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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sonorous Andean Landscapes: A Performance Guide for Guevara Ochoa's "Yaraví, Danza y Huayno" (n.d) and Vivanco's "Fantasía Andina" (c. 1988)

Romo Bocanegra, Jossecarlo 12 1900 (has links)
Peruvian composers Armando Guevara Ochoa (1926–2013) and César Vivanco (b. 1949) borrow and transplant musical elements from Andean folk tradition into their compositions for the modern classical flute. Guevara Ochoa's Yaraví, Danza y Huayno and Vivanco's Fantasía Andina are solo flute pieces rooted in Peruvian folklore traditions and Andean instrumental performance. The purpose of this dissertation is to provide flutists with technical and interpretative guidance in preparing these pieces. Yaraví, Danza y Huayno, a suite of three short dances, and Fantasía Andina, a free-meter piece in an improvisational style, incorporate elements that utilize the performance techniques of Andean instruments, with use of quotations from traditional Andean folk music. References to quenas (traditional vertical flutes), zampoñas (panpipes), pututos (ceremonial natural horns), charangos (Andean guitars) and Andean harps are integrated within the works and fused with themes borrowed from iconic pieces such as El cóndor pasa, and traditional harmonic, melodic and rhythmic structures of the huayno (fast festive dance) and yaraví (slow melancholic song). The techniques and traditions borrowed from Andean folk music are not notated in these scores due to the limitations of musical notation. Performers are expected to portray the Andean musical identity of the composers' intent. This dissertation assists performers unfamiliar with the traditions of Andean music to identify and understand the implicit Andean roots in both works and develop techniques to accurately represent sounds of Andean Peruvian traditions, with a deeper, culturally informed interpretation of this music.

Factores determinantes de la brecha salarial entre hombres y mujeres en el mercado laboral peruano: 2014 - 2018

Torres Coronel, Reyner Ever January 2023 (has links)
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar los factores determinantes de la brecha salarial entre hombres y mujeres en el mercado laboral peruano: 2014 – 2018. Para lograr dicho objetivo, se usó la base de datos del INEI correspondiente a la ENAHO sobre condiciones de vida y pobreza y se utilizó la encuesta panel para los años correspondientes de la investigación, dentro de esta base datos se escogió a las personas que respondieron durante estos cinco años. La base de datos fue divida en dos grupos, una correspondiente a los hombres y la otra a las mujeres para luego ser estimadas por separado mediante el método de Oaxaca – Choe (2016) para panel de datos, los resultados muestran que las mujeres ganan 25.76% menos que los hombres. Por lo tanto, se encontró que los factores determinantes de la brecha salarial entre grupos son el nivel educativo, las horas trabajadas, la experiencia, el tamaño de la empresa, la edad, la edad elevada al cuadrado. Sin embargo, en el modelo se incluyeron otros variables como es el caso del estado civil, el estar embarazada o no (en el caso de las mujeres), las limitaciones para moverse (discapacidad física), el tiempo de residencia en el distrito o si es perteneciente a un pueblo indígena o no, las cuales no fueron significativas. / The objective of this research was to analyze the determining factors of the salary gap between men and women in the Peruvian labor market: 2014 - 2018. To achieve this objective, the INEI database corresponding to the ENAHO on living conditions and poverty was used. and the panel survey was increased for the corresponding years of the investigation, within this database the people who responded during these five years were chosen. The database was divided into two groups, one corresponding to men and the other to women, to later be estimated separately using the Oaxaca - Choe (2016) method for data panel, the results show that women earn 25.76 % less than men. Therefore, it was found that the determining factors of the wage gap between groups are educational level, hours worked, experience, company size, age, age squared. However, other variables are included in the model, such as marital status, being pregnant or not (in the case of women), limitations to movement (physical disability), length of residence in the district or whether belongs to an indigenous people or not, which were not significant.

Conquista y mestizaje en el Tahuantinsuyu : elementos religiosos y literarios en dos crónicas andinas

Limage-Montesinos, Lupita J. 02 June 2010 (has links)
Not available / text

An ethnolinguistic study of the Yanesha’ (Amuesha) language and speech community in Peru’s Andean Amazon, and the traditional role of Ponapnora, a female rite of passage

Daigneault, Anna Luisa 09 1900 (has links)
Thesis written in co-mentorship with Richard Chase Smith Ph.D, of El Instituto del Bien Comun (IBC) in Peru. The attached file is a pdf created in Word. The pdf file serves to preserve the accuracy of the many linguistic symbols found in the text. / La langue Yanesha’ est parlée sur la frontière de deux mondes, les Andes et l’Amazonie, au Pérou central. Un travail de terrain ethnolinguistique parmi le peuple Yanesha’ a été effectué en mai-août 2008 pour étudier cette langue et les facteurs menant possiblement à sa disparition. Ce mémoire porte sur les traits caractéristiques de la langue Yanesha’ et sa place à l’intérieur de la famille linguistique Arawak. L’auteure discute aussi à propos de ponapnora, un rituel de puberté qui joue un rôle important dans la préservation d’héritage musical et linguistique auprès des femmes Yanesha’. / The Yanesha’ language is spoken on the edges of two worlds, the Andes and the Amazon, in southcentral Peru. Ethnolinguistic fieldwork was carried out among the Yanesha’ people in May-August 2008 to learn about their language and the possible factors leading to its endangerment. This thesis examines the unique linguistic features of Yanesha and its place within the Arawak language family. It also discusses a puberty ritual that plays an important role in preserving musical and linguistic heritage among Yanesha’ women: the ponapnora female initiation ritual.

The Impact of U.S. Arms Transfer Policies on Relations with Peru, 1945-1978

Davison, J. Les 08 1900 (has links)
This paper examines United States arms transfer policies as they have been applied to Peru since the end of World War II and analyzes the role of these policies in achieving the goals of the United States as delineated by Luigi Einaudi et al. in their Arms Transfers to Latin America: Toward a Policy of Mutual Respect. The paper traces the course of recent U.S.-Peruvian relations, with special emphasis on Peru's arms acquisitions since 1968. The author concludes that, while U.S. arms transfer policies have undoubtedly strained U.S.-Peruvian relations over the past decade, the refusal of the U.S. to provide advanced weapons to Peru will prove to be in the best interests of the United States in the long run.

Race and power : the challenges of Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) in the Peruvian Andes

Tonet, Martina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines enclaves of oppression and discrimination, which continue to subject indigenous peoples in the Peruvian Andean society to the pernicious legacies of a racist past. As an interpretive framework this interdisciplinary study draws from theoretical approaches to power, which analyse the reproduction of social injustice in post-colonial societies. This research demonstrates how resistance in post-colonial contexts does not always function as a subversive force. Especially when the variable of racism is taken into account, it becomes clearer how acts of opposition end up fostering a tyrannical domination. Examples from Peruvian history, as well as my fieldwork data, will illustrate how resistances and revolutions in the Peruvian Andes have paradoxically reinstated an oppressive and subjugating social system founded in disavowal of the indigenous Other. In dismantling the ramifications of a violent racist legacy, this study explores those social practices and attitudes which in the course of history have resulted in the subjugation of indigenous peoples. These include paternalism, the commodification of indigenous identity and the phenomenon of incanismo. Ultimately, the very negotiation of identities and the making of Peruvian ethnicity will highlight the reasons why, since the 1970s, the pursuit of Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) in the Peruvian Andes has been a challenging and uncertain endeavour. By comparison with bordering Andean regions of Ecuador and Bolivia, IBE is not in the hands of indigenous peoples. This thesis will demonstrate that this is in part due to an underpinning racism, which keeps disrupting a sense of belonging to an ethnic identity.

Análisis del impacto de las asociaciones de marca de los clubes de fútbol nacionales y extranjeros en la lealtad de marca de los hinchas de Lima Metropolitana / Analysis of the impact of the brand associations of the national and foreign soccer clubs on the brand loyalty of soccer fans of Lima Metropolitana

Hurtado Carrasco, Alvaro Enrique, Sánchez Meneses, César Marcelo 05 March 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación se basó en analizar el impacto de las asociaciones de marca de los clubes de fútbol, tanto peruanos como extranjeros, en la lealtad de marca de los hinchas de Lima Metropolitana durante el año 2018. Se comprende la lealtad como la consecuencia de la interacción secuencial de dos tipos de lealtades: lealtades actitudinales y comportamentales. Asimismo, se pudo observar que el actual problema es que en el Perú son pocos los clubes que aprovechan los atributos y beneficios que estos otorgan al hincha para lograr ser más rentables en la industria futbolística. Por ello, el problema de la investigación fue resuelto mediante el uso de una entrevista en profundidad, Focus Group y la aplicación de cuestionarios al público objetivo correspondiente de la investigación con el fin de recoger la mayor información fiable y lograr un adecuado análisis que permita resolver el problema. Finalmente, los resultados que dejó la investigación sugieren que las asociaciones de marca presentes en los hinchas de clubes de fútbol nacionales y extranjeros no comprenden demasiadas diferencias en cuanto a la lógica en cómo influencian los atributos y beneficios de marca de cada uno de ellos sobre sus distintos niveles de lealtades, sino más bien, sí las comprenden en cuanto a su grado de explicación. Adicionalmente, se brindaron conclusiones respecto al fenómeno y recomendaciones pertinentes para la industria del fútbol peruano y también dirigidos a las empresas que tengan como target de sus estrategias de marketing al público objetivo de los hinchas de fútbol de Lima Metropolitana. / The present investigation was based on analyzing the impact of brand associations of soccer clubs, both Peruvian and foreign, on the brand loyalty of the fans of Lima Metropolitana during the year 2018. Loyalty is understood as the consequence of the sequential interaction of two types of loyalties: attitudinal and behavioral loyalties. Likewise, it could be observed that the current problem is that in Peru there are few clubs that take advantage of the attributes and benefits they give the fan to be more profitable in the football industry. Therefore, the research problem was solved through the use of an in-depth interview, a Focus Group and the application of questionnaires to the corresponding target audience of the research in order to collect the most reliable information and achieve an adequate analysis to resolve the problem. Finally, the results left by the research suggest that brand associations present in fans of national and foreign football clubs do not have too many differences in how they influence the attributes and brand benefits of each of them on their different levels of loyalties, but, rather, they do in terms of their degree of explanation. Additionally, conclusions were provided regarding the phenomenon and recommendations pertinent to the Peruvian soccer industry and also aimed at the companies that have as target of their marketing strategies the target audience of football fans in Lima Metropolitana. / Tesis

O papel de efeitos locais e remotos em variabilidades do sistema de ressurgência ao largo da costa oeste da América do Sul durante o El Niño / The role of the local and remote effects on the upwelling system variabilities along the western coast of South America, during El Niño

Maita, Rosio Del Pilar Camayo 02 April 2008 (has links)
Ao largo da costa oeste da Am´erica do Sul o sistema de ressurg^encia costeira apresenta uma excepcional produtividade, um resultado da alta efici^encia do ecossistema biol´ogico em converter a produ¸c~ao prim´aria em biomassa. Esses processos qu´?micobiol ´ogicos s~ao fortemente modulados pelo ambiente f´?sico da regi~ao. Por exemplo, durante eventos do El-Ni~no a produtividade pesqueira ´e fortemente prejudicada em resposta a uma inibi¸c~ao da ressurg^encia costeira. Apesar disso ser um fato j´a bastante conhecido desde ´epocas pr´e-colombianas, muita d´uvida ainda persiste sobre o mecanismo pelo qual o sistema costeiro ´e afetado por esses fen^omenos de grande escala. O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de se contribuir com esse conhecimento, estudando como ocorreram as mudan¸cas do sistema durante recentes eventos El Ni~no, principalmente na escala intrasazonal. Nessa investiga¸c~ao foram utilizadas diferentes metodologias de an´alise de dados para identificar a natureza dos for¸cantes de oscila¸c~oes significativas observadas durante o El Ni~no 1997-1998. Tamb´em foi investigado se essas oscila¸c~oes foram for¸cadas remotamente e se propagaram como ondas aprisionadas na costa; quais foram suas propriedades espaciais e sua propaga¸c~ao longo da costa. A primeira parte do trabalho consiste na an´alise da variabilidade temporal e a caracteriza¸c~ao das flutua¸c~oes de baixa freq¨u^encia ocorridas durante eventos El Ni~no. Essa an´alise faz uso do espectro de ondeleta aplicado a s´eries temporais longas de dados do n´?vel do mar de esta¸c~oes costeiras distribu´?das ao longo da costa sul do Equador, costa do Peru e costa norte do Chile. O espectro de ondeleta cruzada e o espectro da coer^encia foram usados para avaliar a import^ancia relativa das for¸cantes remota e local das varia¸c~oes do n´?vel do mar associadas com os efeitos do El Ni~no 1997-1998. Na segunda parte, as flutua¸c~oes for¸cadas remotamente foram comparadas com modelos lineares simples e o modelo de Brink e Chapman (1987) para se obter as propriedades das ondas aprisionadas na costa durante o El Ni~no Extraordin ´ario (1997-1998). Uma importante conclus~ao dessas an´alises foi a constata¸c~ao de que variabilidades intrasazonais ao largo da costa do Peru durante esse El Ni~no foi, em parte significativa, o resultado da atua¸c~ao de for¸cantes remotas e locais, associadas com ondas equatoriais incidindo na Costa Oeste da Am´erica do Sul e com o efeito do vento, respectivamente. / Off the western coast of South America, the coastal upwelling system presents an exceptional productivity, a result of the high efficiency of the biological ecosystem in converting the primary production into biomass. These chemical and biological processes are strongly modulated by the physical environment. For instance, during El Ni~no events the fishery productivity is strongly impaired in response to an inhibition of the coastal upwelling. In spite of this fact be widely known since pre-Colombian times, much doubts still persist about the mechanism by means of which the coastal system is affected by the large scale phenomena. The present work was idealized with the intention of contributing for this knowledge, studying how occurred the changes in the system during recent El Ni~no events, with emphasis on the intraseasonal scale. In this investigation, different methodologies of data analysis were used to identify the nature of the forcing which produced significant oscillations observed during the El Ni~no 1997-1998. Also, it was investigated if these oscillations were remotely forced and propagated along the coast as coastal trapped waves; what were their spatial and propagation properties. The first part of the work consists of an analysis of the temporal variability and the characterization of the low-frequency fluctuations occurred during the El Ni~no events. This analysis uses the wavelet spectrum applied to time series of sea level data collected off southern Equador, Peru and northern Chile. The cross wavelet spectrum and coherence spectrum were used to evaluate the relative importance of local and remote forcing of the sea level, associated with effects of the 1997-1998 El Ni~no. In the second part, the fluctuations remotely forced wer compared with results of simple linear models and with the model of Brink and Chapman (1987), in order to obtain the coastal trapped waves properties during that extraordinary El Ni~no event. One important conclusion of these analyses was the confirmation that the intraseasonal variability observed offo Peru during the 1997-1998 El Ni~no was, in part, the result of remote and local forcing, associated with equatorial waves and the wind effect, respectively.

Reconstituição da Monção Sul-Americana durante os últimos 38 mil anos e seus efeitos na precipitação no nordeste dos Andes nas escalas de tempo orbital a mutidecenal / Not available

Bustamante Rosell, Maria Gracia 29 May 2015 (has links)
Neste estudo investigou-se a variabilidade da Monção Sul-Americana (MSA) ao longo dos últimos 38ka, por meio de um registro em alta resolução de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O baseado em três espeleotemas da caverna Shatuca, localizada no norte do Peru (~ 5ºS). O registro da caverna Shatuca é um dos primeiros registros paleoclimáticos da zona de altitude intermediária no flanco oriental dos Andes setentrionais (1960m). O registro isotópico da Shatuca compreende espeleotemas bem datados e de alta resolução que são usados para investigar a atividade da MSA no passado, em resposta tanto ao ciclo de precessão da insolação, como às mudanças na circulação oceânica, ocorridas durante o último período Glacial - Deglacial, as quais são definidas nos testemunhos marinhos e de gelo do Hemisfério Norte. Os registros de espeleotemas da caverna Shatuca, não mostram nenhum controle claro da insolação sobre a MSA nos Andes entre 38-11 ka AP, o que pode ser explicado por um controle predominante das condições de contorno glaciais sobre a MSA. Mudanças abruptas, entre períodos mais úmidos e mais secos da MSA, em escalas de tempo milenar, são observadas no registro de espeleotemas de Shatuca através de valores de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O anormalmente baixos e altos, respectivamente. Estes eventos são interpretados como uma resposta aos eventos Heinrich (H) e Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) através de deslocamentos latitudinais da Zona de Convergência Intertropical (Intertropical Convergence Zone-ITCZ). No entanto, a intensidade da resposta a esses ciclos foi variável. Em particular, os episódios climáticos mais extremos foram aqueles relacionados aos eventos Heinrich 1 e 2. O período de ocorrência e a estrutura do evento Heinrich 1 (H1) são mais precisamente descritos nos espeleotemas da caverna Shatuca do que em registros anteriores dos Andes e da Bacia de Cariaco. O evento H1 é caracterizado por valores isotópicos baixos entre 18.0 e 14.7 ka AP, o que indica condições predominantemente úmidas; mas um pico, nunca antes registrado, de valores de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O altos foi registrado em 16.2 ka AP. Este resultado é particularmente importante dado que a ITCZ poderia ter estado deslocada mais ao sul do que 5ºS. Além disso, a estrutura dos períodos do Bølling-Allerød (B/A) e Younger Dryas (YD) assemelha-se à dos testemunhos de gelo da Groenlândia. Durante o Holoceno, o clima da região da caverna Shatuca foi controlado pela insolação, consistente com outros registros de isótopos de diferentes altitudes nos Andes peruanos. O Holoceno Inferior é marcado pelo severo enfraquecimento da MSA na região da Shatuca, sendo seguido por uma tendência de aumento gradual das condições de umidade em direção ao Holoceno Superior, esta tendência climática, em longo prazo, ocorreu em união à tendência de aumento da insolação modulada pelo ciclo de precessão. Condições particularmente úmidas foram sentidas na região da caverna Shatuca após 5.0 ka AP. Várias mudanças abruptas ocorridas, em escalas de tempo centenárias e multidecenais, durante o Holoceno, são descritas pela primeira vez nos Andes. Durante o Holoceno Inferior, o caso mais extremo, é o registrado em 9.5 ka AP, mas outros eventos úmidos ocorreram também, tais como o registrado em 8.1 ka AP. Por outro lado, durante o Holoceno Médio, a comparação com outros registros andinos, na região afetada pela MSA, aponta para uma série de eventos abruptos que ocorreram entre 5.1 e 5.0 ka AP. Finalmente, um resultado importante do presente estudo é a semelhança observada, durante o Holoceno Superior, entre o registro da caverna Shatuca com o do lago Pallcacocha, situado no sul dos Andes equatorianos e amplamente utilizado como um proxy da frequência do fenômeno El Niño Oscilação Sul (El Niño Southern Oscillation -ENSO). O registro Shatuca não apresenta nenhuma evidência clara de ter sofrido algum controle climático influenciado por ENSO. Pelo contrário, propõe-se que ambos registros, o lago Pallcacocha e a caverna Shatuca, indicam um aumento da umidade entre 3.5 e 2.5 ka AP, resultado do controle da alta insolação de verão austral sobre a MSA, e de uma profunda reorganização do sistema climático ocorrido na borda oeste da MSA, entre terras altas e intermediárias dos Andes. / this study, we investigated the South American Summer Monsoon (SASM) variability through the last 38 ky with a high-resolution \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O record based on three speleothems from Shatuca cave, located in northern Peru (~ 5ºS). The Shatuca cave record is one of the first paleoclimate records from mid-altitude (1960m) sites in the northeastern Andean slopes. The Shatuca isotope record comprises well-dated and high-resolution speleothems that were used to investigate the past activity of SASM, in response to both insolation precession cycle and changes in oceanic circulation during the last Glacial-Deglacial period, defined in ice cores and marine core records from the northern Hemisphere. The speleothem records from Shatuca cave show no clear insolation control over the SASM between 38-11 ky BP, which could be explained by a prevailing control of the glacial boundary conditions over SASM. Abrupt millennial shifts between wetter and drier monsoon phases are observed in Shatuca speleothem record based on abnormally low and high values of \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O, respectively. These events are interpreted as a response to Heinrich (H) and Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events through latitudinal displacements in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). However, the response intensity to these events was variable. In particular, the most extreme climate episodes were those related to the Heinrich events 1 and 2. The structure and timing of the Heinrich event 1 (H1) event are more precisely described in Shatuca speleothems than in previous records from Andes and Cariaco Basin. The H1 event is characterized by low ?18O values from 18.0 to 14.7 ky BP, indicative of predominantly wet conditions; but a peak, never reported before, of high \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O values is recorded at 16.2 ky BP. This result is of particular importance given that the ITCZ was probably displaced even more to the south than 5ºS. In addition, the structure of the Bølling-Allerød (B/A) and Younger Dryas (YD) periods resembles that of the Greenland ice cores. Insolation control on climate at Shatuca site is evident during the Holocene, which is consistent with other Andean isotope records from different altitudes in the Peruvian Andes. The early Holocene is marked by a extremely weak SASM activity over Shatuca area, that is followed by a gradual increasing trend toward wetter conditions at the late Holocene period, this long term climate trend occurred in union with increasing insolation trend modulated by the precession cycle. Particularly wet conditions were felt in Shatuca site after 5.0 ky BP. During the Holocene, several abrupt multidecadal to centennial events are for the first time described in Andes. During the early Holocene, the most extreme event is the one logged at 9.5 ky BP, however other wet events occurred, such as the one logged at 8.1 ky BP. On the other side, during the mid Holocene, the comparison with other Andean records affected by the SASM, points out to a striking series of events that occurred between 5.1 and 5.0 ky BP. Finally, one important result from the present study is the similarity observed during the late Holocene between Shatuca cave and the Pallcacocha lake record in southern Equadorian Andes, a record that has been widely used as a proxy for El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) frequency during Holocene. Shatuca record presents no clear evidence for climate control by ENSO. On the contrary, it is proposed that the increase in moisture logged between 3.5 and 2.5 ky BP, in both Pallcacocha lake and Shatuca cave records, resulted from high austral insolation control over the SASM and a major reorganization of the climatic system in the western border of the SASM at mid- to high altitudes of the Andes.

Reconstituição da Monção Sul-Americana durante os últimos 38 mil anos e seus efeitos na precipitação no nordeste dos Andes nas escalas de tempo orbital a mutidecenal / Not available

Maria Gracia Bustamante Rosell 29 May 2015 (has links)
Neste estudo investigou-se a variabilidade da Monção Sul-Americana (MSA) ao longo dos últimos 38ka, por meio de um registro em alta resolução de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O baseado em três espeleotemas da caverna Shatuca, localizada no norte do Peru (~ 5ºS). O registro da caverna Shatuca é um dos primeiros registros paleoclimáticos da zona de altitude intermediária no flanco oriental dos Andes setentrionais (1960m). O registro isotópico da Shatuca compreende espeleotemas bem datados e de alta resolução que são usados para investigar a atividade da MSA no passado, em resposta tanto ao ciclo de precessão da insolação, como às mudanças na circulação oceânica, ocorridas durante o último período Glacial - Deglacial, as quais são definidas nos testemunhos marinhos e de gelo do Hemisfério Norte. Os registros de espeleotemas da caverna Shatuca, não mostram nenhum controle claro da insolação sobre a MSA nos Andes entre 38-11 ka AP, o que pode ser explicado por um controle predominante das condições de contorno glaciais sobre a MSA. Mudanças abruptas, entre períodos mais úmidos e mais secos da MSA, em escalas de tempo milenar, são observadas no registro de espeleotemas de Shatuca através de valores de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O anormalmente baixos e altos, respectivamente. Estes eventos são interpretados como uma resposta aos eventos Heinrich (H) e Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) através de deslocamentos latitudinais da Zona de Convergência Intertropical (Intertropical Convergence Zone-ITCZ). No entanto, a intensidade da resposta a esses ciclos foi variável. Em particular, os episódios climáticos mais extremos foram aqueles relacionados aos eventos Heinrich 1 e 2. O período de ocorrência e a estrutura do evento Heinrich 1 (H1) são mais precisamente descritos nos espeleotemas da caverna Shatuca do que em registros anteriores dos Andes e da Bacia de Cariaco. O evento H1 é caracterizado por valores isotópicos baixos entre 18.0 e 14.7 ka AP, o que indica condições predominantemente úmidas; mas um pico, nunca antes registrado, de valores de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O altos foi registrado em 16.2 ka AP. Este resultado é particularmente importante dado que a ITCZ poderia ter estado deslocada mais ao sul do que 5ºS. Além disso, a estrutura dos períodos do Bølling-Allerød (B/A) e Younger Dryas (YD) assemelha-se à dos testemunhos de gelo da Groenlândia. Durante o Holoceno, o clima da região da caverna Shatuca foi controlado pela insolação, consistente com outros registros de isótopos de diferentes altitudes nos Andes peruanos. O Holoceno Inferior é marcado pelo severo enfraquecimento da MSA na região da Shatuca, sendo seguido por uma tendência de aumento gradual das condições de umidade em direção ao Holoceno Superior, esta tendência climática, em longo prazo, ocorreu em união à tendência de aumento da insolação modulada pelo ciclo de precessão. Condições particularmente úmidas foram sentidas na região da caverna Shatuca após 5.0 ka AP. Várias mudanças abruptas ocorridas, em escalas de tempo centenárias e multidecenais, durante o Holoceno, são descritas pela primeira vez nos Andes. Durante o Holoceno Inferior, o caso mais extremo, é o registrado em 9.5 ka AP, mas outros eventos úmidos ocorreram também, tais como o registrado em 8.1 ka AP. Por outro lado, durante o Holoceno Médio, a comparação com outros registros andinos, na região afetada pela MSA, aponta para uma série de eventos abruptos que ocorreram entre 5.1 e 5.0 ka AP. Finalmente, um resultado importante do presente estudo é a semelhança observada, durante o Holoceno Superior, entre o registro da caverna Shatuca com o do lago Pallcacocha, situado no sul dos Andes equatorianos e amplamente utilizado como um proxy da frequência do fenômeno El Niño Oscilação Sul (El Niño Southern Oscillation -ENSO). O registro Shatuca não apresenta nenhuma evidência clara de ter sofrido algum controle climático influenciado por ENSO. Pelo contrário, propõe-se que ambos registros, o lago Pallcacocha e a caverna Shatuca, indicam um aumento da umidade entre 3.5 e 2.5 ka AP, resultado do controle da alta insolação de verão austral sobre a MSA, e de uma profunda reorganização do sistema climático ocorrido na borda oeste da MSA, entre terras altas e intermediárias dos Andes. / this study, we investigated the South American Summer Monsoon (SASM) variability through the last 38 ky with a high-resolution \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O record based on three speleothems from Shatuca cave, located in northern Peru (~ 5ºS). The Shatuca cave record is one of the first paleoclimate records from mid-altitude (1960m) sites in the northeastern Andean slopes. The Shatuca isotope record comprises well-dated and high-resolution speleothems that were used to investigate the past activity of SASM, in response to both insolation precession cycle and changes in oceanic circulation during the last Glacial-Deglacial period, defined in ice cores and marine core records from the northern Hemisphere. The speleothem records from Shatuca cave show no clear insolation control over the SASM between 38-11 ky BP, which could be explained by a prevailing control of the glacial boundary conditions over SASM. Abrupt millennial shifts between wetter and drier monsoon phases are observed in Shatuca speleothem record based on abnormally low and high values of \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O, respectively. These events are interpreted as a response to Heinrich (H) and Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events through latitudinal displacements in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). However, the response intensity to these events was variable. In particular, the most extreme climate episodes were those related to the Heinrich events 1 and 2. The structure and timing of the Heinrich event 1 (H1) event are more precisely described in Shatuca speleothems than in previous records from Andes and Cariaco Basin. The H1 event is characterized by low ?18O values from 18.0 to 14.7 ky BP, indicative of predominantly wet conditions; but a peak, never reported before, of high \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O values is recorded at 16.2 ky BP. This result is of particular importance given that the ITCZ was probably displaced even more to the south than 5ºS. In addition, the structure of the Bølling-Allerød (B/A) and Younger Dryas (YD) periods resembles that of the Greenland ice cores. Insolation control on climate at Shatuca site is evident during the Holocene, which is consistent with other Andean isotope records from different altitudes in the Peruvian Andes. The early Holocene is marked by a extremely weak SASM activity over Shatuca area, that is followed by a gradual increasing trend toward wetter conditions at the late Holocene period, this long term climate trend occurred in union with increasing insolation trend modulated by the precession cycle. Particularly wet conditions were felt in Shatuca site after 5.0 ky BP. During the Holocene, several abrupt multidecadal to centennial events are for the first time described in Andes. During the early Holocene, the most extreme event is the one logged at 9.5 ky BP, however other wet events occurred, such as the one logged at 8.1 ky BP. On the other side, during the mid Holocene, the comparison with other Andean records affected by the SASM, points out to a striking series of events that occurred between 5.1 and 5.0 ky BP. Finally, one important result from the present study is the similarity observed during the late Holocene between Shatuca cave and the Pallcacocha lake record in southern Equadorian Andes, a record that has been widely used as a proxy for El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) frequency during Holocene. Shatuca record presents no clear evidence for climate control by ENSO. On the contrary, it is proposed that the increase in moisture logged between 3.5 and 2.5 ky BP, in both Pallcacocha lake and Shatuca cave records, resulted from high austral insolation control over the SASM and a major reorganization of the climatic system in the western border of the SASM at mid- to high altitudes of the Andes.

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