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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Peer-mentoring within the middle and high school music department of the International School of Kuala Lumpur: a case study

Taylor, Jeffrey Eugene 07 July 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to observe and document peer-mentoring and its function in music classes in The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL). Specifically, this study examined the influence of peer-mentoring on the socialization of secondary international school children while documenting and analyzing the perception of the students, faculty, and administration of ISKL towards peer-mentoring. Qualitative methodology in the format of a case study that included interviews and observations was selected to examine the experiences and views of both students and faculty at ISKL in relation to peer mentoring in the music department. The researcher served as a participant researcher as he was employed by ISKL as an instrumental music instructor during the time of data collection. Results yielded by the study revealed a number of themes. Peer-mentoring occurred on the campus of ISKL both formally through the structures set in place by the instructors, and informally as students assisted classmates on their own initiative. There was limited administrative awareness of the mentoring taking place. Scheduling appeared to be a significant obstacle to the development of the program. The common instructional language of English and the eclectic nature of the school culture caused the linguistic and cultural variances to be less of a factor. One theme that emerged as the data was triangulated was the role that the transient nature of the school played in the peer-mentoring process, as there was significant turnover from year to year of both students and faculty at the school. Bonds formed between mentors and mentees relatively easily and quickly. Conversely, the short tenure of the music instructors involved hampered the development of the program, as they were no longer present to continue supporting the program.

The Impact of the Aboriginal Youth Mentorship Program on risk factors for type 2 diabetes in children

Eskicioglu, Pinar 01 September 2015 (has links)
Statement of Problem: Aboriginal youth are at greater risk of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) compared to non-Aboriginal youth. Diabetes prevention strategies need to consider cultural factors that are embedded within an ecological perspective. Methods: Photovoice was used to explore the meanings of T2D and the Aboriginal Youth Mentorship Program (AYMP). Also, a non-randomized crossover experimental trial was performed on children. Grade 4 students were offered a 5 month intervention led by high school mentors. The main outcome measures were WC and BMI z score. Results: Results indicate that youth were very hopeful that T2D can be prevented or managed through nutrition and physical activity. They believe that AYMP can help with T2D prevention, through learning positive health behaviors, but also by enhancing social determinants of health related to education, employment and social support networks. After the intervention, the change in WC was significantly lower in the intervention group compared to the control group (p <0.05). Conclusion: Findings from this research study show that AYMP may be a successful program in teaching positive lifestyle behaviors while supporting social determinants of health; the combined biological and social outcomes can benefit students in reducing their risk for T2D. / October 2015

The Effects of Peer Mentoring Among Nursing Students

Merriman, Carolyn S. 01 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

“Peer Mentoring and Tutoring”

Webb, Melessia D. 01 September 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Voneinander lernen: Potentiale, Herausforderungen und Erkenntnisse bei der Planung und Umsetzung von Peer-Mentoring-Programmen

Dimmer, Susanne, Fronemann, Priska, Protze, Julia 15 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

A dyadic analysis of undergraduate peer-mentoring relationships in the context of a formal peer-mentoring programme at a university residence

Bosman, Vincent Charles 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the potential reciprocal growth in undergraduate peer-mentoring relationships in the context of a formal peer-mentoring programme at a first-year university residence from a dyadic relational perspective. The investigation adopted a case study research design to study four dyads from a relational point of view within the context of a formal peer-mentoring programme at a university residence. The study used purposive selection procedures to identify actively participating dyads that could contribute to providing a rich description of the research problem. The study was premised on the assumption that, as a reciprocal relationship, peer mentoring is an effective means of facilitating the transition from school to university, and that universities have a joint responsibility in this regard. At the end of the mentorship year, a semi-structured, in-depth interview covering both the psychosocial and academic issues related to their experiences was conducted from a relational perspective with each of the four dyads to harvest their perceptions and lived experiences as participants. Finally, the interviews were processed and subjected to monadic as well as dyadic analysis to develop an understanding of the internal dynamics of each mentoring dyad. The study addressed a number of lacunae, such as the paucity of theoretically underpinned research and mentoring theories in student-peer mentoring, by introducing into peer-mentoring research the triple theoretical framework of social constructionism (constructing meaning by acknowledging the value of a sense of social interdependence as opposed to individual independence), relational theory (acknowledging the reciprocal nature of the mentoring relationship rather than focussing on the single perspective of the mentor or mentee), and the principles of Ubuntu (an African cultural belief system stressing the value of relational interdependence for existence, the importance of family and extended family support, and spirituality). In exploring the theoretical challenges endemic in peer-mentoring research, the study examined role-model theory, attribution theory, attachment theory, and involvement and social integration theories to abstract and highlight elements pertinent to the field of peer-mentoring research. In addition, the study developed a multi-perspective development process for the selection of theories; a theoretical framework for the analysis and interpretation of the data using the computer program ATLAS.ti., as well as a dyadic process for analysing mentoring dyads both from a monadic and dyadic perspective. Finally, the study recontextualised and expanded the meaning of key concepts culled from the literature for use in future peer-mentorship research. Given the rich perspective this study provided on the reciprocal nature and dynamics of peer mentorship on the theoretical, conceptual and practical levels, the research has made a contribution to raising awareness of this crucial field, which could stem the relentless tide of costly attrition. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie verken die potensiële wedersydse groei in voorgraadse portuurgroepverhoudinge in die konteks van formele portuurgroep-mentorprogramme by ʼn eerstejaar-universiteitskoshuis vanuit ‘n diadiese perspektief. Die ondersoek maak gebruik van gevallestudie as navorsingsontwerp om vier diades binne die konteks van ‘n formele portuurgroep-mentorprogram by ‘n enkele universiteitskoshuis vanuit ‘n verhoudingsperspektief te bestudeer. Daar is van doelgerigte seleksie gebruik gemaak om aktiefdeelnemende diades te identifiseer wat ‘n deeglike beskrywing van die navorsingsprobleem kon lewer. Die studie gaan van die veronderstelling uit dat portuurgroepondersteuning as ‘n wedersydse verhouding ‘n effektiewe manier is om die oorgang van die skool na universiteit te fasiliteer en dat universiteite ‘n gesamentlike verantwoordelikheid het in dié verband. Aan die einde van die mentorskapjaar is ‘n semi-gestruktureerde in-diepte onderhoud wat sowel die psigososiale en akademiese aspekte wat verband hou met hulle ervarings gedek het, vanuit ‘n verhoudingsperspektief met elkeen van die vier diades gevoer om hulle persepsies en belewings op te teken. Uiteindelik is die onderhoude geprosesseer en onderwerp aan sowel monadiese- as diadiese analise om ‘n begrip te ontwikkel van die interne dinamika van elke mentorpaar. Die studie het ‘n aantal leemtes probeer beredder soos die gebrek aan teoreties gefundeerde navorsing en mentorteorieë ten opsigte van portuurgroepondersteuning deur ‘n drievoudige teoretiese raamwerk van sosiale konstruksionisme (om betekenis te konstrueer deur die waarde van ’n sin van sosiale interafhankliheid eerder as individuele onafhanklikheid te erken), relasionele teorie (die erkenning van die wedersydse aard van die mentorverhouding eerder as om op die enkelperspektief van die mentor of persoon wat gementor word te fokus) en die beginsels van Ubuntu (’n kulturele geloofsisteem wat klem lê op verhoudingsinterafhanklikheid vir bestaan, die belangrikheid van familie en uitgebreide familie-ondersteuning en spiritualiteit) aan te wend. In ‘n poging om die teoretiese uitdagings endemies aan die navorsing van portuurmentorskap te beskryf, het die studie rolmodelteorie, gehegtheidsteorie en betrokkenheid- en sosiale integrasieteorieë ondersoek om die elemente eie aan die veld van portuurgroepondersteuning te abstraheer en te belig. Daarby het die studie ’n multiperspektief-ontwikkelingsproses daargestel vir die seleksie van teorieë; ’n teoretiese raamwerk vir die singewingsproses van datahantering deur die rekenaarprogram ATLAS.t.i., sowel as ’n diadiese proses vir die analisering van mentordiades vanuit sowel ’n monadiese- as diadiese perspektief. Laastens het die studie die betekenis van sleutelkonsepte wat in die literatuur voorkom, gerekontekstualiseer en verbreed vir gebruik in toekomstige navorsing oor portuurmentorskap. Gegewe die ryk perspektief wat hierdie studie verskaf op die wedersyde aard en dinamika van portuurmentorskap op teoretiese, konseptuele en praktiese vlakke, het dit ‘n bydrae gemaak tot ’n verhoogde bewustheid van hierdie baie belangrike veld en sal moontlik in die toekoms die groot uitvalsyfer onder studente kan teëwerk.

Investigating the Student Attrition Process and the Contribution of Peer-Mentoring Interventions in an Australian First Year University Program

Muckert, Tammy Deanne, T.Muckert@mailbox.gu.edu.au January 2002 (has links)
This program of research had two related aims: (1) to explore the problem of student attrition in the context of an Australian higher education institution, and (2) to investigate the efficacy of peer-mentoring as a retention strategy. Participants in this program of research were students commencing first-year studies in the School of Applied Psychology across two cohort years: 1996 and 1997. In 1996, a classic pre-test/post-test experimental design was adopted, with students (N = 118) randomly assigned to either a peer-mentoring treatment group or a control group. In 1997, while a classic pre-test/post-test design was also adopted, all students from this year (N = 162) participated in the peer-mentoring program. Thus, it was intended that the 1996 control group would be utilised for comparison with both the 1996 and 1997 treatment groups. Students were surveyed pre- and post-intervention across a number of personal, demographic, and academic achievement (e.g., tertiary entrance rank, and grade point average) variables. Students’ academic integration, social integration, institutional commitment, and goal commitment were measured using the Institutional Integration Scales (adapted from Pascarella and Terenzini, 1980). Students participating in the peer-mentoring program also completed a range of measures in order to evaluate its efficacy. The first part of the research program focused on the measurement and prediction of student retention and academic performance. The results of confirmatory factor analyses indicated that a six first-order factor solution provided the most parsimonious explanation of students’ responses to the Institutional Integration Scales. The six Institutional Integration Scales demonstrated moderate to good levels of reliability, with results being comparable to those achieved in previous studies. The results of structural equations modelling analyses suggested that students’ peer group interactions influenced their interactions with faculty, and both of these factors, along with their faculty concern for student development and teaching, influenced students’ academic and intellectual development, which in turn influenced students’ institutional and goal commitments. These results were taken to indicate the potential value of peer-based processes in aiding students’ institutional and goal commitment and subsequently reducing levels of student attrition. Given that significant differences were found between the 1996 and 1997 cohorts on a number of pre-test measures and other key indicators, investigations regarding significant predictors of students’ re-enrolment into second year and their first year grade point average were conducted separately for the two cohorts. The results of logistic regression analyses indicated that students’ first year grade point average was the only consistent and significant predictor of their re-enrolment into the second year of study across the two cohorts. Multiple regression analyses revealed that students’ tertiary entrance ranks and previous university attendance were consistently significant predictors of their first year grade point average across the two cohorts. Equipped with a better understanding of the factors that affect student attrition and academic performance, as well as the relationship between those factors, the second part of the thesis focused on the efficacy of two formal, group-based peer-mentoring relationships in assisting first year students make a successful transition to university. However, given that significant differences were found between the 1996 and 1997 cohorts on a number of pre-test measures and other key indicators, it was not possible to evaluate the efficacy of the 1997 peer-mentoring program relative to either the 1996 peer-mentoring program or control group. Nevertheless, the 1996 treatment and control condition groups were found to be equivalent on pre-test measures and indices, and thus were able to be compared. Overall, the results of a series of one-way ANOVAs revealed that the 1996 peer-mentoring program was found to have a positive effect on enhancing students’ re-enrolment into second year, persistence intentions, academic performance and self-reported adjustment, which was consistent with the direction of findings in previous studies. However, for a range of reasons, the effect of the 1996 peer-mentoring program on a number of these variables was not strong enough to reach statistical significance. Although there were trends towards significant differences between the 1996 treatment and control groups on a number of variables (i.e., students in the 1996 peer-mentoring program evidenced higher grades in PB11002: Introduction to Cognitive and Biological Psychology; and PB11008: Research Methods and Statistics; as well as higher scores on the Peer Group Interactions scale than students in the control group), the only significant positive difference of the 1996 peer-mentoring program was the improvement of students’ academic performance in one first year subject (i.e., PB11006, Introduction to Research in the Behavioural Sciences). Finally, exploratory factor analyses and reliability analysis of a mentoring functions scale revealed strong support for the presence of one, highly reliable, general mentoring function. Both the 1996 and 1997 program participants’ ratings of the performance of this general mentoring function were significantly and positively correlated with their self-reported academic and intellectual development. In addition, the 1997 program participants’ ratings of the performance of this general mentoring function were significantly and positively correlated to their self-reported peer group interactions, institutional commitments, goal commitments, and persistence intentions.

Perceptions of School Climate and Connectedness:The Impact of a Cross Age Peer Mentoring Program

Staude-Sites, Kathleen 23 July 2012 (has links)
The intent of this research is to determine the impact of a peer mentoring/tutoring program on parent perceptions of school climate and connectedness and standardized test scores, report card grades and attendance of at risk elementary students. Peer mentoring has been found to be effective in addressing some of the concerns regarding at risk student performance in the school environment and eventual school outcomes. This study uses quantitative methods to determine the effect of this intervention on this population. A school climate/connectedness survey completed by parents of the students participants in a Cross Age Peer Mentoring Program (CAPM Program) and standardized test scores, report card grades and attendance patterns were examined prior to and following student participation in the program. Subjects included 32 elementary students with n=10 for first grade, n=6 for second, n=8 for fourth and n=8 for fifth. The students were cross age paired, primary with intermediate to participate in a mentoring program. Parents of participating students were asked to complete the Comprehensive School Climate Inventory prior to and following their child's participation in the program to determine if perceptions of school climate and connectedness changed as a result of their child's participation in the program. Analysis of the survey result, pre and post participation was accomplished using dependent sample t-tests to discern differences in the mean scores for the survey factors, including Safety, Teaching and Learning, Relationships and Institutional Environment and the Unified Scale. Teaching and Learning items were combined to obtain a Climate score and Interpersonal Relationships and Institutional Environment provided a Connectedness measure Climate and Connectedness. The null hypothesis was rejected, with results of the dependent t-tests showing significant differences in all but the Safety and Institutional Environment factors. <br>Attendance variables were found to be significant for all participants, mentees and a group identified as at risk for attendance. Academic variable for mentors included standardized test results and grade percentages, pre and post for both. Analysis of these scores and grade outcomes provided mixed results, with significant differences noted in standardized test scores, but no difference in the means of grade percentages. / School of Education / Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program for Education Leaders (IDPEL) / EdD / Dissertation

The relationship between transformational leadership, trust and peer mentoring: An exploratory study of the Peer Mentoring Programme at the University of the Western Cape.

Salasa, Niamat January 2012 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Industrial Psychology) - MCom(IPS) / Transformational leadership has received considerable attention within the organizational sphere in the last decade. Leadership in higher education institutions has also received attention as there is a concern about the retention rates of students. Academic leaders have identified unclear educational goals, dissatisfaction with academic programmes, and unclear career objectives as reasons for student attrition. Therefore, skills training and development programmes became the priority of academic institutions for the purpose of retaining students to sustain a competent and efficient workforce generation in all spheres. The University of the Western Cape’s Peer Mentoring Programme offers a strategy to increase retention of students because it addresses several causes of student drop out such as, inadequate academic preparation for tertiary institutions, lack of knowledge about social or academic resources and adapting to new surroundings for first year students. Based on a review of empirical findings, this research elucidated the theoretical terrain of mentoring, transformational leadership and trust. The exploration of the literature highlighted the similarities and differences between transformational leaders and mentors are discussed. An adapted version of the Multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ), and the workplace trust survey (WTS) was administered to a sample of 54 mentors in a university’s peer mentoring programme within the Western Cape South Africa. The University of the Western Cape’s peer mentoring programme (PMP) was utilised as a case study and a convenience sampling approach was employed. The results emanating from this research indicate that there is a significant relationship between transformational leadership and trust. Biographical variables namely gender, age and previous experience within the mentoring programme as a follower (mentor) were examined amongst the sample of PMP to determine if any of the variables contributed towards the differences in perceptions of transformational leadership and trust in the leader (head mentor). These biographical variables demonstrated no significant difference in transformational and trust levels. Notwithstanding the limited generalizability of this study, implications for research and practice are suggested and recommendations are made to facilitate improved functioning of the PMP.

Peer Mentoring Effect on Student Satisfaction at a Two-Year Institution

Scribner, Lori 25 March 2019 (has links)
Student satisfaction has been linked to student persistence with higher retention rates (Edens, 2012). A correlation has been established linking academics, social integration, and retention (Collings, Swanson, & Watkins, 2014). Peer mentoring contributes to student satisfaction by helping students adapt to the culture of the institution. Peer mentoring is a way to help with social integration. Mentoring connects academic integration, social integration, and goal commitment (Collings et al., 2014). A research study examined the relationship between a peer mentoring intervention and student satisfaction with a private two-year higher education institution. The purpose was to answer the following question: Did the addition of a peer mentoring intervention program for first-term students increase student satisfaction with the institution? Fifty-nine first-term Allied Health and Nursing students from a post-secondary private institution participated in the research. A peer mentoring intervention was provided to the treatment group. The ATA Career Education Student Satisfaction survey was used as the measurement instrument. Descriptive analysis examined the differences between the groups. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was then able to investigate a peer mentoring intervention and the effect it had on the student’s perception of satisfaction with the institution. Multiple regression analysis explored correlations between groups, program of study, education status, gender, race, age, and post-test survey. The results were able to determine that there was a significant increase in student satisfaction after a peer mentoring intervention was implemented.

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