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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Calibration of deterministic parameters for reassessment of offshore platforms in the Arabian Gulf using reliability-based method

Zaghloul, Hassan January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The Arabian Gulf oil and gas production reserves have made it one of the world's strategic producers since early 1960s, with many of the existing platforms stretched beyond their original design life. Advances in drilling technology and reservoir assessments have extended the requirement for the service life of those existing platforms even further. Extension of the life span of an existing platform requires satisfactory reassessment of its various structural components, including piled foundations. The American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 2A (API RP2A) is commonly used in the Arabian Gulf for reassessment of existing platforms. The API guidelines have been developed for conditions in the Gulf of Mexico, the waters off Alaska and the Pacific and Atlantic seaboards of the USA. However, the Arabian Gulf conditions are fundamentally different to those encountered in US waters. Hence, there is a need to develop guidelines for reassessment of existing offshore structures to account for the specific conditions of the Arabian Gulf. This thesis performs statistical analyses on databases collected during this research from existing platforms to calibrate relevant load and resistance factors for the required guidelines. The developed guidelines are based on established approaches used in developing international codes and standards such as API RP2A-LRFD. The outcome of this research revolves around the following three main issues: 1. Calibration of resistance factors for axial capacity of piles driven in the carbonate soils API RP2A (1993, 2000) does not quantify limiting soil parameters for piles driven in carbonate soils and provides a single factor to predict the capacity of piled foundations. This research identifies a set of limiting engineering parameters and calibrates corresponding capacity reduction factors to predict axial capacity of driven piles in the carbonate soils of the Arabian Gulf. ... This contrasts with Section 'R' of API RP2A (1993, 2000), which focuses on extreme environmental conditions when performing reassessment. The probabilities of failure considered in this research do not include errors and omissions (controlled by quality assurance procedures) or material deterioration (controlled by choice of materials, detailing, protective devices, and inspection and repair procedures) or reliability-based maintenance. Addressing operating overload conditions requires attending to two issues, namely the capacity of piles driven in carbonate soils and OALL, which have been addressed in this research. The operational overload situation is likely to occur during shutdown condition or during drilling or work over activities where significant OALL are usually applied to platform decks. Such operational overload can be managed by placing signs at various open areas on the platform nominating the maximum load limits (kPa), introducing procedures that ensure that maximum load limits are not exceeded during operation and management of human behavior by reinforcing the importance of following the procedures. The outcomes of this research are expected to have a profound influence on reassessment of existing platforms in the Arabian Gulf.

Weinberger-Powell and transformation : perceptions of American power from the fall of Saigon to the fall of Baghdad /

Abonadi, Earl E. K. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A. in National Security Affairs)--Naval Postgraduate School, June 2006. / Thesis Advisor(s): Donald Abenheim. "June 2006." AD-A451 305. Includes bibliographical references (p. 89-100).

Geopolitika ropy / Geopolitics of Oil

Odintsov, Nikita January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the Geopolitics of Oil is to find a theoretical conceptualization of oil trade regime evolution and its changes during the period between the end of the World War II and 2011. This thesis builds on the two major theories of international relations: neorealism and interdependence theory. The theoretical part of the paper analyzes their main contributions and weaknesses. This enables to formulate the new approach to political economy of oil with a special emphasis on geo-economics. This thesis seeks to answer two main research questions: 1) "Under which conditions do oil exporters consolidate their energy sector?" and 1) "What is the reason for engagement of foreign powers in the oil regions?" This thesis examines relations between exporters from the Persian Gulf and the United States. Interdependence theory is tested by a calculation of symmetry or asymmetry in interdependent relationship between importers and exporters, which is done by a comparison of the market shares between the two during the period of changes in the oil trade regimes. Neorealist theory and political economy of oil approach are examined through detailed case studies that inquire how oil importers and exporters have tried to use oil to pursue their own power interests. This thesis concludes that the geopolitics of oil...

Environmental Management and the Iraqi Frontier during the Late Ottoman Period, 1831-1909

Bolanos, Isacar 16 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Stratégies et techniques de pêche dans le Golfe persique au Néolithique (VI-IVe millénaires av. n.è.) : étude des assemblages ichtyologiques des sites néolithiques d'Akab, de Dalma et de Marawah MR11 (Emirats Arabes Unis) / Fishing strategies and techniques in the Persian Gulf during the Neolithic (6e-4e millenia BC) : study of the ichthyological assemblages of Akab, Dalma ans Marawah MR11 (United Arab Emirats)

Lidour, Kevin 21 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse intègre l'analyse inédite de plus de 80 000 restes provenant des sites néolithiques d'Akab, de Dalma et de Marawah MR11 (Emirats Arabes Unis) – occupés entrela moitié du VIe et la fin du IVe millénaire av. n. è. Les résultats dévoilent des pêcheries déjà investies dans l'exploitation d'une grande variété de milieux marins. Les poissons capturés et consommés par ces pêcheurs incluent de nombreux sargues, pagres (Sparidae), empereurs (Lethrinidae) et petites aiguilles (Belonidae) qui témoignent avant tout de l'exploitation des eaux côtières peu profondes : le long des rivages ainsi que dans les zones d'herbiers et de récif frangeant. À Akab, la pêche dans la lagune et la mangrove est également reflétée par la présence de nombreux poissons‐chats marins (Ariidae) et mulets (Mugilidae) dans l'assemblage. Les techniques impliquées dans ce type de pêche sont peu sélectives et relativement simples : la prospection des petits fonds à l'aide de senne, la pose de filets calés, voire l'utilisation de barrages à poissons. À Dalma, des nasses étaient probablement déjà employées dans les zones de récifs moyennement profondes, pour la capture de mérous en particulier (Serranidae). Les mangroves et les zones de récifs sont des environnements très productifs auprès desquels les pêcheurs pouvaient vraisemblablement se fournir en poissons et en coquillages tout au long de l'année. En l'occurrence, ceux d'Akab connaissaient et exploitaient probablement déjà les grands rassemblements de becs‐decane (Lethrinus nebulosus) près de la lagune d'Umm al‐Quwain, au printemps et à l'occasion de leur frai. L'étude du matériel d'Akab et de Dalma révèle toutefois aussi l'existence d'expéditions de pêche en mer ouverte, impliquant l'usage de bateaux. Ces expéditions sont notamment conduites à la recherche des bancs de thonines (Scombridae) voire de carangues (Carangidae). Leur pêche n'impliquait pas seulement l'emploi de lignes munies d'hameçons en nacre mais aussi celui de filets tels que des sennes tournantes. Ces filets ont également permis aux pêcheurs de Dalma de capturer de grands requins et quelques dauphins plus occasionnellement. Bien que la pêche des bancs de pélagiques soit aujourd'hui considérée comme une activité hivernale dans les pêcheries du Golfe persique, l'existence d'un climat plus humide au Néolithique, alors soumis au régime de la mousson de l'Océan Indien, invite à nuancer nos modèles de saisonnalité.Au Néolithique, la pêche était ainsi pratiquée à la fois de manière généraliste et de manière spécialisée en faisant contribuer un large panel de techniques et de savoirs écologiques aux besoins d'une économie de subsistance reposant principalement sur l'exploitation des ressources marines. / This thesis presents the results of a study of more than 80,000 fish bones from the Neolithic settlement of Akab, Dalma and Marawah MR11 (United Arab Emirates) – inhabited from the mid‐6th to the end of the 4th millennia BC. The analysis has outlined that fishing was carried out in a wide range of marine habitats.The fish taxa caught and consumed by Neolithic fishermen include seabreams (Sparidae),emperors (Lethrinidae) and small needlefish (Belonidae) indicating the exploitation of coastal shallow waters : along the seashore, the beaches, over seagrass beds and fringingreefs. At Akab, the exploitation of the lagoon and the mangrove is also indicated by the occurrence of sea catfish (Ariidae) and mullets (Mugilidae) in the bone assemblage. The fishing techniques involved in such catches are non‐selective such as small seines, set nets or coastal barrier traps. At Dalma, the installation of baited cage traps in deeper reef areas isalso suggested by the importance of large groupers (Serranidae). Mangroves and reefs a reproductive marine environments which might have provided enough fish and shellfish allyear round for Neolithic coastal communities. Akab fishermen probably already knew and exploited the spawning phenomenon of the spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus) in the vicinity of the Umm al‐Quwain lagoon.The exploitation of the open sea is documented as well at Akab and Dalma. Fishing expeditions in open sea however require the use of boats. Pelagic schools of kawakawas (little tuna ; Scombridae) and trevallies (Carangidae) were probably exploited not only withlines but also with fishing nets such as purse seines. At Dalma, large sharks and occasionally dolphins were also caught in this way. Despite that the fishing of pelagic schools is nowadays considered as a winter activity in the Persian Gulf, the existence of a wetter climate during Neolithic, affected by the Indian Ocean monsoon, leads us to temper our seasonal models. During the Neolithic, fishing was conducted both in non‐selective and specialised ways. Awide range of fishing techniques and ecological knowledges have contributed to the subsistence of coastal societies whose economies were primarily focused toward the exploitation of marine resources.

Aspects juridiques de la politique maritime iranienne dans le golfe Persique / Legal aspects of Iranian maritime policy in the Persian Gulf

Lahabi, Omid 29 September 2017 (has links)
Le golfe Persique est depuis toujours le carrefour du commerce mondial. Cette mer est aujourd’hui la voie vitale de l’approvisionnement énergétique mondial. Selon les statistiques, chaque jour 18 millions baril de pétrole passent par cette mer et le détroit d’Ormuz. Parmi les pays côtiers du golfe Persique le rôle de l’Iran est le plus important en raison de sa position géographique. L’Iran, avec ses 1200 kilomètres de côte, possède le plus large littoral dans le golfe Persique et est également l’un des deux États riverains du détroit d’Ormuz, la seule voie de communication maritime du golfe Persique avec le monde entier. C’est pourquoi la politique maritime de l’Iran et sa législation concernant le droit de la mer sont déterminantes dans la région et c’est la question que nous nous sommes proposé d’aborder dans la présente thèse. / The Persian Gulf has always been the crossroad of world trade. The Persian Gulf is today the vital corridor of global energy supply. According to statistics 18 million barrels of oil pass through this sea and the Strait of Hormuz every day. Among the coastal countries of the Persian Gulf the role of Iran is crucial due to its geographical location. Iran, with 1200 km, has the widest coastline on the Persian Gulf, it is also one of the two coastal states to the Strait of Hormuz wich is the only shipping route of the Persian Gulf to the rest of the world. This is why Iran's maritime policy and its law of the sea legislation are critical in the region. This thesis tries to explore these policies and legislations of Iran.

Biological factors in chronic posttraumatic stress disorder.

Al-Hammadi, Abdullah M. A. January 2008 (has links)
This is a prospective study of a cohort sample of injured Kuwaiti First Gulf War survivors designed to investigate the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity due to combat and exposures to traumatic events. The study included two main phases. The first phase conducted in 1998, and in 2003 the second phase was executed. This study was designed to investigate the contribution of combat physical injury to the neurobiology of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), prevalence rates of PTSD, depression, anxiety and other psychological morbidity, and predictors of chronic PTSD. The first assessment was in 1998 and the second assessment in 2003 that involved biological investigations. Beside the clinical interview and the physical examination of the site of injury, multiple psychological scales and questionnaires were used. Based on DSM-IV criteria of PTSD, after the second assessment the population of this study were classified to: Chronic PTSD(have PTSD at both assessments), Delayed PTSD (have PTSD only on the second assessment), Recovered (have PTSD only in the first assessment), and Never PTSD (have no PTSD in both assessments). The biological assessment include: blood investigations, BMI, and visual analogue. The data of the study were analyzed based on the four PTSD subgroups. In the first chapter an introduction to the First Gulf War was presented followed by the second chapter that discussed literature review. The third chapter tackled the methods used in this study. The fourth to the sixth chapters discussed the results of this study regarding prevalence of Chronic PTSD, Cortisol and PTSD and Thyroid hormones and PTSD respectively. The last chapter presented the limitations and strengths of the study. There were three main hypotheses. First: combat injured survivors with chronic PTSD have cluster of symptoms severity similar to delayed PTSD after 13 years of the trauma and the prevalence of chronic PTSD is constant over time. Second: low cortisol levels observed in chronic PTSD are constant with chronicity, normalize with recovery, unrelated to degree of disability, and are influenced by comorbid disorders. Third: there is minor role for thyroid hormones in chronic PTSD. All of registered Kuwaiti combat injured survivors at the Social Development Office in Kuwait, were approached to voluntary participate in this study. Of 234 individuals 212 participate in the first stage, and out of these 123 participate in the second stage with the addition of 33 new cases that were not examined in 1998 but were registered in SDO after 1998. An informed consent was taken from the participants at both phases. The participants were assessed using General Health Questionnaire, Trauma Questionnaire, Clinician Administered PTSD Scale, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Symptom Checklist-90 Revised, and Life Event Scale. Questionnaires and scales applied in the first stage were applied in the second stage with the addition of Impact of Event Scale, Composite International Diagnostic Interview and Scale of Gulf War Syndrome. Biochemical assessment comprised cortisol level, thyroxine (fT4), free triiodothyronine (fT3) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). The blood samples were taken before starting the interview. Physical assessment involved measurements of: pulse rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, waist-hip circumference, body mass index and visual analogue before and after the interview. Data entry program using Statistical Package for Social Scientists was used to enter data and analysis. The prevalence rate of delayed onset PTSD (14.6%), chronic PTSD (15.4) recovered from PTSD (22.8%) and never had PTSD (47.2%). With chronic PTSD there are higher cluster of PTSD symptoms severity, not related to severity of physical injury, has more prevalence of PTSD associated symptoms, higher comorbid psychiatric disorders. Intrusions, avoidance and arousal are PTSD cluster of symptoms more predictive of future development of PTSD after the injury. There was a low baseline cortisol level with chronic PTSD, and it was significantly lower in participants with delayed PTSD. Furthermore trauma itself rather than PTSD diagnosis may have an impact on cortisol level. Other psychiatric comorbidity has an enhancing effect on cortisol level. The levels of thyroid hormones were within the normal range. The trend of thyroid function in delayed and chronic PTSD is lower fT3, and TSH and higher fT4 levels, with higher fT3 levels in delayed PTSD compared to chronic PTSD. It was found that the higher severity of trauma score with PTSD the higher fT3 mean values. / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Medicine, 2008

Indus Epigraphic Perspectives: Exploring Past Decipherment Attempts & Possible New Approaches

LeBlanc, Paul D. 23 September 2013 (has links)
First appearing on potsherds around 3300 BC, the Indus script was primarily in use during the Mature Harappan period (ca. 2600-1900 BC) in the Indus Valley region, centred in the north-western region of the Indian Subcontinent. It is one of the last remaining undeciphered scripts of the ancient world. A great number of Indus inscriptions, however, have been uncovered at many archaeological sites in the Persian Gulf, discoveries that corroborate the inclusion of the Indus civilization as an active participant in the Mesopotamian-dominated Gulf trade of the 3rd millennium. In addition to exploring the current state of research surrounding the Indus decipherment attempts, the thesis will examine new perspectives on ancient history, arguing in favour of various possibilities of Mesopotamian, Elamite, and/or pre-dynastic Egyptian (North East African) cultural presences or influences in the ancient Indus River basin.

Army transformation to expeditionary formations

Bryson, Jeff. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Military Studies)-Marine Corps Command and Staff College, 2008. / Title from title page of PDF document (viewed on: Feb 11, 2010).

Le miroir des cheikhs : musée et patrimonialisme dans les principautés arabes du golfe Persique / The mirror of the Sheikhs : museum and patrimonialism in the Arab principalities of the Persian Gulf

Kazerouni, Alexandre 15 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s’attache à déconstruire, à localiser et à inscrire dans des dynamiques politiques locales d’abord, régionales et internationales ensuite, la perception qui s’est faite jour à compter du milieu des années 2000, que « le Golfe », espace aux contours rarement définis, serait devenu le lieu d’un développement culturel de très grande ampleur. Cette nouvelle image internationale des principautés arabes du golfe Persique, éloignée de leur association traditionnelle aux hydrocarbures et à la guerre, repose sur deux phénomènes distincts, voire opposés : la formation d’un marché de l’art arabe et iranien basé à Dubai qui se fait le reflet de la formation de nouvelles bourgeoisies dans les grands pays voisins, et la multiplication des annonces de musées à forte visibilité internationale au Qatar et à Abou Dabi qui ont pour cible prioritaire un public européen. Les musées sont l’objet principal de cette étude, le marché son objet secondaire. En croisant l’histoire et la science politique, une typologie binaire des musées golfiens et l’évolution du rapport de force entre les trois grandes composantes sociales des populations nationales des principautés depuis les années 1960, il apparaît que le musée, cette institution d’origine européenne qui sous sa forme moderne est apparue au XVIIIe siècle et qui compte au nombre des premières formes d’espaces publics, est dans les principautés arabes du golfe Persique un outil de renforcement de l’autoritarisme. Ce rôle qui est le sien depuis le temps de sa genèse dans les années 1960, s’est accentué au Qatar et à Abou Dabi depuis la Guerre du Golfe de 1990-1991. / This doctoral thesis aims at deconstructing, spatializing and inscribing in local and then international political dynamics the new perception emerging in the West that presents « the Gulf », a region whose boundaries are rarely defined, as the place for a large scale cultural development. This new international image of the Arab principalities of the Persian Gulf, that no longer reduces them to oil and war, but associates their names to culture, relies on two different phenomenons : the birth of an Arab and Iranian art market based in Dubai that reflects the formation of new elites in the neighbouring regional powers on the one hand, and the rise of a new type of museums targeting a European audience first, characterized by their international visibility, in Qatar and in Abu Dhabi on the other. The museums are the main object of this research, the art market its secondary one. By mixing political science and history, a binary typology of the museums and the evolution of the balance of power between the three main social components of the national communities in the Arab principalities since the 1960, the museum, this institution of European origin born in its modern form in the 18th century as one of the earliest forms of public spaces, appears as a tool for the consolidation of authoritarianism. This role that the museums has been playing since the 1960s, when the regional importation of this cultural model started, has even increased in Qatar and in Abu Dhabi since the end of the 1990-1991 Gulf War. Since that period, the new museums are actively taking part to the political marginalization of the national bureaucracy.

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