Spelling suggestions: "subject:"photopolymerization"" "subject:"photopolymerizations""
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"Avaliação in vitro e in vivo da resina composta pré-aquecida em relação à cinética de polimerização / In vitro and in vivo appraisal of pre-heated resin composite with relation to polymerization kineticsDaronch, Márcia 04 July 2005 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi investigar múltiplos aspectos relacionados ao pré-aquecimento da resina composta anterior à fotoativação: o grau de conversão e a cinética da polimerização em função da temperatura de polimerização, tempo de fotoativação e profundidade; o desempenho da fonte aquecedora (temperatura máxima, estabilidade térmica do aparelho e variações de temperatura ao pré-aquecer compules) e aspectos clínicos (o efeito de ciclos de pré-aquecimento repetidos e prolongados sobre o grau de conversão, a variação da temperatura intrapulpar in vitro e a variação da temperatura in vivo ao usar resina composta pré-aquecida ou a temperatura ambiente. A conversão de monômeros e os parâmetros de cinética foram determinados através de FTIR-ATR. Os espécimes foram fotoativados por 5, 10, 20 ou 40s entre 3 o e 60 o C. Foram calculados o grau de conversão em tempo real, a taxa máxima de conversão, o tempo em que ocorreu a taxa máxima, e a conversão na taxa máxima. Os dados foram tratados por análise de variância, teste-t e análise de regressão (p ≤0,05). O desempenho do dispositivo aquecedor foi medido monitorando-se a mudança de temperatura em tempo real com o auxílio de um termopar tipo-k conectado a um conversor analógico-digital. Os termopares foram colocados no aquecedor e dentro de compules de compósito. Os dados foram analisados com teste t (p ≤0,05). Compules (n=5) foram submetidos a um dos ciclos térmicos: Pré-aquecimento repetido (da temperatura ambiente a 60 o C, por 10 vezes) ou Prolongado (24h a 60 o C). O grau de conversão foi medido 24h após os ciclos, com o compósito à temperatura ambiente, seguindo o protocolo descrito acima. Os dados foram tratados por análise de variância e teste de Tukey (p≤0,05). O aumento da temperatura intrapulpar foi medido por um termopar colocado na câmara pulpar de um prémolar contendo uma cavidade de Classe V (com 1mm de espessura de dentina remanescente). O preparo foi preenchido com compósito à temperatura ambiente ou pré-aquecido enquanto a temperatura intrapulpar era continuamente monitorada (n=5). Os dados foram comparados por análise de variância e teste de Tukey (p ≤0,05). Para a medida da variação de temperatura in vivo, foram feitos preparos cavitários de 2mm de profundidade em dentes posteriores de um indivíduo (n=3). Uma sonda que mensurava a temperatura foi introduzida no dente preparado em cada procedimento restaurador e durante a inserção da resina composta à temperatura ambiente ou pré-aquecida a 60°C. Os dados foram comparados com análise de variância e teste de Tukey (p ≤0,05). Os resultados indicaram que: 1) o pré-aquecimento da resina composta anterior à fotoativação aumenta o grau de conversão, reduz o tempo de fotoativação e resulta em maior taxa de conversão, sem alterar o tempo em que a taxa máxima ocorre; 2) tanto o dispositivo aquecedor quanto os compules atingiram temperaturas inferiores das determinadas pelo fabricante; ao remover o compósito do aquecedor a perda de calor é acentuada ; 3) o grau de conversão não foi afetado por ciclos repetidos e prolongados de pré-aquecimento da resina composta; 4) não houve aumento da temperatura intrapulpar ao serem comparadas as resinas composta à temperatura ambiente e pré-aquecida; 5) a medida da temperatura in vivo revelou que o compósito pré-aquecido a 60 o C fica somente 8 o C acima da temperatura intrabucal; a técnica de pré-aquecimento deve ser usada com cautela. / This work examined multiple aspects of pre-heating dental resin composite prior to light-curing: the monomer conversion and polymerization kinetics as a function of cure temperature, light-exposure duration and depth; the performance of the heating device (maximum temperature, thermal stability of device and temperature change when pre-heating compules); and clinically relevant issues (the effect of repeated and extended pre-heating cycles on conversion; in vitro intrapulpal temperature change and in vivo temperature change when using either room-temperature or pre-heated composite). Monomer conversion and kinetic parameters were determined using FTIR-ATR. Specimens were cured for 5, 10, 20 or 40s between 3 o and 60 o C. Real-time monomer conversion, maximum conversion rate, time into exposure when maximum rate occurred, and conversion at maximum rate were calculated. Data were analyzed using regression analysis, Student's t-tests, and ANOVA with appropriate post-hoc tests (alpha = 0.05). Performance of the heating device was measured by monitoring the real-time temperature change with a K-type thermocouple connected to an analog-to-digital converter. Thermocouples were placed both in the heater and inside composite compules. Data were analyzed using Student t-test (alpha = 0.05). Compules (n=5) were submitted to one of the temperatures cycles: Repeated (from room temperature to 60 o C, 10 times) or Extended pre-heating (24h at 60 o C). Monomer conversion was measured 24h after cycling, with composite at room temperature, following the protocol described above. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and the Tukey-Kramer post-hoc test (alpha = 0.05). Intrapulpal temperature rise was measured by placing a K-type thermocouple in the pulp chamber of a extracted, human premolar, which had a Class V preparation (1mm remaining dentin thickness). The preparation was filled using composite either at room-temperature, or pre-heated while continuously monitoring intrapulpal temperature (n=5). Data were compared using ANOVA and the Tukey-Kramer post-hoc test (α =0.05). For measurement of temperature change in vivo, 2mm deep preparations were made on posterior teeth of a live human subject (n=3). Temperature values were recorded by placing a custom-made probe on the tooth preparation after each restorative procedure and during insertion of resin-composite at room temperature or pre-heated to 60°C. Data were compared using a 2-way ANOVA, and Tukey-Kramer post-hoc test (α =0.05). Results indicated that: 1) pre-warming composite prior to polymerization results in greater conversion, requires shorter exposure duration, and enhances maximal rate of conversion without changing the time into the exposure when the maximum rate occurs; 2) either the heating device or the compules achieved lower temperatures than those stated by the manufacturer; composite temperature loss upon removal from the heater was dramatic; 3) neither repeated nor extended pre-heating of composites significantly affected monomer conversion values; 4) no increase in intrapulpal temperature values was observed when comparing room temperature and pre-heated composite; 5) temperature measurement in vivo revealed that composite pre-heated to 60°C attains only 8 o C above intraoral temperature upon delivery; thus, the composite pre-heating technique should be used with caution.
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Avaliação da formação e degradação de filmes de vernizes curados por radiação ultravioleta e feixe de elétrons e expostos ao envelhecimento acelerado / Evaluation of parameters associated with UV/EB cured clearcoats degradation used in outdoor environmentRuiz, Carmen Silvia Bentivoglio 24 June 2003 (has links)
Os revestimentos curáveis por radiação ultravioleta (UV) ou feixe de elétrons (EB) são sistemas líquidos reativos compostos por resinas, diluentes (monômero) e aditivos, capazes de formar compostos poliméricos termorrígidos por reações de polimerização e reticulação induzidas por radiação. Esta tecnologia tem sido empregada como alternativa aos processos convencionais no desenvolvimento de uma variada gama de produtos. Um dos grandes desafios da aplicação da tecnologia de cura UV/EB em produtos a serem submetidos ao intemperismo é a manutenção de suas propriedades físicas e de sua aparência. Este trabalho apresenta informações sobre o comportamento de quatro vernizes com e sem aditivos estabilizantes à luz-curados por radiação UV ou EB quando submetidos ao processo de envelhecimento acelerado. Os vernizes foram caracterizados por técnicas termoanalíticas como termogravimetria (TG), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e fotocalorimetria diferencial (foto-DSC); espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho e no ultravioleta, e propriedades mecânicas. Os vernizes sob a forma de filmes de 50 µm de espessura foram curados com diferentes doses de radiação UV ou EB. A cura por radiação UV foi conduzida em túnel de luz, provido de uma lâmpada de mercúrio de média pressão e esteira rolante com velocidade variável. As diferentes doses de radiação UV de 50 a 1500 mJ cm-2 foram obtidas variando-se a velocidade da esteira. A cura por EB foi realizada utilizando-se acelerador de elétrons de energia de 1,5 MeV, sob atmosfera de nitrogênio, aplicando-se doses no intervalo de 1,6 a 300 kGy. O grau de cura dos diferentes filmes foi calculado por meio dos valores das entalpias de reação da cura residual obtidos por DSC. Os testes de envelhecimento acelerado dos filmes curados foram feitos em câmara de envelhecimento do tipo Weather-Ometer por períodos de exposição de 100 a 3000 horas. Os dados obtidos experimentalmente foram avaliados em função da composição dos vernizes, da dose e do tipo de radiação empregada na cura e do tempo de permanência na câmara de envelhecimento. Os resultados indicam que os filmes curados por EB apresentam maior durabilidade frente ao intemperismo do que os seus pares curados por radiação UV. Os filmes não estabilizados (sem aditivos) apresentam grande instabilidade nas condições do teste de envelhecimento. O efeito do envelhecimento foi observado por meio de dados de dureza, brilho, rugosidade, índice de amarelecimento e alteração das bandas de absorção dos espectros FTIR. / The materials curable by ultraviolet (UV) or electron beam (EB) radiation such as inks, adhesives and coatings are reactive compounds made up of resin, monomer, photoinitiator and additives which undergo polymerization and crosslinking under irradiation producing thermoset products. This technology has been used in a great variety of industrial applications, replacing the conventional curing process in the development of new products. One of the challenging applications has been to design weatherable radiation cured coating which maintain their desirable physical properties and aesthetic appearance. This research reports information about the behavior of four UV and EB curable clear coatings -with or without light stabilizer additives- under accelerated weathering. Thermogravinietry, differential scanning calorimetry, differential photocalorimetry, infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy and tensile properties were used to evaluate these formulations. Clear coating 50 µm thick films were cured with UV and EB radiation at different doses. The UV curing process was carried out at room temperature using an UV tunnel, with a medium pressure mercury lamp and a transport belt with variable speed. The ultraviolet radiation doses were in the range of 50 to 1500 mJ cm-2. The EB curing process was performed under N2 atmosphere, with doses in the range from 1,6 to 300 kGy using the IPEN-CNEN/SP Dynamitron electron beam accelerator with energy of 1.5 MeV. The cure degree was determined by means of the residual reaction heat of the undercured samples obtained from photo-DSC or DSC measurements. The accelerated aging tests were carried out using a Weather-Ometer chamber with exposition times in the range of 100 to 3000 hours. The experimental data obtained from the photo-aged samples were evaluated and correlated to the formulation composition, type of radiation - UV or EB, radiation dose and residence time in the aging chamber. The results have shown that the EB cured films have a better resistance to photoinduced weathering effects than UV cured ones. UV/EB films with light stabilizers have shown larger stability than those counterparts with no additives. The aging effects were evaluated by parameters such as hardness, gloss, surface roughness, yellowness index and changes in the FTIR absorption bands.
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Síntese e caracterização de nanopartículas núcleo-casca de poliestireno e polimetacrilato de metila obtidas por polimerização em emulsão sem emulsificante e fotoiniciada. / Synthesis and characterization of core-shell nanoparticles of polystyrene and poly(methyl metacrylate) obtained by emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization and photopolymerization.Carranza Oropeza, María Verónica 19 September 2011 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi sintetizar e caracterizar nanopartículas de poliestireno e polimetacrilato de metila com morfologia núcleo-casca obtidas através da polimerização em emulsão sem emulsificante em dois estágios e através da fotopolimerização. Nos experimentos avaliou-se a influência de diferentes condições operacionais baseadas em fatores cinéticos sobre os dois estágios da polimerização. As condições avaliadas para o primeiro estágio de preparação de núcleos foram: a temperatura do processo, a concentração de iniciador e de monômero, e o efeito de agentes modificadores de superfície (sal, co-monômero e reticulante). Para o segundo estágio de formação da casca as condições avaliadas foram: a concentração e o regime de alimentação de monômero. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que uma relação de co-monômero e reticulante é a melhor alternativa para preparar núcleos estáveis e de diâmetros pequenos. Assim, o revestimento uniforme dos núcleos é obtido no segundo estágio e com isso a morfologia núcleo-casca em equilíbrio é alcançada. Dois sistemas experimentais (reator convencional e reator fotoquímico) foram propostos e avaliados na sua eficiência para obter partículas com este tipo de morfologia no segundo estágio (formação do revestimento). As diversas técnicas de caracterização indicaram a formação de morfologia núcleo-casca na maioria dos casos estudados para os dois sistemas propostos. Por sua vez, as técnicas espectroscópicas (NIR e Raman) permitiram o monitoramento do processo em tempo real e a elaboração de modelos de calibração que correlacionaram o crescimento do tamanho da partícula núcleo. Da mesma forma, os fatores termodinâmicos foram estudados para predizer a morfologia final esperada nos sistemas. Os resultados, experimental e predito são comparados e discutidos em termos de aspectos chave envolvidos no controle da morfologia da partícula. / This work aimed at studying the synthesis and characterization of core-shell nanoparticles of polystyrene and polymethylmethacrylate obtained in a two-stage emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization and photopolymerization. The influence of different operational conditions based on kinetic factors was experimentally evaluated. In the first stage (seed preparation) the process temperature, initiator and monomer concentrations and the effect of surface-modifier agents (acids, salts, co-monomers and crosslinker) were investigated; similarly in the second stage, the concentration and feeding regime of monomer were evaluated with respect to the shell formation. Experimental results showed that both, crosslinker and co-monomer are the best alternative to achieve a stable seed with small diameter; hence, with this core, uniform coating is obtained in the second stage and core-shell morphology is reached. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the preparation of core-shell particles, two experimental systems (conventional and photochemical reactor) were studied. Different characterization techniques indicated that in most of the cases studied particles with the desired core-shell morphology were formed. The use of spectroscopic techniques NIR and Raman were tested for the real-time monitoring of the process using adequate calibration models developed to correlate the average size of the growing core particle with the spectra. In the same way, thermodynamic factors were used to predict the expected final morphology of the particles. Experimental and predicted results were compared and discussed in terms of the key aspects involved in the control of the particle morphology.
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Bioconjugation of RGD peptides on injectable PEGDMA for enhancing biocompatibilityThorendal, Victor January 2019 (has links)
A cerebral aneurysm is a weakened area of an artery in the brain, creating an abnormal expansion. Recent research for treatment is utilizing a photopolymerizable hydrogel as a possible operation for injection in situ. This paper aimed to achieve bioconjugation of peptides on a PEGDMA polymer network (using the photoinitiator PEG-BAPO) to form a biocompatible photopolymerizable hydrogel, without compromise to any of its mechanical attributes. Achieving cell adhesion to the hydrogel surface is a critical requirement as that could drive the growth of endothelium between aneurysm and artery, to considerably enhance its sustainability and decrease the risk of inflammation. The hydrogel was synthesized by functionalizing RGD with a PEG-spacer and co-polymerize it with PEGDMA using UV-radiation to create an intertwined cross-linking network. Samples of various peptide concentrations were studied in cell culture to analyze cell adhesion, followed by mechanical tests to identify possible deviations. A subsequent study was established to create a dynamic prototype as a quantifiable replication of a hydrogel inside an aneurysm in vivo. The model was designed in SolidWorks and connected with an Ibidi sticky-Slide to roughly replicate a cerebral aneurysm connected to an artery with space to introduce a hydrogel sample.
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Photoinduced n-alkylsilsesquioxane based hybrid films : peering into corrosion protection and self-assembly / Films hybrides n-alkylsilsesquioxane par voie sol-gel photoinduite : propriétés anti-corrosion et auto-assemblageNi, Lingli 23 November 2012 (has links)
Les composés hybrides organiques-inorganiques représentent une classe intéressante de matériaux dotés d'un très large éventail d'applications potentielles dans les revêtements protecteurs, les micro-optiques, conducteurs ioniques, membrane échangeuse de protons etc. Depuis le début des années 1990, le développement de la chimie sol-gel, dite «Chimie Douce», a donné naissance à une nouvelle ère de matériaux hybrides, où des conditions douces de synthèse ont permis un accès simplifié aux matériaux nanocomposites. Parmi les divers précurseurs sol-gel, des organoalkoxysilanes sont très attractifs en raison de leur stabilité, leur faible toxicité et de leur accessibilité. Mais l'insolubilité de ces précurseurs a jusqu'à présent limité leur utilisation dans un procédé sol-gel conventionnel.L'essentiel de la chimie détaillée dans cette thèse porte sur la formation de films hybrides à partir de n-alkylsilanes. Tout d'abord, la partie linéaire et alkyle hydrophobe peut fournir des propriétés barrières à la pénétration de l'eau et des ions, ce qui est un élément clé dans la protection contre la corrosion de substrats métalliques. Deuxièmement, les alkylsilanes possèdent la géométrie et la composition appropriée à un auto-assemblage pour générer des nanostructures périodiquement ordonnées. Récemment, la recherche menée dans le LPIM à Mulhouse démontré le potentiel d’une photopolymérisation inorganique sans solvant. Basée sur la photogénération de superacides par photolyse de sels d'onium qui sont photoamorceurs cationiques classiques, cette voie offre une chance pour étudier l’aptitude de film à base d’alkylsilanes pour la protection des métaux (Partie I) et l'assemblage supramoléculaire (Partie II). / Hybrid organic-inorganic materials have attracted tremendous attention due to their wide range of potential applications in protective coatings, micro-optics, ionic conductors, proton-exchange membrane and so on. Since the early 1990s, the development of sol-gel chemistry (“Chimie Douce”) has given birth to a new age of hybrid materials, where mild synthetic conditions allowed a simplified access to well dispersed and chemically designed nanocomposite materials. Among various sol-gel precursors, organo alkoxysilanes are very attractive because of their superior stability compared to other hybrid precursors, low toxicity and accessibility. However, their insolubility in polar solvents and water has so far limited their use in conventional classic hydrolytic sol-gel procedure.In this thesis, the combination of a UV-driven solvent-free sol-gel process simultaneously to organic photopolymerization has been introduced to form hybrid films based on simple n-alkylsilane building blocks. Based on the photogeneration of superacids under photolysis of onium salts that are conventional photoinitiators, this pathway offers a new chance to investigate alkylsilanes in metal corrosion protection (Part I) and supramolecular assembly (Part II). As the linear and hydrophobic alkyl moiety can provide barrier-properties to the penetration of water and ions, which is a key feature in the corrosion protection of metallic substrates, in part I, the effect of alkyl chain structure of the alkylsilanes as well as their proportions on the corrosion resistance properties has been studied by Salt spray tests and Electron impendence spectroscopy. Furthermore, an effort to correlate the corrosion resistance and coating structure was made as a range of characterization techniques have been implemented (Real time FTIR, 29Si solid state NMR and contact angle measurement). Secondly, alkylsilanes have the proper geometry and composition to self-assemble and generate periodically ordered nanostructures. In part II, the influence on the mesostructure, alkyl chain packing arrangement and its conformational order, which come from alkyl chain length of the silane precursors and the experimental conditions (light intensity, temperature and humidity), has been investigated depending on various characterization techniques (X ray diffraction, microscope, solid state NMR, RT-FTIR). As an application example, a patterned 3D multilayer crystalline organosilica film has been amplified via a facile photopattrerning pathway.
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Sol-gel photopolymerization of inorganic precursors and application for mesoporous silica films elaboration / Etude de la photopolymerisation sol-gel de precurseurs inorganiques et application pour l'élaboration de films de silice mésoporeuseDe Paz-Simon, Héloise 21 October 2013 (has links)
Alors que le procédé sol-gel a été fortement étudié il existe peu d’études concernant le procédé sol-gel photoinduit. Le principe repose sur la libération in situ d’espèces acides ou basiques photogénérées capables d’amorcer les réactions d’hydrolyse et de condensation caractéristiques du procédé sol-gel. L’alternative photoinduite est particulièrement adaptée pour préparer des films minces et possède de nombreux avantages tel qu’une formulation de départ stable, sans solvant et photolatente ainsi que des vitesses de réactions plus importantes. À partir de précurseurs inorganiques simples, nous avons dans un premier temps réalisé une étude mécanistique et cinétique de ce procédé en catalyse acide. Puis l’influence de différents paramètres physiques, chimiques et photochimiques sur les vitesses de réactions a été évaluée. Une comparaison avec un système similaire en catalyse basique a aussi été réalisée.Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à appliquer ce procédé photoinduit pour la préparation de films de silice mésoporeuse. Un tensioactif de type copolymère tribloc a été ajouté au précurseur inorganique de départ. La faisabilité d’une approche photochimique à partir de formulation sans eau ni solvant a d’abord été étudiée, des films mésoporeux ont été obtenus. Puis, nous nous sommes intéressés à la compréhension des 2 mécanismes interdépendants : le mécanisme d’assemblage du tensioactif et la condensation du réseau inorganique. Par la suite, le système a été optimisé pour aboutir à un contrôle précis de la structure et de la taille des pores. Enfin, une dernière étape a consisté à éliminer la partie organique (pour libérer la porosité) grâce à l’UV. / Whereas sol-gel process has been extensively studied almost no papers concerning photoinduced sol-gel process subsists. This later is based on in situ generation of acids or basics species able of initiating hydrolysis and condensation reactions happening on sol-gel process. This photoinduced alternative is particularly adapted for preparation of thin films and has lots of advantages such as photolatent, stable, solvent and water free initial formulation along with faster reaction rates. In one hand, from simple inorganic precursors, a kinetic and mechanistic study of the photoacid-catalyzed sol-gel reactions was realized. Then, we attempt to define what chemical, physical and photochemical parameters determine the precise sequence, kinetics and advancement of these reactions under different processing conditions Furthermore, an equivalent photobase-catalyzed sol-gel process has been also studied thoroughly. In a second hand, we focus on application of this photoinduced process for the preparation of mesoporous silica films. A triblock copolymer surfactant was added to the initial inorganic precursor. Feasibility of this photochemical approach from water and solvent free formulation was first investigated and mesoporous films were obtained. Then, we work on understanding the two interdependent mechanisms: surfactant self-assembly and inorganic network condensation. The system was after that optimized in order to have a precise control of pore size and structure. Finally, the last point involves organic photodegradation in order to liberate porosity.
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Photopolymérisation radicalaire contrôlée pour la micro-nanostructuration de polymères fonctionnels / Controlled radical photopolymerization for micro-nanostructured functional polymersTelitel, Siham 07 October 2015 (has links)
La fabrication de surfaces polymères complexes avec des chimies et des topographies contrôlées à l’échelle micro et nanométrique est en pleine expansion en raison de la large gamme d'applications. Une nouvelle méthode prometteuse consiste à utiliser la photopolymérisation radicalaire contrôlée par les nitroxydes (NMP2) qui exploite une alcoxyamine photosensible (AA).Pour démontrer le potentiel de fabrication de surfaces de polymères complexes, un film de polymère a d'abord été formé en irradiant avec une formulation contenant un mélange de monomère acrylique et l’alcoxyamine. Ensuite, le dépôt d'un second monomère acrylique sur ce film durci peut redémarrer une nouvelle réaction de photopolymérisation du fait de la présence d'alcoxyamines à la surface. Les radicaux peuvent être réactivés par exposition aux lampes UV et permettent de commencer un nouveau procédé de polymérisation. Une autre alternative est d'utiliser l’écriture directe par laser pour produire des structures en 2D ou 2.5D de polymère, en déplaçant le faisceau laser sur la surface de l'échantillon.Un soin particulier a été axé sur l'impact de paramètres photoniques et chimiques sur le processus de repolymérisation. Les mécanismes moléculaires qui régissent la repolymérisation pourraient être déduits de cette étude.Certaines applications montrent le potentiel de l'alcoxyamine pour générer des surfaces hydrophiles / hydrophobes ou fluorescentes pour des applications avancées. / The fabrication of complex polymer surfaces with controled chemistry and topography at the micro and nanoscale has drawn a huge attention during the last years due to the wide range of applications. A promising new method consists in using the nitroxide mediated photopolymerization (NMP2). this method exploits a photosensitive alkoxyamine (AA) that creates latent reactive radical species.To demonstrate the potential for fabrication of complex polymer surfaces, a polymer film was first formed by irradiating with a formulation containing a mixture of acrylic monomer and alkoxyamine. Then, depositing a second acrylic monomer over this cured film can reboot a new photopolymerization reaction due to the presence of alkoxyamines at the surface. The radicals can be reactivated by exposure to UV and start a new polymerization process. Another alternative is to use UV-laser direct writing to produce 2D or 2.5D polymer structure by displacing the laser beam at the surface of the sample.A special care was focused on investigating the impact of photonic and chemical parameters on the extend of the repolymerization process. The molecular mechanisms governing the repolymerization could be deduced from this study.Some applications are provided showing the potential of the alkoxyamine for generating hydrophilic/hydrophobic or fluorescent surfaces for advanced applications.
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Enregistrement et analyses physico-chimiques de réseaux dans des matériaux composites polymères-points quantiquesBarichard, Anne 05 July 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a été consacré à la photostructuration d’une matrice polymère de type acrylate contenant des points quantiques CdSe/ZnS (QDs) par l’enregistrement de réseaux. La diffusion photoinduite des nanocristaux semi-conducteurs a tout d’abord été mise en évidence par l’utilisation d’un montage permettant d’irradier sur une seule ligne, et par l’émission de fluorescence des QDs utilisée ici comme sonde de déplacement. Ensuite, pour comprendre l’augmentation de la modulation d’indice de réfraction, et par conséquent du rendement de diffraction des réseaux enregistrés dans ces matériaux composites, nous avons mis en place une approche physico-chimique. Celle-ci nous a permis de corréler les modifications chimiques et les propriétés physiques du réseau. En effet, nous avons montré que l’ajout de points quantiques influence la cinétique de polymérisation ; la vitesse de consommation du photosensibilisateur et de conversion des monomères diminuent. Cette diminution permet une meilleure diffusion des espèces au sein de la matrice. Donc, le ralentissement de la cinétique de photopolymérisation et la répartition spatiale des QDs contribuent à un accroissement de la modulation d’indice de réfraction des réseaux enregistrés. / This work is devoted to the photostructuration of an acrylate polymer matrix with dispersed CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) upon grating exposure. The photo-induced diffusion of semiconductor nanocrystals is proved by the use of a "one line irradiation" set up and by the emission of the QDs fluorescence, used here as a probe of displacement. Then, in order to understand the increase of the refractive index modulation, and so, of the diffraction efficiency of the recorded patterns in the composite materials, we apply a physico-chemical approach. This one allows correlating the chemical modifications to the physical properties of the gratings. Indeed, we show that the addition of QDs influences the kinetics of polymerization ; the rate of the photo-initiator consumption, and that of the monomer conversion decrease. This decrease favors the diffusion ofthe species inside the matrix. Therefore, the slowing down of the kinetics of the photopolymerization and the spatial distribution of QDs contribute to the enhancement of the refractive index modulation of the recorded gratings.
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Elaboration et durabilité de matériaux composites à base acrylate et de points quantiques de ZnOGoourey, Georgia 15 July 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a été dans un premier temps consacré à l’influence des points quantiques (QDs) de ZnO de taille 5 nm, synthétisés par voie sol-gel sur les propriétés physiques et physico-chimiques des réseaux enregistrés par holographie dans des photopolymères de type acrylate. L’amorceur, ici la camphorquinone, étant un élément clé de la photopolymérisation, une double approche expérimentale/théorique a permis de comprendre ses modifications photochimiques en fonction de la composition du système photosensible. L’introduction de 1 % en masse des QDs améliore les propriétés physiques des matériaux photostructurés (augmentation du rendement de diffraction due à la répartition spatiale des QDs) sans modifier la cinétique de polymérisation. Dans un deuxième temps, l’influence des QDs sur la durabilité des matériaux sous irradiation à λ 300 nm a été examinée. L’exposition des polymères purs et dopés entraîne des modifications chimiques de la matrice polymère et le dégagement de gaz. Cependant, la présence de QDs de ZnO (1 % en masse) a un effet photocatalytique sur la durabilité du matériau. Cet effet implique la contribution de l’électron et du trou photogénérés au mécanisme de dégradation, conduisant à une extinction partielle de la fluorescence des QDs. Il est d’autant plus important que le taux de QDs augmente dans le milieu et souligne le rôle de l’interface polymère/nanoparticule. En revanche, l’introduction de 1 % de nanocristaux semi-conducteurs de ZnO (taille 10-30 nm) entraîne une stabilisation de la matrice qui traduit un effet photoprotecteur inattendu de ces nanoparticules. / This work was first devoted to the influence of ZnO quantum dots (QDs) with 5 nm diameter, synthesized by sol-gel method on the physical and physico-chemical properties of the gratings recorded in acrylate photopolymers by holography. Since the photosensitizer (in our study camphorquinone) is a key element in the photopolymerization process, a double experimental/theoretical approach was applied to understand its photochemical modifications as a function of the content of the photosensitive system. The introduction of 1 wt % of Qds improves the physical properties of the photo-patterned materials (increase of the diffraction efficiency due to the spatial distribution of QDs) without modifying the kinetics of polymerization. Secondly, the influence of QDs on the durability of materials under irradiation at λ 300 nm was investigated. The exposure of pure and doped polymers leads to the chemical modifications of the polymer matrix and the release of gas. However, ZnO QDs (1 wt % loading) negatively influenced the durability by their photocatalytic effect. This effect points out the contribution of the photo-generated charge carriers to the mechanism of degradation, leading to a partial quenching of the fluorescence of QDs. It also increases with increasing QDs content and underlines the role of the polymer/nanoparticule interface. On the contrary, the presence of 1 wt % of semi-conductor nanocrystals of ZnO (size 10-30 nm) induces a stabilization of the matrix. This reveals an unexpected photo-protective effect of these nanoparticules.
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Organisation multi-échelle de matériaux polymères contrôlée par la chimie aux interfaces / Multi-scale organization of polymer materials controlled by chemistry at the interfacesLacombe, Jérémie 01 December 2017 (has links)
Les propriétés des matériaux découlent en partie de leur organisation à l’échelle nano ou microscopique. Dans cette thèse, on montre qu’en contrôlant la chimie aux interfaces, des organisations très régulières peuvent être obtenus spontanément dans divers matériaux polymères.Dans une première, la chimie supramoléculaire a été utilisée pour contrôler l’organisation en masse de polymères greffés à une ou deux de leurs extrémités par la thymine (Thy) ou la 2,6-diamino-1,3,5-triazine (DAT), deux unités supramoléculaires complémentaires s’associant par liaisons hydrogène. Quelque soit la nature de la chaine polymère (PE, PDMS, PPG), les matériaux présentent des organisations lamellaires nanoscopiques très régulières lorsque l’unité terminale (Thy) et/ou la chaine (PE) cristallisent. Les contributions respectives à ces organisations de la ségrégation de phase, de la cristallisation, des liaisons supramoléculaires et des interactions secondaires ont été déterminées. Il a été montré que le confinement des chaines polymères dans les lamelles empêche la formation de chaines de grandes masses molaires. Cependant, les interactions supramoléculaires Thy/DAT permettent de former des copolymères à blocs supramoléculaires en mélangeant des chaines incompatibles fonctionnalisées par ces unités.Dans une seconde partie, nous avons montré que la texturation spontanée de films acrylates photopolymérisés à l’air est gouvernée à l’interface formulation/air par l’équilibre des cinétiques de polymérisation et d’inhibition par l’oxygène. Des morphologies microscopiques très régulières, hexagonales, lamellaires ou cacahuètes, sont obtenues en contrôlant différents paramètres expérimentaux et ce pour une large gamme d’épaisseur de film (6 µm – 2 mm). L’auto-texturation confère aux films des propriétés optiques singulières (flou, clarté) qui peuvent être modulées en ajustant les caractéristiques de la morphologie. / Materials properties very often derive from their nano or micro-scale organization. In this thesis, we evidence that controlling the chemistry at the interfaces allows obtaining spontaneously very regular organizations in various polymer materials.In the first part, supramolecular chemistry has been used to control the organization in the bulk of polymer grafted at one or both extremities by thymine (Thy) or 2,6-diamino-1,3,5-triazine (DAT), two self-complementary supramolecular units interacting via hydrogen bonds. Whatever the polymer nature (PE, PDMS, PPG), materials present very regular nanoscale long-range ordered lamellar organizations if the end group crystallize (Thy) and/or the chain crystallize (PE). Respective contributions to these organizations of phase segregation, crystallization, supramolecular interactions and secondary interactions have been determined. It was shown that the confinement of chains in lamellae prevent the formation of high molecular weight chains, resulting in poor mechanical properties. However, Thy/DAT interactions allow creating supramolecular block copolymers by mixing incompatible chains functionalized with these units.In the second part, we have studied the spontaneous formation of patterns at the film surface of acrylate film during their photopolymerization under air. This phenomenon occurs if there is a balance at the film surface between the polymerization and the oxygen inhibition rates. Very regular microscale patterns (hexagons, lamellae, peanuts) have been generated by controlling some experimental parameters (UV intensity, initiator concentration) for a wide range of film thicknesses (6 µm – 2 mm). Self-patterning gives interesting optical properties to the films (haze, clarity) which can be modulated by adjusting the patterns wavelength and amplitude.
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