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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Les bêtises des Grecs" : conflits et rivalités entre cités d'Asie et de Bithynie à l'époque romaine : 129 a.C.-235 p.C. /

Heller, Anna, January 2006 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Thèse de doctorat--Histoire--Paris--École pratique des hautes études, 2002. Titre de soutenance : Hellenica hamartèmata : "les bêtises des Grecs ?" : conflits et rivalités entre cités dans la province d'Asie et en Bithynie à l'époque romaine : 129 a.C.-235 p.C. / Bibliogr. p. 396-403. Notes bibliogr. Résumé en français et en anglais.

&#039 / temple States&#039 / Of Pontus: Comana Pontica And Zela

Sokmen, Emine 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Before the Roman rule in Asia Minor, under the Hellenistic kings, small communities lived independently within areas surrounding temples with local powers. The temple held together and ruled these communities. Under the Romans these communities were brought and united to form cities in order to govern them by a central power and to take advantage of their unified work force. These communities served the Temple providing it necessary resources to function and provided themselves protection under sacred power. Some scholars have identified term as temple state, a term originated from the Sumerian communal structure. This study examines the validity of the use of the term temple state in defining Comana Pontica and Zela in the Black Sea region in Pontic region through a comparison with similar examples found in Anatolia. This study also aims to provide a revision to the meaning of independently structured temples by observing their transformation in time and by examining changes of the properties of their location.

Présence et influence iranienne dans les régions pontiques des origines à la chute de l’Empire achéménide / The Iranian presence and influence in the Pontus regions from the origins to the fall of the Achaemenid Empire

Bikas Shourkaei, Hamid 25 July 2011 (has links)
La présence iranienne dans les régions pontiques, bien qu’apparaissent de manière incidente dans de nombreuses études, n’a jamais fait l’objet d’une thèse de doctorat. Ce travail de thèse se propose de retracer l’histoire de la présence des Iraniens dans les régions pontiques des origines à la chute de l’Empire achéménide. Dans la première partie de notre thèse, nous passons en revue les discussions les plus récentes sur l’origine, les stades de la formation et la répartition des populations nomades iranophones dans les steppes eurasiatiques. Nous nous penchons notamment sur les rasions du passage au grand nomadisme pastoral monté de ses tribus à l’aube du Ier millénaire avant J.-C. Dans la deuxième partie de notre thèse, nous retraçons d’abord l’histoire du peuple cimmérien, puis nous traitons in extenso du problème de leur appartenance linguistique et anthropologique. Dans cette partie sont également examiné l’origine de la culture de la Scythie du Pont, l’établissement des Scythes en Asie antérieures et leur retour aux steppes nord-pontiques. A la fin de cette partie, nous reprenons l’analyse de la première légende d’origine des Scythes rapportée par Hérodote et nous tentons, en utilisant la méthode comparative dumézilienne, de démontrer que les éléments constitutifs de cette légende sont la résurgence et l’assemblage de schémas narratifs des mythes fondateurs des peuples iraniens. La troisième partie de notre thèse est consacrée à l’étude de la présence iranienne dans les régions pontiques à l’époque achéménide. Nous nous appliquons à dresser le portrait historique de ces espaces géographiques sous la domination achéménide et nous tentons d’identifier les traces de l’occupation achéménide ainsi que les « marqueurs » de la présence iranienne dans ces régions. Les documents de natures diverses et complémentaires permettent de confirmer non seulement la présence iranienne, mais aussi la profondeur des contacts inter-culturels entre les Iraniens de la diaspora impériale, les Grecs et les populations locales de ces régions. / The thesis studies the presence and influence of the Iranian peoples and tribes in the Pontus region from the origins to the fall of the Achaemenid Empire. While the sedentary Iranian people have been the center of attention, this work focuses firstly on the nomadic Iranian peoples originally living in western Siberia and who moved later in the north-Pontic region. In the absence of Cimmerian and Scythian written documents, the first part of thesis attempts to reconstruct a historical narrative of the migration and invasion of these people through the references made to them in ancient Greek and Assyrian texts, as well as by archaeological evidence. Modern debate about the Cimmerians’ linguistic and ethnic affiliation continues at a lively pace, for the existing documentation is both sparse and full of contradictions. Nonetheless, the inclination today is to consider them as an Iranian people. The second part of thesis traces the history of Scythian tribes in the North Pontic region. The first Scythian legend of origin, as related by Herodotus is studied and it is suggested that this legend incorporates typical features of Iranian legends of origin. The third part of the thesis studies the history of Pontus regions in the Achaemenid period and attempts to evaluate the impact of Persian and Iranian presence there. This part discusses the political status of the Pontus regions within the Achaemenid empire and attempts to determine the nature and the level of political incorporation of these regions into Achaemenid administrative organization. The work concludes by reviewing the written, archeological, artistic and various other sorts of evidence which suggests that there was not only a permanent presence of Persians and Iranians of the imperial diaspora, but also a considerable impact by the Achaemenid political and cultural influence in the Pontus region. This was due to the intense intercultural exchange between these Iranians and local populations.

La métaphysique dans la sculpture de Jean Tinguely : mécanique, contradiction et métamorphose comme principes générateurs / Metaphysics in sculptural work of Jean Tinguely : mechanical, contradiction and metamorphosis as generator principles

Rolez, Anaïs 23 January 2015 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude de la part métaphysique dans l’oeuvre sculptée de Jean Tinguely (Fribourg 1925 - Berne1991). La problématique majeure est celle de l'aspect contradictoire d'une oeuvre à la fois anti-académique issue de l'influence dadaïste mais dont la dimension métaphysique la rapproche d'une tradition spéculative de l'art. L'étude de lasculpture de Jean Tinguely se fait sous deux axes principaux : l'art comme jeu plaisant et l'art comme pourvoyeur devérité. / The topic of this PhD thesis is the study of the metaphysical aspect of the sculptural work of Jean Tinguely (Fribourg 1925 –Bern 1991). The main argument is the contradictory conception of a work which is anti-academic in the dadaist attitude,but which metaphysical dimension makes it close to the speculative tradition in art. The study of the sculptural work of JeanTinguely follows two main perspectives: art as pleasant game and art as purveyor of truth.

Sista andningen / Last breath

Restadh, Pontus January 2015 (has links)
Det här är ett kandidatprojekt där jag har skapat ett förslag på ett nytt krematorium på Norra begravningsplatsen i Stockholm. Mitt kandidatprojekt handlar om processer. Processen att hitta en fungerande plan till ett krematorium. Processen att hitta form utifrån program. Jag har försökt hitta upplevelsen av alla rum för att sedan skapa rummen. Processen att skapa en byggnad är för mig den intressantaste delen av arkitektur. Att skapa för att förstå vad som skapas och att inte stanna upp i den processen. En del av den processen är att göra val och även om vissa val kan vara svåra att förklara i efterhand tror jag att det är en viktig del av yrket att förstå att det är genom dessa val erfarenhet skapas. Den svåraste processen har varit gestaltningen. I mitt projekt har jag jobbat med en del klassicistiska element för att förstå hur användandet av dessa kan kännas påklistrat eller genuint. Jag hoppas det upplevs som det senare. / This is a bachelor degree project where I'm proposing a new crematorium on Norra begravningsplatsen in Stockholm. My bachelor degree project is about processes. The process of finding a workable plan to a crematorium. The process of finding the form based on the program. I have tried to find perception of all the rooms and then create the rooms. The process of creating a building is to me the most interesting part of the architecture. To create in order to understand what is created and not to pause in the process. Part of that process is to make choices, and although some choices are difficult to explain in hindsight, I think it is an important part of the profession to understand that it is through these selections experience is created. The most difficult process has been the design. In my project I have worked with some classical elements to understand how the use of these can feel pasted or genuine. I hope it is perceived as the latter.

Musiktheorie als literarischer Text. Die beiden Solitaire-Dialoge des Pontus de Tyard in ihrer Vermittlerfunktion zwischen Poetik und Musiktheorie

Gervink, Manuel 20 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Knytet / The Bundle

Beling, Pontus January 2018 (has links)
Skolan är en plats som vi alla kan relatera till och som ständigt är i ropet. Begrepp såsom lärande och miljö diskuteras flitigt och ges stort utrymme i den politiska och mediala debatten. Under lång tid har forskning bedrivits kring vad som dikterar en god skolmiljö där de senaste rapporterna visar att elevernas skolprestationer och välmående är starkt knutet till elevernas förståelse för sitt sammanhang. Vägledande för projektet har således varit att skapa en skola med en tydlig funktionsuppdelning som samtidigt förenar elever och lärare. Då platsen ligger mitt emellan mälarhöjden och bredäng, två områden med olika socio-ekonomisk standard, har förhoppningen varit att knyta skolan samman. För att lyckas med detta och för att åstadkomma en god skolmiljö har tre bregrepp fått verka vägledande i gestaltningen och utformandet av skolan; AXLAR/SIKTLINJER - För att ge eleverna en ökad förståelse för sitt sammanhang har jag valt att låta två siktlinjer få skära genom byggnaden likt ett kors. Dessa verkar som korridorer, gemensamhetsytor, som underlättar förflyttningen inom skolan och som ger skolan en tydlig riktning.  FUNKTION - De korsande axlarna på entréplanet skapar fyra angränsande zoner som alla fyller olika funktioner. På så vis vilar skolans aktiviteter mot de korsande axlarna vilket skapar en tydlig funktionsuppdelning och ger en tydlig läsbarhet för eleverna. MITTPUNKT - Där de två axlarna möts har skolmatsalen placerats för att öppna upp. Här är förhoppningen att möten ska uppstå under dagen då eleverna rör sig mellan olika aktiviteter. Då matsalen inte verkar som lunchmatsal är idén att ytan ska verka som ett gemensamt allrum där eleverna kan mötas för att studera och umgås. / The school is a place that we can all relate to and is constantly up for debate. Concepts like learning and environment are constantly discussed and given a lot of space in the political and the medial debate. For a long time, research has been conducted around what dictates a good school environment where recent reports show that students school achievements and well-being are strongly linked to the students understanding of their context.    The project has therefore been to create a school with a clear division of functions that simultaneously unites students and teachers. Since the location is between Mälarängen and Bredäng, two areas of different socioeconomic standards, the hope has been to tie the school together. In order to succeed in this and to achieve a good school environment, three concepts have been given guidance in the design of the school;      AXLAR / SIKTLINJER - In order to give students a better understanding of their context, I have chosen to allow two lines of vision to cut through the building like a cross. These act as corridors, common areas, which facilitate the movement within the school and give the school a clear direction.   FUNCTION - The crossing axes on the entrance level create four adjacent zones, each of which fulfills different functions. In this way, the school's activities lie against the crossing axes, creating a clear division of functions and giving clear readability to the students.      THE CENTER - Where the two axes meet, the school´s lunch hall has been placed to open up. Here is the hope that meetings will arise during the day when students move between different activities. When the lunch room does not work as such, the idea is that the surface should act as a common space where students can meet to study and/or socialize.

L'Institut des Hautes études en arts plastiques (1988-1995) : l'utopie de l'école des artistes. / L'institut des hautes etudes en arts plastiques (1988-1995) : utopia of artists' school.

Rousseau, Marie-Francoise 18 October 2013 (has links)
En 1988 s’ouvrait à Paris la première session de l’Institut des Hautes Études en arts plastiques fondé et dirigé par Pontus Hulten. Ce dernier, des artistes comme Daniel Buren, Sarkis et l’écrivain Serge Fauchereau y furent enseignants. Jusqu’en 1995, l’IHEAP accueillit de jeunes plasticiens, venus du monde entier. Dans la lignée des cafés de Montparnasse, des institutions avant-gardistes, le Bauhaus et le Black Mountain College, cet institut éphémère expérimenta une pédagogie éloignée des traditionnelles écoles des beaux-arts. Son fonctionnement et ses pratiques d’enseignement ont été étudiés d’après archives et témoignages. Plus largement, l’histoire de cet institut permet d’étudier les enjeux réels et imaginaires de l’enseignement et la transmission de l’art à l’époque contemporaine. À l’heure où les écoles d’art réfléchissent et mettent en place le 3ème cycle du cursus LMD, conformément au processus de Bologne, la thèse met en œuvre une réflexion historique et critique sur un précédent exemplaire. / The first session of the “Institut des Hautes Études en Arts Plastiques” founded and managed by Pontus Hulten took place in Paris in 1988. Artists like Daniel Buren, Sarkis, and the writer Serge Fauchereau were teachers there. Until 1995, IHEAP welcomed young artists coming from all over the world. In the tradition of “cafés de Montparnasse”, institutions “d’avant-garde”, such as the Bauhaus and the Black Mountain College, this ephemeral institute experimented a new pedagogy far from traditional schools of fine arts. Working methods and teaching practices have been observed from archives and testimonies. Even more, the history of the institute gives the opportunity to study the real and imaginary issues of education and transmission of the art in contemporary era. At the present time when schools of fine arts deliberate and organize the third stage of LMD in accordance with Bologna process, the PhD presents an historical and critical analysis of a perfect precursor.

Safe Sleeping Position

Håkansson, Pontus, Knutsson, David January 2007 (has links)
<p>Project Safe Sleeping Position (SSP) contains all parts in a product development phase. The project comprises the whole cycle from idea to a complete product where all aspects are included. The scope is to develop an innovative solution for a common known problem and work with all parts within the man-machine-way. The result is an inflatable product which secures a child in the correct way for the seatbelt to work properly in the rearseat of a car. Ergonomics, technical extent, usability, design, construction, product solutions and market potential are some of all parts witch the project includes. The targetgroup for the project is children 4 to 12 years old, but there is a great potential for a further development to provide a solution for adults. </p><p>Signed project managers are commissioned by Volvo Car Corporation (VCC), a large car manufacturer with the whole world as the market. This sets requirements to the product to be adaptable to all markets without cutting down on usability. Except the assigner, the project comprises several partners, both companies, independent organizations and students at Halmstad University.</p>

Safe Sleeping Position

Håkansson, Pontus, Knutsson, David January 2007 (has links)
Project Safe Sleeping Position (SSP) contains all parts in a product development phase. The project comprises the whole cycle from idea to a complete product where all aspects are included. The scope is to develop an innovative solution for a common known problem and work with all parts within the man-machine-way. The result is an inflatable product which secures a child in the correct way for the seatbelt to work properly in the rearseat of a car. Ergonomics, technical extent, usability, design, construction, product solutions and market potential are some of all parts witch the project includes. The targetgroup for the project is children 4 to 12 years old, but there is a great potential for a further development to provide a solution for adults. Signed project managers are commissioned by Volvo Car Corporation (VCC), a large car manufacturer with the whole world as the market. This sets requirements to the product to be adaptable to all markets without cutting down on usability. Except the assigner, the project comprises several partners, both companies, independent organizations and students at Halmstad University.

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