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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Základová vana z vodonepropustného betonu / Foundations of a waterproof concrete

Mlynář, Bronislav January 2017 (has links)
The aim of master thesis was design and assessment foundations of waterproof concrete. Computational software Dlubal RFEM 5.07 used to calculate internal forces. Calculation in acordance with applicable standards.

Sledování pesticidních látek ve zdroji úpravny vody Hrdibořice a možnost jejich odstranění / Monitoring of pesticides in source of water treatment Hrdibořice and possibility of their removal

Bouchalová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
The thesis discusses possible ways to reduce or completely eliminate pesticide compounds from drinking water that are produced at a water treatment plant Hrdibořice. The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part lists kinds of pesticides that occur in water, how they are reduced or eliminated. Furthermore, this section describes the existing water treatment technologies at the Central Committee Hrdibořice, including water sources. In the practical part, pilot tests on two types of filters models with filtering bed of granular activated carbon (hereinafter GAU) were carried out. On the basis of information obtained from the literature and on findings from the pilot tests, designs of technological equipment for pesticide removal from drinking water at water treatment Hrdiborice were carried out. Next, cost estimates for the proposed variant solutions including operating costs were suggested.

Legislativa pro využití dronu v realitní praxi / Laws Concerning Drone Use in the Real Estate Practice

Klementová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses explores the laws for drone use in the real estate practice. In each chapter, the legislation for the commercial use of drones is described for the following states - the Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, Belgium, the Great Britain and the United States of America. In the final chapter there is a comparison of different law aspects from all studied countries.

Caractérisation et modélisation de l’écoulement de boues résiduaires dans un sécheur à palettes / Characterization and modeling of the flow pattern of sewage sludge in a paddle dryer

Charlou, Christophe 28 April 2014 (has links)
Le séchage est une opération incontournable pour la valorisation énergétique des boues résiduaires. La flexibilité pour ajuster la teneur en matière sèche finale de la boue est un critère important pour le choix d'une technologie. Cet objectif est difficile à atteindre pour les sécheurs à palettes. La modélisation du processus est alors essentielle. Malheureusement, le comportement rhéologique des boues est complexe et la mécanique des fluides numérique est hors de portée. La notion de Distribution des Temps de Séjour est employée ici pour caractériser l'écoulement. Un protocole fiable et reproductible a été établi et mis en œuvre sur un pilote de laboratoire. Des injections Dirac d'oxyde de titane et de sels métalliques, avec la spectrométrie de fluorescence X comme méthode de détection, ont été employées pour caractériser les DTS du solide anhydre et de la boue humide. Pré-Mélanger la boue pâteuse, pour disperser le traceur par exemple, modifie la structure du matériau. Ceci a été mis en évidence par des mesures de distribution en taille des particules et par des caractérisations rhéologiques. Cependant, des expériences de séchage en batch ont montré que ce pré-Mélange n'a aucune influence sur la cinétique et sur la phase plastique. Nous avons montré que le solide anhydre et le solide humide s'écoulent de la même manière. Une seconde méthode, basée sur une détection par conductimétrie, a alors été développée. Plus facile à mettre en œuvre et moins onéreuse, cette méthode s'avère tout aussi fiable que la première. L'influence de la durée de stockage de la boue, avant séchage, a été évaluée. Le temps de séjour de la boue dans le sécheur double quand la durée de stockage passe de 24h à 48h. Finalement, un modèle d'écoulement, basé sur la théorie de chaînes de Markov, a été développé. L'écoulement du solide anhydre est décrit par une chaîne de n cellules parfaitement mélangées, n correspondant au nombre de palettes. Les probabilités de transition entre les cellules sont régies par deux paramètres : le ratio de recyclage interne, R, et la masse de solides retenus, MS. R est déterminé par la relation de Van der Laan et MS est identifié par ajustement du modèle aux données expérimentales. Le modèle décrit de manière satisfaisante les DTS. La masse de solides retenus identifiée est toujours plus faible que la quantité mesurée expérimentalement. Une partie de la boue, collée aux parois du sécheur et au rotor, agit comme un volume mort. / Drying is an unavoidable operation prior to sludge valorization in incineration, pyrolysis or gasification. The flexibility to adapt the solid content of the dried sludge to the demand is a major requirement of any drying system. This objective is difficult to reach for paddle dryers. Modeling the process is thus essential. Unfortunately, sludge rheological behavior is complex and computational fluid dynamics is out of reach for the time being. The concept of Residence Time Distribution (RTD) is used here to investigate sludge flow pattern in a paddle dryer. A reliable and reproducible protocol was established and implemented on a lab-Scale continuous dryer. Pulse injections of titanium oxide and of salt metals, with X-Ray fluorescence spectroscopy as detection method, were used to characterize the RTD of anhydrous solid and wet sludge, respectively. Premixing the pasty sludge, for tracer powder dispersion for instance, changes the structure of the material. This was highlighted through the measurements of particle size distributions and characterization of rheological properties. However, drying experiments performed in batch emphasized that premixing does not have any influence on the kinetic and the sticky phase. The RTD curves of the anhydrous solid are superimposed on those of the moist sludge. Consequently, a simpler protocol, based on pulse injection of chloride sodium and offline conductivity measurements, was established. Easier to implement in industry and cheaper, this method proves to be as reliable as the first one. The influence of storage duration prior to drying was assessed. The mean residence time doubles when the storage duration changes from 24h to 48h. Finally, a model based on the theory of Markov chains has been developed to represent the RTD. The flow of anhydrous solids is described by a chain of n perfectly mixed cells, n corresponding to the number of paddles. The transition probabilities between the cells are governed by two parameters: the ratio of internal recirculation, R, and the solids hold-Up, MS. R is determined from the Van der Laan's relation and MS is identified by fitting the model to the experimental RTD. The model describes the flow pattern with a good accuracy. The computed hold-Up is lower than the experimental one. Part of the sludge is stuck to the walls of the dryer, acting as dead volumes in the process.

On the Efficiency of Transfer Learning in a Fighter Pilot Behavior Modelling Context / Effektiviteten av överföringsinlärning vid beteendemodellering av stridspiloter

Sandström, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
Creating realistic models of human fighter pilot behavior is made possible with recent deep learning techniques. However, these techniques are often highly dependent on large datasets, often unavailable in many settings, or expensive to produce. Transfer learning is an active research field where the idea is to leverage the knowledge gained from studying a problem for which large amounts of training data are more readily available, when considering a different, related problem. The related problem is called the target task and the initial problem is called the source task. Given a successful transfer scenario, a smaller amount of data, or less training, can be required to reach high quality results on the target task. The first part of this thesis focuses on the development of a fighter pilot model using behavior cloning, a method for reducing an imitation learning problem to standard supervised learning. The resulting model, called a policy, is capable of imitating a human pilot controlling a fighter jet in the military combat simulator Virtual BattleSpace 3. In this simulator, the forces acting on the aircraft can be modelled using one of several flight dynamic models (FDMs). In the second part, the efficiency of transfer learning is measured. This is done by replacing the built-in FDM to one with a significant variation in the input response, and subsequently train two policies on successive amount of data. One policy was trained using only the latter FDM, whereas the other policy exploits the gained knowledge from the first part of the thesis, using a technique called fine-tuning. The results indicate that a model already capable of handling one FDM, adapts to a different FDM with less data compared to a previously untrained policy. / Realistiska modeller av mänskligt pilotbeteende kan potentiellt skapas med djupinlärningstekniker. För detta krävs ofta stora datamängder som för många tillämpningar saknas, eller är dyra att ta fram. Överföringsinlärning är ett aktivt forskningsfält där grundidén är att utnyttja redan inlärd kunskap från ett problem där stora mängder träningsdata finns tillgängligt, vid undersökning av ett relaterat problem. Vid lyckad överföringinlärning behövs en mindre mängd data, eller mindre träning, för att uppnå ett önskvärt resultat på denna måluppgift. Första delen av detta examensarbete handlar om utvecklingen av en pilotmodell med hjälp av beteendekloning, en metod som reducerar imitationsinlärning till vanlig övervakad inlärning. Den resulterande pilotmodellen klarar av att imitera en mänsklig pilot som styr ett stridsflygplan i den militära simulatormiljön Virtual BattleSpace 3, där krafterna som verkar på flygplanet modelleras med en enkel inbyggd flygdynamiksmodell. I den andra delen av arbetet utvärderas överföringsförmågan mellan olika flygdynamiksmodeller. Detta gjordes genom att ersätta den inbyggda dynamiken till en dynamik som modellerar ett annat flygplan och som svarar på styrsignaler på ett vida olikartat sätt. Sedan tränades två stridspilotmodeller successivt på ökad mängd data. Den ena pilotmodellen tränas endast med den ena dynamiken varvid den andra pilotmodellen utnyttjar det redan inlärda beteendet från första delen av arbetet, med hjälp av en teknik som kallas finjustering. Resultaten visar att en pilotmodell som redan lärt sig att flyga med en specifik flygdynamik har lättare att lära sig en ny dynamik, jämfört med en pilotmodell som inte förtränats.

Educator Perceptions of Forces Influencing Implementation of a Statewide Writing Portfolio Assessment

Morgan, Christi A. 12 1900 (has links)
Leaders of the 84th Texas Legislature drafted and ratified HB 1164 (2015), prompting the Texas Education Agency to pilot a portfolio assessment option for assessing student writing growth and proficiency. The purpose of this study was to identify the perceptions, characterize the experiences, and identify the forces that influenced initial implementation of the statewide writing pilot. Through interviews with district leaders and the collection of open-ended questionnaires from participating educators, a collective case study method was conducted and allowed for analysis of cross-case themes. The identification of restraining and driving forces affecting implementation of the statewide pilot program provided insight into considerations for next steps in the evaluation of student writing achievement and growth. Three primary perceptions emerged as restraining forces influencing implementation: influences of inadequate funding, inconsistencies of implementation, and navigation of multiple assessment systems. Six primary themes related to driving forces influencing implementation were identified: using sociocultural and authentic methods, engaging in reflective practices, increasing volume and variety of writing opportunities, assessing student growth, aligning methods of instruction and assessment, and reducing stress for students. Effective professional development, dependent upon funding and staffing allocations; two-way channels of communication for participant reflection and feedback; and effective assessment structures must be aligned with the purpose and goals of a student-centered assessment system, which requires collaborative conversations between policy makers, state-level decision makers, and educators.

Ett förslag på hur föräldraskattningsinstrumentet SCDI-III kan valideras : en pilotstudie / A Suggestion of how The Parent Report Instrument, The Swedish Communicative Development Inventories (SCDI-III) Can Be Validated : A Pilot Study

Lundö, Emma, Norrman, Sara January 2021 (has links)
I denna studie ett förslag till validering av föräldraskattningsformuläret SCDI-III baserad på en genomförd pilotstudie. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur väl föräldrars och förskolepedagogers skattning av deltagande barns språkförmåga med skattningsinstrumentet SCDI-III överensstämmer med resultaten av ett test som studieförfattarna utformade. Testmaterialet speglar direkt de frågor som ställs till vårdnadshavarna och förskolepedagoger i SCDI-III.  Tio barn i åldersgruppen 2;5–3;10 år med svenska som starkaste språk, tio vårdnadshavare och tio förskolepedagoger deltog i studien. Studieförfattarna utformade ett eget testmaterial som i så hög grad som möjligt speglar frågeställningarna i föräldraskattsformuläret SCDI-III. Bildbenämning användes för ordförrådsdelen och BUSS-sagan användes för bedömning av meningskomplexitet och meningsbyggnad. Testningen av sju av barnen utfördes i det digitala mötesrummet Zoom och tre barn testades delvis på förskolan. Vårdnadshavarna och förskolepedagogerna fyllde i föräldraskattningsformuläret SCDI-III, varefter resultaten jämfördes.   Resultatet visade generellt på en hög överensstämmelse mellan samtliga bedömargrupper. Det förelåg endast små skillnader mellan grupperna och dessa var förutom två ord (“förstå” och “dum”) inte statistiskt signifikanta.   Slutsatsen var att deltagande vårdnadshavare och förskolepedagoger kunde skatta barnens språkliga förmåga i hög utsträckning. Studiens resultat pekar därmed på att föräldraskattningen SCDI-III kan vara värdefull som kompletterande information gällande barnets språkliga förmåga. Förslag på hur en större valideringsstudie kan genomföras diskuteras. / In the present study, a suggestion is provided of how the parent report instrument, The Swedish Communicative Development Inventories (SCDI-III) can be validated. The suggestion is based on a conducted pilot study. The purpose of the study is to investigate how well parents and preschool teachers assessment of participating children’s language ability with the assessment instrument SCDI-III corresponds with the results of a test designed by the study authors. The test material directly reflects the questions asked to the guardians and preschool teachers in SCDI-III.  Ten children in the age group 2;5-3;10 years old with Swedish as their strongest language, ten guardians and ten preschool teachers participated in the study. The study authors designed a test material which as closely as possible mirrored the content in the questions asked in the parent report SCDI-III. Picture-naming was used for the vocabulary part and the BUS-story test was used for the assessment of sentence complexity and sentence construction. The screening of seven of the children was performed in the digital meeting room Zoom, and three children were partially tested at the preschool. The guardians and preschool teachers filled in the parent report SCDI-III, and the results were compared.   The results generally showed a high degree of agreement between all the assessment groups. There were only small differences between the groups and these, apart from two words ("understand" and "stupid") were not statistically significant.   The conclusion was that participating guardians and preschool teachers could estimate the children’s language ability to a great extent. The results of the study indicate that the parent report SCDI-III, can be valuable as supplementary information regarding the children’s language ability. Suggestions on how a larger validation study may be carried out are discussed.


Karn, Scott Nicklas 25 January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Advanced Beam Forming by Synthesizing Spherical Waves for Progressive Microwave Power Transmission / 先進的マイクロ波電力伝送に向けた球面波合成による高度ビーム形成

Matsumuro, Takayuki 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第20377号 / 工博第4314号 / 新制||工||1668(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電気工学専攻 / (主査)教授 篠原 真毅, 教授 和田 修己, 教授 大村 善治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

A case study of teachers implementation of asset-based psychosocial support

Dempster, Georgina Claire 17 May 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe teachers’ implementation of asset-based psychosocial support in a school community to promote resilience in vulnerable children and families (particularly within the context of HIV/AIDS). The study formed part of the broader STAR-pilot project. The primary assumption with which I approached the study was that teachers are able to provide asset-based psychosocial support focusing on social, emotional, health and educational needs of vulnerable children and families. An interpretivist paradigm was used to describe the asset-based psychosocial support implemented. I selected a case study design with eight participants (teachers) who were conveniently and purposefully selected due to their involvement in the STAR-pilot project. I co-facilitated a PRA-directed workshop with the teachers. Data was collected by means of a PRA-directed workshop, observations, visual data (photographs) and field notes. I followed a thematic content analysis of data to interpret emerging themes and sub-themes. Psychosocial support interventions were focused on addressing basic physiological needs, social support and emotional needs. Findings revealed that implementation of asset-based psychosocial support within a school community, promoted the resilience of vulnerable children and families. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

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