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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Permafrost Modelling and Climate Change Simulations in Northern Sweden

Hällberg, Petter January 2018 (has links)
Permafrost is an important component in Arctic environments and has been hypothesized to be diminishing due to global warming. A growing concern is that large quantities of stored organic carbon will be mobilized and released to the atmosphere as the potent greenhouse gas methane if the ground thaws. This could result in a massive positive feedback on the global climate change. To quantify this effect, the permafrost extent as well as carbon storages must be mapped. In this study, a Basal Temperature of Snow (BTS) survey is conducted in the Tarfala Valley in Northern Sweden and a model of the current permafrost extent in the region is produced. Additionally, the model explores how the permafrost extent will change under three climate change scenarios at +1°C, +2°C and +4°C. According to a statistical analysis, elevation is the only significant variable for permafrost occurrence in the Tarfala Valley. Currently, continuous permafrost (>0.8 probability) is present at elevations exceeding 1523 m a.s.l. and sporadic or patchy permafrost (<0.5 probability) dominates below 1108 m a.s.l. The permafrost in Northern Sweden is near the boundary of favorable conditions for permafrost, and the greatest decline in permafrost extent occurs during the initial warming. In the +1°C scenario, which will be reached in 20 years if current warming rate is sustained, 97.6% of the continuous permafrost in the Abisko and Tarfala area degrades. The areal extent of the zone with the lowest probability of permafrost occurrence increases from 59% to 90% in the same scenario. Under continued warming to +4°C compared to current ground temperatures, 98% of the study area will be covered by sporadic or patchy occurrences of permafrost. / Permafrost är en viktig komponent i arktiska miljöer och befaras minska i utbredning på grund av den globala uppvärmningen. En farhåga är att stora mängder bundet organiskt kol ska mobiliseras och släppas ut till atmosfären som den potenta växthusgasen metan om marken värms. Detta skulle kunna innebära stor positiv återkoppling på de globalt stigande temperaturerna. För att kvantifiera den effekten är det viktigt att kartlägga permafrostens utbredning såväl som mängde bundet kol i permafrostmarker. I den här studien utförs en undersökning av bastemperaturen av snötäcket (BTS) i Tarfaladalen i norra Sverige och en modellering av permafrostens nuvarande utbredning i regionen. Vidare modelleras hur permafrostens utbredning kommer att påverkas i framtiden under tre olika klimatförändringsscenarior vid +1°C, +2°C och +4°C. Enligt en statistisk analys är altitud den enda signifikanta variabeln för permafrostförekomst i Tarfaladalen. Vid nuvarande marktemperaturer är kontinuerlig permafrost (>0.8 probabilitet) utbredd på höjder över 1523 m ö.h. och sporadisk permafrost (0.5 - 0 probabilitet) dominerar under 1108. Permafrosten i norra Sverige är nära gränsen för dess gynnsamma förhållanden och den huvudsakliga förlusten av permafrost sker redan vid en blygsam markuppvärmning. I scenariot +1°C, som inträffar redan om 20 år om nuvarande uppvärmningstakt fortsätter, degraderas 97.6% av den kontinuerliga permafrosten i Abisko och Tarfalaområdet. Utbredningen av sporadisk permafrost, det vill säga zonen med lägst sannolikhet för permafrostförekomst, ökar i det scenariot från 59% till 90%. Vid fortsatt uppvärmning till +4°C jämfört med nuvarande marktemperaturer så kommer 98% av det studerade området endast innehålla sporadiska förekomster av permafrost.

Environmental effects on cryoturbation along bioclimatic gradients in subarctic Sweden : The importance of soil disturbance proxy, spatial scale and mesoclimatic regime

Klaus, Marcus January 2012 (has links)
Cryoturbation is a fundamental soil forming process with large importance for ecosystem functioning in the Arctic. Recent investigations have emphasized the effect of climate change on cryoturbation, but contrast in their predictions on cryoturbation under future climate warming. This study analyzed to what extent conclusions on the response of cryoturbation to environmental conditions depend on: 1) the proxy of cryogenic activity used; 2) the spatial scale of environmental predictor variables; and 3) the mesoclimatic regime of the study site. As an example of cryoturbated soil, 48 non-sorted patterned-ground features were sampled at eight sites along an elevational and a precipitation gradient and vegetation gradients nested within each site in the Abisko area, northernmost Sweden. To quantify cryogenic activity, eight proxies of cryogenic activity were used. In addition, environmental data were obtained at two spatial scales from field surveys and existing geodata. The results suggest a significant correlation between most activity proxies. Cryogenic activity increased along the precipitation gradient and peaked at intermediate elevations, while within-site variation was similar to between-site variation. The response of cryogenic activity to environmental factors was largly independent of the proxy used but varied with the spatial scale of predictor variables and across mesoclimatic regimes, with precipitation and vegetation cover being the most important predictors. The study indicates that spatial scale and mesoclimate should be considered when assessing the sensitivity of cryoturbation to climate changes. The results therefore provide possible explanations for contrasting previous predictions on the fate of cryoturbated patterned-ground ecosystems under future climate warming.

Using Bulk XRF-Analysis of Chinese Loess to Determine High-Resolution Records of Dust Provenance

Engström Johansson, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
Understanding the sources of the dust that forms the extensive loess deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau is crucial for reconstructing atmospheric circulation patterns and dust pathways. Dust sources are however highly debated, mainly due to the low resolution of many records and the often ambiguous nature of geochemical proxies. The widely used concept of elemental ratios as provenance indicators is based on the idea that the relative abundance of immobile elements remains unaffected by chemical weathering, thereby preserving source signals. High-resolution spatial and temporal records of loess composition were determined for two study sites and three lithostratigraphic units using bulk X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, and independently dated using Optically Stimulated (OSL) and post-IR Infrared Stimulated (pIR-IRSL) Luminescence dating. Four elemental ratios were chosen based on element properties of mobility and grain size, linear correlation strength and the existence of lithostratigraphic trends: Ti/Al, Si/Al, K/Al and Fe/Ti. Potential source signals were detected at both sites, at glacial-interglacial transitions as well as within lithostratigraphic units. Source changes detected within lithostratigraphic units show millennial-scale variability, indicating that abrupt shifts in dust provenance are possible. This implies that millennial-scale variability of the East Asian Monsoon may be related to changes in atmospheric dust content.

Differential Interferometry and Multiple-Aperture Interferometry for Retrieving Three-Dimensional Measurements of Glacial Surface Velocity

Webber, Luke January 2016 (has links)
The measurement and monitoring of glacial surface velocity is important for many aspects of glaciology, such as determining the mass balance, for characterising the stability or instability of glaciers, or the identification of potential hazards from surging glaciers or Jökulhlaups, a type of glacial outburst flood. Predominately measurements of glacial surface velocity have been produced using either differential interferometry (DInSAR) applied to radar data, or offset-tracking applied to either optical or radar data. Both of these methods have their own set of limitations, notably the one-dimensional nature of DInSAR measurements, and the relatively low accuracy of offset-tracking. Instead using DInSAR and multiple-aperture interferometry (MAI) applied to ERS-1/2 Tandem SAR data, measurements of glacial surface displacements were obtained in the line-of-sight (LOS) and along-track directions respectively. Then using a weighted-least squares adjustment, the method for producing the full three-dimensional surface velocity field is presented and applied to the Svartisen glacial system, Norway and the Petermann Glacier, Greenland. The advantages and disadvantages of applying such a method were explored, of which interferometric coherence is found to be the largest factor in retrieving accurate measurements using MAI. Low interferometric coherence due to temporal decorrelation resulted in the inability to extract the full three-dimensional surface velocity field over the Bagley Icefield, Alaska, and the Mýrdalsjökull & Eýjafjallajökull ice caps, Iceland. A feasibility analysis into the use of Sentinel-1 data, revealed that the current revisit period is too large to maintain interferometric coherence between acquisitions, preventing the application of either DInSAR or offset-tracking in order to measure the surface velocity of the Blåmannsisen Glacier, Norway. Despite the limitations encountered, in part due to the selection of source data, MAI in tandem with DInSAR has been shown to be capable of measuring the three-dimensional surface velocity to a higher accuracy than offset-tracking when coherence is high. The methods used within have been developed to work with pre-processed single look complex (SLC) SAR data rather than raw unfocused SAR data, in an effort to improve their adoption and enable more accurate estimates of glacial surface velocity.

Samband mellan berggrund och vegetation : Grönstensområden och skyddad natur

Karlsson, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Mafic bedrock being beneficial to vegetation is a relationship that is being mentioned in different kinds of nature related litterature. This relationship is however not always explained and other factors may be as important as, or even more influential than, the bedrock content. In this study the relationship between mafic rock and protected areas of nature is being examined, based on the following questions. -          How does geology, with respect to bedrock content and weathering, create benign conditions for vegetation? -          To what extent is the environment on mafic bedrock, or in its proximity, often judged as worth protecting? The theoretical basis for the study is soil formation regarding parent material, based on Jenny´s formula, and weathering according to the Goldich dissolution series. The method used is a comparison between maps showing bedrock and maps showing areas with protected nature. The protected areas are considered as connected to the mafic bedrock if they are within the mafic area, or up to 2 km from the mafic area in the direction of the ice movement during the last ice age (Weichsel) in Sweden. The mainland of the municipality of Oskarshamn, on the southeast coast of Sweden, is used for a case study. The bedrock in this area is mainly felsic, with some minor areas being mafic. The result shows a higher degree of protected nature, for the types “naturreservat” and ”Natura 2000”, on mafic bedrock, or in the vicinity of the mafic area, than for felsic bedrock. The result for Oskarshamn is compared to mafic bedrock areas around Åseda and Fagerhult and to the limestone area around Vintrosa. For all of these three cases there are areas of protected environment, within or in the vicinity of the studied bedrock areas. Although there seems to be a relationship between mafic bedrock and protected nature, other factors need to be considered as well. The influence of topography, access to water, local climate and e.g. the particle size of the soil, may contribute considerably to the content and distribution of the vegetation at a specific place.

The zoo-geomorphological impact of fossorial rodents in sub-polar alpine environments

Eriksson, Bert January 2011 (has links)
The geomorphological impact of small fossorial mammals (adapted to digging and living underground), such as rodents can be significant, and both their direct and indirect effects may contribute to landscape formation. This thesis is based on empirical field studies of two burrowing rodent species in sub-polar environments, namely invasive House mice (Mus musculus) on sub-Antarctic Marion Island and Norwegian lemmings (Lemmus lemmus) in sub-Arctic Abisko. The spatial distribution, sediment displacements, impact on vegetation and microclimatic effects of the rodents are documented. Invasive mice and rats, introduced on sub-Antarctic Islands during the 19th century, lack natural enemies and are shown to have a significant direct and indirect geomorphic impact by direct sediment displacement, vegetation removal by burrowing, grazing and trampling and thereby exposing the sediments for rain, wind and frost processes.  The geomorphic impacts of lemmings are comparatively more limited as they rely on natural hollows and snow cover for protection and do not burrow to the same extent as other fossorial rodents in cold regions. Lemmings are thus suggested to have little impact on landform integrity, but can affect vegetation composition. A comparison of the findings from this study with published data on seven other rodent species and other physical mass transfer mechanisms in sub-polar and alpine environments suggests that fossorial rodents are a significant and sometimes dominant geomorphic force in sub-polar and alpine environments. The geomorphic work by ground squirrels, ice rats, plateau pikas and zokors is shown to be in the same order of magnitude as solifluction and rock falls. In alpine and periglacial environments these rodents are considered to act as key-stone species and ecosystem engineers through the creation of landforms by  dislocation and of soil and other impacts on soil properties, vegetation and ecosystem function

Metod för inventering av underhållsbehov för skogsdiken

Larsson, Cecilia January 2011 (has links)
Large areas have been ditched in Sweden during the past 100 years to improve the forest production. Ditching and also maintenance of old ditches are operations having mainly negative effects on water quality, flora and fauna and changing characteristics of soil. The purpose of this study was to suggest a method for inventory of the need for ditching maintenance in old forest ditches that takes biodiversity, water protection and forest production into consideration. Inventory methods from five Swedish and Finnish forest companies, agencies and organisations were compared. Their employees were interviewed about their handling with ditches, forest production and nature conservation. The results show that there are four major questions that have to be answered in order to decide whether old ditches should be left as they are, maintained or if there are other operations that could be needed. First, it is important to know whether the original ditches has had an improving effect on forest production and second, what effect a cleaning of the ditch would have on the growth at present. The third and fourth theme that has to be valued is what the effects could be on biodiversity and the environment and all this has to be weighted together. Maintenance of old ditches is a complex subject. It is of major concern to have a comprehensive view and to look outside the specific object for eventual causes and effects. A method for inventory of need for ditching maintenance is a good tool in the planning.

Accumulation Area Ratio and Equilibrium Line Altitude on the Southern Patagonia Icefield, 2000 - 2010, retrieved using MODIS satellite images

Peterson, Gustaf January 2010 (has links)
Estimations of accumulation area ratio (AAR) and equilibrium line altitude (ELA) were carried out on the Southern Patagonia Icefield. The icefield lies on the border between Chile and Argentina on the southern tip of South America. It is the largest mid-latitude ice mass in the world but despite this fact little research has been conducted in the area. The main reasons for this are most likely the harsh weather conditions and remoteness of the area. However, since icefield’s act as a source for fresh water and as an indicator of climate change more research is crucial. This study focuses on three objectives: to map the snow cover, to estimate AAR and ELA and to discuss their variations during the period 2000 to 2010. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is particularly useful for studying cloudy areas because it’s high temporal resolution increase the chances of acquiring cloud- free images. Satellite images were processed, classified and analyzed. The classification results yielded large interannual variations but also congruity. The pattern of the snow cover suggest substantial wind control on snow accumulation, particularly snow deposition on eastern slopes. No statistically significant trends of AAR and ELA could be detected, although, a vague decrease in AAR and increase in ELA is recognized. Average values of AAR and ELA estimated over the period yields lower AARs and higher ELAs than previously suggested. The average AAR is calculated to be 0.66. Average ELA is estimated to be 970 m.a.s.l. and 1270 m.a.s.l. for the western and eastern sides, respectively.

Palaeoglaciology of the central Tibetan Plateau

Morén, Björn January 2010 (has links)
The glacial history of the Tibetan Plateau has long been a contentious topic with widely different reconstructions. For Tanggula Shan, an extensive mountain range on the central Tibetan Plateau, multiple glacial reconstruc- tions and studies on the glacial chronology have been presented. However, the glacial geomorphological record has been sparse resulting in insufficient data to fully infer the area’s palaeoglaciology. Focussing on four landform categories, glacial valleys, marginal moraines, hummocky terrain, and glacial lineations; a glacial geomorphological map was produced, using Landsat 7 ETM+ satellite imagery, SRTM digital elevation model, and Google Earth. This map, together with GIS analyses and available cosmogenic exposure and electron spin reso- nance ages from the study area, was used to investigate the extent of former glaciations. Cosmogenic exposure and electron spin resonance ages range from 18.4 ± 1.6 to 203.4 ± 33.2 ka (recalculated using the CRONUS calculator). The extent of the glacial footprint is restricted to the high mountain areas, and is similar in extent to earlier glacial reconstructions. This glacial footprint can tentatively be explained by a monsoonal influence in the southeast, with the influence diminishing to the northwest. Alternatively, the precipitation gradient might have resulted in cold-based ice in the west and warm-based ice in the east. These variations in ice regime could have left fewer traces of glaciation in the west, than in the east. There is no evidence supporting an ice sheet covering the entire Tibetan Plateau. Rather, the available data support a smaller ice field in the high mountain areas, with a maximum extent well before the Last Glacial Maximum.

Förutsättningar för jökellopp vid Fox Glacier, Nya Zeeland

Hamré, Moa January 2011 (has links)
A great number of tourists visits each day the Fox Glacier in New Zealand and are subjected todangers such as jökulhlaups. This phenomena can occur suddenly and in a destructive way when abuilt up of water suddenly bursts and releases large amounts of water. This is well known to happen atthe near by Franz Josef Glacier which has similar settings to Fox Glacier, but sparse previous researchon the subject indicates different results of whether jökulhlaups are present or not by Fox Glacier. Thisthesis therefore aims to study the conditions for jökulhlaups at the glacier. This is done by remotesensing and field observations of the sandur in the Fox Glacier Valley, qualitative interviews andliterature studies with a comparison with Franz Josef Glacier. The results shows that there has beenjökulhlaups from an ice dammed lateral lake which is also the most likable way for jökulhlaups tohappen again, although there are other potential ways for it to happen due to the large amount of heavyrain that this region gets.

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