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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De medierade skandalernas normskiften : En jämförande studie om hur de normöverträdande handlingarna och könsskildringarna bakom en medierad skandal har förändrats från 1990-talet till 2020-talet.

Mörkved, Felicia, Arenius, Linus January 2023 (has links)
The norm shift in mediated scandals A comparative study of how the norm-breaking acts behind a mediated scandal have changed from the 1990s to the 2020s. This study aims to discover how the normbreaking actions described in mediated scandals have changed from the 1990´s to the 2020´s, whilst also analyzing how actors with different attributes, man or woman, are being portrayed in the mediated scandals. The topic was chosen due to the lack of research made on tabloid-articles in the field of mediated scandals. Previous research focuses primarily on scandals including political actors. A fact that this study aims to change. The study uses a theoretical framework of sociological theories by Durkheim and Douglas, which provides the tools nececcary to analyze social norms. The analysis is strengthened by a complementary theory by Lull & Himerman, involving criteria for mediated scandals. These criteria assisted in the selection process of empiricism and in the analysis. The twelve articles, based on four cases composed of two actors, one woman and one man, have been analyzed with an adjusted version of Camilla Gervides critical discourse analysis. The results shows that the journalists' role in mediated scandals have changed since the 1990´s. From sharing their own opinions then, to using experts to exemplify normbreaking behavior today. Beyond that there's also a wide gap between genderdepictons in the material. Women are treated more harshly and are defined as prime examples of bad social movements. Whilst the men, who share many attributes with the women, are treated with a professional distance. These depictions risk creating norms which put unfair expectations on women.

Ὁ ἐν οὐρανῷ Ἅιδης : la naissance du purgatoire dans l'Antiquité

Mihai, Adrian 06 1900 (has links)
Le but de la présente thèse est d’étudier les témoignages sur la doctrine de l’« Hadès ouranien » du IVe siècle avant J.-C. au VIe siècle après J.-C. et de dégager les éléments essentiels. L’« Hadès ouranien », traduction de l’expression ὁ ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ ᾍδης, est un thème de pensée qui caractérise tout un millénaire de la philosophie et de la religion de l’Antiquité païenne. En traitant ce thème historico-religieux, on se veut le plus complet possible mais tout en étant prudent envers nos sources, qui sont fragmentaires et qui proviennent, pour la majorité, de la tradition platonico-péripatéticienne et de ses commentateurs. Aussi, s’efforce-t-on de montrer que l’Hadès ouranien est un lieu de purification pour l’âme et donc, un purgatoire. D’une manière générale, notre recherche est la première entièrement consacrée au sujet de l’Hadès ouranien et à son évolution durant l’Antiquité. Pour ce faire, sur la base d’une approche contextualisée, nous croyons devoir distinguer en réalité trois lieux où l’Hadès céleste a été situé : il y a d’un côté l’emplacement dans la Voie Lactée (Héraclide du Pont) ; il y a aussi un effort, assez divers en ses formes, de situer ce Purgatoire entre la Lune et la terre ou aux alentours de la Lune (les académiciens, les stoïciens, Cicéron, Virgile, Plutarque, les écrits hermétiques) ; finalement, Numénius et les néoplatoniciens latins l’ont situé entre la sphère des fixes et la terre. Quant à l’évolution des éléments qui constituent notre thème, la thèse montre que le platonisme et le néoplatonisme ont fourni un milieu propice pour le développement et la propagation dans l’empire gréco-romain des doctrines sur l’Hadès céleste. De plus, ces mouvements ont aidé à la spiritualisation progressive de cet espace purgatoire. Par ailleurs, on établira certaines caractéristiques de notre thème : l’échappée de l’âme hors du corps, l’allégorie physique et la division, ontologique et physique, entre les mondes sublunaire et supralunaire. Dans une première partie, on traitera de la doctrine de l’Hadès ouranien dans l’ancienne Académie platonicienne (Héraclide, Xénocrate, Philippe d’Oponte) et dans le stoïcisme. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’analyse du Purgatoire chez Plutarque de Chéronée. La doctrine du Purgatoire selon Cicéron et Virgile et chez leurs interprètes néoplatoniciens, ainsi que dans l’hermétisme et le gnosticisme sera traitée dans la troisième partie. Dans la quatrième et dernière partie, on explorera la doctrine du Purgatoire dans le Oracles chaldaïques et dans les écrits de Proclus, particulièrement dans son Commentaire sur la République de Platon. / The aim of the present dissertation is to study the testimonies concerning the doctrine of the “Celestial Hades” from the 4th century BCE to the 6th century CE and to uncover its essential elements. The “Celestial Hades”, translation of the Greek expression ὁ ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ ᾍδης, is a pattern of thought that characterizes a millenary of the philosophy and the religion of Pagan Antiquity. In analysing this historico-religious motif, we try to be as exhaustive as possible, though we are very prudent towards our sources, which are in most cases fragmentary and originate from the Platonico-Aristotelian tradition. Hence, an effort has been made to show that the celestial Hades is a place of purification for the soul and thus a Purgatory. Generally speaking, our investigation is the first to be entirely dedicated to the study of the doctrine of the Celestial Hades and to its development during Antiquity. To achieve this aim, and following a contextualist approach, we have tried to distinguish three places where the Celestial Hades has been situated: it has been situated either in the Milky Way (Heraclides of Pontus); or between the Moon and the Earth or around the Moon (the Academicians, the Stoics, Cicero, Virgil, Plutarch, the Hermetical writings); finally, it has been situated, according to Numenius and the Latin Neoplatonists, between the sphere of the fixed stars and the Earth. As regarding its development, our study shows that the Platonist and Neoplatonist traditions have provided a favourable milieu for the propagation of this doctrine in Antiquity. Moreover, certain characteristics regarding our theme will be established: the ascension of the soul, the doctrine of physical allegory and the division, ontological et physical, between the sublunary and the supralunary worlds. In the first part of our research, we analyse the doctrine of the Celestial Hades on the Early Academy of Plato (Heraclides, Xenocrates, Philip of Opus) and in the Stoic school. The second part is dedicated to Plutarch’s doctrine of Purgatory. Thirdly, the same doctrine will be analysed in Cicero and Virgil, and their exegetes, as well as in the Hermetic treatises and Gnosticism. The fourth and last part will explore the celestial Purgatory in the Chaldaean Oracles and in the writings of Proclus, particularly his Commentary on the Republic.

Ὁ ἐν οὐρανῷ Ἅιδης : la naissance du purgatoire dans l'Antiquité

Mihai, Adrian 06 1900 (has links)
Le but de la présente thèse est d’étudier les témoignages sur la doctrine de l’« Hadès ouranien » du IVe siècle avant J.-C. au VIe siècle après J.-C. et de dégager les éléments essentiels. L’« Hadès ouranien », traduction de l’expression ὁ ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ ᾍδης, est un thème de pensée qui caractérise tout un millénaire de la philosophie et de la religion de l’Antiquité païenne. En traitant ce thème historico-religieux, on se veut le plus complet possible mais tout en étant prudent envers nos sources, qui sont fragmentaires et qui proviennent, pour la majorité, de la tradition platonico-péripatéticienne et de ses commentateurs. Aussi, s’efforce-t-on de montrer que l’Hadès ouranien est un lieu de purification pour l’âme et donc, un purgatoire. D’une manière générale, notre recherche est la première entièrement consacrée au sujet de l’Hadès ouranien et à son évolution durant l’Antiquité. Pour ce faire, sur la base d’une approche contextualisée, nous croyons devoir distinguer en réalité trois lieux où l’Hadès céleste a été situé : il y a d’un côté l’emplacement dans la Voie Lactée (Héraclide du Pont) ; il y a aussi un effort, assez divers en ses formes, de situer ce Purgatoire entre la Lune et la terre ou aux alentours de la Lune (les académiciens, les stoïciens, Cicéron, Virgile, Plutarque, les écrits hermétiques) ; finalement, Numénius et les néoplatoniciens latins l’ont situé entre la sphère des fixes et la terre. Quant à l’évolution des éléments qui constituent notre thème, la thèse montre que le platonisme et le néoplatonisme ont fourni un milieu propice pour le développement et la propagation dans l’empire gréco-romain des doctrines sur l’Hadès céleste. De plus, ces mouvements ont aidé à la spiritualisation progressive de cet espace purgatoire. Par ailleurs, on établira certaines caractéristiques de notre thème : l’échappée de l’âme hors du corps, l’allégorie physique et la division, ontologique et physique, entre les mondes sublunaire et supralunaire. Dans une première partie, on traitera de la doctrine de l’Hadès ouranien dans l’ancienne Académie platonicienne (Héraclide, Xénocrate, Philippe d’Oponte) et dans le stoïcisme. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’analyse du Purgatoire chez Plutarque de Chéronée. La doctrine du Purgatoire selon Cicéron et Virgile et chez leurs interprètes néoplatoniciens, ainsi que dans l’hermétisme et le gnosticisme sera traitée dans la troisième partie. Dans la quatrième et dernière partie, on explorera la doctrine du Purgatoire dans le Oracles chaldaïques et dans les écrits de Proclus, particulièrement dans son Commentaire sur la République de Platon. / The aim of the present dissertation is to study the testimonies concerning the doctrine of the “Celestial Hades” from the 4th century BCE to the 6th century CE and to uncover its essential elements. The “Celestial Hades”, translation of the Greek expression ὁ ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ ᾍδης, is a pattern of thought that characterizes a millenary of the philosophy and the religion of Pagan Antiquity. In analysing this historico-religious motif, we try to be as exhaustive as possible, though we are very prudent towards our sources, which are in most cases fragmentary and originate from the Platonico-Aristotelian tradition. Hence, an effort has been made to show that the celestial Hades is a place of purification for the soul and thus a Purgatory. Generally speaking, our investigation is the first to be entirely dedicated to the study of the doctrine of the Celestial Hades and to its development during Antiquity. To achieve this aim, and following a contextualist approach, we have tried to distinguish three places where the Celestial Hades has been situated: it has been situated either in the Milky Way (Heraclides of Pontus); or between the Moon and the Earth or around the Moon (the Academicians, the Stoics, Cicero, Virgil, Plutarch, the Hermetical writings); finally, it has been situated, according to Numenius and the Latin Neoplatonists, between the sphere of the fixed stars and the Earth. As regarding its development, our study shows that the Platonist and Neoplatonist traditions have provided a favourable milieu for the propagation of this doctrine in Antiquity. Moreover, certain characteristics regarding our theme will be established: the ascension of the soul, the doctrine of physical allegory and the division, ontological et physical, between the sublunary and the supralunary worlds. In the first part of our research, we analyse the doctrine of the Celestial Hades on the Early Academy of Plato (Heraclides, Xenocrates, Philip of Opus) and in the Stoic school. The second part is dedicated to Plutarch’s doctrine of Purgatory. Thirdly, the same doctrine will be analysed in Cicero and Virgil, and their exegetes, as well as in the Hermetic treatises and Gnosticism. The fourth and last part will explore the celestial Purgatory in the Chaldaean Oracles and in the writings of Proclus, particularly his Commentary on the Republic.

Recherches sur les échanges économiques des cités grecques du littoral occidental de la Mer Noire du Ve siècle au Ier siècle a.C. / Research on economic relations of the Greek cities from the Western Black Sea Coast from 5th to 1st century BC / Cercetări privind schimburile economice ale orașelor grecești de pe coasta de vest a Mării Negre din secolul al V-lea până în secolul I î.Hr

Castelli, Thibaut 25 November 2017 (has links)
On se propose d’élaborer une nouvelle vision des échanges entre les cités grecques du littoral occidental de la mer Noire et le reste du monde grec de l’époque classique à l’époque hellénistique. En étudiant ces cités de Nikônion à Apollonia, dans une perspective économique, cette thèse se propose de découvrir si elles ont des caractéristiques économiques semblables et si elles suivent le même rythme de développement. Ceci pourra aider à vérifier dans quelle mesure ces cités, qui ont des relations commerciales intenses, peuvent être regroupées en un ensemble économique cohérent. On devra identifier également les acteurs de ces échanges, ainsi que les produits échangés, dont certains (céréales, poissons, esclaves...) n’ont laissé que peu de traces dans les sources archéologiques, épigraphiques et littéraires. La recherche inclut les relations avec les populations et les royaumes de l’hinterland qui influent sur l’exploitation des territoires ruraux de ces cités et qui sont des partenaires commerciaux. Cette recherche permettra de comparer le fonctionnement des échanges avec d’autres parties du Pont-Euxin, notamment le Pont Nord où l’influence d’Athènes est importante durant le IVe siècle. Le but est de pouvoir comparer les flux observés dans l’espace pontique avec ceux existant dans d’autres régions grecques. / We intend to develop a new understanding of the trade between the Greek cities of the western coast of the Black Sea and the rest of the Greek world during the Classical and Hellenistic periods. By studying these cities from Nikonion to Apollonia, from an economic perspective, this thesis aims to discover if they have similar economic characteristics and if they follow the same rythm of development. This may help to see how these cities, which have intense trade relations can be grouped into a cohesive economic unit. We will also identify in these exchanges the actors and the traded products, some of which (cereals, fish, slaves ...) have left little traces in the archaeological, epigraphic and literary sources. The research includes the relationship with the population and kingdoms of the hinterland that affect the exploitation of rural areas of these cities and are trade partners. This research will compare the exchanges with other parts of the Black Sea, including the northern part where the Athenian influence is important during the 4th century. The goal is to compare the flow observed in the Pontic area with those existing in other regions of Greece. / Ne propunem să elaborăm aici o nouă viziune a schimburilor între cetăţile greceşti de pe țărmul occidental al Mării Negre și restul lumii greceşti, din epoca clasică până în epoca elenistică. Studiind aceste cetăţi, de la Nikonion la Apollonia, într-o perspectivă economică, teza de față îşi propune să afle dacă respectivele cetăţi au caracteristici economice asemănătoare și dacă urmează acelaşi ritm de dezvoltare. Aceasta ne va putea ajuta să verificăm în ce măsură aceste cetăţi, care au relații comerciale intense, pot fi grupate într-un ansamblu economic coerent. Va trebui să identificăm de asemenea actorii acestor schimburi, ca și produsele schimbate, dintre care unele (cereale, pește, sclavi…) nu au lăsat decât puține urme în sursele arheologice, epigrafice și literare. Cercetarea include relațiile cu populațiile și regatele din hinterland care își exercită influența asupra exploatării teritoriilor rurale ale acestor cetăţi și care sunt parteneri comerciali. Această cercetare ne va permite să comparăm felul în care funcţionau schimburile cu alte zone ale Pontului Euxin, în special cu Pontul Nord, unde influența Atenei este importantă pe parcursul secolului al IV-lea. Scopul este acela de a putea să comparăm fluxurile observate în spațiul pontic cu cele existente în alte regiuni grecești.

Monteringsstation för verktygstavlor : Konstruktion och framtagning av monteringsinstruktion / Assembling station for tool boards : Construction and production of assembly instructions

Audo, Sandra, Eriksson, Pontus January 2018 (has links)
This thesis project has been carried out with Husmuttern AB as the requestor for the job. Husmuttern AB is a company in the start-up phase which works with developing module houses which are recyclable, disassemblable and standardized. The goal for the thesis project is to design an assembly station for mobile tool boards in a Husmuttern factory. There should also be instructions for the assembly station. The tool boards are used as storage for tools, safety equipment and more. The station must be usable for people without professional experience and regardless of language knowledge and background. The research questions are: * How should the instructions be designed so that a person regardless of language background can understand them? * What are the most important factors regarding ergonomics and protection against misassembly? The method used is based on the product development process described in Produktutveckling by Ulrich, K and Eppinger, S (2012), but adapted to the current project. To obtain a complete tool board one needs to place all hooks and other storage on the board and thereafter mount the boards to legs to make it mobile. To make sure that all hooks, nuts, etc. are placed correctly, installation templates are used to show where everything needs to be placed. A fixture is used for the legs, where one stands the legs, installs the boards in the correct order and uses screws to secure them. The instructions are in the shape of a Powerpoint presentation which is displayed on TV monitors in the factory. The instructions contain pictures and video showing every step of the assembly. There are also symbols, like for example arrows, pointing out important details which need to be observed. The instructions contain no current text, the only writing is numbers, which the workers are expected to understand. The project group has carried out tests with the workers in the factory. The tests have shown that the concept works. The installation templates combined with the instructions makes it easy for the workers to understand where everything needs to be placed. The fixture for the legs has not been tested with the workers in its final form, but the concept has been tested and is working satisfactorily. / Detta examensarbete har gjorts med Husmuttern AB som uppdragsgivare. Husmuttern AB är ett företag i uppstartsfasen som utvecklar modulhus som ska vara återvinningsbara, demonterbara och standardiserade. Examensarbetet går ut på att konstruera en monteringsstation för mobila verktygstavlor till en Husmuttern-fabrik. Det ska även finnas instruktioner till stationen. Tavlorna används som förvaring för verktyg, säkerhetsattiraljer m.m. Stationen ska kunna användas av människor utan yrkeserfarenhet och oavsett språkkunskaper och bakgrund. Forskningsfrågorna är: * Hur ska instruktionerna utformas så att personer oavsett språklig bakgrund kan förstå dem? * Vilka faktorer är de mest avgörande när det gäller ergonomi och skydd mot felmontering? Metoden som använts baseras på produktutvecklingsprocessen som beskrivs i Produktutveckling av Ulrich, K och Eppinger, S (2012), men är anpassad till det aktuella projektet. För att få en färdig verktygstavla behöver man montera alla krokar och annan förvaring på tavlorna och därefter montera tavlorna på ben så att den blir mobil. För att alla krokar, muttrar m.m. ska hamna på rätt plats på tavlorna har man använt hålmallar som visar var varje del ska sitta. Till benen används en fixtur som man ställer benen i, lägger i tavlorna i rätt ordning och skruvar fast dem. Instruktionerna är i form av en powerpoint-presentation som spelas upp på tv-apparater i fabriken. Instruktionerna innehåller bilder och video som visar varje moment i monteringen. De innehåller också symboler som t.ex. pilar som ska uppmärksamma viktiga detaljer. Instruktionerna innehåller ingen löpande text, den enda skrift som finns är siffror, vilka arbetarna förväntas förstå. Projektgruppen har gjort tester med arbetare i fabriken. Testerna har visat att konceptet fungerar. Hålmallarna i kombination med instruktionerna gör att arbetarna enkelt förstår var alla delar ska monteras. Fixturen för benen har inte testats på arbetarna i sin slutgiltiga form men konceptet har testats och det fungerar tillfredsställande.

Former av politik : Tre utställningssituationer på Moderna Museet 1998-2008 / Forms of Politics : Three Exhibition Situations at Moderna Museet 1998-2008

Lundström, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This study examines the concepts of art, politics and art institution departing from three cases of exhibition situations at Moderna Museet in Stockholm, 1998–2008. The cases are considered in relation to different aspects of the museum’s identity as an art institution. The first case, the Pontus Hultén Study Gallery (2008–), is an interactive exhibition space containing 34 mechanical screens for displaying art. It is understood here as a comment on the museum’s identity as a collecting institution. The author critically analyses a number of common oppositions in avant-garde theory regarding museum culture, such as the museum as a place for passivity rather than activity, preservation rather than initiation, and ultimately death rather than life. The second case, the exhibition series Moderna Museet Projekt (1998–2001), was marked by the ambition to integrate artworks into contexts outside the physical museum building. Here case analyses focus on the distinction that the series established between art and a presumed alternative, such as life, reality, or politics. The third and last case, the sound installation Forty-Part Motet (2001) by Janet Cardiff, was installed in an exhibition space that actualised the ideals of the so-called white cube. In the institutional critique of the 1960s and 1970s, this exhibition space was dismissed as isolated and detached from society, an idea that is critically examined. Throughout the different case studies, spectator positions and potential agency are of particular concern. This thesis concludes that the concepts of art and politics are different permeable forms of experiences, visibilities and practices, that cross and intertwine. This conclusion is informed by Jacques Rancière’s notions of aesthetics and politics. In this reading, the art institution is not a barrier separating art from politics, reality or life, but nor is it a dead or deadening space. Rather, the art institution, as a social space and concept of art, is considered as intertwined with other forms of visibilities and experiences. Thus, regarded as a frame for a certain type of visibility, the art institution is capable of establishing a difference that is both unproblematic and urgent.

Barbro Östlihn och New York : Konstens rum och möjligheter

Öhrner, Annika January 2010 (has links)
The study analyses the American neo-avantgarde as well as the narratives of Swedish post World War II art history, through a specific subject position. The Swedish painter Barbro Östlihn (1930-1995) lived in New York from 1961, where her work was exhibited and received on a new art scene. Despite the strong focus within Swedish Art History on the 1960’s and the American art scene, Östlihn seems to be marginalized in its narratives. Studies of selected corpora of American art criticism, and of segments in the Swedish art scene in the 1960’s are maintained. Discursive and field-related mechanisms, which help to explain what positions were available, are revealed. Transnational processes of avant-garde culture between Manhattan and Stockholm are discussed, e.g. through an analysis of the American pop art show at Moderna Museet in 1964. This becomes the backdrop for the final chapter’s discussion of the narratives in post World War II Art History in Sweden. In the interpretation of Östlihn’s work-process, her use of photography is understood as a strategy to connect her painterly work with urban space. The painterly and the photographic are merged, as in other artistic practices in a historical moment of crisis in painting. The studio, the site where modes of art production are constructed, is one point of departure in a spatial analysis of the art field. Another is the ongoing urban renewal on Lower Manhattan and its impact on artistic work and on how artists are positioned. Östlihn’s co-operation in the work of her husband Öyvind Fahlström, is understood as a merging of a traditional division of work between genders, and new co-operative modes of art-production. The study is the first academic work on Barbro Östlihn, and covers the time span 1960-1969. Feminist theory, Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory and Michel Foucault's discourse theory is used as its main framework.

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