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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Religion i skolan : En studie av gymnasieelevers uppfattning om ämnet religionskunskap A

Cakar, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
<p>This essay aims to investigate how students in upper secondary school perceive the subject religion A. The study is both qualitative and quantitative and I will use a survey to investigate the perception of religion among students both vocationally oriented and theory oriented. I will use questions concerning religious background and perception on the subject in relation to the curriculum but also try to investigate whether there are differences on perception between the vocational and theory orientation. The theoretical approach is mainly based on the curriculum concerning religion A but former research is also used such as books written by Sven G Hartman (2000), Ulf Sjödin (1995), Ove Larsson (1991), Elsie Davidsson (1989) and Anders Törnwall (1988). The result in the study is that students for the most part perceive the subject religion A as something positive and the background has a connection to their present perception. Family, school and society play an important role when it comes to students’ perception regarding religion A, often through media which affects and contributesto a more secular attitude. Curriculum goals and objectives cohere fairly well with the students' perception on the subject and a majority of the asked students feel that education on religion contributes to a more open, tolerant and understanding society where peopleunderstand, accept and respect each other's similarities and differences in a better way.</p>

In Search of a Man : A Comparative Analysis of the Marriage Plot in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones’s Diary

Widlund, Lina January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Korta byxor, slöjor och skägg : Muslimer, det svenska samhället och interaktion

Aziz, Amanj January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats behandlar frågan kring fördomar, muslimer och interaktion. Undersökningen sker genom en intervjuundersökning där respondenterna får svara på frågor som berör deras syn på muslimer utifrån deras interaktionsnivå. Tidigare forskning säger att den socialt konstruerade bilden av muslimer är negativ, och att den upprätthålls av samhället, däribland filmindustrin. Som ramverk för att undersöka detta används socialkonstruktivismen och kontaktteorin. Kontaktteorin, som introduceras av Gordon Allport, säger att interaktion mellan grupper minskar fördomar genom att grupperna interagerar som jämbördiga och med gemensamma mål. Dessa grupper beskrivs som ingroup och outgroup. Uppsatsen behandlar således om interaktionen hos respondenterna påverkar perceptionen de har av muslimer i Sverige. Slutsatsen är att interaktionen hos respondenterna påverkar uppfattningen de har av muslimer. De respondenter som hade regelbunden kontakt med muslimer, uppfattade inte gruppen i negativa termer.</p>

Social Hierarchies, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Snellman, Alexandra January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis is based on three papers where I examine some aspects of ethnic and gender-based prejudice and discrimination in hierarchical situations. In Paper I, the existence of ethnic hierarchies in Sweden is explored. Both immigrant and ethnic Swedes were asked to report their social distance to a number of ethnic groups represented in their geographical area. The results showed that hierarchies exist in Swedish environments and that they are connected with both ethnic prejudice and participants’ tendency to promote and support hierarchies, as expressed in their scores on social dominance orientation (SDO). In Paper II, based on Weiner’s attribution theory, ethnic and gender discrimination in social sanctions (help and punishment) were examined together with SDO in two studies. The results showed that discrimination in line with societal discrimination of subordinated groups was also displayed in the present experimental groups and that participant’s SDO is a factor behind the tendency to discriminate subordinate groups. Paper III examined sex differences in SDO in two studies. One of the strongest factors behind SDO is participant’s sex. Gender identification was tested as a mediator of the effect of sex on SDO. The results from two studies showed that the sex difference in SDO was partially or completely mediated by gender identification. The influence of SDO on formation of hierarchies and discrimination as well as its sex and gender aspects are further discussed.</p>

Social Hierarchies, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Snellman, Alexandra January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is based on three papers where I examine some aspects of ethnic and gender-based prejudice and discrimination in hierarchical situations. In Paper I, the existence of ethnic hierarchies in Sweden is explored. Both immigrant and ethnic Swedes were asked to report their social distance to a number of ethnic groups represented in their geographical area. The results showed that hierarchies exist in Swedish environments and that they are connected with both ethnic prejudice and participants’ tendency to promote and support hierarchies, as expressed in their scores on social dominance orientation (SDO). In Paper II, based on Weiner’s attribution theory, ethnic and gender discrimination in social sanctions (help and punishment) were examined together with SDO in two studies. The results showed that discrimination in line with societal discrimination of subordinated groups was also displayed in the present experimental groups and that participant’s SDO is a factor behind the tendency to discriminate subordinate groups. Paper III examined sex differences in SDO in two studies. One of the strongest factors behind SDO is participant’s sex. Gender identification was tested as a mediator of the effect of sex on SDO. The results from two studies showed that the sex difference in SDO was partially or completely mediated by gender identification. The influence of SDO on formation of hierarchies and discrimination as well as its sex and gender aspects are further discussed.

Religion i skolan : En studie av gymnasieelevers uppfattning om ämnet religionskunskap A

Cakar, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
This essay aims to investigate how students in upper secondary school perceive the subject religion A. The study is both qualitative and quantitative and I will use a survey to investigate the perception of religion among students both vocationally oriented and theory oriented. I will use questions concerning religious background and perception on the subject in relation to the curriculum but also try to investigate whether there are differences on perception between the vocational and theory orientation. The theoretical approach is mainly based on the curriculum concerning religion A but former research is also used such as books written by Sven G Hartman (2000), Ulf Sjödin (1995), Ove Larsson (1991), Elsie Davidsson (1989) and Anders Törnwall (1988). The result in the study is that students for the most part perceive the subject religion A as something positive and the background has a connection to their present perception. Family, school and society play an important role when it comes to students’ perception regarding religion A, often through media which affects and contributesto a more secular attitude. Curriculum goals and objectives cohere fairly well with the students' perception on the subject and a majority of the asked students feel that education on religion contributes to a more open, tolerant and understanding society where peopleunderstand, accept and respect each other's similarities and differences in a better way.

Fastighetsmäklare - bättre än ryktet / Real Estate Agents - better than their reputation

Magnusson, Emma, De Basso, Maria January 2009 (has links)
Syfte: Vi som studerar till fastighetsmäklare ser att fastighetsmäklarbranschen har hamnat i dålig dager. En tes vi har är att detta till stor del beror på media. En annan tes är att de flesta gliringar gentemot yrkesrollen kommer från personer som saknar erfarenhet av fastighetsmäklare. När vi tog del av statistik som tvärtemot visade att fyra av fem kunder var nöjda med sin fastighetsmäklare, bestämde vi oss för att undersöka saken djupare. Syftet med arbetet är att verifiera eller falsifiera våra två teser. Ytterst är vårt syfte att problematisera det negativa ryktet som fastighetsmäklarbranschen tycks ha.  Metod: Vi har använt oss av kvalitativ metod med intervjuer som bas för arbetet. Genom ett stort antal respondenter, uppdelade i två grupper, har vi kunnat göra jämförelser, både inom gruppen och mellan de två grupperna. Vi valde att intervjua bekanta till oss för att få så sanningsenliga svar som möjligt. Vi har utgått ifrån en, av oss, färdigformulerad frågemall för att sedan låta respondenten prata fritt kring frågorna. Utifrån respondenternas svar har vi lyft fram det primära budskapet från båda grupperna för att sedan diskutera dessa i uppsatsen.  Resultat &amp; slutsats: Majoriteten av nyheterna som media tar upp är negativa och när en yrkesgrupp som fastighetsmäklare är ständigt återkommande skapas misstankar i människors medvetna och undermedvetna. Vår undersökning har visat att de som saknar egen erfarenhet av fastighetsmäklare i regel har fått sina värderingar från hörsägen och media. Det är också de som är mest fördomsfulla mot fastighetsmäklare. De som har erfarenhet tycker i regel bra om enskilda fastighetsmäklare men har fortfarande kvar en del fördomar gentemot branschen i stort. Undersökningar har visat att den övervägande majoriteten av säljare och köpare är nöjda med fastighetsmäklare och det stämmer alltså inte överens med den negativa bild som media sänder ut.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Då vi inte har fördjupat oss i vad det är som gör kunder nöjda med fastighetsmäklare kan ett förslag till fortsatt forskning vara att fördjupa sig i vad det innebär att vara nöjd med sin fastighetsmäklare.  Uppsatsens bidrag: Vår förhoppning är att denna studie ska bidra till en ökad medvetenhet angående problematiken med det negativa ryktet som fastighetsmäklarbranschen tycks ha. / Aim: We, studying to become Real Estate Agents, have got the notion that the Real Estate market has a bad reputation. One thesis we have is that this has a lot to do with the media. Another thesis is that most of the sneers towards the profession come from people who lack experience with Real Estate Agents. When we took part in statistics that, on the contrary, showed that four out of five clients were satisfied with their Real Estate Agent, we decided to examine the issue deeper. The aim with the thesis is to verify or falsify our two hypotheses'. The primary aim is to problemize the negative reputation that the industry of Real Estate Agents seem to have.  Method: We have used a qualitative method by conducting interviews as bas for the study. With a large number of people to interview, divided into two groups, we have been able to make comparisons both within the groups and between the two groups. The interviews were conducted with our acquaintances with the intent of reaching answers as truthful as possible. We used a preconstructed list with questions from which they could answer freely and then we chose to discuss the primary messages from both groups in our paper.  Result &amp; Conclusions: The majority of news that is brought up in the media is negative and when a group of professions, like Real Estate Agents, are constantly reoccurring it creates suspicions in people's minds. Our research has shown that those who lack experience get their values from hearsay and the media and they are also the most prejudice. Those with experience have a positive, attitude in general, towards single Real Estate Agents but they are still prejudice towards the industry. Studies have shown that most sellers and buyers are content with Real Estate Agents. This is not in agreement with the negative picture that the media show.  Suggestions for future research: We have not thoroughly examined what it means for a client to be content with his Real Estate Agent. This could be a suggestion for future research.  Contribution of the thesis: Our hope is that this study will contribute to an increased awareness regarding the problems with the negative reputation that the industry of Real Estate Agents seem to have.

How would you react? : exploring heterosexual women's reactions to confrontations of their own homonegative behaviour

Rogers, Edwin Joseph Russell 05 November 2008
To date, little research has explored the utility of inter-personal confrontation as a strategy for the reduction of homonegative attitudes and/or behaviours among heterosexual women. Consequently, the purpose of the current study was to explore three unique aspects of such confrontations among a sample of heterosexual women from the University of Saskatchewan. These three aspects were: 1) to what extent do high- and low-prejudiced womens reactions to confrontations of subtle homonegative behaviour differ; 2) what differences exist in the way that heterosexual women respond to bias directed towards gay men than to bias directed towards lesbian women; 3) what effect does the vested interest of a confronter have on heterosexual womens reaction to confrontations of homonegative behaviour. A 2(target condition) X 2(modern homonegativity endorsement) X 4(confronter type) between-subjects design was used wherein 286 female volunteers completed a questionnaire booklet developed for the project. The questionnaire booklet asked participants to first imagine themselves in a scenario where they would be confronted for engaging in subtle homonegative behaviour and to then indicated how they would think, feel, and behave in response to such a confrontation. The results indicated that low-prejudice participants reacted with greater negative-self directed affect (e.g., guilt) and compunction (e.g., apologize for behaviour) than high-prejudice participants when confronted by either a gay man or lesbian woman. Such reactions are important as they mark the initiation of a self-regulatory cycle that allows the individual to avoid such biased behaviour in the future. Limitations of the study and directions for future research concerning inter-personal confrontations of homonegativity are also presented.

"Det är det största beviset på kärlek, att lämna bort för att skapa ett bättre liv" : En kvalitativ studie om att vara internationellt adopterad

Wihlborg, Maria January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

'Did You Get It?' - The Effects of Understanding (or Not Understanding) a Satirical Piece of Humor

Kazerooni, Franccesca 01 January 2012 (has links)
The effects of knowing or not knowing the satirical nature of a piece of humor were examined and compared to the effects of disparaging humor. One hundred and twenty-six heterosexual undergraduate students (male: n = 43; female: n = 83) were randomly assigned a satirical or an offensive comic about gay men. Some of those who read the satirical piece were told of the satirical intentions of the author. Some of the predicted hypotheses were partially supported. Low SDO participants found the satirical comic, regardless of whether the author’s satirical intentions were explicitly told or not, less humorous and more offensive than high SDO participants. On the other hand, high SDO participants found the disparaging comic to be more humorous and less offensive than low SDO participants. The implications of these findings as well as the difficulties with measuring the effects of satire are addressed.

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