theoretical chapter summarizes the driving factors which contribute to evolution of business-environmental NGO relationships, it identifies the main specific features of Czech society context and introduces the three-partnership- generations theory. In the empirical part the main findings from the empirical survey among Czech environmental NGOs are summarized and discussed. It explores the current state and main characteristics, contributions, problems and barriers of private cross-sectoral partnership. Furthermore the relations between the environmental organizations' characteristics and specific aspects of cooperation are examined. In the end the results of the survey are set into the context of three-partnership-generations theory and the basic explanation of private environmental cross-sectoral partnership's current state is discussed in the context of specific features of Czech society.

Vliv EU na vnitropolitickou situaci sousedních států v rámci Evropské politiky sousedství / The influence of EU on the internal political situation of neighboring countries within European Neighbourhood Policy

Komárková, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is the analysis of European Neighbourhood Policy, which was established in 2004 in connection with the eastern enlargement of European Union. The main goal of European Neighbourhood Policy is to create an area of stability, prosperity and welfare with its neighbourhood countries. Partnership is based on the commitments to create an area of rule of law, good governance, respect for human rights, promotion of principles of market economy and promotion of sustainable development. Political cooperation is complemented by EU financial aid to neighbourhood countries. Thanks to financial support the neighbourhood countries should implement the necessary reforms, which later help to establish shared values. This thesis seeks to examine what is the impact of EU to internal political situation of neighbourhood countries. The hypothesis assumes that the higher EU financial aid to neighbourhood countries increases its influence on the internal political situation at neighbourhood countries.

Die SLUB in 3D: Virtuelle Räume und reale Dienstleistungen

Mittelbach, Jens 19 December 2011 (has links)
Öffentliche Gebäude, ob nun Kaufhäuser oder Bibliotheken, sind aufgrund ihrer Größe, ihrer oft originellen Architektur und der Vielfalt ihres Angebotes tendenziell unübersichtliche Räume, die mithilfe von Leitsystemen und Grundrissplänen erschlossen werden müssen. Anders als in Kaufhäusern, in denen die Juwelier-Abteilung schon aus der Ferne leicht vom Damenmoden- oder Sportartikel-Bereich zu unterscheiden ist, umfasst das Angebot von Bibliotheken traditionell in erster Linie physisch recht gleichartige Medien, die den Kunden in langen Regalreihen dargeboten werden. Das Problem der Unübersichtlichkeit ergibt sich hier also naturgemäß in schärferer Form. Gedruckte Übersichtspläne, in denen die Verteilung der Medienbestände entsprechend der jeweiligen Ordnungsprinzipien schematisch dargestellt werden, sind in Bibliotheken gang und gäbe. Schon seit geraumer Zeit bieten Bibliotheken natürlich Übersichtspläne auch online an, die eine mehr oder weniger ausgeprägte Funktionsvielfalt aufweisen und im günstigsten Falle direkt an den Bibliothekskatalog angebunden sind, so dass der Regalstandort eines dort gefundenen Buches mit einem Klick angezeigt werden kann. Gewöhnlich sind solche Übersichtspläne und Standortanzeigen zweidimensional und verharren, auch wenn sie im virtuellen Raum des Internets angeboten werden, in der Sphäre der physisch greifbaren Objekte. Das heißt, sie machen sicht- und auffindbar, was im realen Raum tatsächlich einen Platz einnimmt: gedruckte Bücher oder andere physische Medien, betretbare Gebäudeteile, Einrichtungsgegenstände oder Orte, an denen Dienstleistungen von Personen erbracht werden.

Lokal och regional klimatsamverkan - en räddare inöden? : En fallstudie av hur sektorsöverskridande klimatsamverkansinitiativ på lokal ochregional nivå arbetar för att reducera geografiskt kopplade växthusgasutsläpp

Ahlén, Rasmus January 2020 (has links)
Att samverka sektorsöverskidande på lokal och regional nivå har identifierats som en möjlig väg att påett effektivare och snabbare sätt nå uppsatta klimatmål. Intressant är därför att undersöka hur dessaklimatsamverkansinitiativ är organiserade och hur de arbetar för att bidra till sina syften.Föreliggande studie är en fallstudie som undersöker hur sektorsöverskridandeklimatsamverkansinitiativ på lokal och regional nivå samverkar för att bidra till att minska territoriellaväxthusgasutsläpp. Studien undersöker även vilka utmaningar och fördelar initiativen upplever samtidentifierar faktorer som initiativen upplever skapar en långsiktig och attraktivsamverkansorganisation. De studerade initiativen är Klimatrådet Jönköpings län och Klimat2030 iVästra Götalands län samt Uppsala klimatprotokoll, Gothenburg Climate Partnership, LundsKlimatallians samt Linköpingsinitiativet.Insamlingen av det empiriska materialet har skett via semistrukturerade intervjuer medprocessledaren, verksamhetsledaren eller administratören hos respektive initiativ.Studien finner att den offentliga sektorn bär det huvudsakliga ansvaret för initiering, administrationsamt finansiering. Studien finner också att det inte finns någon etablerad mall eller förankradsamverkansmetodik kring lokal eller regional klimatsamverkan, vilket resulterar i att initiativen bådehar likheter och skillnader i sina samverkanstrukturer. Studien konstaterar att vanligt förekommandearbetsmetoder hos initiativen är fokusgrupper, klimatutmaningar, klimatavtal samt projektbaseratarbete, dock med spridning mellan initiativen.I studiens resultat framkommer bland annat delaktighet, förankring och erfarenhets- ochkunskapsutbyte som centrala faktorer som upplevs skapa en attraktiv och långsiktigsamverkansplattform. Det framkommer även att initiativen upplever dels fördelar medklimatsamverkan eftersom det hjälper medlemmarna att gå från ord till handling, och dels utmaningarsom att bland annat bevisa sin faktiska effekt i att reducera de territoriella växthusgasutsläppen.Slutligen konstaterar studien att ämnet lokal och regional klimatsamverkan är relativt outforskatinom miljövetenskapen och att det behövs vidare forskning kring bland annat vilken funktionklimatsamverkan har samt vilken effekt initiativen skapar. / To collaborate cross-sectoral on a local or regional level has been identified as a possible solution toachieve a more effective way of reaching set climate targets. Therefore it´s of interest to conductfurther study in how these initiatives collaborate in their aim of reaching climate related targets.This thesis is a case study consisting that examine how cross-sectoral climate collaborations on alocal or regional level collaborate to reduce the emissions of territorial greenhouse gases.Furthermore, the study investigates what challenges and advantages the objects of study areexperiencing and also to identify what factors the initiatives are experience that creates a long-terminitiative and an attractive collaborate-organisation. The objects of study are Climate Council inJönköpings region, Climate2030 in Västra Götalands region and Uppsala Climate Protocoll, GothenburgClimate Partnership, Lund Climate Alliance and The Linköping Initiative.The collection of the empirically data was gathered via semi-structured interviews with either theprocess manager, administrator or executive manager in each initiative.The study shows that the public sector has the major responsibility in initiating, administrate andfinancing the initiatives. The study also shows that there is no established templated or collaboratemethodin local or regional climate-collaboration, which results in both similarities and differences inthe initiatives structural design.The study has found that focus-groups, the use of climate related challenges, climate agreementand to work in specific projects are all commonly used work procedures, but with differences betweeninitiatives.Furthermore, results show that participation, anchoring and experience- and knowledge-exchangeare key factors that the initiatives are experiencing in how to create an attractive and long-termcollaborate initiative. Moreover, it emerges that the initiatives are experiencing both benefits with aclimate collaborating because it helps members of the collaboration to go from words into action, andpartly challenges regarding how to prove its actual effect in reducing territorial greenhouse gasemissions.Finally, the study notes that the subject, local and regional climate-collaboration is relativelyunexplored and that it needs further research for example in what function a climate collaboration hasand what effect the initiatives creates. / <p>2020-06-05</p>

The Perceived Impact of International Educational Experiences in the United States on Saudi Respiratory Therapists

AbuNurah, Hassan Y 22 March 2016 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Rapid changes in healthcare and science have enhanced the need for international educational experiences (IEE). Despite the importance of IEE in healthcare, there is a lack of literature in this area of research specifically relating to respiratory therapy. Therefore, it is important to assess the perceived impact of IEE in the United States on RT students in order to evaluate the need for developing international educational opportunities in the field of respiratory therapy. PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess Saudi RT international students’ perception of the impact of IEE on their lives experiences. METHODS: Data were collected through a descriptive survey using a modified version of the international education survey (IES). The survey was emailed to all RT members of the Saudi Society for Respiratory Care (SSRC). Four main dimensions were assessed: Professional RT role, global understanding, personal development, and intellectual development. Excluded from the study were non-Saudi RTs and RTs with no IEE from the United States. RESULTS: Nineteen responses met the exclusion criteria of the study and were excluded. The total adjusted number of participants was sixty-two (n=62) out of (N=534) emailed surveys. The study response rate was 15.17%. Just over half of participants hold a graduate degree in RT while 48.4% hold an undergraduate degree in RT. Female participants accounted for 12.9% of all participants while male participants accounted for 87.1%. The study revealed that “professional RT role” was the most impacted area of IEE for RT undergraduate students (M 5.48, ± 1.4). The study showed that “global understanding” was the most impacted area of IEE for graduate RT students (M 5.4, SD of ± 0.84). The study findings showed that there is a moderately significant positive correlation between the duration of IEEs and the impact of RT professional role (r=0.426; p=0.001). Moreover, the study findings indicated that IEEs had a higher but insignificant influence on former international RT students’ perceptions of impact than current students. Conclusion: IEE had a large overall impact on participant’s lives experiences. The study findings support the value of promoting IEEs in the United States for RT students due to its perceived positive impact on internationalization of healthcare. Further studies with higher number of participants, different cultural backgrounds, and different IEE destinations is recommended.

Strategic Sustainable Development for transparent, accountable and participatory governments

Nicolo, Francesca, Cardoso, Elissa, Ramos Puente, Julia January 2016 (has links)
During the last century, the world has faced unprecedented challenges relating to the degradation of the socio-ecological system. In light of this, governments play an important role to help tackle these issues. This thesis identifies the Open Government Partnership (OGP) organisation, as an initiative that can support governments in addressing these challenges. In particular, the potential to address these issues relates to OGP’s vision of strengthening governance by increasing transparency, accountability and participation. Therefore, the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD) was used to analyse the results from the semi-structured interviews, literature review and document analysis, in order to identify the strengths and limitations of OGP’s planning approach. Based on these results, recommendations call for the utilisation of the ABCD strategic planning process to assist OGP member governments and stakeholders to develop a concrete definition of sustainability, and a strategic planning approach that can support society in moving towards sustainability.

Från sponsorskap till partnerskap / From sponsorship to partnership

Andersson Stridh, Sandra, Karlsson, Johannes January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsen, Från sponsorskap till Partnerskap, grundar sig i relationen mellan rättshavare och sponsor. Den berör de motiv och faktorer som kan göra ett sponsorskap mer attraktivt, både ur rättshavare och sponsors perspektiv, samt hur man kan öka effekten av relationen.Idrottsrelaterade sponsorinvesteringar har ökat markant i Sverige under senare år. Samtidigt har sponsorskapet blivit allt mer komplext och kommit till en punkt där rättshavare har svårt att möta sponsorns behov. Allt fler företag ställer högre krav på avkastning och efterfrågar också andra värden i sponsorskapet. Transaktionen, pengar mot exponering, som tidigare definierat sponsring har förändrats och är nu inne i ett paradigmskifte. Företag har identifierat andra värden, motiv och potential i sponsorskapet vilket har medfört ett allt mer relationsbaserat fokus där engagemang, förtroende och kommunikation blivit centrala delar för att skapa en starkare attraktionskraft. Denna förändring har också medfört att rättshavarens medvetenhet och förståelse kring företagens sponsormotiv samt effektkrav ställts på prov. Organisatoriska och verktygsmässiga förändringar hos rättshavare krävs för att kunna stärka attraktionskraften gentemot andra rättshavare, idrotter och marknadskanaler, detta genom en övergång från renodlat sponsorskap till en partnerverksamhet.Denna uppsats syftar därför till att undersöka vilka behov företag har av sponsring samt identifiera en struktur för partnerskapet. Uppsatsen syftar även till att skapa en djupare förståelse för företags behov samt vikten av att rättshavare paketerar och profilerar sin verksamhet på ett gynnsamt sätt. Utifrån litteraturen och empirin har vi definierat sponsorskapets fundament vilket också kan appliceras som grunden i ett partnerskap. Uppsatsen tar upp de grundläggande motiv för sponsring samt de parametrar och värden som särskiljer begreppen sponsorskap och partnerskap. En annan central del som har identifierats i denna uppsats, och som stöds både i litteraturen och empirin, är vikten av ett ökat samhällsengagemang. CSR-arbetet (corporate social responsibility) har blivit ett starkt växande verksamhetsområde hos de Allsvenska fotbollsklubbarna och är i många fall direkt avgörande för verksamhetens sponsorintäkter. / Whilst sport sponsorship investments has increased rapidly in Sweden over the past years, it has also reached a point of where the right holders have difficulties to meet the sponsors demand for more articulated outcomes. More and more companies view the sponsorship as more than a mere communication platform of mixed communication activities such as PR, direct on-sales and exposure. Sponsors now start to see the true potential of sponsorship, whereas the relationship could bring more to the company than the sponsorship offer; money in exchange for commercial access. In order to meet this demand the property organizations (in this paper, mostly referred to as the football clubs) have to look for reconstruction of their operations. A turn from the expression “sponsor”, to “partner” can be seen throughout the Swedish football world, though has little actual operational change been set to practice. This paper seeks to examine the new demands set from sponsors as well as identify the true nature of the partnership structure. We believe that with a deeper understanding of sponsor demands the property organizations can create a conceptualized and attractive profile, as well as add structural change into the operations, which could be beneficial for both parties.With help from literature we define sponsorship, which will be viewed as the fundamentals of partnership. Relevant B2B-relationship theories, such as commitment, trust and communication will be applied as cornerstones to a successful partner relationship. The empirical studies, showing that there is a demand for more communicative CSR-activities in the clubs, will be combined with earlier research on the subject of CRSS, cause-related sport sponsorship to highlight the importance of profiling.

Students as scientists : a study of motivation in the science classroom / Forskning på schemat : högstadieelevers motivation för naturvetenskap

Hellgren, Jenny Maria January 2016 (has links)
School science and mathematics have been criticized for being difficult, de-contextualised and teacher-centred. This thesis concerns student motivation in science and mathematics in secondary school, and in particular student motivation in relation to student-teacher-scientist partnerships (STSPs) and an authentic science task called the Medicine Hunt where students help scientists to find new antibiotics. The purpose of this dissertation is to interrogate the importance of authentic tasks for motivation in the science classroom. The thesis takes a starting point in motivation theories, with self-determination theory (SDT) in focus, and also builds on the hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (HMIEM). A mixed-methods approach is used first, to find out what factors are important for students’ positive emotions and experiences in the classroom, and second, to learn more about the importance of authentic tasks using student interviews and observations in combination with questionnaires that evaluate students’ motivation. The studies reveal that the notion of having learnt something and intrinsic motivation are central for students’ positive emotions. Further, many situational factors, such as teacher support, autonomy, clear goals, and novelty of the task are central for both positive emotions and experiences in science and mathematics. Regarding the Medicine Hunt, students were positive and referred most of their positive experiences to science-related aspects, and the novelty of authentic science. Teachers gave different opportunities for competence, autonomy or relatedness when implementing the project in their classrooms, and these differences were more important for students’ initiatives and outcomes than students’ initial contextual motivation for school science. Students’ contextual motivation for science can change and the Medicine Hunt arrested the well-documented decline in students’ intrinsic motivation for science during the secondary school years. This thesis argues that authentic tasks implemented as STSPs such as the Medicine Hunt can contribute considerably to school science by providing motivating situations that channel students’ positive emotions and positive experiences, and that is possible to create authentic science learning situations in which both more and less motivated students can flourish. The findings highlight the teachers’ role in supporting the students’ process of extending their understanding of what science can include and in supporting students’ confidence as they adopt a broader and more authentic view of science when learning as part of a successful authentic STSP science project. The findings also suggest that more research focussing on motivation in different authentic situations, and how students’ experiences of authentic science can affect motivation in the longer term, is needed. / Lärandesituationens påverkan på elevers affektiva upplevelser och lärande

Die regsaard van die kontraktuele verhouding tussen produsente en kooperasies betreffende die verpoeling van produkte

Taljaard, Jochemus Cornelius 04 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (LLM )--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / Copy not signed by author. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of co-operative pools in the South African Agricultural sector is a common phenomenon and an accepted commercial practice. Although it has seldom been at issue, the pool relationship between producers and the cooperative undoubtedly has certain legal consequences for the respective parties. Our courts have never addressed the aforementioned legal consequences authoritatively, probably because until now no disputes have arisen which could not be settled through negotiation between the parties concerned. Recently die legal nature of the pool relationship has became more of an issue primarily because of queries issued by the South African Revenue Service regarding the treatment of co-operative pools for purposes of income tax. Although this study is not aimed at addressing the income tax issues as regards the pool relationship, determining the legal nature of the pool relationship will be decisive for determining how co-operative pools should be treated for tax purposes. In addition to tax-related consequences, the legal nature of the pool relationship will necessarily also be decisive for issues such as insolvency and breach of contract. In this study the courts' approach to the classification of new types of contracts will be examined in order arrive at an underlying principle for evaluating the contractual nature of the pool relationship. After completion of the aforementioned examination, the functional characteristics of the pool relationship will be outlined and the implications thereof in respect of the law of things determined. The next stage involves the comparison of the functional characteristics of the pool relationship with the essential features of certain types of contracts to determine whether the pool relationship may be classified as one of these types of contract. From the aforementioned investigation it seems that the pool relationship does not satisfy the essential requirements of a contract of partnership, representation, the 'undisclosed principal' situation or mandate. The manner in which new types of contracts are classified in South African law is then revisited and proposals are made as to a possible methodology for classifying contracts that, in terms of the classical approach to the classification of contracts, would have been typified as sui generis. In accordance with this proposed approach to the classification of contracts, the conclusion is reached that the pool relationship is a new contract type that amalgamates elements of a contract of partnership, mandate and locatio conductio operis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van koëperatiewe poele in die Suid-Afrikaanse landbou kom algemeen voor en is In aanvaarde kommersiële praktyk. Alhoewel dit al selde op die spits gedryf is, het die poelverhouding tussen die onderskeie produsente en die koëperasie ongetwyfeld regsgevolge vir die onderskeie partye. Voorgemelde regsgevolge is nog nooit deur In Suid-Afrikaanse hof aangespreek nie, waarskynlik omdat daar nog nie enige dispute was betreffende die die poelverhouding wat nie deur dialoog bygelê kon word nie. In die onlangse verlede het die regsaard van die poelverhouding egter meer relevant geword hoofsaaklik weens navrae van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens betreffende die belastinghantering van kooperatiewe poele. Alhoewel hierdie verhandeling nie daarop gerig is om die belastinggevolge van die poelverhouding aan te spreek nie, sal die bepaling van die regsaard van die poelverhouding bepalend wees vir die hantering van die poelverhouding vir doeleindes van belasting. Afgesien van belastinggevolge sal die regsaard van die poelverhouding ook uiteraard bepalend wees betreffende kwessies soos insolvensie en kontrakbreuk. In hierdie studie sal die howe se benadering tot die klassifikasie van nuwe kontraksoorte ondersoek word ten einde In grondslag te lê waarvolgens die kontraktuele aard van die poelverhouding beoordeel kan word. Na voorgemelde ondersoek word die funksionele kenmerke van die poelverhouding uiteengesit en die sakeregtelike implikasies daarvan bepaal. Die funksionele kenmerke van die poelverhouding word daarna opgeweeg teen die wesenskenmerke van 'n aantal kontraksoorte ten einde vas te stelof die poelverhouding as sodanig geklassifiseer kan word. Uit hierdie ondersoek blyk dit dat die poelverhouding nie aan die wesenskenmerke van die vennootskapsverhouding, verteenwoordiging, die 'undisclosed principal' situasie of 'n lasgewingsverhouding voldoen nie. Die wyse waarop nuwe kontraktsoorte in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg hanteer word, word daarna weer oorweeg en voorstelle aan die hand gedoen waarop kontrakte wat, ingevolge die klassieke benadering tot die uitleg van kontrakte, as sui generis klassifiseer word, hanteer kan word. In ooreenstemming met hierdie voorgestelde metode van klassifikasie word daar dan tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die poelverhouding 'n mengvorm tussen 'n vennootskap, 'n lasgewingooreenkoms en 'n werkaanbestedingsooreenkoms is.

The New Partnership for Africa's Development (Nepad) and the African Union : issues and future prospects

Du Preez, Peter (Peter Osmond) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: While The New Partnership for Africa's Development (Nepad) is a grand plan by African leaders to eradicate poverty and to place their countries on a path of sustainable growth and development, the African Union (AU) will attempt to unite Africa economically and to succeed where the non-interventionist Organisation of African Unity (OAU) had failed. What makes Nepad different to earlier plans is that African leaders have now taken the initiative and are assuming responsibility for the process. A requirement for Nepad to gain momentum is that peace and security must prevail on the continent. The responsibility for creating this environment will rest mainly on the shoulders of the AU. The purpose of this research is (a) To describe • the objectives of the AU and Nepad; • the AU's protocols and decisions on peace, security and good governance, and to highlight some accountability and enforcement challenges it will face; • the structure and organs of Nepad; • the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM); and • the relations between Nepad, the AU and the G8; (b) To identify points of convergence / divergence between the AU and Nepad; (c) To evaluate • the AU on the basis of its handling of pressing leadership challenges on the African continent, in particular Zimbabwe, and • Nepad on the basis of progress made thus far with the implementation thereof. Nepad's preconditions for sustainable development imply that if the Peace and Security Council of the AU fails in its mission, Nepad will also fail, since satisfying these conditions - peace, security and political governance- is absolutely essential if Africa wants to attract the desperately needed capital flows from the industrial world. Chapter Two describes the major accountability and enforcement challenges that the AU will face. The author is of the opinion that the current lack of political will by African leaders to denounce the Mugabe regime, both individually and collectively as AU members, is severely damaging the credibility of both the AU and Nepad. Funding the AU may prove to be a huge stumbling block for the organisation. The AU should anticipate the unwillingness of members to pay their contributions, and therefore take a firm stand from the outset by imposing sanctions and/or withdrawing voting rights, as the OAU had to do to force countries to pay their dues. The author points out how contradictions in Nepad documents cause confusion, especially over certain security initiatives such as the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) and the AU's Conference on Security, Stability, Development and Cooperation in Africa (CSSDCA). Despite not having consulted and involved a broad spectrum from the outset and despite lack of clarity, Nepad seems to have made considerable progress in coopting role players who will be involved with projects on the ground. Nevertheless, due to the unwillingness of continental leaders to speak up against the Mugabe regime, the prognosis is that Nepad and the AU stand to loose face. Both Nepad and the AU need to build momentum, particularly around issues such as credibility and transparency, to prove its value. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Terwyl die Nuwe Vennootskap vir Afrika se Ontwikkeling (Nepad) 'n plan van Afrikaleiers is om armoede op die vasteland uit te roei en om hul onderskeie lande op die pad van volhoubare ontwikkeling te plaas, gaan die Afrika Unie (AU) poog om Afrika ekonomies te verenig, iets wat die nie-inmengende Organisasie vir Eenheid in Afrika (OEA) nie kon vermag nie. Wat Nepad anders maak as vorige pogings is dat die inisiatief van Afrika-leiers self afkomstig is en dat elkeen verantwoordelikheid vir die proses aanvaar. 'n Vereiste vir Nepad om te slaag is dat vrede en stabiliteit in Afrika moet heers, en die verantwoordelikheid om hierdie kondisie te skep berus by die AU. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is (a) Om die volgende te beskryf: • Die doelwitte van die AU en Nepad; • Die verskillende protokols van die AU en besluite rondom vrede, sekuriteit en goeie regering, asook die uitdagings rondom toerekenbaarheid en die uitvoering van besluite; • Die struktuur van Nepad; • Die Oorsigmeganisme (APRM); • Verhoudinge tussen Nepad, die AU en die G8; (b) Om konvergente en divergente aspekte van die AU en Nepad uit te wys; (c) Om die volgende te evalueer: • Die AU op grond van sy hantering van dreigende leierskapsuitdagings, en in besonder Zimbabwe, en • Nepad op grond van die vordering wat tot op hede gemaak is met die implimentering daarvan. Nepad se voorvereistes vir volhoubare ontwikkeling impliseer dat sou die Veiligheidsraad van die AU in sy missie misluk, Nepad ook sal misluk, aangesien , vrede, stabiliteit en goeie regering absoluut noodsaaklik is indien Afrika die broodnodige kapitaal van die industriële wêreld na die kontinent wil lok. In Hoofstuk Twee word die vernaamste uitdagings rondom toerekenvatbaarheid en uitvoerbaarheid wat die AU in die gesig staar, bespreek. Die skrywer is van mening dat die huidige gebrek aan politieke wil deur leiers om, beide individueel en gesamentlik as AU lede, die Mugabe regime te kritiseer, die geloofwaardigheid van beide Nepad en die AU ernstige skade berokken. Die befondsing van die AU mag potensieël 'n struikelblok vir die organisasie word. Die AU moet verwag dat sommige lede onwillig mag wees om hul bydraes te betaal, en om hierdie rede moet vanuit die staanspoor daadwerklik teen sulkes opgetree word. Sanksies en die weerhouing van stemreg is twee maniere om nie-betalers aan te spreek, net soos die OEA destyds gedoen het met lidlande wat in gebreke gebly het om bydraes te betaal. Die skrywer wys ook daarop hoe Nepad dokumente mekaar weerspreek, veral ten opsigte van die Oorsigmeganisme (APRM) en die AU se Konferensie oor Sekuriteit, Stabiliteit, Ontwikkeling en Samewerking in Afrika (CSSDCA). Dit skep verwarring. Ten spyte van die feit dat die Nepad proses in gebreke gebly het om wyd te konsulteer, asook ten spyte van die verwarring wat heers, is daar reeds beduidende vordering gemaak wat betref die koöptering van belangrike rolspelers wat op voetsoolvlak by projekte betrokke gaan wees. Desnieteenstaande, Nepad en die AU loop die gevaar om aansien te verloor as gevolg van die onbereidwilligheid van Afrika-leiers om teen die Mugabe regime op te tree. Deursigtigheid en geloofwaardigheid is twee aspekte waaraan beide Nepad en die AU ernstig moet aandag gee om daadwerklik waarde toe te voeg.

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