Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coimplantation."" "subject:"implantatation.""
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A fronteira escravista entre o açúcar e o café: Campinas, 1790-1850 / The slaver frontier between sugar and coffee: Campinas, 1790-1850Felipe Rodrigues Alfonso 08 December 2017 (has links)
A presente investigação tem por objetivo central compreender as causas da formação da lavoura cafeeira nos engenhos do Oeste Paulista. Optou-se por concentrar os esforços analíticos na região de Campinas, que se considera ter sido a porta de entrada para o restante do interior paulista, em que a nova cultura pôde estabelecer-se, ainda que de maneira incipiente, a partir já da segunda metade da década de 1820. Especificamente, adotou-se como unidade de observação o produtor pertencente às famílias mais distintas da região, sobretudo que em algum momento de sua trajetória produtiva tenha sido possuidor de ao menos 50 escravos. / The present investigation aims to comprehend the causes for the making of coffee plantations in the West Paulista. It has been decided to concentrate the analytical efforts in the region of Campinas, considered to be the gateway for the rest of the interior of São Paulo, where the new culture could establish, even if incipiently, since the second half of the 1820s. Specifically, it was adopted as a unit of observation the producer belonging to the wealthiest families of the region, especially the one that at some point in his trajectory owned at least 50 slaves.
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Restauração florestal e estoque de carbono em modelos de implantação de mudas sob diferentes combinações de espécies e espaçamentos / Forestry restoration and carbon stock in seedlings implantation models under different combinations of species and spacingLuís Vicente Brandolise Bufo 30 April 2008 (has links)
Além dos já conhecidos benefícios da conservação e restauração das florestas ciliares sobre a qualidade e quantidade de água produzida pelas microbacias hidrogáficas, atualmente apregoa-se também a essas florestas a função de sumidouro de carbono. Este trabalho desenvolvido em duas propriedades produtoras de cana-de-açúcar localizadas no Norte do Estado de São Paulo (Santa Emília, município de Ituverava e Mata Chica, Morro Agudo) tem como objetivo testar variações de modelos de restauração já existentes, baseados na implantação de mudas e categorização das espécies em dois grupos denominados grupo de preenchimento e grupo de diversidade, quanto à eficiência em cobertura de copas e estoque de carbono de cada um dos modelos testados. Foram testados seis modelos de plantio, com variações em relação à forma de distribuição dos grupos (linhas alternadas de preenchimento e diversidade, alternância de indivíduos de preenchimento e diversidade na mesma linha e distribuição aleatória de indivíduos de preenchimento e diversidade), espaçamento (3 x 2 m e 3 x 3 m), e composição de espécies do grupo de preenchimento (grupo de preenchimento geral com 19 espécies, e grupo de preenchimento restrito com 10 espécies que mais se destacam em crescimento e cobertura de copas). A eficiência da cobertura de copas de cada modelo foi avaliada por dois métodos diferentes denominado: interseção na linha e interseção em pontos. No primeiro foi medido o comprimento de copas de todos os indivíduos na linha de plantio, e a porcentagem de cobertura obtida pela soma do comprimento total das copas de todas as árvores de cada parcela, em relação ao comprimento total das linhas de plantio de cada parcela. A avaliação por interseção em pontos foi realizada utilizando-se um densitômetro vertical com o qual foi verificou-se a presença ou ausência de cobertura em 108 pontos por parcela. Para a avaliação do montante de carbono estocado aos 32 meses de idade pelos diferentes modelos de plantio foram, tomadas medidas do maior diâmetro de tronco à 1,3 m, com valor de inclusão >= 5 cm, e aplicados à duas equações alométricas para a determinação da biomassa. A cobertura pelo método da interseção na linha mostrou ser influenciada pelo espaçamento utilizado sendo os espaçamentos de 3 x 3 m menos eficientes. A forma de distribuição e a composição de espécies do grupo de preenchimento não influenciaram a cobertura de copas. O método de interseção em pontos não verificou diferença significativa na cobertura entre os modelos de plantio testados. Comparando-se os blocos experimentais, para ambas as formas de avaliação da cobertura, os blocos 1 e 2 foram superiores aos blocos 3 e 4 explicando-se isso pela maior fertilidade dos solo dos blocos 1 e 2 (Faz. Santa Emília), e pelo intenso ataque de formigas observado nos blocos 3 e 4 (Faz. Mata Chica).A biomassa acumulada não foi influenciada pelo modelo de plantio, mas pelas condições de sítio acima mencionadas, tendo os blocos 1 e 2 significativamente mais biomassa estocada que 3 e 4. / Beyond the well known benefits of riparian forests conservation and restoration over water abundance and quality, these forests have been recently credited for carbon stocking. This study was developed on two sugar cane cultivation areas located on the Northern part of São Paulo State (Santa Emília Farm, in Ituverava town and Mata Chica Farm, in Morro Agudo town) and the main objective was to evaluate variations of pre-existing restoration models, which are based on plantation of seedlings classified into fulfillment or diversity group. The evaluation regarding the efficiency of carbon storing and crown cover of each used models. Six plantation models were tested, with variations related to fulfillment or diversity group\'s distribution (alternated rows of fulfillment and diversity species, alternated fulfillment or diversity individuals within the same row and random distribution), distance between plants (3 x 2 m e 3 x 3 m) and fulfillment species composition (19 species or 10 selected species with high performance related to growth and crown cover development).The efficiency of crown cover of each model was estimated for two different methods denominated: line interception and spot interception. In the first was measured the crown\'s length of all trees in the line plants, and the percentage of cover by some of total crown\'s length of all trees in the parcel, in relation the total line\'s length of each parcel. The spot interception was realized using a vertical densitometer, to verification the presence or absence of cover in the 108 spots of parcel. For evaluating the carbon storage, by different plantation models were measured all trees with the breast heigth (1,3 m) diameter with the inclusion value >= 5 cm, and applied in two allometric equations to estimate the carbon storage. The coverage by intersection line method was influenced by the distance between plants, and the 3 x 3 m distance was less efficient. The crown coverage was not influenced by distribution way species composition of fulfillment group. Considering both coverage evaluation forms, the comparison of experimental blocks indicated that blocks 1 and 2 had higher performance than blocks 3 and 4, probably because of better soil fertility properties on blocks 1 and 2 (Santa Emilia Farm) and because of intense ants\' attack observed on blocks 3 and 4 (Mata Chica Farm). Accumulated biomass was not influenced by plantation models, but by site conditions previously discussed, which resulted on higher stored biomass for individuals on blocks 1 and 2 than those on blocks 3 and 4.
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Le monde du café à la Martinique du début du XVIIIe siècle aux années 1860 / The world of coffee from the beginning of the eighteenth century through the 1860sHardy, Marie 04 June 2014 (has links)
L’historiographie antillaise n’a donné jusqu’ici qu’une vision tronquée de la société martiniquaise. L’appréhension de l’ère coloniale s’est très tôt autocentrée sur l’économie plantationnaire sucrière à moteur externe, mais cette dernière n’a guère occupée plus de la moitié de la population de l’île au XVIIIe et dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle. Pour une grande majorité, la masse laborieuse libre ou esclave se répartit entre les villes et les exploitations de type « secondaire ». A mesure de l’appréhension de l’univers caféier, un monde à part se profile dessinant une nouvelle catégorie sociale divergente de l’élite sucrière qui apparaissait jusqu’ici comme le modèle représentatif de la population blanche propriétaire terrienne. Une catégorie intermédiaire est mise en place mettant en relief un groupe caféier économiquement faible au mode de vie difficile, présentant des comportements matrimoniaux endogames aussi bien spatialement que socialement. Cette analyse révèle un corps social pluriel dans lequel les femmes, les libres de couleur, et avec l’abolition de l’esclavage les nouveaux libres tiennent une place de choix. Ce travail a l’avantage de combler un important vide historiographique en matière d’histoire sociale de la Martinique, ainsi que de renouveler le concept de société d’habitation à travers la mise en perspective d’une catégorie sociale jusque-là restée inaperçue. / The historiography of the Antilles to date has yielded only a limited vision of society in Martinique. The scientific works of the Colonial Era were egocentrically focused on the economy of sugar plantations, but this only covered a little over half of the population of the island in the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth century. The other half of the working population, whether they were free or slaves, was divided between cities and secondary enterprises. As the coffee industry took root, a separate world emerged, diverging from the elite sugar plantation owners that represented the land-owning white population. This parallel society of economically disadvantaged small farmers and coffee growers, living a hard-working, difficult lifestyle, exhibited endogamous marriage behavior. This analysis highlights a multi-faceted social body in which women, free people of color, and, with the abolition of slavery, the new free hold a special role. On the other side of the barrier, the slaves also have a unique profile, they operate in small plantations on which opportunities for advancement are greater than in the large sugarcane plantations. This work fills an important gap in the social history of Martinique, as it reexamines the perception of the elite sugar plantation society via the perspective of a social class hitherto unnoticed.
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But What Has Helga Crane to Do with the West Indies? Plantation Afterlives in the Black AtlanticCarr, Rachel McKenzie 01 January 2019 (has links)
“But What Has Helga Crane to Do with the West Indies? Plantation Afterlives in the Black Atlantic” situates the emergence of the southern gothic in modernist American and Caribbean works as a response to the shifting cultural narrative of the plantation in the twentieth century. In this project, I argue that the plantation seeps out of its place and time to haunt landscapes it may never have touched and times in which slavery is long over. While the plantation system is broadly recognized as a literary, political, and cultural force in nineteenth-century literary studies, I conceive it is also a driving force of southern literature even after the physical plantations begin to fade.
In this project, I examine how literary portrayals of plantations flourish in the 1920s and 30s, from the writings of the Nashville Agrarians to the popularity of Gone with the Wind, arguing that this period represents a literary re-mythologizing of the plantation’s legacy as a benevolent and positive model for the south. A significant contribution of this dissertation is then in demonstrating how plantations are present in works that are not traditionally understood as plantation fiction, and that these works offer a resistance to this re-mythologizing through turning to the gothic: the transatlantic plantation gothic in Nella Larsen’s Quicksand and Jean Rhys’ Voyage in the Dark, the impact of environmental labor on the plantation gothic in Jean Toomer’s Cane and Eric Walrond’s Tropic Death, and finally, how plantation modernity affects portrayals of natural disasters in plantation territories in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God and M. NourbeSe Philip’s Zong!. Ultimately, this project contributes to the discussion of plantation modernity currently occurring in Southern Studies beyond the nineteenth century and into the modernist period, while also demonstrating how movements often construed as disparate in American literary studies, like the Harlem Renaissance and the Nashville Agrarians, were actually in close conversation.
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Complémentarité fonctionnelle en phytoremédiation dans un sol à contamination mixteLachapelle, Anne 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Entwicklung eines Ertragsschätzers für Kurzumtriebsbestände aus WeideSkibbe, Katja 09 February 2016 (has links)
Die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit schnellwachsenden Baumarten in Form der Kurzumtriebswirtschaft beschränkte sich lange Zeit fast ausschließlich auf die Arten der Sektion Pappel.
Ertragswerte bzw. waldwachstumskundliche Untersuchungen an KUP aus Weide konnten im größeren Maßstab erst im vergangenen Jahrzehnt erhoben werden. Die Ertragswerte der Weiden auf den in dieser Arbeit untersuchten KUP bewegen sich zwischen 1,7 und 9,2 tatro∙ha-1∙a-1. In Folgerotationen kann sogar mit einem wesentlich höheren Biomasseertrag gerechnet werden. Eine eigene Untersuchung an einer bereits achtjährigen KUP in Krummenhennersdorf (Sachsen) auf einem mittleren Standort erbrachte eine durchschnittliche Gesamtwuchsleistung von ca. 14 tatro∙ha-1∙a- 1 in der dritten Rotation. Damit ist die Weide neben der Pappel eine sehr ertragreiche, schnellwachsende Baumart. Ihr Anbau kann demzufolge in Form von KUP uneingeschränkt empfohlen werden.
Um den Biomasseertrag auf bestehenden KUP aus Weide zu ermitteln, wurden bisher vor allem destruktive Verfahren angewendet, die mit hohem Zeit- und Arbeitsaufwand verbunden sind. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit stellte daher die Entwicklung eines überregional einsetzbaren, praxistauglichen Ertragsermittlers zur schnellen und einfachen Ertragsbestimmung von KUP aus Weide der ersten Rotation dar.
Die Modellentwicklung erfolgte auf zwei Wegen: Modellierung über eine Standardisierung von Biomassefunktionen (Modell I) und Modellierung über Biomasseverteilungsfunktionen (Modell II). Unterschiede in der Genauigkeit im Hinblick auf die Validierung der Modelle konnten explizit anhand des Bias und der Präzision nachgewiesen werden. Dabei ermittelt das Modell II den Biomasseertrag wesentlich genauer (Bias: 4.43%, Präzision: 12.11%), weshalb die Methode bereits für den Praktiker in Form eines einfach anzuwendenden Computerprogrammes (Ertragsschätzer für KUP aus Pappel und Weide) zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. Für die Anwendung des Ertragsschätzers sind von dem Nutzer die Eingangsgrößen Durchmesser des Grundflächenmittelstammes (dg), Alter und Pflanzverband erforderlich.
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付記する学位プログラム名: グローバル生存学大学院連携プログラム / 京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第23163号 / 工博第4807号 / 新制||工||1752(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 / (主査)教授 立川 康人, 教授 田中 茂信, 准教授 佐山 敬洋 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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The Making of the Ahupuaa of Laie into a Gathering Place and Plantation: The Creation of an Alternative Space to CapitalismCompton, Cynthia Woolley 15 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation is a labor history of the Laie sugar plantation between 1865 and 1931. It explores intercultural and race relations that were inherent to colonial and plantation processes in Hawaii. Particular attention is given to the role of religion in advancing the colonial project. In 1865 Mormon missionaries bought approximately 6,000 acres with the hope of creating a gathering place for Hawaiian converts to settle in. The ideal of the gathering was a metaphor the missionaries brought with them from Utah, and it was a metaphor appropriated by Hawaiians and infused with their own cultural meanings, particularly the importance of the land. In order to economically support the gathering place, the missionaries turned to a plantation model. The plantation they developed was unusual in several respects. First, for most of the plantation's history, labor was done predominantly by Hawaiians. On the majority of other plantations, immigrant labor was used. Second, on Laie Plantation the cultivation of kalo was as important as sugar. Both crops were promoted by both Hawaiians and missionaries. Thus kalo production was one of the chief reasons Hawaiians stayed on Laie Plantation. It appears that many of those who gathered to Laie did so because to a large extent they could reconstruct traditional Hawaiian culture and foodways. Finally, the metaphor of the gathering mitigated some of the most onerous aspects of plantation life. The gathering was for Hawaiians and thus for the first thirty years, only Hawaiians were hired to work as laborers. This created a labor shortage that Hawaiians were able to use as they negotiated labor relations and the continuation of their cultural practices. However, in 1897 the metaphor of gathering began to diminish as a guiding ideal in shaping the structure of the plantation. Hawaiians began to be more dissatisfied with plantation work and increasingly had less voice in choices regarding the land. By the early 1900s, Laie began to resemble other Hawaiian plantations in terms of its ethnic makeup, landscape, and emphasis on capital development. After 1920 very few Hawaiians continued to work on Laie plantation.
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The roles of exotic and native tree species in preventing desertification and enhancing degraded land restoration in the north east of Libya. Reciprocal effects of environmental factors and plantation forestry on each other, assessed by observations on growth and reproductive success of relevant tree species, and environmental factors analysed using multivariate statistics.Zatout, Masoud Moustafa Mohamed January 2011 (has links)
Today's arid and semi-arid zones of the Mediterranean are affected by desertification, resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities such as overcultivation, overgrazing and deforestation. Afforestation programs are one of the most effective means in preventing desertification. For many years Libya has had afforestation programs in order to restore degraded land and in response to rapid desert encroachment in the north east of Libya, in the area called the Jabal Akhdar (Green Mountain), which has been investigated in this study.
The purpose of this research was to investigate the relative roles of exotic compared to native tree species in preventing desertification and enhancing degraded land restoration in the Jabal Akhdar. The effect of environmental factors on exotic compared to native tree species have been assessed by observations on growth and reproductive success of the species, including variables of stocking rate, trunk diameter, tree height, crown diameter, tree coverage, natural mortality, felling and seedling regeneration, as well as calculated variables, derived from these measurements. The effects of methods and age of afforestation on the promotion of biological diversity have been investigated using the Shannon-Wiener diversity index. The effects of tree species on soil depth have also been investigated. Multivariate statistical analyses of site, species and environmental data, using both cluster analyses and factor analyses have been performed, with the aim of determining what is influencing the species, crops or differentiating between the sites, based on soil depth, angle of slope, altitude, rainfall and air temperature values.
Pinus halepensis showed success in its growth and regeneration, particularly at higher altitudes and steeper slopes. Cupressus sempervirens was successful in growth and regeneration in the mountains. The exotic Eucalyptus gomphocephala was very successful in its growth, but did not regenerate well, while the exotic Acacia cyanophylla trees had a failure of both growth and regeneration. E. gomphocephala species appeared to favour relativley the flatter (non-mountain) sites, while A. Cyanophylla appeared to favour relativly the mountain sites. All the species responded positively to greater rainfall and deep soil, but they differed in where they were most likely to be successful. Environmental factors such as climate, terrain and soil are the main determinants of species distribution in the study area, in addition to their impact on the growth of the main trees. There appeared not to be any relationship between biodiversity and whether the main trees were native or exotic, and only P. halepensis showed any negative effect on the abundance of shrubs. There was greater diversity of trees and shrubs generally at the younger sites than the old sites. The present study emphasises the current mismanagement of planted forests, particularly with overgrazing contributing to desertification, through preventing tree growth and eliminating most sapling regeneration. This study concludes by making recommendations for more effective choice of tree species to plant, and for subsequent management to improve afforestation programmes in the Jabal Akhdar area. / The Libyan Higher Education Ministry
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Rubber, Rice, Race, and Space: A Socio-Ecological Approach to the Remaking of Agricultural Space in East SumatraRice, Stian 12 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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