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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Terapeutiese waarde van visueel-perseptuele skoling en die invloed daarvan op skolastiese prestasie.

Schoeman, Olivier Johannes 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Die waarde van visueel-perseptuele skoling of terapie vir visueel-perseptueel gestremde leerlinge as 'n subgroep van leergestremdheid, is reeds vir dekades 'n omstrede aangeleentheid. Hierdie omstredenheid is ondersoek aan die hand van sewe internasionaal erkende psigometriese toetse. Die interne konsekwentheidskoeffisiente van hierdie toetse het vir die huidige studie van 0,62 tot 0,95 gestrek. 'n Faktorontleding van die toetsinterkorrelasies het 'n gemeenskaplike faktor blootgele. Ses toetse was primer visueel-perseptueel, en Goodenough <1926> se skaal is vir die bepaling van intelligensie gebruik. Bykomend hiertoe, is leerlinge se prestasies in hul eerste taal, wiskunde en skrif gebruik om die effek van terapie te bepaal. Proefpersone is as visueel-perseptueel gestremd gediagnoseer deur 'n opvoedkundige sielkundige en 'n visuele skolingsentrum in Pretoria, waar eksper imentele leerlinge terapie ontvang het. Hierdie diagnoses is deur die Test for Visual Analysis Skills wat beduidend tussen normale en visueelperseptueel gestremdes onderskei, bevestig. Die toets se geldigheid vir Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede is in 'n voorstudie bepaal. Honderd en ses, ses- tot negejarige proefpersone (82 seuns en 24 dogters>, van normale intelligensie, gesigskerpte en gehoor, is betrek. Drie en vyftig het die eksperimentele groep gevorm wat onderverdeel is in 32 wat terapie voltooi het, en 21 wat nie het nie. Hierdie leerlinge is individueel afgepaar met kontroleleerlinge van dieselfde geslag, ouderdom, huistaal, sosio-ekonomiese status en skoolstanderd. Eksperimentele leerlinge het visuele terapie in n breer groepsverband vir een uur per week ontvang. Terapieperiodes het van 4 tot 15 maande gewissel. Die eksperimentele ontwerp was 'n voortoets-natoets-tweegroepontwerp. t-Toetse vir afhanklike (afgepaarde) groepe is uitgevoer op die verskille tussen voor- en natoetstellings, asook tussen die eksperimentele en kontrolegroepe. Geeneen van die primer visueel-oerseptuele meettegnieke het beduidende resultate opgelewer nie. Dit is aanduidend van die ondoeltreffendheid van visueel-perseptuele terapie om die tekorte waarop dit gemik is, reg te stel. Die waarde van visueel-perseptueie terapie is inteendeel beperk tot 'n oorhoofse verbetering in konseptualisering en intellektuele ryping by die groep wat terapie voltooi het. Skrif was die enigste vak wat by dieselfde groep beduidend verbeter het. Hierdie resultaat is egter twyfelagtig vanwee beoordelingstekorte. / The value of visual perceptual training or therapy, to visually perceptually impaired pupils as a subgroup of the learning disabled, has been a controversy far decades. This controversy was investigated by means of seven internationally recognised psychometric tests. The internal consistency coefficients of these tests for the present study ranged from 0,62 to 0,95. A factor analysis of test intercorrelations revealed a common factor. Six tests were primarily visual perceptual, whilst the Goodenough (1926) scale determined intelligence. Additionally, pupils' performance in their first language, mathematics and writing, was used to assess the therapeutic effect. Subjects were diagnosed as visually perceptually impaired by an educational psychologist and a visual training centre in Pretoria where experimental pupils received therapy. These diagnoses were confirmed by the Test for Visual Analysis Skills, which significantly differentiates between the normal and visually perceptually impaired. This test's validity for South African circumstances was determined in a prestudy. One hundred and six, six to nine year old subjects <82 boys and 24 girls>, of normal intelligence, visual acuity and hearing, were involved. Fifty three formed the experimental group which was subdivided in 32 who completed therapy, and 21 who did not. These pupils were individualiy matched with controls of similar sex, age, home language, socio economic status and school standard. Experimental pupils received visual therapy within a broader group context for one hour per week. Therapy periods fluctuated between 4 and 15 months. The experimental design was a pretest-posttest two group design. t-Tests for dependant <matched) groups were conducted on the differences between pre and oosttest scores, as well as between the experimental and control groups. None of the primarily visual perceptual tests revealed significant results. This signifies the inefficiency of visual perceptual therapy to rectify the deficits at which it is directed. The value of visual perceptual therapy is, on the contrary, restricted to an overall improvement in conceptualization and intellectual maturation within the group which completed therapy. Writing was the only subject which improved significantly within the same group. However, this result is dubious, due to evaluation deficits. / Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

The role of teachers in the identity formation of adolescents restrained in their becoming

Sutcliffe, Carol Maurine 11 1900 (has links)
Certain adolescents are restrained in their becoming owing to a variety of family, school and relational factors, such as inappropriate adult role models, repeated failure and poor communication skills. Restrained adolescents display inadequate identity formation, partly because they are still endeavouring to define an own identity, instead of having reached the point of refining and stabilising their identity. Through their behaviour in family, school and other relationships they plead for assistance in the formation of their identity, especially at school, where their plea is often misinterpreted as misbehaviour or attention-seeking, if not completely ignored. They consequently resort to their own ineffective efforts towards a meaningful existence. As an aid to defining adolescents' identity formation, a list of criteria has been compiled, using the essences distilled from the literature study. Four original questionnaires have been devised with a view to investigating restrained adolescents' identity formation from the perspective of adolescents, their parents, and teachers. By means of a qualitative investigation, it was found that: The identity formation of restrained adolescents is on the whole unsatisfactory in every respect. That is to say, they attribute inadequate meaning to life, themselves and their problems; they are not sufficiently involved in what they do, and they are bound by the infantile experiencing of their life-world in.that they are controlled by their feelings and moods. Parents of restrained adolescents tend to be inadequate, particularly their fathers, who are non-available, either literally or figuratively. Alcoholism, neglect and abuse are common. Teachers of restrained adolescents are generally unaware of the significant role they can play in their identity formation, and need sensitisation and assistance in this area. Adolescents restrained in their becoming demonstrate specific identity formation needs, which concern themselves in various personal modalities and relationships. Teachers are in the position to provide support, not by means of additional scholastic or guidance programmes, but through their approach to these adolescents, to their teaching and education in general. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed.

Kreatiewe hulpverleningsprogram gerig op laerskoolleerders wat taalhindernisse ervaar / A creative support programme aimed at primary school learners with language barriers

De Beer, Anna Cornelia 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaat of 'n hulpverleningsprogram die laerskoolleerder wat taalhindemisse ervaar kan help om sy probleme op 'n kreatiewe wyse te benader. 'n Algemene oorsig van leerhindemisse wat laerskoolleerders ervaar, is gegee. lndien 'n leerder taalhindernisse ervaar, sal dit 'n direkte invloed op sy ander skoolvakke ook he omdat taal vir die leeraksie benodig word. Die kreatiwiteitsbegrip is ook van naderby beskou. Kreatiwiteit kan as die skep van iets wat oorspronklik, maar ook bruikbaar is, gedefinieer word. Dit sluit egter ook die Ie van ongewone verbande tussen twee of meer sake of voorwerpe in. Die program wat ontwikkel is, het as onderbou die teorie oor taalintelligensie van Howard Gardner, 'n opvoedkundige sielkundige aan Harvard Universiteit. Gardner meen dit is deur 'n kreatiewe ingesteldheid, multisensoriese tegnieke en gepaste leerstyle rnoontlik om taalintelligensie teverbeter. Hy is van mening dat taalintelligensie nie iets is wat op 'n bepaalde tydstip gemeet kan word en onveranderd bly nie. Soos met alle intellektuele vermoens, kan taalvaardighede ook uitgebrei en ontwikkel word. Beproefde remedierende tegnieke, wat reeds deur die navorser in die praktyk met welslae uitgetoets is, is op 'n vars, nuwe manier .in die hulpverleningsprogram gebruik. Die hulpverleningsprogram het op die verbetering van perseptuele, mondelinge stelwerk-,lees- en spellingvaardighede gefokus. Dit het gedurende die empiriese studie duidelik geword dat leerders wat op 'n bepaalde leergebied nie na wense presteer nie, dikwels 'n "sielkundige blokkasie" ten opsigte van daardie leerareas ontwikkel. Hulle assosieer Jaasgenoemde in die meeste gevalle met leeronvermoe en leermislukking. Die enigste manier om hierdie gevoel van leermagteloosheid aan te spreek, is om die problematiese leerareas met 'n minder ernstige akademiese aanslag, waarin die pret-element sterk aanwesig is, te benader. Wanneer die leeraksie as 'n aangename ondervindingervaar word, kan leerders hulle leervrese aanspreek en meer waagmoedig begin optree. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the success of an innovative support programme aimed at assisting primary school learners with language barriers to overcome these. An overview was given of learning barriers primary school learners may experience. A learner with a language barrier will find that the other learning areas are negatively influenced because language is essential for learning. The concept of creativity, defined as the creation of something original, yet useful, was adhered to. It included the idea that creativity allows for the connecting of unrelated issues or objects. The theories of Howard Gardner, an educational psychologist at Harvard University, concerning language intelligence, supported this study. According to Gardner it is possible to improve language intelligence through creative awareness, multi-sensory techniques and appropriate learning styles. Gardner postulates that language, as in the case of other intellectual abilities, can be developed and expanded. Remedial techniques successfully used by the researcher in practice, have been presented in this support programme in a novel and innovative form. The creative support programme compiled for this thesis focused on the 1 improvement of perceptual, oral, reading and spelling skills. The need for a more informal support approach was evident in the empirical research of this study. Learners sometimes develop a "psychological block" when experiencing repeated difficulties in a specific learning area. Such learners associate these difficulties with failures and the inability to learn. In order to overcome the experience of learning dispair, the feelings of anxiety associated with the problem learning area, have to be replaced with a less rigid approach in which play encourages feelings of enjoyment and ease. When learning becomes a pleasant experience, learners start overcoming their fears and become risk takers. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

L'acquisition et la construction de la notion de temps chez les enfants de 5 à 9 ans: perspective développementale

De Coster, Lotta 28 April 2004 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’acquisition et la construction de la notion de temps chez les enfants de 5 à 9 ans, c’est-à-dire ceux qui fréquentent des classes allant de la 3e maternelle à la 3e année primaire. Dans la partie théorique nous analysons les différentes notions constitutives qui caractérisent le temps :l’ordre de succession, la durée, le cycle, l’irréversibilité, l’horizon temporel. Nous nous intéressons également aux notions linguistiques ainsi qu’aux notions associées telles que la causalité, les perspectives diachroniques, la vitesse et la notion d’âge. Nous investiguons ensuite l’état actuel des données concernant la connaissance de la notion de temps chez l’enfant en synthétisant les approches théoriques et expérimentales de Piaget (1946) sur le temps physique et les opérations logico-mathématiques, celle de Fraisse (1967) et Montangero (1988) sur les différents niveaux d’adaptation au temps, celles de Friedman (1991), Nelson (1996), Godard et Labelle (1998) et Tartas (2001) sur l’acquisition du temps conventionnel et la localisation dans le temps. Puisque nos questions de recherche concernent l’évolution de la notion de temps et puisqu’elles s’inscrivent dans le champ d’étude de la psychologie du développement (même s’il y a aussi des liens avec la psychologie cognitive, la linguistique et l’éducation), nous avons confronté les théories de différents développementalistes :Piaget, Vygotski, Wallon, Nelson et Karmiloff-Smith. Même si ces auteurs sont tous des cognitivistes et des constructivistes, leurs conceptions se différencient en ce qui concerne les facteurs étudiés, la définition du « concept », la conception du « moteur du développement », le rôle accordé à l’action, à « l’autre », au milieu ;le statut attribué au langage et à la médiation verbale dans la problématique « cognition-langage ». Afin de respecter une vision globale de l’enfant et de la notion de temps, la partie empirique porte à la fois sur le temps représenté et vécu. Nous avons étudié la maîtrise des systèmes de temps conventionnels, l’orientation et la localisation temporelles, la compréhension des relations temporelles, la notion d’ordre de succession et l’évaluation de durées. Nous nous sommes également penchée sur la définition et la représentation du concept, la notion d’âge, les représentations infantiles de la croissance et du vieillissement, l’attitude affective de l’enfant vis-à-vis son dynamisme évolutif et l’horizon temporel (passé, présent et futur). C’est en analysant les taux de réussite pour chacune des tâches dans un même cadre temporel (journée, jours de la semaine, semaine, mois de l’année, saisons, année, période de vie, vie entière) que nous pouvons dégager des « niveaux d’appropriation » des différentes unités temporelles ainsi que des « profils de compétence » qui différencient les enfants d’années scolaires différentes. Les résultats sont discutés du point de vue des facteurs qui interviennent dans la maîtrise des notions et concepts temporels. Nous étudions plus particulièrement l’impact et le rôle de trois facteurs :l’élargissement du champ conceptuel (« empan cognitif »), la possibilité d’associer les concepts temporels à des expériences vécues ou à des images mentales précises et la médiation verbale (en termes de liens entre langage et pensée). / Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Visual literacy in kindergarten: How can visual literacy be used as a tool to promote student learning in the kindergarten classroom?

Anguiano, Arcelia 01 January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to create a guide for planning effective use of visuals. Recent studies demonstrate the effectiveness of using visuals in classroom instruction, including the fact that English language learners benefit from using this tool.

Opvoedkundig-sielkundige riglyne vir die hantering van die effek van gesinsgeweld op kinders / Educational-psychological guidelines for the addressing of the effect of family violence on children

Poole, Angeline 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die effek van gesinsgeweld op die Suid-Afrikaanse kind te bepaal. Die Opvoedkundig-Sielkundige Relasieteorie is gebruik in die identifisering van die effek van gesinsgeweld op die kind. Die volgende is in die studie bevind: Die geweldsvraelys kan gebruik word om die effek van gesinsgeweld by die kind te identifiseer en ook as hulpmiddel dien vir die terapeut in die verband. Die Opvoedkundig-Sielkundige Relasieteorie kan gebruik word om die effek van gesinsgeweld by die kind te identifiseer. Kinders wat geaffekteer word deur gesinsgeweld toon sterker deursettingsvermoe en wilskrag ten einde 'n sukses te maak van hulle toekoms en om nie in dieselfde omstandighede te beland nie. Seuns en dogters se emosionele ervarings toon weinig verskille. Relasie met ouers in gesinsverband word negatief be"invloed, terwyl relasie buite gesinsverband positief voorkom. Kinders wat geaffekteer word deur gesinsgeweld kan gehelp word, al is dit om die kind te verwyder uit die omgewing asook met terapie, gesinsterapie, ensovoorts. / The study was conducted to determine the effect of family violence on South-African children. The Education-Psychological Relation theory was used to identify these effects. In the literature, the following was concentrated on: The questionnaire can determine the effects of family violence on a child and assist a psychologist in this regard. Education-Psychological Relation theory can determine the effects of family violence on a child. Children affected by family violence show a stronger determination and willpower to succeed in their future and not to stay in similar situations. The emotional experiences of boys and girls show little difference. Relationships with parents are negatively affected, but relationships outside the family circle tend to be positive, Finally, children affected by family violence can be helped, albeit to remove the child from the enviroment and to use psychological therapy, family therapy, ectera. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Die moeder se persepsie, belewenis en hantering van die etiket `leergestremd' vir haar kind

Liversage, Martha Dorethea Elizabeth 05 1900 (has links)
Labels are still used by professionals to describe differences and abnormalities in behaviour and academic skills. The label `learning disability' has advantages and disadvantages in terms of the different ways it is interpreted and experienced by society, teachers, parents and the child himself. The mother, as an important person in the child's life, has perceptions and experiences of the concept that she communicates to others. The perception and meaning that the mother attaches to the label impacts on her thoughts, words and behaviour and on the child himself. The aim of the study was to investigate the mother's perception, experience and handling of her child's label of learning disability. The research took the form of a qualitative analysis where data was collected using interviews. From the empirical study it would seem that the mother's interpretation, experience and involvement in the labeling of learning disability has an influence on the learner's perception of his learning disability and whether he internalized the label and behaves accordingly. Mothers need to be given enough information so as to develop realistic perceptions about learning disability to equip their children with the necessary skills to overcome their learning problems and so fulfil their places in society. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.(Guidance & Counselling)

Opvoedkundig-sielkundige riglyne vir die hantering van die effek van gesinsgeweld op kinders

Poole, Angeline. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed. (Voorligting))--Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, 2002.

Strategies to address auditory perceptual deficits in a school of skills in the northern suburbs of Cape Town

Jacobs, Jacqueline Rose 04 1900 (has links)
The aim of this action research was to investigate how auditory perceptual deficits affect reading in learners with disabilities. The sub-questions were: What auditory perceptual deficits learners’ experience? How do educators assist learners with auditory perceptual deficits? What instructional strategies and classroom management can educators apply to assist learners with auditory perceptual skills? The data collections comprised of an informal oral assessment, observation and anecdotal notes with fifteen participants with barriers to learning, from the English first year class, within a special needs educational setting. Data analysis and validity were supported by triangulation through informal assessment, observation, my critical friend and my own critical reflection. The support of phonologic, memory, and cohesion skills, auditory skills were the reading educational construct and strategies used as intervention in order to identify the efficacy of said interventions. Both bottom-up and top-down support strategies were used in relation to the participants’ individualised educational needs. The research results and discussion included methods to improve reading and listening skills in the classroom environment. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Opvoedkundig-sielkundige riglyne vir die hantering van die effek van gesinsgeweld op kinders / Educational-psychological guidelines for the addressing of the effect of family violence on children

Poole, Angeline 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die effek van gesinsgeweld op die Suid-Afrikaanse kind te bepaal. Die Opvoedkundig-Sielkundige Relasieteorie is gebruik in die identifisering van die effek van gesinsgeweld op die kind. Die volgende is in die studie bevind: Die geweldsvraelys kan gebruik word om die effek van gesinsgeweld by die kind te identifiseer en ook as hulpmiddel dien vir die terapeut in die verband. Die Opvoedkundig-Sielkundige Relasieteorie kan gebruik word om die effek van gesinsgeweld by die kind te identifiseer. Kinders wat geaffekteer word deur gesinsgeweld toon sterker deursettingsvermoe en wilskrag ten einde 'n sukses te maak van hulle toekoms en om nie in dieselfde omstandighede te beland nie. Seuns en dogters se emosionele ervarings toon weinig verskille. Relasie met ouers in gesinsverband word negatief be"invloed, terwyl relasie buite gesinsverband positief voorkom. Kinders wat geaffekteer word deur gesinsgeweld kan gehelp word, al is dit om die kind te verwyder uit die omgewing asook met terapie, gesinsterapie, ensovoorts. / The study was conducted to determine the effect of family violence on South-African children. The Education-Psychological Relation theory was used to identify these effects. In the literature, the following was concentrated on: The questionnaire can determine the effects of family violence on a child and assist a psychologist in this regard. Education-Psychological Relation theory can determine the effects of family violence on a child. Children affected by family violence show a stronger determination and willpower to succeed in their future and not to stay in similar situations. The emotional experiences of boys and girls show little difference. Relationships with parents are negatively affected, but relationships outside the family circle tend to be positive, Finally, children affected by family violence can be helped, albeit to remove the child from the enviroment and to use psychological therapy, family therapy, ectera. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

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