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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reversible addition-fragmentation transfer polymerization in heterogeneous aqueous media

McLeary, James Breton 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study presented in this dissertation had as primary aim to develop pathways to heterogeneous aqueous polymerizations that had living characteristics. To this end, the reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) process was investigated in predispersed and ab initio emulsions as well as homogeneous media. The synthesis of RAFT agents was carried out. The compounds prepared provided varied behaviour in reaction. In situ IH nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) increased understanding of homogeneous RAFT mediated polymerizations. The early behaviour of RAFT mediated polymerizations led to the definition of initialization; a period before pre-equilibrium in a polymerization where degenerate behaviour occurs. Stable miniemulsion preparation methods were developed that provided living polymer latexes using high surfactant concentrations. The effect of surfactant concentration on particle size and latex stability was investigated. Living polymer characteristics were shown by the use of size exclusion chromatography, and 2- dimensional chromatography conclusively showed block polymer formation. In situ NMR spectroscopy of emulsions in deuterated water was used to provide evidence on the role of initiator solubility in polymerization. Secondary nucleation in high surfactant concentration miniemulsions systems was investigated using both particle size and molar mass analysis techniques and a means of eliminating secondary particle nulceation was shown through the use of aqueous phase radical traps. The role of the RAFT agent used in the polymerization was shown to be significant in determining the extent to which multiple polymer distributions formed in the polymerization in that radical exit from particles was affected. Finally, a new form of emulsion polymerization, which has been termed proto-seeded emulsion, has been developed. The proto-seed latex is formed by using a monomer whose polymer has chain length dependent water solubility. This process allows ab initio RAFT mediated emulsion polymerization to be conducted successfully without transport of RAFT agents in heterogeneous media. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primerê doel in hierdie dissertasie is die ontwikkeling van roetes na heterogene water-gebaseerde polimerisasies met lewende eienskappe. Om hierdie doel te bereik is die omkeerbare addisie fragmentasie ketting oordrag proses (eng reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)) ondersoek in vooraf verspreide en direkte emulsies sowel as homogene media. Die sintese van RAFT agente is uitgevoer. Die verbindings wat voorberei is het verskillende einskappe in reaksies getoon. In situ IH kern magnetiese resonansie (KMR) het die kennis en begrip van homogene RAFT polimerisasies uitgebrei. Die vroeë gedrag van RAFT polimerisasies het tot die definisie van inisialisasie gelei; 'n periode voor die pre-ekwilibrium in 'n polimerisasie waartydens "degenerate" gedrag plaasvind. Stabiele miniemulsie voorbereidings metodes is ontwikkel wat lewende polimeer latekse verskaf het met gebruik van hoë seep konsentrasies. Die effek van seep konsentrasie op partikel grootte en lateks stabilitiet is ondersoek. Lewende polimeer eienskappe is bewys deur gebruik te maak van grootte-uitsluiting vloeistof chromatografie, en 2-dimensionele chromatografie het duidelik blok-polimeer vorming gewys. In situ KMR spektroskopie van emulsies in gedeutereerde water is gebruik om bewys te lewer van die rol van initieerder-oplosbaarheid in polimerisasie. Sekondêre nukleasie in hoë seep konsentrasie miniemuisie sisteme is ondersoek met die gebruik van beide partikel grootte sowel as molêre massa analise tegnieke. 'n Metode om sekondêre partikels te verhoed is verskaf deur gebruik te maak van waterfase radikaal lokvalle. Die rol van die RAFT agent in die polimeerisasie is beduidend in die graad van vorming van meer as een polimeer distribusie in die sin dat radikal uitgang van partikels beinvloed was. Ten slotte is 'n nuwe vorm van emulsie polimeerisasie ontwikkel wat proto-gesaaide emulsie genoem is. Die proto-gesaaide lateks is gevorm deur gebruik te maak van 'n monomeer waarvan die polimeer water-oplosbaarheid afhanklik is van die kettinglengte. Die proses laat ab initio RAFT emulsie polimerisasie toe om suksesvol uitgevoer te word sonder die vervoer van RAFT agente in heterogene media.

An investigation into the nano-structure self assemblies of amphiphiles and their fixation by polymerization

McLeary, James Breton 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is a written record of an investigation into the self-assembly of organic monomers in amphiphilic solutions. The polymerizable surfactant sodium 10-undecenoate was used alone and with different concentrations of styrene and methyl methacrylate monomers and phenyl acetophenone initiator to investigate single particle formation from a simple amphiphilic self-assembly. Reactions were carried out under either ultra-violet light or gamma irradiation. It was shown that copolymerization between the surfactant and the monomers did not occur to any significant extent. This meant that inclusion of easily modifiable carboxyl functionalities in the polymer by incorporation of the carboxylate surfactant could not be quantified. Star-like particles were found. The shape of the particles formed, was the result of surfactant self-assembly to create self-assembled particles rather than templating of polymeric material. Polymerization of the unsaturated surfactant particles occurred to low conversions only. Analyses of formed particles were carried out using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy for structure observation. The techniques of energy dispersive analysis by x-rays, particle SIze analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, Fourier transform infrared analysis, nuclear magnetic resonance, small angle x-ray scattering and inductively coupled plasma (for counter-ion analysis) were used for the gathering of physical data. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is 'n geskrewe rekord van 'n ondersoek van die self-aneensetting van organiese monomere in amfifiliese oplossings. In die ondersoek is die polimeeriseerbare seep natrium 10-undekenoaat alleen en saam met verskillende konsentrasies van monomere en feniel asetofenoon gebruik om enkelpartikel formasie vanaf 'n eenvoudige amfifiliese templaat te ondersoek. Reaksies is uitgevoer onder of ultra-violet lig, of gamma bestraling. Dit is bewys dat kopolimerisasie tussen die seep en die monomere me III emge merkwaardige hoeveelhede plaasgevind het nie. Dit beteken dat insluiting van maklik veranderbare karboksiel funksionele groepe in die polimeer deur middel van insluiting van die karboksilaat seep nie meetbaar was nie. Ster-vormige partikels is gevind. Dit is getoon dat die vorm van die partikels wat in die vroeëre werk verkry is, die resultaat van seep self-aaneensetting, eerder as templatering van polimeriese materiaal is. Polimerisasie van die seep partikels het net tot lae vlak van omskakeling plaasgevind. Analise van die gevormde partikels is uitgevoer deur middel van skandeer elektron mikroskopie; transmissie elektronmikroskopie; atomiese kragmikroskopie; veldemissie skandeer elektron mieroskopie en ligmikroskopie vir struktuur bepalings. Die tegnieke van energie dispersie analiese deur middel van x-strale; deeltjie grootte analise; differensiaal skandeer kalorimetrie; termogravimetriese analise; Fourier transformasie infra rooi analiese; kern magnetiese resonansie; klein hoek x-straal diffraksie en induktief-gekoppelde plasma (vir teenioon analise) is gebruik om fisiese data te versamel.

The influence of processing on properties of injection-moulded and lomolded components

Johnson, B. A. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Rectangular components were produced by both standard injection moulding and by a process called Lomolding. Both moulding grade polypropylene homopolymer and glass-filled polypropylene were used. The effect of processing parameters on material properties, as measured by tensile and impact strength, and warpage were determined for both injection moulding and lomolding, for both unfilled and glass-filled polypropylene materials. Sampling of the components allowed for critical evaluation of processing parameters’ effect on material properties at points close to and distant from the injection point, as well as in the direction of materials flow and transverse to material flow. Glass-filled components were also evaluated in terms of glass fibre length and fibre distribution (post-injection). Overall conclusions could be drawn with respect to the 2 different processes and the materials used. It was seen, inter alia, that the specimen orientation had no effect on the mechanical properties when using unfilled polypropylene, but that the orientation of the glass fibres in the testing direction resulted in an increase in the tensile strength and the impact strength for the injection moulded samples. Similar results were seen for lomolded samples, except that the fibre orientation effects were different. In the same vein, other notable differences could be observed for samples produced by lomolding and injection molding. Fibre length and distributions obtained by polymer burn-off experiments served to help explain differences in properties of glass-filled products produced by the two processes.

Synthesis and characterization of urethane-acrylate graft copolymers

Alshuiref, Abubaker 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Polyurethanes (PUs) are finding increasing application and use in many industries due to their advantageous properties, such as a wide range of flexibility combined with toughness, high chemical resistance, excellent weatherability, and very low temperature cure. PUs do however have some disadvantages, for instance, PU is considered an expensive polymer, especially when considered for solvent based adhesives. A motivation for this study was to consider a largely unstudied area of PU chemistry by combining PUs with polyacrylates. Polyacrylates are well known adhesives and can carry specific functionality, but have the disadvantage that their flexible backbones impart limited thermal stability and mechanical strength. In this study PU was incorporated into acrylates in an effort to obtain acrylate-g-urethanes with good properties. The mode of incorporation chosen was urethane macromonomers (UMs), a hardly mentioned substance in literature, yet one deserving investigation. UMs having different urethane chain lengths (X) were synthesized by the polyaddition polymerization of toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and ethylene glycol (EG) by the prepolymer method, which was terminated by 2-hydroxy ethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and isopropanol. The UMs were characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), proton NMR (1H NMR), carbon NMR (13C NMR), gel permeation chromatography (GPC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). Various percentages of the respective UMs (0-40 wt % according to acrylate monomers) were then incorporated into methyl methacrylate (MMA) and into normal butyl methacrylate (n-BMA) backbones via solution free radical copolymerization. The resulting methyl methacrylate-urethane graft copolymers (PMMA-g-urethane) and normal butyl methacrylate-urethane graft copolymers (n-PBMA-g-urethane) were characterized by GPC, 1H NMR and 13C NMR, FTIR, TGA, and DMA. Phase separation between the urethane segment and acrylate segment in the yield of graft copolymerization products was investigated by DMA and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). As the concentration of the UMs in the free radical copolymerization feed increased, lower yields of both graft copolymers PMMA-g-urethane and n-PBMA-g-urethane were observed and more UM was incorporated into the PMMA and n-PBMA backbones. It also was found that the thermal stability of the PMMA-g-urethane and n-PBMA-gurethane copolymers increased with increasing UM concentration. DMA results showed that in most graft copolymer products the two respective component parts of PMMA-g-urethane or n-PBMA-g-urethane were completely compatible as only one Tg was observed. Two glass transitions, at temperatures of 22.0 and 76.0 oC, corresponding to the n-PBMA and urethane moieties, were observed when the chain length of the UMs was increased from X=4 to X=32 [the amount of this UM used in the copolymerization feed was increased to 40%, and microphase separation was indicated].

Synthesis and characterization of comb-polymers with controlled structure

Elhrari, Wael 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Synthesis of a series of poly (methylmethacrylate)-graft-poly (styrene) polymer was carried out via free radical polymerization of methylmethacrylate and polystyrene macromonomers. The macromonomers were synthesized via living anionic polymerization techniques. Two series of macromonomers where synthesized with different polymerizable end group functionalities, by termination with p-vinyl benzyl chloride and 3-(dimethyl chloro silyl) propyl methacrylate. The branch density was varied by controlling the composition feed ratio of the macromonomers to comonomer. Liquid chromatographic techniques were used to fully characterize the chemical composition and branch distributions of the graft polymer. Liquid chromatography under critical conditions of adsorption of styrene coupling with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectra was used to investigate the chemical composition and distribution of the branches in the graft. Physical properties of the graft copolymers such as Tg and free volume were determined using differential scanning calorimetry and positron lifetime spectrometry respectively. The relationship between the chemical composition and the graft copolymer properties such as Tg and free volume were investigated. The results show that for long chain macromonomers phase segregation occurs in the graft copolymers. In the case of shorter chain macromonomers at low content no phase segregation is observed and the macromonomers have an antiplasticization effect on the graft polymers.

The use of adamantane-containing compounds in polymer chemistry.

Yoba Ngoma, Richard Habib Patrick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The primary focus of the research was the use of adamantane-containing molecules in polymer science. The research is divided into 2 parts, the first involving the syntheses of a new ligand for use in a metallocene catalyst system. The second part involved the synthesis of new monomers for the use in free radical polymerization systems, In the first part of the research, the synthesis of the ligand, 2-dimethyladamantylethylcyclopentadiene was attempted. This was done via the starting materials adamantylethylbromide and dimethylfulvene. In the first step the adamantylethylbromide was prepared via the tosylation reaction of admantaneethanol. Further, the use of either a Grignard or Barbier reaction to insert the 6,6 dimethylfulvene to yield the final product was attempted. The isolation of the final product could not successfully be completed, even though spectroscopic evidence suggested that the synthesis had been partially succssful. In the second part of the reasearch, the monomers 4-(1-adamantyl)phenolmethacrylate, adamantylmethylacrylate and admantylethylacrylate were synthesized. These monomers were homo-and copolymerized using a controlled radical reaction mechanism (RAFT).

Two-dimensional chromatographic characterisation of PS-b-PEO copolymers at the critical conditions of their corresponding homopolymers

Grabowsky, Monika Elvira 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Block copolymers are very interesting materials but they are quite complex. During polymer synthesis only a certain amount of control can be enforced. As copolymers are made up of two or more different homopolymer segments, and therefore have different end group possibilities, varying block lengths and block sequences, they have complex structures and are therefore difficult to analyse. Different techniques exist by which polymers can be analysed to determine the aforementioned distributions. In order to achieve a complete characterisation of a polymer structure, it is best to first use a separation technique to fractionate the polymer into more homogeneous fractions, and then use identification techniques to analyse these fractions. Polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) (PS-b-PEO) copolymers were investigated using liquid chromatography at the critical conditions (LCCC) of the copolymers' corresponding homopolymers, two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2D-LC) and FTIR. The block copolymers were analysed using the established LCCC of PS but it was found that even though separation of PS homopolymer and copolymer was obtained, PS blocks of the copolymers contributed to some extent to the retention of the PEO blocks. Some of the block copolymer samples were fractionated at the established critical conditions of PS. These fractions were qualitatively and quantitatively analysed using FTIR spectroscopy. The settings for the 2D-LC analysis were established, using LCCC of PS as the first dimension and as the second dimension SEC, using DMF as eluent. DMF was a suitable solvent to be used for the second dimension because PS, PEO and PS-b-PEO exhibited good solubility in this solvent. THF did not dissolve the block copolymers completely. The same solvent system as used for LCCC of PS was used for LCCC of PEO, but the critical conditions correspond to a different solvent composition. The block copolymers were analysed using the established LCCC of PEO but it was found that even though separation of PEO homopolymer and copolymer was obtained, the PEO blocks of the copolymers contributed to some extent to the retention of the PS blocks. Some of the block copolymer samples were fractionated at the established critical conditions of PEO. These fractions were qualitatively and quantitatively analysed using FTIR spectroscopy. The settings for the 2D-LC analysis were established, using LCCC of PEO as the first dimension and as the second dimension SEC using DMF as eluent was used. Lastly, qualitative and quantitative analyses of the block copolymers were carried out using FTIR spectroscopy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel blokkopolimere baie interessante verbindings is, is hulle redelik ingewikkeld. Gedurende die kopolimerisasiereaksie kan daar net 'n sekere mate van kontrole behaal word. Aangesien kopolimere uit twee of meer homopolimeersegmente, met verskillende end-groep moontlikhede, bloklengtes en blokvolgordes bestaan, is dit baie moeilik om hierdie verbindings te analiseer. Verskillende tegnieke kan gebruik word vir die analise van polimere en die bepaling van bogenoemde verspreidings. Ten einde 'n polimeerstruktuur volledig te karakteriseer is die beste manier om eers 'n skeidingstegniek te gebruik om die polimeer in meer homogene fraksies te fraksioneer en dan daarna hierdie fraksies te analiseer. Polistireen-blok-poli(etileenoksied) (PS-b-PEO) kopolimere is ondersoek deur gebruik te maak van vloeistofchromatografie by kritiese kondisies (LCCC) van die kopolimeer se ooreenkomstige homopolimere; twee-dimensionele vloeistofchromatografie (2D-LC) en FTIR. Die blokkopolimere is gekarakteriseer deur gebuik te maak van bevestigde LCCC van PS. Daar is egter gevind dat alhoewel skeiding van die PS homopolimeer en die kopolimeer behaal is, PS blokke van die kopolimere in 'n mate bygedra het tot die retensie van die PEO blokke. Sommige van die blok-kopolimeermonsters is gefraksioneer by die bepaalde kritiese kondisies van PS. Hierdie fraksies is kwalitatief en kwantitatief geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van FTIR spektroskopie. Die stellings vir die 2D-LC analise is bepaal deur gebruik te maak van LCCC van PS as die eerste dimensie en SEC as die tweede dimensie, met DMF as elueermiddel. DMF was 'n geskikte oplosmiddel vir die tweede dimensie aangesien PS, PEO en PS-b-PEO goed oplosbaar is daarin. Die blokkopolimere was nie volledig oplosbaar in THF nie. Dieselfde oplosmiddelsisteem soos gebruik vir die LCCC van PS is gebruik vir die LCCC van PEO, maar die kritiese kondisies stem ooreen met 'n ander oplosmiddelsamestelling. Die blokkopolimere is geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van die bevestigde LCCC van PEO, maar daar is bevind dat alhoewel skeiding van die PEO homopolimeer en kopolimeer behaal is, die PEO blokke van die kopolimere in 'n mate bygedra het tot die retensie van die PS blokke. Sommige van die blokkopolimeermonsters is gefraksioneer by die bevestigde kritiese kondisies van PEO. Hierdie fraksies is kwalitatief en kwantitatief geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van FTIR spektroskopie. Die stellings vir die 2D-LC analise is bepaal deur gebruik te maak van LCCC van PEO as die eerste dimensie en SEC as die tweede dimensie, met DMF as elueermiddel. Laastens is kwalitatiewe en kwanitatiewe analises van die blokkopolimere m.b.v. FTIR spektroskopie uitgevoer.

Towards light switchable surfaces

Reader, Paul 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Polymeric nanofibrous membranes that act as surfaces offer two compelling properties; they have extremely large surface areas that can be modified and they can offer multiple reactive sites depending on which polymer they were electrospun from. Combining nanofibrous surfaces such as these with photochromic dyes can give remarkable, light responsive materials. In this study, a terpolymer was electrospun and crosslinked (to impart insolubility to the material) to produce a nanofibrous mat that contained surface secondary-hydroxyl units and benzyl chloride units, from which monomers could grow using surface-initiated atom transfer polymerization (SI-ATRP). The surface was further fluorinated though the secondary-hydroxyl moieties to produce a hydrophobic crosslinked nanofibrous surface. n-Butyl acrylate and a photochromic spiropyran dye were copolymerized from the surface using SIATRP, in order to produce a surface that exhibited reversible adhesion towards a water droplet using ultraviolet and visible light as a stimulus to change between the two states. This in principle would allow the droplet to roll off and stick to the surface respectively. Although the surface displayed a colour change when switched, proving that the SI-ATRP had taken place, the droplet of water remained attached to the surface in both states. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Polimeriese nanovesel membrane wat dien as oppervlaktes bied twee aantreklike eienskappe; hulle het baie groot oppervlakareas wat gemodifiseer kan word en hulle bied veelvuldige reaktiewe punte, afhangende van die polimeer waarvan hulle ge-elektrospin is. Deur sulke nanovesel oppervlaktes met fotochromiese kleurstowwe te kombineer, kan uitstekende lig reagerende materiale verkry word. In hierdie studie is ‘n terpolimeer ge-elektrospin en daarna gekruisbind (om die materiaal onoplosbaar te maak) om ‘n nanovesel web te kry wat oppervlak sekondêre-hidroksiel en benzielchloried eenhede bevat. Monomere kan dan vanaf hierdie eenhede groei deur middel van oppervlak-geïnisieerde atoomoordrag polimerisasie (OI-AOPR). Die oppervlak was verder gefluorineer via die sekondêre-hidroksiel eenhede om ‘n hidrofobiese, gekruisbinde nanovesel oppervlak te vorm. n-Butielakrilaat en ‘n fotochromiese spiropiraan kleurstof is gekopolimeriseer vanaf die oppervlak deur middel van OI-AORP om sodoende ‘n oppervlak te skep wat omkeerbare adhesie van ‘n water druppel gee as ultraviolet en sigbare lig as stimulus gebruik word om tussen die twee toestande te wissel. In beginsel sal die water druppel vanaf die oppervlak kan afrol én daaraan vassit, afhangende van die toestand van die oppervlak. Alhoewel die oppervlak van kleur verander het met die wisseling tussen die twee toestande, wat as bewys dien dat OI-AORP wel plaasgevind het, het die druppel water bly vassit aan die oppervlak in beide toestande.

NMR studies on the mechanism of iodine mediated polymerisation

Wright, Trevor 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In reverse iodine transfer polymerisation (RITP), chain transfer agents (CTAs) are generated in situ from the reaction between 2,2’-azobis(isobutyronitrile) (AIBN) and molecular iodine. This stage of RITP is the inhibition period, which ends when all iodine has been consumed. The evolution of CTAs was studied for the polymerisation reactions of n-butyl acrylate and styrene respectively. RITP of n-butyl acrylate was performed at 70 °C. In situ 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments were carried out to study the evolution of CTAs during the inhibition period of n-butyl acrylate polymerisation and the structures A-I and A-Mn-I (where A represents the moiety originating from AIBN, M represents the monomer unit and n is the mean number degree of polymerisation) were observed. A polymer with the general structure A-Mm-I is formed. The molecular weight of poly(n-butyl acrylate) (PnBA) was evaluated with size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and NMR. Structural analysis of PnBA was done using NMR spectroscopy and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight (MALDI-ToF) mass spectrometry. Similar conditions to those used for n-butyl acrylate polymerisation were used for RITP of styrene. The evolution of CTAs during the inhibition period of styrene polymerisation was studied using in situ 1H NMR. The inhibition period of styrene polymerised by RITP was much shorter than expected. This is due the consumption of iodine in the reaction between styrene and iodine which reversibly forms 1,2-diiodo-ethyl benzene. The CTAs A-I and A-Mn-I are formed, as well as 1-phenylethyl iodide (1-PEI). The molecular weight of polystyrene (PS) was determined using SEC and NMR and the functionality was evaluated using 1H NMR. The structure of PS was confirmed with 1H NMR and MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry. By increasing the temperature of the reaction, the inhibition period can be shortened. Both polymerisation systems retain control over molecular weight with an increase in temperature, however, n-butyl acrylate is limited due to the possible formation of mid-chain radicals. The formation of an A–Mm–A population (direct combination of the initiator and styrene) in RITP of styrene results in more initiator being consumed than for n-butyl acrylate, despite limited conversion of styrene to polymer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In omgekeerde-jodium-oordrag polimerisasie, is die kettingoordragagente gegenereer in situ van die reaksie tussen 2,2’-azobis(isobutironitriel) (AIBN) en molekulêre jodium. Hierdie fase van RITP is die inhibisie tydperk wat eindig wanneer alle jodium verbruik is. Die evolusie van kettingoordragagente is vir die polimerisasiereaksies van butielakrilaat en stireen onderskeidelik bestudeer. Omgekeerde-jodium-oordrag polimerisasie van butielakrilaat was uitgevoer by 70 °C. In situ 1H kernmagnetieseresonans (KMR) eksperimente is uitgevoer om die evolusie van die kettingoordragagente te bestudeer tydens die inhibisie van butielakrilaat polymerisasie en die strukture A-I en A-Mn-I (waar A die gedeelte voorstel wat afkomstig is van AIBN, M die monomeer-eenheid en n die gemiddelde aantal polymerisasiegraad verteenwoordig) is ge-identifiseer. 'n Polimeer met die algemene struktuur A-Mm-I is gevorm. Die molekulêre gewig van poli(butielakrilaat) (PnBA) was geëvalueer deur grootte-uitsluitings chromatografie en KMR spektroskopie. Strukturele ontleding van PnBA is gedoen deur die KMR spektroskopie en matriks ge-assisteerde laser desorpsie/ionisasie tyd-van-vlug massaspektroskopie. Soortgelyke kondisies as dié wat gebruik word vir butielakrilaat polymerisasie, is gebruik vir omgekeerde-jodium-oordrag polimerisasie van stireen. Die evolusie van die ketting oordrag agente gedurende die inhibisie periode van stireen polymerisasie is deur in situ 1H KMR bestudeer en die inhibisie periode is baie korter as verwag. Dit is as gevolg van die opname van jodium in die reaksie tussen stireen en jodium wat omkeerbare stireen-di-jodied tot gevolg hê. Die ketting oordrag agente A-I en A-Mn-I is gevorm, sowel as 1-feniel-etiel jodied. Die molekulêre massa van polistireen (PS) is bepaal met behulp van grootte-uitsluitings chromatografie en KMR spektroskopie en die funksioneering is geëvalueer met behulp van 1H KMR. Die struktuur van PS is bevestig deur 1H KMR en matriks ge-assisteerde laser desorpsie/ionisasie tyd-vanvlug massaspektroskopie. Deur die verhoging van die temperatuur van die reaksie, kan die inhibisie periode verkort word. Beide polimerisasie sisteme behou beheer oor die molekulêre massa met 'n toename in temperatuur, alhoewel butielakrilaat beperk word as gevolg van die moontlike vorming van middel kettingradikale. Die vorming van die A-Mm-A spesie (direkte kombinering van AIBN en stireen) in omgekeerdejodium- oordrag polimerisasie van stireen veroorsaak dat meer AIBN verbruik word as butielakrilaat, ten spyte van die beperkte omskakeling van stireen tot polimeer.

Single bubble-electrospinning of polyvinyl alcohol and polyacrylonitrile

Pringle, Carla 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Needle-electrospinning is an uncomplicated and highly versatile nanofiber (fiber diameter of 50 to 500 nm) production technique. Nevertheless the process can only produce 0.01 to 1.0 g/h/m2 of nanofibers, unpractical for large-scale productions. Bubble-electrospinning, in the presence of surfactants, is a novel nanofiber mass-production technique developed at Stellenbosch University.[1] The technique is similar to needle-electrospinning only that the surface area of a bubble surpasses that of a solution droplet, making it possible for multiple jets to form on the bubble surface at high field strengths. Thus far little research has been done on the influence of solution properties on the bubble-electrospinning technique. During electrospinning the solution experiences three competing forces, namely, surface tension (contracting force), charge repulsion (expanding force), and viscosity (resistance to flow). The first aim of this study was to obtain better understanding on the influence of three significant solution properties (viscosity, conductivity and surface tension) on bubble-electrospinning in terms of bubble lifetime, bubble size, average number of jets and the resultant fibers. The solution properties were varied using a range of polymer and surfactant concentrations. A second aim was to obtain better understanding on the comparison of the bubble-electrospinning process between two polymer solutions, namely Polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) solutions containing sodium lauryl ether sulphate (SLES) surfactant, and Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) solutions containing silicone surfactant. Results indicated that the solution viscosity and conductivity increased with increasing polymer concentrations for both polymer solutions. In addition, both the solution surface tensions were not influenced by polymer concentration. With regards to bubble-electrospinning of PVOH solutions, results indicated that the average number of jets per bubble was influenced by the polymer concentration. Regarding PAN solutions, bubble lifetime and the average number of jets was influenced by polymer concentration. Results indicated that the solution viscosity increased and surface tension decreased with increasing surfactant concentration for both polymer solutions. PVOH solution conductivity increased whilst PAN solution conductivity decreased with increasing surfactant concentrations. With regards to bubble-electrospinning of PVOH solutions, the bubble lifetime and bubble size was significantly influenced by the SLES concentration. Regarding PAN solutions, the silicone surfactant concentration had no significant effect on the bubble-electrospinning process. Overall, PVOH fiber diameters decreased with increasing surfactant concentration. There was no common trend between the bubble-electrospinning of PVOH and PAN solutions in relation to their solution properties. It was concluded that solution viscosity, conductivity and surface tension are not the only significant contributing parameters to the bubble-electrospinning process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die naald-elektrospinproses is 'n eenvoudige, hoogsaanpasbare tegniek wat gebruik word vir die maak van nanovesels. Nanovesels het tipies 'n deursnee van 50nm tot 500nm. Ongelukkig is dit onprakties vir grootskaalse produksie omdat die uitset daarvan beperk is tot 0.01 tot 1.0 g/h/m2. Die borrel-elektrospinproses, waar elektrospinstrale gespin word vanaf die oppervlak van borrels op die oppervlak van die spinoplossing en waar die borrels gestabiliseer is m.b.v. sepe, is 'n nuwe tegniek wat ontwikkel is by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. [1]. Die tegniek is soortgelyk aan die naald-elektrospinproses in dié sin dat die elektrospinstraal vorm vanaf 'n gelaaide halfsfeervormige oppervlak in die spinoplossing, maar die aansienlik groter oppervlakarea van die borrel in die borrel-elektrospinproses maak dit moontlik om verskeie elektrospinstrale gelyktydig op die oppervlak van die borrel te onderhou. Dit lei tot baie hoër doeltreffendheid in die saamgroeppering van die strale en gevolglik tot hoër nanoveseluitsette. Tot dusver is daar weinig navorsing aangaande die invloed van oplossingseienskappe op die borrel- elektrospintegniek gedoen. Tydens die elektrospinproses ervaar die oplossing drie kompeterende kragte, naamlik: oppervlakspanning (sametrekkende krag), elektrostatiese afstoting (afstotende krag) en viskositeit (vertragende effek op vloei van die oplossing). Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie navorsing was om 'n beter begrip te kry van die invloed van drie gemete oplossingswaardes, d.w.s. viskositeit, elektriese geleidingsvermoë en oppervlakspanning op die borrel-elektrospinproses. Die impak van hierde waardes is spesifiek geëvalueer in terme van borrellewensduur, borrelgrootte, gemiddelde hoeveelheid elektrospinstrale per borrel en die morfologie van die vesels wat in die proses gevorm is. Die tweede doelwit van die studie was om 'n vergelyking te tref tussen die mees optimale oplossingswaardes in die borrel-elektrospinproses van twee baie uiteenlopende polimeerspinoplossings, naamlik polivinielalkohol (PVOH), met natrium dodesieletersulfaat (SLES) as die borrelstabiliserende seep en poliakrilonitriel (PAN) oplossing, met 'n silikoonseep as die borrelstabiliserende seep. Resultate het getoon dat die viskositeit en elektriese geleidingsvermoë toeneem met toename in polimeerkonsentrasie vir beide PVOH- en PAN-oplossings. Verder is oppervlakspanning in beide gevalle nie beduidend beïnvloed deur die polimeerkonsentrasie nie. In die geval van die borrel-elektrospin van die PVOH-oplossings het resultate daarop gedui dat die gemiddelde aantal elektrospinstrale per borrel moontlik beïnvloed kon word deur die polimeerkonsentrasie. In die geval van borrel-elektrospin van PAN-oplossing is bevind dat polimeerkonsentrasie die borrelleeftyd en die gemiddelde aantal elektrospinstrale per borrel beïnvloed. Resultate het ook getoon dat die viskositeit vermeerder en die oppervlakspanning afneem met toename in die konsentrasie van die sepe in beide die polimeeroplossings. Die PVOH-oplossing se elektriese geleidingsvermoë het vermeerder terwyl dit verminder in die geval van die PAN-oplossings met 'n toename in die seepkonsentrasie. Tydens borrel-elektrospin van die PVOH-oplossings is beide borrelleeftyd en borrelgrootte beduidend beïnvloed deur die SLES konsentrasie. By die borrel-elektrospin van PAN-oplossings het die silikoonseepkonsentrasie nie 'n beduidende invloed gehad op die borrelleeftyd en borrelgrootte nie. Oor die algemeen het die gemiddelde PVOH veseldeursnee afgeneem met toename in seepkonsentrasie. Geen algemene tendens kon waargeneem word tussen die optimale oplossingswaardes vir borrel-elektrospin van die PVOH- en die PAN-oplossings onderskeidelik nie. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die viskositeit, elektriese geleidingsvermoë en oppervlakspanning nie die enigste beduidende waardes is wat bepaal of die borrel-elektrospinproses sal werk vir 'n spesifieke polimeeroplossing nie.

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