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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of a clinical practice assessment portfolio for the clinical nursing science, health assessment, treatment and care programme

Rosenberg, Mariam 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCurr)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The support for portfolio-based learning as an authentic assessment method is increasing globally. However, there are no guidelines in South Africa for a clinical practice assessment portfolio (CPAP) for primary clinical practitioner training. The study set out to develop a CPAP for the Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment Treatment and Care programme. An exploratory, descriptive design was used that developed over three phases. In phase one, a CPAP was developed based on an extensive review of the literature. The CPAP was validated in phase two by experts and finally, student primary clinical practitioners assessed the possible contribution of the developed CPAP to their learning in phase three. The study sample for the three phases comprised of selected relevant studies published on portfolio development (n=15); experts in the field of primary health care and education in the Cape Metropole (n=11); and student primary clinical practitioners of one higher education institution in the Cape Metropole (n=45). Structured questionnaires were used for data collection from expert and student participants after they reviewed the CPAP. Ethical approval was obtained from the Health Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences (N09/09/233), Stellenbosch University. Permission to conduct the research was obtained from the higher education institution. The content validity index for items (I-CVI) was used to determine the degree to which expert participants agreed with the content of the CPAP. Results identified an I-CVI of between 0.91 and 1.00, indicating that the contents and technical format of the CPAP constitute a suitable learning tool for student practitioners. Experts suggested minor revisions regarding the clarity of items, and those were included in the final CPAP. The data analysis of the student’s responses showed that adequate guidance was provided to complete the activities in the CPAP and that the CPAP would have a positive contribution to learning. Portfolio-based learning is an important teaching and learning strategy in the Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment Treatment and Care programme, whereby students can demonstrate their acquired clinical competencies. Recommendations include the use of a competency framework and consensus amongst stakeholders when developing the contents of a portfolio. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ondersteuning vir portefeulje-gebaseerde leer as ’n outentieke assesseringsmetode is besig om globaal te verhoog. In Suid-Afrika is daar egter nie riglyne vir ’n kliniese praktyk-assesseringsportefeulje (KPAP) vir primêre kliniese praktisynsopleiding nie. Hierdie studie het ten doel om ’n kliniese praktyk-assesseringsportefeulje vir die Kliniese Verpleegkunde-, Gesondheidsassesseringbehandeling- en Sorgprogram te ontwikkel. ’n Verkennende, beskrywende ontwerp wat oor drie fases ontwikkel het, is gebruik. In fase een is ’n KPAP ontwikkel gebaseer op ’n ekstensiewe literatuurstudie. Die geldigheid van die KPAP is in fase twee deur kundiges verklaar en in fase drie is die moontlike bydrae van die KPAP tot die leerproses deur primêre kliniese praktisynstudente geassesseer. Die studiegroep vir die drie fases het bestaan uit geselekteerde relevante studies wat handel oor portefeulje ontwikkeling (n=15), kenners op die gebied van primêre gesondheidsorg en opvoeding in die Kaapse Metropool (n=11); en primêre gesondheidsorg studentpraktisyns van een van die tersiêre instansies in die Kaapse Metropool (n=45). Gestruktureerde vraelyste is gebruik vir data-insameling van kenners en studentedeelnemers nadat hulle die KPAP ondersoek het. Etiese toestemming is verkry van die Gesondheidsnavorsingsetiekkomitee van die Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe (N09/09/233), Stellenbosch Universiteit. Toestemming om die navorsing uit te voer, is van die tersiêre instansie verkry. Die inhoud van die item-geldigheidsindeks is gebruik om die mate waarmee kenner-deelnemers met die inhoud van die KPAP saamstem, te bepaal. Resultate van die inhoud van die item-geldigheidsindeks van tussen 0.91 en 1.00 is geïdentifiseer, wat ’n aanduiding is dat die inhoud en tegniese formaat van die KPAP ’n toepaslike leerinstrument vir studentpraktisyns is. Kenners het klein veranderings vir die duidelikheid van items voorgestel en dit is ingesluit in die finale KPAP. Die data-analise van die studente se antwoorde het aangedui dat genoegsame leiding voorsien was om die aktiwiteite in die KPAP te voltooi en dat die bydrae van die KPAP positief is tot die bevordering van die leerproses. Portefeulje-gebaseerde leer is ’n belangrike onderrig- en leerinstrument vir die Kliniese Verpleegkunde-, Gesondheidsassesseringbehandeling- en Sorgprogram, waardeur studente kan demonstreer dat hulle die kliniese bevoegdhede bekom het. Aanbevelings sluit in die gebruik van ’n bevoegdheidsraamwerk en konsensus onder belanghebbendes wanneer die inhoud van ’n portefeulje ontwikkel word.

The influence of the learner profile on recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment

Snyman, Maria 06 1900 (has links)
The recognition of prior learning (RPL) is an assessment process through which experience gained outside academic contexts is recognised. The purpose of the research was to determine the influence the learner profile has on RPL assessment. To realise the purpose, the learner profile was described and consequently learning outcomes formulated for a portfolio workshop. The method which the study followed was a qualitative interpretative approach. The research comprised a literature study about adult learning theories that served as a theoretical framework for the study, as well as an overview of RPL assessment, followed by an empirical study. The empirical research component followed a multiple data collection method. The personal life stories of the research participants were analysed in order to compile a learner profile. The role the workshop played was determined from a learner perspective by means of an open questionnaire for participants. It included a collection of workshop photographs. Finally, the reflection of a group of RPL learners about their personal learning experiences was analysed. The research found that the learner profile included distinctive personal traits, such as motivation, task orientation, a sense of responsibility and an orientation towards the future. The nature of the learner profile as well as of informal learning gained within diverse learning contexts require directed preparation for assessment. The learners regarded the portfolio workshop as a sustainable learning process and as a transformational learning experience. The role the workshop played was multidimensional, as it served as preparation for compiling the portfolio. It also empowered and prepared the learner on a personal level for the context of tertiary education. Based on the research findings, the recommendations for an RPL approach should include the following: Firstly, the learner‟s voice should be afforded recognition. Secondly, preparation for assessment is essential. Thirdly, the preparation should follow an approach of assessment as a sustainable learning process. Finally, the learning outcomes for the portfolio workshop make a contribution to support the learners in bridging the learning contexts of informal learning and academic learning. The research makes a valuable contribution, as the empirical research shows that the holistic learner profile guides the approach to assessment. The mission of RPL to bring about transformation will only become a reality if a learner-centred approach recognises and empowers the learner on a personal and academic level. / Die Erkenning van Vorige Leer (EVL) is 'n assesseringsproses waardeur ervaring wat buite akademiese kontekste verwerf is, erken word. Die doel met die navorsing was om die invloed van die leerderprofiel op EVL-assessering te bepaal. Om die doel te bereik, is die leerderprofiel beskryf en voortvloeiend daaruit leeruitkomste vir 'n portefeuljewerkswinkel saamgestel. Die metode wat die studie gevolg het, was 'n kwalitatiewe interpretiewe benadering. Die navorsing bestaan uit 'n literatuurstudie oor volwasse leerteorieë wat as teoretiese raamwerk vir die studie gedien het, asook 'n oorsig oor EVL-assessering, gevolg deur 'n empiriese studie. Die empiriese navorsingskomponent het 'n meervoudige dataversamelingsmetode gevolg. Die navorsingsdeelnemers se persoonlike lewensverhale is geanaliseer om sodoende 'n leerderprofiel saam te stel. Die rol van die werkswinkel is vanuit 'n leerdersperspektief bepaal deur middel van 'n ope-vraelys aan deelnemers, wat 'n versameling werkswinkel-foto's ingesluit het. Laastens is die reflektering van 'n groepie EVL-leerders oor hulle persoonlike leerervaringe ge-analiseer. Die navorsing het bevind dat die leerderprofiel onderskeidende persoonlike kenmerke, soos motivering, taakgerigtheid, 'n verantwoodelikheidsin en 'n toekomsgerigtheid insluit. Die aard van die leerderprofiel, asook die aard van informele leer verwerf binne diverse leerkontekste vereis gerigte voorbereiding tot assessering. Die leerders het die portefeuljewerkswinkel as 'n volhoubare leerproses en as transformasionele leerervaring beskou. Die rol van die werkswinkel is meervoudig, aangesien dit dien as voorbereiding tot die saamstel van die portefeulje, asook die leerder op persoonlike vlak bemagtig en voorberei vir die konteks van tersiêre onderrig. Die aanbevelings tot 'n EVL-benadering behoort, op grond van die navorsingsbevindinge, die volgende in te sluit. Eerstens moet erkenning aan die stem van die leerder gegee word, tweedens is voorbereiding tot assessering noodsaaklik en derdens behoort die voorbereiding 'n benadering van assessering as 'n volhoubare leerposes te volg. Laastens lewer die leeruitkomste vir die portefeuljewerkswinkel 'n praktykgerigte bydrae om die leerder te ondersteun om die leerkontekste van informele leer en akademiese leer te oorbrug. Die navorsing lewer 'n waardevolle bydrae aangesien die empiriese navorsing toon dat die holistiese leerderprofiel die benadering tot assessering rig. Die missie van EVL om transformasie te weeg te bring, sal slegs 'n realiteit word indien 'n leerdergesentreerde benadering die leerder op persoonlike en op akademiese vlak erken en bemagtig. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

The influence of the learner profile on recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment

Snyman, Maria 06 1900 (has links)
The recognition of prior learning (RPL) is an assessment process through which experience gained outside academic contexts is recognised. The purpose of the research was to determine the influence the learner profile has on RPL assessment. To realise the purpose, the learner profile was described and consequently learning outcomes formulated for a portfolio workshop. The method which the study followed was a qualitative interpretative approach. The research comprised a literature study about adult learning theories that served as a theoretical framework for the study, as well as an overview of RPL assessment, followed by an empirical study. The empirical research component followed a multiple data collection method. The personal life stories of the research participants were analysed in order to compile a learner profile. The role the workshop played was determined from a learner perspective by means of an open questionnaire for participants. It included a collection of workshop photographs. Finally, the reflection of a group of RPL learners about their personal learning experiences was analysed. The research found that the learner profile included distinctive personal traits, such as motivation, task orientation, a sense of responsibility and an orientation towards the future. The nature of the learner profile as well as of informal learning gained within diverse learning contexts require directed preparation for assessment. The learners regarded the portfolio workshop as a sustainable learning process and as a transformational learning experience. The role the workshop played was multidimensional, as it served as preparation for compiling the portfolio. It also empowered and prepared the learner on a personal level for the context of tertiary education. Based on the research findings, the recommendations for an RPL approach should include the following: Firstly, the learner‟s voice should be afforded recognition. Secondly, preparation for assessment is essential. Thirdly, the preparation should follow an approach of assessment as a sustainable learning process. Finally, the learning outcomes for the portfolio workshop make a contribution to support the learners in bridging the learning contexts of informal learning and academic learning. The research makes a valuable contribution, as the empirical research shows that the holistic learner profile guides the approach to assessment. The mission of RPL to bring about transformation will only become a reality if a learner-centred approach recognises and empowers the learner on a personal and academic level. / Die Erkenning van Vorige Leer (EVL) is 'n assesseringsproses waardeur ervaring wat buite akademiese kontekste verwerf is, erken word. Die doel met die navorsing was om die invloed van die leerderprofiel op EVL-assessering te bepaal. Om die doel te bereik, is die leerderprofiel beskryf en voortvloeiend daaruit leeruitkomste vir 'n portefeuljewerkswinkel saamgestel. Die metode wat die studie gevolg het, was 'n kwalitatiewe interpretiewe benadering. Die navorsing bestaan uit 'n literatuurstudie oor volwasse leerteorieë wat as teoretiese raamwerk vir die studie gedien het, asook 'n oorsig oor EVL-assessering, gevolg deur 'n empiriese studie. Die empiriese navorsingskomponent het 'n meervoudige dataversamelingsmetode gevolg. Die navorsingsdeelnemers se persoonlike lewensverhale is geanaliseer om sodoende 'n leerderprofiel saam te stel. Die rol van die werkswinkel is vanuit 'n leerdersperspektief bepaal deur middel van 'n ope-vraelys aan deelnemers, wat 'n versameling werkswinkel-foto's ingesluit het. Laastens is die reflektering van 'n groepie EVL-leerders oor hulle persoonlike leerervaringe ge-analiseer. Die navorsing het bevind dat die leerderprofiel onderskeidende persoonlike kenmerke, soos motivering, taakgerigtheid, 'n verantwoodelikheidsin en 'n toekomsgerigtheid insluit. Die aard van die leerderprofiel, asook die aard van informele leer verwerf binne diverse leerkontekste vereis gerigte voorbereiding tot assessering. Die leerders het die portefeuljewerkswinkel as 'n volhoubare leerproses en as transformasionele leerervaring beskou. Die rol van die werkswinkel is meervoudig, aangesien dit dien as voorbereiding tot die saamstel van die portefeulje, asook die leerder op persoonlike vlak bemagtig en voorberei vir die konteks van tersiêre onderrig. Die aanbevelings tot 'n EVL-benadering behoort, op grond van die navorsingsbevindinge, die volgende in te sluit. Eerstens moet erkenning aan die stem van die leerder gegee word, tweedens is voorbereiding tot assessering noodsaaklik en derdens behoort die voorbereiding 'n benadering van assessering as 'n volhoubare leerposes te volg. Laastens lewer die leeruitkomste vir die portefeuljewerkswinkel 'n praktykgerigte bydrae om die leerder te ondersteun om die leerkontekste van informele leer en akademiese leer te oorbrug. Die navorsing lewer 'n waardevolle bydrae aangesien die empiriese navorsing toon dat die holistiese leerderprofiel die benadering tot assessering rig. Die missie van EVL om transformasie te weeg te bring, sal slegs 'n realiteit word indien 'n leerdergesentreerde benadering die leerder op persoonlike en op akademiese vlak erken en bemagtig. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

E-portfolio as an alternative assessment approach enhancing self-directed learning in an Open Distance Learning environment

Nkalane, Patience Kelebogile 11 1900 (has links)
Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning in higher education. The use of technology in higher education, particularly in the ODL environment, has brought some changes on how we teach and assess students. The traditional assessment practices needed to be reviewed and reconfigured to meet the requirements of the 21st century assessment practices. The purpose of this doctoral study was to design a framework to guide the assessment of an E-portfolio as an alternative assessment approach in an ODL context. The integrated theoretical framework of the learning theories (behaviourism, cognitive and constructivist) and the ODL theories (connectivist, online collaborative and self-directed) underpinned the study. This integrated framework explored lecturer and student experiences in the use of Eportfolio, as an alternative assessment to enhance self-directed learning. In striving to get in-depth insight into this study, the pragmatism paradigm, which calls for the mixed methods research design, was employed for the collection and analysis of data. The sample was drawn from a cohort of six participants and fifty-six respondents in the three colleges of the university. This sequential exploratory mixed methods design employed semi-structured interviews, document analysis for qualitative data collection while a Likert scale of an online questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data. The findings of this research indicated that the E-portfolio can be of greater use as an alternative assessment approach and was able to empower students with higher order thinking skills, critical thinking skills and self-directed learning equipping them with the 21st century skills. Several challenges were experienced during the implementation of the E-portfolio, which included lack of digital literacies and technical assistance, nonsynchronisation of the learning management system for hosting E-portfolio (myUnisa), UNISA’s policies which do not include E-portfolio assessment processes and procedures. In conclusion, the literature study, the findings of the empirical research and the recommendation of this study formed the basis for designing the framework to guide the assessment of an E-portfolio as an alternative assessment strategy for an ODL context. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / Ph. D. (Curriculum Studies)

Lecturers' perceptions on the value of the experience of completing a teaching portfolio

Grace, Elaine Lydia 01 1900 (has links)
A teaching portfolio allows lecturers to track their own growth and development in teaching and learning, as it helps to document their career’s journey. This study gained insight into this experience from the lecturers’ perspectives. The research paradigm was qualitative and the study used a sample of lecturers from an independent tertiary institution in Johannesburg. Personal interviews provided rich data and themes were developed from the data to answer the research questions concerning the value of doing a teaching portfolio. Lecturers’ perceptions provided clear evidence of the value of doing a teaching portfolio, because it developed their personal competence, knowledge, skills and higher-order thinking. However, the findings showed that the success of a teaching portfolio remained dependent on individual motivation and how the process was implemented. Any challenges experienced tended to negatively affect motivation, thereby decreasing the perceived value of a teaching portfolio. This study recommended that a teaching portfolio might offer a solution to some of the current education issues within the South Africa context, especially with regard to the lack of content knowledge and the disempowerment of teachers. / ʼn Onderrigportefeulje maak dit vir dosente moontlik om hul eie groei en ontwikkeling ten opsigte van onderrig en leer te monitor, omdat dit hulle help om hul loopbaan te dokumenteer. Hierdie studie gee insig in hierdie ervaring vanuit dosente se oogpunt. Die navorsingsparadigma was kwalitatief en die studie het ʼn steekproef van dosente van ʼn onafhanklike tersiêre instelling in Johannesburg behels. Persoonlike onderhoude het ryk data opgelewer en temas is op grond van die data ontwikkel om die navorsingsvrae oor die waarde van ʼn onderrigportefeulje te beantwoord. Dosente se persepsies was ʼn duidelike bewys van die waarde van ʼn onderrigportefeulje, omdat dit hul persoonlike bevoegdheid, kennis, vaardighede en hoërorde-denke ontwikkel. Die bevindinge het egter getoon dat die sukses van ʼn onderrigportefeulje steeds onderhewig is aan individuele motivering en hoe die proses geïmplementeer is. Enige uitdagings was geneig om ʼn negatiewe invloed op motivering te hê en sodoende die vermeende waarde van ʼn onderrigportefeulje te verlaag. Hierdie studie beveel aan dat ʼn onderrigportefeulje ʼn oplossing kan bied vir sommige van die opvoedingskwessies in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, veral met betrekking tot die gebrek aan inhoudkennis en die ontneming van onderwysers se mag. / Photefolio ya go ruta e kgontša bafahloši go latišiša kgolo le tšwetšopele tše e lego tša bona ka go goruta le go ithuta, ka ge e thuša go rekhota leeto la mošomo wa bona. Thutelo ye e hweditše tshedimošo maitemogelong a go tšwa tebelelong ya bafahloši. Dikgopolo ka ga nyakišišo e bile tša go hwetša tshedimošo ka go kwešiša le go lemoga mabaka a bothata gomme thutelo ye e dirišitše sampolo ya bafahloši go tšwa institušeneng ye e ikemetšeng ya morago ga marematlou go la Johannesburg. Ditherišano tša motho ka botee di tšweleditše datha ye bohlokwa gomme merero e hlagišitšwe go tšwa datheng go fa karabo ya dipotšišo tša dinyakišišo tše di lebanego bohlokwa bja go dira photefolio ya go ruta. Dikgopolo tša bafahloši di file bohlatse bjo bo kwešišegago bja bohlokwa bja go dira photefolio ya go ruta, ka gobane e godišitše, botsebi, tsebo, mabokgoni tša bona le mokgwa wa go nagana wa maemo a godimo. Le ge go le bjalo, dikhwetšo di bontšhitše gore katlego ya photefolio ya go ruta e dutše e ithekgile go tutuetšo ya motho le ka moo tshepedišo e phethagaditšwego. Ditlhohlo dife goba dife tšeo di itemogetšwego di bile le go huetša tutuetšo, ka gorealo tša fokotša boleng bjo bo lebeletšwego bja photefolio ya go ruta. Thutelo ye e šišintše gore photefolio ya go ruta e ka fa tharollo go tše dingwe tša ditlhagišo tša bjale tša thuto kemong ya Afrika Borwa, gagolo malebana le tlhokego ya dintlhatsebo, dikgopolo le melaotshepetšo tšeo di rutwago le go ithuta ka tšona gammogo le go se be le maatla ga barutiši. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

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