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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Posouzení vlivu filtrace a pasterizace na obsah vybraných vitaminů v pivu / Influence of the filtration and pasterurization on content of selected vitamins in beer

Šimíčková, Adéla January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on the influence of the filtration and the pasteurization on the content of the selected vitamins in beer. Specifically, the vitamin B2, B3, B6, B9 and B12. The high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector was used as a separation method for the vitamin content analysis. First this method was optimized and then validated. The data obtained by analyzing 28 beer samples were evaluated using a statistical method – the analysis of variance. This method provided parameters P, F and Fcrit which are important for the assessment of the statistically significant differences between the individual groups of beer . Based on these parameters, a significant effect of the filtration was observed for the vitamin B2 and B3. The filtration has reduced the amount of the vitamin B2 while it increased the concentration of the vitamin B3. The pasteurization had no significant effect on the vitamin content.

Posouzení vlivu pasterizace a filtrace na obsah vybraných chemických složek piva / Evaluation of the influence of the pasterization and filtration on selected chemical components of beer

Vopelková, Dominika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this work was to study the influence of the pasteurization and filtration on selected chemical compounds in beer. Specifically, the influence on elemental composition, content of organic acids, carbohydrates and phenolic substances was studied. Optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES) was used for elemental analysis of beer. Analysis of organic acids was evaluated by Ion chromatography. For analysis of carbohydrates was used High performance liquid chromatography with ELSD detector (HPLC-ELSD), phenolic compounds was evaluated by HPLC with diode array detector (HPLC-DAD). Data from analysis of beer was performed by usage of statistical methods (analysis of variance and principal component analysis). Parameters that showed the most significant differences between individual groups of beers were obtained. Correlations between the variables and the technological beer processing operations were found. 12 parameters of total 23 were affected. The effect of filtration and pasteurization was observed in content of the iron, silicon, potassium and magnesium, malate, monosaccharides glucose and fructose and phenolic compounds.

Development of polymeric and silica filtering materials functionalized with antimicrobial compounds for the elimination of microorganisms in liquid food

Peña Gomez, Natalie 17 February 2020 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] En la presente tesis doctoral se ha evaluado el uso de nuevos soportes celulósicos y silíceos como sistemas de filtración para la estabilización y conservación de alimentos líquidos con el fin de afrontar dos grandes retos de la industria de bebidas. Por un lado, evitar o minimizar los cambios en las propiedades nutricionales, estructurales y organolépticas de los alimentos, ocasionados por la pasteurización térmica tradicional, y ofrecer una alternativa al problema de la baja viabilidad debida a los altos costos de inversión/producción al aplicar nuevas tecnologías no térmicas. Por ello, esta tesis doctoral se centra en el desarrollo y evaluación de una nueva tecnología no térmica de conservación de alimentos líquidos basada en la filtración. Se han desarrollado sistemas de filtración a partir de soportes celulósicos y silíceos, sin funcionalizar o funcionalizados con compuestos antimicrobianos. En el primer capítulo se evaluó el uso de materiales de celulosa como soportes filtrantes para el tratamiento de alimentos líquidos. Como primera aproximación se desarrolló un material poroso nano-micro tubular a partir de la extracción y deslignificación del material celulósico presente en el corazón o raquis de la mazorca de maíz. El uso de este soporte resultó ser efectivo como material filtrante para el tratamiento de agua y zumo de naranja, en un sistema de flujo continuo, eliminando la carga microbiana. La aplicación de este soporte como sistema de filtración presenta diversas ventajas como su capacidad de retención microbiana, la reutilización de sub-productos del maíz y, por tanto, su respeto al medioambiente. Sin embargo, sería necesario optimizar el proceso de filtrado para evitar la frecuente obturación de sus poros que requirió varios ciclos de lavado durante el proceso, así como establecer un método de regeneración del material para incrementar su vida útil. Además, este sistema afectó al color del zumo filtrado, que no se mantuvo constante durante el proceso, lo que supone una importante desventaja que es necesaria abordar. Como segunda aproximación, se evaluó el potencial de la inmovilización de una molécula bioactiva sobre membranas de celulosa, para mejorar la capacidad de retención microbiana del material celulósico, así como permitir su reutilización. Los filtros de celulosa funcionalizados con poliaminas demostraron ser eficaces en la eliminación de patógenos en agua, debido a las cargas positivas generadas por los grupos amina inmovilizados en la superficie de las membranas, que atraen y retienen las bacterias cargadas negativamente. Dada la fácil preparación y procedimiento de uso de las membranas de celulosa funcionalizadas con poliaminas, éstas podrían ser consideradas una buena opción para el desarrollo de sistemas de tratamiento de aguas in situ, rápidos, de fácil manejo y de bajo coste. El segundo capítulo describe el desarrollo y aplicación de partículas de sílice funcionalizadas con compuestos de aceites esenciales, con el fin de diseñar coadyuvantes de filtración con actividad antimicrobiana. La filtración de diversas matrices alimentarias (agua, cerveza y zumo de manzana) a través de los soportes funcionalizados con los antimicrobianos naturales demostró ser eficaz en la reducción del recuento de la cepa patógena Escherichia coli, así como frente a la microflora endógena de la cerveza y el zumo (bacterias acidolácticas, aerobios mesófilos, psicrófilos, mohos y levaduras). La eficacia en el control microbiano se debe a la combinación de la adsorción física y la inactivación por contacto con los compuestos de aceites esenciales inmovilizados. Además, la evaluación de las propiedades físico-químicas y sensoriales de los alimentos líquidos demostró un efecto poco significativo, éste depende del tamaño de las partículas de sílice usadas y de la molécula bioactiva inmovilizada. Por lo tanto, el sistema de conservaci� / [CA] En la present tesi doctoral s'ha avaluat l'ús de nous suports cel·lulòsics i silicis com a sistemes de filtració per a l'estabilització i conservació d'aliments líquids, amb la finalitat d'afrontar dos grans reptes de la indústria de begudes. D'una banda, evitar o minimitzar els canvis en les propietats nutricionals, estructurals i organolèptiques dels aliments, ocasionats per la pasteurització tèrmica tradicional, i oferir una alternativa al problema de la baixa viabilitat deguda als alts costos d'inversió/producció en aplicar noves tecnologies no tèrmiques. Per això, aquesta tesi doctoral es centra en el desenvolupament i avaluació d'una nova tecnologia no tèrmica de conservació d'aliments líquids basada en la filtració. S'han desenvolupat sistemes de filtració a partir de suports cel·lulòsics i silicis, sense funcionalitzar o funcionalitzats amb compostos antimicrobians. En el primer capítol es va avaluar l'ús de materials de cel·lulosa com a suports filtrants per al tractament d'aliments líquids. Com a primera aproximació es va desenvolupar un material porós nano-micro tubular a partir de l'extracció i deslignificació del material cel·lulòsic present en el cor o raquis de la panolla de dacsa. L'ús d'aquest suport va resultar ser efectiu com a material filtrant per al tractament d'aigua i suc de taronja, en un sistema de flux continu, eliminant la càrrega microbiana. L'aplicació d'aquest suport com a sistema de filtració presenta diversos avantatges com la seua capacitat de retenció microbiana, la reutilització de subproductes de la dacsa i, per tant, el seu respecte al medi ambient. No obstant això, seria necessari optimitzar el procés de filtrat per a evitar la freqüent obturació dels seus porus que va requerir diversos cicles de rentada durant el procés, així com establir un mètode de regeneració del material per a incrementar la seua vida útil. A més, aquest sistema va afectar el color del suc filtrat, que no es va mantenir constant durant el procés, la qual cosa suposa un important desavantatge que és necessari abordar. Com a segona aproximació, es va avaluar el potencial de la immobilització d'una molècula bioactiva sobre membranes de cel·lulosa, per a millorar la capacitat de retenció microbiana del material cel·lulòsic, així com permetre la seua reutilització. Els filtres de cel·lulosa funcionalitzats amb poliamines van demostrar ser eficaces en l'eliminació de patògens en aigua, a causa de les càrregues positives generades pels grups amina immobilitzats en la superfície de les membranes, que atrauen i retenen els bacteris carregats negativament. Donada la fàcil preparació i procediment d'ús de les membranes de cel·lulosa funcionalitzades amb poliamines, aquestes podrien ser considerades una bona opció per al desenvolupament de sistemes de tractament d'aigües in situ, ràpids, de fàcil maneig i de baix cost. El segon capítol descriu el desenvolupament i aplicació de partícules de sílice funcionalitzades amb compostos d'olis essencials, amb la finalitat de dissenyar coadjuvants de filtració amb activitat antimicrobiana. La filtració de diverses matrius alimentàries (aigua, cervesa i suc de poma) a través dels suports funcionalitzats amb els antimicrobians naturals va demostrar ser eficaç en la reducció del recompte del cep patogen Escherichia coli, així com enfront de la microflora endògena de la cervesa i el suc (bacteris àcid làctics, aerobis mesòfils, psicròfils, floridures i llevats). L'eficàcia en el control microbià es deu a la combinació de l'adsorció física i la inactivació per contacte amb els compostos d'olis essencials immobilitzats. A més, l'avaluació de les propietats fisicoquímiques i sensorials dels aliments líquids estudiats va demostrar un efecte poc significatiu, aquest depèn de la grandària de les partícules de sílice usades i de la molècula bioactiva immobilitzada. Per tant, el sistema de conserv / [EN] In the present doctoral thesis the use of new cellulosic and silica supports as filtering systems for the stabilization and preservation of liquid foods has been evaluated to overcome two major challenges of the beverage industry. On the one hand, avoid or minimize the changes in the nutritional, structural and organoleptic properties of food caused by traditional thermal pasteurization, and offer an alternative to the problem of low viability due to high investment/production costs when applying new non-thermal technologies. Therefore, this doctoral thesis focuses on the development and evaluation of a new non-thermal technology for the preservation of liquid foods based on filtration. The filtering systems have been developed from cellulosic and silica supports, non-modified or functionalized with antimicrobial compounds. In the first chapter, the use of cellulose materials as filtering supports for the treatment of liquid foods was evaluated. As first approximation, a porous nano-micro tubular material was developed from the extraction and delignification of the cellulosic material present in the corn stalk. The use of this support was effective as filtering material for the treatment of water and orange juice, in a continuous flow system, eliminating the microbial load. The application of this support as filtering system has several advantages, such as its microbial retention capacity, the reuse of corn by-products and, therefore, its respect for the environment. However, it would be necessary to optimize the filtering process to avoid the frequent clogging of its pores that required several washing cycles during the process, as well as to establish a method of material regeneration to increase its life. In addition, this system affected the color of the filtered juice, which did not remain constant during the process, representing an important disadvantage that must be addressed. As a second approach, the potential of the immobilization of a bioactive molecule on cellulose membranes was evaluated to improve the microbial retention capacity of the cellulosic material, as well as to allow its reuse. The cellulose filters functionalized with polyamines proved to be effective in eliminating pathogens in water, due to the positive charges generated by the amine groups immobilized on the surface of the membranes, which attract and retain the negatively charged bacteria. Given the easy preparation and usage of the polyamines-functionalized cellulose membranes, these could be considered a good option for the development of fast, easy to use and low cost in situ water treatment systems. The second chapter describes the development and application of silica particles functionalized with essential oil components to design filtering aids with antimicrobial activity. The filtration of various food matrices (water, beer and apple juice) through the supports functionalized with natural antimicrobials proved to be effective in reducing the load of the pathogenic strain Escherichia coli, as well as reducing the endogenous microflora of beer and the juice (lactic acid bacteria, mesophilic, psychrophilic, mold and yeast). The removal capability is due to the combination of physical adsorption and contact inactivation with the essential oil compounds immobilized. In addition, the evaluation of the physicochemical and sensory properties of the liquid foods studied showed a not significant effect, it depends on the size of the silica particles used and the immobilized bioactive molecule. Therefore, the proposed preservation system has a high potential for cold beverage pasteurization processes. / N. Peña-Gomez would like to thank for financial support in the frame of her PhD project to Operational Programme of the European Social Fund (ESF) 2014-2020, the Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Generalitat Valenciana and FEDER-EU (Projects RTI2018-101599-B-C21 and AGL2015-70235-C2-1-R). The authors also thank the Electronic Microscopy & Microanalysis Laboratory at Patras University for support. / Peña Gomez, N. (2020). Development of polymeric and silica filtering materials functionalized with antimicrobial compounds for the elimination of microorganisms in liquid food [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/137041 / TESIS / Compendio

Effects of Moderate Electric Field Plus Heat Pretreatment on Bacterial Inactivation in Whole Shell Hen Eggs by Ozone

Kasler, David R. 08 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The Effects of High Pressure Processing, Browning Additives, and Storage Period on the Inactivation of Polyphenol Oxidase in Nine Varieties of Pawpaw (Asimina Triloba L.) Pulp

Zhang, Lin , 30 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Fate of Antibiotic Resistance Genes During Anaerobic Digestion of Wastewater Solids

Miller, Jennifer Hafer 28 May 2014 (has links)
Bacterial resistance to antibiotics has become a worldwide health problem, resulting in untreatable infections and escalating healthcare costs. Wastewater treatment plants are a critical point of control between anthropogenic sources of pathogens, antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARBs), antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), and the environment through discharge of treated effluent and land application of biosolids. Recent studies observing an apparent resuscitation of pathogens and pathogen indicators and the widening realization of the importance of addressing environmental reservoirs of ARGs all lead toward the need for improved understanding of ARG fate and pathogen inactivation kinetics and mechanisms in sludge stabilization technologies. This research has investigated the fate of two pathogens, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Escherichia coli, and various ARGs under pasteurization, anaerobic digestion, biosolids storage, and land application conditions. Pathogen die-off occurs at a rate specific to each pathogen and matrix in ambient and mesophilic temperature environments. Viable but nonculturable (VBNC) states are initiated by thermal treatments, such as thermophilic digestion and possibly pasteurization, and allow the persistence of pathogen cells and any ARGs contained therein through treatment and into the receiving environment where resuscitation or transformation could occur. Raw sludge ARG content does affect digester effluent quality, although the predominant mechanisms of ARG persistence may be different in mesophilic versus thermophilic digestion. In both thermophilic and mesophilic digestion, a correlation was observed between raw sludge and digester ARGs associated with Class 1 integrons, possibly as a result of horizontal gene transfer. ARB survival was shown to contribute to ARG content in mesophilic digestion, but not thermophilic digestion. Thermophilic digestion may achieve a higher ARG reduction because of reduced microbial diversity compared to mesophilic digestion. However, it is evident that horizontal gene transfer still does occur, particularly with highly mobile integrons, so that complete reduction of all ARGs would not be possible with thermophilic digestion alone. Surprisingly, the experiments that introduced various concentrations of antibiotic sulfamethoxazole and antimicrobial nanosilver did not induce enhanced rates of horizontal gene transfer. Finally, ARG concentrations in biosolids increased during cold temperature storage suggesting that there is a stress induction of horizontal gene transfer of integron-associated ARGs. / Ph. D.

Study of the health promoting properties of the tropical highland blackberry (Rubus adenotrichos) and the impact of digestion and pasteurization processes / Étude des propriétés bénéfiques pour la santé de la mûre tropicale de montagne (Rubus adenotrichos) et détermination de l'impact des processus de digestion et de pasteurisation.

Azofeifa, Gabriela 16 December 2013 (has links)
Dans cette étude nous avons évalué les activités biologiques de la mûre tropicale de montagne (Rubus adenotrichos) et les effets de la digestion ou des procédés de pasteurisation sur ces activités. L'extrait polyphénolique de mûre présente un pouvoir antioxydant déterminé par la méthode ORAC de 4339 ± 144 pM TE/g, plus élevé que celui de la quercétine et de l'acide ellagique. L'extrait de mûre présente des propriétés protectrices des liposomes et des homogénats de foie contre la peroxydation lipidique avec des IC50 de 7.0 ± 0.5 et 20.3 ± 4.2 mg/ml, respectivement. Les polyphénols de mûre inhibent la production de nitrite dans par les macrophages murins J774A.1 stimulées par le mélange LPS, IFN. Cette activité est confirmée par la diminution du taux de NO synthase inductible dans ces mêmes cellules. Les activités biologiques des fruits pourraient être affectés par les procédés industriels. Le processus de pasteurisation du jus de mûre a provoqué une diminution d'environ 7% de la concentration en anthocyanes pour la température la plus élevée évalué, 92°C. Pour le même échantillon, une réduction significative de 27% de l'activité anti-oxydante mesurée par la méthode DPPH et de 16% de la capacité de complexassions des radicaux NO. Toutefois, aucune différence significative n'a été mise en évidence autant pour la capacité d'inhibition de la peroxydation que pour l'activité anti-oxydante intracellulaire. Les effets in vivo sont largement dépendants de la biodisponibilité des composés phénoliques et de ce fait un jus de mûre a été digéré in vitro pour obtenir des échantillons qui représentent les grandes étapes du processus de digestion. La digestion gastrique a peu d'influence au contraire de la digestion intestinale sur la composition polyphénolique de l'extrait de mûre en particulier au niveau du rapport anthocyanines/elagitannins. La fraction dialysable présente une réduction de 33% et de 35% de l'activité contre les radicaux dérivés de l'azote DPPH et NO, respectivement. De même, la capacité d'inhiber au niveau intracellulaire les radicaux libres (ROS) a diminué d'environ 85%. Toutefois, aucune différence significative n'a été mise en évidence au niveau de la capacité d'inhiber la peroxydation lipidique. Finalement, cette étude a utilisé un modèle in vivo pour évaluer l'effet de la consommation d'une boisson de mûre chez des rats diabétiques. L'apport de mûre a provoqué une diminution du glucose (-48.6%), des triglycérides (-43.5%) et du taux de cholestérol (-28.6%) plasmatique des rats diabétiques par rapport aux témoins diabétiques qui n'ont pas consommé la boisson de ce fruit. De plus, les rats diabétiques qui consomment de la mûre ont vus améliorées les valeurs de la capacité antioxydante du plasma (+7%), tandis que les niveaux de peroxydation lipidique dans le plasma (-19%) et dans les tissus rénaux (-23%) ont été réduits. Cette étude suggère que l'incorporation de la mûre comme un complément alimentaire pourrait avoir des effets bénéfiques sur la santé, même si l'on considère les aspects de biodisponibilité et les effets du procédé de pasteurisation. / This study evaluated biological activities of blackberries (Rubus adenotrichos) and the effects of digestion or pasteurization processes on these activities. The blackberries phenolic extract showed an ORAC value of 4339 ± 144 μM TE/g, higher than those of quercetin and ellagic acid. It also protected liposomes and liver homogenates against lipid peroxidation; with IC50 of 7.0 ± 0.5 and 20.3 ± 4.2 μg/mL, respectively. The blackberry polyphenols inhibited nitrite production in J774A.1 cells stimulated with LPS+IFNγ due to down-regulation of iNOS protein expression, suggesting an anti-inflammatory potential. The biological activities of the fruits could be affected by the industrial processes. The pasteurization of a blackberry juice caused a 7% decrease in the anthocyanins concentration of the highest temperature tested, 92 °C. For the same sample, a significant reduction of 27% and 15% were showed in the DPPH and NO scavenging capacity, respectively. However, non-significant differences were evident neither for the peroxidation inhibitory capacity nor for the intracellular antioxidant activity after the pasteurization step. The antioxidant capacity is largely dependent of their bioavailability and because of this a blackberry juice was digested in vitro to obtain samples that represent the major stages of the digestion process. The gastric digestion had slight impact on polyphenolic composition while the pancreatin/bile digestion had marked effects on polyphenolic composition, particularly in the ratio anthocyanins-ellagitannins. These changes in phenolic composition caused in the dialyzed fraction a reduction of 33% and 35% in the activity against nitrogen derived radicals DPPH and NO respectively. As well the capacity to inhibit intracellular ROS was decrease by an 85% in the dialyzed fraction. Nevertheless, no significant differences were evident in the capacity to inhibit lipid peroxidation. Finally, this study used an in vivo model with diabetic rats to evaluate the effect of the consumption of a blackberry beverage. The blackberry intake provoked a decrease in plasmatic glucose (-48.6%), triglycerides (-43.5%) and cholesterol (-28.6%) levels in the diabetic rats with respect to the diabetic controls animals. The diabetic rats which consumed blackberry, improved (+7%) the plasma antioxidant capacity (PAC) values and reduced the levels of lipid peroxidation in plasma (-19%) and in kidney tissue (-23%). This study suggests that selecting blackberry as a dietary complement could have health beneficial effects even when considering the bioavailability aspects of the phenolic compounds and the pasteurization effects.

Condições microbiológicas e avaliação da pasteurização em amostras de leite comercializadas no município de Piracicaba - SP. / Microbiological conditions and assessment of pasteurization in milk samples commercialized in Piracicaba-SP.

Oliveira, Ricardo Pinheiro de Souza 23 June 2005 (has links)
O leite é um dos alimentos mais completos da natureza e sua importância é baseada em seu elevado valor nutritivo, como riqueza de proteínas, vitaminas, gordura, sais minerais e a alta digestibilidade. Esses fatores são relevantes para considerá-lo um excelente meio de cultura para a maioria dos microrganismos. A pasteurização é necessária e tem a finalidade de eliminar os microrganismos patogênicos, além de diminuir ao máximo o número de microrganismos em geral, mas alguns deles ainda podem sobreviver ao tratamento térmico aplicado. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a condição microbiológica e a eficácia da pasteurização industrial do leite tipos A, B, C e as condições microbiológicas do leite cru, através da enumeração de bactérias aeróbias mesófilas, termófilas e psicrotróficas, Staphylococcus coagulase positiva, determinação do Número Mais Provável (NMP) de coliformes totais e fecais e pesquisa de Salmonella spp. em 30 amostras de leite comercializado no município de Piracicaba- SP. Com base na legislação do DIPOA (Brasil, 2002) os resultados mostraram que 44,4% das amostras de leite tipo A apresentaram-se fora do padrão microbiológico para aeróbios mesófilos. Para coliformes totais e fecais, o mesmo leite apresentou 66,7% e 55,6% das amostras respectivamente, em desacordo com a legislação vigente. No leite tipo B, nenhuma amostra esteve fora do padrão microbiológico em relação a aeróbios mesófilos. Já para coliformes totais e fecais, 33,3% das amostras estiveram em desacordo com a legislação em vigor. O leite tipo C foi o que apresentou resultado mais satisfatório, pois ao contrário do que se esperava, nenhuma amostra esteve fora do padrão em relação às análises microbiológicas realizadas no presente trabalho. O leite cru analisado apresentou valores elevados para todas as análises microbiológicas realizadas. Não foram encontradas amostras contaminadas com Salmonella spp. em todas as amostras de leite analisadas. O maior valor encontrado para Staphylococcus coagulase positiva foi 1,1 x 102 UFC/mL, portanto, longe da dose infectiva, mas esse fato não deixa de ser preocupante, já que o leite é um ótimo substrato para bactérias. Após a pasteurização (62,8ºC/30’) realizada no Laboratório de Microbiologia de Alimentos, do Departamento de Agroindústria, Alimentos e Nutrição, da ESALQ, todas as amostras novamente analisadas para os parâmetros microbiológicos citados, se mostraram em acordo com a legislação nacional vigente (Brasil, 2002). Os resultados encontrados na presente pesquisa podem ser indicativos de prováveis falhas do binômio tempo/temperatura durante a pasteurização industrial; matéria-prima excessivamente contaminada; higienização e sanificação deficientes das linhas de produção ou contaminação pós-pasteurização. / Milk is one of the most valuable of all foods in nature and its importance is based on its high nutritive value. Milk is rich in proteins, vitamins, fat, mineral salts, and high digestibility. These factors are relevant for it to be considered an excellent culture medium for most microorganisms. Pasteurization is necessary and its main purpose is to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, in addition to reducing to the maximum the number of microorganisms in general. However, some of them may still outlive the thermal treatment applied. The aim of this project was to evaluate the microbiological conditions and efficiency of the industrial pasteurization of type-A,-B and-C milk, and the microbiological conditions of raw milk, through the number of mesophillic, thermophilic and psychrotrophic aerobe bacteria, Staphylococcus positive coagulase, through the determination of the Most Probable Number (MPN) of total and fecal coliforms, and also through the research on Salmonella spp. in 30 samples of milk commercialized in Piracicaba-SP. Based on DIPOA legislation (Brazil, 2002), the results showed that 44.4% of the type-A milk samples did not meet the microbiological standard for mesophillic aerobe for total and fecal coliforms, 66.7% and 55.6% of the same milk samples, respectively, were not in accordance with the present legislation. For the type-B milk, no sample failed to meet the microbiological standard in relation to mesophillic aerobes. However, for total and fecal coliforms, 33.3% of the samples were in disagreement with the present legislation. Type-C milk was the one presenting the best result. All samples were in accordance with the microbiological analysis performed in this work. The raw milk examined showed high values for all microbiological analyses. No infected samples with Salmonella spp. were found in the analyzed milk samples. The greatest value found for Staphylococcus positive coagulase was 1.1 x 102 UFC/mL, thus, far from the infective dose, although somewhat concearning since milk is considered na excellent environment for the infestation of bacteria. After the pasteurization (62.8ºC/30’) performed in the Food Microbiology Laboratory, of the Agroindustry, Foods and Nutrition Department, ESALQ/USP, all samples that analyzed again, based on the microbiological parameters mentioned above, met the national legislation in force (Brazil, 2002). The results found in the research may be an indication of probable failures regarding time/temperature during the industrial pasteurization; infected raw-material; defecient sanitation of product lines or post-pasteurization contamination.

Modelagem e simulação dinâmica da pasteurização contínua de leite sujeito à incrustação. / Modeling and dynamic simulation of milk continuous pasteurization under fouling.

Cano, Igor Auad 19 September 2016 (has links)
A fim de garantir a inocuidade, alguns alimentos industrializados são termicamente tratados por um processo contínuo denominado pasteurização, o qual visa inativar os micro-organismos patogênicos, mantendo, ao mesmo tempo, a sua qualidade sensorial e nutricional. Essa operação é aplicada a produtos como sucos, leite, cervejas, polpas, entre outros. A modelagem matemática deste processo tem como intuito auxiliar no entendimento, controle e posterior otimização desta operação. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento da modelagem do processo contínuo da pasteurização HTST do leite e a validação experimental do modelo empírico da incrustação do produto nas placas do trocador de calor, em malha aberta (sem PID). A modelagem fenomenológica foi composta por balanços diferenciais de energia, para temperatura, e de material, para letalidade, nos canais, nas placas, no tubo de retenção e nas conexões do pasteurizador. Também foi realizada a modelagem empírica da incrustação do leite na seção de aquecimento. Os modelos desenvolvidos representam um conjunto de equações diferenciais ordinárias de primeira e segunda ordem, o qual foi resolvido pelo método das diferenças finitas, pelo uso do software gPROMS. O modelo foi aplicado para representar o comportamento de um pasteurizador a placas de escala laboratorial, com e sem incrustação, com e sem perturbações no sistema e durante a partida do equipamento, através de estudo de caso. Os dados simulados foram apresentados pela distribuição unidimensional e temporal de temperatura e da letalidade do tratamento, ao longo do processo, e do perfil do coeficiente global de troca térmica na seção de aquecimento. Para a validação do modelo de incrustação foi realizado um ensaio experimental da pasteurização de solução proteica (similar ao leite). Inseriu-se termopares em diversos pontos do equipamento e as temperaturas foram registradas ao longo do tempo. As placas do trocador foram pesadas e fotografadas antes e depois do teste para controle da quantidade de material depositado. A partir dos resultados laboratoriais, fez-se o ajuste dos parâmetros do modelo de incrustação, simulando novamente. Esses resultados foram comparados aos experimentais, sendo, então, o modelo validado. / In order to guarantee harmlessness, some processed foods are thermally treated in a continuous process named pasteurization, in which the purpose is to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, while avoiding sensorial and quality losses. This operation is used in products such as juice, beers, milk and dairy food, pulp, and so on. Mathematical modeling of this process seeks to help its understanding, controlling, and optimization. Thus, the aim of this work was to develop and simulate a model of a continuous process pasteurization, and to conduct the experimental validation of a fouling model in the plates of the heat exchanger plates, without a process controller (PID). The phenomenological modeling was composed by differential energy and material balances, for temperature and lethality, respectively, in the channels, plates, holding tube and its connections of the pasteurizer. It was also developed an empirical fouling model for the product in the heating section. All these models represent a set of first and second order differential equations which were solved by a finite difference method through the gPROMS software. This modeling was used to express the behavior of a laboratory scale plate pasteurizer, with and without fouling, with and without system disturbances and during the equipment startup, in a case study. The simulated data was presented by the unidimensional spatial and temporal distribution of temperature and lethality along the process, and overall heat transfer coefficient profile in the heating section. To validate the fouling model, an experimental test by using a protein solution (similar to cow milk) was conducted. The temperature logging over time was done by various thermocouples inserted in the pasteurizer. All the plates were weighed and photographed before and after the tests to quantify the amount of deposits. From laboratory results, fouling model parameters were adjusted and simulation was performed again. These results were compared to the experiments, being the model validated adequately.

Especiação de cobre e zinco em água de coco e a influência do processo de pasteurização sobre essas espécies / Speciation copper and zinc in coconut water and the influence of the pasteurization process on these species

Siloto, Rita de Cássia 22 March 2005 (has links)
A água de coco é considerada uma bebida isotônica, nutritiva e pouco calórica. A sua composição química é bastante complexa, alguns dos principais constituintes são açúcares e minerais e, em menores quantidades, Iipídeos e compostos nitrogenados. Um grande desafio é preservar a água de coco por longo período de tempo fora do fruto, mantendo as suas características físicas e organolépticas. A pasteurização é um dos processos de conservação que vem sendo utilizado com esse propósito. No entanto, pouco se sabe a respeito da influência desse processo de conservação na composição química da água de coco. Nesse sentido, a proposta desse trabalho foi investigar as espécies químicas de Cu e Zn presentes na água de coco, bem como avaliar a influência do processo de pasteurização sobre essas espécies. Para esse estudo foram feitas medidas de pH e da concentração hidrogeniônica, extração em ponto nuvem, extração por solvente, ultrafiltrações e determinação da concentração total de proteínas visando a separação com eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida com dodecil sulfato de sódio (SOS-PAGE), e cromatografia por filtração em gel. As determinações de Cu e Zn foram feitas na água de coco total e nas frações por espectrometria de absorção atômica com atomização eletrotérmica (ETAAS). Os resultados das determinações totais de Cu e Zn, e de proteínas mostraram que a composição dessas espécies varia muito entre os diferentes frutos. A combinação dos resultados obtidos pelas diferentes técnicas indicou que o Cu está, preferencialmente, associado às moléculas de maiores pesos moleculares, enquanto que o Zn encontra-se associado a pequenas moléculas. A pasteurização não afetou o pH, a concentração total dos elementos e de proteínas. Porém, a partir dos resultados da cromatografia por filtração em gel e da determinação de Cu e Zn nas frações coletadas do eluente, foi possível observar que a pasteurização provocou alterações nos pesos moleculares das proteínas e, possivelmente nos elementos associados a elas. As mudanças observadas indicam quebra de ligações fracas, provavelmente dissulfeto, rompendo aglomerados protéicos (maior massa molecular) e aumentando a abundância de proteínas mais leves (menor massa molecular). / Coconut water is a natural isotonic, nutritive and low caloric drink. Its chemical composition is quite complex, some of the main compounds are sugars and minerais and, in smaller amounts fat and compounds of nitrogen. The coconut water preservation outside the fruit, maintaining its physical and organolépticas properties is a big challenge. Pasteurization has been used as one of the most common preservation processes. However, little knowledge exists about the influence of preservation processes over coconut water chemical composition. This way, the aim of this work was to investigate the chemical species of Cu and Zn in coconut water and evaluate the influence of pasteurization over these species. For this, many procedures such as, pH measurements, c10ud point extractions, solvent extraction, ultrafiltration, measurement of total protein concentration, sodium dodecil sulphate poliacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and gel filtration chromatography were executed. The Cu and Zn determinations were made in a whole coconut water and in its different fractions, obtained by the separation techniques by using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The results of Cu, Zn and protein determinations showed that there is a big variation between different fruits. Results obtained by ali techniques used showed that Cu is, preferentially Iinked to big molecules and Zn is associated to small molecules. The results of gel filtration chromatography associated to the concentration of Cu and Zn in the collected fractions showed the strong possibility of Iinkage of these elements with proteins. The pasteurization did not cause significant changes in the total proteins concentration, however, the changes observed indicated the break in week chemical connections, probably in proteins (agglomerations of high molecular mass), increasing the abundance of small proteins (Iow molecular mass).

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