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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A onda do turismo na cidade do sol: a reconfigura??o urbana de Natal

Furtado, Edna Maria 01 July 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EdnaMF.pdf: 7501926 bytes, checksum: ec676773cbc95092f2f78333f065b1ff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-07-01 / Space reading of Natal City and its reconfiguration from the intensification of tourist activity and the expansion of the services' sector, transiting, primarily, through the geography, the social sciences, the economy, in one main approach that is unaware of science's traditional limitations and recognizes the complexity that involves current world. In face of this agreement it analyzes the social-economic implications that remodel the spaces under the new economic view of services' sector, commanded by the tourism, in an intense process of city's reconfiguration, concentrating in three great axles and their irrigation ways. These changes were about the public-private relation (by the public politics) in the formation of new spaces and in the remodeling of the city's old areas, which, together, had contributed to the tourist activity's appropriation, returning it in a social-economic mosaic that owns obvious reflexes in its space. This fragmentation in the urbane cloth of Natal is expressed by social nature and economic points and, in the scenery, is manifested through the modern forms of city's space occupation by the local elites and services' sector, evidencing their status' district, as well as selecting those areas with bigger capacity to reply to the capital / Leitura espacial da cidade de Natal e sua reconfigura??o a partir da intensifica??o da atividade tur?stica e da expans?o do setor de servi?os, transitando, principalmente, pela geografia, pelas ci?ncias sociais e pela economia, em uma abordagem matricial que desconhece as limita??es tradicionais da ci?ncia e reconhece a complexidade que envolve o mundo atual. Em face desse entendimento, analisa as imbrica??es socioecon?micas que remodelam os espa?os sob a ?gide da nova economia do setor de servi?os capitaneada pelo turismo, em um intenso processo de reconfigura??o da cidade, concentrando-se em tr?s grandes eixos e suas vias irrigantes. Essas mudan?as deveram-se ? rela??o p?blico-privado (vias pol?ticas p?blicas) na forma??o de novos espa?os e na remodela??o de ?reas antigas da cidade que, no conjunto, contribu?ram para que a atividade tur?stica dela se apropriasse, tornando-a um mosaico socioecon?mico que possui reflexos evidentes no seu espa?o. Esta Fragmenta??o no tecido urbano de Natal se expressa por indicadores de natureza social e econ?mica e, paisagisticamente, se manifesta pelas formas modernas na ocupa??o do espa?o da cidade pelas elites locais e pelo setor de servi?os, evidenciando os seus bairros de status, bem como selecionando aquelas ?reas com maior capacidade de resposta ao capital

Bioenergia e exclus?o regional: a n?o pol?tica nacional agroenerg?tica e os girass?is do RN

Barreto Neto, Francisco Nabuco de A. 09 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoNABN.pdf: 1571343 bytes, checksum: f30a0bcc5b0d576b24ed11dbd5f25df2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-09 / This doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the production of bicarbonates and related regional development in Brazil. It is widely believed that one of Brazil s vocations lies in the agro-energy sector. However, current national agro-energy policies, together with the experience of Petrobras (the national oil company) in rural settlements in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, show that Brazil has fallen short of effectively including the North and Northeast regions of the country, let alone small-scale rural producers (residing in rural settlements or not), in the development process and related benefits from the country s participation in the current world energy grid. The methodology entails secondary research related to the theme, such as books, official documents, websites and statistical databases from diverse sources, in addition to an analysis of statements from interviews of Petrobras representatives and other important scientific, institutional and labor union authorities, in relation to agro-energy issues and the socio-economic participation of family-based agriculture in this process. Principal findings show a correlation between agro-energy and regional development, creating the potential for numerous opportunities and challenges. Findings demonstrate the possibility of reversing/reducing historically rooted indices of hunger and poverty that continue to devastate the North and Northeast regions. At the same time, the thesis points to a potentially catastrophic increase in regional disparities, should the present historic moment not be seized upon so as to include these regions. Classic examples of non-policy at the federal level are presented as evidence of the absence of a regionally focused agroenergy policy in the current government, reinforced by the experiences of Petrobras in the Rio Grande do Norte rural settlements. Finally, the thesis concludes that there is an urgent need to create a government-sponsored enterprise (with a structure similar to Petrobras) with the purpose of implementing a truly broad and inclusive development process for the bicarbonates production sector, while remaining attentive to Brazil s opportune and critical role in the world s current agro-energy scenario. / Analisa a rela??o entre a produ??o de biocarburantes e a quest?o regional. Acredita-se que a produ??o agroenerg?tica ? uma voca??o brasileira, contudo, a atual pol?tica nacional agoenerg?tica e a experi?ncia dos assentamentos rurais apoiados pela Petrobras, no Rio Grande do Norte, n?o incluem efetivamente as regi?es Norte e Nordeste do Brasil, tampouco os pequenos produtores rurais (assentados ou n?o) nos benef?cios decorrentes da atual mudan?a na matriz energ?tica mundial. A metodologia utilizada inclui a pesquisa secund?ria concernente ao tema, tais como livros, documentos oficiais, sites, bases estat?sticas entre as demais fontes, e ainda a an?lise de discurso tomando por base entrevistas realizadas junto ? Petrobras e com importantes autoridades cient?ficas, institucionais e sindicais relacionadas ? quest?o agroenerg?tica e a inclus?o s?cio-econ?mica da agricultura familiar neste processo. Os principais resultados indicam que a correla??o entre agroenergia e a quest?o regional apresenta in?meras potencialidades e desafios. Aponta para a possibilidade de revers?o/redu??o dos hist?ricos indicadores de fome e pobreza que assolam o Norte e o Nordeste. Contudo, tamb?m indica que a n?o pol?tica agroenerg?tica no atual governo federal, assim como experi?ncias da Petrobras nos assentamentos do Rio Grande do Norte s?o exemplos claros de n?o pol?tica que podem agravar o quadro de disparidades regionais de forma abissal, caso n?o haja aproveitamento deste momento hist?rico. Por fim conclui que urge a cria??o de uma empresa de economia mista (nos moldes da Petrobras) e integradora especializada na produ??o de biocarburantes, que trate desta quest?o com a urg?ncia e import?ncia que o Brasil ocupa no cen?rio agroenerg?tico mundial, numa perspectiva verdadeiramente includente e abrangente.

Democracia Poss?vel: espa?os institucionais, participa??o social e cultura pol?tica

Guimar?es, Aline Amorim Melga?o 26 April 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlineAMG.pdf: 269619 bytes, checksum: 320bd08aec4bf9b63b1c7c24ed004748 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-04-26 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The present study aims at making a theoretically reflection about the reconstruction process of democracy that can be observed in the country since the opening political process, which took place with the Geisel?s government in 1974, passing through the first civil president, in 1985, the Constitution process, in 1986, and finally the Constitution promulgation in 1988. It interests to this study analyses the premise that the 1988 Constitution inaugurates the moment in which democracy starts to be reconstructed in the country, and that this reconstruction is made in such a brand new way, once it included the possibility of participation of the civil society in the deliberation of the public politics, what became possible with the creation of new spaces of a gestion shared by the three executive powers: federal; states; municipalities, and with the civil society, in the councils created in those spheres. In this way, this work wishes to focus the opening process to the civil society participation, wich became possible with the creation of the city councils of public politics. It?s about investigating the form in wich the relations set up in these hibrid spaces could be considered democratic, inclusive and promoters of effective participation, checking up tendencies, giving emphasis to regularities and some specifities encountered in the forms of participation, which have been observed in those councils. In order to comprehend the democratic process in construction in the country, the analysis of the relations established by the civil society and the local executive power in the obligatory municipal councils is taken as object of study, passing by the tensions wich evolves institutions and political practices, permeated by the local political culture. It starts from a briefly review of works already made on the subject / O presente trabalho pretende refletir teoricamente a respeito do processo de reconstru??o da democracia que podemos observar no pa?s, a partir, inicialmente, do processo de abertura pol?tica que tem in?cio no governo Geisel em 1974, prolongando-se com o primeiro presidente civil em 1985, pela Constituinte de 1986 e pela promulga??o da Constitui??o de 1988. Interessa ao trabalho analisar que a Constitui??o de 1988 inaugura o momento em que a democracia come?a se reconstruir no pa?s, e esta reconstru??o se d? de modo inovador, ao prever a inser??o da sociedade civil na delibera??o das pol?ticas p?blicas, com a cria??o de espa?os de gest?o compartilhada entre os executivos federal, estadual e municipal, e ? sociedade civil, nos conselhos gestores federais, estaduais e municipais. Neste sentido, o trabalho tem como preocupa??o focalizar o processo de abertura ? participa??o da sociedade civil que ocorre com a cria??o dos conselhos gestores municipais de pol?ticas p?blicas. Trata-se de investigar o formato em que, na pr?tica, as rela??es estabelecidas nesses espa?os h?bridos possam ser consideradas, enquanto democr?ticas, inclusivas e promotoras de uma participa??o efetiva, analisando tend?ncias, dando ?nfase ?s regularidades e algumas das especificidades encontradas nos formatos de participa??o, que se tem observado nestes conselhos. A fim de realizar o exerc?cio de compreens?o a respeito da democracia que se coloca em constru??o no pa?s, toma-se como objeto de estudo, a an?lise das rela??es estabelecidas entre sociedade civil e executivo local, nos conselhos gestores municipais obrigat?rios, passando pelas tens?es que envolvem institui??es e pr?ticas pol?ticas, permeadas pela cultura pol?tica local. Parte-se de um breve balan?o de disserta??es produzidas a cerca do presente tema

Processo participativo da popula??o na constru??o da agenda 21 local:o caso de Parnamirim

Macedo, J?lio C?sar de 30 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JulioCM.pdf: 1291551 bytes, checksum: e23908cfc95215d20450eedf07222838 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-30 / One of the agreements assumed at the conference of the United Nations for the Environments and Development which took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1992; through Global Agenda 21, was that the signatory countries would create a national Politics of sustainable development, by means of their national Agenda 21. Demonstrating the relevance of municipal districts and the local communities, during the definitions of new development standards compromised to the transformation of the society, socia1ly and environmentally well-balanced world, it was also agreed on that places under the responsibilities of the municipal districts would promote their own local Agenda 21. We need to point out though that the government has the prerogative and the responsibly of facilitating the population participation process in the construction of national and local Agenda. This made it possible again, to plan the scheming process directly towards the insertion of population participation at the different levels, involving the entire local sectors while establishing a new local partnership through the local municipal government. Thus, we decide to verify the participation of the population in the construction of their local Agenda 21, choosing for the study case Parnamirim municipality from RN. The question which originated the objectives and analysis was formulated on the following terms: Up to which stage was the process of population participation effective in the elaboration of Parnamirims's local Agenda 21? Based on this uneasiness, it was defined as the general objective, the verification of population participation process during the elaboration of Parnamirims's local Agenda 21, aiming at its effectiveness as well as specific objectives; to identify the population representivity, the construction of the local AG 21 in order to identify on which level is the participation based, to verify the strategies used in order to promote the process participation, to identify the motives guiding those involved in the construction of the local Agenda 21. This case study at Parnamirim municipal district demonstrated that there was effective population participation as far as the local Agenda 21 is concerned / Um dos pactos assumidos na Confer?ncia das Na??es Unidas para o Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, realizada no Rio de Janeiro em 1992, atrav?s da Agenda 21Global foi que os pa?ses signat?rios gerariam pol?ticas nacionais de desenvolvimento sustent?vel, por meio de suas Agendas 21 nacionais. Frente ? relev?ncia dos munic?pios e das comunidades locais, na defini??o de novos padr?es de desenvolvimento comprometido com a transforma??o da sociedade para um mundo mais equilibrado social e ambientalmente, tamb?m foi acordado que as localidades sob responsabilidades dos governos municipais promoveriam a constru??o de suas Agendas 21 Locais. Destacando que os governos t?m a prerrogativa e a responsabilidade de facilitar os processos participativos da popula??o na constru??o das Agendas nacionais e locais. O que se tornou poss?vel (re) pensar um planejamento voltado diretamente para a inser??o da participa??o da popula??o nos diferentes n?veis, envolvendo todos os setores sociais no estabelecimento de uma nova parceria local por meio do governo municipal. Assim sendo, resolvemos verificar a participa??o da popula??o na constru??o da Agenda 21Local, tendo como estudo de caso o munic?pio de Parnamirim, situado no RN. A quest?o que fundamentou os objetivos e a an?lise empreendida foi formulada nos seguintes termos: em que medida o processo de participa??o da popula??o foi efetivo na elabora??o da Agenda 21 Local de Parnamirim? A partir desta inquieta??o, foi definido como objetivo geral verificar o processo de participa??o da popula??o na elabora??o da AG21L de Parnamirim, visando sua efetividade e, como objetivos espec?ficos, identificar as representatividades que participaram da constru??o da AG21L; apreender o tipo de participa??o da popula??o na constru??o da AG21L, visando identificar em que n?vel se deu essa participa??o; verificar as estrat?gias de mobiliza??es utilizadas para promover o processo participativo da popula??o na constru??o da AG21L; identificar os motivos que nortearam os envolvidos a participarem na constru??o da AG21L e identificar a concep??o de DS compreendida para constru??o da AG21L. O estudo de caso, no munic?pio de Parnamirim, demonstrou que efetivamente ocorreu a participa??o da popula??o na constru??o da AG21L

Avalia??o de efetividade do centro de reabilita??o de adultos - CRA/NATAL/RN

Rego, Adna Rejane Freitas 07 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AdnaRFR_TESE.pdf: 1309752 bytes, checksum: 2c8e5b8808db2fd448d49567f8c51fc8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-07 / Public services with an emphasis on rehabilitation treatment of disabled people, as established law, have aimed to ensure quality and equity assistance in a rehabilitation way to the segment highlighted. As for people with physical disabilities, the Unified Health System (hereby SUS) through the directive GM/ MS No. 818 of 2001, requires the creation of hierarchical and regionalized services networks at different levels of complexity to ensure appropriate assistance. This study whose title is Evaluation of effectiveness of the Adult Rehabilitation Center in Rn: elements for a discussion aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation services that institution, reference in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, has directed its patients, more specifically those who have had a stroke and therefore are disabled ones. From the standpoint of methodological conduction, it was prioritized a qualitative and empirical theoretical research which was carried out from the following courses: literature references with authors who are the themes pertaining to rehabilitation, inclusion, public policy evaluation, health policy and disability; documentary research through Regulation of Technical Procedures, files, records, informative booklets that were of great importance to the knowledge of the institution, as well as its functioning and dynamics of field research that was materialized with the managers, rehabilitation staff and Center s users, through the application of semi-structured interviews as a tool for data collection. The information obtained was analyzed from the critical analysis of discourse. As a result, it was identified some technical, administrative and financial difficulties which have obliterated the effectiveness of services provided, such as: lack of many professionals to meet existing demand, poor quality of equipment and the physical structure, limits on autonomy management as a result of dependence along with the SESAP/RN; besides the excessive bureaucratization in the administrative processes compromising Center s problem-solving needs. However, in the narratives of managers, rehabilitation staff of patients, despite the difficulties, treatment made by Centre has effectiveness to the extent that has been contributing even in a limited way to improve their quality of life / Os servi?os p?blicos com ?nfase no tratamento de reabilita??o das pessoas com defici?ncia, enquanto direito constitu?do, objetiva garantir-lhe com qualidade e equidade a assist?ncia reabilitacional. Em se tratando das pessoas com defici?ncia f?sica, o Sistema ?nico de Sa?de SUS atrav?s da portaria GM/MS n? 818 de 2001, determina a cria??o de redes de servi?os regionalizados e hierarquizados em diferentes n?veis de complexidade para garantir a assist?ncia devida. O presente estudo intitulado Avalia??o de efetividade do Centro de Reabilita??o de Adultos do RN: elementos para uma discuss?o,tevecomo objetivo geral avaliar a efetividade dos servi?os de reabilita??o que essa institui??o refer?ncia no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, direciona aos seus pacientes, especificamente ?queles que tiveram um AVC e que, portanto, encontram-se na condi??o de deficientes f?sicos. Do ponto de vista da condu??o metodol?gica, priorizou-se uma pesquisa te?rico-emp?rica, de natureza qualitativa, que se realizou a partir dos seguintes percursos: revis?o de literatura com autores que s?o refer?ncias nas tem?ticas concernentes ?reabilita??o, inclus?o, avalia??o de pol?ticas p?blicas, pol?tica de sa?de e defici?ncia; pesquisa documental atrav?s de Regulamento de Procedimentos T?cnicos, arquivos, prontu?rios, cartilhas informativas, de grande import?ncia para o conhecimento da institui??o e da sua din?mica de funcionamento; pesquisa de campo, que se materializou junto aos gestores, equipe de reabilita??o e usu?rios do Centro, atrav?s da aplica??o de entrevistas semiestruturadas, enquanto instrumento de coleta de dados. As informa??es obtidas foram analisadas a partir da an?lise critica do discurso. Como resultado, identificaram-se algumas dificuldades de ordem t?cnica, administrativa e financeira, que obliteram a efetividade dos servi?os prestados, tais como: insufici?ncia do quantitativo de profissionais para responder ? demanda existente; precariedade dos equipamentos e da estrutura f?sica; limites na autonomia da gest?o, em decorr?ncia da depend?ncia junto a SESAP/RN; a excessiva burocratiza??o nos processos administrativos, comprometendo a resolutividade das necessidades do Centro. Contudo, as narrativas dos gestores, da equipe de reabilita??o e dos pacientes, apesar das dificuldades, o tratamento viabilizado pelo Centro possui efetividade na medida em que vem contribuindo, mesmo de forma limitada, para a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos pacientes

Ativismo judicial e materializa??o das pol?ticas p?blicas infanto-juvenis na constitui??o da rep?blica: Fixa??o de planos ideais de atua??o para os atores do Sistema de Garantia de Direitos (SGD)

Pereira J?nior, Marcus Vin?cius 02 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcusVPJ_DISSERT.pdf: 1086624 bytes, checksum: ffb0fa1428d93858078d6feaac4aa0fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-02 / The research arose from the necessity of showing ways to be followed by the actors of the System Guaranteeing Rights of the Child and Adolescent (SGD), regarding the implementation of rights for young people, because the legislation in force in Brazil is currently considered a model around the world and, paradoxically, the fundamental rights of children and adolescents are not met, even with the constitutionally guaranteed priority. Thus, the study investigates the fundamentality rights for young people, enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic, as well as the ways of effectiveness of these rights through the actions of actors of the System Guaranteeing Rights, especially the judiciary. Focusing realized, studying theories of fundamental rights, especially Structuring a Theory of Law (Strukturiende Rechtslehre), Friedrich M?ller, who emphasizes the need for analysis of social reality in the application of the rule of law. Study also the public budget and public policies concerning children and adolescents, with emphasis on preparation of budget laws and the process of discussion, deliberation, choice and implementation of public policies for children and teenagers. It then presents the typical functions of the members of System Guaranteeing Rights, as well as prepare a plan for optimum performance for each of the actors, with emphasis on analysis of the implementation of public policies at the municipal level. Finally, it analyzes the theory of separation of three powers, and discusses the positive and negative factors for judicial intervention, concluding that the Courts can consider the action activist, from finding the omission of the Executive and legislative branches, as regards the implementation of the rights of children and adolescents, as well as the rights of children and young people are not realized in most cases, due to the omission of actors of the System Guaranteeing Rights / A pesquisa surgiu da necessidade de apresenta??o de caminhos a seguir por parte dos atores do Sistema de Garantia de Direitos da Crian?a e Adolescente (SGD), no que se refere ? concretiza??o dos direitos infanto-juvenis, pois a legisla??o em vigor no Brasil atualmente ? considerada modelo em todo o mundo e, contraditoriamente, os direitos fundamentais das crian?as e adolescentes n?o s?o concretizados, mesmo diante da prioridade absoluta garantida constitucionalmente. Assim, o estudo investiga a fundamentalidade dos direitos infantojuvenis, consagrados na Constitui??o da Rep?blica, bem como as formas de efetiva??o dos referidos direitos, atrav?s da atua??o dos atores do Sistema de Garantia de Direitos, especialmente do Judici?rio. Com enfoque concretizador, estuda algumas teorias dos direitos fundamentais, especialmente a Teoria Estruturante do Direito (Strukturiende Rechtslehre), de Friedrich M?ller, que ressalta a necessidade de an?lise da realidade social na aplica??o da norma jur?dica. Estuda, tamb?m, o or?amento p?blico e as pol?ticas p?blicas relativas ?s crian?as e adolescentes, com ?nfase na elabora??o das leis or?ament?rias e no processo de discuss?o, delibera??o, escolha e execu??o das pol?ticas p?blicas infanto-juvenis. Em seguida, apresenta as fun??es t?picas dos integrantes do Sistema de Garantia de Direitos, bem como elabora um plano de atua??o ideal para cada um dos atores, com ?nfase na an?lise da concretiza??o das pol?ticas p?blicas em ?mbito municipal. Por fim, analisa a teoria da separa??o dos tr?s poderes, e discute os fatores positivos e negativos relativos ? interven??o judicial, chegando-se ? conclus?o de que os Tribunais Superiores consideram poss?vel a atua??o ativista, a partir da constata??o da omiss?o por parte dos Poderes Executivo e Legislativo, no que se refere ? concretiza??o dos direitos das crian?as e adolescentes, bem como que os direitos infanto-juvenis n?o s?o concretizados, na maioria dos casos, em raz?o da omiss?o dos atores do Sistema de Garantia de Direitos

Avalia??o do programa escola ativa como pol?tica p?blica para escolas do campo com turmas multisseriadas: a experi?ncia em jardim do serid?/rn (1998-2009)

Azevedo, M?rcio Adriano de 09 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcioAA_TESE.pdf: 2394645 bytes, checksum: dde098295c26fcbd69ef2bb0c15e0cdb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-09 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / This work aims at developing an evaluation of the implementation of the Program Escola Ativa as a public policy for rural schools with combined grade classrooms in Jardim do Serid? RN (1998 2009) focusing on the following dimensions: school s physical environment, training, follow up, and didactic usage of the methodology. In order to develop this research we refer to the literature that analyzes the cycle of policies (FREY, 2000). In this approach, evaluation represents an important step in the process of analyzing the implementation of public policies, as a way of measuring up their performance, as well as a guide for realignments and redefinitions (PRESSMAN; WILDAVSKY, 1998). In order to accomplish this function, the evaluator of policies must be acquainted with scientific concepts and methods that consist of describing, interpreting and analyzing the policies in the governmental sphere (MENY; THOENIG, 1992; LIMA J?NIOR, 1978). In this perspective, we intend to investigate whether in its proposition of minimizing the blanks in the Brazilian educational system, the implementation of the Program would be contributing to the improvement of the political-pedagogical practices in the rural schools with combined grade classrooms in Jardim do Serid? RN. In order to do this research, we have developed a theoretical-methodological matrix made of analysis dimensions, variables, indicators and instruments, such as literary revision, documental analysis, semi-structured interviews with four teachers and three supervisors that work and/or have worked in Escola Ativa in that town in the period comprised among 1998 2009, besides notes taken from field observation and photographs from four rural schools with combined grade classrooms. With this research we have identified that the Program, at a national level, has gone through different phases in its implementation process, for the town was not ready to fully take the responsibilities of the autonomous expansion, in 2002. From that period on, the execution of Escola Ativa has suffered several discontinuities, such as the lack of professional training and supervising. It is also noted that the methodology contributes to the dynamization of the didactic-pedagogical activities and promotes the cooperation and autonomy of the students in the organization and the applicability of the components of the curriculum, especially of Governo Estudantil and Cantinhos de Aprendizagem. Although the directions of the Program (BRASIL, 2005) point out that Escola Ativa has among its principles social transformation, we identified that, isolated, the initiative is not capable of promoting the changes that the rural schools need, namely investments in the physical, material, pedagogical and technological infra-structure, besides the estimation and a career plan for the teachers. In a general draft of the results of this research, we realized that some aspects presented about the peculiarities of Escola Ativa in Jardim do Serid? as a governmental Program, reinforce the need for the public policies to be evaluated, in order to confront critic and operationally the planning with the practice, revising action, whenever necessary / O presente trabalho objetiva desenvolver uma avalia??o de implementa??o do Programa Escola Ativa como pol?tica p?blica para escolas do campo com turmas multisseriadas em Jardim do Serid?/RN (1998-2009), enfocando as dimens?es ambiente f?sico-escolar, forma??o, acompanhamento e aplica??o did?tica da metodologia. Para desenvolver a pesquisa tomamos como refer?ncia a literatura que analisa o ciclo das pol?ticas (FREY, 2000). Nessa abordagem, a avalia??o representa uma importante etapa no processo de an?lise de implementa??o das pol?ticas p?blicas, podendo aferir sobre o seu desenho, bem como orientar realinhamentos e redefini??es (PREESSMAN; WILDAVSKY, 1998). Para cumprir essa fun??o, o avaliador de pol?ticas deve se apropriar de conceitos e de m?todos cient?ficos que consistem em descrever, interpretar e analisar as pol?ticas na esfera governamental (MENY; THOENIG, 1992; LIMA J?NIOR, 1978). Nessa perspectiva, buscamos investigar se em sua proposi??o de minimizar uma lacuna no sistema educacional brasileiro, a implementa??o do Programa estaria contribuindo para a melhoria das pr?ticas pol?tico-pedag?gicas junto ?s escolas rurais com turmas multisseriadas em Jardim do Serid?/RN. Para a realiza??o da pesquisa, desenvolvemos uma matriz te?rico-metodol?gica constitu?da por dimens?es de an?lises, vari?veis, indicadores e instrumentos, a saber: revis?o da literatura, an?lise documental, entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 04 professoras e 03 supervisoras que atuaram e/ou atuam no Escola Ativa naquele munic?pio no per?odo de 1998-2009, al?m de observa??es com produ??o de notas de campo e de fotografias em quatro escolas rurais com turmas multisseriadas. Com a pesquisa, identificamos que o Programa, em n?vel nacional, atravessou diferentes fases em seu processo de implementa??o, n?o estando o munic?pio preparado para assumir plenamente as responsabilidades da expans?o aut?noma, em 2002. A partir daquele per?odo a execu??o do Escola Ativa sofreu in?meras descontinuidades, como a falta de forma??o continuada e de acompanhamento. Vimos ainda que a metodologia contribui para dinamizar as atividades did?tico-pedag?gicas e promover a coopera??o e autonomia dos estudantes na organiza??o e aplicabilidade dos componentes curriculares, sobretudo do Governo Estudantil e dos Cantinhos de Aprendizagem. Embora as diretrizes do Programa (BRASIL, 2005) explicitem que o Escola Ativa tem como um dos princ?pios a transforma??o social, identificamos que, isoladamente, a iniciativa n?o ? capaz de promover as transforma??es que as escolas rurais necessitam, como os investimentos em infra-estrutura f?sica, materiais, pedag?gicas e tecnol?gicas, al?m de valoriza??o e carreira do trabalho docente. No esbo?o geral dos resultados da pesquisa, percebemos que alguns aspectos apresentados sobre a particularidade do Escola Ativa em Jardim do Serid? como um programa governamental, refor?am a necessidade de as pol?ticas p?blicas serem avaliadas, a fim de confrontar cr?tica e operacionalmente o planejamento com a pr?tica, revisando as a??es, quando necess?rio

A redefini??o do espa?o urbano de Natal/RN a partir da influ?ncia dos servi?os: uma an?lise das avenidas Bernardo Vieira e Engenheiro Roberto Freire

Nascimento, Gerson Gomes do 09 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-24T17:49:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GersonGN_TESE.pdf: 4714493 bytes, checksum: 3210c67db530dca6c6bf87d19f872722 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-09 / This paper analyzes the influence of trade and services in the reconfiguration of urban space in Natal, with the Avenues Bernardo Vieira end Roberto Freire Engineer as privileged analysis. Initially, we discussed the concepts of production and reproduction of urban space, urban centralities, decentralized, services and public policies, especially transport and tourism. Then, we show the construction of urban space from Natal, highlighting the historical formation of the districts of Ribeira, Cidade Alta and Alecrim, pioneers in the service sector, noting that currently there is an ongoing process of decentralization in the city of such activities, to other areas of the urban fabric of Natal. Later, we studied the Avenues Bernardo Vieira to Roberto Freire Engineer, noting, in both the distribution of commercial activities and services, and issues related to transportation, traffic, tourism and socio-economic problems, identified them. Finally, testify that Natal, from the 1980s, underwent a process of decentralization of services, both to the south, and north of the city on the ball. In this process of decentralization we ascertain the role of public policies on transport and tourism, complementing the action of private enterprise, through the real estate market, on Avenue Roberto Freire Engineer. / Este trabalho analisa a influ?ncia do com?rcio e dos servi?os na reconfigura??o do espa?o urbano de Natal-RN, tendo as Avenidas Bernardo Vieira e Engenheiro Roberto Freire como espa?os privilegiados de an?lise. Inicialmente, s?o abordados os conceitos de produ??o e reprodu??o do espa?o urbano, de centralidades e descentralidades urbanas, de servi?os e de pol?ticas p?blicas, principalmente, de transportes e de turismo. Em seguida, mostramos a constru??o do espa?o urbano de Natal, destacando a forma??o hist?rica dos bairros da Ribeira, Cidade Alta e Alecrim, pioneiros no setor de servi?os, observando que na atualidade existe um processo de descentraliza??o em curso na cidade, das referidas atividades, para outras ?reas do tecido urbano natalense. Posteriormente, estudamos as Avenidas Bernardo Vieira a Engenheiro Roberto Freire, ressaltando, em ambas, a distribui??o das atividades comerciais e de servi?os, al?m de quest?es relativas ao transporte, ao tr?fego, ao turismo e aos problemas socioecon?micos, nelas identificados. Finalmente, atestamos que Natal, a partir da d?cada de 1980, sofreu um processo de descentraliza??o dos servi?os, tanto na dire??o Sul, quanto na esfera Norte da cidade. Neste processo de descentraliza??o averiguamos o papel das pol?ticas p?blicas de transportes e turismo, complementando a a??o da iniciativa privada, atrav?s do mercado imobili?rio, sobretudo, na Avenida Engenheiro Roberto Freire.

Reforma agr?ria de mercado e territorializa??o: um estudo a partir do Programa C?dula da Terra em Canind?-CE

Vasconcelos, Francisca Maria Teixeira 20 September 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:10:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscaMTV.pdf: 1265239 bytes, checksum: 8a45566e14158b2476fb9cb43c9ff074 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-09-20 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The research Reforma Agr?ria de Mercado e Territorializa??o: um estudo a partir do Programa C?dula da Terra em Canind?-Ce , has an objective to discuss until whas time denominated agrarium refom has capacity of territory the of families in Five from the seven settlements cmated by resourles from the prgramme cell of earth em Canind?-Ce. In this context, the present work analysis the relation sitip between power and kind of identity, in special in those settlements, trying to learn the dialetic relationship. That passes by the process and appropriation in these spaces by these families gave the beginning of buying the land. The procedure methologic used by us gave privilege to realize the interview included in this process, wita the leaders of rural associations (STR); commission clero of earth (CPT); rural workers movement without land (MST); wita agricolas tecnics, and so the local coordinators of cell of earth in Fortaleza. The analysis of agrarium reform in Canind?, infects that the families giving entrance in buying the land, they could creatieg a hope in quality of life for getting the land. Nevertheless, it did not happen, in the rost of the parts of the areas in study. The territories present in general focus, the worse process of poomest besides the amount of debiths of these families, putting in risk the territorialization of themselves / A pesquisa Reforma Agr?ria de Mercado e Territorializa??o: um estudo a partir do Programa C?dula da Terra em Canind?-Ce tem como proposta discutir at? que ponto a denominada reforma agr?ria de mercado tem a capacidade de territorializar as fam?lias residentes em cinco dos sete assentamentos criados via recursos do Programa C?dula da Terra em Canind?-Ce. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho analisa as rela??es de poder e o tipo de identidade espacialmente delimitadas esses assentamentos , tentando apreender a rela??o dial?tica que perpassa o processo de dom?nio e apropria??o desses espa?os pelas fam?lias que deram entrada na compra da terra. O procedimento metodol?gico por n?s utilizado privilegiou a realiza??o de entrevistas com as fam?lias envolvidas nesse processo, com lideran?as do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais (STR), da Comiss?o Pastoral da Terra (CPT), do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), com t?cnicos agr?colas, e ainda com os coordenadores a n?vel estadual do Programa C?dula da Terra em Fortaleza. A an?lise da reforma agr?ria de mercado em Canind? infere que as fam?lias ao darem entrada na compra da terra, detinham a confian?a e esperan?a de melhoria da sua qualidade de vida aliada ao acesso a terra, no entanto, isto n?o ocorreu em parte expressiva das ?reas estudadas. As territorialidades detectadas apontam, em linhas gerais, para o agravamento da pobreza paralelo ao endividamento das fam?lias, comprometendo assim, o processo de territorializa??o das mesmas

Expans?o urbana de Mossor? : per?odo de 1980 a 2004

Rocha, Aristotelina Pereira Barreto 12 April 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:10:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AristotelinaPBR.pdf: 3456529 bytes, checksum: 46cbab61e5692bdcef280c6d9260ff57 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-04-12 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The purpose of this Academic Work is to identify the process of urban expansion of Mossoro city, connect them with the economy that moves the society of Mossoro. This analysis is about the period from 1980 to 2004 and the economy activities selected are compose the structure of the Mossoro' s life, fixing shapes, functions and contents of the city territory, especially in its urban space to understand the present process of urban expansion and its relations with the dynamic of the city we recall history of this territory, wich as a urban word, connect the changes with the primary economy actives - commerce and sea salt extraction. ln this relation between the present process of urban expansion and the dynamic of the city economy, the economy activities studies where the sea salt extraction, and irrigated fruit crops organizes the space so they can be viable in all stages - production, trade and circulation - to be viable they change, amplify and build a urban space together with public policy, that also increases with the arrival of new inhabitant, service structure, mount by the public administration as well as by private resources. This work point out the needs of a development a new main plan for Mossoro, that will reorganize it's territory, but also grant the needs of its society, wich desires a more given city, where citizenship will be exercise with dignity / Este Trabalho tem por objetivo identificar os processos de expans?o urbana da cidade de Mossor?, relacionando-os com as Economias que dinamizam esta Sociedade. Esta an?lise corresponde ao per?odo de 1980 a 2004 e as atividades econ?micas selecionadas s?o aquelas que exercem um papel estruturante na vida da Cidade, por determinarem formas, fun??es e conte?dos no territ?rio do Munic?pio, e, principalmente em seu espa?o urbano. Para que se possam entender os processos da expans?o urbana atual e suas rela??es com a din?mica da Cidade, recorremos ? hist?ria desse territ?rio, que, ao definir-se como mundo urbano, sintonizam essas transforma??es com as atividades econ?micas fundadoras - o Emp?rio Comercial e a Extra??o de sal marinho. Nesta rela??o entre a expans?o urbana atual e a din?mica econ?mica da Cidade, as atividades econ?micas trabalhadas foram a Economia Salineira, a Extra??o de Petr?leo e G?s, e a Fruticultura Irrigada. Essas Economias (re)organizam um espa?o para viabilizar-se nas suas mais diversas etapas - produ??o, comercializa??o e circula??o - e, para tanto, modificam, ampliam e criam juntamente com as Pol?ticas P?blicas um espa?o urbano, que se expande tamb?m pela chegada de migrantes, pela estrutura de servi?os, montada pelo Poder P?blico, bem como pelo Capital Privado. O Trabalho aponta para necessidade de elabora??o um novo Plano Diretor para a Cidade, que reorganize esse territ?rio, n?o apenas na perspectiva do Capital e dos seus interesses, mas que tamb?m incorpore as aspira??es da sua Sociedade, que deseja uma Cidade mais generosa, onde a cidadania possa ser exercida com dignidade

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