Spelling suggestions: "subject:"derivate security"" "subject:"5private security""
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Јавно-приватно партнерство у области јавне безбедности у развијеним земљама са посебним освртом на Републику Србију / Javno-privatno partnerstvo u oblasti javne bezbednosti u razvijenim zemljama sa posebnim osvrtom na Republiku Srbiju / Public-Private Partnership in the Field of Public Security in Developed Countries with Special Reference to the Republic of SerbiaRadivojević Nenad 11 June 2019 (has links)
<p>Држава данас није више једини пружалац услуга безбедности, те због тога све већу улогу и значај добија приватни сектор безбедности. До ове појаве су, пре свега, довели преоптерећеност националних буџета, као и одређене тешкоће са којима су се суочавали органи унутрашње безбедности, који су били неспремни да адекватно одговоре на неке нове и савремене безбедносне проблеме. То је, између осталог, довело и до тзв. појаве ,,приватизације“ послова безбедности, којима су се полако сужавали послови полиције, а паралелно са тим ширили послови али и одговорност приватног обезбеђења.</p><p>Дугу традицију модела односа у виду сарадње и партнерства између полиције и приватног обезбеђења налазимо пре свега у Сједињеним Америчким Државама, Канади и Великој Британији, али исто тако и у поједним земљама Европске уније. Потреба за успостављањем ближих веза и подизања сарадње на још виши ниво посебно је интензивирана након катастрофалних последица терористичког напада 11. септембра 2001. године у Сједињеним Америчким Државама. Тероризам, али и остали савремени безбедносни проблеми с краја 20. и почетка 21. века дале су додатни импулс даљем приближавању полиције и агенција за приватно обезбеђење.</p><p>Односи између полиције и приватног обезбеђења су нужно условљени њиховим статусом, улогом и функцијом. Заштита личне и имовинске безбедности грађана представља основ за заједничко деловање, а јавно-приватно партнерство парадигму којом би се капацитети оба сектора искористили на најбољи могући начин. Предуслов за заједничко деловање ће свакако бити правна регулатива и опште усвојени стандарди који ће уважити интересе оба сектора. Наведено ће представљати гарант квалитета услуга које пружају лиценциране агенције за приватно обезбеђење. Различите историјске, друштвене, политичке, економске, безбедносне и правне околности у одређеним државама условиле су различите моделе сарадње и партнерства полиције и приватног обезбеђења.</p><p>Оно што је заједничко свим државам јесте да се под јавно-приватним партнерством подразумева постојање кооперативног споразума између јавних (локалних, регионалних или државних) и приватних актера који се удружују (размена људских и материјалних ресурса) како би остварили заједничке интересе и циљеве, при чему постоји договорен степен равноправности актера и јасна расподела надлежности и одговорности. Схваћен на овај начин, модел партнерства представља и продубљенији вид сарадње између полиције и приватног обезбеђења који покушава да ,,помири“ стално присутне и спорадичне антагонистичке ставове који међу њима постоје.</p><p>Што се тиче стања односа полиције и приватног обезбеђења у Републици Србији, можемо рећи да упркос реформским променама у систему националне безбедности извршеним након 2000. године, још увек не можемо говорити о постојању партнерских односа. Томе у прилог говоре и даље присутни проблеми који отежавају остваривање јавно-приватног партнерства. Да би се партнерство остварило, приватно обезбеђење ће нужно морати да се интегрише у систем националне безбедности. То нажалост још увек није учињено. Само правно уређена, планска, организована и перманентна сарадња ова два сектора биће у функцији остваривања оптималног стања безбедности у друштву и држави.</p><p>Релативно скоро позитивноправно регулисање приватног обезбеђења требало је, између осталог, да омогући институционализацију и формализацију сарадње са полицијом. Постојећа ,,сарадња“ је и даље на изразито ниском нивоу и заступљена је највише у областима обезбеђивања јавних скупова и спортских приредби. Доношењем Закона о приватном обезбеђењу 2013. године, Закона о полицији 2016. године као и других системских закона који уређују области деловања полиције и приватно обезбеђења, нису створене претпоставке које би омогућиле даље приближавање два сектора, њихову сарадњу и на крају партнерство.</p><p>Рад је структурисан у шест целина. У оквиру прве три целине осврнули смо се на општетеоријска питања везанa за безбедност, националну безбедност, систем националне безбедности, јавну и приватну безбедност. У четвртом делу смо анализирила искуства појединих развијених земља у погледу модела партнерства, са циљем идентификовања позитивних и негативних аспеката тог односа. У петом делу смо се осврнули на историјски развој приватне безбедности у нашој земљи и њену повезаност са полицијом до данас. Такође, анализирали смо и постојећи позитивно правни оквир организације и деловања полиције и приватног обезбеђења као и јавно-приватно партнерства. Након тога смо, уважавајући искуства развијених земаља, идентификовали области сарадње у којим је могуће остварити партнерске односе полиције и приватног обезбеђења у Републици Србији. Такође, извршили смо класификацију облика сарадње, као и идентификовање проблема који отежавају сарадњу и партнерство.</p><p>Шести и последњи део рада је посвећен спроведеном емпиријском истраживању које је за циљ имало утврђивање актуелног стања у области приватног обезбеђења, у смислу ставова о њиховом односу са полицијом, односно утврђивање области сарадње и партнерства полиције и приватног обезбеђења, као и проблема који отежавају ту сарадњу. У циљу утврђивања личних ставова и мишљења службеника обезбеђења и одређених припадника полиције, примењене су две технике у оквиру метода испитивања – анкета и интервју. На крају, у закључку смо се посебно осврнули на кључне резулатате спроведеног истраживања.</p> / <p>Država danas nije više jedini pružalac usluga bezbednosti, te zbog toga sve veću ulogu i značaj dobija privatni sektor bezbednosti. Do ove pojave su, pre svega, doveli preopterećenost nacionalnih budžeta, kao i određene teškoće sa kojima su se suočavali organi unutrašnje bezbednosti, koji su bili nespremni da adekvatno odgovore na neke nove i savremene bezbednosne probleme. To je, između ostalog, dovelo i do tzv. pojave ,,privatizacije“ poslova bezbednosti, kojima su se polako sužavali poslovi policije, a paralelno sa tim širili poslovi ali i odgovornost privatnog obezbeđenja.</p><p>Dugu tradiciju modela odnosa u vidu saradnje i partnerstva između policije i privatnog obezbeđenja nalazimo pre svega u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, Kanadi i Velikoj Britaniji, ali isto tako i u pojednim zemljama Evropske unije. Potreba za uspostavljanjem bližih veza i podizanja saradnje na još viši nivo posebno je intenzivirana nakon katastrofalnih posledica terorističkog napada 11. septembra 2001. godine u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Terorizam, ali i ostali savremeni bezbednosni problemi s kraja 20. i početka 21. veka dale su dodatni impuls daljem približavanju policije i agencija za privatno obezbeđenje.</p><p>Odnosi između policije i privatnog obezbeđenja su nužno uslovljeni njihovim statusom, ulogom i funkcijom. Zaštita lične i imovinske bezbednosti građana predstavlja osnov za zajedničko delovanje, a javno-privatno partnerstvo paradigmu kojom bi se kapaciteti oba sektora iskoristili na najbolji mogući način. Preduslov za zajedničko delovanje će svakako biti pravna regulativa i opšte usvojeni standardi koji će uvažiti interese oba sektora. Navedeno će predstavljati garant kvaliteta usluga koje pružaju licencirane agencije za privatno obezbeđenje. Različite istorijske, društvene, političke, ekonomske, bezbednosne i pravne okolnosti u određenim državama uslovile su različite modele saradnje i partnerstva policije i privatnog obezbeđenja.</p><p>Ono što je zajedničko svim državam jeste da se pod javno-privatnim partnerstvom podrazumeva postojanje kooperativnog sporazuma između javnih (lokalnih, regionalnih ili državnih) i privatnih aktera koji se udružuju (razmena ljudskih i materijalnih resursa) kako bi ostvarili zajedničke interese i ciljeve, pri čemu postoji dogovoren stepen ravnopravnosti aktera i jasna raspodela nadležnosti i odgovornosti. Shvaćen na ovaj način, model partnerstva predstavlja i produbljeniji vid saradnje između policije i privatnog obezbeđenja koji pokušava da ,,pomiri“ stalno prisutne i sporadične antagonističke stavove koji među njima postoje.</p><p>Što se tiče stanja odnosa policije i privatnog obezbeđenja u Republici Srbiji, možemo reći da uprkos reformskim promenama u sistemu nacionalne bezbednosti izvršenim nakon 2000. godine, još uvek ne možemo govoriti o postojanju partnerskih odnosa. Tome u prilog govore i dalje prisutni problemi koji otežavaju ostvarivanje javno-privatnog partnerstva. Da bi se partnerstvo ostvarilo, privatno obezbeđenje će nužno morati da se integriše u sistem nacionalne bezbednosti. To nažalost još uvek nije učinjeno. Samo pravno uređena, planska, organizovana i permanentna saradnja ova dva sektora biće u funkciji ostvarivanja optimalnog stanja bezbednosti u društvu i državi.</p><p>Relativno skoro pozitivnopravno regulisanje privatnog obezbeđenja trebalo je, između ostalog, da omogući institucionalizaciju i formalizaciju saradnje sa policijom. Postojeća ,,saradnja“ je i dalje na izrazito niskom nivou i zastupljena je najviše u oblastima obezbeđivanja javnih skupova i sportskih priredbi. Donošenjem Zakona o privatnom obezbeđenju 2013. godine, Zakona o policiji 2016. godine kao i drugih sistemskih zakona koji uređuju oblasti delovanja policije i privatno obezbeđenja, nisu stvorene pretpostavke koje bi omogućile dalje približavanje dva sektora, njihovu saradnju i na kraju partnerstvo.</p><p>Rad je strukturisan u šest celina. U okviru prve tri celine osvrnuli smo se na opšteteorijska pitanja vezana za bezbednost, nacionalnu bezbednost, sistem nacionalne bezbednosti, javnu i privatnu bezbednost. U četvrtom delu smo analizirila iskustva pojedinih razvijenih zemlja u pogledu modela partnerstva, sa ciljem identifikovanja pozitivnih i negativnih aspekata tog odnosa. U petom delu smo se osvrnuli na istorijski razvoj privatne bezbednosti u našoj zemlji i njenu povezanost sa policijom do danas. Takođe, analizirali smo i postojeći pozitivno pravni okvir organizacije i delovanja policije i privatnog obezbeđenja kao i javno-privatno partnerstva. Nakon toga smo, uvažavajući iskustva razvijenih zemalja, identifikovali oblasti saradnje u kojim je moguće ostvariti partnerske odnose policije i privatnog obezbeđenja u Republici Srbiji. Takođe, izvršili smo klasifikaciju oblika saradnje, kao i identifikovanje problema koji otežavaju saradnju i partnerstvo.</p><p>Šesti i poslednji deo rada je posvećen sprovedenom empirijskom istraživanju koje je za cilj imalo utvrđivanje aktuelnog stanja u oblasti privatnog obezbeđenja, u smislu stavova o njihovom odnosu sa policijom, odnosno utvrđivanje oblasti saradnje i partnerstva policije i privatnog obezbeđenja, kao i problema koji otežavaju tu saradnju. U cilju utvrđivanja ličnih stavova i mišljenja službenika obezbeđenja i određenih pripadnika policije, primenjene su dve tehnike u okviru metoda ispitivanja – anketa i intervju. Na kraju, u zaključku smo se posebno osvrnuli na ključne rezulatate sprovedenog istraživanja.</p> / <p>The state is no longer the only provider of security services, and because of this, the private security sector is gaining an increasing role and importance. This phenomenon, above all, is led by the overload of national budgets, as well as certain difficulties faced by internal security authorities, who were unwilling to adequately respond to some new and contemporary security issues. This, among other things, has led to the so-called occurrence of "privatization" of security operations, which were slowly narrowing down the work of the police, and in parallel, expanded the tasks as well as the responsibilities of the private security sector.<br />A long tradition of modeling relationships in the form of cooperation and partnership between the police and private security sector is found primarily in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, but also in some European Union countries. The need for establishing closer ties and raising the cooperation to an even higher level was particularly intensified following the catastrophic consequences of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States. Terrorism, as well as other contemporary security problems at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, gave further impetus to further relationships between the police and private security agencies.<br />Relations between police and the private security sector are necessarily conditioned by their status, role and function. The protection of personal and property safety of citizens is the basis for joint action, and public-private partnership is a paradigm that would use the capacities of both sectors in the best possible way. The precondition for joint action will certainly be legal regulations and generally adopted standards that will respect the interests of both sectors. The above will be a guarantee of the quality of services provided by licensed private security agencies. The different historical, social, political, economic, security and legal circumstances in certain countries have led to different models of cooperation and partnership between the police and private security sector.<br />What is common to all countries is that, under a public-private partnership, it implies the existence of a cooperative agreement between public (local, regional or state) and private actors joining (exchange of human and material resources) in order to achieve common interests and goals, where there is an agreed level of equality of actors and a clear distribution of competencies and responsibilities. Taken in this way, the model of partnership is a more comprehensive form of cooperation between the police and private security, which seeks to "calm" the constantly present and sporadic antagonistic attitudes that exist among them.<br />Regarding the state of relations between the police and private security in the Republic of Serbia, we can say that despite the reform changes in the national security system after 2000, we cannot yet talk about the existence of partnership relations. The problems that make public-private partnerships difficult are still present. In order to achieve partnership, private security will necessarily have to be integrated into the national security system. Unfortunately, this has not yet been done. Only legally regulated, planned, organized and permanent cooperation between these two sectors will be in the function of achieving an optimal state of security in society and the state.<br />Relatively near-positive regulation of private security should, among other things, enable the institutionalization and formalization of the cooperation with the police. Existing "cooperation" is still at a very low level and is most represented in the areas of securing public events and sports events. With the adoption of the Law on Private Security in 2013, the Law on Police in 2016, as well as other systemic laws regulating the fields of police and private security, no preconditions were established that would allow for further approximation of the two sectors, their cooperation and ultimately partnership.<br />The work is structured into six partitions. Within the first three, we looked at general-level issues related to security, national security, the national security system, public and private security. In the fourth part, we analyzed the experiences of some developed countries regarding the partnership model, with the aim of identifying the positive and negative aspects of this relationship. In the fifth part, we looked at the historical development of private security in our country and its connection with the police to this day. We also analyzed the existing positive legal framework for organization and operation of the police and the private security sector as well as public-private partnerships. After that, taking into account the experiences of the developed countries, we identified the areas of cooperation in which it is possible to achieve partnership relations between the police and the private security sector in the Republic of Serbia. We also performed a classification of forms of cooperation, as well as identification of problems that make cooperation and partnership difficult.<br />The sixth and final part of the paper is dedicated to the conducted empirical research aimed at determining the current situation in the field of private security, in terms of attitudes about their relationship with the police, that is, determining the field of cooperation and partnership</p>
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O padrão de atuação das empresas de segurança privada: o caso de AngolaPaoliello, Tomaz Oliveira 09 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:48:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tomaz Oliveira Paoliello.pdf: 761489 bytes, checksum: 275a7feae0dded7e385ae9ca9032b10e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-06-09 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / Nowadays, one of the phenomena that draws attention and raises the debate
within the discipline of international relations is the rise of the so-called private
security companies. The present dissertation studies the inclusion of such
companies in the Angolan context during the 1990s. This inclusion is marked
by two moments, the first one paradigmatic for the literature on the subject,
the particular action of the company Executive Outcomes. Secondly, we
discuss the development of a local market for private security, built by a series
of devices that make the Angolan landscape a unique and poorly studied
model. Angola was a testing ground for the actions of the private security
companies, but turned out to be an exceptional case with a number of local
companies providing security for the country during its own internal conflict,
and making them fundamental for the design of Power in Angola. This
situation is derived from a number of specific features of the Angolan history,
especially the continued violence and the perpetuation of state fragility. We
further explore the discussion on the role of private security companies as
new actors in the international system, and observe the range of findings
about these companies when confronted with the case of Angola / Nos dias de hoje, um dos fenômenos que chama atenção e suscita o debate
no âmbito da disciplina de relações internacionais é a ascensão das
chamadas empresas de segurança privada. A atual dissertação se dedica ao
estudo da inserção de tais empresas no contexto angolano durante os anos
1990. Essa inserção é marcada por dois momentos, um primeiro,
paradigmático para a literatura sobre o tema, trata da ação particular da
empresa Executive Outcomes. Num segundo momento, abordamos o
desenvolvimento de um mercado local para a segurança privada, construído
por uma série de dispositivos que fazem do panorama angolano um modelo
único e ainda pouco estudado. Angola foi um campo de teste para a atuação
das empresas de segurança privada, mas acabou se transformando num
caso excepcional, com uma série de empresas locais provendo a segurança
para o país durante o conflito interno, e tornando-se fundamentais para o
desenho de poder em Angola. Essa situação é derivada de uma série de
especificidades da história angolana, notadamente a permanente violência, e
a perpetuação da fragilidade do Estado. Desenvolvemos a discussão sobre o
papel das empresas de segurança privada como novos atores no sistema
internacional, e observamos o alcance das descobertas sobre tais empresas
quando confrontadas com o caso de Angola
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Anatomia de uma Empresa Militar e de Segurança Privada: a empresa DynCorp em perspectiva global / The anatomy of a Private Military and Security Company: DynCorp through a global perspectivePaoliello, Tomaz Oliveira 29 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:48:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tomaz Oliveira Paoliello.pdf: 1540683 bytes, checksum: 283bc319d3885231736edd7e0a174897 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Private military and security companies (PMSC) is a new actor that has
attracted great attention in the debates within the International Relations
discipline. Through the study of a particular north-american company, DynCorp,
we seek to investigate the nature of these actors in the great process of
globalization. The literature on PMSC usually presents the idea that the
emergence of such players has occurred through spontaneous supply and
demand forces. The hypothesis that assist this idea is that the states are
moving away from the new wars. Here this hypothesis is challenged and
replaced by another. The State, particularly the US, has adapted its
engagement in capacity in conflicts by engaging the PMSC, and stimulating the
growth of a private security market. DynCorp is part of this movement. We
investigate the relationship of co-constitution, in which companies and state are
organized to develop the new "market for force", and the birth of PMSC as
actors of a hybrid nature, associated with the transformation of the neoliberal
state. The study of DynCorp unfolds in three dimensions: its corporate face, as
a transnational company associated with market principles; a fighting face, as
one of the new actors on the stage of contemporary conflicts; and as a
constituent part of a foreign policy apparatus, associated with their only
customer, the United States government / As empresas militares e de segurança privada (PMSC) são um novo ator que
tem despertado grande atenção nos debates dentro da disciplina Relações
Internacionais. Através do estudo de uma companhia especificamente, a norteamericana
DynCorp, procuramos investigar qual a natureza desse ator dentro
do grande processo de globalização. A literatura sobre as PMSC geralmente
apresenta a ideia de que o aparecimento de tais atores tenha ocorrido através
de forças de oferta e demanda espontâneas e circunstanciais. A hipótese
auxiliar dessa ideia, que os Estados estejam se afastando das novas guerras, é
aqui desafiada e substituída por outra. O Estado, particularmente os EUA, se
adaptou em sua capacidade de engajamento em conflitos através da
contratação das PMSC, e estimulou o crescimento de um mercado de
segurança privada. A empresa Dyncorp faz parte desse movimento.
Investigaremos a relação de co-constituição, na qual empresas e Estado se
articulam para desenvolver o novo mercado da força , e o nascimento das
PMSC como atores de natureza híbrida, associados às transformações do
Estado neoliberal. O estudo da DynCorp se desdobra em três dimensões: sua
face empresarial, como companhia transnacional associada às lógicas de
mercado; uma face combatente, um dos novos atores nos palcos de conflitos
contemporâneos; e como parte constituinte de um aparato de política externa,
associado a seu cliente único, o governo dos Estados Unidos
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Protecting diplomats in Iraq what can the U.S. Department of State do to improve it's management and oversight of security contractors in Iraq? /Eicher, Michael. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Military Studies)-Marine Corps Command and Staff College, 2008. / Title from title page of PDF document (viewed on: Jan 8, 2010). Includes bibliographical references.
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Le statut des salariés des sociétés militaires privés participant aux conflits armés / Status of employees of private military companies involved in armed conflictsKimbembe-Lemba, Aymar 26 November 2012 (has links)
Il existe une distinction entre les civils et les membres des forces armées. Cette distinction est implicitement la question de fond de cette étude sur la détermination du statut juridique des salariés des sociétés militaires privées (SMP) participant aux conflits armés. Par ailleurs, la défense et la sécurité de l'État sont assurées par divers acteurs de statuts différents qui ont des rôles bien définis par un cadre juridique : les civils et les membres des forces armées. La distinction sus-évoquée ne se limite pas là, mais elle concerne aussi les seuls membres des forces armées car il existe une distinction interne et une autre externe. Tous les membres des forces armées n'ont pas droit au statut de combattant. En revanche, la négation du statut de combattant à certains militaires n'est que relative et elle n'influence pas leur droit au statut de prisonnier de guerre. Ces militaires sont différents des personnes employées en dehors des forces armées et mandatées par leur employeur pour fournir des prestations auprès des armées sur un théâtre d'opérations. Cette utilisation soulève plusieurs questions en DIH. Les SMP fournissent des prestations qui vont de la logistique à la participation directe aux hostilités. Cette participation directe ou indirecte aux hostilités débouche sur une « hémorragie de langage » pour qualifier les salariés des SMP de mercenaires, de nouveaux mercenaires, de « security contractors », des soldats à vendre, des combattants irréguliers, etc. Ainsi, les salariés de ces sociétés exercent-ils une activité de mercenariat ? Leurs sociétés-employeurs constituent-elles des sociétés de secours ? ... / A distinction is made between civilians and military personnel. This distinction is implicit in the substantive issue of this study on determining the legal status of employees of private military companies (PMCs) involved in armed conflicts. Moreover, the defense and State security are provided by various actors of different statuses that have defined roles for a legal framework. Civilians and members of the armed forces are indeed links in this chain. The distinction mentioned over is not confined there, but it is also about the only members of the armed forces because there is a distinction between internal and one external. All members of the armed forces are not entitled to combatant status. However, the denial of combatant status to certain military is only relative and does not affect their right to prisoner of war status. These soldiers are different from those employed outside the armed forces and mandated by their employer to provide benefits to the armies in a theater of operations. This use raises several issues in IHL. PMCs provide services that go from logistics to direct participation in hostilities. This direct or indirect participation in hostilities leads to a “hemorrhage of language” to describe employees of PMCs as mercenaries, new mercenaries, defense and security contractors, soldiers for sale, irregular combatants, etc. Thus, the employees of these companies undertake specific activities of mercenaries? Their companies-employers do they constitute relief societies ? Are they combatants, noncombatants or irregular combatants ? This is so prompt questions that this thesis attempts to answer.
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Mapping Grahamstown's security governance network : prospects and problems for democratic policingBrereton, Catherine Margaret January 2006 (has links)
The security of its citizens is often regarded as the democratic state's primary raison d'etre. However, with increasing crime and perceptions of insecurity among citizens, along with actual and perceived state policing inadequacies, citizens around the world have sought to make alternative arrangements for their security. The explosion of private alternatives to state policing has resulted in the need for the replacement of former static definitions of policing by more fluid understandings of what policing entails. Policing is no longer an activity undertaken exclusively by the 'state police.' Policing needs to be understood within a framework which recognises the existence of a variety of state, commercial, community groups and individuals which exist within loose and sometimes informal, sometimes formal, networks to provide for the security of citizens. Preceding the country's transition to democracy in 1994 'state' policing in South Africa was aimed at monitoring and suppressing the black population and as a result it conducted itself in a largely militaristic way. When the government of national unity assumed power in 1994 it was indisputable that the South African Police had to undergo major reform if it was to play an effective, co-operative and accountable role in a democratic South Africa. While state policing has unquestionably undergone enormous changes since the advent of democracy in 1994, so too has non-state policing. It is widely accepted that the dividing line between state and non-state policing in South Africa is increasingly blurred. Policing, by its very nature, holds the potential to threaten democracy. Consequently it is important that policing is democratically controlled. According to the Law Commission of Canada four values and principles - justice, equality, accountability, and efficiency - should support policing in a democracy. This thesis is a case study of policing in Grahamstown, a small city in South Africa's Eastern Cape province. It will be shown that the policing problem that currently plagues Grahamstown, and by extension South Africa, is not simply the result of a shortage of providers but rather a problem of co-coordinating and monitoring security governance to ensure that the city does not further develop into a society where the wealthy have greater access to security than the poor.
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La privatisation de la sécurité en Afrique : à la recherche d'une règlementation juridique appropriée / The privatization of security in Africa : seeking appropriate legal regulationsCisse, Babou 12 February 2014 (has links)
Employant des salariés pour exécuter les missions de sécurité et de défense que peuvent leur confier des Etats, des organisations internationales ou des entités non étatiques. Cette forme particulière de production de la sécurité n’est pas entièrement appréhendée par les conventions internationales et les législations internes des Etats. De cela résulte une absence de statut juridique international de ces acteurs qui sont de plus en plus présents dans la gestion des conflits armés et dans les opérations de maintien de l’ordre. Les obligations particulières de leurs clients ne sont pas non plus déterminées. Ce défaut d’encadrement spécifique avéré ne signifie pas qu’il y ait un vide juridique dans ce secteur d’activité. Certaines règles internationales et les droits nationaux peuvent effectivement s’appliquer aux activités des SMSP et aux contractants de ces dernières. Seulement, l’efficacité que devaient avoir de telles normes face à des situations qui n’ont pas été prises en compte lors de leurs adoptions, ne saurait être acquise. D’où un processus de régulation internationale et de règlementation nationale initié depuis quelques années par les Etats mais aussi par les organisations internationales. Les sociétés elles mêmes se sont senties concernées par la production de règles encadrant leurs activités et se sont lancées dans la mise en place de code conduite. L’imperfection guette toutes ces nouvelles règles spécifiques destinées à corriger les lacunes des conventions internationales et des lois internes. Ce qui nécessite la proposition de solutions envisageables dans le but de mieux prendre en compte les intérêts des SMSP et la protection de ceux qui s’exposent aux risques que procurent les prestations privées de sécurité militaire. / Private military and security companies are legal persons of private law with employees to perform security missions and defense that can give them some states, international organizations or non-state entities. This particular form of production safety is not fully understood by international conventions and domestic laws States. Result of this lack of legal status of these international actors is increasingly involved in the management of conflicts and peacekeeping operations order. Specific obligations of their clients are not determined. This lack of specific guidance proved does not mean that there is a legal vacuum in this sector. Certain international standards and national laws may actually apply to the activities of PMSCs and contractors thereof. Only efficiency that would have such standards in situations that have not been taken into account when adopting them cannot be acquired. Hence a process of international regulation and national regulation initiated in recent years by states but also by international organizations. The companies themselves have felt involved in the production of rules governing their activities and have engaged in the implementation of code of conduct. The imperfection watching all these new rules designed to correct specific deficiencies in international conventions and laws. This requires the proposal of possible solutions in order to better take into account the interests of PMSCs and the protection of those who are exposed to risks that provide private benefits of military security.
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[pt] As mudanças contextuais no curso histórico das práticas emergenciais e as
possibilidades discursivas delas emergentes têm permitido a diversificação dos
atores e do modo com que é feita a entrega da ajuda humanitária. As noções de
neutralidade, humanidade e proteção que permeiam o humanitarismo são
manejadas de acordo com distintos princípios e interesses. Ao longo do século
XX e adiante, o conjunto de significantes que se referia à prática da assistência
humanitária deu oportunidade para que novos discursos fossem capazes de criar
outras articulações para o que se compreende como humanitário ou ação
humanitária. O progressivo agenciamento das Empresas Militares ou de
Segurança Privada (EMSPs) neste campo é parte desse fenômeno e desafia o
espaço que, na concepção das agências humanitárias tradicionais, se supunha
desmilitarizado. A dissertação analisa como se deu o processo discursivo de
abertura às EMSPs e como a emergência do novo humanitarismo contribuiu
para o cenário de disputas políticas que visam legitimar uma determinada cadeia
discursiva em detrimento de outras narrativas no que se propõe como campo geral
da discursividade humanitária. / [en] The contextual changes in the historical course of the practices of
emergency and the discursive possibilities resulting from that, have yielded the
diversification of actors and the way in which the humanitarian aid is delivered.
The notions of neutrality, humanity and protection that pervade the
humanitarianism are managed in accordance to different principles and interests.
Throughout the twentieth century and on, the set of signifiers referring to the
practice of humanitarian assistance have opened up the opportunity for new
discourses to be creating other articulations to what is understood as
humanitarian or humanitarian action. The progressive agency of Private
Military or Security Companies (PMSCs) in this field is part of that phenomenon
and defies the space that, according to the traditional humanitarian agencies, was
supposed to be demilitarized. The dissertation examines how the discursive
process of openness to PMSCs have taken place and how the emergence of the
new humanitarianism contributed to the scenario of political disputes that seek
to legitimize a particular discursive chain rather than other narratives within what
I propose as the general field of humanitarian discursivity.
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Criminalité et justice pénale dans l'espace CEMAC : de l'expérience nationale à l'ouverture communautaire du droit criminel / Criminality and penal justice in the CEMAC zone : from the national experience to the regional criminal lawTankoua, Roméo 30 May 2012 (has links)
La dynamique d’intégration économique dans la sous-région CEMAC s’est fondée sur le principe de la libre circulation des personnes, des biens et des capitaux. Aidée par l’ouverture des frontières, les personnes se déplacent d’un pays à l’autre, pour des raisons aussi bien économiques que sécuritaires, conséquence de l’instabilité politique récurrente dans certains pays comme le Tchad, la Centrafrique et le Congo. Le problème majeur qui se pose sur le plan pénal est celui de la prévention et de la répression de la délinquance domestique et transfrontalière tant il reste classique que pour le secondpoint, le droit pénal reste d’application territoriale. Aujourd'hui, il devient nécessaire d’éviter que l’intégration sous régionale ne se mue en une véritable tranchée de refuge, une sorte de paradis pénal pour les délinquants qui ont commis des actes répréhensibles dans un autre Etat de la zone ou dans un Etat hors zone CEMAC ; bien que sur le plan national, d’énormes difficultés demeurent latentes. Au plan national, les Etats s’efforcent à renforcer leurs instruments pénaux à l'instar du Cameroun (CPP, 2005), de la Centrafrique (CP et CPP, 6 janvier 2010) et du Tchad (Prajust, 2008). Sur le plan communautaire, les Etats de la CEMAC ont mis l’accent sur la coopération policière et surtout judiciaire, nécessaire pourjuguler toute transgression causée par des « parasites et microbes sociaux ». Certes, le législateur communautaire ne peutque capitaliser à certains égards, les acquis de son homologue de l’OHADA et de s’ouvrir davantage à l’expérience del’Union européenne. / The dynamics of economic integration in CEMAC’s region is based on free movement of people, goods and capital. Helped by the opening of the borders, people are free to move from one country to another for economic and security reasons. This is the consequence of instability in many countries such as Central African Republic, Chad and Congo. The major problem is that, how to manage delinquency specially the prevention or the repression of the national and the cross border criminality? In fact, it is nowadays advisable not to allow the countries which are welcoming foreigners to behave as a paradise in such a way that, those who have troubled the national order should not be punished. Even though at the national level there are still some misunderstandings concerning the criminal law. At the national level and particularly as far as Cameroon is concerned, the main aim which is to fight against criminality has many problems, especially modernity way through which our court is passing. According to the Cameroon (new Code of criminal procedure of july 2005), CAR (two new codes, penal and criminal procedure, 2010) and Chad (Prajust, 2008) . As far as community is concerned, CEMAC has really specialize, in police cooperation, which is necessary to over pass all the transgression, which are caused by social nuisants. Actually, the legislator can capitalize the expertise of OHADA’s book, and open himself to European Union experience
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Safety and security of consumers at retail stores in the Gauteng province : an assesment of security measuresMahambane, Misaveni Abel 27 July 2018 (has links)
Retail stores rely on consumers to maintain their businesses and growth. Much of their success depends on the safety and security of consumers. The more people come and buy the products, the more profitable the stores become. If the safety and security of consumers (or their perceptions thereof) at a shopping centre where a retail store is sited is in question, consumers may well stop frequenting such centres and do their shopping at other retail centres at which they perceive to be more safe and secure to do their shopping.
Consumers’ ‘peace-of-mind’ plays a vital role in their selection of which retail store(s) to frequent and will often determine whether a repeat visit will occur. The extent of incidents of crime of whatever nature at a particular shopping centre will also impact negatively on shoppers’ perceptions of ‘how safe it is to shop’ at particular centres.
Security measures differ from one retail store to another and also between the size and layout, as well as the location of the retail store. The rate at which criminal offences take place at retail stores is currently vague or unknown. Therefore, it is vital that specific risks confronting these retail stores should be identified and analysed with the intention of recommending specific security measures.
Business crime and violence present significant threats to consumers’ safety and security in South Africa. High levels of business associated crimes have compelled communities and business bodies such as retail stores to provide their own security for the protection of their assets, as well as consumers.
Effective security measures are a prerequisite at retail stores to ensure the safety and security of consumers whilst visiting retail stores. Precaution ought to be taken when dealing with any crime problem that affects consumers at any business environment, in this study more precisely: retail stores.
The study explored the existing security measures at retail stores for the protection of consumers. The researcher employed qualitative methods: one-on-one interviews with participants and site observations at selected retail stores. There were 30 participants (20 consumers and 10 security officers).
The study found the following:
Retail stores were exposed to security risks such as theft; shoplifting; common robbery; armed robbery; fraud; arson and assaults (grievous bodily harm) and burglary.
The security measures that are currently in place are not adequate to protect retail stores. These security measures differ from one retail store to the next.
In order to improve safety and security at retail stores there should be a security standard that is applicable to the retail stores.
Based on the findings, some of the recommendations were as follows:
Retail stores should be protected in line with the level of risk of the area where the retail store is situated: low risk; medium risk; and high risk.
Security managers should conduct security awareness regularly.
Threat assessments should be conducted regularly as well.
Consumers are encouraged to report to the Security manager at the retail store any suspicious actions; persons; objects; and vehicles. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Security Management)
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