Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coimplantation."" "subject:"implantatation.""
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Ecologie du hêtre (Fagus sylvatica L.) en marge sud-ouest de son aire de distribution / Beech ecology (Fagus sylvatica L) at its southwestern marginE Silva, Daniel 09 November 2010 (has links)
En Europe, les séries climatiques révèlent un réchauffement global et une augmentation de la fréquence des sécheresses estivales. Le facteur climatique est considéré comme le principal déterminant de l'aire de répartition d'une espèce forestière. Les zones où les espèces sont les plus menacées de disparition en Europe sont donc les marges sud des aires de répartition, où les conditions climatiques sont actuellement les plus chaudes et sèches de leur niche. Il est donc crucial de mieux connaître le comportement des essences forestières dans ces bordures sud. Le hêtre (Fagus sylvatica), essence majeure des forêts européennes et à large amplitude écologique, représente une espèce modèle pour de telles études. De récents travaux de modélisation statistique suggèrent une forte régression vers le centre de son aire sous climats futurs. La présence actuelle de l'espèce en plaine diminue fortement dans le sud-ouest de la France, qui correspond à sa limite sud de répartition pour l'ouest de l'Europe. Dans cette zone, des îlots de présence de hêtre sont cependant observés dans les données d'inventaire, peu de dépérissements ont été notés et sa probabilité de présence modélisée sous climat actuel n'est pas nulle. Nous avons donc cherché à redéfinir le concept d'aire de distribution par l'utilisation de différents descripteurs et à caractériser les contraintes d'ordre climatique, microclimatique et édaphique, déterminant le succès de l'espèce en limite d'aire / In Europe, climatic series show a global warming and an increase in frequency of summer drought. Climate is considered to be the main factor determining forest species distribution. Consequently, the zones where species are more prone to disappear in Europe are the southern margins, where current climatic conditions are the warmest and the driest of their range. So, an improved understanding of growth and health of forest tree species in these border areas becomes more than a challenge, a necessity. European beech (Fagus sylvatica), a major tree species of European forests with a broad ecological niche, represents a model species for such studies. Recent works based on statistical modelling suggested a sharp reduction of its distribution towards its core range, under future climates. Current presence of the species in lowlands strongly decreases in the south-west of France which corresponds to its southern margin in Western Europe. In this zone, spots of beech trees are however still observed in inventory databases, few stand declines have been noted and the modelled probability of presence of the species under current climate is not null. We therefore thought to redefine the distribution range concept using various descriptors and to characterize climatic, microclimatic and soil constraints that control the niche of this species
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Right and small property: viability and economic compatibility for maintenance of verge and confrontations with historical and ambient landmarks / Direito e pequena propriedade: viabilidade e compatibilidade econômica para manutenção de divisas e confrontações com marcos e históricos ambientaisDorival José Gonçalves Franco 31 March 2005 (has links)
The recovery of bushes and forests in small country properties, such as it comes being applied in Brazil, does not bring no incentive and orientation to the agricultural producer, leaving the relation between man, right, property and nature in charge of people who, many times, are not prepared to reduce the decurrent environment impacts of the production and maintenance of the property. In virtue of this, this dissertation aims at to stimulate, to demonstrate and to acquire knowledge that the plantation of native and ornamental trees in verge and confrontations significantly reduces onus with the maintenance of surrounds traditional, preventing the falling of trees for confection of stakes bordering landmarks, as well as the acquisition of barbed wires, cramps and manpower. Moreover, this alert work that severity of the necessary environmental legislation to be adapted to the reality of the small agriculturists, propitiating and stimulating the production of cutting of indispensable trees to the exercise of agricultural producer, for personal account or in regimen of familiar economy, so that it can produce devices for the tools (handles), improvements, necessary and firewood for the stove. / A recuperação de matas e florestas em pequenas propriedades rurais, tal como vem sendo aplicada no Brasil, não traz nenhum incentivo e orientação ao produtor rural, deixando a relação entre homem, direito, propriedade e natureza a cargo de pessoas que, muitas vezes, não estão preparadas para reduzir os impactos ambientais decorrentes da produção e manutenção do imóvel. Em virtude disso, esta dissertação visa incentivar, demonstrar e conscientizar que o plantio de arvores nativas e ornamentais em divisas e confrontações reduz sensivelmente o ônus com a manutenção de cercas tradicionais, evitando não só a derrubada de árvores para confecção de mourões e marcos limítrofes, mas também a aquisição de arames farpados, grampos e mão-de-obra. Além disso, este trabalho alerta que rigor da legislação ambiental precisa ser adaptado à realidade dos pequenos agricultores, propiciando e incentivando a produção de mudas de arvores indispensáveis ao exercício da profissão de produtor rural, por conta própria ou em regime de economia familiar, a fim de extrair madeiras para confecção de artefatos para as ferramentas, benfeitorias úteis e necessárias, para utilização de fogão à lenha.
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Dynamiques paysagères et guerre dans la province de Thừa Thiên-Huế (Viêt Nam central) , 1954-2007 : entre défoliation, déforestation et reconquêtes végétales / Landscape dynamics and war in Thừa Thiên-Huế province (central Viêt Nam), 1954-2007 : between defoliation, deforestation and reforestationRobert, Amélie 03 December 2011 (has links)
La guerre du Việt Nam mit la forêt au coeur des enjeux militaires. Nées des controverses sur lesconséquences environnementales des épandages d’herbicides, des hypothèses ont émergé sur les impacts decette pratique : différentiels selon les unités paysagères, aggravés par les perturbations anthropiques antérieureset postérieures à la guerre. Relevant de la biogéographie, l’analyse géohistorique confronte des sources souventdivergentes et privilégie les princeps pour reconstituer, à des dates clés, les paysages d’une province au coeurdu conflit. L’état actuel de partition en trois unités – plaine, collines et montagnes – révèle le lien entreperturbation et accessibilité. Circa 1954, les pratiques précoloniales et coloniales avaient déjà perturbé lesécosystèmes, de manière croissante des montagnes vers la plaine. Les impacts d’une guerre dirigée contre lemilieu furent directs et indirects. Après-guerre, ils furent aggravés par les pratiques civiles, qui bloquèrent lareconquête spontanée et provoquèrent déboisements et déforestations ; la pression s’accrut dans les collines etles montagnes, plus affectées par la guerre. Depuis circa 1990, les décisions politiques ont placé officiellementla forêt entre protection et développement mais elles se heurtent aux nécessités du développement économique.La reconquête, dirigée, accélérée par la plantation d’espèces à croissance rapide, est engagée dans dessylvosystèmes perturbés et épargnés par la guerre. Aujourd’hui, dans les trois unités paysagères, les zonesdéfoliées ne sont pas identifiables : cicatrisation, poursuite du recul des forêts surtout ont fait leur oeuvre.Restent visibles les géofaciès de cratères et les anciennes bases militaires américaines. La conjugaison desperturbations empêche l’identification du strict impact actuel de la guerre et relativise celui-ci ; plus affaiblissont les sylvosystèmes de la plaine qui, moins touchés, subissent une forte pression séculaire. / The Việt Nam war put the forest at the heart of military stakes. The controversies over the environmentalconsequences of herbicide spraying inspire the hypothesis that the impacts of this practice are differentialaccording to landscape units, worsened by the human disturbances prior to and after the war. Coming underbiogeography, the geohistorical analysis compares sources, that are often divergent, and favors primary ones toreconstruct, at key dates, the landscapes of a province at the heart of the conflict. The present state of partitioninto three units – plain, hills and mountains – reveals the link between disturbance and accessibility. Circa1954, the precolonial and colonial practices had already disturbed ecosystems increasingly from the mountainsto the plain. The impacts of a war against the environment were direct and indirect. In the post-war years, theywere worsened by the civilian practices, which inhibited spontaneous reforestation and provoked forestimpoverishment and deforestation; the pressure increased in the hills and mountains, which were more affectedby the war. Since circa 1990, the political decisions have officially put the forest between protection anddevelopment but they come up against the necessities of economic development. Managed, accelerated by theplantation of fast-growing species, the reforestation is started in some sylvosystems, that were disturbed orspared by the war. Today, in the three landscape units, the defoliated areas are not identifiable because ofhealing and, above all, continuation of forest decline. Geofacies of craters and former American military basesremain visible. The combination of disturbances prevents from identifying the strict present impact of the warand puts this one into perspective; more weakened are the plain sylvosystems, which were less hit but suffer astrong secular pressure.
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Land availability for sustainable agricultural tree cropsWeber, Norbert, Meyer, Matthias 22 February 2021 (has links)
Prof Dr Norbert Weber from TU Dresden argues that land availability for sustainable agricultural tree crops and a positive perception of this by the official administration both remain challenging hurdles.
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Entwicklung eines Ertragsschätzers für Kurzumtriebsbestände aus PappelHartmann, Kai-Uwe 12 August 2010 (has links)
Bisherige Verfahren zur Ertragsbestimmung von schnellwachsenden Baumarten im Kurzumtrieb sind entweder mit einem hohen Zeit- und Arbeitsaufwand verbunden und/oder haben destruktiven Charakter. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung eines leicht anwendbaren, zerstörungsfreien und übertragbaren Ertragsschätzers für Kurzumtriebsbestände aus Pappel. Grundlage bildet die Standardisierung von Biomassefunktionen auf deren Basis ein standort- und klonunabhängiges Modell hergeleitet wird, das eine hinreichend genaue Schätzung des Biomassevorrates gestattet. Die Untersuchungen zu Grundlagen der Modellentwicklung und der Test verschiedener Modellansätze erfolgen auf der Basis von Korrelations- und Regressionsanalysen, Signifikanztests und Varianzanalysen. Die Prüfung der Schätzgenauigkeit basiert auf fünf Evaluierungskenngrößen. Für die Anwendung des klonunabhängigen, für Alter ≥ 3 Jahre und Bestandesdichten ≤ 25000 N/ha einsetzbaren Ertragsschätzers sind lediglich drei einfach und schnell zu erhebenden Ertragsgrößen (hm, N, dg) notwendig. Innerhalb der Modellgrenzen betragen die relativen maximalen Abweichungen zwischen Real- und Schätzwerten höchstens +/- 40 % und lässt sich der Biomassevorrat mit einer durchschnittlichen Differenz (Bias) von 7,1 % schätzen.
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A transition towards higher value uses of natural-resource based productsLa Thi, Tham 01 June 2021 (has links)
Forestry and the wood-based sector provide increasing contributions to the national and rural economy development. Tree plantations serve as a business opportunity to secure the livelihood of thousands of small-scale timber producer households in several tropical countries. Given that forest land and the timber production it supports is limited, sustainable management of forest-based resources including timber is required. By integrating the value chain and livelihood analysis framework, this study investigates the value chains and impacts on rural livelihoods of commercial Acacia hybrid timber in central Vietnam. Besides that, scenario analysis is applied with a view to proposing the development pathways of the timber value chains and to providing improved information for developing the plantation policy in Vietnam at large.
The empirical analysis employs a case study research design to examine the transition towards higher value uses of timber resources, thereby exploring the performance of woodchip, non-FSC furniture and FSC-certified furniture value chains in Thua Thien Hue province. Furthermore, two production areas named Nam Dong and Phu Loc districts are selected as embedded cases to examine the rural development potentials of Acacia hybrid timber production and commercialization. A mix-method approach, including both qualitative such as review and analysis of secondary data and key informant interviews, and quantitative data collection methods such as producer household surveys are applied to gather primary and secondary data. Diverse qualitative and quantitative analyses including content analysis, value chain analysis, livelihood analysis, and scenario analysis are also utilized corresponding to the specific research objectives.
The macro-level analysis reveals the strategic responses of Asian wood-based firms to the global economy, particularly in terms of geographical scope, governance, cooperation, and overall performance. In addition, a literature review points out the potential impacts of Asian timber VCs on the environment and livelihoods. While timber product commercialization generates benefits to the value chain actors, unsustainable forest management leads to diverse negative environmental effects. The findings demonstrate considerable knowledge gaps and call for broader geographic coverage, as well as more transparent and quantitative assessments. To deepen the understanding on timber VCs, further research efforts should scrutinize the origins, functions, operations, and interactions of firms in these chains, and incorporate environmental and social aspects.
The meso- and micro-level analysis exposes the structure of Acacia hybrid timber value chains which are shaped by various socio-economic, political, and environmental conditions. All three analyzed timber value chains are buyer-driven, led by processing and exporting companies in the downstream node of chains. At the upstream node, small-scale timber producers are normally less organized and lack market access. Timber production and commercialization provide profitable business activities to timber producers, traders, and processing and exporting companies. From a chain perspective, the woodchip value chain is financially profitable. However, its contribution to the national economy is the least. In contrast, the FSC-certified furniture value chain contributes fundamentally to economic development.
The micro-level analysis indicates the difference regarding the socio-economic features, resource access, and management of producer households between the two analyzed districts. Relevant findings also indicate the importance of Acacia hybrid woodlots in the current livelihood system. However, more wealthy households benefit more from the Acacia hybrid timber income, especially in a well-developed market. Timber production and commercialization contribute to rural poverty reduction. Nevertheless, it is the main driver of the overall income inequality in both districts.
Results from the literature review and empirical study support to conceptualize and evaluate the three development scenarios, displaying different levels of forest transition interventions and reactions of key actors in the chains. Under the current situation, a fast transition model with strict plantation control is not advisable for timber value chains’ stakeholders, especially those who operate on the ground. A slow transition scenario with a co-management model, instead, serves as a suitable development pathway. To improve the current management system, this study implies five management strategies, including (i) adaptive management; (ii) multi-stakeholder cooperation; (iii) target interventions; (iv) collaborative management and (v) integrated planning.
The study can be of interest for further policy interventions focusing on sustainable reforestation and livelihood development in Vietnam. The approach of transition towards high added value products can further be applied in other comparable contextual cases searching for sustainable utilization of timber and forest-based products at large. Theoretically, the thesis highlights that sustainable management of forest-based products will not be obtained unless the related economic, social, and environmental aspects are considered in conjunction. These conditions are driven by several factors, such as national policy frame and market condition. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the interrelations within the economic-socio-ecological system to achieve long-term development targets. / Die Forstwirtschaft und der holzverarbeitende Sektor leisten einen wachsenden Beitrag zur nationalen und ländlichen Wirtschaftsentwicklung. Baumplantagen dienen Tausenden von kleinen Holzproduzentenhaushalten in vielen tropischen Ländern als Geschäftsmöglichkeit, um ihren Lebensunterhalt zu sichern. Da die Waldflächen und die darauf gestützte Holzproduktion begrenzt sind, ist eine nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung der waldbasierten Ressourcen, einschließlich Holz, erforderlich. Diese Studie untersucht die Wertschöpfungsketten und die Auswirkungen von kommerziellem Akazien-Hybridholz auf den Lebensunterhalt der ländlichen Bevölkerung in Zentralvietnam durch Integration von Wertschöpfungsketten- und Lebensunterhaltsanalysen. Außerdem wird eine Szenarioanalyse durchgeführt, um Entwicklungswege für die Holzwertschöpfungsketten vorzuschlagen und bessere Informationen für die Entwicklung der Plantagenpolitik in Vietnam insgesamt bereitzustellen.
Die empirische Analyse verwendet ein Fallstudien-Forschungsdesign, um den Übergang zu höherwertigen Nutzungen von Holzressourcen zu untersuchen und dabei die Leistung von Wertschöpfungsketten für Hackschnitzel, nicht FSC-zertifizierte Möbel und FSC-zertifizierte Möbel in der Provinz Thua Thien Hue zu analysieren. Darüber hinaus werden zwei Produktionsgebiete, die Distrikte Nam Dong und Phu Loc, als Fallbeispiele ausgewählt, um die ländlichen Entwicklungspotenziale der Akazien-Hybridholzproduktion und -vermarktung zu untersuchen. Um Primär- und Sekundärdaten zu sammeln wird ein Methodenmix aus qualitativen Methoden, wie der Sichtung und Analyse von Sekundärdaten und der Befragung von Schlüsselinformanten, sowie quantitativen Datenerhebungsmethoden, wie der Befragung von Produzentenhaushalten, verwendet. Außerdem werden diverse qualitative und quantitative Analysen wie Inhaltsanalyse, Wertschöpfungskettenanalyse, Lebensunterhaltsanalyse und Szenarioanalyse entsprechend den spezifischen Forschungszielen eingesetzt.
Die Analyse auf der Makroebene zeigt die strategischen Reaktionen der asiatischen Holzfirmen auf die globale Wirtschaft, insbesondere in Bezug auf geografische Reichweite, Governance, Kooperation und Gesamtleistung. Darüber hinaus zeigt eine Literaturübersicht die potenziellen Auswirkungen asiatischer Holzwertschöpfungsketten auf die Umwelt und die Lebensgrundlagen der lokalen Bevölkerung auf. Während die Kommerzialisierung von Holzprodukten Vorteile für die Akteure der Wertschöpfungskette mit sich bringt, führt eine nicht nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung zu diversen negativen Umwelteffekten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen erhebliche Wissenslücken auf und fordern eine breitere geografische Abdeckung sowie transparentere und quantitativere Bewertungen. Um das Verständnis von Holz-Wertschöpfungsketten zu vertiefen, sollten weitere Forschungsarbeiten die Ursprünge, Funktionen, Abläufe und Interaktionen von Unternehmen in diesen Ketten untersuchen und dabei ökologische und soziale Aspekte mit einbeziehen.
Die Analyse auf der Meso- und Mikroebene legt die Struktur der Akazien-Hybridholz-Wertschöpfungsketten offen, welche von verschiedenen sozioökonomischen, politischen und ökologischen Bedingungen geprägt sind. Alle drei analysierten Holzwertschöpfungsketten sind käufergesteuert, angeführt von Verarbeitungs- und Exportunternehmen im nachgelagerten Knotenpunkt der Ketten. Am vorgelagerten Knotenpunkt sind die kleinen Holzproduzenten in der Regel weniger organisiert und haben keinen Marktzugang. Die Holzproduktion und -vermarktung bieten profitable Geschäftsaktivitäten für Holzproduzenten, Händler sowie Verarbeitungs- und Exportunternehmen. Aus der Kettenperspektive ist die Wertschöpfungskette Hackschnitzel finanziell profitabel. Ihr Beitrag zur Volkswirtschaft ist jedoch der geringste. Im Gegensatz dazu trägt die FSC-zertifizierte Möbel-Wertschöpfungskette grundlegend zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung bei.
Die Analyse auf der Mikroebene zeigt die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden analysierten Distrikten in Bezug auf die sozioökonomischen Merkmale, den Ressourcenzugang und das Management der Produzentenhaushalte. Relevante Ergebnisse weisen auch auf die Bedeutung von Akazien-Hybridholzplantagen im derzeitigen Lebensunterhaltssystem hin. Allerdings profitieren wohlhabendere Haushalte mehr von den Einnahmen durch Akazien-Hybridholz, insbesondere bei einem gut entwickelten Markt. Holzproduktion und Kommerzialisierung tragen zur ländlichen Armutsbekämpfung bei, dennoch ist sie der ausschlaggebende Kraft für die allgemeine Einkommensungleichheit in beiden Distrikten.
Die Ergebnisse der Literaturrecherche und der empirischen Studie helfen dabei, die drei Entwicklungsszenarien zu konzipieren und zu bewerten, die unterschiedliche Ebenen der Waldumwandlungsmaßnahmen und Reaktionen der Hauptakteure in den Ketten darstellen. In der aktuellen Situation ist ein schnelles Übergangsmodell mit strikter Kontrolle der Plantagen für die Akteure der Holzwertschöpfungsketten nicht ratsam, insbesondere für diejenigen, die vor Ort tätig sind. Ein langsames Übergangsszenario mit einem Co-Management-Modell dient stattdessen als geeigneter Entwicklungspfad. Um das derzeitige Managementsystem zu verbessern, schlägt diese Studie fünf Managementstrategien vor, darunter (i) adaptives Management, (ii) Zusammenarbeit mehrerer Interessengruppen, (iii) gezielte Interventionen, (iv) kooperatives Management und (v) integrierte Planung.
Die Studie kann für weitere politische Interventionen von Interesse sein, welche sich auf eine nachhaltige Wiederaufforstung und die Entwicklung der Lebensgrundlagen in Vietnam konzentrieren. Der Ansatz des Übergangs zu Produkten mit hoher Wertschöpfung kann auch in anderen vergleichbaren Fällen angewandt werden, in denen eine nachhaltige Nutzung von Holz- und Forstprodukten im Allgemeinen angestrebt wird. Theoretisch unterstreicht die Arbeit, dass eine nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von Forstprodukten nur dann erreicht werden kann, wenn die damit verbundenen wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und ökologischen Aspekte in Verbindung betrachtet werden. Diese Bedingungen werden von verschiedenen Faktoren beeinflusst, wie z.B. dem nationalen politischen Rahmen und den Marktbedingungen. Daher ist es entscheidend, die Zusammenhänge innerhalb des ökonomisch-sozio-ökologischen Systems zu verstehen, um langfristige Entwicklungsziele zu erreichen.
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Forest Stand Preference of Sirex Nigricornis, and Sirex Noctilio Hazard in the Southeastern United StatesChase, Kevin D 11 May 2013 (has links)
The Eurasian wood wasp, Sirex noctilio, is considered a secondary pest in its native range; however, it has caused significant economic damage when introduced to pine plantations in the Southern Hemisphere. Sirex noctilio was recently introduced to the northeastern U.S., which has raised concerns about its potential impact on Southeastern pine plantations. This research was conducted to understand how silvicultural management affects populations of a native wood wasp, Sirex nigricornis, a wood wasp with similar ecosystem functions as S. noctilio. Sirex nigricornis abundance was higher in un-managed pine plantations than in managed plantations, mixed, and old growth forests. Additionally, geospatial models were built displaying S. noctilio hazard for the Southeastern U.S. based on oviposition host preference assays and historical outbreak information. Sirex noctilio hazard models will inform land managers about areas of greatest concern under various scenarios and should be used to decrease susceptibility of pine forests to this pest.
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[pt] A presente dissertação tem como objetivo produzir um ensaio que problematize as representações da história escravista e colonial brasileira e as violências fixadas pelo racismo em manifestações artísticas contemporâneas. Para ler tais questões analiso o livro Memórias da Plantação: episódios de racismo cotidiano (2019), da artista multidisciplinar portuguesa Grada Kilomba e o filme de ficção Vazante (2017), dirigido pela cineasta brasileira Daniela Thomas, em diálogo com o evento de sua recepção e repercussão crítica na mídia brasileira. A partir destas duas obras que partem de diferentes perspectivas, abordagens e temporalidades, a pesquisa procura refletir sobre como as cicatrizes da violência escravista e colonial são performadas na contemporaneidade e como as noções de lugar de escuta/lugar de fala, letramento racial e fragilidade branca têm sido ativadas no vocabulário contemporâneo para se pensar racialidade e privilégio branco. / [en] This dissertation aims to produce an essay that problematizes the representations of the colonialism and slavery times of brazilian history and the violence fixed by racism in contemporary artistic works. To read such questions, I analyze the book Plantation memories: episodes of everyday racism (2019[2008]), by the portuguese multidisciplinary artist Grada Kilomba and the fiction feature film Vazante (2017), directed by the brazilian filmmaker Daniela Thomas, in dialogue with the event of its reception and critical repercussion in the brazilian media. From these two works that start from different perspectives, approaches and temporalities, the research seeks to reflect on how the scars of colonial and slave violence are performed in contemporary times and how the notions of place of listening / place of speech, racial literacy and white fragility have been activated and transformed in contemporary vocabulary to think about raciality and white privilege.
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Native to the world’s third-largest tropical rainforest, the indigenous people of West Papua, known as Papuan, have experienced substantial changes to their ecosystem over the last several decades, primarily to their water resources. As surface water has been a primary asset for drinking water consumption and their livelihoods for generations, the increase in pollution from expanding oil palm plantations impacts many lives. Receiving limited attention, disentangling this water injustice from power relations as a byproduct of the state-backed development, corporate-driven expansions, and consumer demand become pivotal to advocating for the indigenous community and their livelihoods. Therefore, this study explores integrating physical evidence of agricultural runoff from oil palm plantations and indigenous perceptions using hydro-social territories in a remote area in West Papua, Indonesia. Due to the lack of long-term investigations of the impact of water contamination in West Papua, a hydrological model will be used to assess the nature of the oil palm impact within the watershed. As deterioration in water quality is expected due to landscape changes, the indigenous perception of hydrological changes is crucial to determine how significant the impact is on local livelihoods. Semi-structured interviews will be used to study the perception of indigenous communities on water resources and threats of oil palm to their livelihood. The synthesis of those results will later be concluded using the hydro-social approach, involving a multi-scale analysis that includes Indonesian state and corporate actors through literature reviews from various sources (e.g., official documentation, corporate reports, and journals). This research will develop strategies to protect indigenous communities not yet impacted by large-scale changes in the watershed resulting from palm oil plantations.
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Adaptation or Maladaptation? : A holistic approach to mangrove forestry to protect against climate change in Char Kukri Mukri, Bangladesh. / Anpassning eller missanpassning? : Ett holistiskt sätt att närma sig mangroveskogsbruk i Char Kukri Mukri, Bangladesh.Krusberg, Tilde, Rahman, Aisha January 2022 (has links)
Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, with coastal areas being especially vulnerable. Along the Bangladeshi coast lies mangrove forests that protect against storm surges, tropical cyclones, SLR, coastal erosion, and salt-water intrusion. On Char Kukri Mukri, a remote island in the Bay of Bengal, Keora-species (Sonneratia apetala) mangroves are planted. The forest is virtually a monoculture in degradation and thus needs restoration through enrichment. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the opportunities and limitations of mangrove enrichment as climate adaptation on Char Kukri Mukri. We conducted semi-structured interviews with local communities and other key stakeholders and analysed soil and water samples along the island's south coast to assess this. Our results indicate that the soil is highly saline, which, combined with projected climate impact, limits the abilities of more sensitive mangroves to survive there. Climate impacts severely affect the lives and livelihoods of the people living on Char Kukri Mukri. Successful adaptation requires further involvement of local communities, site-specific solutions, and a holistic approach to adaptation. However, a hindrance to adaptation measures is the lack of resources to fund large-scale projects, which leads to beneficiaries being required to provide money and land themselves to be considered for projects. This risks systematically excluding the landless poor, and there is therefore a need to reform adaptation financing systems so that measures benefit the most vulnerable. / Bangladesh är ett av de länder i världen som är mest sårbara för klimatförändringarna. Kustområdena är mest känsliga. Längs Bangladeshs kust finns mangroveskogar, som skyddar mot klimateffekter som stormar, cykloner, havsnivåhöjning, kusterosion, och saltvattenintrång. På Char Kukri Mukri, en avlägsen ö utanför Bangladeshs centralkust i Bengaliska viken, har mangrover av arten Keora (Sonneratia apetala) planterats. Skogen är praktiskt taget en monokultur som håller på att förstöras, och det finns därför ett behov av att restaurera skogen. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka möjligheterna och hindrena för restaurering av mangroveskogarna som klimatanpassning på Char Kukri Mukri. För att uppnå detta genomförde vi semistrukturerade intervjuer med lokalbefolkningen och andra nyckelintressenter, och analyserade jord- och vattenprover tagna vid öns sydkust. Våra resultat indikerar att jorden har hög salthalt, vilket i kombination med ökade klimateffekter minskar mer känsliga mangrovearters möjligheter att överleva i dessa områden. Klimateffekter påverkar människorna och deras försörjning på Char Kukri Mukri i hög grad. Lyckad klimatanpassning kräver mer inkludering av lokalbefolkningen i initativ, platsspecifika lösningar, samt ett holistiskt tillvägagångssätt. Resursbrist hindrar dock investeringar i storskaliga och långsiktiga projekt, vilket gör att förmånstagare behöver bidra med pengar och mark till projekten. Detta gör att fattiga människor som inte äger mark systematiskt exkluderas ur anpassningsprojekten. De nuvarande finansieringssystemen behöver därför reformeras för att projekten ska ge fördelar till de människor som är mest sårbara för klimatförändringarna.
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