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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude expérimentale de propriétés non-classique de la lumière; interférences à un seul photon

Grangier, Philippe 15 September 1986 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire décrit plusieurs expériences pour lesquelles la quantification du champ électromagnétique joue un rôle essentiel dans la description théorique et la compréhension physique des phénomènes observés. En particulier, la nécessité de cette quantification apparaît à travers la mise en évidence d'un état d'un champ très proche d'un état de Fock, dans lequel un seul quantum est excité (état à un seul photon). Un état à un seul photon peut être caractérisé en utilisant deux photomultiplicateurs placés de part et d'autre d'une lame semi-réfléchissante : la probabilité d'observer deux photodétections pendant un temps w doit être beaucoup plus petite que le produit des probabilités de photodétections simples pendant le même temps. Cette propriété "non-classique", que nous désignons par le terme d'anticorrélation, est mise en évidence expérimentalement pour une cascade radiative du Calcium, en utilisant des techniques de comptages rapides. Nous avons ensuite réalisé une expérience d'interférences, avec la lumière ayant permis d'observer l'effet d'anticorrélation. En utilisant un interféromètre de Mach-Zehnder réglé au voisinage de la teinte plate, le contraste mesuré des franges d'interférences a été supérieur à 98%, en parfait accord avec les performances calculées de l'interféromètre. Nous présentons enfin deux autres expériences, qui illustrent de façon plus générale la notion d'interférence à un photon : une expérience de battements quantiques dans une cascade radiative excitée de façon continue, et un effet d'interférence apparaissant dans la fluorescence d'un système de deux atomes, obtenus par photodissociation d'une molécule Ca2 par une impulsion laser.

Étude théorique de propriétés photophysiques et photochimiques de complexes de ruthénium

Göttle, Adrien 19 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, des méthodes de calcul de structures électroniques (DFT et TDDFT) ont été utilisées pour étudier les propriétés photophysiques et photochimiques de complexes polypyridyles de ruthénium (RuII). Deux sujets sont abordés : la photoisomérisation de liaison S → O des ligands sulfoxydes et la photodissociation des ligands thioéthers dans ces complexes. En ce qui concerne la photoisomérisation des ligands sulfoxydes, des informations intéressantes ont été obtenues sur le mécanisme de cette réaction en explorant la surface d'énergie potentielle de l'état excité de plus basse énergie des complexes [Ru(bpy)2OSO]+ et [Ru(bpy)2(DMSO)2]2+. Nous avons montré que les états 3MC peuplés lors de la photoisomérisation ont un rôle crucial puisqu'ils sont responsables de l'élongation de la liaison Ru-S nécessaire à l'isomérisation du groupement sulfoxyde et de la désactivation non radiative de l'état excité. L'étude de la photodissociation du ligand thioéther Hmte dans des complexes du type [Ru(tpy)(L-L)Hmte]2+ où L-L est un ligand bidentate plus ou moins encombré a permis de mettre en évidence la stabilisation des états excités 3MC responsables de la dissociation pour les ligands L-L les plus encombrés.

Studium dynamiky disociace molekul pomocí metody zobrazovaní rychlostních map fragmentů / Investigation of photodissociation dynamics implementing the velocity map imaging technique

Moriová, Kamila January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the effects of change in the chain length and chlorine group position on C-Cl bond photodissociation dynamics of chloroalkanes using the velocity map imaging (VMI) method. Three different chloroalkanes are studied (1-chloropropane, 2-chloropropane, 1-chloropentane) and compared with previously investigated chloromethane. Regardless of the parent chloroalkane, measured kinetic energy distributions (KEDs) of chlorine photofragments exhibit a single peak at energy around 0.8 eV. Photodissociation of higher chloroalkanes involves a recoil of a semi-rigid alkyl fragment, whose internal energy absorbs 40-60% of the total available energy. For chloromethane, however, only less than 10% of the available energy goes into the alkyl fragment excitation. Measured results of the energy partitioning are compared with cal- culations based on classical impulsive models. VMI experiment in combination with theory also yields information about the nature of electronic transition and probability of the intersystem crossing. Analysis indicates that the direct absorp- tion into the triplet state is more probable for the chloroalkanes with longer chain length, especially for the branched one. 1

Roaming Transition States and Highly Accurate Thermochemistry: A PEPICO Study of Two Small Combustion Systems

Covert, Kyle John 01 January 2019 (has links)
Two small combustion systems, methyl hydroperoxide (CH3OOH) and 2-propanol ((CH3)2CHOH), were studied using imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy (iPEPICO), which combines photoelectron spectroscopy and photoionization mass spectrometry to detect coincident photoelectron-photoion pairs. In the photon energy range of 11.4–14.0 eV, energy selected CH3OOH+ ions dissociate into CH2OOH+, HCO+, CH3+, and H3O+ ions. The lowest-energy dissociation channel is the formation of the cation of the smallest “QOOH” radical, CH2OOH+. A statistical rate model fitted to the experimental data yields a 0 K appearance energy of 11.647 ± 0.005 eV for the CH2OOH+ ion, and a 74.2 ± 2.6 kJ mol–1 mixed experimental-theoretical 0 K heat of formation for the CH2OOH radical. The proton affinity of the Criegee intermediate, CH2OO, was also obtained from the heat of formation of CH2OOH+ (792.8 ± 0.9 kJ mol–1) to be 847.7 ± 1.1 kJ mol–1, reducing the uncertainty of the previously available computational value by a factor of 4. RRKM modeling of the higher-energy fragmentation processes, supported by Born–Oppenheimer molecular dynamics simulations, found that the HCO+ fragment ion is produced through a roaming transition state; H3O+ is formed in a consecutive process from the CH2OOH+ fragment ion; and direct C–O fission of the molecular ion leads to the methyl cation. Experimentally, 2-propanol has been found to dissociate primarily into CH2CHOH+, CH3CHOH+, CH3CHCH3+, and, as a minor product, into (CH3)2COH+ ions within a photon energy range of 10.0–13.1eV. There are interesting dissociation dynamics involving breaking the C–¬C bond: the lowest energy product (CH3 loss) is quickly outcompeted by a kinetically favored CH4 loss. At low internal energies of < 0.3 eV, the loss of CH4 dominates through a roaming pathway, when the leaving CH3 abstracts a hydrogen atom from the other methyl group. At higher energy, the direct loss of CH3• quickly takes over as its transition state is much less tight and, thus, it is kinetically favored. The statistical model fitted to the experimental data yielded the appearance energy corresponding to the thermochemical limit for the CH3-loss dissociation and the 0 K heats of formation of the CH3CHOH+ ion was found to be in good agreement with ATcT values and with our previous study on ethanol.

Dynamic Stark Shaping of Molecular Fate / Omformning av molekylära potentialer via den dynamiska Starkeffekten

Berkowicz, Sharon January 2019 (has links)
The dynamic (ac) Stark effect refers to the energy shifting of electronic states induced by an oscillating electric field. Conveniently, the magnitude of the ac Stark shift scales with the square of the electric field amplitude, i.e. with light intensity. Using this fundamental effect to reshape molecular potentials, and steer the course of chemical reactions, is known as dynamic Stark control. The aim of this study was to investigate the dynamic Stark effect on the photodissociation of molecular oxygen (O2) in the Schumann-Runge continuum, SRC (130–175 nm). Absorption in the SRC leads to dissociation via the so-called B state, yielding O(1D) + O(3P), or the J state, forming O(3P) + O(3P). Both of these dissociative excited states may be well-described in terms of mixed valence and Rydberg state character, in which each of the two states are strongly coupled to a Rydberg state of similar symmetry. Due to the mixed character of the B and J states, simulations predict that dynamic Stark shifting of the coupled Rydberg states leads to a dramatic change in dissociation channel branching ratio, as well as a red-shift of the absorption spectrum. This study aimed at experimentally testing this theoretical prediction. A 400-nm femtosecond laser pulse was employed as a combined pump and control field, simultaneously inducing a three-photon transition into the SRC and ac Stark shifting the potentials. A detection scheme to detect the changes in absorption of the B channel with pump pulse intensity was devised and implemented. The chosen detection scheme, in which emission at 762 nm from the O2(b−X) transition is measured, in principle monitors O(1D) from the B channel via an energy transfer reaction. The experimental results overall show consistency between simulations and experiment. The measured 762-nm emission exhibited a pump pulse intensity-dependence that likely reflects the dynamic Stark reshaping of the excited state potentials. However, saturation is clearly present in the data, complicating data interpretation. Furthermore, deviations between experiment and simulations are large at high pulse intensities, indicating that O(1D) is additionally generated by absorption into higher excited states. Finally, structured features that deviate from the simulations at low pulse intensities may possibly be assigned to vibrational resonances to high-lying Rydberg states by four-photon absorption. / Den dynamiska (ac) Starkeffekten beskriver energiskiftet för elektroniska tillstånd som induceras av ett oscillerande elektriskt fält. Storleken på detta skift ökar med kvadraten av den elektriska fältstyrkan, det vill säga med ljusintensitet. Tillämpningen av denna fundamentala effekt i syfte att omforma molekylära potentialer, och därmed styra kemiska reaktioner, kallas för dynamisk Starkkontroll. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur den dynamiska Starkeffekten påverkar den fotoinducerade dissociationen av molekylärt syre (O2) inom Schumann-Runge kontinuumet, SRC (130–175 nm). Absorption i SRC resulterar i dissociation via det så kallade B-tillståndet, som bildar O  (1D) + O(3P), eller via J-tillståndet, som leder till bildandet av O(3P) + O(3P). Båda dessa dissociativa tillstånd har en karaktär som kan beskrivas som en blandning av ett valenstillstånd och ett Rydbergstillstånd.  Simuleringar antyder att, till följd av valens- och Rydbergskaraktären hos B och J-tillståndet, leder dynamisk Starkskiftning av de kopplade Rydbergstillstånden till en dramatisk ändring i det relativa utbytet för de två dissociationskanalerna, samt till ett röd- skift av absorptionsspektrumet. Denna studie hade som ändamål att experimentellt testa denna teoretiska förutsägelse. En femtosekundslaser vid 400 nm användes som kombinerat excitations- och kontrollfält, vilket parallellt inducerar en trefoton-övergång in i SRC och ac Starkskiftar potentialerna. En detektionsmetod som mäter variationer i absorptionen för B-kanalen som funktion av pulsintensitet designades och implementerades. I den valda metoden detekteras emission vid 762 nm från O2(b − X)-övergången, vilket i sin tur ger en mätning av O(1D) som genereras från B- kanalen via en energiöverföringsreaktion. De experimentella resultaten stämmer relativt väl överens med simuleringarna. Den uppmätta emissionen vid 762 nm uppvisar ett intensitetsberoende som i stora drag reflekterar ac Stark- skiftningen av potentialerna. Utöver detta finns dock ett stort bidrag från mättnad, vilket försvårar tolkningen av datan. Vi-dare avviker den experimentella datan betydligt vid höga pulsintensiteter, vilket sannolikt tyder på att O(1D) även genereras genom absorption till högre exciterade tillstånd. Slutligen ob-serveras mindre, men tydliga avvikelser vid låga pulsintensiteter. Dessa kan möjligen tillordnas vibrationsresonanser med högre Rydbergstillstånd genom fyrfoton-absorption. ​

Complexities in Nonadiabatic Dynamics of Small Molecular Anions

Opoku-Agyeman, Bernice 24 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamical study of diatomics: applications to astrochemistry, quantum control and quantum computing / Etude dynamique de molécules diatomiques: applications en astrochimie, en contrôle quantique et en quantum computing

Vranckx, Stéphane 20 August 2014 (has links)
In this work, we theoretically study the properties of diatomic molecular systems, their dynamics, and the control thereof through the use of laser fields. We more specifically study three compounds:<p>1) HeH+, a species of great astrochemical importance which is thought to be the first molecular species to have formed in the universe;<p>2) CO2+, a metastable dication of particular interest in quantum control experiments due to its long-lived lowest vibrational level;<p>3) 41K87Rb, a polar molecule that can be formed at very low temperature and trapped, making it a good candidate for quantum computing schemes.<p>First, we use ab initio methods to compute accurate potential energy curves for the lowest singlet and triplet states of HeH+ as well as the potential energy curves, transition dipole moments and nonadiabatic radial couplings of the ground 3Π state of CO2+ and of its 11 lowest 3Σ- states.<p>In a second step, we use this ab initio data to compute the photodissociation and radiative association cross sections for the a and b 3Σ+ states of HeH+, as well as the values of the corresponding rate constants for astrophysical environments. The photodissociation cross sections from the lowest vibrational level of CO2+ is also determined.<p>Going one step further, we optimize laser control fields that drive the photodissociation dynamics of HeH+ and CO2+ towards specific channels. We compare two field optimization methods: a Møller operator-based Local Control approach and Optimal Control Theory. In both cases, we add a constraint that minimizes the area of the optimized fields.<p>Finally, we focus on one of the potential applications of high-fidelity laser control: the use of small molecular systems as quantum computers. We more specifically study the potential implementation of both intra- and intermolecular logic gates on data encoded in hyperfine states of trapped ultracold polar 41K87Rb molecules, opening interesting perspectives in terms of extensibility.<p>/<p>Dans cette thèse, nous étudions théoriquement les propriétés de molécules diatomiques, leur dynamique de réaction ainsi que le contrôle de cette dynamique à l'aide de champs laser. Notre travail porte plus spécifiquement sur trois espèces :<p>1) HeH+, un composé-clé en astrochimie considéré comme la première espèce moléculaire qui s'est formée dans l'univers ;<p>2) CO2+, un dication métastable qui se prête bien à des expériences de contrôle quantique en raison du relativement long temps de vie de son état vibrationnel le plus bas ;<p>3) 41K87Rb, une molécule polaire qui présente la particularité de pouvoir être formée à très basse température et piégée, ce qui en fait un bon support physique potentiel pour la réalisation d'un ordinateur quantique moléculaire. <p>Nous utilisons tout d'abord des méthodes de calcul ab initio afin d'obtenir les courbes d'énergie potentielle des premiers états singulets et triplets de HeH+ avec un haut de degré de précision, ainsi que les courbes d'énergie potentielle, les moments dipolaires de transition et les couplages non-adiabatiques radiaux de l'état fondamental 3Π de CO2+ et de ses 11 premiers états 3Σ-.<p>Ensuite, nous utilisons ces données ab initio pour calculer les sections efficaces de photodissociation et d'association radiative des états a et b 3Σ+ de HeH+, ainsi que les constantes cinétiques associées à ces processus dans les conditions rencontrées dans des environnements astrophysiques. Les sections efficaces de photodissociation du niveau vibrationnel le plus bas de CO2+ sont également calculées. <p>Nous allons ensuite un cran plus loin en optimisant des champs laser qui guident la dynamique de photodissociation de HeH+ et CO2+ vers des canaux de dissociation spécifiques. Nous comparons deux méthodes d'optimisation de ces champs: une approche de contrôle local basée sur les opérateurs de Møller et la théorie du contrôle optimal. Dans le deux cas, nous incluons une contrainte qui minimise l'aire des champs. <p>Enfin, nous nous concentrons sur l'une des applications possibles du contrôle laser à haute fidélité :l'utilisation de petits systèmes moléculaires comme ordinateurs quantiques. Nous étudions plus spécifiquement l'implémentation possible d'opérations logiques intra- et intermoléculaires sur des données encodées dans des états hyperfins de molécules de 41K87Rb piégées, ce qui ouvre des perspectives intéressantes en terme d'extensibilité. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Photofragment velocity-map imaging of organic molecules

Gardiner, Sara Heather January 2014 (has links)
Photofragment velocity-map imaging (VMI) has generally been employed to investigate the photodissociation dynamics of relatively small molecular systems (< 5 atoms). The work reported in this thesis focuses on the application of this technique for the investigation of the unimolecular photodissociation of larger chemical systems, which are of interest to a broad cross section of the chemical community. Typically, VMI studies involve state-selective detection of one particular fragmentation product, and so are often limited to the investigation of a single dissociation channel. By employing vacuum ultra-violet (VUV) photoionization, we are able to detect most, if not all of the fragments resulting from the dissociation of a neutral species, with ‘universal’ ionization being achieved in the ideal case when the fragment ionization energies are all lower than the VUV photon energy. This capability becomes particularly important when investigating larger systems, since these often display complex dynamics with multiple competing fragmentation pathways. Our approach allows us to investigate the different photofragmentation processes occurring for a particular system, to evaluate the relative importance of the active dissociation channels, and to gain insight into the energy partitioning amongst the fragments. A study of the UV photodissociation of two neutral alkyl iodide molecules demonstrates the first use in our laboratory of ‘universal’ ionization in combination with VMI. Studies into the photofragmentation processes resulting from 193 nm photoexcitation of neutral N,N-dimethylformamide, a small-molecule model for a peptide bond, and a number of neutral cyclic alkenes, which undergo the retro-Diels-Alder reaction, are also presented. The remaining studies presented in this thesis have investigated the photofragmentation processes of ionic species, generated by means of VUV photoionization. In the case of ion dissociation each fragmentation channel necessarily produces one charged species, which may be detected using the VMI technique. Therefore, such studies provide an insight into all of the active channels. An in-depth VMI study of the UV photodissociation of two ethyl halide cations is presented, which demonstrates the successful investigation of the multiple photofragmentation pathways of these ionic species. The remainder of the cation photodissociation studies are of relevance to a number of common processes known to occur in mass spectrometry, including the McLafferty rearrangement, the retro-Diels-Alder reaction, and ‘peptide’ bond fragmentation. By velocity-map imaging the products of these reactions, further information is obtained concerning these dissociation processes, which are no doubt of interest to the wider chemical community. This work forms part of the velocity-map imaging mass spectrometry (VMImMS) project. VMImMS involves imaging each of the fragmentation products that result from dissociation of a parent molecule of interest, with the aim of increasing the amount of information that can be obtained from a mass-spectrometry-type experiment. The work presented in this thesis demonstrates that VMImMS allows us to unravel details of the dissociation dynamics of both neutral and ionic species, and is potentially a powerful technique for investigating the fragmentation processes of increasingly complex systems.

Novel probes of angular momentum polarization

Chang, Yuan-Pin January 2010 (has links)
New dynamical applications of quantum beat spectroscopy (QBS) to molecular dynamics are employed to probe the angular momentum polarization effects in photodissociation and molecular collisions. The magnitude and the dynamical behaviour of angular momentum alignment and orientation, two types of polarization, can be measured via QBS technique on a shot-by-shot basis. The first part of this thesis describes the experimental studies of collisional angular momentum depolarization for the electronically excited state radicals in the presence of the collider partners. Depolarization accompanies both inelastic collisions, giving rise to rotational energy transfer (RET), and elastic collisions. Experimental results also have a fairly good agreement with the results of quasi-classical trajectory scattering calculations. Chapter 1 provides the brief theories about the application of the QBS technique and collisional depolarization. Chapter 2 describes the method and instrumentation employed in the experiments of this work. In Chapter 3, the QBS technique is used to measure the total elastic plus elastic depolarization rate constants under thermal conditions for NO(A,v=0) in the presence of He, Ar, N2, and O2. In the case of NO(A) with Ar, and particularly with He, collisional depolarization is significantly smaller than RET, reflecting the weak long-range forces in these systems. In the case of NO(A)+N2/O2, collisional depolarization and RET are comparable, reflecting the relatively strong long-range forces in these systems. In Chapter 4, the QBS technique is used to measure the elastic and inelastic depolarization and total RET rate constants for OH(A,v=0) under thermal conditions in the presence of He and Ar, as well as the total depolarization rate constants under superthermal conditions. In the case of OH(A)+He, elastic depolarization is sensitive to the N rotational state, and inelastic depolarization is strongly dependent on the collision energy. In the case of OH(A)+Ar, elastic depolarization is insensitive to N, and inelastic depolarization is less sensitive to the collision energy, reflecting that the relatively strong long-range force in OH(A)+Ar system. The second part of this thesis describes the experimental studies of photodissociation under thermal conditions. Chapter 5 provides a brief introduction about several polarization parameter formalisms used for photodissociation, and the incorporation of the QBS technique to measure these polarization parameters. In this thesis, most polarization parameters of the molecular photofragments are measured using the LIF method, and the QBS technique is used as a complementary tool to probe these polarization parameters. In Chapter 6, rotational orientation in the OH(X,v=0) photofragments from H2O2 photodissociation using circularly polarized light at 193 nm is observed. Although H2O2 can be excited to both the A and B electronic states by 193 nm, the observed orientation is only related to the A state dynamics. A proposed mechanism about the coupling between a polarized photon and the H2O2 parent rotation is simulated, and the good agreement between the experimental and simulation results further confirms the validity of this mechanism. In Chapter 7, rotational orientation in the NO(X,v) photofragments from NO2 photodissociation using circularly polarized light at 306 nm (v=0,1,2) and at 355 nm (v=0,1) is observed. Two possible mechanisms, the parent molecular rotation and the coherent effect between multiple electronic states, are discussed. NOCl is photodissociated using circularly polarized light at 306 nm, and NO(X,v) rotational distributions (v=0,1) and rotational orientation (v=0) are measured. For the case of NOCl, the generation of orientation is attributed to the coherent effect.

Single-photon multiple ionisation of atoms and molecules investigated by coincidence spectroscopy : Site-specific effects in acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide

Zagorodskikh, Sergey January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, multiple ionisation processes of free atoms and molecules upon single photon absorption are studied by means of a versatile multi-electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy method based on a magnetic bottle, primarily in combination with synchrotron radiation. The latter offered the possibility to access not only valence but also core levels, revealing processes, which promote the target systems into different charge states. One study focuses on double and triple ionisation processes of acetaldehyde (ethanal) in the valence region as well as single and double Auger decay of initial 1s core vacancies. The latter are investigated site-selectively for the two chemically different carbon atoms of acetaldehyde, scrutinising theoretical predictions specifically made for that system. A related study concentrates on core-valence double ionisation spectra of acetaldehyde, which have been investigated in the light of a previously established empirical model, and which have been used as test cases for analysing this kind of spectra by means of quantum chemical electronic structure methods of increasing sophistication. A third study investigates site-specific fragmentation upon 1s photoionisation of acetaldehyde using a magnetic bottle augmented with an in-line ion time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Experimental evidence is presented that bond rupture occurs with highest probability in the vicinity of the initial charge localisation and possible mechanisms are discussed. A site-specificity parameter P∆ is introduced to show that differences in fragmentation behavior between initial ionisations at chemically different carbon atoms probably persist even for identical internal energy contents in the nascent dications. In another study where both electrons and ions from Auger decay of core-excited and core-ionised states of CO2 are detected in coincidence, it is confirmed that O2+ is formed specifically in Auger decay from the C1s → π* and O1s → π* resonances, suggesting a decisive role of the π* orbital in the molecular rearrangement. Also, the molecular rearrangement is found to occur by bending in the resonant states, and O2+ is produced by both single and double Auger decay. A new version of the multi-electron-ion coincidence method, where the ion time-of-flight spectrometer is mounted perpendicularly to the electron flight tube, which affects less the electron resolution and which allows for position sensitive detection of the ions, is employed in combination with tunable soft X-rays to reveal the branching ratios to final Xen+ states with 2 &lt; n &lt; 9 from pure 4d-1, 4p-1, 4s-1, 3d-1 and 3p-1 Xe+ hole states. The coincident electron spectra give information on the Auger cascade pathways. / <p>Byte av lokal vid disputation till Polhemssalen.</p>

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